PAGE TWO 7u2 VAlLt FfiTvTS Youll aoree that Chase inborn $ Coffee Is more Delicious than any other The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily New, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEX, Managing Editor. DAILY EDITION Thursday, SepL St, I9S5. Curious Request Of Union Of Municipalities. Ijelegato to the union of mnnicipuhlfes know that it i the dtit even municipality lo enforce the law within it boundaries. They also know that when the hi w i not enforced the officials are aware of the facL Yet they would have the provincial police department notify them that the law i not lieiugi enforced and that it will be necessary for l hem to step in and help enforce it. Thai would be ioosish. It i- a well knwu fart that in s.jne of the municipalities in the proviinc it i not afe to notify the poiiit? because they carry the news to the law breakers and when Uh sleuth arrive everything is quiet. That is the rea-on why it i nece-ary for the provincial police to take action quietly and without ronuHtio!i with official. , Airplanes Become More Effective. Almost every da)- ee improvement in -air navigation with the reult that it i becoming UHre and more effective a tinv pa-e-. Now and Ihen there arie a taleman who urges the value of airplanes in war but he i usually voted down. Yesterday a despatch from Rngland again reminded tha the a:: service is very important in ttnie of war. Seeing that the air machine is likely to Ie the war machine of the future, it would look like a sensible thing for the Dominion government to establish air bae on the Pari fir, une a Vancouver and the other at Prince Rupert. More plane could be e nred and incidentally they- could he used' for fisheries pro- teuion. 1 ni torm i oeienre wni nave to come sooner or later. Parent-Teachers' Association. The tiraohy News Ihi we?k has an interesting ediloriai article oh th ParejiTeacher.AK'48lion II says; me many utile jutUHcm- mat occur with peeiient regu larity year after year in connection with the school life of hoy and girt begin lo occupy Hie attention of the fathers and moth ers of children how attending school for the ensuing term. Not so many year- ago -t inleret w given to the M-hotd life f the elnhi by lis parents: it was generally left lo the discretion of the teacher, who in many case at best had but a snperficial knowledge of a child s Mature1 and of what rmgiit be pacing in it mind, the resull lg that the sum. total of learning ex- poumieii ami receu i wa prviMUMv a timiieu a possible, or hanlly a decent average at the nlflioL and rarely, if at alt, wbirid the nosihle maximum in mark1 et for the end of the terni lie attained. The conditions of Uioe lime were justified by the thought of (he people It is how majorities lliink that make for belter or for worse. In tnol cae. people think for Ihe better. and it was a mighty fiue thing for the Vhool boy and girl, th teacher and the parent a well, when nareul-leachers" organiza tions began 16 grow and function. onie of the rertonihilt(v for the success of the child during ehool hours is admitted by the parent who take an active inlerest in these associations. They cau and do greatly aid Ihe teacher who rannot he expected! to be successful in training Ihe mind of Ihe rhild until uch time a the parent aiL him or her willi their home-life understanding of the child and the trend of its mind a revealed to them. It i safe lo stale thai single men and women predominate in the leaching profession, and it i hanlly pos-iMe lo expert them to understand the mind of a child when o ninny par ml of long standing are utterly at ea in the mutter. Many ways and different experiein-es nerearily lend W belter things if .i common ground i ready available. Parent-teacher' . asKOria-tion exist for Ihe purp"e of an all-round Ietter understanding. ThiVty past when Milres Oolellcui fan take the teacher lo task because of her hope-fiil, faibire to ijiake JLhe grade; it is now up iwner ra ne a muiier oi a parem-ieacner ofgajtizn-t tion and take art in it disrnsioti of ways and means to brfn's out all the best poeed by the Imiv and girl alteudiiig school. Every art of betterment put aeros wa worth triving for; and when you have had smp part in it accomplishment you neces sarily benefitted ,ty ,f. i hrre are many thmg thai ran be ilone nlihough miK-li ha already been attained. Daily evolution i- continually providing better thing fur Hie family of, man: hut it is ov Uiroiipli the uniled efforl on the part of mauy mind that make resull rntne forth. The p;ircn-teacher' asofi-tions are working on safe and sound principle. They neel you;; it is your duly lo Ielong and assil in advanring Ihelr objective. I Ha If-Pounder S Hb You've bought Kraft jM Qieese by the slice, pound JBf k aad 5 -lb. box. Now the jflfp a. Half Founder at your jflP THan. ssflaaaaF TO-25 Hhhtt-. ataaflssssfr sSBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBBBBBBBbP "ssssssass'lsssssssssssssssssSm" iOTTAWA PAPER TERRACECROP 1 DEFENDS KING WAS NOT GOOD Citizen Says Meighen Has No Frost In Late Spring Government Policy Except ) One People Turned Down I The Ottawa Cittieu. discuss i'n the j.iesenf poitlieal outlook I defend the polity ef I'lennr Mac.emte King and slates tlitr Hon. AHbur Meigaeu, leader of toe ioc onuositioa. opiMsiiwa, has has net Both h in Mr. four years ago in aM e: with the Miditton ot some grievance discovered dunas the months be has been in opposi- tion. Give New Life "He is nraaiiabig Canada In ive new hfe to inrinstry ! ituutate the dciejnpmant on natural rasoerees, to marease t raffle on the railway, to re- iuce taxation, ia brief, to or in a prosperity all around, by 'an immediate revision of the Cana dian tariff on a definitely and 'oniteniiy protective basu.' Mter nearly sixty year of pro tection, Mr. Meigben's solution of national ill i more nroler- lion. "Mr. Meighen eoutinne to rail for an elect ion. At St Catharines on Saturday, he azain challenged the Prime Min ister to dissolve Parliament, ami once more accused Mr. King of ptaciug parly expfieney before national bsine needs. There i at least a niucti justification for accusing Mr. Meighen at precisely tbe same thins. Stimulate Business "The belief, indeed, thai a general election would helitKi basines i roundest on nothing more substantial than a hope. Small reasoa exist, as a matter of fart, for thinking that an flee tion would stimulate business, or, at any rate, give it a lastin? boosL Even were the Conservatives returned lo power, lliey have nothing to offer that has not been tried before and lound inadequate. Mr. Mri-hen lAimn oi iva: sw-ed vi v.i.- oRiy, nut overlooks the oppor tunity to point oul precisely where he would apply economy to national expenditure. As lo the prosjieet1 of Con servative success, there is little indication that they could secure a clear majority. WhHe New Brunswick and Nova Seolia may iell sueee to Mr. Meiph- en 4 party, they may also mean nothing of the kind. At least they mean no more than the sDeees of the liberals in Sas kaleiiewua' nieuti to.: MrJ King,; Frpm present" ihdlCUtins, rfif King's policies or trying Mr. Meishen'.. Ami as most people know, the West views increased protection as more -tikely (o lead lo deeper erouomie discontent llian otherwise. Purchasing Power lo the people as a whole,, a re MtA j.linlA . in .!.' il. . . viivivii is uvij 111c; HdHII . Huslttess is a nialter of pur-chaslaK power and no argument or subterfuge can change tho fac. What have the Conservatives lo suggest that will Increase that power among the citimis of anada? Extremely little, and so the business cry would uiperse me current uncertainty, and on thai basis would be a good thing, but so it is. the same contest thai was held in 1921." Berries and Some Apples Ruined of MARKETING LOOSE. li year, it i rathrr bard to e- in? nrwjtiniate the exael amount of frui' to offer. The editorial fc!low":f,irtpM, but tt is f to say Hra Mr iwjr.. tnai inr.u.- Ih .mmi rrlr. f raw- only altenarivc iu the way of,. raspberries and currants oivrovuemai iHjatrj. ne oa H Offer is the program of 1911. fwiika he was o roundly defeat ed, not haviag earrietl a ina-le eat in six provinces out oi the nine, and tbat it wa this Mlen- lieal prograbi he put forward, tanew in tse form of a mani festo wbav parliament aem-hled at the last session, and which, when presented in ?he Hpue of iVimmon oal Jane i. as an amendment m go iat supply, was voVed lwn eat a division-of It? to 3. Mr. 3lei?rhrB' peerhes rfar- iu? the last wveK or two nave 1. K- - . . . .. . -ts TKItltAt'.K. et. I. Owing UV Ihe faat that ims of the fruttl rrower Hd their own shtnaifv twefe martetrd an the oats Me from thi rtfstrtel in t?5. TW is less than half the abMMtati MnarvHr.1 last -vrar alMnu?tl there was considrrahly larger acreage under rullivatioa thi year Mian last rpreanr in1 ra-pKrrrws. Karly in the spnaff pewspeel tm&ed very brisht for a bow per ierop aut an mj zi, a very severe frosl as) Its at the W.tHU aal praclieatly ruinMt the erap of berries, a welt as ebTie, ptnm and some kiwi of apples. Very de snaw. which broke the canes down, was resfwnsibb berries, white an in dnfkrg the picking season made owe ber ries sarti far sluppiBg. A a result of so avoeh hv fdividual sbhita?. the . hette; Vnowo ami mafe attr aaaev sMe aiarfcet wate ftoIetl wMab a ecuisecjarnl biwaae a prices to a ffgnre itctow eve ft bat of a year ago. Thrtnigbou. Ihe season a reasonable avera? of or re bus been esimatel as follow: Strawberries ra-pher He; currants The only attempt made tbl year at eo-operalive marketing Lwa dona by lour nro cs w advarUsejd mvt shipped their pro-Lnf junre MrDonald' de-i)..n. dure Under tbe name of Kindle-wood llratid. They advert!! and snipped at a set price wbirb tbe' adberad to throubaui tbe easin and which was a little hi?ber than the average slrncli for the whole dMriot. Tha Market Tbe berry mafVet exleni fro-Priace tieurge lo Prince" Ituper! ami north to Abisla. Same snip-ments have heen made lo Kd- ;pHnl4n but s far it has n nrovetl a venr salisfaetorT mar- Wifh an ever increasing acre axe under cultivation, it is to b-lo'ped tbat before another year a greater attempt will he mab at co-ooeralion in sbiptiiaQ anions Ho grower which would uitdoubteally -fult in more stable and straly market and ii tjiTi' natisfai '" y returns to th- sliippe. UNDERWORLD ON THE MOVE Flurry Caused In Vancouver When Conviction for Vagrancy Upheld by Judge 'ttttT tear litre tim ... at I a . . . 4i. a 1. i i aw are w ntfling , at JtiflfcJ rluck. snarlinz at llios w next elec4ion i goinj? to be Heing ,iieni, lit iievaHheies "tak-llie last one so far as the Westjiajs to the tall lunlwr-,- Ihe ranis concerned. The Ve-t has tlieffi(,enf mn hnfMW ,t,nw, choice of eontinuinz with .Mr.!,,.M. . - .1 other of the ll-lreed, III)- handed gentry who have been fattening on the women of the street and the "sucker" who, came to town from month of work in the woods aud mine or wtth the northern fishing fleet. on ttie ruu. . . r - j m t 1 I vwr. vror signal 1 lie ura -lie etean-up orler which folio we, 1 Friday's meeting of the Mdice soinmlst'on. and afler which plalnclolhemen swooped down 011 Ihe pool rooms gambling houses and other "hang-outs" of "be' elite of lh underworld, caused a eommnlion loses rts force. An election willjwhich quickly eiear Hie air polllically andlnnrtion of aiinird Ihe pro- a nanic when Mr. Hardly had his ioaiire trie. hefore pliee fieers iiemin eomlin: the nlv for ns!.-'. aad several 'r- 'ke; :m THE MAN IN THE MOON Justice I). A. McDonald handed,10 Pay 'he bill. down a decision -upholding a ''.. tayt: THK marriage license first mstahnefit on a trouble. AIM)UT lite mo Kirl ean do today ta hair. month -enleiMs given Harry , mill H AlTIVITY fib far as economic conditions gOj.nnyal, sleek haired", well dressed, well fed. Had Plenty of Money Kural was convicted of vntr. SCHOOL FOR WOMEN. ranev. denile tl.e fad' he ia lot tbe Of IP the newspaper tm on erit- ieliing the Chartestnn. that dunce will become quite popular amour the smart set and the y 'urrts a wear ! VOTIN'tl would be eay enough if it was quite certain that everr candidate was Selling fbe !ruth. the whole truth and not a vrlie of a he. MAN'S inhumanity lo man i what caues a stool pisraou lo turn up where tha lmotfcfrs;er let expeel him. THK ass that spoke to Ihutant did not commence his story That reminds me." A HICK lawn I a ntate where person ean be a sheik on fif- iron men weekly.. HIS bride's gnae home to mother. and There is no doubt. It wa because be was lit up That she lit oul. Cincinnati Enquirer. NOW hubby's gone home lo mother, Ami I am told, 'Twa all because the eoffee Awl biscuit were cold. Warren Tribune. I OFTBX visit her mother And now and lhn I go when mother' away And slay 'till ten. IN these days of labor saving devices. I never notice any advertisements telling how to learn n J .-c : I f '. . V . ,1of',,a,, ?J85 on ' P'"n wher Mora Arrests and Greater Num .it --WJ1JI, iif.iu ifiiiimh oi mc inxrn lo licaunu.irlcra Iiv Ilclee.l .Sodo sect of lludilhism have iln-'tiv Kepwe.mi i ;-.i-r.. vi.i a,.i. I "ctuci to establish a Iluddisl lm. New of Hk court s decision women's university (n Tokyo at created n ftiroic among Ihe un- a cost of I 500 000 yen Work derworld smar set here, but KKTCIIIKAN Sen ?t T,, . ,r., r.jr jc;ir, arcoruniB io "tie ponce u was the fuscal lanu compietcit wiitun Iwo ean. nothing compared to the PROHIBITION AGENTS IN ALASKAN CITIES bar of Convictions Than for Any Other Similar Period OilP ftttflinfr Tuna in . blow last, the ucU d ies of ,ue federal I 1 zme&Z'J - - r- j.. Alwar uc rnoa(h to rtt hutlcg tudt htr the dotbc axe la This New Laundry Soap saves you the hardest work of washday soaks dirt out no more hard nibbing Simply settling in rich Remo cup-sods the place of ruLbiog docs the hard wwk for you. The lootmed dirt comes out ratify. Even grimy placrs vhrtr dirt i ground in coroe clean with to little trouble to you jua a liht rub. Became Rmvo dittolves coniplcf e-ly, it rinvri out thoroughly. No bits of soap left to turn your dotlics yellow under tlx- iron. when the Mener mart 4iMni-et appeal. H"i o..w a cae of work or uro to jail, laepeeior Jrt,-u MMnmented upon betne ahfe.i You need only Rinto for your Monday ah. It U made by tbe nuLrrs of Lua, the largest voup-maLrrt in the orld. It it prrfcrt for all type of washing machines fine in the boiler and jut wonderful for soaking in set tubs. Get a package for your neat w a vh regular sire or big nrw wr from your grocer. Lever IJtuhers limited. Toronto. R4C LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to balding uext iivr I" Frui-1 Ibti-her Sh i e from the Empres Hotel We rarrv a full line of CIGAftS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zcrelll Proprirtor (ruhibilion unit in Ala re-salted m more arreot. a sre4'. cr namber of eoav-nnu-. 'hei setiure of more liauor al com-! trnbnnd good, and heavier sentences than for anv similar, perhMt since the unit began ou- -eratton, aceontins t future, tm today by Arthur lirerur A. O. Mean. Imrirsg tbe twhre months esdtng with Jane an. tit arrest j were mad by tbe prohibition officers. Out of thai number ?I8 eon viet ions were secured, in case wave dismissed, tb de- fendanli were aquitted. fu IxHind ovrar lo the grandjury. and 1 three cae are Mill pending in the court. ! Six thousand nine hundred ami suly-tliree gallon of .akv-! hotie brvarages aad mah were eiied dsjciar the same period , Included la tbe enure were; 815 gallons of moonshine whi- key, about 73 gallon of alleged Scotch and Ihnirbno whisker. gallon of beer, it gallons of wina and 3.1 IK gallons ofj math. StV!l "Nabbed It uia tt particularly banii year on ibttiller. Korty-tnoi stills were nabbed. Jul one less; than tha tidal for Ihe three year Just (ireeethng. Fines assessed by Ihe court on those convicted aggregated 3M.Jlfi. ami Jail sentence to. tailed t? years, one month and 18 days. In I9xi, wi,(ch was Ihe most active year tin to that lime, the dry Axent arrested 194 persons. secured 161 conviction, had -M Hmisals and 10 acuulUals. Ill seliesl in lha same year about 380 gallons or white lightning. 137 gallons of so-called imnorl-! ed Scotch and Hourhnn, 2,002 gallons of beer, 187 gallons of' wine and Mill gallons of mash. I laud 25 slUI. Fines assessed to-! tallej t30.V00.25, and jail lertn; fiKgregaled 10 years, one month (umI 10 days. LSNO ACT. Nolle tt InttntW U Apptf U rufih.O In U Uad nemniini'niitnci of friw-llsprl. sikl toiate on Bit rill Crrr bMb fhivi Ihio Ux l.rUII Mui-f tmn it mil-. rnii il iikhiiii. . uJ--V ''ottti; urn rMDO Ruis-rl Sprue Mm, LUMird, uf I'rtur llunrrt. (htiiiui- IKtR IQIDtirr tiiamittrlw r lnluf la i? il . tmi-KHi lo tsirftu in rl 'iiwn ii t.M punlftl tnHit 9 )ClMln tw.rlbrrlv frn ttw .rtillwl rr-I trt IM S1J. ninre fnur; ttvencr III - mrilrir. Utetir IS rhiln mlrr M , i . OV-tie- n rlMln sotitberly . tbnr 10 i 'twin vaeslerlv . point or f'lininenr- Irs" '"staiaint ISO arret, mors or During 1'fttvr.c mrtriT urnt.':r. vtti. Vrr c p uuj Auiuu sin, im. IJMIII .11, Aiiiii ant riKf. Aif-tii I' Phone 178 lloihtia lleef. l'-d b per It: Hound Steak. p sfbooldee Spnns: ! lb Its tic Ley af Sanaa lb Gainer's Ham ana Bsc" None Better Ham per lb. Spring liirke- ; We .!cicr Pnv JSc Bulkley Market i..-.. W K Phone 178. Jhoe Qioice is Easy when you l""K ONYX models enuse th styles the trend of fan there are Ih;,s f" ration that wom young women war a pur Fall -t.. ' romidete. We .- A A widths, als.- Family Shoe Sfore Ltd. Third Avenue. Phine 357 Dr. E. S. Tail DENTIST Helgerson BlocK, Prtnc Rupert, B.C. ' 8 Office Hour X-Bay Serlc Phone 68. Open Tuesday, If ntld Saiuraay