i AOK SIX Watch Sale FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Extra Special Ileducfion on all LADIES' WRIST WATCHES, Large assortment lo choose from Eye Glasses Must fit perfect. .Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience in the large centres (eating eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North Just Arrived Silk Brocaded Morocaln DressLengths $7.75 Colors in Muck, Navy, Cuckoo, League Green, H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9 Watch This Space FOR REAL BARGAINS Friday and Saturday Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East. pecial Value $10.00 Girl's Wrist Watch We orfer (his little wuleh as a nice gift for the lillle girl. The case is gold fill ed green, white or fellow with a 15 jewelled moe- men I and we guarantee il lo hi) a reasonably good time keeper. John Bulger Jowoller FLIVVER HOBO LATEST IN U.S. Begs for Money, Gasoline or Repairs to Machine but Will Not Sell LITTLK HOCK, Ark., Sept. 2t.f The i"Vcary Willie," a unique figure in American life a decade jor more ago, is rapidly vanishing from the landscape and is being replaced by the product of the age of the automobile the "fliv-ver hobo" -or rather hoboes, for I he new type seldom travels alone, according lo officials of Little Hock social agencies. The "flivver hoboes" are always without money and in most instances accompanied by large families. They enter a city from unknown places and with unknown destinations and apply to community funds and" social agencies for aid, sickness beinj the most common plea. Looking for Jobs The usual requests are for money, gasoline and oil or for repairs to their automobiles, officials say. They usually claim that they left home because of labor conditions and are going tr some distant place to seek em ployment, asking aid in getting lo their destinations. Proposals lo aid them by sell-, nig the automobile are always rejected by the "tourists," re-1 cords of Little Hock agencies. Mostly Frauds "Most of the 'fliver tourists that apply for aid are frauds and we do not propose to give them money or gasoline so as lo pass them on to some other city." says C. II. Wickard, or the Little Hock Social Service Exchange. WHEAT PRICE DROPS WINNIPEG, Sept. 2 L Indifferent export demand and heavy country shipments forced down the price of October wheat cents tliis morning. WATER NOTICE. Diversion and Uss T.UE MiTICK that Oleaner Consoli dated Gold Mine!, Limited, whose address i toi Yorkanlre liulldlna;, Vancouver, B.C.. hiii appiy tor a licence to lake and use all or ten secund feet or water out ol Gleaner Creek, also known as Butler i. reek, wnlrh riowi westerly and drains Into Taku Arm about soo feet south of tnrineer Mine noek. The water will be diverted rn.in the stream at a rmlnl about tun leei soumwesr or me nonneasi cor ner or the .Myositis tulneral rlaim. Lot No. 219, and . will be used for mining pur poses on the -'meaner property, tots ios 7 .iK, zu ana inis ivmre was XiSten m tne rround on ihe 3rd day or Auru.l ttii. A rour or this notice and an an ill n i Ion piiraiiant thereto and t the water Art. mil. win be r ed In the 'imre or the Water Memrdcr at Atlln "bjerllons to the application may f. riled witn me ao aier nerorncr or wiin I lie Complroller or Water nithts. Parlia- inenl BuC-llnrs. Victoria. B.C., within thirty days after the rirst appearance or nis nonce in a local newspaper. Tne late or the rirst publication or this notice is i IK" tun nav or miium. mfs. CLEA.NEn C0.S01.inTED corn MI.NE8. LIMITED. Applicant Bv n n stnlih Auditorium Will open for a month's Skating Beginning Tuesday Eve., Sept. 15. Afternoons . . . 2 lo 4 Evenings .... 8 to 10 Good Music both sessions Competent, instructors lo leacli beginners. . L. J. Marren - Prop. Phone Black 449. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a splendid shipment of Fall and Winter Coats in all the latest shades and materials STYLES CANNOT BE EQUALLED IN THE CITY. . These will be put on sale l riday al moderate prices. Bent Ladles' Ready-to-Wear Third Ave. Phone 651 1 S i Ants b o. I Mosquitoes Industrial Raearch Z-Uw ' Institute Will not fcJV . mtm buFlfunt odor. T t ifarmlMtobunuu YOUrOfCCfT 1 andnimsU. QT DrugglSt ' VANCOUVER MAN WON MOODY CUP BICYCLE utes and two fifths seconds. SECOND PRODUCING OIL WELL AT FORT NORMAN THIS YEAR .vrnue Enllim Stnrt to block Hi. (Ill vinue Laai, tnh Avenue East. Vtli Avenue Weil. Mrllriili'-?th Avenue to Kllti Avenue, oay :me i.iruli' West, Atlin Avenuo-imt veiiiii' to 1 7 Ih street. Allln AtHiue-l7th itreel tu Vaiursdol Stn-et. Iltli Street. i.Iiku Aienue, ami Courad Street and lllli Aveiiue. t. A l oiirt or lleviion will lie liehl on M-ron Hill-rented may desire to make ami which Is liy law ruKliliablc Uy the i:oiut. I .p iicti I'lmiplaliii shall lie heard hy I lie Court or llevlslmi unless the per- .iii niiiiiiaiiiiiir na at ieat ten usys ue-ore the sitllnirs or the Court or ItevUIon sriveii tin- Clrrk llollee In wrltlnr. flrhwl uy liiin-i ir. hi- sollrllor or arehl. serirj-ilif hli frrniind or i-oinplalnt aanliHI the lieiisl aenieht. 4. The siiei'ial asscseiiH-iil rolls will lic iin-ii ror liiH-rlloii at lli iff Ire or the ' lerk on the nth day or Orlnlier, tit. i;. r. jo.vkb, Cltv clerk. Inliil Oil. tOh day or Sepienilier, 1116. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUnllon lo Apply lo Laas LanA in i-nnce nuperi i.ann in-rorniiiir ins-Irlrt or Prime lliiiierl. and sllualn al llaitlelt Point, Wales Island, lirltlsh i;nioiiiiiia. TAKE MiTlfK that Aniclo-llrlllsli Col iimbla Parklnv cmiipany limited, or vani-oiiver. ll.c., urriiiiallon Parkers. Intends lo apply ror a lease or the follow. inif aesrrilied land: Commem-lnr at a' post planted on the south shore or Itarllrll Point, Wales Is land, al Itiarli water mark: llienrn In an easterly dlrei-tlnn Hlmiif hlyh water markl luriy-eiKiii iiiitmre'i reel, mure or less, to a post marked No. I.K.; llienrn aoutli-erly lu rhalns, more or less, ti low water mark; tfiem-e In a westerly direction alniia low waler mark forty-elyht hundred reel, more or less; thence northerly in halns lo point or mmim-m-emerd. and -on t a iriliiar 75 ai-re. more or less. AMOf.o nnirisii cm i'mhia pAcki.vo co, i.m. Appllrant . . Frr WkllT E. Walker. Aretit. Dated July 18, ivji. THE DAILY IfUWB Thursday, September ?i ,92J HON. FRANK OLIVER DEFENDS!? LOWERING OF GRAiN RATES, TO PACIFIC PORTS BY (continued from page jne) were subject to be rescinded on demand, without further hearing or consultation, tbere would seem lo bo erious question as to its usefulness. Ottawa Hearing The board has not seen its I way lo accede to the demand of tie Montreal Corn Lxchauge Association for a rescision of the . order of September -3 without ouidcratiou, but it has nhen I notice of a hearing to be beldnn I Ot tawa on September 2t, at winch all objections offered will no nearu. u is more uouvcuieiii for the Montreal (kirn Hxchange Association to place its case regarding westbound rates before :he ttoanl at Ottawa, than before Hie board at Vancouver. On the other hand, it is impossible for Hie province of llrilish Columbia mi make as ample a presentation' en its case at Ottawa as at Van-comer. "The Vancouver hearing lasted RAPF RV A MINIITFl ,,MI ,Ja- T,,e pnn-ewllngs were iwivij u ii miuwiu full.- fully . stiow. Out of a large number of I minute, hi tun- being 37 min- ira ruled tourists" who haw applied, for aid here not one would consider parting with the automobile. Tickets to their homes or to the stated destina tion are also not desired. reported in the press. If I the Montreal Corn Kxohaiige As-V1CTOIUA. Sept. 21. Jim! relation was not inforiifld of Daxies of Vancouver won thei ,H0 bearing at Vancouver in am-.Moody cup emblematic of tlie!,,c tiu, to have made an ap-rifleen mile bicycle champion-j pearance there or. failing thai. snip oi uriusii Minimum ueieai-lo liavt, ,,ul j a written ...inte-ip.fr Olias. Staples of Victoria Hi'menl as the railways were per-a special race against tiniv. miUe, tu ,u U(, (o )ecember 1, Davies beat Staples by nearly a iy2i it wn because its members and officials were not payifiK proper attention lo the matter f westbound frrain rates, in which they now claim siieli urgent concern, and not beoause of hih-haiulcd or unusual action by a section of tlie board of railway commissioners." KIMON'nN. Sept. SI. Word WHALE N REORGANIZATION received here from i-ilgary i that Imperial Oil drilling crews state they struck oil iii another well al Fort Nornntn riot far ''ora the previous well. It gives about 100 barrels a day at a depth of about a thousand feel. LEAGUE BASEBALL American League ('hicajro f, New York 7. Detroit 15. lioslmi I. SI. Louis 3-3. Philadelphia 0-1 National League Philadelphia I. Pittsburg 2. Ilrooklyn I. C.liicapo 2. Itoston (-?, Cincinnati I -I. New York 0-2. St. Louis 8-8. WOULD TAKE CARE OF ALL CREDITORS OF COMPANY. (Continued from Page One). slated by representatives of the debenture holders, the purchase of the assets of the company In and for the boihihohliTs would mean that I he debenture stock holders' and Hie unsecured cred- iors would gel nothing, l.'uder the plan, the holders of the i'M bonds would bi I ti houdiiold" L.r ii... ....... ............... -... i . wi me ii.-w cniiiiiiiij . i lie ue- benture stockholders would have an equivalent amount of preferred slock in the new company and the other creditor would b' paid in common stock it Hie new concern. Their situation would INVASION AT SUNSET. lr """wwry. " ro. in view oi ,ine preseni iMiru- IlKOLA, Cuba., Sept. 2.1. o, ,.,e company. md crabs in great numbers Bon" na uan invade this city every evening runner ueiaus oi iih; new plan shortly aHer sunset, crawling l'ul forward are thai the pur-lhrou:h the streets in the lower'cr,ae, "f the gold Holes, section or town in search of.wl,ic, would be a general obliga. scrans of sarbase on which In ft'comf only to the firt feed. As a rosull. the affected mongage nonus. ami wouni be sections have the appearance of i '"'sued lo an amount of at ten a childless municipality. Author- Je2.300.000 arid not cxreedlns ilies are unable to explain their -.uuu.uwu ai a pnj oi wu. would presence. BIRTH A tlauahler was born al the l-rince Itupert tlctieral Hospital n September 2t to Mr. and Mrs. 1 rrliihald Head if Terrace. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITV OF PRINCE RUPERT. TAKE ViTt:E THAT: I. The i.uiiinil nr tin' Corporation or the i;ity or I'rlu.'D llmn'it has voiistrurted li.ral linpn.v. iiMiim a iaeinem nriceu (el wide mi the rollnwina; ulreels: Mil lie ceileil Uie common stock is- sue. Provision Is also made for the payemnt in cash of balances due on inventory purchase, all receivers' liabilities, secured bank loan and secured and preferred creditors' claims, not includinx the bank loan which Is secured by the deposit of Whalen first mortgage bonds. A small issue or II.C. Sulphite Co. first mortgage bonds would be redeemed. OFFENSIVE FILM TITLES IIKHLLN, Sept. 21. Cinema proprietor and film producers have been warned by the central committee of Herman Film In- Ihe lutli Ij or Orlolter. ItijJ. al I '. iii tries :i,-'ainl ua"",l I In- "t tlllplO eiiiiiliivmenl llienl o-eloek a.m., al IIh- i lly Hall. I'rluee lln- """'f11" net. H.... rir lis- rsirtiose or tiearinjrof obscene or offensive film lil-.nililallils aaslnul tie- prupnuril aw- i ,, . ,.i ., i ,,.. i...i mem. or Uie aerura'-y of rnsitaae ineas- 11 i IUIHICU lll.ll Often iirciiient- ami any oilier imiiiiljlril wtilrh; -urli offeiiMito iliitrn.iliim. nw. used for harmless films as a sensational medium for attract ing a certain type of public WIRELESS REPORT I 8 a.m. Iligby Island l'arl cloudy; calm; barometer, 30.12; temperature, 10; nea smooHi. Dca.f Tree l'olnl (Jlear, light liorthwcsl wind; barometer, 30.- RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Has produced Minerals us follows: Placer (iolil, $77.a82l5;l; Lode fl,j jiR .7:UliO: Silver. (IH.MlM.57Ui northuc.ot wind; barometer, ao.-08; temperature, 5i; sea smooth Hull Harbor Overcast, light northwest wind; barometer. !; teitrtwratMre. 57: moderate swell; U.Jo a.m. spoke tug 1'ai-i-fie Monar-h left Safely l'.oe tMiund for Warner Hay: 0.3O a in spoke steamer t'.atala in Mil bank Siitnid iinrtltbnuiid. GRAVEL DELIVERIES FOR ELEVATOR ARE 1 NOW jB0UT FINISHED The Marpole Towing l.o.. a Inch has been IransportiiiK KravM here from llatinas Arm for Hie elevator work, is atnoit Ih roti b wild its job ami deliveries wilt be completed in a few days. 'I'liere are yet four seowloads lo W brought here for Hie job. UNLUCKY AUTOMOBILE llOt'SKS POINT, N.Y.. Sept. '.'I The automobile wbich "Hm Olio" Hske, atlegeil bootlegger, whs driving when be was shot ami killed by Imiiiiitrnlion In--fterlor Snmuel M. ))ekon. at 'oopersville apears to be an unldrky macliine for liunr smugglers. II is said lo be Hie same enr that Hoy Drown was driving several mouths ago when he wn kilted by stale Inxipen on the llrant Lake (Jpipliite road, in Hie Charleston section of thr Adlrondarks. -e M n TIMBER SALE X7106 llwre IH tm of erssT for ssie al Puhiic Auetiiisi. at mmih on l i rt day r ti.i ir, Itft. In itte of lire of Use iom-l sup rrviMir. SmiUVrs, B.C.. the Llcewe kio, lo rut i.o ihmsi iet or i'.edar Pole and Hllinc on an area adjoin Hit lot Ifc.n. north e I or llatelton. casaiar IHslrtri. Ihree u. years will lie allowed for rt-IMoval of tller. Pruvldrd loat any mm mm Me to aileinl Uie aurlMi In 4rsou may sulnnil a M-aled lefnler to Im "OMtetl al the hour or auetloa and treated as one bid. runner Mrli'Hiar or the rhirf r'ore.i er. nt.iria. u.i . or IMslrlcl lore.ler, ITHlre IIIHI Tl, II I'.. i TIMBER SALE, X7051. Tliere will 1 offerel ror sale al Publl-Anrti-iiL at noon on I lie lh day or s.plMliLer. Itfi. In the idrire ol III. I'ires llsnirer, Hiiriis 'Mlie, IIk- I.lrenre X70&1, In eut 7f.ii0u Jar k pine ties on an area situated abotti & mile Morth or Oerker Lake HUIlou, llsnfe i, Coast, lifslrlrl. Three years will lie allowed rr r : mkivsI or tlmlier. "I'mvided any hh- uiMhle in atleixt I If' auettoii in irwm may sulsull a scaled teilr lo be up-tied at I lie hour or am . tltxi siel trealrd as irtie bid." ' I'urllier parllniUra ,r lis- Chief l''irel j er, Vlfturls, ll.c, or liuttirt 1'orester I'Mnes llmnrl. TIMBER SALE X2C93. r. !.! TKMiKHS will 1r rarelted bv I he Mlnl-ler I Lands, al Victoria, not latrr than in on oil the 1 1 Ih day or Sep temlier, IMS, ror the purrhase or l.lrem-e XS1. tl eul X.lVtl.UUO reel or Spruee. Ikiniork and odar on an area aitiiaieii mi Hie west eil or Tanoo Island nearl Mmestiy IsUnd, (jueen charlotte Island IHslrli-l. Three (Si years will bo allowed for removal or I Under. Kurlher iiarlleiilara of Hie chief rorr-icr. Virtoria. H.O.. or bistrlci Korriler Orlrtee llorwirl M TIMBER SALE X 7420 II.. I. ...! I ll, . .... II, - iv. ii, ...... .u, i, i ,, r,u nuiwuiu. scaled teiiilers will he re-elvei bv lhe Hull llurbor Overcast, calm; !!,,,r'!,. r'Vf"" '' '' i"" ii.ii uiii iui , 4i,jw, ii;iii(ii:t ililll V, "iir.-nir oi i.i'-fii.-e , llil, east sloe or !"v- Hl'lile A"". V.M.i, lo nil fi'i. niiwli.t'iili. Kvi-i.ll' w ..in miiiiLi. on,, uj, moutiaie swell, n p.m. spoke, ,, r,,M ur j,,nMBj tMtfi nrtui,H.k ;,( tmr Cape Scoll in l?eafortli I ?"'" ioirs, IM , ... , u One (l year will m i owed for re- Lhauiiel suutlibouud; 8 p.m., moval or Umber. fii'dier uarlieulars or Hie t:hlef l-'orest snoke steamer iivox Vimeoiiver eiiini siLamir .Mi) oa, yanionvii (.r Victoria, li.C nr IHslrlrl Corrsler for I'riiicf) Jtuperl, i'M miles i'r'.".c iti-ri. u.i:, ' iroiu i-nnce unpen; a.m. TIMBER SALE X 7309. spoke steamer Mogul, Anyox forj Vancouver, 301 miles from Van- isurtTrr" fc'? .r.'," liTerirLte. '.'S corner. Noon Dilihy ter, 30.12; teinperalure, 00; uea smooth. Dead Tree l'olnl Clour, light the 1st day of October, 1S, ror the piii-ii.e or l.lceme X7J8H. situated on I i wesl hoce or lieer Pas. Coast lis lire a. I - Cle-ir entm liiirotnn- naioiiio- " v"i""v "''' miarn mem lire (f L.n.ir, caim, ,r.,., (,i,r. Hlll imi,,,,,, swios. i wo t I .years win pa allowed for removal of limber. Kurlher naitlrulars or thn ci.ier i-i . iriiiria, or on Pruita huperl, B.C. District I'orrtler.i L i.emi, ?7t),riN,r7N; uoppcr, IN7. iMi,;t78; y,i. . f 171,107; Miscellaneous Minerals. $Hbi,:i.U; Coal mid Coke, ti!l(),8NU,()tH; lliKdhir Htoue, Hrick, Ceinenl, etc., f itf,!!'.!5,H1 1; making its Mineral Production to the c,ul u 102 show till Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of Hiis Province ate more liberal and Hie fees lower lliau Hio e of any oilier Province in, the Ihiiniiiioii,' or any colony in Hie llriliuli Umpire Mineral locations are granted lo ihscovcrcrs for nominal fees. Alisolulc Tilles are olilauied by developing sinli properties. Hie security of w in. h giinrinlccd liy Crown (iranls. Full information together wilh Mining llcpcrl a-d Map, may be oldaiued p. , , . addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.U. Praetirnlly nil llritisli lloliimhia Mineral Properties upon wlm h devr, . r work lias been done lire described in some one of Hie Annual HrxirN of Hi. of Mines. Those considering milling investments -honbl refer lo mui report- T are available willionl charge on application lo Hie llep.irtnieiil of Mine. V ,. t ,, , p , lleporls of Hie ecological Survey of Cinnilti. Pacific Hiiilding, V.ui-onver. nc mended as valuable sources of information. WESTHOLIV1E THEATRE Thursday Only, 7 and 0 p.m. The New Juvenile Bostonians In Entirely New Program NEW SONOS AND DANCES Special Numbers: Charletton dance by Flo Mjllnj; Charleston Toe Dance by Tiny Richardson, and song, "N Gal Don't, Love me any More," by Dody Brown. Pictures "The Marriage Circle" A lory of ai "Uiiiinnl.itiiip hiili.iinl ami . wive-. Soiiietliing Kve -tarled. The tale ni wrecker who gueed wrong ami Hie ritritsi .. u bit too far. All alMttil a woman who bad . 1 wlm wanted. A photo p!n dealiiig Willi m whose loe i mil alvny coufmed to ihrir w All tar list: Monte Blue, Florence Vldor, Crelghion Hale, Harry Myers, Adolphe Menjour, Marie Prevoit others. COMEDY CARTOON "DESERT SHEIKS." TOPICS OF THE DAY. 60c and IU Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englniri, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pstltrn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINO. Our f ln ii 1 is equipped to h.indlc al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 33F TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Or. 601 Black 73S Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. Nig"! PhonM 687 539 Or. 601 Black 735 Watson's Unshrinkable Underwear Our fall and winter orders or Wnlson'- t i Underwear are in mill our slock is complcle. T'tf slylu made lliat wc h.iven'l Kl. QUALITY, STYLE AND COLOR d Do you want them puro wool, silk and wool or wooi colton? Do you want Combinations, Vests or Bloomers? Do you want tho sleovoloss, with short slooves or sleovos? Do you want thorn In croam, rose, lavondar or 0rcy7tlinDy Well, we have them, yours Is the demand, ours Is the m r ; V liave sizes U mill Wl in slock. CHILDREN'S PURE WOOL COMBINATIONS Al liml wc liavc llietn us inollicrs wiml Humii. Mi ;, I'nrc Wool Cotiibiiialioiis with slmrl sleeves nil'' li'tiglh. Wo liuvc Ihem from size 2 lo in years. saaakaBBBaiatiliaBaaaaMBMaNSsaaMaaMaMSBM Ts Viz-all' Rrn.Q. Ltd. J CA Pa a V m mm ww , i Phone 045. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7tn J