jgMdar September 15, 1025, ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! All Models VICTOR VICTROLAS On Sale at Approximately One Third Off Heg. price. Hedmed ),rj,.e Vj. 2H , 13.j.(IO $ 07.50 N. 211 130.00 $1 07.50 N : SO 1:15.00 $ 97.50 "l; .' 9200.00 $137.50 i0 $323.00 5225.00 N Portable 9 07.541 $ 47.50 All fllliur iiitMltjIs reduced proportional el v TERMS IF DESIRED. Si TI- These riMlii.li.in- are in f"ne only until -t.uk l,.ud i- cleared mil. linn . urgency of immediate leriniii mi tin pari of Itinera. Some Specials in our big Clean-up Sale nigo Nurses' Fccto Disinfectant, H' k pnre .. s Ii . e 10c SANITARY NAPKINS , i I - VipkMi-. -in. ill. r.-g. price x.V. s.tv price 40c I - N.ipkn:-. i i - I .urn. r'. pi n c ',. S.ilc price 45c I 1 - N n'km'-. luy. rcg. price xl.oit. S,A- puce 50c a l Napkin. ik- fl.2''. S.iii- price 50c Porter's Food. ll v pru t- .vie. S;iic pn--e 15c Herbert's Parley, i.-g pn. . :. s.-.i- pun- 15c ORMES LIMITED Pioneer Druggists Third Avenue. 3rd Avenue. FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. - Silk Panels lor Doors or Windows Thee iK uiiliftil Arl Silk do. g". ' '"' U;" 111 i' While. SWISS AND NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS BAR'RIE'S Home Furnishings Phono 123 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED Imildyig next dour lo Krixxell Mi'i 'her Slm. nmm from I In Kmprrss llolcl W carry n full line f CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES RM CNNCCT,N J-no. Z,.remC,AL Proprietor i Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. PUone 41. Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's laxi, oQc. phone C78. tf Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. Phone 134. tf tleorge Husiiby is confined to the house today with a had cold. When hack from the holidays, i ry Valentin Dairy. .Phone C57. If For the husy man jr woman, a Drown car saves money. Phone 80. if Sweet melodious Hawaiian dance musie at Hoslon Hall. Thursday, Friday and Saturday solicitor. Moose and 18. ANNOUNCEMENTS 210 Our low rates have hcen a.n ouutanding success and wc shall oniinue on this basis, Drown laxi. Phono 80. If W illiam Onldbloom sails evening on the Cardena bound f"i New York on a business trip He i-xitmt to be away about :lin'c weeks. The bylaw, providing for the 'Xfiiit on of crown lands from tx -ali- wax again laid over for a week by the city council last mtfh! at the reueM of the city It. Hemming of the Daily News composing room staff and Mi Hemming returned to the city on last night's train after having spent a fortnight holidaying at llaiellon. Mrs. J. II. (iillatt, who ha liecn visiting in the city for 1 1st past two week., will return on Hit' Prince John tomorrow to her Iidiiip in SumUpil, ' Oueeti Char loiic Islands. Ileal Hawaiian (iuilar Danec 'in lioira al the llostori Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings (ruin 8.30 In 2 a.m. and Saturday from 8.30 lo 12 midnight lientlement 7&e, ladies 50c. Everybody welcome. 210 Miss Irene M"unre, M.A.. H.Se Ottawa, who i- connected with I he federal depart ment of agri-rullurc, reached (lie cily from Die sou'h on Hie Prince Charles Vslerday and will leave this e.cnmg on tin- Prince John for the (Jueen Charlotte Islands. Mt. I'lua Davidson, of Lady--inilfi. grand chief of the Pythian Sisters of llritish Columbia, having arrived from the south on the Prince Charles yesterday paid an official visit to the local lodge last evening. After I he meeting, a social was held in which the Knights of Pythias participated. Mrs. Davidson, who is the guest of Mrs. (ieorgc l.eek. Second Avenue, WeMview, will return -til It yn the Cardena Mils anri'in. KmmIiU of Pythias Whist Drive uiid Dance.. September 28. .yn Carnival and Dance - J tol.cr and 13. Itehekah llazaar Saturday, October 17. Catholp Church Hainar, 21 and 22. Anglican Church Itarnar No vember 5. Presbyterian No ember 12. Mi it-, i .', ipmr Church llaxaar Ihuaar November 1" Itoyal Purple llazaar Novem ber 18. llaplisl Church Ladies' lliuaar, November 20. All SI. Andrew's Ladles' Auxiliarv llaxaar. December 2. Lutheran Church Ladies1 "Aid Hanar. Dcccmbtr 4. CATARRH Of til BLADDER ilk. fmumX Rich ClruuU IUiT' UmtiMtfT Rnninte -mln-MIt THE DAILY fTEWB PAGR THREF Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. Hreakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specialty is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Itetail. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS4CHRIST0PHER Phone 17 Sheddon's Taxi the original 'iOc. taxi. Phone 134. If Mr. Nellie Wilder and her laughter are calling this after noon by the Ourdcna for Van couver. I. Christopbersun, railing to appear in the eil' police court till morning irt answer to charge of intoxication, had bail of $28 estreated. Leonard Tail, who has been visiting in the city with his son, Dr. E. S, Tail, returned last night on the Prince George to his home in Victoria. The Ridley Home is open for inspection on Friday. Come and see it. We want your interest well as your gills. A bus passes the door every hour. Last nishl at TO o'clock, the (ire department had a call to the garbage dump on Park Avenue where a spread, of Mite fire had burned a culvert In the roadway. . Alfred Adams ami his partv from Massed, who have been attending the Fair hen-, will re turn to the Ijueen Charlotte Is lands on 'the Priorc John ' to morrow. Itev. P, It. Kelly uf Nanaiiiio. who has been vi-ilini: in the city for the past week, will sail tomorrow on the Prince John on his return south via the (Jueen ' Charlotte Islands. John II. Mitchell, local con tractor, will sail on the Prince John lo-morrbw for Masselt where his company has in hand the erection of a school for the Indian Department. Kale Leroy, pleading guilty in the city polira court this morning lo a cMirge of being an in mate of a disorderly house, was lined 25. The case was heard bv Stipendiary Magistrate. H. F. Mcl.cod. L. W. Pal more IeTI on this morning's 'train for lilberg. Al berta, betweeu Edmonton and Calgary, where be will visit with his sister, Mrs. Harris. He ex pects to be away about a CN.lt. steamer Prince John. Capt. E. Mibbs, froin Vnnchu-ver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, is due in port at 5.3(1 this afternoon. The vessel will nol sail on her return s'oulli uul.il lomorrow. Passengers hooked lo sail this afternoon on the Carde-a for Vancouver include O. J. M. (toss. .Mrs. A. W. Lipsin, Hen Lipsin. Mrs. A. Carlson, Don Malbeson. Ivan Cameron, Mrs. Nellie Wilder and daughter and William (ioldblooin. v.'1 A hunliug parly lo Porcher Island at the end of the week of which Dr. E.-S. Tait was a nieni- ber reports good success al groose huiiling. The parly alsoj ran acmss a number of the' pheaSnuLs. which' were placed I hero by Die (ianie Hoard dur-' lug the . past year. Tin birds. II I'n Ail til 111 fin I li in It was announced at Hie CN.it. offices Mils (Iliil'llill'JT ' lli'il Ilia. i. linen Liiurru uaiaar neeein- Vnniiianv'a m.w i " ' lv""v' " In ..! "" '" LI' station, CNHV al would broadcast at Vancouver, 2'Jl meters wave length Iho cerehionles of the International Kiwuuls Club Help S. A. Harvest, Effort. Festival Alex Mcl.eman returned from Stewart on the Cardena this af ternoon. Mrs. Elsie McCoy arrived in the city from Alice Ann on the Cardena this afternoon. Mrs. A. Carlson and family will sail by the Cardena this afternoon for Vancouver on a vacation trip Mrs. A. V. Lipsin and baby daughter will sail on the Cardena this afternoon for Vancou ver on a two week holiday visit. lien Lipsin, accompanied by his daughter Miss Anita Lipsin, sails on the Cardena this afternoon to visit in southern cities for the next two weeks. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A.E.Dickspn, returned from Any ox. Alice Arm and btewarl ai 1:15 this afternoon and will sail at 5 for Vancouver and way points. The Ladies' Aid Tea for the Presbyterian Church which was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Norman Walt on Saturday September 19, is postponed un til a later dale. H. C. Fraser, inspector o schools, and Mrs. F'rascr are sailing to-morrow on the Prince Charles for Skagway. Mr. F'ra- sv will pay his annual visit lo schools in the northern part of his inspectorate. Misses Helen and Christian Nueich returned on the Cardena Ihls afternoon from Alice Arm. where they have been spending 'the summer holidays with their mother, lo resume their studies in the cily schools. Ivan Cameron, son of Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Cameron, sails this afternoon on t lie Cardena for Vancouver where he will enter the University of B.C. His par nts, who recently returned here from a trip East, will gu south later this week. Don Malbeson, son of the city1 treasurer and Mrs. D. J. Malbeson. sails this afternoon by the Cardena for Vancouver where he will take up his studies at the University of lt.C. For the paf year be has been employed a' tewart by the Premier Co. C. M. Oliver. Vancouver brok er, and Mrs. Oliver, are passen gers going south on the Cardena today after a trip to Stewart where Mr." Oliver is interested in I he Silver Crest mine. W. Hea-lon, one of the owners of thai mine, is also going south on the Cardena. CHANGE IN C.N.R. STEAMSHIP SAILINGS See dis'plpy advertisement this paper for i all Steamship schedule effective September 17. Note Ilia) sailing of the Prince Charles southbound on Wednesday, September Itf, has been cancelled. Effective that date, this steamer will lake up her Alaska schedule, sailing from Prince llupert for Skagway each Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. Full particulars from Cily Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue. Phone 2C0. 216 TOO LATR TO CLASSIFY FOUND..- - Envelope" 'containing needlework. Owner may ob- 'ain same by identifying al the Daily News office and paying for this advertisement. 21G I-Oil SALE. Professional and . gymnasium punch bag stand with bag. One new Atwater-Kent coil. Heal snap. Phone 572. tf For Colic And Cramps Pains In The Stomach THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL It has been in use for the past eight I, . . ... .. ... vein; its action u pleiuant, rspta, re-Mi eonneellon will. Iho unveiling iiable and e(Iecluai; nd relief come. cr the Harding meiuorial in Van-: promptly. noover on Wednesday, Seplcm-: e sure that yoagt "Dr. Fowler's" i i,i ..i n ...!.... i. :.. ., .. . I when vou uk lor u. .... u. . umuu ui i ue oner- is .' i. ktf n. T. Mllhm On.. noon. , Limited. Toronto, Ont, Send us your Supplies iwy ov sii luuju? una we MgfccM wkfv'a C3tJ scrul you this iilustralal book of beautiful nones... 7 JA Pistribulory for: (fDham K9L9RED -3HINOLE3. Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winter's supply of Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, til Phnes 116 and 117 Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE will all rmin PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTOR!, SEATTLE, and intrniH lute fx.inL- earn SUNDAY and THURSDAY al 10 00 p.m. For ANYOX Wtdnnitf, 10.00 p.m. For STEWART 8aturdi, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES tor KETCHIKAN, WRANGELL, JUNEAU, SKAQIWAV, earb WEDNESDAY,. 4 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rnrtlilghUy for VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY tictpt Sunday II :n a.m. Tor PRINCE OEORQE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEQ, all points Eatrni i.iniila. I nilwl States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlclit Office, 6ZS Third A, Prlnc Ruptrt. Phon 2G0 llcANADIAHI Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert fm inCMILW. WEAMLTU. JL'XEAU. SUCWW SffHtnlw 7, 18. 28. Fit TANCOCTER, TiaORH ui SIKUll SrHl S. 12. 22. Si nwass mil For Buttdala, 8tn0fl Bay, Eatt Balta Balla, Ocean Fall., Namu, Alerl Bay, Campbell Rlter, and Vancouver every Saturday 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamehlp Llnee. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Atenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTU. Sailtnm trum Prince BuperL or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swaneon Bat. and Alert Bey, Tueedey, B P.M. 'or VAKCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alerl Bay, and Swaneon 'Bay, Saturday, 10 A.M For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S PJ4. For PORT SIMPSON and Naae River Caanerlee. Friday A.M. IZS 2nd Avenue. J. Barnaley, AfenL Prince Rupert. BO. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Qr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Wood! Wood! Now is your chanco DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Half load $3.00 Largo sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per load ... ... .. $6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phono 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prlnco Rupert, B.C. Office Hours- 0 to 0, X-Rsy Service Phone 686. Upon Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 New Fall Coats DRESSES and MILLINERY "DUMERS" Phono 27. P.O. Box 327a Fall Millinery COATS and DRESSES Third Ava. Bent's Phon. OS!