A l;, I'm 'In "" 1 1 TWO NOMINATED SOUTH CITIES er and Tolmle, Conserva-tlve, for Victoria I VF.lt. Sepl. 15. It. G.L ii. former ikI mauler. vr. wai citoocti lasi !- Liberal candidate mer SouUu lie li an i- in ! M'-isdien gov wa rtioAi-u laol niKht n pr ni i tt Virioria mlest lint seat. MEIGHEN DENIES MMONKVILLF. Ow . sepl Arthur Meiglien yes--ud an nhftolule denial ' iiaigen maue ny rn-tni" " onservative leader was ; to iirouxe race prejudice "iu in Hie current elec-.iinpa'n. "Never in my ive ullered wonls winch I Itbernl-tiwl wa mwhuVrL ' nil Iminre whir hi-!. stmon Fraser Tolm!".'. mi mrnirr nnnisirr i KING CHARGES : y Never Uttered Word to Set One Race Against Olhor oi meaning or inference d to set one race ngainsl Mi Man From Washington at Westminster Fair Picked up Girl Out Boy Resents It 14 M VY WF-STMINSTKIl, Sepl. 1,1 IIip mystery surrounding 'atiliing of I'.rnesl Lane, 25 1 - of age, of Ferudale, Wash- "i at Hie exhibition Satur- i wlil is partiall cleared up. virtim said Iho iissallaul was 1 v nuig lmy who rushed ul him w,,h a jack-knife as he was lalk- r ' ' Hie lad's sister, whom he hud pu ked itji." i ane recovering in the OLDEST MASON DIES Dr- J. H Hlllstoad was 107 Years of Age, Possibly Oldost Mason In World ST. .losi'int M u..i ir. I'p U lllllstead, aged 107. Hie I I I'll II IIUl.ll lit 11.11 I llllJlll ' oiiiriiru III IIP. liin't """I'M Mini possibly ,"i world, dead, the oldest in . ALBERTA PRODUCTS r Ins Alexandria seech; Demand Geu- Sat-whal brought about at I he instance of Premier Oliver, who immediately 1 1 opposition (o (he onler developing, made a viit to I In- prairie wild a view to enlisting Hie eo- -- , opcralton nf th 'two govern- McPherson, Liberal, for Vancou-' ment most ronrerned. NICKCRSON WAITS THE ENDORSATION OF ROBERT FORKE "I' Fork' endorse me, I'm Joini In run an n Progressive. Ilia IV all there i lo H." declared (i. W, Nickern, when asked if he would be a candidal at Hie forthcoming election. "It i lime we had a show down ni a good many matters and I am going to get II. iil not through the Hoard of Trade." Mr. Nickerenn Is in romiuuuiralion with Hie lender of the Progressives and expeetg an answer hy wire today. Products Owing to Disturbed Condition of China . F.D.MONTON, Sepl. 15. Al berla dairy products arc bcuil sold in Japan and at present ex- ported Melgheu declared, ' cording iti'ilittu lo LAD STABBED shanghai, traffic for 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 44444444 CHINA AND JAPAN Will be Great for Food through Vancouver, ac Donald H. Itoss or stincrintcnde nl ot the Canadian National Hallways, (fwinu lo the disturbed condi Hum of Hie country. China will need a itood deal of - grain and flour, and Ihi should be sup-olied by Hie. Canadian prairies as the I'niled Slates has iioy ex i.oilable surplus. PROVINCIAL LISTS vnriililA. Sent. 15. me orovincial volers1 list as revised this year will l u0'I In the r,..i..,,i i.nil. it was announced today. CABINET SWORN IN. HiKDKHU'.KTON. Sept. 15. it.,. Conservative cabinet last uiglil Willi J ',', i ....... H llaxter as premnn mm mim n,.y mnefiil. STRIKE IN BOMBAY unMii Y Sent. 15. Twenty . ,.i iiiii'i-alivos in twelve ...ni, - i'k lodav as a protest ngalnl wiie reiliu-HmH LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Hrooklyn l'iHsburg t. American League New V ) J 1'lKludclpUla WRIT ARRIVES FOR ELECTION Cllliens Not on the Provincial Lists May Register on Sep? tember 29 or 30 TWO DIVISIONS IN RUPERT lift timing officer E. II. Mor timer yesterday received the writ! formally calling (he federal1 election for J he Skecna riding, j Nomination take place oil Orto-I her (5 and the elections on Oi- lober i'3. Prince lluperl is an urban polling district with .two division".. Wesl of Mcllrlde Street is Urban Polling District I i i-ton 1, and east of Meliridc is division 2. Ilegistrurs of these districts ire J. Iorne MacLaren and J. V McKinley. respectively. They will il to receive atlicalions from .iev olern for inclusion on the it cuuiinenclng Seiitember 2'J at 'J a.m. and the li-t will close September 3U at V p.m. The lat revi.el provincial'' ,it of volerit will be Useil as a ohm for compiling the new list.; Those already on the provincial, iil do not need to register again. Polnls otilMde 4he city -rrf. Prince Itiipert are known as; rural divisions and local registrar will be atiooinlcd in those places. Norman A. W alt has been ue- siminlMl by Judge Young as revising officer and will have power fii revise the list after il -lose and In hear objections to voters included (hereon. Any person is qualified lo be a oler provided he or she is 21 tears or ng, a iiruisn suojeci. esidenl in Canada one year and . . in Uie ponsnuo'iiey iwo nuniiiis, rovided lie or she regislfrs. POISONED SON: KILLED SELF Woman Mentally Deranged Com mitted Doublo Crlmo at Owen Sound OYA'LN SOUND, Sept. 15. -Mrs Stanley Foster of this district vestorday served strychnin to her mx year old son and then swallowed some of the poison herself, both dying shortly aner- ward. The mother was mentally lerauged following an illness. TROTSKY DECLARES ENGLAND IS HEADED TOWARD REVOLUTION NF.W YOHK. Sept. 15. lliitaln has entered a stage of "capitalistic disintegration" and is "headed for revolution," Leon Trotsky leHare.l in n book cnlitrfd 'Whither F.nlaud,"tlie Aine.rican edition of which was published here today. Hrltafu's progress in the path of revolution is due lo economic condition caused by the indus trial growth of the United States, uccordiiiK lo the author. STOCK MARKET Hid. Asked. ll.C. Silver 1'5 1. 10 Dunwell 1.25 2,00 O rati by 15.75 llaxelton .02 L. ami I 20 .25 Premier '.':.lt'. 2.15 Porter Idaho 18 .21 Silvereresl 21 .2ft Surf Intel .00 -j M Terminus .to Howe Sound 22 50 urract ' the bVtlc bclwe-n New York's popular governor. Alfred H. Smith, and William Handolph Hearst, Die publisher, who has frequently attempted to assume the role of dictator in the Democratic parly. If the (lovernor wins it will place him in Hie national limelight once more as a possible candidate for the Presidency. If he loses, he faces oblivion. Hearst Backs Hylan The regular Democratic or Tauimay Hall selection is a per sonal friend oT Hie (lovernor Slate Senator James J. Walker. Mr. Hearst is backing Mayor Hylan, as he has in Hie last two elections. The Governor and the publisher have often come lo grips in past years and there is anything but good feeling be tween I hem. The. odds favot Walker. t Frank D. Walker, fountain pen manufacturer, the choice of the regular Hepublicau orgaui-latiou, is expected to win over two insurgent candidates, William M. Dennett and former Secretary of Slate John J. Lyons. From n popular standpoint. Hie greatest interest centers in the Democratic fljilil. The ranks of the party have been ripped asunder bv the violence of the pre-pritnary campaign and whether the wounds can be heal ed remains to bo seen. If t lie Mayor loses, it Is taken fot Krauieii tnai lie win run as an Independent, with (he backing ol Hie II ears press. Ordinarily, New York is over wheliuingly Democratic in eltv elections. mi account of the strong Tammany machine, but I in view of the split among the I Continued on Pao Four Boston Grill nnc! mm Ice ('ream goes with dinner dtJ Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper vril XV NO, "I I PIUNCF: HUPKKT, H.C., TUBSIIAY. SKPTKMIIBH 13, 1025. VMt.rdo'. circui.ti.n tut StrMt lUIti, 472. PRICE FIVK OKNTB. IMMENSE POWER SCHEME WAS ENDORSED WESTERN PROVINCES ARE UNIT AGAINST DELAYING EQUAL FREIGHT RATES Western Provinces are l United Against Action Revise Freight Order lU.dlN A, Sept. ;. A muled frunl on the pari or (he whole V ! tern Cinadu will le presented against the rescinding ol 1!; dt r of the Itailvvuy Commission granting equal freight Pa ifli out Mirt wilh those obtaining m die Kl. i Tincnl lo thai cffel was made today hy Attorney tlJ''.)- v lie , 1 1 of llnli'li Columbia, Alberta and v in will meet in IvIiiioiiIoii tomorrow (u diwuss ihi ;r .unrerted artoni will lake. , The union of the three I inn, for sHf-prolceliou 'St copyright photograph, showing the Howilom, . flagship of the MacMiHaii expedition, being fitted with a new propeller at llopedale,. Labrador. The airplane venture ha 'been abandoned, it is announced. Big Contest in the Nomination Today fon Mayor of New York; Hearst Press Backs Mayor Hylan NKW YOHK, Sept. 15.- ny Canadian Press . This i primary election day in the largest city on the continent, with more than a million voters eligible lo rust their ballots lo desig nate mayoralty nominees to carry the party standards at tht municipal election on November a. The polls open at a p.m. (daylight aving lime) and close al 0 o'clock tonight. .oi in many years nas mere neen such keen interest in 0 mayorally fight on uccouiil of the hitler inlernieinc warfare it both the Democratic and Hepuldicau parties. Another fight undcrnealh thfl SIX ESCAPE COUNTY JAIL Two Held For Nanaimo Bank Robbery and Others Get Away at Seattle SEATTLE, Sept. 15. T. H. Johnston and James Burns, awaiting extradition to Can-ada In connection with the Nanaimo bank robbery; Alvln Kllborne, held on a charge of robbery of the state bank at Giant Project Endorsed to Harness Big Tides in Bay of Fundy by Maine PORTLAND, Maine, Sept. lo. The hundred million dollar project for harnessing the grenl lides in (he Hay of Fundy to generate from 500.000 (o 700.000 horsepower and supply power to the eastern serliuns of the United States and (lunula was endorsed yesterday ly Maine voters, the vote in favor being nine to one. iNFAV YOHK, Sept. (5. Uy Canadian Press j Hydraulic engineers of New York are quoted hy Hie Herald-Tribune as saying fhat Hie project oT Dexter P. Cooper lo generate 500,000 to 00.000 horsepower by harnessing the tides in two inlets of the Hay of Fundy near Kastport. Maine, is not only feasible from: in engineering point of view, out ;s "the most promising development in Hie electrical world in a eade." The paper points out, how-ver, thai Canada will likely have onielhing lo say regarding the irojeel, saying Hie sanction of he Canadian ami United States oVeruuients will have lo be se- Furrd. v r- According to I he Herald-Trib ane, Frederick Darlington, en gineering expert for - I lie wesi-inghoiise Kleclric Company, who recently inspected Hie Passama-rjuoddy and Cobscook bays, in the Hay of Fundy, where for four years Mr. Cooper has been, making preliminary surveys for 'lis project, said lie was convinc ed the plan will bo carried hrough. Two Separate Poo's Cooper hopes hy damming Passamaquoddy and Cobscook bays to create two separate pool and generate the power by a constant rush or waler from the upper pool filled with high- tide water, into the lower pool, drained by tow tide. The regu lating of the high water in the Bethwell last June when two ! headway, allium companions were killed In a running fight; Lloyd Richard-on, convicted of manslaughter for Killing a Seattle policeman, and two other prlsonurs escaped from King County Jail this morning. CHINESE SHOT AT VICTORIA shot and killed near his store on Covernmeid Street liens last jitght by another unknown China man. The police believe Ihe murder lo be Ihe outcome of a iiersonal quarrel. Later Despatch VICTOHIA, Sepl. 15. Chong Wong was found dead lid tnnrnli'g in a disused lumber vard with a revolver clutched in upper pool and the low water in the lower pool is to oe uone by a system of gates. Mr. Cooper has (ound a so lution for every problem con nected with his scheme," said Mr. Darlington. "At his invil lion I visited Kastport and made a careful inspection oT the tides and the engineering' possibility of generating power by them. I am convinced that his scheme is thoroughly feasible. "The question has been raised 'Whether he could generate power Ibv a 'fall of water only sixteen i feel, which will be his maximum h Hie tides rise as high as twenty-seven feel. The answer to that question is that a sixteen-foot drop is amnio. He will have an enormous volume oT waler pouring over Ihe wall separating the two pool ami the volume of water is what will create the power with Hie kind of turbine engines he will use." Extent of Market Mr. Conner s project was the subject or a state-wide referendum in Maine yesterday The voters were lo decide whctli- VICTOHIA. Sepl. 15. Wall er lidal power' In Ihe Hay of Low Fonit. it Chinese mocer. was Fundv. it developed, might be sold outside the alate. power raised from Al present fresh waler sources bo used within the stale. .The CunuUinn government, between whose terriloce Ihe Hay or Fundy lie, will be asked lo sanction the proposal It is Cooper's opinion that no official obstacle will be placed in the way of Ihe oi l. Ins band and a bullet hole in hi' Mr. and Mis. George II head. Last night Wong killed' sailed last night on Mir IVAah Low long in a quartet r igu i t Aa.ntou.ve;. MANY WHALES ROSE HARBOR Record Catch of 139 at That Station: Naden Harbor Got 59 and Xyuquot 83 VICTOHIA, Sept. 15. The Consolidated Whaling Company reports the season rather disappointing but there was' no scarcity of whales at Kyiiquot, though the vessel had lo go lo sea farther than formerly. Three boats cantured 83 mammals al the Munro Prince nco u vef?sTa nd"s f atldn . At the (Jueen Charlotte Islands stations the whalers operating out of Hose Harbor took a record atch of 130 and out of Naden Harbor at the north end of the Islands, two boats took 59 whales. STEVENS COMES TO SPEAK HERE Loader of Conservatives In This Province to Speak Behalf of Bushby VANCOUVF.H, Sept. 15. Hon. II. II. Stevens, in. charge of the : iTonservntive campaign in the province, leaves for tjie north next week visiting Anyiix, Prince Hupert .and several other points where he will speak in-behalf of the candidature of George Hush-by. Conservative headquar I e r 9 here learns that Hon. Arthur Meighen will spend a week In Iho province from October 5. RENELACOSTE TO JOIN ARMY French Tennis Star Ordered to Report for Military Service Tomorrow FOHMST HILLS, Sept 13 Heno Laeote. the French Davis cup ar, who yesterday'P'won Iho match in the first round of the National lawn tennis championship beiiiie played here, lias been ordered to sail for France Wed nesday lo i-eoorl tor compulsory nilitary service. . . EGYPTIAN SWIMMER FAILED TO CROSS ENGLISH CHANNEL Arrived Within Three and Half Miles of Dover When he Gave up HOULOONi:. Sept. 15 Ddial Helmy, the Kgyptian swimmer, abandoned the ullempt to swim Hie Fuglisb Channel lal lifght when Hi mile from Dover. Iln entered Mie water at Cape (irunej a 0 10 a en yeterday