V ij XV NO, SVi t.narj". While I !- Iia lf- given 4 Hie Hi-yrtniiM in the new Hie opinion of Ho-iiml lh- will -un -upport l'-r lltrir pl:-i hey hi- .lutlinwl, to ui to Wiry on without il will "p"n in the .mi) with . the iiaiial and tiiiwM wil! llu- aniuplioit that ii-iii will lie Kiippotl'-il : .yi iv I'-H'oll lo In-- WHEAT POOL CONTRACT NUL hllure to Enforce It In Courts Will Weaken New Organ-liatlon. AW In-.-. 17. That lh' ' ' H'l m an orgatiiialiou i r iraile. ami thai ' iitiin-c It ponlmeU. up tin- farmera tti iell-i iiroiluot In them for i wa the ileeinion of M -n.-u r.mliury here in '' hrotiulit tiefore him ' iK'-mum. it in though!,, will t do pool ery materially, y if it "liinilil meet with 1 i'rie in llio mallei- of a iJrop in prii-i'. DYNAMITE CAPS FOUND IN CASE ' II STiix, (l.r j " ' ao containing -' aim ,m; lf" iil hank in "ITU for in ii i load, on tin- paeiiger Iruiii tlilo eimOta !""' fi flet-ii car load mi Saturday, making in all a total oT 63 ear load in 'day. f lynamilc Imllan . ijps lariyinjf (df name ir a '''' of Jewellern al ' Alieiileen. as)u,m0( f,(l milter u IhihIi 0 "' iiiiill, of CicMmi may fitr- 11 a ilne to lli.. I.li.nlllv or Hin " Iwn men who. heM up Oclohcr. now m'ivIiir a parllclpallon in th Loral railway niutlnils ' an firm in their tielier lbal the new pn-pm-r of AUierlawill eouform lo tin- wiilien of the lion. V. W. Smith to opi-rate thr K.D. A IM".. n a goxeri I en!i'rprie, and pro hie for tin- early exleunion of Hie mail westward, lo eotineel with two proJeeU. iaye Hie I'llinolilon Itulh-llli. II i- on till- poml that Federal aid will le (oughl in exehange for the lieavy ti-alhe I hat wouhl flml it way l tin fealioard over Hie hori eporl nmle in Hie i:.N.I. from Prime tiorge to PriiM-e lluperl. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat C.l'.lt IM'.. Silver.. . Italy Atyokll . Putiwell Olail-loiio premier porter-Idaho Silver Urel Surf Inlel - Howe Sound I.. I Lucky Jim llazellon x. Mannot Termlnu (llactrr Mliflli .jt Hranhy ' Hayvlcw II it 1 1 1 Hope National Silver... Selkirk Sllverxmllh Kid. l.r.ou t IH.(M) 1.58 1.35 . -31 . SX . .ou .nu .ii'Ji 13 U .03 ,0U 18.00 .05 , .32 U .1 1 U .04 Advertise la Ibe Uallr i The tieup of the road lure lias uroblem ; caused almo.l a fi.il famine iitj i , , r ,,.. . Pn tilir riii- oi in iat ami l .miction kin;- undertaken, the shipment i. Hie imH of aoeu-j Premier M u 1,,-lirvr.l it was iitnlMlti-a order winch it Uas,wu,m,,li-.1iiv ttri1!r A extend ;i.cen wmme w mi. iw iraiu ,n ittr mi.r av n.,. rotl: tri uovernmeni win upn ,n .r rt Iihh through , u,ai by way of Fmlay Forks Firllamenl In usual Way liiini where the flrel ili-ud Eipect to Carry on IrWmlion will lake place. I 'art I of it Mill co to Toronto and W . Dee. II.- Mininlcr' Montreal ami other Caiindhui !..i warl to a urcee- eilie hut the bulk will cross I hr i. omew hat strenuous o-er to ClurHgti. New York. io.rli.mem r..iiMiienr.;iHM"n ana xmenrnii reiure. ALBERTA PROPOSES COMPLETE RAILWAY EN ROUTE RUPERT Asked. .IH 1,12 .33 .11 .10 .It 311.00 .13 .13 .01 .10 .50 .0(1 .10 .IH .30 .15 .0tV4 .21 Mi Says He Believes Flnlay Forks Route Would be Best , VH;'Hlll.V. !. IJ. Premier: Oliver in muiug tin- stxuinl rrailiiitf or (hi P.O. K. lull Ho-main fralun- of which i Hit- pro- noctl land tranl for eoloiiizatiou liuriHi' to tiurrlia-ir.- of I lie road, xahl that it mii-'til lc p" flbl t xeeuri1 the en-opraliiirj jif 1 1. u ik MrlirtiMiil k gtt 1l.nrlfi 1,1 tvv ami Hie iMmfiiUm an.l lrat I ItrilHiu in the oluliun of the RAIL SERVICE IS RESTORED Train W' Leave for East at 8 O'clock This Evening Faster progress than expected havlnn been made on the clearing up on the line following the washouts and slides, It Is announced at th C.N.R. supcr'mendent's office that the first passenger train for the east from here In two weeks will leave at 8 o'clock this evening. The train wl I carry mall, express and the usual business. Service will then be resumed as usual, with the train from the East expected to arrive on time tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock and the train for the East leaving at 8 o'clock Saturday night. A fortnight's work of clear-the line completed, the two crews met early this afternoon between Kwlnltsa and Salvus stations. DEFENDS BEER IN COMMITTEE Brewers Appear at Publlo Accounts Probe and Refute Statements Made by Burde VH'.TOIIIA. I lee. I". - llcptc-xculalivcA r the two llrilNIi I'.olumhia breweries appeared he-fore llu public accouulx roni-liilllee ami refilled cIuukc made by Major Hanle of Albernl iitialn! Hie beer made in Hie pro lnce. The committee will unb uilt n report on the Milualion lo the Legislature, PORTLAND WINNER" OF HOCKEY MATCH 25 TAXI nnd 4i Boston Grill Ambulance mlm Servlca Large Lpslair Dining Hall, Anywhere at Anytime.' with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 4S7. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper . BEATING VICTORIA I'HUTLANIl. Her. 17. -Vlclorln nuain came off second lie I in Ihc "hockey game lal nlghll'orU land winning by two goals to one Lord IMinnrr. ln-w high ninn!i-ionr for lu et,f . with iMih iMunier. visiting Hie Aniiemait i-hiir-li Jerualeni hoi Ml Edmonton Board of Trade Wants Square Deal for all Pacific Poih in Freight The teerelary of Hie board of trade has received a loiter finm lie M'cielary of the Kdmoufim board of trade in regard to 41 fron! page editorial in the Prince lluperl Daily Xewfj as follow: .A few day-, ago I received a copy of the Prineu lluperl paper in whii h il i staled that Mayor Itlajclifoid appeared leJiirilhe5wy'Coiiiiii:iuii nul ..mvui;t(etJ a. Iiigliei fn'ighl rale from Kdmonlou lo Prince lluperl than lo Vnn-eomer. "I do not know whal hi exoel repre.en!ulion were, but I wan I lo inform jour hoard and Ihe people of Prlin-e lluperl that Dial i not the altitude of Ihe l-Mm'ouloh boartl of trade. We are fop a -ipiare deal for all Pacific port.-. For thai i-enon we lrougly supporleil Ihe ercelion of an elcalor al Vancouver. Prince lluperl, as having claim- as well "JOHN ULl'K, "Secrelary. Needs of Hospital Are Many and Some of Then will be Met by Surplus for Year in Sight The needs oT Ihe hospital are many, according lo S. K. Campbell, chairman of the hopilal board, who last uighl reported 011 Ihe result of a join) meeting oT the house and finance committee al which Ihe matter of finances was mentioned. .Mr. Campbell said that by practicing the greatest economies and by holding back on needed inrprovt'iiiciits and with the aid of a provincial grant they found themselves wilh a surplus 011 hand wilh which il wa proposed lo carry out ome of the im-provemeuls must needed. He pointed out that changes in the healing system may ue up all!rr" " their money bill (hey hoped not., Some ol Ihe mol needed im-j proveinenls were: Painting the exterior of the hospital al a cosl of upproxi-inalely I500. CuNiiMilnin- the wall of corridors and some of Ihe ward. Hi-placing woruout sinks in kilcheus. Making necessary change In Ihe olhce so thai the secretary may see all who enter and leave Hie building. Helming kitchen ' rang wilh firebrick. Improving Hie 'walk between the Nurse' Home and the Hospi tal. Installing more wash basin on Hie second floor for Ihe use of Ihe il'ielors. Procuring nursery elolhes. Installing towel rack in nurses' home. Heidacing wornout mattresses in the hospital. Hcptcnlshiug Ihe supply 'of ehlnaware. Providing new pillow case. Itcpairing plaster al Nurses' home. N Providing maunlkln for use or pupil nurse., , Providing needed reference book for ue or pupil nurse. Providing orm window for (continued on page six) FRANCE HAS COLD SPELL Blizzard on Tuesday Followed by Low Temperature and Fog PARIS, Deo. 17. France Is suffering from tha mast In-taense cold spell In thirty years. The cold Is accompanied In many districts by fog, which has resulted In a number of minor accidents on the railways, which have only partly recoverod from the effects of the blizzard on n,J QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY MAN IS FINED $300 ON LIQUOR BOARD CHARGE' .1. Ilobinson of Ouccn Chariot I J (Wy has been fined ?300 and cost for keeping liipior unlawfully by .1. I., llarge. .LP. at Queen Oharlolle Oily, ticcordiui: lo hifprmallon roceiveil' by the provincial police. The evidence was obtained and prosecution iu- tiluled by operators if Liquor Control Board. , rni.vur, m IT.lt 1, u.U, lllUliaiMl, Wl.Uh.MUhU 17. 1U2.J. ieiriuy urcunuoir. isox sirm s!r. 1 PRICE FIVK CENTS. IGGEST FISH TRAIN IN WORLD WENT OUT KAT BRITAIN IS GIVEN MANDATE OVER MOSUL BY LEAGUE OF NATIONS Biggest Train of Fish Ever : Shipped Went Out of Prince Rupert This Morning for East ko engines drew 43 cars making fast time OLIVER MOVES Winnipeg ana train win oe aisirwmea j n f r nil I there for farther points I I .u.fc. BILL) W i thought to lie l In- l.irgrsl train load ot fih ever time Icit PniKi- liopert tin- morning wlieii u h two engine, iiml LI ar with fnut'ii lialihul ami al- I mil of Prince lluperl for distribution throughout the s I ln i tin hrl train out following Ihe tf unit of t flood-) Ulill wwhuiiU. i i : i-nr llu fih for 11 car came in from Kclchi-Mii- remainder wa shipped by (he Canadian l'ili ami gc plant here. II will lie followed i evcn more car MINISTERS ARE CONFIDENT OF GOOD SUPPORT Britain Gets All Mosul But War Not Expected Chamberlain says British willing to try Co improve relations between his country and Turkey by negotiation OKNKYA, Dee. I". Neilker the League of Nations nor Oieat Ilritain expeel war in the near Kal because of the de-ciiou of the finding of the League's Council, which gives Moul virtually in it entirely lo (ireat Britain in the form, of u mandate. Colonial Secretin y Aniery declared lt idglit. Foreign Secretary Aulen Chamberlain said Ihe Hritisli government does nut wih to adopt a rigid, iiucompromising-aiti- ! tude but deires lo live on terms of peare and utility wilh Turnkey and will gladly lend ilself lo conversalions to determine 1 whether it will be possible lo improve Ihe relations between' Ihe j two countries. . IS AWARDED FIRST CLASS CERTIFICATE John S. Wilson of the Itoolti Memorial Stliool stall, who came to the city as a second ela teacher, has been awarded a first class eertiricale liy lha Department of Education. Mr. Wilson, who served in I lie Ureal War and won hi i-oiiiiiii-sioii as a rap-lair. 011 Hie field, did overseas Fniversily work wliile in service. He taught al Houston last year. WEST OROWA IS ' ADRIFT AGAIN Freighter Once More Broken Down in Rough Sea of North Pacific COIHHIVA, Dec. t. The freighter West Orowa, which lias been laboring under difficulties in the North Pacific for the past week or more, lias again broken down and is once more adrift and helple in a rough sea. The con-voing ships are standing by. SCHOOL TEACHER OF YUKON DIED AFTER LONG SERVICE NORTH DAWSON. Dee. 17. William (alpil. who taught school a quarter of a century ago in the Yukon, to which he came direct from mIiooI at SI. Peter and St. Paul. Maidstone. Kent. F.ugland, where lias was headmaster for 2F years, di'-d suddenly and was buried yesterday under the auspice or the Yukon Order of Pioneers. POOLEY ASKS FOR PUBLIC INQUIRY TAXING INDUSTRY VICTOMA. Dee. 17. -- It. II Pooley, filed a resolution yester day calling for Ihe appointment of a commission under the Pub lic Inquiries Acl lo hold an in-vesHigalion throughout Canada and the I'nited Stales into method of taxing industries with a view- lo encouraging greater pro-ilnclioq in HrilNh Columbia. Mis K. Milne, who ha bco: visiting in the oily; will salt lo- lliw morrow iiTternonn on the Prlh. cess Mary for Viatoria. BANDITS TAKE LIQUOR MONEY Cashier of Government Warehouse Slugged Over Head and $15,000 Is Taken From Him . . Wl-.VNIPF.O, Dec. 17. Slugged over the head while on hi way to a bank this morning, Thomas Nulla!, cashier of the Manitoba Liquor Commission warehouse, was robbed or fifleen thousand dollars by two armed men who made their escape iu a waiting automobile. ' v Nuttal, accompanied by two employee, was steppbtg inlo his automobile at the front of the warehouse when heiiwas confronted with revolver. The bandits forced him. lo hand over n satchel containing 13,000 in cash and i.ion in checks. As the robber started to run, Nut tal opened fire and a number of hot were exchanged. FUR PRICES IN SEATTLE Fair Prices Paid For Large Offerings at Close of 1925 Auction Yesterday SKA T ILK. Di'Ct? The closing of Ihe l23 fur miction sale yesterday hroughtt fair price for large offering.. Mink was in excellent demand, interior Hritish Columbia skins topping the market with an average or from I0 to I3. Interior llrilnh Columbia muskral sold tip to $1.30: lynx, large and exlra large, brought from 25 to 28, and Hritish Columbia interior wolf from )U to 8tt. MINIMUM WAGE LUMBER ONLY Major R. J. Burde Changes His Bill by Narrowing Down Its Scope ViriOIUA. Dc. 17. - The withdrawal of bi Minimum Wage Hill lii the Legislature by Major It. Jf Hurtle, member for Alberni, when Ihe measure wa called for the second reading and it HUbstilutipn by another which he introduced lo establish n minimum wagcjfrUhe lumbering industry, . tjitj narrowed down Die scop df .Ihe bill in Ihe original mentm one Industry. lo include bill