PAG TWO KJ2 OAFLY 'ftswB Send us yourV name end we The Daily News PI1INCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. :: IL F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES i City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month ,y. 11.00 By mail to nil parts of the British Empire and the United Slates, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, pep year, $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 88 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 88 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOM Fogs Not Dense ' ' . Like In South. ro. this inustfarfSr J Pes -ti Distributors for (fOham K9L9RED Saturday. October 17, 1025. A reader of (he Daily News rang up ibis morning In draw attention to Hie fact that while vessels were tied up in the ports of Vaiiroiiver, Seattle and Victoria, unable to move. out owing to dense fog. the steamers here were, coming ami going as usual We have had fog but not Ihose dense, fogs which make naviga tion impossible. The News' reader nk that we tell the people of Prince-Rupert this. . . It is ( well known fad that fogs are neilher as frequent or as dense here as they are in the south.. .That is one.of the ad vantages of this port from a shipping viewpoint. It is easy o reach the ocean at any lime and -seldpm is there fog that interferes with the movements of ships. Pact Of Security Important Treaty. . The Pad of Security approved by the conference at Locarno i one of Die. landmarks of progress dial w"i!l probably have a far reaching effed on future international life. It does mil make war between the nations concerned impossible but it make it extremely improbable. The jKIicy of Hie United Stales has been In keep hands off Europe and let them fight it out among themselves. Then came the great war in' which that country became eventually involved. Slill the United Stales holds back from" making any pari or taking pari in any -treaty in which enforcement is necessary. Yet force, is necessary and will be necessary for many years to come. Unhappily we are not in a posiljou where pure reason .has a chance to succeed as against the armed forces of I he bigoted patriot. So Great Hrilaiu and Italy have consented In lie the arbiters of the security pact, promising to use fmve o make either France or Germany refrain from invading the territory of the other. Grain Committee ' Is Appointed. The permanent grain commiltee has heen appointed and doubtless vvyi pel to work at once.. The first work will be to lay down a permanent policy, the next to secure funds ami third to engage a man to eiirrv nl Ihe. work. Thnf tefiiK In. hp Hi idja At auy rate, that whs the feeling olf thfc joint meeting ofj me imam or iraite ami tne city council held recently when ilFwns decided to appoint Ihe permanent committee. The stamp of men who have been appointed speaks well for the outlook. Most of them have a little lime lhat Ihey can give to snch work. One or two of them can give a lot of lime to it. IT they go to the task determined to get results, there i little doubt of the outcome. POLITICAL BATTLE IN AUSTRALIA IS Contest Now In Progress In That Country I wealth resound with the political, i battle in one of. the warmest j campaigns in the history of Aus- rutin BEING CARRIED ON ' parties , iUpon the dissolution of (w Number of Issues at Stake , '''" "f Hepresentatiyes was as i follows: i,ator zv, nationalists 27. Country Party II, Liberals i-i, Independent 1; total 75. 7 I W hue the Labor was the MF.LHOU1INK, Australia, Oct Utmugesl group in parliament 17. By Canadian Press . ithc government has been carried Group government. Ihe power ofjon by ascoalition of the Nation organized Labor and other out- alists, headed by lit. Hon. Stan ."landing issue are at slake in ley M. Hnic, premier, and the the present 'election campaign in Country Parly, of which HI. Hon. the Commonwealth of Australia. K. C. G. Page, commonwealth I lie general elecjinn lakes place treasurer, is Ihe leader. The on November It. Meantime town present political fbht is prac- ann countryside throughout the tically between ' Labor and Ihi several stales of Hie Common-, Nationalist-Country coajilion. tes Lumber Brick Cement . . Plaster Stock yottt mnter't, tapply of Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 'Hi ' . WOULD CHART !FIRST BAZAAR ! Q.C. ISLANDS IS ON TODAY Southern Shipping Wen Urge Rebekahs Are Holding uair That Llllooet Should be Be- i This Afternoon In St. An-placed With Ocean Go- drew'e Hall Ing Vessel Coast shipping men are nrginr llial a more thorough survey he mad of lliv west coast of Van couver Islands atnl the Queen iiarimte island, .uiiiougn me Oueen Charlotte Island group and the west coast of Vancouver Island lids summer, it is esti-mateo by the shipping fraternity that a hydrographlcal survey shin should he maintained the ongh charting of west waters has been made. II is suggested that an oceangoing survey ship be kepi permanently employed on Ihe west coast, from the Strait of Juan ie Fuca to north of the Graham Islands,' manned by surveyors and a Crew Of experienced Hritish Columbia coast seamen and officers. The recommendation is made that the Ar.alia, which has been laid up at Halifax for the last Iwo years, be used for the purpose of a year-round survey of coal waters. The ss. Acadia is sliitnlilf ill tvcrv wnv iiiul cmilil o the west roal of the Queen Charlotte Islands as well as Ihe west roast of Vancouver Island- MRS. TAIT HOSTESS AT BRIDGE AND TE4 Delightful Affair Took Place Yesterday Afternoon In New I.O.D.E. Hall on Fifth Avenue Mrs. IL S. Tait was Ihe host ess af a delightful bridge ami lea held yesterday afternoon in the new f.O.ti.K. Hall on Fifth eiiue, Fast. Some fifty to sixty ladies were, in utlendaneo and here were nine tables of bridge. Prize winner were: First, Mrs. Olof Hanson; second, Mrs. Hu bert Ward; ronsolalion, Mrs. W. II. Vickers. Mm. Iterl Creech ami Mrs. Hubert Ward poured; Mrs. 8. McMurdie cut the ie,es and as sisting jn serving were Mrs. Ilarobl MrF.weu. Mrs. G. V. Niek-cion. Miss 'Nad a Johnstone. Miss Caroline Mitchell, Mrs. C. K. Cullin. Mrs. Olof Hanson and Mrs. I,. W. Kergin. PLAYERS CLUB IS ORGANIZED HERE Already Preparing First Play For Production Next Month The Prince llupert Mayers Club is the latest organization to he formed- here It came into be ing last night when a meclitog was held in their headquarters. Third Ave. For several weeks a roup of jouiiK people had been working oil the cre-amtyg farce "Jane" which 11 is planned to put on at this Westliolme 'Theatre the mid? itJcudf. next month' inlaid of the museum fund. They made such good progress under the director- snip ui . A. I.OMIUHI, tiiai it was lecided lasl night to form a permanent dramatic club. Offi cers were chosen as follows: Hon. president II. F. Piillen. President Alex. A. Conuon. Vice-president Miss , Hulh tewart. Spr.-lreasurer W. H. Walton Members of executive in addi tion to officers Miss "JJillle' Iiuike and J. S. Wilson. Business manager W. II. 1 Fleming. TRAINING YOUNG MEN FOR LIFE ON FARMS LOXIHI.V. Eng.. Oct. 17. Fur ther particulars are now avail able of the scheme promoted by die government here for provid ing training for young unem-ployed men which will be calcu lated to fit Ihera for farm work One of the four residential train- ing centre will be at Claydon, near Ipswich, and those accepted will he trained either for farm work In HnRland or overseas. A start will be made wi(h about I,-500 men, of whom 200 will be laled for overscan. Advertlie In the Dally Newt The first or many bazaars that are to be held in (he flity bclwrenj now 'and OhrTslma opened at' 2.:(l this afternoon in St. An- drew'. Hall, Ihe event being im-; iter the auspices of the local' hydroKi-aphical survey ship Lil-Iltebekali Lodge.' The place is looet has been charting some offdecoraled in the preen atid pink the treacherous passes in I hei colors of the order and the varl- ous tables carry an assortment oT useful and tlainty articles that should prove attractive to many buyers,- . Mrs. J. L. Mdhlosh Is general: convener and the various de- whnle year round until a thor-Maitmenls are n in o iliiiie charge of the coast following: Plain sewing- pMrs. G. V. Wil-I kinsou, assisted ley Mrs. J. S. Irvine. Fancy worlc Mrs. James Simpson, assis'lfd by, . Mts. A. jterner and Mr. J. McLean. Home cooking Mrs. S. V. Cox. assisted hyf-Mrs. llerl Morgan. Candyt-Mrs. Thomas Priest, assistisj by Mrs. Jack ltobie. Fish pond--Mrs. V. s. Ilam-uiond, assistetl by Mrs. Frank Morris and Miss Hughes. Tea Uiblo Mrs. J. YV. McKln-ley; Mrs. A. McNeil and Mrs. Wilson, pouring: Mrs. J. Mc-Keehnie and Miss Currie, ser-viing: and Mrs. Pert West cashier. In the course of the afternoon there will h a. musical pYrfgrnnt to which Mr. A. Mitchell and Miss Aleita MrKinley. with piano and violin duet, an.t Mis Curri-' and Miss Connie Morgan, with oiano solos, will eoiiliihule. SPECIAL DISPLAY AT B.C. FUR CO. MONDAY WHiy has I lie B.C. Fur Com pany's store ht'm' eo popular iu uch a short line'' It is be- efliise Ihey endeavor to faithfully serve the publip and to give to every custoiiur that personal isBilillliiUasiMK. Ihey earn- cvluive mo.lel intdlilale but I d want ivvcniy fo style and uualily in Indies' Fur,' aaamsi Stork. (ktats and Chokers at prices whioti bring, high . quality fur- within the range til every bod y'rtj pocket book. A special fur display will In placed in the windows, Third Ave. Hext G.W.V. at lJtH o'clock Monday morning. On thin display some ridiculously low prices will be given" and it will pay you to be on hand early to lake advantage of them. Tea will ! served during the after noon, free. Hie business of the H.C. Fur Company is conducted under tin personal management of Ihe (Obi Ctijntry Furrinr. A. THE MAN IN THE MOON ONF. thing about living' here. Ihe l'oys qaiinol ' very well 'grt wet.' ' y WHITING jokes Is - dangerous. The person might nlarry one perhaps. - V. " ... ITjeally Joes not mailer what a girl knows. Thp question i. wbere did she learn ft? I WISH I was - n candidate. Then I'd have soiii'dblng to do. AS Mark Twain ; would have said, the report of the Oueen Mother' death vyas gl-eatjy exng ueraled. JAKK nays "if.fclnrk U nol elected I'll be ...damned." I think he will anyway. ONK thing that won'l gel you anywhere is slaying U nights trying to figure out which can- "ft-HoUoySw. Ft-Ee$y-CrHin IMOND SAWS tWOKBJ C1!UMMC0.1T. UONTMtAL Vmgimmii T1IK opHisitinn , candidates have forgotten a good point. They are well aware that the Markenxie King Government is in I rower so of course Ibew must be responsible for the fogs on the roast. They should have in- sliluled a fug remover system i lHg ago. - A COW got in Ihe road of some polilk-iuns down in Quebec proviece uim! sent some of them to heaven. Here if would lake more than a cow to show some of the politician Ihe error of their ways. MAJOIt liulloek-Websler hat been directing "The Green God- jiless" in Ihe south. Here we want someone to direct eupid' dart I more efTeelivnIy and wiih greater Uudglnenf. THINK howmueb ldler the' world -wiiirid be it me uf the bachelors iimilnd lown were married! THINK . . . but why be no unfashionable as to think? Ten Years Ago in, Prince Rupert October 17, 1915, Parker Williams. Socialist member of the legislature for Ladysmilh. addressed u large meeting In the Fnipress Theatre last night. He denounced present 'methods of provincial govern ment and predicted that the Tories would be swept out of office at the next election. S. II. Macdnnabl, president of Ihe Trades & Labor Council, was In IJie chair. The fishing boat Lola was burned and sank nil porchcr Is. land yeslerday. Her crew, Messrs. Ksly. Sliiven and McLean, escaped In a small boat but lost all I heir gear .and personal belong, ing. They were brought lulu (own by the mail boat. The G.T.P. wlnler lr,imnhlp schedule will commence on October 28 when the Prince John will replace Ihe Prince George I which win go up ror overhaul The Frlnco llupert will continue In yervicu, l(HleI210 Formerly $135.00 Now nn . dttcntion! Every ulkinr truihmc U not a VICTROLA Why bqfltub- liiutr you ficpfUdou xllCcnuInc VICTROLAS to I no more leak far Hit trade mari Wtwnit elvie so necessary in the.didale is gtong to win. I'm choosing of furs. willing to bet against i-iihrr run- SaluTrmyr. eIober 17 This $ 1352 Genuine new His Master's Voice' Victrola Now selling for SOT.50 Take advantage of this opportunity to secure a genuine new "His Master's Voice" Victrola. Never have prices been so low. Make your selection while dealer's stocks are complete. Victor Talking Machine Compear Of rndJ tnrffd "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" Hung Harry Lauder, and on washday morning you pr . feel like singing Ihe same Hung. So why not end llial ancient drudgery to-day THRIF-T SERVICE Just coll for our TIIHIFT-T HKItVlUK which will do r bit of the washing and iron the flat wrtrjt l". Wh wash out of wash day lhat " hale to gel up in Hie :n ing" feeling will be gone for good nml all. THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and 1c a piece. Minimum Charge $1.00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Fleeting Dry Dock Engineers, Machinist!, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Pattern makere, Foundn, Woodworker!, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant it equipped to handle al( kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3t. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizzell Ilutchcr Shop, acroM from the Empress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamas Zarelll Proprietor