PAGE FOUa ; K will always w taste better creamed with m w VAPOIWTCO in Canada 'From Contented Cows' You Had Better Get Your Name on our list For Dry Kindling Every .piece kiln dried find easily split. Large load $6.00 delivered, or 5 bundles already split for $1.00 delivered. "Taxi" Call 112. Always open and ready to give service all hours. Ono or two passengers anywhere 50c. Clean Sedans, polito drivers. COAL 'Wo have a new coal on hand $11.00 per ton delivered. No dirt and very little smoke. A perfect range coal, nut size and extremely hot. Order a ton nowl Drayage of all kinds attended to promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. 'ART' Clothes Overcoats to measure Steve King Third Ave. Green 85 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for AJAX HEAVIES Pronounced by experts to be the, realcst advancement made in shot shells in the past (0 years. 12 gauge only. Kaien Hardware Co. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CI. (Mage, Warehousing nd Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Oravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Roving. Tilt DAIL sstio BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus ILL CXI TM OVKK C j TWB tiOUO(K4 TO COMP TUB OwKflK o Qimv I Don'here? 1 I OP MCE Cm CO,M, TO ' 1kiG COiL,Otn r-j ArwRTMt: f i wvxoo ill lifpJ J VOlM OO TOO - n.t .inij ftniLronV I I not v;r duv ttz ttfel . ... . I I ne tm- . yook . . r WVMX 3 I fc-v r-r',l Hill i III ' ' - 1ZHJ I I I I I r-i r r-. I I rr -1 . . . r Mm r-im um . r o 'He?: ir STEALING FROM BOAT IS CHARGE ON- WHICH MARTIN COMMITTED Was Arrested Last Night Knox Hotel and Before Magistrate Today LADY HIKERS ARE at Joseph Martin, a new arrival in the city, was committed for (rial in the city police court this morning by ' Stipendiary Magis- Irale II. F. MrLeoil on a charge f theft. , On October It, Michael Oashen, owner of the srasboat filory, re ported to the police that belween1 AT PRINCE GEORGE Miss Anna Rorvlk and Mrs. Sam Johnson Reached Half-way Point of Long Journey Last Evening Miss Anna Horvik and Mrs. Sam Johnson of Ibis city, who ire on a hiking trip from Prince fluperl lo Vancouver, reached ' Prince (Jeorge the half way point of the long Journey last evening on schedule lime. After resting a day or so at Prince Oeorge, they will resume Ihe hike going south by way of Quesnel and the Cariboo trail lo Ashcroft and thence to Vancouver. JOINT MEETING AT USK LAST NIGHT Hon. A. M. Manson and Fred Slorl held a joint meeting with O. W. Ts'ickersnn at L'sk last evening and were given an im partial hearing. According lo Nlckerson's committee the audi enre was divided. TESTS ON RECOVERY OF GOLD FROM BLACK SANDS QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. (continued from page I ) be used io recover the fine goldl from Ihe- Skeena. The recover-J ing of Bold from the river sands' by cyanide varies considerably, from the treatment of heach! sands. Mr. Cabrera spnnt over a month on Ihe Skeena Ibis sum-; mer and is certain that this process, varied, In meet river cnndl- lions, will be ns effective on river sands as on beach sands. I He wll go lo Ilazellon shortly, wiiii a laimratory outfit and make a series of tests, before re- turning to Iho east. ton plant to be imvHimI on Uie The results attained by Mr. east enasi of .aham Island, ac-f.abrera on the I'raham Island (ual work to sia'-t about January sands came after two years of 1. The corporation is now heiiwr persistent effort. In February,; organized by l -aI attorneys. 102 1, Mr. Cabrera sent two em- nlovees In Massed. It. J'. lliirunr It and J. A. Lane, two men who hud. -1 1 i.j... , t nmmkimi wiui mm on iaie i.ree in the Omineca the year before. From Massett these men travelled the beaches on the north and east coasts and obtained samples of sands from variou.-Iocatinns. These samples were sent to Mr. Cabrera in Prince Ilunert where and results carefully kept, Work at Massett In the summer, li2i, a plant was commenced at Massett designed In treat ten tons of concentrates per day, the concentrates lo be obtained by sluietug. Hefore Ihe completion of this plant beach sands showing hfcih values in gold, were prospected on the north beach. The values in these sands, were found to be high erfnugti per Ion In not re quire concentration and further that they were free from clay? slimes i and in addition were found to be free from any interfering apenls detrimental to cyaniding. These three condi lions promised the ideal. Therefore a small lest plan! was erected on the north beach ami tests and runs were carried on therein for over six weeks, till October, 192 1. The P.Il.C. Mines Co. of which Mr. Cabrera is the one ihint owner was responsible for the work up to this period. They, however, did not continue the work this year as several ileals were and are still pendin for the sale nj (heir holdings. v itlf the financial assistance of Carson and Company of To ronto. Mr. Cabrera was able to ronnnue in worK mis summer ami to bring same In a conclu sion that satisfies and justifies all concerned. Plant to be Erected It is expeclertha'l work on the construction of a farge cyanide planl (will bo started within a very short lime, as Ihe Toronto inlorests had their representa live examining the property dur ing the past two weeks with this end In view. John Tough of Toronto repre ents the easleners. Mr. Touch with his brother were the owners adelnhia operators of the first pro- Tim nnrclinsnp vvno f.nrann ,i i' ing mine in Hie hlt'Klantl Co.. brokers, of Toronto, who ac- ,'n"? t"'1" nr "ntario. 'I hey were nuired an inteiesl in Ihe nrn- ''se'l'ienlly well known by Iheii nerliP anil in turn iiUnnao.i nt . ecessful management of the same In Ihe Trelhewey-Tough Syndicate of Toronto. A corporation is to be organized nnd the various Interests in the lands pahl for by slock. Skeena River In addition to the Oraham holdings Ihe company has acini red leases on thr Rkoorm Tough-Oakes Co. of Toronto. Mr. Tough with Mr. "Cabrera are in Ilupert en rouln lo Hazel Ion where Ihey will spend several weeks examining properties thero hefore returning lo To ronto, In addition lo the Toronto concern, a Philadelphia syndi River near Hnzelion wi.nro n.,,B ' ntm prepnring plans am A one of your daily dozen shine up with- ZinI ShoePolish keep you and youfshoe 1 " 5. S3 I Cabrera cyaniding process wltPecinnaHons for a two hundred r SPORT CHAT k-- n Indoor sports are now pretty well under way in the city for the winter season. Men's whist started on Thursday night of this week and ladie', last night Fixtures will take nlare regularly they were assayed ami submitted until ' sdring.' Billiard will In to various recovery lests. (started next Tuesday night with in .March .Mr. Cabrera went to the second division mealing of Massett where assaying was con- Iho Prinee Itimeri llillinnl Par- Hie evening of October 13 and tinued to determine Jecononeilor and firolln. On the morning of October 11 a. deposits of gold sands. Screen, night, the (ireal War Veterans suitcase u iii i two emu nags, ron- aining wearing apparel, ami also 38 calibre revolver had been removed from his boat. The oods were found by Constable Vult on another boat at Cow Hay ind the trail subsequently led to the Knox Hotel where rlar(in was tiresled last night by Constables Macdonald and Potterlon. Ac- used had on his person the re volver which was identified by Cashen. The case came up In court this morning when witnesses were Micliael Cashen. (Jeorge '.onstable, K. A. Loring and the Jolice officers. City Solicitor K. K. Jones prosecuted. Martin is said to have a noliee record. tesis were made and then fests and Gold .lorage will play. The on concentration with rocker nml'second cribbagc league set of with sluices. Cyanide lestinff gams will be played on Monday runs were made in a Hraun evening. There is not much sign Laboratory outfit treating fiftyjof life in the basketball world pound charges. Heach sands. 'but Iho annual meeiiug of ih- (sands and gravels, and concen-' Association will probably lake trates of sands were treated and place within ihe next w-ek. It noles and records of procedure .was called n couple of weeks ago but hail to m postponed heuus thore were not sufficient persons present to torm a quorum. A mov I under way in Van couver lo eonvrl Hastings Park oval into an athlotic centre 'or the city. A mass meeting of al! sports organizations in Vartcou ver was hold tins wek to go into the matter.) The sports bodies arc expH;leI; to raise one halt of the amount necessary lo put Ihe proposition over ami Ihe I'x-hibilion Hoard will find dollar for dollar. The carrying mil ol the project would fill a long fell neeji in the city. Vancouver i. Ithort of sports ground now ani various plans are up lo provide more. LADIES' SECTION OF, WHIST LEAGUE OPENS Moose Ladles and Orange Ladies Win Over Daughters of England and Pythian The Ladies' Section of the Fraternal Whist League was of ficially declared open by Mayor Newlon last night and scores of the games played were as fol lows: Moose Ladies, 5; Daughters o Knglnnd, i. Ornne Ladles, 5 Pylhiau Sis. . . . if - i : . . . Tli.ft player? -iijr the varfous learns were ns follows: Pythian Sislers Mrs. F. V. Wermlg. captain; Mrs. Oeorge Leek, Mrs. A. hurson, Mrs. I) McCullnugh. Mrs. W. Oilolirlst md Mrs. W. Anderson. Orange Ladies Mrs. J, Houl- ter, captain; Mrs. M. Mellobbie Mrs. C. llouller, Mrs. S. V. Cox Miss M. Vierick' nnd Mrs. !' ttarber. Moosehearl Ladies Mrs. II Jafkson. captain: Mrs. P. Wlng- ham, Mrs. 0. Stegavig, Mrs. A Ihrfslinnsen, Mrs. T. Johnson md Mrs. J. Ilalchford. Daughters of Knglnnd Mrs D. Wilton, captain; Mrs. J Howe, Mrs. A. Hills, Mrs. V, Hrcwerlon, Mrs. W. Shaw and Mrs. C. Tuck. FIRST OF ELKS' WINTER DANCES Oood Crowd Enjoyed Affair Stag- en bv Brother Bills In Tholr Home Last Evening Some in or B0 couples spent, a very enjoyable evening nt Iho dance staged last night In their home by the Klks. Music was furnished by an orcheslrn consisting of It. Arthur, Jr., .Mrs, It. P. Ponder. It. Wilson and H. Kasljnan. Tim committee con-slsled of W. V Willlscroft. master of ceremonies; W. II, Dcrry, Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for ten than 50c WANTRO WANTF.I). Two or three first class traollers for section of Western Canada, either ftri! lime -for two months or side line for season. Large commissions. Ilig tpMrl unity .News publishing Co. Ltd.. Truro, X.S. 213 OLD Artificial Tefth ltoughL any condition. Highest prieea nt by return mail. It. Punstan. P.O. Itox 3. Vancouver. It.G. I'.slahlislied thirty three year. WANTF.I). Woman lo do hmie- ork either morntngs or afternoons. Write Itox S9, Iaily New office. 2tS illlL wanted for general house work during day. Apply Mr. F. (iilhuly. Phone tireen 201. WAXTKIt. Man lo look after some boats for Ihe winter. Apply .Northern Kxehange. S3 WOMAN wants work by the hour or day. Phone lied 320. SITUATIONS VACANT MALE. WE are looking for a live wire specialty salesman to sell high clas machinery and olliet specialties on commission l butchers, grocers and other merchant. Applicant must he able lo furnish bct reference for salesmanship and responsibility. Write giving full particulars also territory covered. Silro Product. 855 St. Lawrence Itoulevard, Montreal POSITION WANTED :o.MPKTI:NT bookkeeper and stenographer. male, desires position with local firm. P.O. Jinx i.'!2. 212 FOR SALE 10 II SAI.K. Dining room suites. bedroom suite. Chesterfield suites, ranges, stoves, bed linen, towels, window blinds inlaid linoleum and printed linoleuinn, lounges, chairs. GhilTionicres, Dressers, lied-steads.' mattresses and sprinss Dining tables, kitchen tables. table oilcloth. A. Mackenzie, Furniture House. Phono 775 l-OIt SALIi. Oasnliue launch and Tird. Sedan. Ilal eiiap on terms. Phono Hed 720 for particulars. HOUSHIIOl.D Furniture for Sale. PhonoDr. Ornnt. Phono M. PF.DIUItHKD Toy Hoslon lerrler for sale. Phone 78 i. 2 in FOIL SALH. Iluffct and chlnn cabinet. Phone 3H. If FOIl SALR- Knglish baby buggy. Phone Oreen lUn. FOIl SALI'. Crnaiu wicker bug gy. Phone 10(1. 2KI MISCELLANEOUS STHNOUHAPHKHS' Kxaiiiinalion for llritish Columbia Civil Ser vice will bo held on Katurday afternoon and evening, .November 7, 11(25. For application forms and other information, apply to the nearest Oovcrn inent Agent or lo W. II. Mac limes, Civil Service Comutis sinner, Viclo.-ia, H,C. x BOARD uuAnii ino Inlander, 830 Second Avenue, ptiono 137. HOAIID and fiootn or Hoard only, iMionc iicu 707. who presided al the door, and L Murray Fuller. This is Ihe Tirst of a series of dances that will be held weekly by U. kj ,roug,' out Iho winter. TO RENT Foil HUNT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walker's Musi.- Store. If NFW Hot SI on Fifth Aenu Vet will he ready for rcn about October 15. Phone (led 7 20. FOIl RKNT. Four rmmie.1 flat and furnilure for le. Flrl 4125 takes il. Pnone HeiIAI7. Foil HUMV-Mwlern house, itte rooms anl bath. Monro llros. CARPENTERS U IIF.N having your house repair ed, see A. II. MaePhersou. Phone llhick l7. If LOST LOT. Ladies' wrist waleh near lloynl Hank. Fimier plee phone Miss C. MHehell, Hlue tH. . 2 FOUND FOt'ND, after (iyro Carnival. bunch of keys. Apply Dairy News office. WOMEN'S HOSPITAL lurgical and Ohstelrieal - 323J. 30th Asenue i (Kerris-dale,, Vancouver, n. II. Dr. Ernest Hall, uiierinlenden' CARS FOR SALE. 1-1020 Nash five pasengr touring I -1021 Overland Sedan 70 t-1022 Fonl Smlan ti25 I -I ton Ford truck, panel bfldy 1376 1-I01ri Mclaughlin light 6, S pass , J5n I -Ford light delivery ehnsis rebuilt 1175 AH etirs gunranleml in gfutd nierhanleAl condition. .Make your own terms. KAIEN OARAOE Ford nnd Chevrolet Service Station. (Joodeur Tire, lias, Oil and Ureases. WIIF.CKINO SF.ItMCK.DAY Oil NMHT. Phone 52. if TAXI Taxi G7 Phone (Call Oeorge. Paul or Oust) Special (i anil 7 passi-ngcr Slude-bakers at your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Arrnss front Kmure-N Hotel. ROTH WELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving llaggage nnd F.xpp'ss Stnnd:Lillle's News Stand, Phone 352. lies. Phone Oreen 020 CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything g.n tut, or delivered, phono us. P.O. Hnx 090 COLUMBIA RECORDS. NFAV Process Columbia Records no scratching, Finest reproductions of Inlest Fox Trots, Songs and music by world famed nrtlsts. Call In nnd hear them. PRINCE nUPERT MU8I0 STORE, I niru Avenue FURNITURE. New and Secondhand I ure Store. We Huy, Sell and Fx. change New and Secondhand floods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 830 Third Ave. 1'hone 04(1. n .11 UtM I' A tin J t. KINDLINQ WOOD AH dry uuidi' vv blocks mm i delit-rtd. ii. per load gi.m slyle -xins v ao lue per lb ISAACSON Seal Cove. t i CANCELLATION OF RUtttl tl'l is lom rr rllputl , , mmh ituiriri. LaaO DSfriwca Viciorw, a i , m i m . iiipbihk mill, rtm mm .... - - " .. " . - T " ' " I KitMa Mtmi w AlKl IfWT-Kr H U 1ai. . rut ii r,Mrl.' r.i ,,Mt ) IUUI I'KIHI If Ml UK lt i 111 '1 Ml luml. i - n )m i. lrlf li Urn lr Sltiftl II . Blurt I If III . II H(UI l!tl .1 Hi- H l IhS, 1 I el In .. i 14- ' Uhi I 1. IU of I Ml4 A (i itll .hrw mini ibis fftiB lft i f ll. W nl ..f 'I. D II llvt Hi. ' r tttt ;,' III 1"H Olr Will fit' . i .'in ii tal c il.'i. ii , f . ir il . . ti'tr-i It'll,, . i. ,l hi . i'i ih ..atii. aartlilr .,. n tte IS. M llien IWI1) ' Ute W is ' LAID SCI ! r iusiii u tif u L.m4. In llw l unit Rsrontih kuiwfi. l oluai. ntrh imw im i tr'Ml il Mite t i TIM -TI R IMi I' Mill.. ii.ii, i i, ',., Ildfl IIIIiiIm i Hioiiiriii PI I' -riiil, i I K-ain it. Mid ian.i i . wnii,. i. ( I,,.. lulu- ,irwl) -mr ,f I. i 'St, tunrf i-ftlli. w rOwrlr; Uii' til Uyi -r iin - 'Mini irriy i imm. Mit nrtiimfir i raisti: fifrrnr vt i,' rrr f.l nrtt "h f ISNO ACT Lt4. In thr LMd HrriTilMif f Hulirrl. ttMt Imm,.' I iwisity rmir i yi . I mn nisinri. 1kt: urtiiK iMt f' nt I'rUM IWsi. It ' . ti li ipply f'r -tmi-i',n rulli.wiiir ilasmlmi iiml tiSMiwiMSli at 1 i, -i nrllM'i. mrwr nt - i l rim n (ki, i iikl i Willi lUlrly-lMu iliaiii-firl rlMiiitj Urnrr ii"" nrr ftr f-P. Iii hltt iMirilirati aliwr liUh ! I'f '"llltlirtlrrllii'nl. Hi1 (10 1 arros. limrc nr lr num. ' LAND ACT. U -1 , . . . . . , .. .& p. riic oi iniiniies is upp'T In tlio IjiivI nmintlm II -i HiiKri, ami .imiti' at ltl KslU t:rrik whirl) 1 Cr.tall lllvir luml l Ita itHMilli. tK.r. Jnnic.K ihm Jotm A PriiMii liuiwri, lit:, u.ruiii nun. ininuu in sinily for Iur-Ii.t) Hid folio mr IK- t'.iiitiniriirinv at a iO-l l'r uiliKi'tt rmiii-r iif l.i.l 1? I" llwnif 30 rlialns tint llrt-rly rnaln wnlrrlr, Mioro or If- ll rilrfj iht-nre SO rhmn lhfnr SO rhalu isutrrly. sni irffi, iniirn or lc. iOIIN A. niM tsiinil Hill CAISIAR LAND DIITRlOT I ii 11 NaeaprtlMii rl.,i. .f TUrifaDh C, ,TAIiK MlTU'.K thai Jul"! nr Uiral niirlrr. Sllklll'1 Irnrti Ii amilv fur tirriilli " fliit"'' Hie rntfiiwlna- ilcrrll1 i'iiiiiinnr!nf al a runt t'i' Mt dank of i fuikliii. Uf 1 "rl oinrirr, al suiillicatl " nmniiir norih to rimin. llw 'flrrlv dirrrllnn n rhln !' , xniilirrlf ilirrrlion fD rlialn' ", an raorrly ilirprilnn 10 rlniii' 1 ' 0 iiiiinrimni ixiti, Dld AUruit DM, tl. ,,V.L JOHN JACOB fOWt-1"-