W TAXI unci Boston Grill AJ Ambulance Large Upstair Dining iiatl, Servlca with newly laiJ dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 467. ... . '""ry Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper i Hi; - r Vt. XV NO, 53 "lift PMINCK 111 PENT. B.C., SATMIDAY, OCTOBEIl 17, 1025. TMIrf't Circulation 1C33 Itrttt Sift 57 PRICK FIVK CENTS. ORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT SECURITY liS. SMITH HAD SPLENDID RHTPTIM AT ests or Recovery of Gold from Black Sands Queen Charlotte hds. . r ni i i i i t formed in addition to Toronto Syndicate on Cabrera's Specifications 1 sive rt'MiIU have been wo year' continuous work on the gold hearing sand I, ' m Maud, aiinonine (Jharlc T. (Cabrera, Hie urigina-.fnidu prore nr (lie treatment of auriferous black ivis oiKludrd In work Ihi vear for a Turilulu tyndi- S pU-mber 20 to October 0 twenty-two Ion of naud k nit IIic beach on the northeast roal of (iraliutn Tr.; H' nud were -iiecitcil and the screening- ntnouut- r a 11 IJI 11 111 M KJ M RF.VTHDRAWN I It Outers' Trial to Proceed; on Him In na Charats tarlf 1 1 In November v . i U Ort. IT. - To implication. and 'ii-nl of the rrowii - prii.erulton on nix of 33 western ri ml dealer (barged of i'n f (hi" Combine i Act were alnn-Trlal mi Ih other :l prnrwil the flrl "'Iiiit on leu r- tnn'-s on which die 8 mdirti'd. AQHPS WW BANK ROBBERS In hi Vat. I. D.li..nl r. Three Men Who Got Away With Loot K. WVI.Mli, Oct. II. Pleading the robbery or 12,000 '!! i In' lloynl Hank lierr lait 'iitin U, 1 : wit ti) Gorman, ' astro and T. II. Jnliimton 'iM'da' sentenced lo v,in in (ho penitentiary. i ( tahen each by Magls- i llcevor-Polt. V nam Pagtry was handed Mil- British Columbia vrs'cnJay foi a hearing :ilay GRAIN MOVING - a AIA 'W TO VANCOUVER): "oro Than Throo Times as Wuoh This Year to Date as for Corresponding Porlod 1924 WISNII'I-.O, Oct. 17. Oeliv- r of grain at Vitnrouver by .umi(!liin National llailway ' w a nliiklliK incrt"ni over !i c for 1021. In the period ' mi Aiiun.l i in 't'lnii'Milav nlu it 'r lliln week deliverlen totalled ,l)-0 curs a-i ngaliiHl 527 earn In 'hr same period of lut year. EMPRESS SAILED. VANT.OUVyil, Oct. 17. Delayed more Hum 21 bourn In Vancouver harbor with 500 piooien-Vpvh aboard, tbo liner Kniprex f IIUHnia yenletday nailed, for he Orient when the fog lifted Mihily. obtained after a period nfi 1 1? to loriy-etxtit ton were ! treated hy cyauble. Three and; fnr.ntiUi ounce u gold Were! rerovrreil valued at nevenly-nuj dollarn. an average of one dollar ami u cent er ton of unl, .mined. Summary of Costs nie uf tlf rouble . .i ........ ... nwii m u1 ilsLu ubtuiuiki Murina the lenl iho : IUhI of cyanide ier Ion uf and irraletl, ft 3-e. Vit of mmU er ton of aiid Ircalrd, 3-fr. t'Ai "t tine idiitvffif: ler Ion xaiid treuletl. I I -Sc. i l"bi nake a total ool for ryaiifding one on of and, tfl-e. Tin- nboe fteoren do nol in-idode nvi-ilioiid mr the evl of 'liaiKina. .iclmriM(r. rillerinir. rrloriuiK mid iflmlnp, ireripi-talen iMir the rulM of excavatln? and conxryiotr the airtl to the mill. The protertiei on which the work wa roiidueleil eonell of four plarer inlnlnir lene itilii-on the tiorthcn! eal of (iraliaiu llainl on lloc Spit and were iiiirrliapd from Or. ami Mi. J. t'.. Ouiin. i:iiarlei Sienre. Veil Maker. Harbnra Keneb. It. Huruer mid J. A. Lane, nil of MnHt. and (i. W. II. Fbtiber and tMiarliM T. ralnern f I'hil-(coiilinued nn page four) NICKERSON NOT IN CONTEST FOR PERSONAL rtEASONS. All allempl i being made to rreaie the int-priiou thai I am in thin campaign on nccounl of personal grievances agaliul Mr. Stork. I can anitre you thai I have never had any per.onal ill f Terence wiih him. but politically I am convinced thai he ban failed nbnolulely to -land behind Hie Halibut Fishermen in (heir flghl for a nipiaro ileal, and TnrlhJr thai the failure oT Premier King lo live up In hi pre-election promUen In connecllon willi the carrying mil of Sir Wilfrid 4 LuurietV Hallway policy in largely Mr. Slork'n fault. IT neceai,y, he nliould have gone no far an lo' remind Hie ' H"-,Mr. King, on Hie floor uf the limine of hln npeeelt niade here in IW20. and demand II fuiriUmcnl : lnnead, without a pro-led, be allows Sir Henry to lake away Hie Utile lite tlonservnllven left. n. V. MOKKHSON. SALTERY LOSS i WAS REDUCED Nearly Half of Fish That Was Thrown In Water Recovered New and Larger Plant to be Built According lo word teaching I lie cily on lh l'riiiee John last night, the loot a a ri-Mill of thn ouliery rollapie at jedway a eouple or week ago will Hot be in. reat in wan al firl anticipated. Of the 1 30,(ioo mild cured mil thai went into the water: with the wharf, fio.ono have beeti alvaSiiL The laff worked niglili and day for four day reeoerliiR it ami putting up makeidiirt1 hoUfcs to replace thoe that were' loL i II i- I lie intention of the Vaii-roiir company operating the callery to replace it with a new' and larper Mmrfure that will be ready f ir next year's operation. TORNADO TRAYElUNG 80 MILES AN HOUR IN KENTUCKY DOES DAMAGE LUt ILYILLK. Ky., ih l. it. j lloiteii were utirooffl inut man (arm litiihling d'lr")''d and) oilier propfriy dunagfd wIumi aj loniado iravllihK at H mile an hour nwepl central Kentucky lale Friday. The uuinber of in-! JunM may probably reach ?3 people, callred among twelve town. GEN. CURRIE ! SEES PEACE! Declares Thai In Splto of Murmuring and Declamation There Is Prosperity VAXCOt VF.U. Ocl. 17. ' In npite of ail Hie murmuring ami declamation, there neem lo be penre, prosperity and happiness throughout thi laud," naid (ictu eral Sir Arthur Ourrie, principal of McOill L'niversily. Hildrensing a Kaundian t'luh luncheon here yenlenla)'. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. Arsenal 5. tiardiff City 0. Anion Villa J. Itirniinghani 3. Ilollon Wamjercrs 2. lllackburn Hovers 2. Hurnley I, Lverlon 3. I. eed United 0, lluddcmfic,bl I. Leicester Cily 3, Went llrotuwicli "Albion 0. Liverpool 2, .Manrhenler Cily 1. Munchesler United 0, Tollenhani lloln. ti n 0. Xewcantle United , Sunderland 0 Notts Country I, Hury l'. Went Ham I, SherTield United 3. SCOTTISH LEAGUE Division I. Clydebank 3, Parlirk Thistles 2. Cowdenbeath 2. Haith Hovers I. Dundee 5, Aberdeen 2. Falkirk 2, Airdriouians I. Ilninillon 0, Molherwell 2. Ilibi'iulaun (l, llearln l. Kilmarnock 2, St. Mirrcn 3. Motion- 3, "SI. Joliuslone t. Oueen'n Park 2, Dundee United 1, Hangers I. Celtic 0. COLLISION IN ITALY HHF.SSANA, llnly. Oct. 17. Twelve person were kilbsl ami 2U Injured Ibln morning when 11 rioljilil Iralit crashed Into pasienger train near hero today. Endorsement of Nickerson was Refused by Robert Forke Leader of Progressive Party A a politic id nice ling early in (be liimpaiyn the la;id-ing of ticorgc VV. ,Nnkeion a a feiuetciilaiive of he l'iogreMe arty wa clialleiiged by one oi the .peaker. Mr. Nickeroii njilied a lew day. later thai if a.ijo..e doubted hi landing, the wires wete working, intimating thai information mold be secured. The Liberal committee got bn and the foltuwiug telegram received by Hon. J. II. King, leader of the H.t Liberal, from Hubert Koike, l,rogreie leader, liu been foi warded Id the local committee : a "Hrundou, Maji. "llou. Ir. J. II. King. "Ilae not endowed any, candidate, baie left litis to constituent; .ickeiou wired ic for e,ndorntiou; did not do mi; only (bid hint Progressive' plat Turin wo hi to Mip-jMirt if lie mi deired. "Hubert Forke." PEACE WINS AT LOCARNO Format Announcement Made of I Signing of Final Protocol by Delegates LOCARNO, OcL 17. Europe's great security conference ended last night In a victory for ' peace. At exactly 7.30 the j European statesmen who made this victory possible threw open the w'ndow on the second floor of the Palace of Justice and, retclnq decorum, announced to the waiting mu -tltude that the Rhine Pact and other treaties had been formally approved. One of them held aloft the final protocol bearing the signatures of all the deleoatlons as proof that the conference had succeeded In Its mission. BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION GOES INTO LIQUIDATION LONDON. Oct 17 -The affairs uf Hie British Fmpire Inhibition al Wembley will be placed in the hands of the liquidator, it was announced today. Last year a great loss was incurred ami this had been largely increased during the present season. SCARCITY HALIBUT KEEPS PRICES HIGH SHIT prices are still being paid for halibut as a result of scar city. Arrivals follow: American Ouah H.000 to Cold Storage at 17.10 and C Eureka il.OOO to Booth Fisher ies at IG.CO and 0. Grayling 1,500 to Booth Fish eries at 10.80 and 0. Canadian Mulrneac 0,000 to Cold SJlor- npc at 17.80 mid 0. Tramp 0.500 to-AHiii Fisherie al 10 ami 0. Toodiel 1.500 to Cold Storage at 10.50 and 0. STOCK MARKET Bid. Asked. B.C. Silver 1.38 t.12 Duuwell 1.33 1.05 llaielton .02 I. and I 20 Pr ler 2.27 2.30 Silvercrest .05 U .08 Surf Intel . ;oOH .07 Howe Sound 25.00 ANVOX AND S Pfl k F FOUR TIMF.S WELL KNOWN RAILWAY OFFICIAL IS KILLED C. F. Martin, Superintendent of Transportation, Died as Result of Injuries Sus-I ' - " " Utned Yesterday - Word wa. riTfivetl at the local CN.lt. offices this morning that C. F. Martin, nuperiiilendeul of (ratiporlaliou ami a fre(uen! visitor to Prince Huperl in tiie 'lasl, wan killed yesterday. A 'switch engine ran him down in the Vancouver yard" severing !his lower limb and lii- died from the elici ts of Hie terrible iujur-'ie. He was about iO years 'ol jage and in survived by a widow 'out family. His untimely de mise came as a dinliucl shock to his many local acquaintances. JASPER PARK RECORD YEAR Manager O'Brlon of the C.N.R. Motel Says Capacity to be Increased In the opinion of J. O'Brien, manager of the Jasper Park Lodge, who is a visitor in Prince Rupert today, that resort in bound to become one of I ho most popular meccas for tourists on the North American continent. Nature has endowed the place with an abundance of scenic splendors and everything Com bine to make il a attractive a spot for the holiday seeker as is offered any where in the world The new golf course is proving a! great attraction. Mr. O'Brien reports I lull busi ness al Juper Park Lodge thi year exceeded all records and Hie prospects are that il will be much greater next year. For a greater part of the season Ibi year, all avaiiaine accommoua- Hon was laxed lo the limit ami during one month 300 persons were given nrcoiilmodatiou on Pullman ears lined up In the yard for the purpose. The present rapacity f the! lodge is now 350 persons and it is now planned lo increase il next year to 500. With thai end in vylevv, VV. A. Kingsland, general manager of Western linen, and S. .1. Ilungerford, vice-president, visited Jasper a couple of Iwo weeks ago. Mr. O'Brien, who is accompanied by his wife, arrived In Hie cily on liil niuht's train. They are on their way by way, of Vancouver and Portland lo Ol lawa. where they will spend The winter. Over Six Hundred People Hear Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith at Anyox and Vote of Support is Passed ANVOX, Oct. 17. Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith ban won the hearts of the people of Anyox mid a thumping majority for Fred aloik in assured bete. I' pon notice uf lier coming, women irrespective of political parly, organized lo do her honor . Notwithstanding the ilifa. 111 the arrival of Hie boat, Hie full program Was carried out. The j women were addressed at Iwo noon al the home of Mrs. J. A. afternoon, and at the Elks' Hall of lite Iiallot wan stressed in Two mans meetings eelipning in numbers all meeting ,r the. la.l two campaigns were held in! which Mrs. Smith and II. F. KeriM.i m.l.el.l til l.n-ien ie! King administration and nhat-leivd Hie attacks of the opposition. The mine meeting closed willi a unanimous vote lo sup port the Liberal candidate. Mm. Smith's address to a pni'ked hall. at the beach was lei-hapn the most effective in lier career. The independent and undecided voters were obviously Impressed. Altogether upward of six hundred electors beanl Mm. Smith and many inquirie: about, roKilerufg were heard af ter the meeting.- Mr. Smith ami Sir. Kergin left for Alice Arm and will go on lo Stewart before relurninir south on the Canlena Tuesday PRINCE GEORGE IS DUE AT 7.30 TONIGHT C.N.R. Vessel's Arrival Delayed,,r ,he B!(lro.pUy9,cai 0bserva on Account of Heavy Fogs Down the Coast CiN.H. nleatner Prince George.; Capl. Hurry Neddeu, is due lo,-1 arrive in port from the south all L30 thi evening, I In? delay being on account of fog . The George reported herself due here at 110011 until this after noon when word wa received! slit- would not arrive until to- night. The train for the Kant,' which hail been held for her. was. (hen despatched Last al o - clock. LUMBER YARD FIRE NELSON, Oct. 17. Fire yesterday destroyed 1,'oon.OOO feet of lumber at the yard of the, Walls Lumber Co. al Evan Lake at a loss of $75.00(1. . ? -. KEEP AWAY FROM RUPERT. Notice is hereby given lo : all itersons living outside I he city and who al present have intentions of coming to Prince llnpert for the purpose of obtaining work that il is advisable that they should r?ive up their intention ol, so doing. vlrv The Cily Councll'iuis decided t It a t mrdoles are to he given This jwlnw and thai all city work wilMe given to periiianenl resi-denls of Hie ellv Notice is further given tliit so far as the labor market in Prince Hupert in voncertied It is fully supplied willi labor and that Prince Huperl is a very undesirable place for person lo come lo at present fofJhe purpose of obtaining-, iwfirk. F- .k.. A Cily Clerk. PACT social gatherings Thursday after Swuusoii al the mine Friday at the Beach. The special value ' QpVpW fRAWTpn wlJ I IJll SlrLMLllJ I I T fP "iriT'PP I I II I (h l,K h P N AS U J A 11JX4U University of B.C. Hands Out Honors to Prominent People at Convocation VANCOlVF.lt, Oct.. 17. Seven honorary degrees of L.L.I), were conferred at Hie first assembly of the convocation of the University of British Columbia last night, bringing to a close the dedication, ceremonies in connection with thenpening of the new building at Point Grey. Lieut. -Governor XicbL Sir Arthur Currie, president of McOill University. Dr. Henry Su,allo of the University of Washington. Hon. J. D. .Maclean, minister of education. Dr. H. E. Mackechnie. chancel- i lor of the University of B.C. Dr. T. S. Plaskelf. F.H.S., head lory at Victoria. Dr. II. K. Young, .provincial superintendent of health. DUTCH VESSEL IS DAMAGED Thousand Tons of Cargo Being Lightered from Eemdyk on Bentlnck , Island YICTOHIA, Oct. 17. A thou sand Ions of cargo is being lightered from the Dutch freighter L'emdyk which is ashore at Beutinck Island following failure of an attempt to pull the ship olT the rocks. The craft is badly damaged on the port side from bridge to bow buf is practically intact on-the starboard shlo. Number One bold is louded while some water lias also entered number Iwo hold. WORK CAR WAS HIT BY TRAIN Two Provincial Constables and Section Crew Had Narrow Escape TF.nilACK. Oct. 17. What might have proved to tie a much more serious accident occurred on Thursday at Salvu East when the work i'ar. on which Constable Kggleshaw of Terrace and VV. Service, policeman from Sinitli-ers, together with the section crew from Salvun, was hjt by a freight train In a rock cut near Salvus. The passengers all jumped lo safely but the cat was complelely demolished. FOLEY WON DECISION 3 YANCOUVEIt. Oct. 17. Vic Foley won a ten round decision overvloe Lynch or California here last night.