if,- 1 -AOK MX TBI DAIL7 rTKWB Diamonds In the Latest Design Setting Finest Oualily Stones from $25 up , Value Guaranteed or Money ltefundcd Eye Glasses Must fit perfect. Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience in the large centres testing eyes and filling glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North Crepe House Dresses . . . ! J! 1, i II, Hig variety of Colors and Designs. Value to $3.50. Special $2.25 H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9 WEEK-END SPECIALS Visit our Meal Dept. and gel acquainted with our new butcher. No. 1 Sleer Hound Steak, 2 lbs. . 45c Slewing Steak, per lb. 15c Sirloin Steak, per lb. . . 30c Hamburger Steak, 2 lbs. 25o Pot lloasl, per ',b. .. 12'2c I'ork Sausage, very special, 2 lb, for 35c Walk Over and Save Money at Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phones 18 and 84 HUDNUT'S TOILETRIES Yr arc storking u "complete line or Hicliard Hud-mil's popular "Three flowers" preparations and other exquisite Hudnut creations at popular prices. Three Flowers Perfums, per oz $2.00 Three Flowers Face Cream 50c Three Flowers Face Powder . ... .. . .. . $1.00 Three Flower Hand and Face Lotion 50c Visil onr new store and receive a sample. Rupert Pharmacy Cor. Third Ave. & Fifth St. Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Holflorson Block, Prince Ruport, B.C. Office Hours S) to 0. X-Ray Service Phone 680. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Lvcnlngs FINE WORK OF LOCAL CARVER Alex. Yule Is Artist With Knife on Whalebone and Ivory The majority of people igel a lot of pleasure out of a hobby during their spare lime, and various fields oT endeavor are undertaken in this connection. One of the most useful local ! hobbies, and one that bids fair to give our city a maximum amount or publicity, is the making or souvenirs from whalebone, cable's claws, etc., by Alex. Yule, Mcliride Street. For some considerable time past Alex, has spent his leisure hours in manufacturing remarkably attractive trinkets including tie pins, rings, bracelets, brooches, and h hundred and one pretly ami useful articles from whale-' bone, etc., which are artistically, decorated with solid gold and make ideal gifts for erther male; or female. Alex, will make up' anything by request at a very! moderate charge. i Around the Christmas season there is great demand for these pretly and pseful trinkets and the business gets bigsgcr every year. There are quite a number of orders already on hand for Special articles for Christntas but Alex, always carries a representative stock which will doubtless satisfy the majority of peo-; Pie. ; C.N.R. SECURES THE I AWARD FOR EXHIBIT Canadian National offices here. Auditorium Wdl open for u month's Skating Beginning Tuesday Ec, Sept. 15. Aflernoons ... 2 to 4 Kvenhigs 8 lo 10 Good Music both sessions Competent instructors lo leach beginners. L. J. Marren - Prop. Phone Black 449. The awards for 1925 will not be'" 'iH-nre SO rhxlm noullierly: ttirure t -Imln wenlfrly: tlwiwe SO rtialm north rly: trwnce SO chain rmlerly to point f rnmninrement, and contalninr 40 acre. more or ies, C. P. lilEI. ppl'"r FREE DEMONSTRATION VEGEX Mrs. Law will demonstrate Vegex. the richest known food in Vitamin H on the market today. We cordially invite yon to all end. Rupert Table Supply Co. Four Phones 210 - 211 - 212 - 29S A FREEMASON'S SUFFERING "FRUIT-A-TIVES" WORLD'S BEST REMEDY FOR CONSTIPATION ft. ' '"' TZIt MR. J. H. MCLEOD "I was troubled very badly with Rheumatism and Constipation and tried a great many remedies without relief, until a friend of mine recommended "Fruit-a-tives". I took several boxes and was very soon completely relieved and am very grateful to "Fruit-a-tives-. I think that "Fruit-a-tires" is the best remedy in the world, and hare recommended it to a great number of friend who have benefited by itV-J. II. MeLeod, Nova Scotia Freemason's Home, Windsor, Nova Scotia-Constipation is the treat curse of old ace. Vet day by day, more and more elderly people are enjoying vigorous health through USING NUMBER 13 SCALED TENDERS EiUlt William Murphy, Dtctated SKM I h TEMtEflM u1H l mrelvnl hyl he offir-mi sdnUnistratwr. I'rlnw lnurt. llio Kth ilty of !tiivMitlxT. IBS1. for tin- i iiioMinr Miiiinr nilfrei: 1! niit-reni lit th VellowKiiHM- OriHin iiimlKtlnir nf Yello'Mim." "llultR," ami win nun i niiM-rai i a mi rinwi l -li-i- Si.niMi hi. 1- inierrKt in the AiuieomU Oruup." .iMMtmr ir ttt "Aimi'iiiKli," "AnanuiNli I." and the "AnaMmda Kractl'ju" Mineral claim. . 1 l-:i mTt lu llw I'avroll Omiifif run-lllnr i.r Uip "Hayn.ll Ko. J" ami "l'y-roll 4 " Mineral Ola una Tin- alio uioiiUuiii-d rlalnm are all -muni- in inn miiikmi imrcr sminn uf l! IVirlland (nt Mlnlnr lilvlltm. mk.i r tin- I'laimi adjufi the "Furly Nln irMlp." Tin- l'iwet or any temlrr not nerea-Mlily arreplcil. LAND ACT. In t!w Ailln land OUtrlrt of Camilar. TAKE NOTICE that I. Hiplilet Noll einter. of Sw York. N.Y.. t!.S.A., tirtu-mii.m tirnkpr. In I "il to atinlv fur in.. iiiIkIoii to puriliaw the followlnir de crllied Imirtri: Dimiiiendnr at a !t planted alHiul SO rhuina miii ill of Karlne'a I'nlnt on the "l Ide if Tarlnh l.nKe. atMrtit eleven mlle otith of the Yiiknn hutnidary line; Ihenre weM SO rhttlii: tlienee north 40 ehln: hence earn so rhalnit; ttienre noiilherlv following- BliitiB- the nhnre line nf TairUh l-ake to p"lnt of eonitneiirement, aald parcel coiiiaininr sn arrea, more or ie, EUPIII.ET NUTT I'OTTElt. Applicant rrca Ltwaiin, Aaem ruled nrni ih j GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT Notlca of Aoollcatlon for Bur Llcanta. MiTli:i: l.i IIKKHIV nivilN that on tnc ir.tn Or i if iii-iiiIiit. iu:,. t ie uiKler- lancil Intend to apply to the l.l(iior Ointml llimril for a llcenw In renpeet tn p'-emliuo'. heiiiK part of tin- liiillrllnr Known an "KUlcitate lioardiiia lliiimc. fini-Rtert nl KkUli-icati'. iohiii the ImiiW (In- acrlhcrt an Lot 10. fllork 4, aeeiirdltnr to a rrfrlMrred map or plxn depoMltcn In the Land liedatry rirrire Hi the City of I'Mnce liuperl and tiinnlinred VJI, for the le of heer liy the or hy the open nimr Mir I'OIIHIIIIIpIIOII Oil tlie 7l'lltl . Iiutrd at SkldcKHte. II. CV. tills fOUi .i "i oepiviniier, iv. LUMUD C. STEVENS. Owuer, Applicant TERRACE NOTES The Liberal party opened its campaign here ou Thursday night when Fred Slork, M.l'., and Hon. A. M. Mansou. altorney general of 1I.0. spoke to a good representative audience in Progress Hall. Mr. Stork's address dealt chiefly with the record of Ins activities on behalf of the constituency during his four years in office. He also gave a synopsis of the present political standing in the different provinces ami possible changes winch might lake place. A M. Ma iion discussed Hail- way and Kiiituigratioti policies. 'ariTf issue and trade and commerce reforms. The meeting was preinded over Oy K. T. Kenney and Mrs, Al-wood's orchestra rendered several selections during the evening. At the quarterly meeting, of the Farmers' Institute held in Progress Hull on Thursday evening. 11. L. Frank and Jas. Swano were appointed as delegates to attend the District Convention of ;lhe Farmers' Institute to be held I in Terrace on Wednesday, Onto ber 21. Ordinary routine busi ;ticss was conducted and it wa decided to sell I heir lot and building thereon, on the terms agreed to by the Fall Fair Hoard The meeting was held oarly ow ing to the political meeting I ing held in the same hall. - f ruit-a-tives". This natural An eujuyabl&'eveiiiug was spent V"'""? iniensinea at the home nf Air. ami Mm. I fruit juices ensures the complete natural digestion of food for people of all aces. At your dealers 25c and 50c. W LNMl'Fli, Oct. 17 Award of' FEARED TO START the certificate of honor and com-; meniorative medal for 15)24 to the Canadian (National Railways' exhibit at Wembley, is aniioun- eed in u cable received at the! II. Kenney tin Wednesday, when Mrs. henney entertained at a ! surprise party to celebrate her husband's birthday. About a j dozen friends were present and a pleasant evening was spent ai itirir.n tl, I l .... MARRIED LIFE IN i f ' Keuney and Geo. Little. Hefreshmcni were served. -- :- j Mr. an? Mr?. George Thain EDMONTON, Oct. 17. There wnu woru married last week at a marriage cerliicale in vanar.-Hiot were visitors to ler- tnade for some months yet. the office of the' registrar ra;c on Wednesday. Visitors who saw the exhibit in "r vital statistics whfcrh has the pavillion or the Canadian Na-jhree limes been offered to pros-' J- Lindsay, local merchant, lional Railways at Wembley in'pective brides and three times, superintending the loading of. 11)24 were unanimous in describ-j ierued. 11 bears the legend21 ear of Niaal iiotaloes this ing it as one or the outstanding! "Cancelled, no one will accept." cct. "'e shipment to go to features of the display. And this tieeause it is No. 13, ini,,rinoc Huperl. King Ccorge and Queen Mary,'" new issue of certifieates. One " the Prince or Wales, the King, bride refuwit on the ground' thati 1-ml Stork, M.l'., accompanied and fjueen or Spain' and the "he had had bad luck enoujgh ai-!'' Attorney (ieueral A. M. Man-Prince or Siam were amonir tlwme1 ready in her choice and anvwav arrived frtHn Hupeii on to express their appreciation ql I lie size and variety of the C.N.R exhibit. AIRPLANE CRASHED. NEW SALKM. I'enn., Oct. 17. - Three men were killed lale yes- 'erday when an army airplane caught fire when il Crashed ugainl a farm hoiire near here. LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Purcnat Land. In Xh" Land RW-orrtin nutrlrt nr rrlnr nnixTt. and Htuf.e at Blr rails CrpiH hlrh flown Inin ErMall Hlve abinii Id mtlM fnim tl tnnuth. TAKE NOICE that CIlHon P. m-l of erlnre fluwrt. B.C. mrimitlnn lumlwr. limn. Inleiirl to apply for ppriiiliiln to purrnae w innuuinr nonrrilicil mndi: Cmnnii-nclnr at a pot plnteil at tli xMiinweai conirr or ftJS. lunirp four; she was IS years older than her Thursday ami were taken toy husband, and one 13 in the deal olor over a ttood part of I he was enough. The next couple JlWet around town, returning said that usually they were not(l JJr,'s Hie electors in Pro- superslitlous "but In a thing ,,a" Ul 1,1,0 eveni(f. like marriage 'you can't afford to take a cliawce." The third. ROBBERY AT CHICAGO ClIIi'.Aiio, (Jet. 17.-Four held up the plant of the international Harvester Company this morning and escaped with MS.non payroll. C. lriee-(iren of Montreal, couple were from the country commissioner for Natural Re two young things just starting urces for Itie C.N.ll. and It. C. life together. The tenderhearted w- 1mU n"-H- wdoniziilkm registrar look a Uok at thei"1""1' of 141Miilon, rrivnl rrotii liliihhins: nair Ml;ripri in nut iii tlie coast oh WwliHvday and will "Id oHestMin. ami tlnti sUni.ei.;"l,el,il a bort time In Tefracc1 He hadn't the heart to try to gel rid of the unlucky thirteenth certificate to so young a couple. I'tsides, they wouldn't take it anyway. O. (iendron and J. Couture, of Kaluui lake left on Thursday torj Yanari-ilol where they expect to start development work on the new galena claims they recently staked Hire. H. A. Watt wal a vlsllor'fitim Prince liuperl this wek. C. Hiuioek, assistant engineet in the public works depart merit, SniUhers, was bi town on Wednesday. (overnor 1). W. Davis of Hopper-Davis Co. at Kaluui Ikc was in town on Wednesday, returning lo the lake again on Thursday. J. M. Hoar, Kaluui Lake man was in town on W. Service. Smither-, N.tS.n in charge of the .Smilhers Police i,,,w District arrlvetl in town on Wednesday and accompanied Coii-l-" stable Fggleshaw lo Salvu on investigation bQsiness in rin- nectlon Willi the rinding oi a human 'skeleloa ou I lie sand bar near tlyiro recently. The W.A. of the Anglican Church will meet lliis coming week at the homo of Mrs. J.! Warne. ler, left for homo on Thursday Khe was Ufconiiaiil('d by Mrs. Ilohler and Hilly Who will spend a short time with her in Telkwa. J Saturdtr, October t? Why Not Furs? The present vogue in fashion demand rur r high itinhly. Now i . nit ror you to jAm liase a beautiful Fur Coal or Choker al u price well reach. MY RAW FUR SEASON STARTS IN NOVEMBER. I must lime the space. Ckmimftniiig on Momlnv Morning 40 Per cen Discount 40 ilt lie giv". -Ml every Ladies' Fur Coat and Choker in the Store. THIS OFFER STANDS GOOD UNTIL END OF OCTOUER. You are rordiallv invited In i ill m and iev jim tui k W. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable Fur Man Second Att. in town on educta I" -pt ii l a few days wilu bis wile ami daughter, Mr-. il. Ki eniinan. he lore I hey leave ior I lie soulli mi Sunday. llev: T. J. Miirsli went lo Lk ou luursU) . WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Dig by Island Clear, culm; Urometer, SV.HH; temperature, 43; sea smooth; 7.20 p.m. spoke steamer Yukon at Uuadra south-bound: 7. 30 p.m. stroke steauier I rmcess Maiuiiitia at CJumIsiiio Kotithbuund: II u.in. s(oke tiw Lome abesin AalUnhasbe bound for loell River. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, fre-h southeast wind; barometer, 3i.- .0; tetnperature, ii; sea rough. Jtutl Harbor Maty, light southeast wind; baromeVw, 8; temperature, ; a Uaoder- ate; 7 p.m. stroke steamer Uray leaing ttoie Marinir nortli-uounil; H p.m. spoke uteamer Redondo, miles from Seattle.' bound for Seattle; l.:o a.m. spoke steamer Alaeka leavina Ouadrs southbound; iu.tt p.m.' spoke steamer Prince Itupert abeanr- Pine I -land southbound; 1.2j p.m. -poke steamer Yen-! lure due at Sbuhartie Hy 3 a.m. noritilMiiind: J 1241 p.m. spoke steamer Prinee Oeorge aleam Si i nn y Island northbound. j Noon Digby Island Clear, calm; barometer, 2.Hl; teiHerature. 64; ea iumMiih. J Dead Tree Point I'lowly.) freili sotitueaal wind; barotiicler, :t(.2(; tettlisertftune, '19; sea! ' rough. Hull Harbor Clear, soutliea! wind; baromHer, HM.7W: temper-' attire. Hi. moderate swell. j Quit J. W. NiHiolIs reported to, the police Ibis morning that hi! Ford coupe IihI been removed during the night fi'nn in frunl of his residence on Fourth Ave. West. The ear wa located I ! mornintj on Kia-hth Avenue AVee' near the fikandia Hotel and w.n returned lo il x owner. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ! r4 Sunday, October 18. High t : a.m. i'O.OO fl. l:i:4l p in. -I .'' " j Low 7:51 a.m. 5.0 " j 20 : 10 p.m. " Monday, October 19. High .... :2i a.m. 20. 1 " l i : 1 0 it. in. 2 1 . 5 " H n in 0 i " jo r.:i p in '0 ! Mrs. C. M. Ogey enlerl amed CANADIAN SERVICE Uio l.aules liutld uT hnux Uiuleu rnoM Montreal. Church on Thursday, in church parlor. the TO PLYMOUTH-CHCRBOURO-LONDON ' Anemia ort .4 Antii nv. 7i AUKillla .. N". U li-"Flla !Nuv. l TO LIVERPOOk , Afaunla .. oil :n .Mnmiia . uV. ir IU ULHHIUW. 1.1'lllla on .M. iiv o SaUirnia . . :m .Mhenia , Nov. 0 FROM MEW VORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL riilii'iiiiiu .. oil 4 ii vtiim . 11,-t, :i aii'iiln . . An. 7 Samaria .. Nhv. TO cmihbuuhu nnu auui HAMPTON ..........!.. V.l. II 1..... .1 Mrs. W, V. 'Koonan. of Telk- Herenniria' on n, i n,., ' wa, who was in town for the, 'to' londonderrt'snd oiisoo '8 funeral of her father F. w. Juili-, Tiaiivimiia, ' vi Tn-mim, on 'h . TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURd-LONriON 1 illlf-HMt rl . Oil 4 Mt:a Nnv Tl to plvmouth-oherbouro-hamburo : Anilnula Nov II. Iiit in nil r- ROM BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL Srythla . . v. 1 xmnni ia . , uv. t ,, , ii I .HIHM-.T ipniitr nun uihiiii nl niueni Haven, . who has snuiil the rate, run inrnrinatiini frm i...i. ... summer at.Kulum Lake, arrived bIc.0"' ,lM,,nn 9l' w i WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9.00 MAE MURRA Y In 'The Merry Widow' The rrttirisalioii nf the prt ale.t tnuei. ul p!.M of wwlera limes. The picture Hint lirnig. in ; tilde adventures of Hie m. hi. Hd mIuim- unin epread to the remole.t iiiiier of MV earth: wtf lion of Franc Lehar's tuneful meliMtie- deligtil- : The cliariaing nmiance of n rhorti girl, who m Prim e. A plilo-pla wlinii Krst".e a trnl Ic-m and feature" the plnlnr o( n nmrt with gim Parisian nighl life in plea-mg uiiirn (Krgt and rosliunes. Illitleriug gaiety. Mgiiifi eni and etlinp. c Unrivalled cast. John Gilbert, Roy D'Arcy, George Fnwcett, Marshall, Josephine Crowell and Mae Murray the Merr 'tdtw. Tullf "Hodge Podge" Series No. 1 A Tiny Tour of the U.S.A. PATHC NEWS 60c and 25t HaBBBIBBBBBB5''ff(Pj((j( TUG BOATS Day Phones 423 639 Gr. 238 . Black 73S Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. Might Phone 687 539 Gr. 235 Black 735 WEEK END SALE Continues Until Tonight lto-' Hiillunlyne Jerc Swealsrs, rinsed rninl (ii fliers on the -diouldcrs, m Nnv. Mmoon, While, Hi uiiu ui-oj, sues i mm i'U to SSII. Hfg. !M.85 to Hale $1.00 Sires from K to ;. n,.g. f 76 lo mn) HaI(, $1.50 Uulluiilyno Pure WpolFlm, Knit Hwonlers with a i stripe, sizes Iruin SIJ4M. lteK. llJ.-fi lu fl.UO. , $2.00 Misses' Vents rind Uruwurn, imlnrnl rulor; web finish. " i.S!ff. tSule price er gurmejil ........ 0c (Irowing dirls' Plulenl LmiHier lipier vvllii eiaslir w-' on Hie sides, reg. K7.5. Hale price. r0r,Frnlav iSaluidiiy (inly $4.76 Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 045. Cor. 3rd and 7in