PAUB TtVO Thursday, Augml n. 195 Irvcn . I mm HAinc UIIIV VliUUllVLVJ ! 3 .1 1 mi 11 1 Ajwrw-iiriiiii iUiiiA'h Youll agree thai BUSINESS MEETING Chas &sanDorn$ Carnival tober is Now to Westvlew be - - Almost - Held Playground Early In Oc 1 NewVirtnr ( V ElRecord SEAL BRAND Is move Delicious than any other The Daily News PRINCE nUl'KUT - MUTISM COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, exeept Sunday, the Prince Ruprl Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 10 nil other countries, in advance, per year 7..r0 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$I.-U) per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page. $2.80 per inch Local Reader?, per insertion ; '. .U.'c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ,...2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agato lino Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 93 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office before 1 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising' received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Thursday, Au?ul 13, 1023. Aid The Fair - Much As Possible. Now is the time thai Hie people of the city mid district as a whole should give the executive or the Northern 1C Agriciil-tural ci Industrial Association its utmost assistance, bolb riiuiii- cially mid practically, to entire the Kxliilntion next month being as nig a success as posilde. 1 he hoa,nl has been working Lack Of Good Men As Representatives. f . There is insl now a scjiunble to tret '(rood men a senla'ive if Ihe various consHljiejjcieslhroiighOiit. the countrv. It, is realized by both pollticnispartiesMliaC ikls' onlVbv'iioni Di aling lite iiest men they can hope lo win. The result is thai Hie general character of the men sent lo Ottawa is high. The members of parliament will always be a" high grade 1 ne men mi'ij wiio who elect eieci mem them, for Knr or ahd de all. Complete Willi president Hoy McXauph- '011 in l he rliiiir and almost full membprship present, tbe ,reiilar monthly business,, meeting of tin1 ym Club was held in Ihe SI.' lli.D-is l'nf. vi 1 1 ri I ji v a f fnrtiifcjin I Houula Shirk snbinilled his report 011 the Internal iona) con-' ventiou which wA held In Van-' rnuxer last month, He tinned that the local club In heller reprc-, seuted at I lie next convention, which is to bp held in lJ?rt nt Winnipeg. Tin' club lias decided to hold a carnival curly in October in tl'C exhibition Hall for the play ground fund. Klaboratc preparations are Indus; made for this af fair by x committee at. Hip bead of which is Milton tionzales. Leo WVuifrli reported for He playground rnuuiiiitee on the West view project. He said Mia Hie playground then should i opened ery shortly. It would lie a very fine Utile park when eonipleled. equally as good hs Mci'lyiiiont part. Eddie Mann reported ou flie baseball game that is u he play cil Ibis aflenioon wilh the Flks al the Flag Day peiehralion. II was decided Ibal the hps' open meeting of Ihe club to hp held two weeks hence would lake the form of a smoker in honor f Ihe baseball learn parrying 'lie club's colors in the ' i I v League i The Man in the Moon .YSr- I THINK it was David who de riven at 1 tie sauir conclusion. hard (in its preparatipns and will continue to do but romtdctc LYl.Vit is an accomplishment ',: tV. i..mi I ) ;i flared I hat he said in his has' lhat all men were liars. He might have gone, at It nin.-h inorr 'deliberately and still ar- success cannot be achieved uiiles.s the public as a whole exteuds'sonie arc, much better a it than lis co-operalion in every way possible. This eau be done in others. many ways. Muslims men can give generous donations and pay them promptly the citizens- as a whole can buy their tickets in advance and all potential exhibitor can finally decide to enter anil make their intenlions known at an early o"nle lo the head oinre;. KVeryone in Prince Ittiperl realizes Ihe advanlajre 'il is lo have a successful fair. 11 brings business to Ihe town and makes good publicity for Prince Rupert. Therefore, there should be no hesitation 011 the part of. Ihe public in extending assistance wherever possible. Trunk Road Is Now Hazelton to Prince George. The opening of Hie Irimk mail from llazellon Jo Prince' fieorge is a big event in the history of norllicrn central British Columbia. It is an important slop toward the linking up of the coast with the interior. On account or the difficulties to be over-: come, mid Ihe great col of construction the building of Ihe coast section or the road will be flow, yel it will be undertaken a little al a time and will 'be eventually completed. There is little doubt nt that. The easier sections of the road will be lhoe connecting llazellon with Terrace and taking in siu;h points as Usk, Woodcock and Kitwanga. West or Terrace the building will be difficult, especially where Iho inoiiulaius are very precipitous. It' will be important to know what 'route to the interior is to be token so Mint as soon as Ihe narrows are bridged connecting Knien Island wilh Ihe mainland Ihe pari lo be built may be part of the main highway. re pre -! LYINU conies natural to everyone. A few try fo avoid il. bul they soon pel I he cold shouldc and in Hie end decide lo reform. TDK man who says he does not lie is the biggest liar of them I LIE when a man asks me fo pay up. I tell him I will meet the payment" out of my net check, when I never intend f meet it. MY wife lies when he nny she is not al home to sonif female nuisance. : JOHNNY Jones' lies when be tells his best T?irl ho lin the most beautiful eyes in the world and be loves her heller than Jie loved anyone before or will love auyone aain. THE retail merchant lies when he tells someone bis goods an heller than any other on tin inarkei. wanl Dr. In I:.... I.. I. II...!. ' .1 I- . 1 'l.. 11 1!. t King to be their representative. In North Vancouver'0 "10 l'lice magistrate. .Mr. Howscr is silughl. Both are men of ability and standing. Everywhere the cry is for high grade men. EVEllYBOIiY lies Avhen Ihev say aiiylh1i)j.Y iulayufpiiiieulary YES, and what are we. going lo do about il? Just lie about il. I ir Ihe people are willing lo voteIMl'l,0''l calibre men Ihey will gel poor calibre representuUoii! serve to J,e bilked. In roast cousliliiencies- the people 1 SHOULD like to give a Regulating Radio Stations. The radio slalion opened by the Canadian N'Vlioiial al Lulu Island is the first to come under the new regulations making it compulsory lor powerful stations lo be erected nwav froifi the ceiiti-es of population and infilled by remote control. This is nn iniHir(uul step Inward cmtrnl of bnfailcastintr. but there isi,,ra',,,' walk would have sutllced nnieh more lo be done berore. the radio will be generally iis'efnl. There musl lie conlrol of broadcasting 4 ml also or receiving sets! n.v in cnoih' seis wmcn iiicniseivcs nroadcasl must be clim hint Next time anybody comes before bin: who deserves punishment, con demn him to" live without lyinu for a month. That would he worse than livinw tit Vancouver WHY do they talk about a per son running for Parliament? I should have thought a good THE easiest kind of reducing lis reducitiK the roll of bills smiir lilted and replaced by those- which do not annov the nelvhboiw !t,',,' pleasantly at the holloiii Ihe air is free, bul must mil ho contaminated bv obieclionable of 'mir poeke.l i.iuio wnes any more man n is py olijeclionable smells. More and boiler conlrol is the present need. EXTEND INVITATION iNannitiio was ileclded upon as a ninnllrt'v k iilun.i II ....... nt...i HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION lna"i,Jrin;:r creiary of the Prince m ltiiperl hospital, was clven a ing at this City The Hospital board by resolli. Ten Years Ago In Prlnca Rupert August 13, 1915, Tim i...4I,,ii. 11 i 1 1 .. 1 ..1 .1 . .. 1 ..wiiiiviii tf.j, ,iki ii;uiiiiini ci v.i ..1 . . . 111. ire on n i cvi'cinini m w... , .. . . . . . ... oiopo lunen uasv mgnt 10 ir:,, ' " nu nuiusiriui .soctalloii is to Secure the Next Gather- I il was decided last niuhl to Uend Mr. Birch lo the convanllon, iwhlch takfs nlaee next nwt m.l iinn oeci.ieii msr nurni 10 invite, 10 send an invitation Ihroiuh trie Billlsh Columbia llospltnt h(iu for the next convention lo Association 'o hold their HC'C he held here. The lllv Connrll convenlion In Prince Iluperl. will also be asked In hack in They were lnvltod last year but the Invitation. ' ' - conducting a cnmpaiKU for one thousand members, l'ritice Iluperl baseball players will leave tomorrow morning for llazellon where a return game will he played. There U talk that lion. W. J, 7i TheoinncAcle'of i 1 v v iii 1 ill nil 1 nit 1 lit Bowser, ationiey geii'Tal. wi I Mi Kl II III . m n 111 11. Of all the wonderful advancements marvelous improvements -the new Victor records stand alone-lhe unrivalled accomplishment of all time. Acclaimed for over a quarter of a century everywhere as the finest- Victor Records have now attained that for which many have laboured dreamed-PERFECTION. All August releases are the shortly siipidan' Sir Itirhanl Mr- Bnde as ! ader of tli Conser-alives an. I Pr.emier of Ilrilisb I'.oiuinliia. BIG SHIPWRECK IN TALMADCE PICTURE Vessel Crashed Into Another Ir. Vivid Scene: Sacrifice of Woman There is a shipwreck scene in Norma Talmadge's new "Jdclure. "The Only Woman," which, is one of Ihe most vivid and real, bits of. aetioy pver Jinmhl to Ihe screen. . - V , ' 1 Asa.julri flieft scenfj tire doti' for the 'nirHVffr4 'lif miniature necessitating ' long ' distance photography which dilutes (In t'callsni of the eirec. Here, how-ever, is staged n real shipwreck on a real ocean. A beaut ifui yacht is borne down upon by n three-masted' eJi;otier on lb" storm Insaed deep anil .Vornia and Eugene. OTIrien, her leading inaii as well as a crew or minor players, are seen battling for (heir very xfslenre. One can alinosl hear the cra'i as the bi vessel tminshes into the yucl4, oaIcIi it amidships and rends il jiiln splinleix. And Ihe cHes ir lju)perlsbing sailors seem to rise' nf;ove Ihe roar of Ihe sea as theyy fight each olher for seals in the llb'lionts. There is no liilnlaluro work iu Hie scene. It s;al real, no vividly real that (lie audience gan as the lhri1IIug(clmax iA reach- Cll. Norma, always an aclress par excellence, i seen at her best as a young woman who sacrifices herself on the li'iurrhiirc altur to save her rather' rrimV' disgrace. She hates her husband, even ai she marches up OnS church aisle to become his bride, ami she vows to herself that alio will never really love him. II is on I heir honeymoon 011 his private yacht thai Iho shlp- new Victor STEWART (SO Process Hear them at any "JIU Xtaitrr'i Voter" dtalrrt to-daf. Dealers still have sonic of the 55c. records. Victor Talking huctttn Comuaiy The first stiipment of hli;h u-rade ore from Ihe porter Idaho mine this year wa made las' week lo Selby melter. II Is expected thai shipments will now po forward at the rale of sixty Ions per luoulh. Twenty ton of ore Is being siiped Ibis week from the I., and I, mine lo Ihe smelter al Selhy, California. A winter camp Is In tie huil at the Marmot Metals mine and an 800-foot tram will be put In to connect with the horse tral' This will greatly reduce Ihe cost of wilder transportation. Miss II. Wells has returned ier,e from Winnipeg to lake charpe of the local hospital succeeding Mrs. Andrew who Ins resigned. Jlev. T. il. Wright. of Kincolith is spending a holiday here visiting with old college chum llev. W. II. Anhley. Jimmy .Nicholson, machinist ni iiin I'remipr mine, who was struck in the eye with a piece ot metal, has gono soiilh fyr Mike Mllos enme Into Inwn last week reporting the discovery of gold on a property on Ihe east side of Portland Canal lx tulles south of Slew-art recently staked by himself, Harry Wilkinson and .1. 1). McDonald. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Oharlotlo Land llo-cordlng District or Prince llu-pet t, and situate about one and a hair miles east of Massctl Lighthouse at Ihe moulh or Mas-sell Inlet, Oraham Island, Hrit-Uh Columbia, TAKi: NOTItiti lhat I.angaro wii-ck ocpui'h, ami una mutual, r tailing & Packing Company danger bring Iho couple to-, Miniled, of Vlclorla, H.C., open gnlhcr m true. lovo. J pulton, Packers, Intends to apply HS1 MVVM K : jm I'Lll 1 ' 4 Pin, W v($W'W&m muMi ii racriecsiuii l l .fAV If. I for a leae of the following de scribed lands: Commencing nt a post planted at the northwe! corner of Lot Scen, lira ham Ulund, llrltlsh t'.olurnbla. about one and a half miles east of Maett I.lahthone at Hie mouth of Massett Inlet, firnhnm Island. HrrlUh Oilum jbia; thenr northerly five chain. more or less to low water mark; thence westerly, along low water. mark one hundred and Mxly chains; Ihrnrc southerly five chains; thence easterly one bun dred and sixty chaina, moro or less, to point of commencement, and containing cluhty acres, more or let. I.A.NfJAIlA ITSHI.VO i PACKI.MI CO. I.TI., Applicant. Per F. II. Sljiun.on. Agent. Dated June 10th. IU2.Y LAND ACT Notice or Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Queen Charlotte l.and llo-eording District of Prlncn iluperl, and slluale at llooney I'olnt, firaham Island, liritlsh Columbia. I Take Notice that. I.nngara I'Mhing A Packing Company! idnilted, of Massett, H.C., occu pallon Packers, Inlends to apply ror a leaso or Iho rollowlng do scribed lands : Commencing at a posl planted al llooney Point, Ordhnni Island, iiritisii ColiHiibia; thence nor Iherly rive chains, more or less. lo low water mark: thence west erly along low water mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly rive chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, to point or commencement, imd containing eighty acres, more or less. I.ANHAIIA FISIIINn & PACKING PACKING. CO. I.TD. Applicant. Per K. II. Simpson, Agent. Daled June ISlli. 1025.' LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Land llecordltig Dlslrlcl of Prince Iluperl, and slluato at " Uii. XI IllllltllJi 1 "v hK r - in 1H Mtt iiTiini r in 1 Firuon May, V O.C. Islands. UX Take .Notice n. lerd, I.iniited. or V 1 M-itpation Salni' 1 lends lo npptv f-o' 1 following ilerniir 1 r.ominencnK a a approilmately :o rrmi norlhwfxi p- f' Ibenpe south ' esl In chains; id. chain: thence we-: west boundary of thence south 8 west 10 chains; th chains; (hence- ra-mor or less, lo following incHiid' i 1 line lo point of and containing r loss. COSSIU.MIM 1 iimma; thence r.r-' ... in ciiatns, more or icf-- water mark; then alniiff low water mink n bH f V 1 ' t 1 -hi ,v Per Win, 1 M kt Dale.J June 20lh, 15"'. LAND ACT Notice of Infentlon lo PP'f ' Lease Land In Oucen Chariot eordltiB Dlstricl of I pert, and slluale ah In a northerly ibt llooney J'olnl. Ma Oraham Island, Ilr' TaVo Notice f Fishing & pack ... S v 1 . I.lnillcJ nf Mfisnet' II.' of patlon Packers. Incii t "j for a lease of the f( i m' Cntnnirnclmr nt a ? f'" two miles In a norllic 't dlf". from llooney Point Ma'" . ' lei, nrnlmm Iland, 1Ip' 1 . . . l,rlf I1 1 1 . . . ... .l...lre O"1 turn ami simj .f wnslerlv ftvn chain- ..i- soulherly one liiindrol nd,.,, chnlns, more or less, to I , nn.,.m.,.nn anil '"" K 1 I III 1 1 IV 111 I; II I III I I, -- olghly acres, more or ,fSVnl ia.Nn.MlA 1TSIILNO t ; , PACKINO Per K. II 8lmi Dated June i3lh, LIP- A pi' . -.4