CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready at any time lo receive your phone rail, to take your instructions, to lake personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. I y ni II J. L. plain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass and Glazing. Sa9li, Poors and Mouldings P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Cars for Sale One Ford Coupe . . $400.00 One Ford Sedan ... $475.00 One Ford Light Delivery $400 00 These cars are thoroughly overhauled and rccondilinn-ed. They bear (he Ford '"Winged Pyramid" guarantee. Kasy payment if desired. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander 8mlth Block Phone 57S DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I, Cartige, Warehousing, and UUtrihutlng, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Hand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. t PAGE FOOT TIIU-1. T .: BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus Bargain fn i .i mm 7 MP1 stcD-NviLu, f. ;. in ' i I (TMf.oj3H PLAIH' 5J BIRD CAGES 20 Percent off all CAGES this week only Kaien Hardware Co. j HOME bWEET HOME."' XQ I WILL CANCEL- H ) yji ucAg-j; x i Canadian Exporter Preparing to Purchase Animals and Slaughter Them HF.OINA. Aus. 13. OI.I dobbin whose market value was ronsid raldy undermined by the advent f the automobile and tractor, has again come into his own. but this time in a vastly different ole. . A syndicate of exporters has entered the market in Western I'anada for 50.000 horses of all types tn be slaughtered and shipped tu Helgium, France and other Kuropeaii countries to satisfy the sophisticated palates of those to whom horse flesh is a irenuine treat. Heading tl-e syndicate is Geo. Pot I mans of this city. He intimated that he was prepared to buy all types anil sizes of horses, crippled or even in poor condition, so long as they have no organic disease. Due to the heavy costs of transportation Mr. Pott- mans pointed out that it was essential to get the animals at a very low price. Wild horses from I lie range of the south country are also regarded as a potential source of supply. Mr. pottinans has already se curer a fair percentage of the first hatch he proposes f r ship across the Atlantic. Until the industry has become fairly well established, the slaughtering and packing will be done in temporary quarters under the auspices of local packing firms. Choice of permanent headquarters will depend upon the development of the project. Gastori Poltmans, former vice- consul for Belgium in Itegina. will handle, the Kurnpean market of the horse flesh. The industry is a recognized one in Helgium. and Mr. Pullmans believes it will be possible to market 2,-500 pounds of horsif meat daily, providing the supply is forth- oming. The government of Saskatchewan and AHrta are .in favor of the 'project, according to Mr. Poltmans. In Alberta the chief source of suppjy will be the South Itanges, where thousands of wild horses have actually be come a menace to. the ranchers. Mr. Pullman' figure, that 'he iwill have to purchase (tie bulk if his 50,000 order at a rate of, three dollars a head, in order that the undertaking will prove a pay ing one. LATE PANCHO VILLA HONOREDJN HAWAII Two Memorial Services Held There While His Body was on Way to Manila HONOLULU. Aug 13 IX Mono lulu and elsewhere in Hawaii the late Pancho Villa, world's flyweight boxing champion, who died recently in San Francisco, was held in high esteem because of his skill and courage in the ring and his sportsmanship and fine deportment at all limes. i wo memorial services, one Catholic, one Protestant, were held in Honolulu for the Into champion, whose body was there euroute to Manila for burial. His body did not leave Ihe ship while in Honolulu. Hcqtiiem High Mass was celebrated in the Catholic cathedral, 1 r... i . . I wiuin a loiniin .service was held in the Methodist mission, under Ihe direction (Jf llev. N. C. Dlzon. who snld ho had married Villa two years ago. Prominent sportsmen spoke at the latter service I HORSE MEAT OUTSIDE TEAM FOR BELGIUM ducting negotiations to Ibis en I f n i" amiiA fitiiai noiv iiul n niAiil JtH av Imt-, Ftruri Stovici. Inc. Cnti ftritain rigfif. rrrd. i jrompeMllorrMhis everfftlg bavin1 jas their opponents. Ihe Sons o iKnglaml. The Sons have hern CflD 17 A ID iII7riff!r"nnpr,-uP Pr,,' w"" i,'n,'p "" ruA rH!i it r,r,i fir- f m w aiii chlkan arid Anyox Base- baiters Likely to Come Here A football team from Ocean Fa IN and baseball trains froi; Anyox and Ketchikan will proli ibly be rotight to the city I k-ornpete with local all star ag gregations during Fair Week. The Fair Moan! lias been con thai tliey have some hojies of hanging up this trophy on their ocean Falls Soccerlsts and Kei- own walls. In any case, they will be putting their best feet for want tonight and a good game is anticipated. With some read justments in the league follow ing the withdrawal of the Ureal War Veterans and the arrival of new players in town, it is fore casted that the Gallies will no' have tiling quite so much theii own way in the Oilhuly Cup series as tliey have had so far 'Jhis season. It would he'gooi' for ttie game if they were giver ing of the board is called for to-l" "".,e ('WtlUoa "'' nlnl.l l fl..l A iiuiw tia'i. menls. The Football ami !Ur- ball Associations will collaborate with the Fair Hoard in stagin'-' Ihe games. FOOTBALL EXECUTIVE 1 MET LAST EVENING Fair Games and G.W.V.A. Letter Discussed Referees for Gllhuly Cup Games Selected A meeting of the Prince Kit pert rooiiiatl Association was held last night with George IPP. president, , in Hie ehair. Delegates present were D. Kennedy. II. Vales and J. Watson, Vice-President James HIack ami Secretary-Treasurer (!. S. Hussrll. The question of football arrangements during Fair Week was discussed ami the mallei was referred back lo the Fair Hoard tfor decision. Heferees for the next Hire Gilhuly Cup games were selected as follows: Tonight Sons of F.uglaml v Oallies, Tom Jones. August 18. Cold Storage v. Gallics, G. Cowan. August 21. Sons of F.ngland vs. Cold Storage, G. Cochrane. The open letter appearing i yesterday's paper from Ihe G.W V.A. Fool ball Club President was discussed anil the secretary was instructed lo write lo the (J.W. V.A. regarding same. Sport Chat a . . it Full of confidence that tliey wilf be able lo keep up the pare in this series (hat they liave a! really set since the fit's! of tlii season, the Callies will play their first game m the oilhuly ( '.u 'PHBBBBBBr W.A. ." "V VOiT IB A I houiandi of doctort have I 1 CajU Brand I I rrecommenJtd in difficulty feeding catet J I I tir.n. l I. J:.... II I 1 ed. Write ut for free il 1 DabyBooU V. TBI MtDtn CO. UHtJlb M' Prince Rupert is having belter liateboll this season than it ha-had for yostrs ami, with the program now well advanced, pros pects are that play wil even more , keen '.than il has a1read been ami thai is saying a giMM leal. llio Gyros are coming tr life anil how they seem to have f real live aggregation fully enp- ible of taking care of itself against tlieawmill ami the Sons of Cantida. The hoy from Seal Cove were somewhat out of form in their inairh with the Sons on Sunday last hut should be bark on Iheir feel tomorrow night 1 here will jftnitoobletlly tie a gMnl crowd on hand to witness a game Dial promfses to be quite up the high standard thai has nl- :eady been 'Jet. The teams in the Oilhuly Cup football game tonight will lake Ihe field o:-follows: Sons of l!n eland A. W. .How- let I, goal; G. Kelsey and G. Howe, full barks; Dohcrty, A. Hales and F. Hodskinson, half backs; J. Farqulinr, A. Dickens, J. John son, II. Haqson ami D. Gurvirb. fnrwnnls. (billies Pililie McLean, goal; George .Mitchell anil II. Hamilton, full backs; J. Harris, S. Ctirrie and It. Woods, half backs; A. Mitchell. It. MiDougall. D. Scot'. V. Mitchell and James Hamilton. forwards. CELEBRATION OF FLAG DAY Hundreds of Kiddles , Enjoying Fun ' at Acropolis Hilt Grounds this Afternoon The annual Children's Fhi Day celebrftlion under Ihe aus pices of Prince Hupcrt Lodge No. HI, lienevolenf and Prolectivo tlrder of, is in progress I his afternoon at Acropolis HP' grounds. The proceeding started short ly after 2 o'clock this afternoon Willi the parade from Ihe F.Iks' Home In which hundreds of kid dies participated. Long beforn fie hour set for the march lo Hie ground, (he youngsters had burled lo assemble in anlicip; Ion of nnother afternoon's fun. Flags were presented lo all and hen the parade mI out, Fir iChief I). II. McDonald and Polite Chief W. II. Vlckerx acting as marshals and an augmented pipe .band in Ihe lead. On nrrivnl a( Ihe grounds an ...I , .... ... . .. murex on i ne I niy was ueiiv red by llev.1 Dr. II. II. Grnn'. .followed by the usual raising of Hie flag and the salute. Then the fun coiiifnenceil'Wilh Ihe fre.j distribution of ire cream, pea nuts, etc., followed by Ihe run ning of races. The closing feature at the (.rounds will be tbn baseball game between the Gyro Club ati-l Kiks and (he festivities will bo continued tonight at Jhe Flks' Home with a children's mis- mm m mp t i Wanted For Sale For Rent ntwTtj TO bCE) f AT U lOvot 1 I II I .1 4k ar UU. I I DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lets than 50c WANTE WAXTKI). Plain tlressmakiinr. Iteasouable rates. 718. Frar Street, f FOR SALE GOOD selectit n of lunit.linl.l furniture for sale. Player piano, 2 beilrtMtio tables, timing room furniture, leather davenport I wo beds, silling room chairs also CO feel hose, etc. House will, electrical fixtures, electric range, curtain rod and win tlow shades, for sale. Apply" Mrs. Atkins. , Phone 238. rOH SALK. Gasboat "Se Hawk"; 27 feet overall; H fi: beam; new eahin; new aa lank; gftotl dinghy; 2 anchor and rore; 0 h.p. heavy ctul Fisbernmn engine. Atout tv year oM. in finest working condition. Price f(KJ. Appl, D. Hrown ak Smith A MBllet i. shop. FOIl SALK-Slove troubles sol- veil. Why worry about your old stoves when you ean exchange theni as first payment on a new Pit KM I Hit HA.NilK and have eomplete satiafaetion. Halancn on' ;eajyr. payments. Prince Hupert lehalige. Phone 052. if FUn.MTUHK bomhL aold ant exchanged. Donilnitm inlaid linoleum anil Harry, Kirkcaldy. Scotland, inlaid linoleum. Furniture ami ranges of all description for aitle. A. Mackenzie Furniture House. Phone 775. FOIl SA.K. pleamlr hull in good condition. Cabin over engine ami canopy top. Suitable for 0 hjt. engine. A good sea boat. First flllrt takes II. Write Hnx 2M, Dally News. 'if FOfl SALK. Few nieces ot liouyMiohl fiirnijure including ."Canada Pritle" range. Sin -rnondi' 'eel couch, ehes! of drawers, infant's ertb and chair, prlnlilc tyiiewrllet, rug etc. Phone lllue .117. I SH I'ftll SALK. Furniture. leather arm ami rocking chairs, heater, dresser, etc., 1)3 1 Second ; .);,, upsUiir. ., 't t lo GOOD piano for sale. Snap for cah. Plume lllue 100. LOST LOS T--HIack and while collie dog without collar. Finder please - Idiotic ...OH. Itewanl. tf qiMde: stafllng al fl o'clock and Hie I lag Dance for inhilts nl !.30. Kenny Itnod's Sereomly will furnish Ihe music. Committees In Charge L. M. Fuller, exalted ruler of the lodge, is in general elnlrvn of the day's proceedings. The following cfimmltlees are assist. ing him: Parade and races- W k wii liscnifl, W. D. Vance, Lmce pot lerloti, Fire Chief MrDonald and Police Chief W. II. Ylrkrra. Hall gaille llalie Fori In Dave Halfoitf. tlhiblren's dance-. Frank tiil.t. Herl tllassey and Ladies of t'. Hoyal Puriile. line il.-inpp K'niinv xi - - ........ ..i.,, .II VU'lli and Atidy Dorfald. AdverlisiiigChari,., Foloin and Heft Morgan. Ilefre.shini'hl boolho 'i,m.iu CliibP, Halidi Siullli and i.Vn.i Jiiwall, Mrs. .InrvM .tfpl.eA.1 i..n on ,Hiis morning's train for Smin, iro wntre she will spend a ho) day. TO RENT Foil llKXT. - - Pianos, ptajef pianos, phoiiograplvi and -ei ing inacliiuas. Walbir' Mhsie Slori If Foil HF.X I'. Two rttoin furnish ed a pari men I by tlay, week or month. Phone Rett 6(17. If FOIl IIF.VI . Jlndert. house, five rtHtms ami balh. Munro Hro KOIt HFLVT. Clapp apartment Weslanltaver Hrni. If BOARD HOAHD The Seeoml Avenue Inlander, 83P FURNITURE. Phone 137. ItOAIID and lto.un or Hoard only Phone Hetl 707. BOATS AND LAUNCHES PltlCKh OF KASTHOPK t-CYCLK Marine j'.nviiies 4-11 P. wilhoiil Clutch IH5.0II 1-II.P. C-H.P. H-H.P, H-H.P. Ifi-II.P. 1 cylinder "MD 2rtfl.00 I tsylindrr III! 1 cylinder IID 2 cylinder MD t cylinder I.D 75(.m 150.01 175.00 All Hie above except Ihe first include the F:noim Jo He-verse Gear, ami full electrical anil propeller equipment. The best I hat money ean buy. Kaathope I iron.. 1717 Georgia SI. W. Vancouver. H.C. Always at your service.. Prince Rupert Boathouse, Agents Phone 341. TAXI Tail 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) 'pecia! ft and 7 passenger Sltirte-bakers at your service day an.) night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Mocker Block Across from l iopri Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER i-lump i 4 t Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you Want .invltim? enl for or divcrcd. phone us. P.O. Hoi isug COLUMBIA RECORDS MAV Process Columbia IteeonN - no kcratcinn. Finest reproductions of latest Fo Trol. Soggs and Instrumental music by world famed artists Call in and hear I hem PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, I bird Avenue New and Secondhand Furnl ure Store. We Huv. Sell and Hi. change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULI3, rt3 Third Ave. phoio lift KEITH'S CAFE. When In Stewart visit Kcllh's Care in Mug I'Vlwnrtl Hotel now re modelled. Up-lo-ilatn Dining lloom ami Lunch Cutinter BOB KEITH - Manager. PRIMnr ttllDrnr rmn a I Thursday, August 13 II Iff h :3H 2 1 :2'J 1 7. I't'w :i:ii a. ni. 1J.7 I a : 1 1 p.m. ji.ji Friday, August 14 HIkIi 10:15 a.m. in. I ft 22.21 p.m. 7.3 " l-ow 1:31 (1.2 " I o:22 p.m. y.n . Saturday, August 1G High It :.I7 a.m. 1 5.7 fi. 23: 1.1 pin. IH.O ft. Low 5:30 5.1 " 17:10 p.m. 0.1 PHOTO FINISHING Wi itji ny P. J. RYAN P.O. It .x Prince Itui . : Service and - Guan.r MAIL SCHEDULE ouT-aoino. Tor h (at Vaiw i. c T VncMf Mikl4tW 1iMWir . . , simaw . , T Ari, Aik ami, suakf a rM. Mill I. T rft SlflrM an4 Nut Rut Suk. Tburxiar . T Uil r4nl T On CKrlU Ulr.4 Cct. AfM I from is Itti In-cohiso. I ...... . V frm VtiKtr stmiUt . 4-t4tai WnltrsU)- rrMlas I fm Am, Allc Arm. Itt.r-ir-wi Saluntajr ' from limpMn mi Hui ar ilnta . ui F rm AlMla Pslntt IUM H frm Qf CMrUU UU4 fSM. BOX COLLECTI0R QntMm & villa Art-- IM k Sth si ih am, a i Ml At, a ThnMie 1Mb a aarkrs4f v nia . a ord -i Clh a liar Our K lb A lli Cmr ' ir sik Ar. a rii..n -SHi Are. A Mriri. -I'm. oni. rMr I'm. o.i. WMrf n T.l. Wtarf . O. T. P. SUII'SI in.l tnd Avr. A ( -I Jril AVr. A lull.n Sf IM se A tlh STEAMSHIP MOYEMM M-iMsf friii-p TllrMUt 1 At I' ' WettuMihv ... 1 stlnriky mil. " . I'rin " - M. Prllirr Sundsjr m. imI. 4iiitr nf i-i in- VVrttoNura i'n" rrhbv . I'nti' p II " catiu atnrtijr . h hi Pofl Slmpn n4 HI"" rrl.Uy- . t'jUla rm fori Slmptn ar4 ( asiwnliy-m. iaiai for AImU WnliM-Mlay . rn Anp- '-la . I'riiiii- 1 ll 1 -i. rniH II- . prlni-p-- I is prlitpf SI I'MBTPr." I."' 1 ' from Alalia Mnlxhy a. I'rtu- 1 Ainni'f S - . I'llnrrx ' la-it Prlnri'"- AH -IS- . rrlnrpi I i" ! . ftltippn A"" A- I'rlnrna l.iiulsc for SUwart, Ani ana ,1 Siihilay -a. Canlrna , I'rlilay an. Prince r, . . . .ii. A From Stlwarl, Snoi ana j Tliemlay . 1 u-ii Kaluhla.v i l'i in Tor g o, lilanda Aim" 1. - IT- as. Prlnct Jnliii i I - aa. Prlii" Jli' From Q.O. lilanda A II f II :t, 15 aa. prliKf Joint, tl -as. Prince Jnhn. Advertise In the P Articlei Loit and Found,4e il I i j