PICTURES Just arrived a large assortment of framed pictures I'll' . range II' $1.85 to $12.40 BARRIERS Home Furnishings phone 123. 3rd Avenue Two Candy Specials! Banquet Jelly Wafers I'. :- ,i M , .id. ;i !.-, i --r.M( i-Uwirs 40c lb. Purest Milk Chocolate I I'i.uii Miik, i'..itnil Milk, ami Alumud and ' Milk, at 50c lb. ORMES LIMITED The Rexail Stare. The Pioneer Druggists. 3rJ Avsn e and Glh Street. Phone S2 and 200 ;ui Boat Builders! We have 20.000 feet of 1-2 inch. 5-8 inch, 7-8 Inch , d 1 Inch Cedar Boat Lumber . - , i i- w i' Hi' i " j ii I ill' olllt'r DC N'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY ALBERT & MeCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 110 and 117. COAST STEAM8HIP SERVICE S.3. Pi ibe Rupert - Prince Georjo -Prince Charles -.. Iiuit- u. m l'i .!. It i" rl For Vancouver, Victoria, Snjtte ni-i nl. i mcdiale Mrt., I Day i h'i i ; . , pi ! !- la ami haturtlay, For Anyox and Glcwart- M"i.l n ami Friday, .ln. For Skagway ami Alaska Ports, Wednesday, .()( .in. -S. Prince John for Queen Charlotte Islands ami Vancouver, lortn.glilly. rtiimatn trains umvi pmNcr nurcRT .,,, di... D"LV .ir.tpt tundtf II JO m fr ITiwr il'mv, EDMONTON, WINNIPLQ, . j(rlt t .ii.iU. llillxl ilr I JOtMCV ALL OCtAN STSAWSHir tin... IH T , Ofllca. S2S ThlrS At... Print. na-i. Thou. 260 UNION sTEAMbHIP COMPANY Oh B.C., LTD. ;nr lr fi ' I''!1' ' VANCCUVCR, VICTORIA, fc.r.ot. trii Ai.'l B. 6 P.m. VAN0OUVI0, '.. Saturdif. 10 A m VICTORIA. A'ori i n t aiici ARM, STKWAflT. nundai, r.m. Ul 1.nI 'H0N and Naai Rlf C.t..H.. 'ldr A.m. TUG Phonos - HI Kupert Marine 9r- cot n i i. J c'ack 7as X l OaUCiS L.IU. OEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. rlnc. Ruo.M, 10. ATS Night Phones 637 539 C.r. G01 lack 735 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE lit bi HAS REMOVED '8 "l dnm lu I'ri.zcll It il low Shop, ihtoss. J f in ihe Kiiiprx- II. ilc! Wi1 eill'iv II full III'"' of MGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES Dam. awuini. ROOM IN CONNLCTIur. Proprlotor ! Local and Personal ! H.G. Undertakers. Phone 41. Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's TaXi, 50c: Phone 078. - If Football tonight. Acronolla lliil at . 5 (irtllies vs. S.O.H. Two ears at your service. Shcddon Taxi. I'liunu 13 i. tf When hark from the holiday. Iry Valentin Hairy; I'lione 057. If For Hie busy man or woman. a iirown car saves money, l'honr HO. f t A. Clothier, rr it I. mi I niinin . i payiny a visit to ta- Sli-warl district on ollleial bui- iien. Our low raUJ have heen an iullaii"lin Buwes and we ha!l mliuuc on Uti balf. Urown laxi. I'hone 80. if At lh! loeeting of the lijitnl lal lat pibt J. II. Thompson wa nominated for the pom lion a diMlriet reireeulativ! for tin lu:. lloipilaI AHMocialion. The aueeial adjourueil eiioi r tin- Sufireme Court aMizas to deal with tbeM.iard Hiver murder una diner rae will convene herr next Wednesday rnortiinir at 10.30 in the morning instead f eleven. The ban of Sam lto of J'orl KKfingtnn, charged with eio-iim lnui.r fur ale, wan adjourned in si iprudiary Magistrate H. F. Me- l.eod n rourt until thin afternoon for de initin. Aecuaed pleaded iK.I yuiUy. Aiiintu the viilor (to the city f.ti.luy va C. H. ltarbvr of the Chilliwack Progress. He also iiiayor of the town, bavinf heen elected three times to Ibnt .oitiou. Hp hi gone Ik rough ! kanway on uolidayf. A letter of appreciation from Vise Margaret Lindsay was r pivei by the hospital board lasl iiiglil n behalf of her sister, Mrs. iHiwther, in eoaneethNitwUb the treatment of Mr. iHmther of his dealk. t Hiiirftv'and now manager ofl the UinlfHit Life AssHranee Co. with lidiiuartcr at Vleton. ifiiinieti to the city on thn" I'niice Charlos lal night af r liavuwt made a trip to Stewart. Me left (his morning for Smilli- .i- where he is intereslo! iu a iniiiig property. Hhmiik completed the reload-i iii.- nf eotitPr conren I rules whir!. he discharged here following her 5.1 1 uniting near Klew Nugge'l t-ilunlay. (kiustwisc Sltam- hip A llarge Co.'s steamer Mivul I'leai-ed during the niuh. fur I'lu'Miiia when- he will dh-rhuru'i' her rmvo prior to goiii;; to Vr ioria for repair-. ANAIOUNCCMENTS Mks Flag Day and dance riiui-iUy. August 13. Ilnplist Church Huaar, XommiiImt '. Lailios' Aid 0. St. Andrew's Ladies' Auxilirtrv iMiutir. Dect'tnher I Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid llaaar, Deirrmber I. Madt In "-cum. B.C. L KILLS h DFUES.MOT1IS1 H05CUnt)ES .lltanaosjunsL l rTclordatWorkra Fmwwt ScJtntlAd InrfuMrial H march in.tiruia. will mt Main. PUmmu odor. 1 Urmltaato humaoa nrfanlmala. msmSBm&im Your Grocer Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE Tho Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. llrcakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and afler Theatre Refreshments Our Specially is Home Made lee Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Itctail. You will he pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phono 17 Shcddon's Taxi the original oOc. (an. Phone 134. If Reduction on price of lumber. Albert & McCaffery offer shlplap at $15 per thousand. Phone 110. tf Just the needed article for aixirtmentrt. Kindling bundles Z for l" delivered. P. It transfer & Taxi. Phones IH'J and 112. ' , 188 A contract for llie making of alterations to the Exhibition Hall was let by the Fair Hoard last night to W. J. (Jrer. His lender was and K. Ytrvbersr's 1285. ' llotert Slew-art, 4Jiief eterk i-i I lie pi ovinrial public works oflire here, i spending a, three week' vacation on th (jueeu .Charlotte (lands. He will he baek to the . ily next week. .' Mr. and Mr. T: i. Clarke are idanuing to leave .iff out the en J of the mouth to jspiaidf a holiday at Mr. Clarke's flfd home in I'oronto. They vfljigo East by way of Chicago (i. C. MacKay, dil for l he provincial public worVs, left 1 5 - ill tfict engineer arlmenl ot fleplay'r .rain for Haxelloiv4;Smithers on departmental' Iraifeg'. Id-will return to tblltMMon- day. 9 f; Kiddies' Masquerade Iane 'Iks' Home, 8 p.m. to-night Priieii for hesf original bnv'? costume, bet-1 original girl's .costume. besbVcorniO hoy, best gin, ami pvsi nresetj rouple. followed byl Ulks' Flag I ance. It was rennrlisl at the hospi tal hoard meeting last night th.v Miss Sol io way, head operating nurse, was leaving oil Saturd.iv night with Miss McCaul, ladv uperinlendent and -(hat the ew lady superintendent wis af iving Friday. ' We have just been notified o' reduction in. price from tin mine and are pleased -In offer our famous IHson Coal, lulup sacked. lelivered .811.00, $13.00 for ugust delivery only. Now U the time lo get your winter sup ply. Prince Rupert Feed Co. Phone 58. 188 ESTEVAN IN Lighthouse Tender Has Complet ed Rounds of Queen Char-lotto Islands The Dominion guverninenl lixlil house lender Kstevun, Capl Hurry Hilton, returned to port at 't o'clock yesterday afternoon af- er luring spent several days nuiMiig the rounds of the aids nii ig.-itnin on Ihe Queen Char- ti-ite lslunds The vessel is today tlniK al the Albert it MeCaf-( ! wharf and will sail tomor- m v in "i iiing for I.angara Island pn-k up three men who have it. cu on the light there. The Fstevan is at present doing heavy duly in this district while tiir smaller Newingtun Is work-iiu- iui of Victoria for the time being. BEWARE INSPECTORS TORONTO. Aug. 1 3 Following Hie criminal assault made in ii woman in Runtiymcaile Road by a man posing us n gas in Micctm Ihe police have issued i, gent-nil wurning lo Jiouse-keep BYWAYS OF NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Rotarlans Told of Wonderful Scenery of. Gardner Canal, Ecstall River and Other Points of Interest At the Ilotary Club luncheon today an address was given by II F. Pullen, his subject being "Ily-ways of Northern llritish Colum bia,'' in which he told about the scenic wonders jn some of the places he had visited, dwelling particularly on his recent visit toi Gardner Canal and the scenery of that place. Incidentally he men-1 lioned trips to Khyex IUvert Bills Lake, the Ecstall Hiver, the interior valleys and compared the scenery of those places with the more or less commonplace scenes which the tourists rave over. The speaker urged Prince llupert people if possible to visit the places mentioned as some day they would be centres of attraction to tourists from all parts of the world. He also showed photographs illustrating his recent trip. " MUST NOT DRIVE TF UNDER LEGAL AGE Man Guilty of Negligence for Allowing 15 Year Old Daughter to Operate Car WI.NMPF.O. Aug. 13, That W. II. stubbiu?ton. owner of the automobile which caused fatal injuries to five-year-old Millon Mael.ean of this city, was guilty of negligence "in inviting and allowing his daughter (who is iu her t5th year) ' to drive the vehicle." was Ihe verdict of the jury at the inquest. The jury added a rider, "we recommend thai Ihe "law regarding juvenile- driving motor vehicles in the city be enforced and means taken t avoid such accidents. Slubbinglon was held in cus tody on a charge of manslaught er, witnesses gave evidence oi having seen the girl driving the automobile at the time of the accident, and the girl made i deposition to the same elTecl stating however that her father was sealed by her side giving close attention. BURNS LAKE A son- was born on August ( lo Mr. and Mrs. F'ay Short o Hums Lake. Heconstruclion of the huihlinz having been compleled followinvj lhc,rcnt fire, Ihe ltoyal Hank is again eslablished in iU regular quarters here. Mrs. J. (?. Saul and daughter. iKirraine, have relumed to Victoria arler having spent a month visiting with Mr. and Mrs Fred Saul at Decker Lake. Mrs. MacKay and family of Hazellnn arc visiting here wilh Mr. and Mrs. A. Huddy. Robert Cerow and Richard O'llara are completing a contrac.' for the laying of 000 feet of sidewalk in Hums Lake. "Mrs. J. H. Harrison of Oolsi Luke has relumed from a trip liast. I. Cochrane. H.A.. who has been teaching at Foresldale. hit been appointed principal of the Ituriis Lake chool. 1). H. Ilaoker of Colleyinount was a visitor to Mintners lasl PACR THRCT ISlI Jf rOn Sale Eveiywhcro Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnners, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF fcANADIANj pACinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert fm lUmikS. WUMZ1L JWUC, SIACVAT F TA.1C0UTU, TICTtiUA iU SUTTU . KETCHIKAN SAWMILL HAYING GOOD SEASON Shipping Half million Feet Monthly to England and United States i KETCHIKAN, Aug. 13. He-Iwcen four and five hundred thousand feet of lumber is being shipped monthly from the Ketchikan Spruce Mills to Seattle according to E. J. Daly, operator and manager of the mine. Of these shipments part are sent to various sections of the States and part is transshipped to Eng-'and. There have been more orders from England than from the Orient this year. A larger per ceul in an increase of foreign orders and orders roni Ihe States the past few years and a per cent which continues to increase, is developing into an established busi ness 'Mr. Daly says. The Ketchikan mill will he Operated until well into October this season. , A colored Haplisl was exhort ing. "Now, hredderu and sislcrn. Come up lo de altar and have yo' sins washed away. All came up hut one mail. "Why, Hruilder Jones, don't yo' want yo' sins washed away?" "1 done had my sins washed away." "Yu has? Where yo' had yo' eek lo receive treatment for sns washed away?" injuries lo his eye. 0i,cr at de Methodist church." MILLINERY. Just arrived. A shipment o' the latest and positively exclusive Fall Rats. Mrs. W. (iold- hloom. Third Ave. 188 When Tho Babies Are Cutting Teeth THE MOTHER SHOULD USE "Ah, Hrudder Jones, yo' ain't been washed, cleaned." Yo, jes' been dry At the meeting of the hospi'al board held last night Alderman Hrown said lie had heard complaints thai the pupil nurses were habitually working after hours. He said there was no objection to emergency work but he tid not think they should be kept as a regular thing. The matter is to be investigated. SALT llm SERVICE Launch "23" will leave the Prince Rupert Hoathouse on Thursday. Saturday and Sunday . . . . . afternoons every half hour from , uunng Miiys imiuni urns, ine , . ..n..,- ...not .i,,v- l,.i. T.mi in,. .,,.) .li.rrk... ' - !' "d u oilier week days ers. to he on their guard against dysentery, colic, crumps, etc., manifest 'wery hour from 2 p.m. any person coming lo their' tfiemsolves; the gunw b-como ti)lln, Launches, rowhoals and caiioos svi1 AinL eanwrs nf form iorm in I ine Kit tiidiii mouii I lv ' ' homes posing as an iiispeclo?.: in for sale or hire. , .... ......... ,tV- lil t.l'ti'. unless ue uas ine proper cicden-. .hould us(s "nr. Fowler's," and, per-'' ' hapa, save the baby's lift. Phone 381. HOATHOUSE Aipsl 7, 10.17,21. 28.31 . Aips! S.. 12. 15.22.26 a. rracus iait For, Swtnton Bit, East Bella B.lla, Falls, Namii, Al.rt Bf, Campb.ll Rli.r, and Vaneout.r at.ry Saturday 11 a m. A at mi far all St.amihlp Llnat. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD O.ntrat AgtnU Ccrnar of 4th Strt.t and 3rd Anu, Princ Rup.rt, B.C. English Broadcloth i.i full range or colors. Fine silky finish. For Slips, Underwear and Dresses. 30 and 10 inches wide. Reg. $1.00. Special per yard 80c West of England Store Phono 753. Bread i Dig. wholesome, nutritious loaves of delicious nut -like flavor, downy lightness nnd excellent keeping ipialitips. Five Roses Flour For (trends, Cakes, l'u'iU tlings, Pastries. John L. Christie Sales Agent Prlnco Rupert, B.C. P.O. Box 235. Phono 209 Richard Garreli representing W. H. M. ROLSTON A CO. Specialising in Portland Canal Mining Stocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals