9fi TH'NTSIN 'r.IO oi'i V; lili;: I' r. il ,;liiua, oar..; IZ r TAXI i, ...,. i,.ll(r(IPV ,b Anrwhcr, at , Jar 3, - Stind Royal "o., ... . c and 6th St. MATT VIDECK. Prop. ' ' nuin rs with 1 1.... ,J1'10 nl lloreman lal Dumvcll llatellon '"s were killed and Indian II. urt'il yesterday when' I., and I K'uihls nred into n Marmot .Metal. ; nliicr,.,! near u mill where : 1'rrmler "' 'ii- iniihtr way. Il is he-ll'oiltr Idaho " Mial Severn I ..ii 'ii..r..u I'du-n,, i nii:i!i tn:.iiuiii!i y Juml''l Into Silver Urest 'ivrr i l ... ,. 'i'1' iront llio mil- M.t;. suver " til II uri I I... I.. l,.uL'!i EARTH0UAKE SHOCKS 'dVIXl.UTllV . . . (Iranlty Snrf-lnlel Selliirk Terniiiius Howe Sound Olailslouc Ilayviovv Hid Asked 2.10 3.00 .01 .02 V, .05 .88 .33 J)S .13 2.20 ' t .Irt .10 lo .21 I3JLI0 .tih .o-s i .01 .OlVi .18 JO. HO Vli, .20 05 01) RAILWAY PARTY i DUE TOMORROW Sir Henry Thornton and Officials, Left Last Night for Prince Rupert CONFERENCE AT EDMONTON ' Will Take up With Premleri Greenfield Proposal for Joint Operation E.D. & a.C. Sir Henry Thornton left last uiKlit fur I'riiuMJ Huiiert aiCMin-laitie,i oy a iiiiniber of railw .y oflitiaU all fit whom will he 2UU of the loci I hoard ol trade al one o'clock al a luu-eheou in the Husluii ltaniue' Hull. In the afternoon the iar(y will niieet the elevator construction ork and look into railway matter iranernlly here wllh a view- t" making prenarulions for the nanillHiK of grain through this port during the coming winter. Flu new general manager and other officials will, wit Ii Sn Henry, meet a committee of the hoard of trade and hear rejire-MHilntion on a number of matter of local imiMjrl in whirh ilia railway and the . irt of I'rinee lluiert iiki collalMTate. The iarty will he entertained by itt4ivlul ciliieu Frolay eeiiliit ami on Saturday will enve fur IVInioiiton. . Joint Control ' At Kilinouton Sir Henry will meet Pivinier (ireenfield and nave a jiersonal conference on a lroiosal for joint oeration and rontrol of the lyimontiiu, Dun- veicau ami ii.i.. ttaiiway ami auadu Uentral lines and the future development of the Peace Hlvcr country. ItenresenliitinnM have been made to Premier ireenfield from expert railway circle, thai n plan of joint operation onilld he worked out and Hint it mlghl prove lo he the mol patinfaelury ur- rniigTmcul for nil concerned. From an inside railway stand point such a scheme would lie entirely feasible, Hut premier has been assured, and in view of what has been said and dmie il is believed to have a good cliaitce of carrying through. In (he event of Hie t:..Ylt. and C..P.H. mining lo terms on such a basis, (he manacemenl of (he roads would likely he pul in the hands of a Joinl hoard, on which hoi Ii companies and the government would be represented. Mr. (ireenneld says that the appoint ment of a board of thai kind will ho one of the points likely lo he discussed at the proposed cnnfervnce, but none of the de tails of Hie scheme have yet In en drawn up. Should the idea he approved and an ngreemeut reached, II Is possible thai llio Joint operation would extend lo the supply and Use of rnlliuK stork as well as lo the business management. Might Suit Everybody !lenrt-approval of such a scheme- Is expressed by Premier Om.'iiwood, lie points out that it would lie iu aeeonl with llio spirit of llio lime ami in line with (he suggestions already made al Ottawa for closer relations between the I wo great railway system. What Sir Henry thinks of the plan has mil been slated. l-urilier labor trouble, was threatened al I he elevalor la', nluhl over (he wages of a man employed In I he .stores depart - meiil hul -II was expected Ibis morning Ihere would he lilllc ilitlieultv iu having I lie mallei' sullied, Hans Kuhicr, a Swiss guide tdationcd at Jasper Park lodge, with a companion, climbed Mount ElHh Maxell, 11.000 fe t bigh, and relumed all wiiliin the one day. It is e-.nsidri-ed a record trip. KEMAL PASHA THROUGHHERE Leave on Saturday 'I'hn ftititltMin1 f fr lint fttiituli i in. unit in 1 " tx. IOUIKM-' PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper it.etall Merchants' Association Has Attractive Proposition For Out-of-Town A Ituyers" Week for the hene-; til of outside shoppers is being 'arranged by the llelail Mer- or Hujers Week will he Septem ber 0 to 12 inclusive. The Iletail Merchants' As so cialion. which is co-operating tlt. lwo cnl ,uiy vtiii me lair noani in mus i-,slare. .raeiins urtlier persons to the ity for llie Fair, will hold are nere as wen as provwina American halibut gasoline boat trips and other the American flag f'irin of entertainment. . i A fund is being established by the merchants to take care of the expense involved and mer-! chants will contribute pro ratal according to the business they. do. lt't..le in h 'liilv w Ralph Connor Visits City and Talks of Union and Optimism and Writing; Meets Old Friends I'uion is strength, according to llalph Connor. All seetto.mr or ilenominatiuiial differences are inimical lo progress ay llio famous nulhor and preacher. Cliurcli union, he thinks, was the only logical thing iu view of Hie present trend of affairs. Practically all the big invn of the church have joined the union and left Ihe others alone almosl without leaders. "1 do not see how we could have done oilier than we did.-in view of the situation," declared Dr. (iordon. If the work of Christianity is to go on unhampered it must lie hy union of efforl, and that is what we NORTHERN CO. have tried, to bring about. I am I w ell satisfied with Ihe way things have gone. True we were disait- poiuled with Ontario, hut outside if that province, union has been very effective and in lime the i other congregations will join Equipment to bo Taken South by vl.,tBd old FpInd Tug pear(ui sian win )r. C. W. (iordon, pastor of St. Stephen'c Church, Winnipeg, and author of the Sky Pilot and a lions and wharf of Ihe terminal, V""" "". grain elevalor here now belnvfi eompleled, Ihe Northern ti'itntlmi l!n i iinvi iiieti:ii'iii" t n lec turer, sociologist war padre, lin- '(jou perialisl ami traveller, was here yesieruay. lie speni ivvo nours Int.. 'llin i., nl whirl. Wftntl'l Ii"'' t,w ''. used iu the. work back to Van couver. C W. ArnetlV liur Fear ml has timvcil from Ooean rails In Invv- il r.iilli II. silnil'iin sil- during which time be visited his old friend. Dr. II. II. Ornnt. discussed ihe city of Prince Itupert and its prospect, drove over the city, pcrinlendent of eonslruetion fo-! l,,ok,, v,,p lht' ,,ul,,lc I'ry ii... miv i.n.l hi h.ir pa-.1 "'"I Presbyterian tdiurch build- peel to leave for Vancouver on : w. mel a nunther or people and Salurday. ',fl " Ul, l'i,u,, 'diaries hob- 'Miobliing with the Scottish sklp- ',e're' 'nil. tmil . I eenieli uleiisfii') wilh BOARD OF TRADE LUNCHEON to Sir Honry W, Thornton, K.H.K., In Uoslon Orill, on Friday at 1 p.m. Tickets from Hoard members el. 00 . .. V ... .J ...... what he had seen here. Dr. (iordon was particularly iole:iseil with Prince lllioert. He admired llio scene looking across jlhe harbor and enjoyed the gar-iilen and homes. He was sur- iiii'Ueil nl I he nrouress made. ,-.. i-. ... .... Reason Foe Optimism "Canada has every reason lo be notimlslle." said Hie visitor. l "Look al Ihe progress she has ' made. II is only a few years ago I'untinued on page six Boston Grill Large Ipstair Dining Hall, with newly' lai.l iJancing floor for hire, -Don't forget to visit our NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the lea9l. Phono 457. V,I. XV NO. 1H7 : ' ' rrrr-r .... . . ' " I'ltlXCii: ML I'HUT. ILL., TIli nsltAY, Al OUST 13, lJ2."i. ctrcui.tio mi1 strt s.ttt 667 PRICE FIVE CENTS. HALml 1)111 Y IS I INI I Wl I A FArN k II i ' i i uiiTiri jirrrn m m- - : . HKtfc UMius Al IHE SALEM PENI1NIARY ESCAPE AND KILL GUARDS 17 r nsoners escape from Penitentiary at Salem; Three Killed in Fight svIiM. Ore. Aug. 13.-Two guard mill oik; rouviri I and two oilier guard wnniuleil, one -eriously, when " I- - from llie Muif fill iu -- here. . The dead V M, llilruaii and John Sweeny, guards hih! Oregon Jonc. i ''tree who caped are heavily armed ami desperate vel llii'v will mil I mi lakeu alive. Pose of Mli g 'lie country in nil ilirerlioim looking for the men i. " "V in a toxicali commandeered from Ihe state ho . a I II. ...... ... ; "iru ' M mere wa a concentrated rani on r (-.etuil where Hie men secured arm ami following ,i ic enurti. KM .VMM COMPLETE RY. ; SC. In Pretty Good Condition Although Ballasting ' Needed ir ' iis 1.1. The ro.l the lsU.l. Hallwayi I'rino tteunjte Nuil.iiiiK of; a bridge el lllver would Iws was Mated by I'f - ii ln return tnnn tine yesterday, .r. wImi rtfued to allitmle of the aov- ii Hie innied provide for Hie ' the railway which II lie Hilroduced al Mi of tilt liotie. 'ailway llelf Ik in 1 'million although it deal of bnllattinar "placement will l iifiiiii tn nai a TV imm-euuk IS DROWNED nfM lit!. Kti Made to ftun Rapids on Llard RIop -IMl'Stiv A in? s'inMi. nil old Wii drowned l , i it i 01-; - ., while 13. -Yukon in the when hi he wk - '" run llell'n (iale I ''!' fifteen vnr old "K In the lm.it whirh I 1 iiiile- IhroiiKh Ireaeh-r' - before ho wn ' "' Ixdinn trealy tarlv. II I INTO CROWDS nolh"" Strike Riot In China L"1S In Many Losing Lives 0r Being Injured Am?. 13. r STOLE LIQUOn FROM GOVERNMENT STORE AT ABBOTSFOfiS. B.C. Alilio i si om, ji t; . Auk. 13. T'lcven ra of wiwe anil whiskey were itol Ibka oiornins from he (ijiioienl liuaor "lore neav TKr mew wre hwhi iir a reMeni hill I hey eae before the ihI lee arrived on the rene. FISH ARRIVALS Five Halibut Boats Marketed Catches Totalling 141,500 Pounds This Morning Halibut arrival marketed al I he l-Mi KietiHHge I lit a iiiornins .tailed III. 5110 pound. Knur Aineiiran veela had l3t,S00 poiimU, the balance of (he total .teiitf from ona lnnudiaii. I'rieei averairetl ulishtly under tic and 'tr. Arrival and aules wero as fl-j iiw: American S-amhal lOJHm lb., al l.Ko and 5e: Valnrou. 7.000 Ihn., nl I Lite and Ik! ; and Wave, 5.500 lb., al IO.Se. nnl Go, to the Cin- .adian Fih oll Mnrnire t'. ' Chelnea. 50.000 llis., al 10. So hikI 5e, lo Hie Hoyal l'ili Co. Canadian Scrub. U.oun lb., .al tie and .r. In (lie At I it I- ilieri'f. REMOVING TROOPS FROM CAPE BRETON HALIFAX. Auk. 13. The removal or iimre than a thousand I rm ii I .lalinned al t'.nne llrelon from variou rl" r I'anada st nee I lie middle or .liini) is "neheduled lo iM.nunenee Kilur-tlay, il was annonnn'd yestenlay. STOCK MARKET BUYERS' WEEK Japanese H Propose Goins DURING FAIR u el? uuu nuiwm riming Suggestion they will operate big cold storage steamers off coast of Siberia for American Market hauls Association lo take place SKATTLE, Aug. 13. The tanfr eomn..sio,,crS who on n,!'t , mi W '"- I,r0J?re;,s, Tuesday . onclmJed a hearing on a proposal lo rejJure the Ameri-. m"ul,- . can duly of two tents a pound on halibut are remaining at .-pcc.ai hooks are being pre-igeolHe to confer will, the men interested in the salmon judos-and for registered buyer and ,rv and to collsider the question of holding an im,uiry on the are will be refunded to all or to lower the ,,,,11 a proposal salmon tariff. Iiiwe whose purcJiase aggregate. joflI, Cobb, director of the colltge or fisheries at the Uni- 0,1 or over. Persons residing versitj of Wshingtou, who opposed the reduction or tl.e hali-fal.g the line of the Uauadian-l)llt dljlie;t suid rhe ja,ml,c,e investig.t,.. two of whom were .' undi i..tnu,s s iar e;isi as g0venimeut a.'etils, visited himi Hums Lake will be entitled to lasl year seeking informalion re- .u uicuiseives oi me oner, yarding the industry. "Their also people from Anyox. Swan-;,,un" ie sai(1 (u Catch and on nay. Mewarl. Alice Arm, the free their fish in big cold! ueeii Charlotte Islands and Aonze steamships on extensive liter coasi poinis. llie laiCK.-lralilmt hanks off Siberia and' bring I he calch to America in these shins." Mr. Cobb added that the Japanese did not con an oh I'll i imioiTVUjlniinpj oimaU'ttil rnsivlnliim f rwrr llu Su1I1p I U I V IlklllKI Li""iuel ami itaucejln, b;tnor'-.oI. ,'.tiaTnW of- Commerce urglntr! ULiiU 11 T UllVLl "p regisiereit buyers while tliey the relention of Hie dutyUo "keep CO.TAM IX()PLi:. Auy I J Mustapha Keuuil Pasha has di vorced his wife Lai if c JIanoun, according to an official announcement, whirh did not give Hie reason for Hie action. It has been known that fi r some time llie diimeslic relation? of Kemalj iiuf his wife have been strained, i vessels under RAINS IN SOUTH BRING FIRES UNDER CONTROL ON COAST VAXCOLVKIl. Aus. 13. Heavy rains which are general on Vancouver Island and u; the coast promise to extinguish the fires litany of which arc reported now to be under control. Four fire fighters in the Ilevelstoke district, who were missing for several days, have now been located. INTERIOR M.L.A. AND HIS FAMILY NARROWLY ESCAPED Bolt of Lightning Strikes Residence of H. G. Perry and Damaqe of $3,000 was Done PIUNCK (iK01l(5K, Aug. 13. II. (5. Perry, M.L.A. and his fam ily had a narrow escape death early lasl Sunday inorniti when a bolt of lightning led by Ihe antenna of a radio set siruck his residence doing damage which is estimated at $3,000. Only prompt action by Mr. Perry with, a garden hose saved the house from entire destruction. As il was all member of the family sustained bruise and painful burns. BASEBALL American League St. Louis 2, Philadelphia 9 Detroit 2, Huston 7. Chleago 0, New York 2. National Leaguo New York 3, Pittsburg 5. Philadelphia 2, St. Uuls V. Hrooklyn 5. Cineinnali I. The hospital board lasl nig'u instructed their delegate io Ihe 11. C. Hospitals Association lo oppose a proposal to make a general assessment in mumeipalitirs ror ho- nit al en rpoiev JAP STEAMER Ignored Arrest by Marshal Gog-gln at Victoria and Made for Cpen Sea VHnoilIA.uAu. 13. Ignoring Ms!!i5y Marshal 1L W. :io?ginA of- the lit HTAIi' 'Columbia iivision of the Admiralty Court 'hal Ihe vessel was under' seizure in connection with the sinkins of Hie tuy Hustler at Vancouver, the captain of the Japanese steamer Kaikyu Maru mfc to sea Iale Tuesday nijrlit and Jefl the Marshal and his aide fLiunderiuv n an open boat in a slilf breeze. oh Victoria. On itistruclions from Vancou ver the marshal intercepted Ihe freighter when dropping the pilot. After a parley, the Japanese captain promied o bring the ihip ialo the Hoyal Hoads an- horage but n'fused to pick up Hie narsiial. When the pilot was dropped, Ihe vessel put on slcatu and headed for llie ;en sol. : BEER WAR ENDS IN MONTREAL Frontenao Brewery Sold to Shareholders Handsome Profit Net MO.YIHKAL, Aug. f3 Following an aum-uuceinent yesterday that the beer price war, which ha,- heen raging since early March has been settled and that the FronteniM' brewery has been sold. The shareholders will get H I '.II -Ii...... f.ii. Mm nrmitiiiili from. , , .. ........ 'ami pifM ii'ii .uiriv, MlllLll itiic- sents a jump of io and. 2i a sliare respectively over previous sale prices. f KING GEORGE VIEWS CANADIAN PAVILION WEMBLEY EXHIBITION MUNTUKAL. Aug. 13. According to cable advices receive! at Hie .eneral headquarter of the Canadian Naiidnal Haihvays in .Montreal today. King ueorse was a visitor to the pavilion of Ihe company at the Hrlllsh F.tn-plre exhibiliou ye.lerila)'i; 1H Majesty viewed the moving panorama of Canada, and whllo watching it, he recalled Ihe delightful scenery which impressed hhu on his visit to Cauiula yenrs ago. He praised as a mot pratv lical exhibit, the model farm which composed a pari of Hi display or tin l.iii'.alioii de- iiiirl ineni r Hie Canadian Xit-'lot'a! ll,ii..VHV. 4t -I l1