paO ma THE DAILY ItLiWO I !The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published EvryATIeTTroonrxepliinday, the Prince Unpen Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue Mr. and Mrs. i. A H. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .......... $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, In advance, per year ... $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. $1.10 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Fron Page..... $2.S0 per inch Local Readers, per insertion, t ... 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Hates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - DAILY KDJTIOft RAIN WELCOME IN INTERIOR Crops Improved by . Moisture Farmers Will Raise Grain Next Year Says Visitor son, Hilly,. returned on yesterday aflcrno'ou's train', .after bavins spent u fortnight at Lake Kalh-lyn at. Mrs. ilirnie's summer camp. Lake Kulhlyn is a very attractive spot ami posspses all the natural advantages that should make it a popular summer resort. There is good (rout fishing in the lake and the bath -ing is fine. The walor is ouiln rain caiins and practically extin guished it operation this fall. Ibis possibility of disposing of grain it is fell should' be an incentive lo grain production throughout the central interior,, ,: The town of Sinilhers, after a rallier quiet winter and spring, Advertise in the Dally Newg. 98 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on day .preceding -publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Monday, July 13, 1025. SUNNYSIDE CANNERY - VISITED BY PARTY Two Hundred Stopped off There Saturday on Way to This City The annual (IN. II. personally comhiclril lour nartv consislincr Hunter and ,u 1 l,ei'SOIls reached the city ly special. train on Saturday af ternoon and sailed by (he steamer Prince fieorpe for Vancouver. A feature of the frip wesl was a visit lo ISunnyside Cannery where the visitors froin the en! witnessed the process of salmon (fanning and were entertained hy Manager J. Field Straus and Mrs. Strang, It. F. MoNaughloii, G.N. It. district passenger ,'agenl, warm and there' are good iuilur-fa'coinpanied al beaches, Among; Ihe guesls at the lake are parlies of Canadian iiirls in Training from such points as Smilhcrs and Hazel., ton. Some of these girls practically live in the waler. .During the past fortnight, Mr. Hunter reports, there has been a good deal of rainy wealher throughout the Bulklcy Vallpy; While such conditions the party from Jasper ParK to Prince Huperl. Mr. McXaughton will go lo Jasper again .on Wednesday to meet another special train carrying over' 100 Ontario school leaehers who will arrive here on Saturday and go south on the Prince Huperl that afternoon. SI ill another 4a'ty coming hero this week will he a Field and Forest Parly from Boston make camping not, quite , as containing -5 members nleasant as it michi have l-cii.Uhe leadership of Ilev. under Casson Hie district, after a long dry spell, who was here last year with a was badly- in need of moisture . similar parly. These tourists and it has been of great benefit J will arrive here on Friday, ko fo the grain and root crops r11i to Slcwart and thence though Iray had already - suffered i,,u,"f frnritS drought. The rajn' wa u'lso 'timely ;. brintfbljr into fri'.'..tS.',...v...ll: ally that, between lifcVRStftfRf Prtnce-'HupertV' and Kvelyn in fighting whieh'at one time there were over one hundred men engaged, flame swept along both The sides HOTEL ARRIVALS M. C. Pollard, Sask; C. Currin, W. K. Trump, Vancouver, F. II. Aiken, C. It. Mr. and -Mrs. !ilbert. Terrace; D. A. Morse, Hut, of the railway track for soineChinspn, Kan.; Miss M. A. Ber- ifive miles but did lillle damage her, Miss T. Sinclair, Miss U. No limber, the fire just getting Mnclair, Miss D. Jcnklnson, into the heavy timlher when the Suelph, Onl; Moss O. ilrant, Ortllia; Mr. and Mrs. W. Slalt, Brooklyn, N.Y.; K. 11. Burrel, Sojiie id the Bulkier Valley Toronto; Mis K. Andcrscm, Miss fanners are already lalking ofjC. Tennarton. SI. Paul; Mrs. shipping grain lo the Priiicpjllilchip, Mrs. Furniss, Heaverlon, Itupert elevator-when it. gels iuK'nt.; o. K. llaga, oranile I-alls; II. Latta, Fdmonlon; F. Rogers, tfwanson Bay; W. T. Ferris, Vic toria; Choug Fan Vow, Kssing-Ipn. , Central S. Kisick, city; T. Duro. Slewarl; O. Olsen, Port Kssing- is quite busy again. Coulribul- ton; J. V Davidson, H. Crofl, Ing lo the impetus is Ihe re- Toronto. sumption of mining operation 1 al the Duthie mine. There is -Mrs. Lindsay of North Vaneou-also a sawmill in operajjon-lver arrived in the city yesterday, along the railway track just wfls 'Mrs. Lindsay is a sisler of II. of Sioither. iDowlher of the cliy, and was I called, noith owing lo Ilie illness o" her brother hcre UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. fiauinfri from prince Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swnn Bty, n AUrt Bay, TllMdif, P.M. ,'r VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AUrt , inon Bay, SaturUf, 10 AJM for ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, IM. for RORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rlr Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. US End AfWiua. t. Barnalay, AaanU Rrlnea RuparU B.O. FAMOUS BIRD manwashere; 'Jack Miner With Party of Bu-t chanan Bovs on Way North earned themselves, I heir parents tdvanced another one-third where possible, and the balance was put up by Mr. 'Buchanan willi the understanding that it be repaid before the boys reach manhood, the fund lo lie kept in tact lo provide trips of a similar nature for otfier boys. Perhaps the most notable in-lividual with theNparty is "Uncle" Jack Miner, of Kinssville, On tario, the famous Canadian bird naturalist, whose studies and work with wild fowl have al tract ed attention. Others in Ihe party, which numbers 90 alio gel her, are fiporge Buchanan, Hip leader, Mr. and Mrs. Loomis. Mrs. Miner, Miss Beatrice Bu rhanan Chatham, Ont. Miss Oibson, Mr. Beers and Dr. Lin denfesty, the medical man in charge. NEW PROCESS RECORDS OUT FOR GRAMOPHONE Absence of Mechanical Noises And Clearness of Tone Is Noticed J'or richness of lone, volume, and absolute absence of mechan ical noises the new "Victor" V.F.. process record is one of the marvels of Ihe age in Hie gramophone world, and will undoubted ly cause -a preat "deal of delight lo hners of gramophone music. A Daily News representative listened lo several of the new records yesterday and was very much impressed wilh the won derful clearness and humaneness of expression. . The new record brings Ihe orchestra or artist rigid into -the room. That they are-unusual and strikingly su perior In. any records ever man uf allured heretofore will be in- siaiuiy recognized, and tne reproduction possesses a brilliancy that has to be beard to be realized. While any slyle needle can be used oq the new records the hiaVeTpium Use of ihe VfcVoV TungslonV'tylus lipedles which give Hip IipsI results. Ten Years Ago j granted. in Prince Rupert The properly owners, of the city will vole on a money by-law lo provide for Ihe building; of a plank roadway lo iSeal' Cove, on July 30. The bylaw hai been passed by the city council.' From now on every express train in ond out of Prince Hu pert over the (5.T.P. is to carry mails. This information has been received by R. Mcintosh, posUnasler here, that Hit new order of things that has been sought for tho city ha been Tho Union . Sleamer Canwsun is to return to this port and will be put on the Queen Charlotte run at once; A reiiort from the comiiiillee of the council last evening, Rial ed that the telephone and elec tric light slalT could not be ro diiced. Aid, Mail land I bought there were too many employed, but the report wait' adopted. J. G. McNab has Just received word fruin his headquarters that henceforth the C.P.R. will srivp Prince Rupert Cerminal rale as far as passenper scr-i vice is concerned.. I Il The Mao in the Moon AYS- X dable among Ihe 280 tourist, .Ki.0 ul(, passengers who were aboard the china seems lo .P.R. steamer Princess Char-jimuM,.. lolte. Cant, Penned, northbound: , from, Vancouver to Alaska tliis!) vou ever see inogiing were a party of 73 boys -(id American and seven Canadian- whose trip has been made possible by fieorge Buchanan, well known Detroit capitalist, who visited the city a couple of years ago will) a similar party. So far, the boys had been having the lime of their lives .with more wonders developing the farther north they go. They will go TtTrisrw7tj--mt-Uu; 1' ri n ce s s , P vol u j on i . t Charlotte and will then proceed'tlieyM havT to While Horse and Atlln, re-lurninig soul li next week on the Princess Louise. The lads range in ages mm! It to 11) years and' are nearly all attending school. A movie, man is also wjlh (he party. To make Hip trip il was 'necessary for the boys lo pay one third of Hip cost.: 1 25. witli money which they bring before the beak. queue from have caused a slenog Silling al a table? Did you sec her ni SMITHERS LADY IS Bfue and silver foxes. LAND ACT fingers work As fait Ins t)ie-are, able? Did you hear Ihe clicking melody And pole her earnest look ? If you never saw her chewing 1 guiUf , Just lake tanot her .look. IP they were to try every in " Ibis country, Ivw niilflniu La WHF.X they tiring on a promi nent court case. (bat is to be re ported in Ihe newspapers woi'k after week, I wish they'd choose a more euphonious namev for I lie hero than Scopes. POdR Thomas Scopes a 'simple man.v Lived ''down in Tennessee And lived fas quiet a teachers' life m As every you would see. But then there camera lime maoe Ami the absence of a hell. Now Thomas was a teacher meek Of veryHitHe fame, Hut when he got against th law Tie whole world heard bis ' name. And now he is a hero bold Who nobly stands for right. Which shows it pays "to lake a stand And sometimes stage a fight. i Take Notice that Langara Fishing & Packing,. Company Limited, of Massed, Jl.C., occupation Packers, intends lo apply, for a lease of Ihe following described lamjs: ! Commencing al a posjl planted at Jlooney Point, firahanV'Island,, British Columbia; tbenco nor-j Iherly five chains, more or less.j lo low water mark; thence westerly. alon low waler mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty DITDfUAQEP HE EftYEQ' rl,aln' nu,re or lo poinl of rUuLunuCIl Ur rUALj commencement, and containing - iplzhtv acre, more or les. Mrs. H. Welch, of Snit,lier. ; LANOAUA FISIllNG & PACKING has I'Ccentb;, purchasnl two pairs of Alaskan Blue l'o.M' from the Cleary Bros. Fox farms of .Seattle, anil will receive llit-tn very shortly. The Cleary Bros, are pioneer in t lie I'M industry and nave successfully operated one of the largest fox"far(rts in the wor.d for Ihe last seven year, lln holdings now aggregate mo.-e than 1,200 acres. PACKING 0. liTD. i r Applicant. Per K. 11. Simpson, Agent. Dated June 12lh. 1925. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Land according District of Prince Hupert, and situate- at all devoted tol11?" ' Ha?' MaMPlt In,f1, isianos, ii.i'. Take Notice that Gosse-Mil- lerdj Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., Notice of Intention to Apply tOj occupation Salmon CaUners, in Lease Land lends In apply for a lease of the In Queen Charlotte Land Rot following described lands: lui iiii I'iril li l ki i iiutv illlill lll 1 1 IfK t. f M'7 it ' perl, and situate nbout one and a j approximately 20 liains east half miles east of Masscttl from norlbwest coriip'r Lot 1571; Lighthouse at the mouth of Mai-j henre south 3 chains; thence' sett Inlet, Craham Island, Brit- wpst 10 chains; thence south 2! ish Columbia. chains; thence west 10 chains lo TAKC NOTICH that Langnta; wpsI boundary of Lot 1571, Fishing & Packing Company thence-south 8 chains; thence Limiled, of Victoria, B.C., occu- west to chains; thence north 20 palion. Packers, Intends to apply chains; thence east 2 chains, for a lease of the following do-jmoro or less, to beach; thence scribed lands:- (following meandering of ' shore CoinniPncing at a post planted line lo p'qipl of commencement, at Hie,: northwest joowter of IaM. oen.i ,.jraiian. isianq, jiruisn Columbia, about one -arid a half miles east of Massetl Lighthouse at the mouth of Massed Inlet, Graham Island, British Columbia; Ihence northerly five chains, more or less to low water mark; thence westerly, along low waler mark one hundred and sixty chains; thence southerly five chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more or leas, to point of commencement, ami containing eighty acres, i more or less. i LANGARA FISHING & PACKING CO. LTD., Applicant. Per K. II. Simpson, Agent. ! Dated June 10th. 1U25. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR'ACt Notice of Application for Beer License Notice is hereby given Ihut on the it Ui day of June next, the undersigned intends lo apply to the Liquor Control Board for licence in respect to premises being part of the building known as Hudson Bay Hotel, Telegraph Creek, B.C. upon tho lands des-cilhed as Lois. 3 ahd i, block 2, map 975, Prince Rupert Land Regislrallon District, in the-Province of British .Columbia, for the sale of beer by the glass r by open bollle for consumption on the premises. Dated this 25th day of May, 1925. FRIG McOF.F.R, Lessee, Applicant. and, containing 22 acres, more or less. - " GOSfiE-MltLF.HD, LTD. ' Applicant. Per Wm. G. Mitchell, Agent Dated Juno 2Clh, 1925. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Quepn Charlotte Land Re cording District of Prince Ru pert, and siluale about two miles in a northerly direction fromi Rooncy Point, Massed Inlet, Graham Island, British Columbia. Take Notice that Langara Fishing & Packing Company Limiled, of Masselt,, occu pation Packers, intends to apply! for a lease of the following de- scribed lands: Commencing; at a post planted! two miles In a northerly direction! from Rooney point; Massetl Inlet, Graham Island, British Col- timblaj thence easterly five! chains, more or less, to low' water mark; thence northerly1 along low waler mark one hun- dred and sixty chalijs; thence westerly five chains; thence southerly one hundred and sixty chains, more or less, lo point ofj commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. LANGARA FISHING & PACKING PACKING' CO, LTD, j Applicant, Per K. II. Simpson, Agent.1 Dated June tOlh, 1925. Monday, July 13. 19 BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1824. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Hold, $77,382,05:1; Lode Cold. $118. 473,100; Silver, $0S,824,r7; Lead, $70,548,578; Copper. $187,480,378; Zinc. 171,407; Miscellaneous Minerals, $1,431,310; Coal niui Coke, $200,880,048; Humn Stone, Brick, Cement, elc., $42,225,814j making its Mineral Production to the e: J Ui 1021 show an 1 Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of this Province are. more liberal and the. fees lower than, tho;e of any oilier Province in the Dominion, or any colony in Hie British Kmpire Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which . guaranteed by Grown Grants, .Full information together with Mining Reports nrd Mnp. may be obtained grata hv addressing " THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. X B pmelicnHy nlf British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which developme work has been done are described in solm niieol ihe Annual Reports of Ihe tfi of Mines. Those-considering mining investments should refer lo such reports. Tin arc available without charge on application lo the Department of Mines, Victor a. B.t Beports of Ihe Geological Survey of Canada, Pacific Building, Vancouver, are re mended as valuable sources of information. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply Lesse Land i In Queen Charlotte Land He-cording District of Prince and situate at llooney l Or.lttt' ritviltfim When someone beard him "H' , ' .....J Columbia. ....... .i... i.i to I Island, British FOR SALE Halibut Gear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage G- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WHEN TEACHER "Kept you in" Remember when you were n little girl and bow ym. felt when teacher kept you ill "after school" on a bright spring. afternoon? And isn't il the same when washing keeps you in the house now that spring is here? . Our Family Washing Service will do your washing thoroughly and iron nil your flat work, willi" complete -ji-isfncliou. Let our representative explain lo you this Do l.Tt Laundry Service for people who tire only satisfied with ''if CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8 Use Dominion Linoleum for all ypur floors. BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phono 123 TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Or. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. Q. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Or. 601 Black 735 n