a i | . pie ere” LOOT —‘Rseaeeaneagasee ees, < 4 . A A a ‘i -~ i a? . "% CULN. STRONG | eg | r a | 51000 Need "cereus paeennes a WINNIPEG GP) — Kennetn (Hip J & ee ed lo : Suluruay, Sep eee oe ee many years sere- : ne lila cence: sibel iiaiincadaons tary of the Winnipeg = Fryjt Reach Red Shield arated nis Sara ates tna tH brated his 93rd birthday and Said PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER ampaign Amount BLACKWOOD OY [foe ae cinerines a er born at Sst Catherines and reached here in 1883. til e hs oy G usiness CT Probes DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:39 PM. DAY PREVIOUS than $1,000 is need ves slap cchaiernicsnigitnctawinsetile etree — nate reach the objective set this aa by the R Shie we i Classified Rates HELP WANTEv--MALE | REAL ESTATE PrP age sg tee With donations Closure time 4:30 p.m. day pre-| MESSENGERS wanted with own tailing ane 20. reewis vious to publication. b ‘les, opportunity for ad- a USI os Yesterdays onors Classified 3 cents VE ment free transporta- added $175.75 to the total: By EASLEY BLACKWOOD John FE % Hughes D - sash b as « dan ti t rrivileges Bolidaps with = ‘ R. E. Eyolson $5.06 —— a hehe, H — ive Grade 10 edu $5,000.00 C. H. Elkins Best Bet Is Lowest Card ORIROPRACTOR HONE sien 3 ig knowledge Ca-| M. Waksdale 0 . . x Hrs, 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Birth Notices, a aid j SS . " > Play aSse eg of Thanks, - West ere FOR SALE Snow white M. C. Laursen : In This Play For Finesse Eves.: by appointment only Fine se Notices, Mar = ___| large four-roomed bungalow Mr. and ips. C. Masnerell : i ieal bri | re plav ay 8 2 1 » 21 ~ 23 Besner Block | GENERAL CO) En; en! 2 construction car- with oil range and extra lot Mr. and Mrs. H. Waters } Mr. Dale is a practica riage player e does Phone Blue 442 Building : ine iters $1.77 per r. Must; Price ¢ erms Mr. and Mrs, K. : ‘tne? | Lsepeet-~inneeinsininatipebsiogbidiaaiiesnes | . 5 ar [ ] have tools Apply Seoeieas - es - Chirtetiennens Q ! it believe in heaping cr itiei ism On an erring partner. | king! pecial Display double pri a tice a i re Cn ae oe ea Pe o % ne a ee on Mi & oe i. aA M ua Mrs. B. Telford “iT you give your partner lessons duri Ing the play, | FOR YOUR ROCK ROOPS al x gees am $4,500.00 A Well-wisher ‘oo he says, “one*of two things will happen—both bad.” AND CONCRETE WORK OL BURN wet e Ts , ite a as ae FOR SALE seal teas -. F. C. McDowell If he understands what x ot Sait en otnarac seen —| SAUNDERS BROS. — Sa Minn citi ee —— ; : 98 ia oe iregor telling him, he will play} south dealer | We Pour Ceinent For Les PHC a f ine f Mist; _ 1 es vi NAT ie eee ew, C Fame Wartime a house “ ith oil K. L. Robertson 0 r against you the next | Neither ae vale rable | PL, 3 BI 939° 88 P.O, Box na - a — o ena py 7 and ane rang et Se Mrs. R. J. Holmes } he is your opponent, and yin " pamela one blue Cw Satu ee Enquir- view. Price $4,500. Term rhe foliowing are $2 donati how can that be good? If he! S—A 7 | day, Septe oe 1¢ ed. Granville Island.| Mrs. Ray Seherk; Anon, 7th E joesn’t understand, he will be H—A K 9 6 a a rs 1 G Viera @ wy 976 ) oe eet! Bank Vancouver 1, B.C (tt) | burgh, Mrs. A. Dale! yk, more confused than ever, and| C8703 PRECISION SAW FILING|| ‘REDE Lutheran tea, Sept. 27 ere ee e S es t Ao: SHEED. £2. SARAGASE): Shy eit niuslom and resentment to- South i OPTOMETs .' FOR SAI E—Used elec i eee $42,900 UU Mrs. M. McLean, Mrs, H. A. D ther will make him play eve n| (Mr, Muzzy) pra Mowers Sharpened cad ) S.O.N t es beginnis - 1a Webtaas Mond as, Mrs, M ue Rapee. Th se ON the next deal ea 6 215—Ist Ave. W. 7 Oct a7 Eocene 549 FOR SALE Fou ned G. Bateman, Mrs Liy In today’s hand, Mr. Muzzy What ¢ ! 222p) , , ae: ; xe =. in aay ' , , D—-A Q 10 3 i . <-Rebekah Bazaat, Uctobes-a : house, fully furnishe ith *. SUCDpaTC, @. meemoeed, F. |g Ne Champion, _ bidding C—A 95 2 Phone 909 nicieectoret coma Rieh Syce FOR SALE—New lumber 2,000| oii range. Full plumbi Byrdett, H. J. Cameron, P. J heir respective cards to the hilt| West hast | P.O. Box 721 Fe oes c S Lo f.} 2 x 12. Phone Biue 954 el PF price $2 500 ;. P. Woodside, R. C. Saun e ee a mnths «1: 4a 2 (Mrs. Keen) | ? e Sale § a sew i ruil a ra J a ae ind possibly beyond, reached a S—Q J 1084 S--9 32 | te WA ! Q —— Terms if required brs. ©. Mick! es H.R. Hai contract of three ne trump | BJ 82 H—Q 107 4 ne ay, OCs 4, in FOR SALE—Brown Acme coal ce, Ma Mr. Dale opened the queen of} D—8 5 4 2 D—K J HELEN’S H. G. HELGE 0 1. till 5 pa heater. Good ecndition. Price elton, Mrs. A. Gardiner, Cur ine a ne . iim.| Ga Cc--K Q 10 4 BEAUTY SHOP a ‘off and undwich i s t $3 20) { 0. Phone Green 245 R FE MORTIMER Helde Yvonne Morin. E A pades which Wee wes DY ¢ ge” \- The bidding : : LIMITE Te re oe (224p) " — Grant, R. 8. Collinson, A.J. Chis- | y's ace. Mr. Muzay or oe To. wee — se Permanent Waving neal nerins oer lc Fas Bi Fc, et : oe sl Re bb anata ia ad lia ce helm, B, Reynolds, Mrs Dick | the nine of diamonds from the ee _ ja pens Beuty Culture in all “AL ESTATE gy wie _ FOR BALE wit hen rang 353 3rd Av Phone 8 ameron, Mr. Ludsett, Mrs. H. board. He fimessed the queen and| 4 yp 4) pass its branches Phone 96, Ey ning Over 70 Banauet 1 Civie z od . ral r oil bu oad Andersen, Mr R. Shearer, M: cashed the ace, felling — niin i} 204—4th Street Phone 655 s rreen 781 i D . Kee ri . ee Centre, October. 1¢ j Paulis, Mrs. C. M. McIntyre. Keen’s two honors. Bu ito aii ; : oo - FOR SALE Man's biewcle im’ ? “ty McR D cone M Dale's eight spot stopped the 2 — a “8 poll lg icc Ladies of the O of ta d condition. Phone Blue! (223 Olaf Juvik, Mrs. W cAra,|suit and eventually Mr. Muzzy ron ' pated b LING THE J ‘ ' D M 4 f r * I 1 > k « . . . Ro} Purple Baz r, Qect, 18 nee (224) | i : on ts c / from the hand weak in a suit QUALITY REPAIRS pe ods — Mrs b Scott, Mrs. L. Dumas, C. went down one toward the hand strong in a For Downtrodden Heeis i Tailoring - 4 : Hosp Auxili c FOR ‘—Washing machine. oe _ gee pon Mrs Why the nine of diamond suit; for a finesse, your best bet atid Wort bles aad Te: of C. C. Mill f rst ( lass working condition } — } “9 = Ss. E on od, or dope? asked Mr, J mampion is usually the lowest card, This Box 774 Second Ave Clothes Mades Oct. 31 $45.00. Phone Black 379 be- ee i. Gyali, Sinmundson, Mrs. § nastily. “If you had led the six is true except, possibly, when 990 Six ic I ] —— ee 8 & a eo See ee. D spot, you ‘could have run fou: the hand you are leading from MAC eee anadian Legion Bozaar,. - , Smit ‘ £ Mr ‘ } tinkes '? — a , " pe ¢ ‘" Novembe : 5 AGENTS WANTED 8 aes aa . _ ee ., | diamond trieks. _|is short of entries. SHOE HOSPITAL Ce ee Pp Keays ML Me rie {rs ic L 1 was trying to get a cover | Mr. Muzzy followed this ad- Cathedral Fall Bazaar, N Rawleigh Products ys, M. 1 Mrs. 4 Mr. Muazy replied, lamely $ PORTRAIT vice in the hand to be shown Films based. eV el y PROMPT 8 rone, Mrs. W. M. Poole, N: M w ith vee : : < ell, you got it continued ss ; ee Shinnine and General Donald, Mrs. N Gaibraith Mr. Champion. “But what good|‘?™°rrow—to the best of his ee ee : A highly respected line of wel l.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar, Novem- nown Household and Farm ber “0 necessities. A few choiee Ru- ‘ al Localities available, 3. Willa: or teehee ON : Moving, Packing, Crating i ‘ aa R. S. Williams >" | did it do you? You’d have got) ability, anyway. The result was Cartage and Storage i also a cover by leading the six spot,) not an outstanding success, 4 1 Street Sonja bazaar, Novemb 21 Jarge City districts. Women OIL | f onsidered for art or full resbyterian Bazaar, Novem- t e ( ity SE a oe nae BURNERS Phone Green Prince Ruy ® too.” - Complete, Reliable and Effi- Paper Invites |‘, .... I don’t see much difference |i cient Service. Also agents for ber 27 eigh Dept WG-1-166-216 . : between the nine and th ix iE iE DAWES Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd ; p é i Contributions aid tae seule Diets AUCTIONEER |} for Oxygen, Acetylene and all ‘ wn of the M R * inipeg, Man se ‘ e Of Soci j N You're right There isn’t Pi : “ot i i} welding supplies, SCOTT Mc ie. to BATTERY SERVICE 2 HE INOWS | cn difference,” said ‘vr | Phone Black #46 and Red 127 | , g ||| CHARTERED 40g : - ; ; TI LINDSAY'S CARTAG Orange Ladies B rN 19. RU UPE RT Battery Shop, 234 East ‘ Daily News endeavors to| Champion savagely. “Only one | || James Block 6 i Ave = one Blue 126. Re- Give ail possible coverage of so- trick, Only the difference be | & STORAGE LIMITED } sage il = : me recharging and rebuild. NOW ON cial and pers mal ve of town tween making your contract and WRA THALL ‘§ |} Cor, 2nd and Park Avenues Phone 347 PO cember 4 ing Work .uaranted (c) EASY TERMS ae se ta _ : - roe #O0ing set Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 |! eee git, : . % _ -ontributions of suc tems 2- . oe - } Cnu N. A Fa ‘ AES POR SALE ee WITH ESSO FURNACE OIL re t Rs ; . ud activities weddings, USEFUL HAUL Photo Finishing |_ mee vos . FOR SALE—1949 Prefect, 15,000 . Med tee tes ate ID-| MONTREAL €M—Riehard Pen- e ™ mil In good condition CONTRACT ASSURED vited To contact a reporter, nington, McGill University Lib- | Luxury Steamer BIRTH NOTICI Phone Red 146 (224p) phone 749 ‘ ee an ve coe a. esa DFVELOPING, PRINTING Wi Pee ‘ naire" = ny a =| With 8,5 volumes garnered in rn to ( tair t \ FOR ‘5 g 70 Chev.— SAR . born cans te, tine” Geir, < Te ta y oa oe mahes second-hand book stores in Brit- memset PRINCE GEORGE. es Pics = : AI King Georgs PRINCE RUPERT ain and on the continent. He EXPOSURE METERS Eh ’ ik 39 ae ; R (222p explained. most of them are AMATEUR SUPPLIES bAILS FOR Mt) ; rehipeecrons in sane — ~ or - DRYDOCK | Straightforward texts which a ENGAGEMENT NOTICE WANTED TO RENT | have been out of print so long | Phone Green 136 Box 478 V M A Be! on W E TO RENT—2- or 3- AND SHIPYARD they are almost rarities ancouver |] (AN Times Daylight h ‘ ui yr house for couple SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS old baby. Phone (225p) VANCO | and VICTOR Each Thursday — _ So at 11:15 p.m. 8s. —s For KETCHIKAN = onal ') WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT | yyicp any, st and Intermediate Ports eley, son of ~— Sere IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Van ret FOR RENT Iron and Brass Castings BC. The wedding to | Ke piace FOR RENT — Sleeping room.) Eleciric and Acetylene RDN E R & CO tober eleventh at First United ” eine Oe oe (127) Shenton’s Sheet Metal Welding ° . ° Church (1tp) gS : : 162—3rd Ave. E. Phone 33 — FOR RENT—Centrally located, Comfort and Service PORT SIM - ene ean comfortable room for cere SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL Chartered Accountants t |] Friday, Camosut, if Oe __ gentleman. Phone Black 213 : siiierians fae oNINERY VANCOUVER PRINCE RUPERT For ere ren LY everybody uses 99, (c)| __ ‘223P’ Try Daily News Want Ads — ™! eet PRINCE GEORGE TERRACE eon oo. PEPOT || « a “Oct. 8a a “ -~ - - we \ «tt, we ING, Automatic Oi] » seat- FOR RENT—Large sleeping room = . = OFFICE 8 Coquitiam, nat mated wengie Mi for 2 gentlemen, separate ance » opening of ¢ “@ : “a ; q 30 6th West. Letournene| beds. Close in. 101 7th’ Bass Seen Se pening of am othe i ae PRINCE RUPERT, HHARLOTT Phone Black 977 (223) Willis-Harper Block ; ss Coquitil PHC INE our & hiana Dairy, FOR RENT—Large room for two | Oct. 1, Oct. 15 al f Agily deliv f ccept Sun- entlemen. 937 Ambrose aap) F N B FRANK J, Sil day By. looking after your ee ae ” Nes Prince Rup ay When th eat on SUC? | RENT. & Singer portable electric : ird Avenue ape sneer + cool, Alt milk!’ "machine. Phone 864 (c) On October Ist, 1952 || Third A : Sp kee ae eT wiley Pei FS abe | | AN ‘Ee, HaAik-—Permgngnt- | ‘ One WANTED BA : . ee | TERED : vith S 10. | F AC rORY Pp repairs, the mugs Abe on oe eY-| gunsmithing, outboard motors | . alae enteed ti i tha % ots nd marine engines. Fishing | nese - of any hair ang contains no| rod nd reels. 1337 First WINDOWS & SASH | ( irut r cnelulicals. LorBeer Overlook. Phone Green 364 fox ~ ee Lab, 679 Granville, Vancou-| pick-up (233) Mie | Chop suey _ver, BC (H) | ————________ Ms" : limi Open 6 pan -h PERSONAL—Hyde Transfer |. ___ WANTED DRIVE IN TODAY FOR A CHECK UP Reduce cost of heating and eliminate draughts _ary wood (M5) | WANTED — TOP MARKET by installing STORM WINDOWS—now, Ye ‘ SP RRON i, bn . PRICES P/ or sere ron, ‘ daa a ”¢ Side i finn ‘wade’ . I ERSONAL I adie it JER+ steel, brass, copper, lead, ete We won't fag your car “O.K.” for winter unless we're certain ALL TYPES OF WINDOWS AND SASH MADE TO ORDER DINING HOLLYWO0) a ‘ a eller permanente Honest grading. Prompt pay- that it will perform right through the cold months, under "none 855 (223) " c : ans e . ment made. Atlas Iron & the worst winter conditions. G & B dd Ltd RE For Outside Ordes JOIN the Pring ce Rupert group Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van- reer ri en e PLEASU = of Alcoholics Annonymous to- couver, B.C Phone PaAcific| . e day. Wile bor 4a Gan at (tf | t ¢ Phone 909 215 Ist Ave, West P.O. Box 721 IN News (222) | CasH for serap brass, copper, | uperior u 0 ervice SPARKLING oe JOHN Ke WE PAY cash for burnt out! batteries and radiators. Phone | SURROUNDING motors, any size or make. Wil-| 543. Call 630 6th Avenue Wem. 3rd Avenue Ww. LIMITED Phone Green 217 f ford Electrical Works, Cow! City. (th |g For the MEAL that REFRESHES Commodore Cafe B J _ Bay. Phone Blue 391 a {t) | WANTED 34 be d in good “eondi-| Sa winiiiiie a een | DELUXE TRANSFER. Phone 383,; _10n. Phone 552. eo 4 _(224p) | ACCOUNTANTS _ BES} OF FOOD a 5 ( Jplom “Train Schedule ‘ STANDARD TIME ics } ; , : MOTHERS! The big earning PUBL IC ACCOUNTANT, I Income | season is here for Avon Rep- Tax specialist. 8. G. Furk, | resentatives We have an| Stone Building. Red 598 20m i opening for you in your Com | mers a ; Iget munity. ‘No obligation to en- ‘RE AL ‘ESTATE FOR VERANDAHS, PORCHES ~ ec pki — John ~ co ae on : ane Sh ae . ‘ aw ae ir — Write Box 502 bal li FOR QUICK SALE , 6 room FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 * ce os . ‘ 1 | house with bath. Two unfin- From the Bast— BROADWAY CAFE _ Daily except Monday 9: 50 p.m eins 21N0S 8 ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BI a i ‘BLONDIE Be Shellacking As Usual me _ 000 dealers can’t be wrong ..| ished rooms upstairs. Full Familex has 1,060 dealers dis-| basement with furnace. In- tributing 250 guaranteed) Cluding oil kitchen stove and | household products from coast automatic washing machine. to coast — they make good| House in excellent rea | money, most started without new foundation, duroid roof, experience, yet y cedar | epee ke ITS PROBABLY THE | yet have succeed- | Shakes etc. Centrally | an, i CD NO 9 (oe OFA ed. YOU can do it too. Familex| located with harbor view. FOR YOUR DOOR oe en a rein) Mh ke LIFETIME “MAYBE 1600 H Delorimier, Montreal.| $6500. Good terms. Call or | SITUATIONS WE THE |) W EVEN THE JACK-POT (it)! Phone H. G. Helgerson Ltd., GUY VARNISHES 7 SELF “yy re ON . PN — -\ 96 or evenings Black 899. Be sure you are ready for the house-to-house INTO A CORNER . o ee I WILL not be responsible for (223) | t J c : ; se-to-house : es i any debts incurred in my a postal service when it starts, = name other than signed by|FOR SALE 4-room_ home with | <= = ~) 4 : | finished room in basement. | self.— Grat myself—Charlie F a “(224p) | Concrete foundation. 8th Ave.| . East. Terms. Apply to 247 East —-— | Ist. Phone Blue 884. (222p) v ND LOST AND os | FOR SALE—Harbor view home. Gordon & Anderson LOST- —Pet “rabbit. ‘in n vicinity. of Two lots, concrete basement, Summit Ave. and Acropolis| furnace, garage, glass porches | bone 46 Hill. Anyone seeing same, back and front. Fully a | please phone Blue 698. (itp) Owner 32 llth Street. (225) % %.