m Yes it whips easily and It delicious! A favorite with British Columbia housexcives Arriving Today Shipnio.il .,f F'-'--h Killi-.l WEAT AND POULTRY FROM THE BULKLEY VALLEY Carload of Fresh Vegetables Arriving Monday fiivo ii. a l rial We wil! satisfy Sealtj 8 Doodson Sixth Street Sixth SL Phone 455 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for AJAX HEAVIES Pronounced by experts to be the fin-atosl advancement made in ili ! shells in the past iO years. 12 gaupe only. Kaien Hardware Co. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load S6.00 Half load S3.00 Large sacks ... ... ., 50o DRY BIRCH Per load .. S6.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. IMPROVED Ford Models Will be on exhibition about November 10. Prices I nchaned S. E. Parker Ltd. Phorie 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. n&itage, Warebounlng, and ' Distributing. Team or Motor Service, final, Band and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and - Furniture Eovlnfl. t ,r BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManm ' 1 1 V,NT TO HIRE A - vho cve? T,xd ' WQOC feUf 3 MQHg TMA .ILL COT 1 DeTecTive Nt CUA HE 0C 0- l- A.a l-M AAMr En AlisT OOOO I TO- CjE Men takin qnl1 OOMT I A1 TeriO TO VfcAU " ii , , , . r i ,vi i TEA AND SALE OF HOME COOKING BY C.GJ.T. IS HELD A lea and ale of home cook-inp wa held on Sal unlay after noon in Mie Pcjsliyli'rian Church Hall by the Canadian Rirl in Training. Ahoul $15 wa reali zed. Mrs. Frank Hire, trader of (be (;.. I.T., Kave the event .un- erviinn wltile Miss Doris Can- Wow, president, and Mis Alice Pillihury. sei-retary, had frenerel charge. J LOCAL NEWS NOTES ! H. Pasitjfors ailiim hv the learner Prince John for th Oueen Charlotte I.-lands Satur lay evening included Jame Crocker fr Lockeport; T. Ijiw ence. .1. T. Poolan. II. A. .Mar - wood, o. Anderson, !. Frost, E. .....Iworlh and It. Ilolh foi Jtieen Charlotte City; Mrs. A. Rm tan for Mas.ett; E. .Nelson for Port Clements Motorshtn Fairbanks, Can'. McDonald, arrived in port lh;.-tw conifortor, A. Lynch, assisl-morning-from Sail Chuck Mine put, ant W. J. mtman, veom- Aiasca, Willi lliirty tons wf ladium concentrate for trans shipment over the Canadian Na tional Railway to Irvinzron smel ter. New Jersey. This is the firs tisn of the Fairbanks to tlr- port inee Wer reet 'strartdisfn'tR. J I "I'D I I i ' . - II -V- VOOlk I I "1 . t 1 1 X ... 1 I ffv L ff --t l 1 --r-v ... 1 III- vwra nv, . n-na ! a. . . II v" V - r VI I t f - 3 I BaV I JT If I I . L - , Q . nr - rn n r i.miki.h As a result of the visit lie- recently (if P. J. Harder, cran.t organixer for In order of Elks, a branch .if the lottsre will be es tablished in Prinre liem-ife in th- course of the next few days. The Channel Lumber Co operating a small sawmill alHUi four miles out of 1 Muster. uf fcred a heavy loss on Tuesday wjien fen ear of lumber as wel as Biiward of 1,006 lelenhonr IKile were ties I roved by firt. Tlie loss is partially covered by in u ranee. WMllrt H. k. nwn dis- j(rjr( tam (mwr wa kj lled last week in Ibe J seek loaginir cartip at Lonxworth when he was struck by a falling tree. Tbre are now 28 Dtioils n- rclle in lh ni?bt M-booi here twenty of them taking up com mercial courses. The members of the Prinec ieorge Glee Club gave their first concert in Hie dniol ihoairo Past Friday evninz. W. K.lli.- Ibe personnel of the io IKer l'rter, I). KUluM, in MeMakatla passage. Fnion steamer Cardena. Capt A. E. Dickson, arrived from the south at 2.30 vesterdar afternoon and sailed at 8 o'clock far Anyot- Alice Arm and Stewart. The Car dena brousht among her pa sengers the following: for Princ nupert . Nimmon and V. Mc Callum: for Anyox, W. It. Lind say and F. J. C. Bell; for Slew- art. Hale Pill, H. (i. White. Mr Adler. 11. II. Fulton, lr. J. Nar. F.. . II. Winn and If. II. Taylor, fnr Alice Arm, Oil Evhlsen. CP. It. s I earner Prfnress M;trv. '.apt. C. C. Satntey, arrive rom Vancouver at 3 o'clock this af ternoon and will sail at t:30 for Alaska oorls with the folkiwii-u passengers from here: for Jun eau. II. T. rripp. Mrs. William Muir. Mrs. f. (iiamaeus, ' T. fiia- a fiiHau,;.Mrs. Olive Somiiiers. Lieut. Newberry and MU M- Ouall; forlvetcliiknn, deorgn fn- riian. Olof SkvtlorlioliiK .10 Mamldet find Ensign F. Aj. florin: for Wrangetl, M. Molskenes. II is renorled thai the CP. It. is to in titule a service into Stewart tins winter with the Skagway bout but no confirmation of lhi is lo be obtained at the com pany's local office. BATTALION ORDERS Hy LieuL-Colon"! J. W. Nicholls Officer Commanding, 1st Hn North B.C. Ilegl. (102nd Hn CE.F.) Parades The following nar mles and classes of instruction will be held during the follow mg week: a. f. , .... , evening, November t Rlti, at p.m. Lewis Cum Section Tuesday evening:. November 17th; at 8 p.m. First Aid Class Tbtirsilny evening. November IDth, 1U25, R p.m. Appointments- To be Lewis pun officer Lfeut. Norris Prlngle Orderly Officer For week ending November 2tsl, Lieut. A. Illx. S. D. JOHNSTON. Mnjnr ami Adjutant Attached 1st N.H.C. Ilegl. Advertise in the Dally News s JMl whCn i am om ...... rinre r;orge ilee Club includes . Qiiayle, M. J. Kinney, E. A .yneh, J. Pasehke, . Itexun. W. T. fivle. F. A. tion-'ia.i v rinr?is .1 Ilnhit4in v.. rren Saunders, Rev. H. Kurin-r W. J, MrKmnVHi, J. Ward. Thorn- o Oiar. F. Clapiierton. E. Mp- Farlane, rieorye Milbnrn and l Martin. William Hexon is pre sident and F. Clanperton. vice- president. The wedding of Miss Montana Comslock and Frederick W. Hun ton was sfdemnued Inst Mondav evening at the home of Mr. an I Mrs. Frank Armstrong by Ilev. . T. (ialhraith. The Sinclair Spruce Co.. substdary of the Ai Sherma., Lumber Co. of Polsiiam, New iork, has taken over the Itasbnw I. umber Co. at Dewey. William L. Hughes of this cifv wa married lal Tuesday in Ed monton T(r miss K.thel A. Johnson of tanrasler. New YorL. They have returned' to' Ih-ince fleorge lir lake on tfretr reai- dence. , llusli Melt.ilh nt ifila aiiv tn last week, for Prinre liupert lo he imitated In hirtrontli Preceplorv. Knights lemplar. Oeorge Millmrn. govemmer: agent, is on a business trin ! i icloriji. He expects lo be awa- .... . i anon i inree weeks; JOURNALISTIC PASTIME. (Toronto Slar) A favorite sport of ilcsnatru WrilArs nnn-jilttit. i I,. ""J- iiniiT- ...en w um r,e cnosen by ,,asl. Co,,n,ssioner Land.s is in Mr. Metghen if he were forinin.: favor of do-mg the season car'-a ministry. And perhaps -one .,.r. .iaft i,, )P WMrld -erie. day n fond mother tell her may possibly a week sooner, to avoid louspriiiK: olTspring: "Johnny, lonnny. vour your tivM grand- conflicting vmIIi Hie football sen- of an "iT cabinet. I vJt- wvjt to JMU CKJ HMsOt-t TM SPORT CHAT Spirl evcurls -heituled for Ibis week are .a-follows: MiMiiU.viloiiigln i.nbbaae !.eit Rue: IJU .. p. K. ilntel' AV.U. v C.N.Il. M.vi anirul; L.u.l.. vs. si. A" drew; S. of C. vs. .Mnnc Dry lork K. of t:.; C.N. p. Operaiing dd Storage. Itoxing lo'ii M.uiieiii. Hrii V Skinner v-. I too: McNeil) and three prciimmaric. I'uesiajf. -Seccii,! Divmion Mil liard: Prince Rupert Fish Co. r. lirent War Veterans Whist l.eayuc: - Postponed game HI. - s. Loyal Orango Lotire. ritinsiiay. Men's Vhil Leaaue: MooMe Vs. k. of C; Suns (. Efig4Mnl s. St. Andrew ureal War veterans vs. Knights of Pythias; Mtm o Caniada v- iNtdfellows. Second In vision Billiard Cokl Storage vs. OnMio. Kriday. Ladies' Whist: Digb ters of Fngliuid vs. Mikmmm Ladies; Orange Ladies' s Pythian listers. The great financial spoils 'aKVii this year iiave led agai'l ... la. . i . ;.n oi me loriiuuion of a third major hasepaii league in the I niled Stales, It is ihouahl that the leading International mid American Association chilis might merife llwir interests and a six-club nucleus for the llnr.i major leauue is stiracsted wild clubs f'rom Ilalilmore, Iluffal.i. Toronto. Kansas City, Loutsvi'le mid Milwaukee. It is said that there are many bis- financier ready and even anxious to invest their money in such a new base ball venture. Twelve years w there was a third major league -the Federal but II failed on ac count of mismanagement ml. though it worried the Naliontl and American Leawur a gowl deal before it was through. Taking it on the whole. lo.-ai niiuriMls are having a pretty successful sea -on of it both from the standpoint of deer and game birds. The most successful nif ties, however, are those that go the farther afield ami as a result trips of a week or so's dura- lion to such points as Purche Island. Hartley . Hay, iinrdnei Canal, etc nra more hi vnnw thia year I Ii.ut; ever before. Tlia oeal ileet sensoq cloe- mi Nov ember 30, aaf lti soih for duek and getft dn fiicernber 31. South or :.. degrees latitudc 1 about Hella flella the seasons remnin open until .lanuarv :u and February 16 tespecl ively. One of i im most important mailer to Up discussed at a UieeiiiiK of the major baseball leaifiie wliirl, is called for Den-ember 10 bv Commissioner Lan dis willlte i ir rtifPslinn of closing the league campaigns and l uurutff Ibe world series earlier n . man nas ne.-n t lie custom in Hie son and l!n rlub owners if lliev arrce in.iv in Wi't'i'iit i-utlm: SAFE SPEEDY D ASM RELIEF romrAIIM T-R-C'8 TIMStlTOMs RHEUMATIC CAPSULES In Kimni $1.00 Bat.. SolJ and rmm. nMnd.d bjr 3,000 Canadian 4rUffMt. NEURALGIA HEADACHE RHEUMATISM Xcuritis Lumbago Sciatica Ut IM Smd I tc for muatml bocVtrt uxt f nwrou. Uial ranplt loTrmpleum.. 1 21 Km WTonnto 1. ' ' AOONO l- i For Wanted Sale " DAILY For Rent 2c per word in VVANTOB OLD Artificial Teeth Hough I. any oomiuion. Highest price sent ! - by return mail. II. tHinaUtn.lt P.O. Hot 310, Vancouver. H.C. Established thirty thrr years. WANTED. Canvassers to la'" orders for Christ mas cards. Mrltae Hros. HELP WANTED. FEMALE MEN and Women wanted lo learn barber trade and beauty culture. Wonderful demand for barbers and lady hairdressers. Special low rales now cm. Tools free. We have thirty-two schools in Canada and UJB.A. Write or call Moler System of Colleges. 10 Hastings East, Vancouver. H.C. FOR SALE FOIl SALE. House 21x30; build ings; ISO acres land bordering lakY good view, water, soil: near sawmill, station, choo rink. ? 1,500. L. llotcliki Alexa Lake. Central B.C. 270 FOUR roomed house for sale on Kighth Avenue West, near Mc-Hrtde. Apply 1 S3 Eight th Ave afttr the o'elnek. 271 FOIl SALE Seven roomed hoii and furniture. Apply Fifth Avenue West. Photo Oreen -Ul. .1 WHAflFAOE for boats. Cnre- laker in allenihiiire. Appl) Northern Kvc.iante Phone J3 KOH SALE. Hlack and cream baly carriage in excellent con-dition. Phone 713. :f HOL'HEWORK wanted either for school girl or general servant Phone Hlack 232. 'I TO RENT FOIl IlIiNT. Ooinsr concern a. Cow Hay including 3 roon and bath, furnished. Duin gol business. Owner inusi leave city on business. Photr lied 7Z0. if TO RENT. -Four roamed fur. nlthed, modern house, wilh piano and large pantry.' Also three; morns furnisheil, modern. Phona Hlue 198. j( POIt RENT. Warm furnlsfie-f room, suitable for two gentlemen. Close in Phone Blue Ti'. or call 131 Fifth Ave.. West. TO RENT. N'ewlv lceorui three roomed house; hot and chl water. Apply rear ??" Second Avenue West. 207 KOH RENT. Pianos, triaver pianos, phonographs and sewing machines. Walker's Musie Slore. tf KOH HUNT. fjarge two store house. Third Avenue near Mr Meelrin's (irocery. Wesien-aer Hros. i, KOH RENT Four roomed lions wifh hath, furnished, Decembi r I, 85.00. Apply O. p. lin-kfir- tt Ft'RNISNfID HOUSE for Rent. Range and other furniture for sale. 215 Fourth Avenue East. MODERN FLAT for Itent.-Max -Apply Hntlbroner. if FOUND I OF.D.--Wliile rabbit ycslerdnv near HI. Peter's Chttmh. Owner phone Oreen !!). , down their usual schedules 0f 151 games. President Him Johnson of the American I.'Mtnie also favors an earlier i li,nm but. the National League last year opposed such a move. a STA.K'a NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. Si advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c CARS FOR SALE. I tV't Ol.Uiuobilc I. 5 passen ger louring I'JOo on lti'0 Nash ft passenger lour- in r mo.on Overland Sedan ?70O tti lltf Heo seven passenaer louring 1700 W ttl'.'S Ford Coupe, balloon tires car like new to50.no 111 .'2 Ford Tudor sedan. - MtS.OO I92S Ford riup ... . 350.00 lJI Ford one ton truck, panel body fl?&. (tf I Ford light delivery ebaauls rebuilt 175.00 All cars guaranteed in kimhI mer hanical condition. jv terms can be arranged. KAIEN OARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Service Station. Agents for McLaughlin Oakland. Oldsmobile and Chev rolet cars. Reo. O.M.C. and Federal Trucks. WRF.CKINU SERVICE DAY AND XHiHT. MISCELLANEOUS Bill PAY WORK FOR MEN. To the unemployed or men wh work rr laborers' pay when the worlds greatest industry needs thousand of men a 05c to tl.n0 per hour, eltr and count ry shops. We I fain you for job a truck drivers auto-mechanics, ignition exports, battery welding- and vulcanising. We also teach bricklaying, tilesetting and plastering. Call or write for free catalogue. Hemphill Auto Engineering School. 10 Hastings ??ree Eas' Vancouver H.C. , BOARD HOARD The Inlander. 830 Sweond Avenue. Phone 137. DOLLAR STORE See Our Range of CHRISTMAS GIFTS. HeiiislitcliiiiK and Picolina. Special attention given to Mali orders. THE DOLLAR STORE. Pln.iie Red .l.'i. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. 303 Third Avenue Rolengervls for Columbia Record. We repair PbonoKrnpbs, Hnydes, lluggler, Haciiucts and Musical Instruments of all kinds. TAXI Taxi C7 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or Ousl) Special 0 and 7 passenger SUiilc- hakcrs til your service day and night. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Emprcsv Hotel. FUnNITURE AND RANGES. Home Furniture nml tin suitable for every home. Christmas goods arriving dally. Every time you pass my store cnll in. You are most welcome. A. Mackeiule, Furniture Home if ROTHWELLg TRANSFER Coal - Wood nnd Furniture Moving Haguago and Fxnress Stand iLiitlo's News Stand, Phone Res, Phone Oreen 020 FURNITURE, New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Huv. Sell anil !r. change New mil Hocondlinnd' Hoods. OEO. PAPAD0PULI8, 3U Third Ave. Phone flta CAMERON TRAAgfEg Phone I?? Baooage, Furnlturt If MU Willi I ,-, or delivc. P r. i j CARPENTERS WHEN haxc.v etl. see ltl.n H' k WATCS S0TKL t gun-1 , Srnl far ikr i ,., . Inr . -r uM-. . evi) rK i rll ri lr imkm Nitrr vim a n. -loin 1uh lak. , Mllr. -iilli ..: rf am (. ,i i a (.in l i ititm. ii ... ' IHl 1111 br pi"" ie 'I- biMIIMl i- ili . ilr.nl'.l II:!,,,,, v. i, lusts. J. 5f. .,. Illr. i I lu i. nn ibr ' riUIMl arm a mm m u - Wm&r at n t, i br ril..l mis int- -, lib Ih. iian.i. Carliaiiiasti Kii. iln . IB Ihl l .!) '! On ft iiitii-r in , it.tr .1 ilm lir.r . Hf M liar fl, .-, .".M I la an act, NMIc sf I.Uali.11 t '( t lr 'II I'Tlli'r Mini. - lel ( I -fir Mi,. M4 li-tt at hi, N.)l taUirl, San.- r ii. ii. i !t , i isinxio i itnna-ii nifiaikiii ..Sr ribrd Ian 1. ( 4jlini4i iian ai , Nlltarl Oiin . I S".al lallnl. Han. Inr'. -a. i. th miUkfrtr o II) -Inn i Itt'ti- itii. . mnrr it u, i . ftlU.mitia liiaSl m ml l,rtliit) .I -- mnii aixl -SOMFMMl : i f't-r V LAND ACT, mlcs sf lnl.nla.fi l" In CHav In, i . IMI aval allu.t. anal M.i lu firrmr n.nn. -Mai ataaaH ti n , w rv. IJMM. '( Vi rssmiyaw ii. mi' if Man ftvl' '! i OnTlliSSSg'' o SS.SS Mlna in v rents l Mirisi" Hrt laBXVl ana Srssiiater r asi i i Inflt Bwsii-i"' i laaVa t.. . . i cualatsiSat l WAI.I V i IMIa S-f I-- - LAND ACT a.iu. -f lai.MiiAnnin Ar. 'I la la rrsae Sun" i of Owiai ii . Narut HiriM. ; TtoTin - Vrimrm hiiirl O-SU In ipli ' ' ins 4stftit lan t-VinwRirinr i i natti gwul r s thfti .feuinl h i-ii ST OBI"" " iaMSI I irrns, iMtm " Dated oefnhrr Bill-,' LAND ACT, Notlc ef Inl.nllofl to Apdt in lftgr IIUT-rl i i a Cimal nui"' TTF infil l ii..- ' erlikM lluiMirl inr (t.Hfllil inn''- , ' risrtirinir m 1 -. , iih pirtsi "f " ' Ihrn iiiimvt hn" isilnl of rwniiM'ii- " 0 rr. HHiM' "i .' w 1 . ' a r IHlKll Clfl'ltl'T V BUTSlCt CASSIAR LAND Rtcerdlng District of T'flr 4 oir 1 1 1 1 r. .i- - $' of 0rrl OI'H'ii'i liil lo lt-lv r '" t rll... Ilm rnllnninir t r.inniiiiiic !nr ii ' aia.r l.mli nf III, Vl OrMl ilhrliT, ! ' "'" runnlnr nnrlti f'i 1 " ' wilrlr rtirri'linn '" ii.inhi.rlv rtircillin in rsiirrly itir'"'ii" llirlirrlni-lll ol fdU ti.t.l UIUM OM. ,l5, 1 . fU