Uaily INE WS Saturday Sermon suNDAY SCHOOL AGAIN ny CANON B. PROCKTER people doing the most important Dince upert. The city council? The police? ; 9 ers? The doctors? The indus- ers? The clergy? None of these. enn your ence n fresh © air and vitar | whi re i ' ar t o¥ ! = It isn just h Sunday Schools won't d the kids any harm. It is the mo Vital and cessary thing matter of or death And yo church people i I yery i to De A choir membe 1 church ushe member of the wom guild, or the mer club, But fi ask if + | Lher ne 1 i ! A K { I . School And , ( Sund ho hap i } I ‘ , I ( eY ) in ks on) 1 me hick hi h ht { find themselves t 1anhood or , T y womannood not i ted fr Rs ECTORY = yp? if a : hil JU : >» Ul hat it @&m t AVeY Kx on W . =. schook " He os oe vhich 1OWS NO ind time or } LICAN CATHEDRAI : fo cn 1 ¢ Dunemuir Ot | i , Pere ms am a ; A : re é J pa 4 Cy F sit ix v»| Jews Celebrate — GANGS : fsa) i Sek OLEATON'S Ha paee arin ew Years Day | a pits | t | : thn | scans cre “aotnate wo) | : % = "2 FALL ond WINTER CATALOGUE 5 een vetR ian e the no heit of the BATTLE OF BRITAIN RECALLED—With their exploits (Yep life) A squadron of Spitfires enroute to intercept the ee Judaeo-Christian way of life immortalized in the superb prose of Winston Churchill, and enemy. (Top right) Members of No. 1 Canadian Fighter ; a DD the Rev. Richard D. Jones, Ex- with the free world forever in their debt, the “famous few,” Sauadron, with their commanding officer in the centre, Group = beautiful, 696-page book is now reaching een 982) 1 ecutive Director ef the Canadian Whe held back the tide of Nazi aggression in the summer of Captain Ernest McNab, OBE, DFC. (Bottom left) London’s | Western Canadian homes. Look for it—shop FIRST UNITED Couneil of Christia nd Jews 1940, will again be saluted this weekend when Battle of Britain Tower Bridge, symbolizing the strength and dignity of the city ' from it. Enjoy leading values, widest assort- S ae declared in a New Year's mes- Sunday is commemorated. Church parades and memorial it graces. (Bottom right) The beautiful window of the Battle ment, prompt, efficient service. : Green 613) age that wished peace freedom services at RCAF units across the country will once more recall of Britain Memorial Chapel in Westminster Abbey. In this | : ; i Q a ae — . urity -- ews through- the significanee of these eventful days when the destiny of seetion of the window, a pilot is depicted kneeling before the | You will find it easy, convenient and satisfying } * out the v eg e Britain lay in the balance, and the skill and courage of a few Incarnation, with the Child Christ raising his littl hand in | to shop by mail from EATON’S latest Mail pt Ke yk In fulfillment of that proud fighter pilots snatched victory from the skies. The composite blessing. | Order Catalogue. Order from your copy to- i ae oe . “ : ; — ih ae picture above recalls that period of courage and high endeavor (National Defence. Photo) day and prove what we say: “IT PAYS TO SET er mee ore oe pre Began wun ee ' SHOP AT EATON’S.” ; ogg in the Canadian Council of z t t t t EF t < EATON ° - Christian nd Jews to promote —Foot Lights— x I / 4 / y fr IS Ccom, anes Ws Ss “WESTERN Ss STER'A ANGLICAN ound intergroup relations and Saas Da Lael to strengthen the dignity and Al k M . I; / C t We d/ df. | EATON ORDER OFFICES IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Recto rights in all greups in our so ny uuan muer «= § AlOSKA MUSIC (rail Loncert On CONESAAY — [chitiack - Courtenay - ‘Cranbrook = Duncan = Kamloops - Kelowna 0 am leial ord a Sle es | Kimberley - Mission - Nanaimo - Nelson - New Westminster - Penticton eo hy ; luk Nea Waar a rince uper ttle eatre : \ : Port Alberni - Prince George - Prince Rupert - elstoke - = Vernon Blue 827) rh , w Year began), oid j 0 etl f the; All who attend the Alaska,in Los Angeles, some of them'in oils, watercolors or pastels | . Reversiehe > Tred ~'¥ st sundown Friday and lasts| 2c second meeting of the : Y ) Vancouver - Victoria - Westview GULAR BAPTIST me ce AGOW : me 2S"! season on Sept. 15, with a very Music Trail concert next Wed- very busy men, he says have | needed before this instruction | . \ a om until sundown today. It is mark- encouraging turnout. jnesday night will be able to found painting a very relaxing : : | Dave E Bim aos® fled in all Jewish circles with} Gifts were selected for Miss| enjoy, not only a reception after hobby. He says he will start begins the Monday evening fol-| * Maus an ul Thorpe imple religi: ceremony Enid Ball, Mr. Mel Thompson, } the concert, but also a very fine beginners, and at the same time jowjne the concert and Art Ex-| eae & ATO N'S ORDER OFFICE Another maior religious event|2nd Mr. Pat Boulton in ap- art exhibition. simplify painting for those who hibition. i 3 preciation of their great help) which follows osely is e ¥ NITED CHURCH eee eh we Tom with our last production. Kippur, literally translated “Day| 4 tentative casting was made of Atonement a week after|of “Ask Me No Questions,” and AL Ask Me ! E ' LY DAY the New Year. All Jewish holi-|it was decided that we produce e. Child-| days begin and end at sundown the play in late November. 4 Chureh with their _...| Owing to the lack of stage No Sune School 5 3 facilities on Monday nights, it ic “Lient”| First Presbyterian Church | was arranged, .with the Civic ior’ Choig, || jusddbbemidtenaitts e , | Centre that we> meet on Tues- G.’ Fiddes A # cs & | day evenings instead. However, ; Taye our monthly business meetings will still be helg@ on the first 1) Monday of each month. Oct. 6 ‘lis election night . New members with the Club this season are: Mr. and Mrs. ‘Keith Faught, Bill McKinnon, Phyllis Tomlinson, Diane Ken- nedy, Marjorie Taylor and Ag- nes Mack. Are you planning on joining te Hall at ON A nl NGELICAL CHURCH es at LO0.0.F Hall, | Fourth Aye 'entitled’ to join Little Theatre Ave, E. We extend a cardial invitation | at no extra cost. We need many Sunday Sehoo! || t@ visitors to worship with us. | new members before we can , a good 231 Fourth Ave. East | function satisfactorily. Cl | Minister: Rev, BE, A. Wright, D D. | nen Organists: Mrs. E. J. Smith * A he y ay : ng ser- and John Currie. ROWLAND MILES na) SEPTEMBER 21, 1952 sees SAYS: a I) x Wors ‘elock —— : Marine pt ae = ae Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Me and find meter See Humpty Dumpty had a great earch for §| Evening Worship 7.30 fall m4 our veart a / Minister at both services. All the King’s Spouses and all ie Jer. 29:13. | “Remember the Sabbath Day the King’s Men Sinclair to keep it Holy, Were attending the Alaska Trail again. siisiniciahieiemaanniiseci BT. PAUL'S FULL GOSPEL RADIO’S FIRST ERAN CHURCH TABERNACLE | Wireless was first used in a Ve. at MeBri . 202 Sixth Avenue West jsea rescue in 1909, when the ‘Bride St. a liner Republic and the steam- V. HO OLSON SEPTEMBER 21, 1952 | ship Florida collided, 'MVited to ¢ SUNDAY— ' a hip ato) mend | 10:30—Sunday School and Bible} ies = Pants Class ‘Tan Church 9 gy ERT shi | Ve ; b Shall 1 11:30—-Morning Worship ance 4 “ Ave By Faith” | “Chureh Membership.” ‘DAY sERy 7:30—Evangelistic Service. NAY SERVICES Ln Or TEMBER ‘1, tess The Day of Vengeance. _- ome rls Bervice ae | WEDNESDAY— > “False or. a 8:00-—Prayer “Meeting. FLOWERS ee we rue | . FRIDAY— | WOOL and he NEEDLECRAFT A Pp | 7:30 ae 8:00—Christ Ambassadors. ‘hoo} ayerful Heart”| “YOU ARE INVITED TO 12:15 pm.|_ ATTEND OUR SERVICES” |Green 331 Rev. C. Faweett | ame Srd Ave. Green 428 Capito] Theatre Building \ ex | the Civic Centre? Then you are) | Nov. 15-22. The contest will be open to | year. Library Commission of B.C, |during the past year. ' A special meeting has been | called for Oet. 11 to hear C. K. Morison, secretary of the Public | At its first meeting of the new season, the board heard that | there were 1980 borrowers and otal of 2792 books circulated Lhose present at the meeting! able ot HALF THE COST Victor Amadio, son of Mr, have painted before. and Mrs. Louis Amadio, 732; Mrs. T. Priest and Mrs. J. T. Sixth Avenue West, whose suc-) Harvey president and secretary cess in California has been fol- of the Civic Centre Art Club} ANNUAL ESSAY CONTEST lowed by his friends here with have the information on colors interest and pride, will exhibit, —————_—________________ what paintings he has with him at present. Though home for a mee res from . the. high, mervous i "strain “af contifteous bine da) oPahke Your M | still painting, but is working on |local scenes this time. ts . | He has both oils and large Printing Matter watercolors of parts of the har- |bour, Tucks Inlet from the air Part of ; base, and varied views of the city. , Ye B . Then he has some California our usiness |scenes that he brought home with him, done in hte lighter Did it ever occur to you that | California colors. you need distinctive printed Portrait work in oils is what meeTer: - vour - particular |Mr. Amadio really prefers thoug! Susiness | it is the most difficult, the only fone he has is an unfinished 6 | portrait of his father. However ihe has two color transparencies Type faces give you this | oY portraits of children that he | outstanding distinetiveness— painted which will be shown in | and these can be suppliéd by | lighted viewers. our modern printing depart- | Mr. Amadio regrets that there | Ment. | is no permanent art school here, ; but says he will be pleased . es og8 | during the limited time that he Dibb Printing Co. is here to teach a group at the Civic Centre. Many of his pupils SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS? Cal SINGER! 2, iy Then you can be sure of @ famous SINGER service @ expert, SINGER repairs @ warranted SINGER* parts @ we adjust other makes, ’ too! Reasonable charges based on Free estimate furnished in advance for your approval. Ph: 86: SINGER SEWING CENTER eee Tana Ave. West | P chic Pan Gift Shoppe Phyllis Pullen NOVELTIES - SOUVENIRS GREETING AND EVERYDAY CARDS HANDCRAFTS - GIFTWARE THIRD AVENUE WEST | (Next to Daily News) Phone Blue 709 Book ‘Review Contest to Mark “Young Canada Book Week’ Here A book review contest for children again will be sponsored this year by the Prince Rupert Library Committee to mark “Young. Canada Book Week,” | netuded A. D. Ritchie, chair- | Grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, entries nian: Mrs .W. 8. Kergin, Mrs. jfrom each grade to be judged) | separately. The Library .Com-| ' : |mittee, hopes that more chil- : Miss Mary MacDonald, Hor j dren will take an interest in oe |} the contest than they did last B. S. Prockter, Mrs. George Hill, ¢. Boulter, T. B. Black and “i-n, Just Imagine! | NEW HIGH FIDELITY LP Records at 14 PRICE Don’t miss this amazing — velue These BRAND NEW high fidelity LP quality recordings are now cvail- of the average LP record. Backed by our UNCONDITIONAL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. AMAZINGLY LOW PRICES: 10in. $1.99 12in. $2.99 Sent €.0.D. (unless prepaid). Add 25¢ for packing, record, 10¢ each additional record in same shipment, recordings. MAIL AND SAVE DOLLA The RECORD LIBRARY. 536 Seymour St. . Vancouver 2, B.C. . | “LP” and 45-RPM SPECIALISTS FOR JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS OF B.C. Raleigh ‘'Clubman” bicycle Westinghouse all-wave Radio eocccccccccccccssccceseetee PHONE 740. 616 THIRD-AVEJW... PRINCE RUPERT Portable Typewriter tn Singer Portable Sewing Machine Enter Now... You May bea WINNER! - The annual British Columbia Pulp and Paper — Prizes shown above and many others to Industry essay contest is in full swing again. choose from. Don't delay, contest closes Open to junior and senior highschool students, November 30th, so enter now while $2000 worth of prizes will be awarded for the You have plenty of time! 30 best 250 word essays. Full information to 8 4 help you win one of these fine prizes will be =| CANADIAN PULP AND PAPER ASSN, | sent on receipt of your name and address on the (Western Division) 5 | coupon below. Five sets of six prizes are offered i 805 Dominion Bidg:, Vancouver 3, B.C, i this year instead of just six prizes as formerly. | Please send contest information to: I | | 1 Name. : | “PULPCPAPERINDUSTAY [=] | nu MB in BRITISH COLU t se |