PAGE FOUt Golfed will always taste better creamed with ilflfe Canada "From Contented Cows" I wish I knew "I wish I knew what to put on these floors!" So often you hoar Ilia! remark. It is only because those pec- pie who make it, have hail ' their fill of waxes, oils and ! cheap varnishes. The man or woman Who has -used Ihc right floor varnish has no floor troubles. Try Gl Floor Varnish next lime, we guarantee it to give satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. FOR SALE GUARANTEED USED CARS Fii'd Coupe . . . $400,00 Fort! Sedan . . . $500.00 Ford Truck. . . $200-00 Chevrolet Delvy. $300.00 Terms if desired. See Hie Ford Marine Motor al our shop. S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Dk... r-rr- DENTIST J. L. BLAIN CONTRACTOR Agent fop J. Rye Smith Ltd. HARDWOODS ' Slore and Office Fixtures. Handnawmg and Planing. Jobbing and Heairinj?. Glass and Glazing. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. ' Phone - - - Blue 268 P.O. Box 235. Phone 209 Richard Garreti representing W. H. M. ROLSTON & CO. Specialising in Portland Canal Mining Slocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CI, Cartage, Warehousing and Distributing. Team or Molor Service. Coal, Hand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Bovine BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM; 'inus i METLAKATLA OPENED BADLY Lost Baseball Game Against the Locals In First Two Innings Yesterday BETTER NEXT TIME Showing signs of being oul oi practice, the New Mellafcntla baseball leain was unable to set tle down in the first two inn ings of the first came with Prince lluitert vesleerlav nfinr. loon and the seven runs scored i b.v the locals in those two frames accounted for the visit ors Iteing- beaten bv 0 IA . eak, who is said to be Metla- katla s star nilcher. onlr li.t he first i nn in, when Prinee Rupert seored four runs. He was replaced on the ttiOund in the second inning by Louis Kit coon. who allowed three more runs. From this oq the visitors tightened up in fielding, hnw-vcr. ami were successful in holding the loeals to two more runs, while they themselves made two. The way things went in yesterday's game indica'es that a better game e peeled when the teams meet iu nn tomorrow afternoon. II - l.i.,.jble thai there may be a tlni-.l game on Sunday, as the Mcl.ikatla team wiil not be re turning home until Monday. The loeals excelled the visit 'rs in hilling yesterday, while Shlenker, the Prinee Itupert hurler for seven innings, held lh" game in his bauds practic ally all the time. The only run that got past him was in the seventh when Jmekert, wlio had made a two-bagger, was scored n a sacrifice fly. Aslori pitch ed l lie last two frames for: Prince Itupert and fhe visitors made their needed, run In the ninth due io an error. Hits and Errors s Metlakalla only got four scat tered hit, two off Sehlcnkernnd Iwo off Aslori. Phil HewMin touched Schlenker for a two- bagger in the first inning, as did Ituekert in the seventh. Prinee It u perl cot nine hits. two off Leash in the first inn ing and the balance off Kitcoon. Vic Menzies poled out a circuit clout to left field in the first inning with .lone ahead of him This was after Moran had been seored. Sidney Itazett - Jones made a three-base "lill in the sixth with no nn-n'on bases and Iwo down. Ho was seored by Vic Menzies with a nice single. Prince Rupert made five er rors, as follow: l-nrquhar I, Moran , W. Mitchell , Men zies 1. Metlakalla made six er rors; Kvans Williams t, Huek ert I, Leash 'second base) 2. Schtcnker's excellent pitching was indicated by his having fan neit 12 men, striking them out -2-.1 in three innings lYKIOri , . I ..... .. -I iii. mi- kiic si riRfr-iHii, i.easu line and KilciKin four. The Line-ups The teams lined up as follows: New Metlakalla Willie Uren-dilde, cf; Phil Ilewson, 22; Clarence Kdward. c; Charles Ituekert, :U); Jliiunie Kvans. lb (enp-lain,; F.d. Leash, p (2h after first inning); Louis Kitcoon If (pitcher after first inning;: liuiime Williams, rf; Harold Hudson, 2b (If afler first Inn- Prinee Itupert S. Moran, Bli: W. Mitchell, cf; Howard Friz- zHl, If; K. Ilazett-Jones, rf; VIC Menzies, lb; llalfnr, c; Fanju-liar, 3b; Vallance. ; Kchleiiker. p; Ilobideau, c fatter fifth inn ing); W. Lanibh!, If (afler fifth inning) ; II. Astorl, p (afler tin seventh inning;. Meltakatla made a double play in Hie rouilli when Phil Hewson caught a fly and a base-runner S1 THt lt 57 3- in was put between first and see ond. ' Score by innings: 12 3 5 0 7 8 0 Metlakalla. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-P. lluitert, I 3 0 0 O I 0 I x 8 - - Sport Chat in view oj I lie ran thai a select baseball team from Anyox is coming to Prince Ilupert next week to meet the locals in con neelion with the Fair Week activities, a little 'dope" on the players, taken front halting and fieldipg averages just compiled in the smeller town, may be of interest. .Nicholson, of the Mine. carried off the individual bat- ling honors for the IU25 season with a mark of 350. Cecil Fer guson and Fred Itrmvn. of the hlks. came next with 333 and 300 respectively. Teddy llaiver-son made the most runs, 15, and also the most errors, 18. I.e Lane stole the most bases, 15, and Itooley Iteane made the most sacrifice hits, eight, a well as having the best fielding average for the season. 91. Hud Sheen fanned the most times and Oeil Ferguson wan the star pitcher of the year. winning nine games and losing two. herguson pitched a lot SI of 70 innings and allowed only three earned runs. Though the play itself might have been heller, yesterday af ternoon's opening, baseball match Itelween .New. Metlakalla and Prince Ilupert was worth the money to the crowd of spectators that witnessed it. The ltoys from the north, most of Ihem natives, are a well set-up lol and, though they showed signs in the first twto innings of being nut of practice, they are undoubtedly capable ball id.ny- ers ami in the nexi games (here is reason to believe they wiH give the locals a heller run than they did yesterday. Eliminate' the first two innings and it would have been a mighty tight game, although there were more errors on bolh shies than there should have Ifen. Unlike some of the visitors Prince Ilupert has had, and even some of the home players, the Mellaknllnns take any breaks there may he againet Ihem in a dieerful manner and there is no crabbing. They showed themselves yesterday lo be good sportsmen even if things were going against them. Ami thl made the game-n .plcnsant one to watch. Perhaps Manager Herbert Murchison has a good leal to do with the way his players and Iheir supporters conduct themselves. He tells his gang, wherf they arc templed lo taunt Hie umpire, that "he is our man just as nnieli as he is the other sides." Mr. Murelii-Miri also discourage rooting on the players' Mnehes, although he likes to have a vociferous "litirrfili" iranv .it tj.iH I ins In 111 I grandstand and bleachers. II is lo be hoped that the spirit ills played by both sides in the game yesterday will be continued inlo the Fair Series next week. Advertise in fhe Daily Vews ! BIBLE STUDENTS MAKE NAME FOR THEMSELVES IN DISTRICT OF SOOKE VlvrinHiA s.'pt. Recent visitors tn S. m have been llillctli struck with tlx' manner in which I (Ins former Nepy illage is be ing "made o. r" bv the members of the Ilihie sindents' Asism-ih lion, follower ,.f the late Pastor (lusseL Thc have l'trniid an industrial oiviiuualion there known a Hie Slur instruction Company whicli erects hoaee in Victoria (atiti -ubortts and mm has undertaken the work of oper ating a efcCM factory at Sonke I be place m being renovaieti and revived by the people who are trying to U,x the value ofi industry and riuht living. The Swiss chee matte at SooAe in al- nady aeqairing a reputation Farmers, now find a market for their product ami the resolt i beneficial to everyone. BURNS LAKE Negotiation are under way for the purrhase and toleration by a group of United HI ate capitalists of the copper and galena latins four inile north of Iteck- er Lake owned by H. II. lierow. Jack McLean. I). M. Oerow and William Heid. Two thousand dollars is the option price per claim and generous terms for a percenlaire of the proceeds of operation are also agreed upon. Ir. J. T. Steele of Vancouver has opened up a praclice as medical practitioner in Jlum Iike. Provincial lion stable Carr ami Corpora Hall,' H.C.M.P.. returned here recently from a i0-s!le trip to the district south of the l-nkes. Mrs. Oakla Collier and familv of Francois Lake left here last week on a I rff to Ohio. Miss Haines, II. X.. has- arrived here to assist for a while in the Hums Lake Hospital, after which idie will proceed to Wistaria to lake charge of work there for the Women's .Missionary Society, Miss K. M. Iaglis, who has been relieving in the local hospital. has relumed to her home al Otbson's Landing. ALICE ARM Kxcellerii showings are Iteing made as the Kitsaull Iliver Mining A Itcvclopmcnt tUi. Lid. proceeds witli development work on the 'Matilda properly near Kit-sault (ilacier. Al Hie meel ing of the Alice Arm branch of.lhe H.C. Chamber of Mine, la! wck it was de rided lo .em an exhibit lo the Prince Ilupert Fair. The meet. iriK w;i- .iddressed by K. A. Hair gen. e,i.!,,, nf the H.C. Mining ami I.n-ineerin Itecortl. J. Xicl has relumed from an overlantl '-ip from Alice Arm In Stewart , ( h;u-k again. Il look Musiard r I pie . . mew. " - Ire"' have filmy5 on in e . meat- iav Mi It VAXAsTlOrV ib ovenv. HERE YOO FROM TO COHt HQNE no i none ?- For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent VMH KM NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. r 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c FOR SALE FOIl SALF..- Killing room suites. bedroom suites. Chesterfield suites ranges, stoves, bed linen, towels, window blinds, inlaid linoleum and printed linoleum!. lounges, ehair. (;hiffionteres, Itressers. Iletl-steads, malt rees and springs 1 titling tables, kitchen table, table oilcloth. A. Mackenzie. Furniture House. Phone 77S. FOR SAI.F. Upholstering and furniture repairing ibute on the jtremises by expert work men. Let us quote you on re-, pairing your old furniture Iteasonable prices. Call and inspect our workshop. Furniture bought, sold and exchanged. Agents for the PRF.-MIRIt HANdE. Prfice Huperl Exchange. Phone 52. tf FOR SAt.K IH acres on !- berry Lake, cleared, with Iwo large dwelling houses, suitable for beer parlor or any other business: I H miles from P.mell River Mper nulls, with standing population. Oood cur mad. Apply F. Rippon, rare daily News Office. .'it? IO RKAI. KKTATK ItH-M-KHH and others- Can offer wauled for my I tit acres, one mile frontage Skeeua River, La-keie Valley. Lot Xo. 5H95. Sacrifice price. ,o reasonable offer ' refused. R. Cole, 2030 Pearl Street, Fresno, California. tWi Ft)R SAI.K Cheap. .Locomotive 12 flue 35 h.p. boiler; 110 lbs. pressure; vertical steam pump, about 10 h.p., pump Intake 8"; 250 feet H-ineh iron pipe, slightly used. Universal pipe noxxle. Apftly to Hox 273. I tally Sews Office. 208 FOR 8ALK tilt RKXT. Seven roomeij fully nilerii house. f750 Player piano for t&00 with 3 music mils. Apply Mrs. Atkins. Phone 238. tf FOR Nine-roomed pla- teretl house, section 7. .wtb four lots. For sale cheap to close estate immediately. Phone Hlue 7g7. 07 FOR SAI.Iv HoiueJiiiVI eirert. must he sold Immetllglely. Party leaving city on Saturday. 727 Fraser St. 20fl FOR SAI.K- House 15x 25 and first-class float 20 x 35. Make an offer. Kaien Hardware. 211 FOR SALH A three - roomed house and three lols. Apply 025 F.ighth Avenue 211 FOR 8ALB--Oim healer and wicker baby aarriage. Phetie ltd 85 1. if Foil SAI.K Hahy hdggy, prgn licnlly new. Phone I thick :t. 208 WILL EXCHANGE Will exchange, 10 acres Lulu Island, close to Vancouver, for Prlnco Rupert properly. Yvesieniiavnr Ilros. i him Iwo weeks. tleorge Clothier, resident iin-ing engineer, ami Mrs. Clolhler are viwillim n,e iiircl. HAD HIS DOUBTS. Villl(v-neni7!""'hy are you standing here in from (Jf t0 officl' you irol fired from last week Wall in' to gel takun haekf Jinirme ,No .,,, , Jh , tr Ihey was still , business Kansas City siar IVANTVB W A X T V. U . Two wsitrense wanted iniiiiedlalely AtpT Jltoaton llrill. Third Ave. U . lilRI. WANTKIt for getter i I housework Apply lo Mr' Frtxielt, at store. TO RENT FOR. ItKXT. Pianos, player pianos, phonographs ami sewing machines. Wtlker's Music Slore. tf FOR RKNT. Two rMtm fnrttish ed apartment by la. hk or nioniii. Phone Riil 007 . tf F HI II FN I A Seven roomed iniuiern tioitse. ' Apji Frel Clark, Phone SI 5. 200 FOR II KM Modern nn to dale flat. Hand filock. Apply Mas lleilbrotier. f FOR RF.NT Four-roomed fnr- nished flal, close in. I 'hone 313. tf FOR RKNT. -Modern hou.s. Ave rooms .unl bath Monro Ilros FOR RKNT. Clpp ASirtmaat Westenhavar Hros. tf BOARD HOARD - The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOARD and Komi or Hoard onty. Phone Red 707. KINDLINQ WOOD dry inside wood, kindling andJ blocks mixeti, sn.oo per load delivered. imtide wul. 11.50 per load tldivered. Norwegian style Salt Alaska Herring in 'tii-lh. and MO-lb. kegs, 10c per lb. ISAACSON Seal Cove Phone I Hark (01 COLUMBIA RECORDS NP.W Process Columbia Rneord no scratching. Finest reproductions of latest Fox Trots. Songs and Instrumental music by world famed artists. Call In and beiir them. PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE, Third Avenue TAXI Taxi C7 Phone (Cnll Oenrge, Paul or dust) Special 0 ami 7 passenger Stude- hakers at your service day and nighl. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from F.iiiprcs Hotel. BENSON BROTHERS HAZELTON, B C. , Taxi Service t:ARSr MF.FT ALL I RAINS. Tour HiraiiKt'il. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent fur. or delivered, phone us. P.O. Hox fl'J'J. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Ftirnl-ore Store. We liny. Hell snd Kx. change New and Secondhand (loods. GEO. PAPAOOPULIS, 3 Third Ava. Phono 140 KEITH'S CAFE. When In Plewart visit Keith's Cafo in hlng Kdward link1! now ro-inodellnl. Up-lo-dale Hitting Ilootn and Lunch Coiinlor BOB KEITH - Mansqee. Advertise in the Daily News, Artidt, Oil m4 Foual,4 Tes nonet TASK V tinltl .. Hit k' I . I . 'i .( . 1 .. .lMI.. : n k , I at. i i, ... I nrn.i ' tn.. tlit. ll. .1 rr., iu i. MHllli. Mrr 4 lit. , f i .il ri. n .mi I, ' Ml thr ft .111.1 , I'. V Uft ..l t 'llriii. nr-. . i Wilr I. ti t'fftir.i.r tr Vkit w lb-Kttti llir 41,1 vv ,' Itw Mt rulir tovtii i it lnr ItMrli .l.t . ,r. . Ihl. h I II, . f'tr t ! ' . (. . Hi- MIX ' I I VI I. LASS ACT inn i mt rn itsm c i a t.Kim fcu T smut . lnkMi m V MirMittr hi rMI I- ff1 l.ri ntd Ui'- aixilll t. . t I laao. ' ! t MCWIl 'llf I f..rt . . 'tht tm ta ' - ' tt.' i . tiy I 'I l.lli. W't II. . . r .tMir r ' l.rl I, . . , lih. I- ifv ..-Hi '4ii4in.i.r : I . U1 I ' niM IS SO ACT. ftrtk tf u ttfi r a t m Plntsrrt. tnl . mm Imi w. Tk' MOTI- I Sjtf Stent. f -SjatWSNl ns SMSSMt I.. .Mr , rfUWrt Xitd Cjaanrn-tMV a Mer turn v Off llr I IMS t. I. Ih. I SS rtuiii. - i ii. lNr f eti,.. 111. I - r. . mral a nitM tntr MS '" . ' , LA SO ACT Metk 1 Int.sll It Arr'f fa rnaw str- t t htoi'ti ' nw WaatlOl ' fMlBS tv.rt'. ' r inii. i lkl. Tli voTtt i urn. Mi. ii i linn pek.. mi.' ..r ihr r..iinui (.etnriM i Inr rlMlti. i.rlll Ii ' t Irwlii" Hr. r. Mmat. ii"tiH-ri lasers Mii.tii rasiM in a "ttikarir '" rtMlm, la .ii'i eaeiwaisf is r. if. n. nii jsif i"ih 't. LAS0 ACT, W 1 N.tltt sf InUnttos la lls Ismt Ik Hw'l. tii.i -waVii ri-x IMI l "" TUt N-tTliil mhu, i .n"ir Won liimlM-r M. HI) tl Itrllti' ifiwtne i. 4'iis ' CaaJMM il'Utt ' nf ta t I rtMlte) wtrtlM-rh ly; lls-em t" !' rlwisi vtel''ii i' iimWI, ami riiiiini" rtmrr niTin' riiMl nnil "t1 ' LAS0 ACT. f Inlsnllss U S, 4 Ltrf In prinff liiii-'M 1 hlftrlM i f i" , al shannon I -o,c. tnnl THK M l l- t: i? SlMn. of eamieryiiian. niH' - -J! ' inn ts purrM" ,; landai f Cuninwit'inri At i f wintli litr aatlllllWMI eiiriir SaMllll 10 rlnhi- ' llirtro fir Iran. I .ill.iwiiir tiifstnle' tn 9 if fiitiitiifni-MiH'iit, ' ' liiorti nr lean Dilttl lull tlti. !