pnr. rvra tO tat.! Putting Crimp In Mail Order Houses. C52S SAFE SPEEDY DA IKI RELIEF fromrKlN IJi RHEUMATIC XV V CAPSULES In 50c nl $1.00 Bon. Sold and rtcom tnndd hy 3,000 Canadian drurfwt. NEURALGIA HEADACHE RHEUMATISM u Xcuritis Lumbayo Sciatica tootiatl Snd 1 0c for itKiitrawd booklet and imio Irialtomple to Templrtcaia, 123 Kmf W., Toronto 2. The Daily News pniiNCE! mjpert - British Columbia Published Every Afternoonexcept Sunday, the Prince liupcrl Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLKN, Managing Editor. DAILT EDITIOH JH Saturday. Nov. 28, 1025. Mail order houses' are not doing Hie business I hey. did once. With the development in local centres mid the influence of keen competition and, 'persistent advertising, mail houses are losing their grip. People like lo buy where they can see the'poods ami have something more than a catalogue choice. Take Prince Rupert as an example. Here there' has been a much greater development in the retail business than is pener ally thought. Prices have dropped until Ihey compare favorably with those of other places and in many cases are as low as the mail order houses. v As the city grows, the development along thee lines will lie even greater. Daily we are becoming more like oilier. citie and the feeling of being in a frontier cily with frontier prices is being eliminated. One reason for the mail order success Jias been due to the persistent advertising they have done. Their expensive catalogues have been scattered far and wide at tremendous cost. The goods. iUey sell have -to pay for all that expene. Yet they have been 'afife to make profits. If local merchants 'advertised as persistently through the newspapers or oilier sources, the mail houses would, lyive their business tjU further restricted. Some houses are already doing thai and have themselves worked up a pood mail order business with outside places. It is they who have been the chief factors in putting the crimp in the mail order business. Washington Legislators Visit B.C. ParliamenL On Thursday the members of the Washington stale lepi lalure were the guests of the British Columbia legislature for a few hours during which they heard the minister of finance de liver his budget speech, they saw. bil( voted mi and passed and signed by the Licutcnaut-tiuvemor and they would have explain eu lo Ihem the elastic nature of the constitution of this country as; com pared with the rigid system of their own. These international visits lend toward f mil v of purpose. They help u$ to setrtjie. ' IvIthTflgcT.jd'djtlhapes of each system, iiotumcss uie memners or the iMi. Legislature learned a good deal from their visilors mid the result js an addinl inter est in the affairs of each oilier generally. Progressive Gain In Peace River. The Progressives have gained a seal in Peace River, which offsels the one that went Conservative recently. It is one more indication that the present government is likely loreniain in power. The administration of the country must gn'on and the country certainly does not want -another election. The onlvl p.(ion is for the Mackenzie King government to continue. . AVe-do not yvanl to seem to be 'trying to lull the op(osiliou into a condition of somnolence until an election is sprunp for with such a small majority as the government will have it must be admjtted that carrying on will be a difficult task. At the same lime it is not good for the country thaC il should lie in an everlasting condition of turmoil. . The election is over and some jk'ople do not seem lo realize the fnet. Let it talk about some thing else. There is work to be done in this ennslitiiency other tnau lKilitical. 1 Ins is the time to be aoing it. City Manager To Be Made Possible. It seems us if it will he possible for Prince Ruperl lo hae a city manager if the citizens so decide. A lull i before the British Columbia Legislature providing for it but it has not yel parsed, Hmvevp.r. the legislative committee has approved it and it i. likely to become law. A great many cilies are using the cily manager system with gooil results. Possibly there have been a few failures. largely because political influence were too strong. JO lie overcome by any system. If il is a'' better system of government Of , lilies. and Hie prepoinlcreure of opinion seems to favor il, we 'should no' hesitate to adopt il here. ' mi np-ai -: jti s H IP bW Progress business principles SOUND and a policy of gradual expansion hawe marked the steady growth of this Bank lor over fifty years. Today, one of the largest and strongest banks in the world, it serves every phase of business and private life at home, and is taking a leading part in the expansion of trade in foreign markets. The Royal Bank ot Canada ' Prince Rupert Branch. - F. E Robertson, Manager Traveller Tells of Visits io Druse Tribesmen who are his nationality. Much in Public Eye Today They Are Fighting Men Who Believe Gate to Better Life Is to Die Fighting for Liberty: Believe In Reincarnation Today there is a struggle pomp (in. in Svrin in which the l)rue Tribesmen and Hie French are principally concerned. 'A. I). Kerrimiui. in the Manchester (iiiunhflu tells about lhee immi- plo and of frequent visits made to their ,Iifimo. He a: The first Druse I ever saw was hoy, a servaul il an hotel at Haifa, lie v a hriphl. engaging jjjtre IWIuw. different in tvne and manners from the peupltv! tiMbjifolarc thai 1 asked "Are I lie Druses nice people?" I impiircd of bis master. "Ilow can they be nice when they are not of the true religion?" was the reply. Hie speaker was a Syrian Protestant. Shortly afterwards I found myself at Dahlieh, one of the. two Druse villages on Mount) fiarmel. It was the first time t had been in a place where titer wn neither church yor mosipie fior synagogue, and tin absence struck me as singular. The kalwehs. or meelinir houses of Die Druses, bear no outward stgn distinguishing them from an. ordinary dwelling, and tliey are not frequented liy Hie whole population, bill only by .the initiates '("hey are "tiled" lite a Mnsonii lodge, an. I none can normally filler ave those who have a right to do so by virtue of their in itiation. On cerinili occasions tranters are admitted, but net to worship. Of the. nature of Hie ceremony no one lias yet given nn adequate account. Calf Worship 1'he vulgar notion, both amomr Christian ami Mo'lem Syrians, is that the Druse practise calf worship, for which there are no better grounds than for that of the ancients that the early i.hristians worshipped an as. It t. Hie rMil of Hie secrecy with which the Druses surround Hieir religion. They seek no converts, tind if questioned about it ask what is the faith of the question er, ir me reply is ' i.iiristian or Moleni," the rejoinder i "So am I." Some of their tenets. however; are known. . My older! was i tut the nigtit at Dalilieli. and I had no diffi- Otiliy in finding shelter. Iridee ftie offer was made without any effort on my part, for hospitality a .aural duly with tile Druse. in common with most other Orientals. So I found myself in- slnlled in a household differing In no way visjile to me from an jtraw one of Ihe better class- die broad divan running round jwo sides of Ihe room, I he floor Covered with grass mailing, cruuuloiisly clean, the capacious cupboards in the wall, from which in due lime were drawn Ihe mattress and (milled cover let which composed my bed. But there was a difference In the human element. , Women Unveiled ' In a Moslem household the women would have been strictly veiieu, ana m a (;uisuaii one Ihey would have kept their Own uparliiient, and would mil tiae shown lh('insel-s without being partially eileil. Here the wo-pieu who ministere)! lo uie. at upper with uncovered faces moved freely about tlrt! place twilli no sign of .concent. And Ihey were very some tall. ttatcly, with something of the iliauily of a Unman matron, according to Hie conventional ac ceptation of Uie phrase. Only Ihey look no part in the conversation. On this subject of veiling I have read sojiiewhere that Druse women remain strictly veiled even in the presence of visitor of their own sex. I bis alonilies me, for neither here on Carinel nor afterwards in the Anti-Lebanon and the Jebcl II nu ran. wbere I have enjoyed Druse hns- pitiWilf, have the women concealed their faces. j I don't know how (bis particular household was composed. Probably it consisted of brother arid their spouses, for Ihe' Druses tire monogamous. The, men talked, bill only no far as courtesy demanibMl. The key-1 note of the establishment ... a t alone. .My hosls. male and female, bade, me a courteuH farewell nexi morning ref using reward. But 1 pIhomI a yuerdon in Hie hand of- tnw of the 4'riiblren. knowing something of Kxstero inaiiner.s. Like English .No gift is more pn.ed by a Druse limn an Knglisli rt.oin beuring' the ii (.nieen Victoria. It apeai-s Dial in the settlement after the disturbances ill Syria in tHtn Dufferui. the ItritUli iligh Comiiussm-ier. did Minirrthinp t i not remember Wkai, which really pleased litem, and a Union is alwa weleoute a I Sung litem. They have loop meuHries. I'heM" Druoes on r.arnrel are i-olaled 1 troai the mas of thei coiiipttirmia. I liey arc more numenuis on liermon. where I vliled litem in later years, but Ihe bulk of Uie ni are settled on the volcanic range beyond the similar fate. Death No Terrors The Druses are all armed frtiui Hie ate of fifteen. Of their valor they have given eonlant proofs. lealh ha uo lerror! lor them, for they are convince I that it is the Kale to another am a lietler life if Ihey die fiuliliiiLr for their liberty. One tenet, and religion 1-s.lhat of rcincarnaliou.i which hioks as Ihonch the) had; some cornier.) ion with India. t'hey themselves say that they; once lived in China, and sonic maintain that Ihey will live lucre again. Sum remember former former lives. lives. L'.llk' L'nlike Clirisf ians they do not practie prayer andj fasting. They ay ,ai truth i, eler than prayeir. They uar-j re I with no religion I to I u.ti.v! la i.t ... . - . ' 7.1. . I -t ut ninr ik loe Jeh i iiy lie- norm lieve in (ioii wtoi U iMe and in compiejeneil(Je bfcf who ha iueariiaiiois of wbieh.he Fali mite .MiaiiT llnnijia Uu Jllie tenth century was ' he lal It is a serioux rnattrr to have piles and one pTon in four has them at one time or another. The annoyance and dintrena ia peat. It Is difficult to obtain lartinz rcliff. So much so that was! yur. Physician ma tell you that a travtlv Lravity and nnd dlffntlr dtently. Tl. The rejiasl ..nn.i1 furKirai piieraiion is necessary. I hat ; , he u (amni,r with Dr. Chase's Ihey served differed in no way Ointment for many doctors recommend from Dial of Ihe resl of the ju-l this treatment, to their patients. habitants of Syria. There was' 'oiA " w"tuOCWs Ointment has the faihne oeen never 1.....1. i. i 11 n Iamb, roasled on the spil. the relief for itchine, bleedine and pro-kebah. universal in Ihe I-lasl. and trudinj biles. It is now very ppnerslly gnipes and Jebcn. sour milk.1 h"0"" tff the edl profession, snd .erved on a round pla.eau placed AS&SJSS on a low slfinl. Horn spnons, Ask your friend about Dr. Chase's were used for tho sour milk The Ointment for "users sr blisters" in by the aid of nature's Implements Jirus store. They know m. tongue but Arabic.' and are probably the result of. a migration from Arabia. No people in the variegnlcd pnpula-j lion of that country i so capable of enlisting Hit sympathies of ! I imlishmen a Hie trulh-lrlllng. i .it. r. nid tiriii Hi- virliii's nre ,.....- . ... - knightly. I 1 THE MAN IN THE MOON ! ' aya: w ! TIIK pirl she w link A wwked wink J nicker 1 1 win any Man 'could think. Fasciualetl he lleeame her slae He's now an idiot I .earning to rave. DK W olf Hopper has married six tunes ami ! we have not heard of many women who are Irving to keep De Vo4f from the door. ITS rulber sad to Ibink the Autt-Coiiservative majority is tn-.reastng. 1 1 seems lo uie hardly 'air for Ihe I. literals to hold on wiien Uiey were siippoei to have heen beaten. A WINXII'KtJ paMr says two women walked a thousand miles and then arrived at Vancouver. It suggests that was a tern hie place to arrive at after going so far. N JAKK says he hear one of Ihe visiting parsons here Ihe dlher lay went lo sleep while the id her whs reirhiiiir Aimai-eiillv thi ted plateau of Hainan, and there; lmr,nt , ik, , (kl, ,Plr is a lenuency r.M- the oilier cn- lre lo mitral e iln re. aw Ihe Druses last in tiial region in 1 WOT. when going from Deraa to alkbikl over ihihic of the grooiid which has been Hie rene of recent fighting. A strouKookl of theirs is the Lejali. that tmnte volcanic outcrop the plain wtiicli hnikn tike a low black cliff bill when approached reveal itself as a corrugated tract of h- ...a. . . -an ami mvn ieneiraiei hy aj labyrinth of Krur whose ecretj is known only li the iuhaliilHiils.j II was there that the Kgyptinnl army under Ihrahim Palia! was defeated., .with " nt 15.- ooo men, and in 1852 Hie Turks. '(ndr Kihrisly Pasha, met with n own medicine, Vol' remember about those apples that sold for five hlllldve,: dollars a box in Toronto. It was 'he 'reight rales thai niatle I hem so expensive. WIIIXKt.K. wrinkle, little star. That's Hie sort of girl yon are; Drawing salary high, ' Spending il at night, oh fie! Ten Years Ago irt Prince Rupert November 28, 1916. j Holt, (ienrjfe I'.ide. I niledl Slate consul al Prince Huhv I. i j on a visit lo his old home in West Virginia. He expert u ( relirr1 from (lie consular servic .iimI resume law practice. F. II. Ciiiminliaui. chief in 4tector of fisherieii, and D. N Mclntyre, ileputy minister of :i...ut. ,i. -i . lrhaps Ihe atrongesl. .,, ttieirj" ur", ir . ..-iiMifiM, win isii i-riiif-r niiiier' next week. Local interest are making plans lo take up several ?rHYaitcfj uitli llnuu A ttanulilfr wu Uotu ul tin I lliiatBaa llntkMMl !.......! fl aUo aver Dial lhey ' , " "r !, ? and - 'lark'"' 'V i. i"r,t-" "'I Mwt- . V T" LAND ACT. Clot It t of InttflllM U Applf U Ihh Land. Hmwl l.aiul llrri.rilln IK. frlunt Huprrt. il , fa r iiumni im4s, i .1. Hy. own J TAkl. OTICl: llul lainr. n,Mm trt l HoWri i: ikMr, ..( Vinrmorr, manife-ted lllAifl5li Anccsive ..J rTTTWX' inlMhl.: v ... urn""yyr;t'r P"i punu-n mi u I hose w ho MHiihWMirrt, dliwtum rh... .....n. live on Carmel revere Ihe prophet '"'Tr;''' .';'" I" ' Mijah and visit the froditinnalj r i riwm some nin.. cave ,h.r the i:armlile convenll .TSEES 'WiZ'tJlWiVX above Haffa. vc9 f 'M,(,, ("' tm i .,f .,,Mih .... 1 rtnwr .r jt m- tHc ri When a .. talked with Druses.' 15 ri m u uitu ii.r mrk ur n in IW..7 in ihe llauran. I.ey urnn..!,,?". me thai some f l,em had m.rLTTSTA, grated to America, which greatly fM "" o fi ri v.r -rtln, "'n.ri me. Pliyeically IheyV, i!i'LFZLrL''M.L,.i are the sir. mho and hiimlom- f ' """ "r '" '" um- i,mi , .... . ,f oMuiiiMicj-iiieiit, nit r.mloulnt ' " iVrrn esl race m Svria. where n the '" t !. mtiuiilnins the standard is higb.l Hemorrhoids Or piles are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Ointment. it.-i (tour, oossr. ln.i JAS II l l.l.l .i STIUXii. IVr W. M. II VIrM,SUM,'U iwfinln.r hiIi )tr. LAND ACT. Notlts of InUntlOfi to Apply to Lotto Ltn I In !'rliii-e ltuirt l.iml H.iiirrtliir liLirlrl, iif linn llansr . IIMI ,Utr i,n rtn lurlitel Island. t.J.SIK,yn,!K thtt nn. of: I fKire IIUIM-M. iirriipilkNi Wtrlner.. Ill Il.ei snsiiM hlsh 'iler iHt'k to the Al.rilKn 8WANSO.X, t v . . Al'PaiiL tMleOclot JMh. ..' h"'M- CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT. I Wteordlsf Dlitfkf of Ttlogrtph Crook. fT kE. WCK ,h' lar.l. rowlrr '; ' I't'lr for iM.rmlMi.Bi1 to p? PMr clisw tlw b.n..lnr .b".'ritf ltndt. Jte., Ik 5,oZ CrV:", !K' Orri St llW.rl filsrier, ..uiIm-iO riirner riini.liijr iv.rlh to MuliM; Vl",r in II S.",'r f 0'.i'-cn.m III rli.l,,,;,"' Hiuitwiiy oirerimn to rhaina- th i,, tin-nrriiiriit n eaalerlir post. dlrrrUon to rhilr'is '., to iu com- torn. Ualel Aurunt till igtt iOU.1 IkCUS rowua. diejatliiii Sa!uri, X, , bkesmMuy bothf'tkit I I x . -d Jfr 1' BAKER'S Caracas Sweet Chocolate 15 delicious and nutritious E Fcer, Director of the University anj f dren's Clinic, Zurich, in his "Text Boc k . P rics" says: "A fawritefoodofhiidicar'tx content and always in hvet v,-ith chJr.n, iK is cocoa or chocolate.' t WALTER BAKER &: CO. Limited arAstruoD rm ncaotttTtll, MAK. CVN'AtlUS IIU AT MOVTRCAL Booklet Of OlOKC Raiptf Kilf Christmas : Perfumes NOW ARRIVING. Kxcliisie Odors ti (he tes t'cench. Kngli-' I'rrfumers CARON'S, GUERLAIN'S, HOUBIGANT'S, COTY'S, ROCFJt A GALLET'S HUDNUVS, ATKINSON'S, SEELEY'S Etc. Prices from 25c to $13.50 See Our Windows Rupert Pharmacy 3rd Ave. and 5th Street Phone 04. VVf WWtf, Are the Pennies Blocking Your Way Hume women, even though Ihey rcali"- of lime and what a tiring job washing i, s,p t willi washday liecaiise they think laundry erv I heir names. ' ' Hut if they'd only Iry our Thrift-T Servo how economical laundry service cnti he. Hvervlhiiig wahe clegu, jour flat w . wearing aparel jut to iron end Ihe cost -lb. and lr per piece. Het rid of washday and you'll hare mam week to use them a you wih. You'd like t. course, so don't let thr pennies slainl in the 1 Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Um comilete slot k of ILirdwaiv on. r-combiue IiimuIv with utililv. l will pa v store. A FEW SUGGESTIONS Aluminum Roasters. Rogers Silverware In I'1"1 Electric Percolators, Irons, design. Hot Plates. Stainless Steel Cutlery. Pyrex and Fry's Oven Glass Carving Sets. Dishes. . Useful Household Tool. For the Boy Skates, Quality Tools In Complete Chest Pocket Knives "Let Your tihnslmas (i.fls he Ihe I set l STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Krizicll Butcher Hhnp. "f'r0" front the Kniprcss Hotel We carry o full line of rC CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES quvihu liuum 1IM CONNECT tun . . . James Zarelli proprllcr