aA od ~ ) } ENETST 6 ——$__ Prince Rupert BOURNEMOUTH, } (P), KIMBERLEY, South Africa CP) Mrs, Elizabs 1 Whit J. K. F an economist of isher a speech t latives an he trus ard, hawked fruit friends at her 1} irth and vegetables here for nearly Party by I t f hs a t+ re- you all next ye > >» He wourn with a ready plannir 4 epo ‘There for the o Ss ne ey in hawking.” FORCC UCN CRORE R ESE News | 1952 Daily * ws v Cy w k 7 a ° & : LEMEL “Ts : : A 2 IN THE * : 0 Foshi : : nl ° JOHN H. F. TURNER W. Ti. KaiKES 5 04 Ou’ anode. : John H. F. T1 tant gene nanager of the Bank of & @| Montreal's wester: Y 1eduled to arrive here Monday % - his first officia ( nee his appointment s March } of f division. He will be s wy Wekt dros for the right . ae W H Rail { perintendent of the ° figure is sure to be had at 2 Bi ° Wallace’s. Styled in the latest . STAFF OF LIFE] BOWLING SCORES So reet trom the meskes, a ano LADIES’ FIVE-PIN @ new dresses are arriving daily 5 i “A” Division ea a 3, Mansons 1; Lucky m For every day or party use w i Sunt 3; Savoy 4 Wallace’s offer real vah “ l Bs i rieais 3; Dibb = : Don Gordon & 2 : ee 1A 1.N 7 iurels 3: Lym’s s Sizes 12 to 20 | a — e " ir. Cross, 285 w 14! to 241, ; SUNDAY A McMeekin, 648 2 ahs in “BR” Division : 46 to 50 M D hae McK 1 Prince Rupert on > y : Skee 3 Bio Sister - a Gordon & Anderson Plun ; 0; Skeena 3, Big Sister oe . ( p 4°75 Taxi 0; Seventh a vs farket 1. Commercials a au . al Od ‘ I rs 4, Cook's Jewelers 0 i" W ii S$ D t St : Abel & _— Rupert Radio 0, Bulgers 4 : " GrIiace § ep . ore : 1:30 P.M. gle: H. Schmidt 244 ISEOREOS CONES O RESO RRO R RRR hree, J. Bradley 597 Apply right away to: No. 11 Personnel De pot, 4201 West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, B.C, eh D dians of _ Lhe Medical Men The saving of life ind the relief of suff. ting is the proud satis fyIng job which awaits you in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. You will be trained in one of the interc ting and valuable medical trades :- Laboratory Assistant Medical Assistant Radiographer (X-Ray) Medical Clerk Storeman Medical Hygiene Assistant Operating Room Assistant Physio-occupattonal Therapy Aide This is the kind of servic specialized training that will-equip you for e with a military hospital or field medical unit. You will be proud of your place in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. You will be eligible for service at home and overseas, Wherever you serve, you will find the Royal Canadian Army Medical ¢ -orps is respected as one of the finest and most efficient medical organizations in the world, The R.C.A.M.C. needs more men, trained and untrained, immediately. There may be a place for you in the Medical Corps. For A2898-BC full information visit the Army Recruiting De pot nearest your home, But Act Now! tiement a ing he boilers NOW C.N.R. DEPOT WATERFRONT WHIFFS coastwise strike $f salmon net fishermen I4th day today without any sign of in sight. The strike was declared Sept. 6 . te ter fishermen rejected offer of 545 a pound for fall salmon in all areas. contend that unfavor afford to The ered set- company ompanies conditions are nd they cannot t years prices Parkin, northern ve of the United nd Allied Worke1 morning the ven the companie to make a more in order that em to Canadian weight Each for tons will be will have ac- 150 passengers disclosed by Transportation 10,000 dead ructed commodation repre-' This Fisher- the Japanese Union, Ministry union until const Was recentiy With af Kochi Maru Rupert Wedne Japan cargo thr Prince hoon, for of barley, real- ailed from ploy day after re given workers,” offer has been ice n f e +} ‘ 14 The Dp ker Lu i Sid a arriv from Ket week, with Alaska mn for tl t State bi ; are belt sip vo Of the vessel will be made Lo on eernents with Ameri- ited DuPont Point in Skeena River a few i day the ships wi €a Ke abe ‘ is understood damage erious 3S Prince N 4h is hay repairec ; not likely she will resume earlier than Oct, 16. Ti Norah runs betwee Vancouver, incl Prin here Kiti eignte to ioad ba Y at cess rine R pe el} t $ and ding yunde are bein Cuught is WATER reveals whisky true flavour Put Seagram's “83” test. Water, plain or sparkling, reveals a ‘ whisky’s true, natural flavour to the water and bouquet. ~ 46 °°? Seagram's “83 Canadian Whis iy dae ier a j (hig Sure This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. AUSPICES ZINE SHRINI PI RUPERT CLUS COUPON BELOW Goop ror CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS CLIP THIS COUPON PRESENT 30 WHICH WITH WILL ADMIT ONE CHILD AFRICA RAILROAD ZOO TRAIN Open Continuously 10 A. M. until 10P WALK THROUGH AFRICA RAILROAD ZOO TRAIN Air Conditioned by CROSLEY eee te) oe TT ae ita a ges EVERYTHING ALIVE Displayed Inside Plate. Glass ort Deepest lake in the Unit i OLDEST States, Crater Lake in Oreeo "He Odes Has a depth Of 2,000 feet Naseys cee A q NASOOK FEARS BIG ¢ THAN ICE FLOES OF em ENDS TODAY DEEP LAKE cm i VANCOUVER RCT at a big city yesterday An llis verdic* j hat h he trap muskrat l'd ra uid the N He i US fing lwr be t wk Eskinio le deckhand abi hip Ft a 3,500-mils yo e {re Are Rivei upply tuc Circle and 25 mil Nagov} caretaker on th MONDAY and TUE a nouth , ELIE EEO AAI LOSI III BC d it is ervice er lsewhere 3 can ‘ opproach this show- of - the-age! f east § , Strangest . Story ever ‘ conceived iz by mon... : Adventure : to make + you wonder ae 1: %: pom ' + . INT ANNE Pian Hali-Civilized, PVUGe nas Hail Savage, ff = MA ALL MAN Sti, OG ROBERT % i AORN ene On the Same Progre INN oe Joan Evan oo .nas iz 9 T i i wit f LOT INI AI. OES Ap seaar UM ceNeNeaRaer Me 14 . 1 itivyn bP SHOW STA i i Last Complote Sin PODAY 6:50 - 9 in “JUMI NG JACKS" Only Sunday Mi« “Red Menace” LING Storm SON STARTING. MONDAY Nothing if it’s true... & : while your very eyes convince you that it is! ini ao \\\ reo MOST POW cs ane. pea fe uh Sed On the same program, cs NEWS s ’ “CROW CRAZY” Two Complete Shows Each Night 7 - 9:00 CAPITG ERS A FAMOUS pLAYER!