'Aur, six TUB OAIL1 ATTENTION! Christmas Shoppers In a few das we will be moved to our new store Willi I ho largest and fiuest stock of JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA UMBRELLAS, TOILET SETS, HANDBAGS, NOVELIES, Etc., iu the North Our Molt.) ;i in llu past: QUALITY, PRICE, SERVICE Max Heiibroner Jeweller and Optician Bordered Flanne Is Tin1 very newest fubri-for Fail or Wmler Dresses. Host quality ull wool, in fi'lrliine color combinations 5 i inches wide, 1 yard? for a dress. Per yard $3.25 West of England Store Third Ave. Phone 753 .Mussallem's Meat Dept. Veal lloasl . Hump Hoa.! . Itoiliuj: Ilcef I'ol lloasl . . . Sirloin Steak . . . 15c . . . 18c 6c & Sc 10c . . . 25c Round. Steak. lb-, fur 25c Sirloin Tips 23c Hit) Itoasl 20c Shoulder Mutton . . . . 25c Sausage, 2 lbs. for . . 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phones 18 and 84 The Home of BULKLEY VALLEY PRODUCE Fresh Killed Beef, Veal and Pork, Turkoys, Chickens and Rabbits Turnip, per sack .. $2 00 Potatoes, per Mirk . . $3.70 I'ubbiiKe, per lb 5c WE DELIVER Seafy & Doodsoo The HoiiHe of OUalit.y Sixth Streot Phone 4S5 Fresh unit Smoked Fish a specially Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST HolgorBon Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 0 to 0. X-Ray Ssrvlos Phone 6SG. Opon Tuesday, Thursday und Saturday bvenings. MURDER CASE MRS. MARRINIER IS REVEALED Man Converted by Salvation Army at Edmonton Confesses He Shot Child In Back MANIA FOR KILLING F.DMOXTO.N. Nov. 28. How a .sermon A (.uilty (Junsi lenre prcarhed at the Salvation Aniiv barracks in the city u lew days japo, led a penitent to the ineivy seal and laler brought to tii surprised police authorities a confession Dial lie was guilty o' the murder of a III lie girl, is revealed m the ease of William! Iewis, aged -H. who is now del. I liy Ilie provincial police in Fd jnoiitou. He has been taken bv the authorities to Olds for pre liminary hearing. The man bus made a full confession of the murder, wliich look place last year, to the provincial police, and Ibis will be placed in evidence by Detective. Skellon. who will be in charge of the case. During the past Ihree days the story as sel out in Ilie roufessio'i has been fully investigated by In spector Piper, of I lie Kdinonloti .detachment acting in ronjuitrlion ivvith Inspector lirankley. of Iwti-Igary. and lias satisfied llie.in tba' the fads revealed are such as lo j warrant liir man being placed oi bis trial. It is said that Lewis is tu i : ! reconciled lo accept aiy punish ment thai may be given to him. Murder In July, 1924. The confession was first made to Knsigii Stewart of flic Salvation Army, and two ', Ivdumnlor detectives, in the ensign's house when he slated that he murdered an eight-year-old girl, Hilda Urttddock, at llowdcn. Alberta, in Juiy, I'jji. Tii,. utile girl's home was in Vermillion and she had been visiting relations a the time of her death. Aei'iMiimg to I he report Lewi slated Hia' li- wiotl mato the eoisfessioi; uecause :ln- m-ter bad preyed on his mind evci SHOT. In Jti'v lil.'i ill' S:. I'-ll. I.. aaaaaaaWa - I aVE rJB CANADIAN SERVICE FROM HALIFAX TO PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURO-LONDON .Virania ... )., . i i. ivii I. ; TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL '.lliallN! J;in. 1- i ,irii;iln,i fi-li. i: FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL i iiii.t im' r. -.imai ..i in-- i 'C'.llll.l . .. II. !;i .Manilla Jail H TO CHERDOURQ AND SOUTHAMPTON lii-reiMran.i p. . : j .m . viaich Jlaun-niiia m- i:. !! i: Vir : vqi'itama J.m I . Mai n TO LONDONDERRY AND GLA8O0VV aiiiT ma lh . .. Jan a. :m llM-nia 19 TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURQ-LONDON v-'-ania .. in..-, i- ii. .ma lier. TO PLVMOUTH-CrlERBOURO-HAMBURO Miliums In-., li' "an. -:i Vlai-di l:i FROM BOSTON TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL -.iriiiru lii-. I I Vuraina .. Jan. SI Munev urtlfr and draM al lnwel Full information from Arents nr Companv orrm. llatlt)gs St. W, VaicvMlvw R r "We Save You Money" Ji:si a lew of our regular prices. Not Specials Hovvnlrees Cocoa. 1 lb. tins 40e llownlree's Cocoa. a Hi. tins 25c I lei nz Tomato Soup, large tins 20c Swift's I'remium Lard, IPs 80c Swift's Premium Lard, 6's $1.35 tlrisKu, 1 lb 30c r.riseo. 3 lbs 90c Terrace Potatoes ''Netted fiems , per Kit) lbs. $3.50 1'iirily or Five Hose Flour. ill lb. sacks . . . . $2.60 Flour Is advancing. Buy now. Uuaker Corn, per tin . . 20c (Juaker J'eas, per tin .. 20c Juuker Toiuulos. large tins ... 20c or pet do., assorted $2.00 Compare these prices. Our Motto: "Quality and Service." Gordons Grocery Soventh Ave. East Phono 447 Weeping Eczema relieved br "ffiUIT-A-TIVES" MRS. JOS. P. MARRINIER Nolle of "For three years I suffered with weepinj Eczema on the bark of my hands. I consulted our family doctor and other physicians, but all the treatments and salves prescribed tave me no permanent relief. When baby came, I was afraid that he too would be affected. I had practically considered my case tiope-lew when I started to use "Fruit-a lives" and 'Sootha-Salva." In a short time the ecxema completely disappeared, baby has always been wonderfully well and I have not had a trace of it for four years." Mrs. Jos. P. Marrinier, 432 Arlington Ave, Ottawa, Ont. This marvelous fruit medicine helps the bowels and kidneys to rid the system of wale, and cleanses the blood stream so that the pure, rich blood soon heals the itching, in. flamed skin. Truit-a-tiTeH" are obtainable in all drur stores, at 25e. arid 50c a box. If "Sootha-SalTa," (50c. a box), is not obtainable at your dealer's, order it direct from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. was a farm hand employed by Mr. Craddock. He was annoyed by lurds making a noise outside his bedroom window. One day he went out with a rifle to nhool -ome of Ibe lords, and lie went :ito a field accompanied by the ; it lie girl. j Shot Throunh Head ! "She walked ahewl of him and e leiii)rtely nhot her through no beaek of the head, killing her n the spot," the report of the onfession stales. An i nquca t was held, al which i.ewis gave evidence that the ".'hole thing was an accident, and he jury recorded accordingly. Further, he is alleged to have -laled that when out shooling Willi a man last full he was leiu- iieil to shool linn, liui maiiuged io control himself by walking in 'ml of the man all the lime. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION LICENSE LAND ACT. Intention to Landt FOR BEER No Hi K IS IIKIIKrt V tilVKY Hut uu tbr i will ila.v nt lit i-iiiIm r U.-AI. Ibn under nnwil immiihi in apil lo Us- l.ltiuur illliiil lliwrrl fur a m-riw in n-i.rl in in- iiwhim- Upiiiir part f tlx- liulliimx .in,u a- i i-Kiiitvr liuiei auiialnl al Uuna . .Imrl.iltM i lit IIIU.UH ...i.i..i... jT-...i. -iHtfi lh. laiirt- ilt-.i-nlml a l.ol. 17 mil J in. Illurk v. Iii-lrlrt Uil Ik, ourpu ' Iwrlnlli- liHlrlrl. Map K. sA, Crllire liiiwrt Unci HrirlMrallnn liixlrlrt. In Ub- ITiivlmi. uf DrlMnli Ciilnnilila, fur IIm 4le lit Imr by Uw itas im- by llir i-ii Isittlr fur iiMwuHii'lKin mi Die iiriiilm. OATtli tins Ulh day or .Vivrint!-, igji. HOY CbOtlGi: MckUNZIl vriolfn' LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Purchaa Land III friar lluiwrt Land Iwrnrillnr liu. irn-t uf I'riiH-v Unpen and Uluale on Urn iii more r llarnard lae. Itiiii- ll"al lilaiiil. Itainrr fiMir. Cuwl liutrlel. TAkt ftoTUX llMI Suinervllle Canie-rr 'iwii i.iinum f t lin:illrr, ll.c, uc lu-niom parker. inlriHls in apnly tor -rini.,n ui piinrlMae the rulluwlnr de. rilnKl lands: i."iiiliifiH-iiir at a ail planlrd nn the H.niMan siMiri- or itarnanl Co. I'ruu-r-a imvai imaiHi. nanxr i. iaii iiimrirt. ueiire sulnrlv IwrliO rlwiln.- iliemv iuilierly kxty cliajn--. theme wealerlr rori ciiainn; tiirnie nnrtlierly rive tfutm, inure iir Irn. bi liltrli water fnark; thenee "now nia; mini water mark In in easterly ..uu iHiriner-i nirminni mi anni or OHIO iHtiii'MiH-iil. awl ninuimns one liundre arre-, nmri' nr lean. oii.iivit.i.K cAJintnY r.n. ltd Aopllcant. Per W. J. Ttvjiiia. Vaein rtierf m.. o Apply to Liai III PritMre Itupert Und Kemrdlnr 1)1 irlrt, and situate al Ciive. splrer Inland. iIhiui nil. oo rdaiiM niiil!iealerh from tlie "ilreiiM- iMirlliweet end of Spicer lilan.t una aunui .on chaln east from Schnon er pa. Tke nntire that U'alliire FlnhelM i.imilea, or Vaneuuver. K.C., oeciiplllun ..iiiriiieii. inieiHM in apply inr a lease ir me riitiuwinx preacrllied land: '.miimenrliiir at a imm! olanted alum! i.ii.no .ha ins tn a Mitithi'iMerly direction 'ruin the pttreine nnrlliwent end of spleer Inland, and l.nn rhalnit eait fruin iiii'.nner !. tlienn- uuth .t chains; ilienee eaut 4.S4 halnn: thenre nurth- westerly inemnlerinr alonx the tine of nlxh liilo tn HMt nf riiiiniii'ni'etnent, ami 'oiiMliilinr t.nn arn-. more nr Ism. WALLACE FlSlinitir-S UMITRt). . . Applicant filter! qeplemhee oath Fur Coats & Jacquettes An I.xtuinilc Slock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. I PRINCE JOHN WS ! DELAYED BY FOG 3 CUfJARD & pjN.R. Steamer Arrived from ( Vancouver and Islands with Heavy Frelnht Cargo this Morning After having been held up i , Massell Inlet Tor almost two whole days uu account of ex-i cep'ionally heay fogs, t'.. X. II slivuner I'rince John, ilapl. I'. ; Mablis, arrived in il at II o'-( clock (hit inerjiing 'rem Vaiic.m-, veivia the (Juecu ('.harlollc l-i lands. Apart from the fog. ilu vessel had a sinoolli and un-j , eventful IHp Hp the coast in1 !coutrusl lo the wvv rouuh oy-, DOCTOR AND DENTIST FREE TO INDIGENTS That Is Scheme of Hon. George Hoadley, Alberta Minister of Public Health F.D.MUXTOX. Xov. 2H--Declaring that by tlie time of the next sessions of Mic provincial legislature, perhaps in January, he expected thai some scheme, will have been cmiKciI making available medical and tluutal service for Ibe pom eel people Iu the 1'i-ovint n an eiiialHy basis fur all. lion. Ceorge Hundley, minis ler of public health in the pro vincial government, struck h popular note at lite tuinuul con-veiilion of ibe Municipal Dis tricts Hospital Association, in the Memorial Hall. "To protect Ituiitiiiiily Is the Krealesl purpnau wt ituisl. have iu view," declared the Hon. deo Hoadley. "if efficiently und economically carried out, the niu uicipul hospilut U uue of th is : . age she had on her last passage' KITalesI ,...i i i ull "uwiii. tsuvM-ifk iijitiii ta lovivy freight cargo mcludiua 300 tons of (HHil for I be dry tlmik. lumber for slilmniil up nxer and tile for the elexaior and ha-ing considerable unod to load here, it is tuff likely Ilie John will sail froin-liere on her return lo the Islands and Yancouwr be rre tomorrow ingl.i. Among those booked to sail from here on the vessel rc It. M. .Mc.Ken- xie and .1. D. .Mr In lyre for illemeiils: J. I'. Milne. Mrs. A. A. Duval and Master Duval for (J tie. -n I'.liarlolle r.ily. and A. I'., lohnsou aod A. .lonnsoii fur l.ockejiori. WANT CRYSTAL GARDENS V'- ANCHOR-DONALDSON i Back Home f ot CHRISTMAS M ASCANIA" From MIIU U Piymn. Chrur tni LJa. SecUI crt.o. prMullr tcrt4 kr Dick K. Wkltk.m. 5.111m Ok. 14. kS Fall lol.rm.tiMt Iran fei r Cdnp.nr'1 Ike, 623 , M iu. sa W . Vttacauvat. . aid- tiiiiiiumt call biiM- in building up good health." j In declaring thai there was a necessity in the province for everyone to be able in have avail-( able medical and dental attention al a col that would lie within, reach of all. he said thai he expected some system would lie evolved ere loiuj- lo settle this problem. Al present there were not doctors and dentists enough .... ...... il... hi .. ai. I'or' r"l" "n uir UFiMiuee ot toe nopunis. - , . Of the burden of rare of the nidufPiil in illuesa (be iniiiisler said Hint il was unfair lo saddle Ibis rare on hodtnts and doctors. There -iliiinUI be some ! maaiis of absorhintr these bur-' dens in a fair and equitable way. Trt DC HDCMrn CIIMnAVC w"l!'d always lie one of 1U DL Uf LntlJ OUnUAlO the I hough I- be ..i,l, have ti long as be was interested in this YICTOHIA, iov Thevvork. Tourist Trade tiroup of the Vic- 1 toriu Chamber of Cnmmerve went on retHinl a- uuuuiiiiously in lavor of wprniug of the Cryelal Warden swiiaming pool on Sundays and paed a rcsoluliou urging the directors of the Chumbr lo approach the officials of the Canadian Pacific Railway in an attempt lo fiave this arrange!. II wits suggested by nieiobers of the group that the Lord'-. Day Alliance might have some objec- tiou, hut it we jiu4JHd out that churchmen tNUtii city Imd taken a Iiroudiittudtail .view ( the Sun day eiilertatMriiPnla here in the past and that il was likely there would be no opiMoiition to the Sunday opening of the knI if I to iertiiission of fhe C.l'.lt. could be obtained. SUSPECT TRACKED i TO LAIR IN SNOW KD.MOXTOX. Xo .'. How a suspect 'wus tracked i'itrly :mi blocks in the fresh snow of Monday oilil lo bis place of residence at 1 22 1 2 Ha street ley city police officers, and arresled in the early hours of 'Tuesday morn ing is rex ea led in the ease ol one I'ele .viurkofl wiio came before the court ou u charge of attempted shopbreaking. Shortly before midnight iCuii- slulile Foster, on duty in the east end, found that an attempt had been made lo enler the store of Union Meal ami lirocery from the rear, bv menus of a 'jimmy He reported to headquarters and Sengeanl Watson ami Dtwliei Smith and Munro wore detailed lo investigate. I hey picked up the footsteps and traced them up to the northeast end of Ilie clly l.vcnltially lliey were led to the bouse where Markoff was staying and when they found that his Imois made mark which were similar to the imprints al Ihn tear of the dore, he wus TIMBER SALE X7004 SakHt Tiluhri Hill br riHri.. In Uu lnMrlrl F'ti Irr inn lalir Umii ixhi hi IIm- ISUi !) "I iHMMtN-r. I".'r. fm ll puniMe f I e-'itrr tio iwar Uaruanl lie. I .H I. 1'rm.i Mnval l-lainf I- HI I. IS. "im rfl laaant Uu-m-wi- nt siirurw. RaHain. Ili-arturk ami tar -a kit. T IV- rar- ill h- alluH'il (m rmvl air IIMdirr f liruwr MrtiiUr nf llv Nicl Inr YM-liH-ta. iir llir IHslrtrl f..n.lr I'finr. MHbrrl. H i TIMBER SALE X7524 Saatad Triwler- will be rereOed b lie, lntrtrl Forester not later Maui ihni isi Ikr I Sill ilav at lawenrfjer. IJ tut lis-piirHMM. uf l.treajrr STi. HeU Ua. north airr .if Vena-) eM, u rui 1. 1 to. nun feet Ualril nwa-nre lit prUrr. Hetai I kirk. KaHaw and 0tr sanrkKr- Tllrrt .1 tear, will be albnMHl fur rrmiiral or umbei i lurlber rartlrular uf tbr IJllef Fur i .ter. Viebirla. nr Ibe DMrlel Fnrealer, Crmee Huperl. B TIMBER SALE, X 7475. There will be iirreeed fur sale al Public Aurtiun. al 4 pin. un tlie laili 4a) tit iHTewbrr. I0i. IB ibe urfHre uf the lil-lrti l .iit.i-i, inure llupert, R.I. , lh.- I.lreni-r X;?i. b. rut .ar,.iHni terl ul rur. Ilernlnek and laxlai mi an area Hlualed ini lb MMilh btr tit Tawai l land. ntrhantsMiM Inlel. yueen i:Harbitte Itiawl.. TWu (V. )iar will la- albtwad fur re imival uf lniHr l'ribled.lhl am uur iinalrfe Iu afeal le aaetbia hi tavanM liwr alHitnll a ld lender hi be iMa-urd al ilw hi Mr uf Mr I llnli ami treated a ise- bM j I lirlla-l Mrtleular nf tbr Ctetcf Furca 1 ter. Vlrturia. Il.i:.. ur Idalriel ruraalar. I'rinr Impart. H i; Tlie PurrlaiiMiK .Mrut. VlriurM. H. i: TIMBER SALE, XC491. Healed Tellers will lie rerelted to llir kUMater uf IjhsI. II Virl.irla le.l bilerl 1Mb IHSSI IMI Ibe 1 7111 da) nf Oerrlliliel IVVk, tut II tHirelMMi ul l.n-eiH-e Stl to rut t.SSI.IIMU feel of serio-e. Ileiuhak IMIaAn aief Txlar i i ...Ii- I.UihI, Immiv la Cbamiel. Il4lii I. I .t IH.lrlri Twn 'f. ear will I illiiwcd fur re iniival uf lliulH-r. Further parllrular- uf Ilie unef I'rtf. ter. Vnrlurii. II I. . im- lilnlHrl lute ter. ..in. . itn. v TIMBER 8ALE X7343. Sealed Tender wilt la' n-n-lveit b ttm Mlnlnler uf laiiMl al Virlurla nut later nun nunii uu tlie ard ila uf lie-nils-r tti. fur tie- iurrlMe of IJreiiee XI JU. Iu rul l.nilii.llllll feel of (aiUr. si.mr.; balaaiu and llrtukH'k iai an area mutated nn i.iriHine Lake, lal Arm ur Urariie) Inlet. Itanae t. ial InstMrl. Three S veaea will be albiweil fur re-tiiuval uf llmlier. lnrtlaf particular- uf the chief Fur ealer, Virlurla. Il.i .. ur lilnliii-t lure. ter. Prince llufert. H.I . Nolle of LAND ACT. Inlantlon to Land. Apply lo Laai in I'riiice Itutierl Und n.-rurdin tut ire 1. and ulluale at Xewniuilie llarlioi cut lulaml, ale ml nne mile mirilieni fruini Ihe eniriuit. In Petrel Channel, and luuur lie mile niiilierlv from tlie nirlln.-ni curuer of Lot S03IP. Take iMillce that Wallace l'olierli- I. nulled, ur VaiH-Mirer, II. C. nreiiiiatlon. raniierymeti. inlendt in apply fur a h-anti of the fulbiwtnr pretrrllied lamU: I (.(Miiiiwnnnr at a pom planted iinnii me liillen in a aotitlierly dirrrtliin fnimi the in ir I hen I corner uf l.ol HOJJP, tlwniri iMllh t.tv rballl; llienee weal n.UM1 ebalns: thenre tiurlh 0.70 rha!ii. thenre; wi'uj iinniiiirriiia aiiiua lie- inan water mark to pul of niniineneemeiit, and eonlaliiliMr t.on acre, mure nr let WALLACK FISIIKIIIES I.IMITF.D. Applicant tua iflnifr r.. aaia m.i LAND ACT Nolle of Inlantlon to Apply to Lun Land In Ihe Oueen ctiarlutie t.iaml. Jii.irlcl. laiiMl lierurdinv liUtrict uf Prince Itutierl. and alliHle nn the FinXhorr of Yenalloii Hay. VUr!l Inlet. TAkF XOTICK lliat F.iiFene II Sliiiw.n. if Ms. net I, iM-riijialOHi ranuerv liiaiianei-. Inlriiil. tn apply for lea.e of 'llie fullnw. i.nuimeurlnir at a nml plaiileit on the lilth water murk almiu Ho cluiln. went from Hie luirlhea! inrnei ur l.ui l&afi-thenre norlli and feet in low water mark: thence iiurthweeterlv bun fii i..nr ... leaMi: thence weal lliil feet tn lli mirth-1 weal nirner of K. It. Honsoira appllra. mm in ieaw; Hieing aiiiitheaalerly rI- hiwlnir Ihe IiIkIi waier mark tn tlie pmnl of Hi" iiremeiil, anil cuntiluinr Iwo acrea. luuie nr lea. . tl'OKSi; . SIMPSON, .. . .i . ... APpliuiiiiU UlKd 4uvtinUr DtU, 9j. Saturday Novmbff ,g END OF MONTH SPECIALS! 3 Days Sale FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY (iolf Wool, all color Hildions, (Main or Fancy figured. In ."" Lathes' Long IHiick Suede (ilovcs, puir . Ladies' Kid (lluves, shglill soiled, pair . . Crocliel tlolloii, Hall II.M.tl Kmhniidory Threods Pntrl (iollou, all colors t ...... Arlsyl Oocliot, all colors ... UNDERWEAR Children' IJotiiliiiiulions, vvtittnr mriftit, h i -Ladies' lllack 'Pighle. knee or (Write lllftii leiulieb Winter lUooiuers, Wliile, PiAlt, Sand Silk llttinUoto, utake lttIil pillb, e. h PritiefHfc .Slrs, all color, narli .... tUtllon IHooitifrs. Pink ami While . .. HOSIERY LutlieV Hililwd WiMtl hm, Suiitl and lli.ik. . Hoys' Worsted lliMt, I Hack, i pair Im Luili?' lliiap. (Uisiitfir mp l.ile Silk. 1 1 hng Ladies' WliMe Voile Wti4, ecli ... IM)" t'nlilearlied SlifHling, heav ipmhU vard fiingliams, 5 yardti fp ifi" I'litdeacheil. a ysmls for tires, (imrda, a large welwtion. yard Men's Tie, :t for Indies' All WimiI Jaeger Vests, i.-c. l. w., Ptirlt ClitldrtMi' Jaeger Ssveulprs. While m,.i p)(., IMll 1 3? only. Iettdie' Hals, vnl-ies lo $4,541. to elc Large selection lleiuiiatils of nil ile-. . , uilty. titrls' Homespun llreae, to clear u' . All Ladles' Coats at 20 per cent Diicount Full line of CirU nod Ili.v' rodcewetu -I,,. length -Ivlr, .it M-i l'liiii!e pro -- H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9 7 7 baHi $1.00 3 yu". $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 10c for 25c 2 for 35c 2 for 25c $1.00 $1.00 $U$ $1.00 $1.00 2 for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $100 $1.75 $150 $230 $175 3rd Ave. and Fulton Street WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 The Spaniar The .iliMiiiung riiin.iiii ul .1 luinl-m: i fighter and a beautiful Kiiffli-h -ooelv hce i SMinarI" is lite 0Wi model Sheik Vcmiio iiialiidot, Iiiiih i ol women, he i- II..- , ecu uliiifr luve-iin,ker. In luidon hallcoiiui irSp.i; In daring will ainitxe ami -l.irtli ym A i-n wliirli (lie whole arl of modern loe iimkiiig i- which miliums Ihe tuo.l tlinllioK lotll-tigli' ' A lutupesliioii love-drama pnidto ed aff-dti'-l 11 or lavish sellings, pirtiirenue atirrouiid1iir--plcndor. Ilrilliuul cusl. Ricardo Cortex, Jetta Coudal, Noah Beery, Remo D Cardl, Bernard Selgol, Mathilda Brundogc, Emily FiUrcy, Florence Renart and others. HODGE PODGE SERIES No. 0 "A MOVIE PIONEER." MERMAID COMEDY "WIDE OPEN." PATHE NEWS. 50c and 25c MONTH END Clearance SALE Sate Terminates Saturday Night, November 28 Double Iv Oiituiff Wool, all colors, it a. V-'n . - 3 for Shetland Flo-, till color. 2 lor r.i . S.de 8 for$1-ou CHILDREN'S AND LADIES' HATS HALF PRICE While Teddy Hear Mittens, reg. (J.V. Sale Ladies' Kayser llultun Silk Hose, retf. :i.?"i s. Ladies' Hlnck and llrovvu Uuslimere loe 1' reg. t I .:r. Sale $H.riO. Sale Liulies' Ulack Satin Slippers, Spanish heel. " ' Special Tlie liisl Xiniis miiit to Ihe Old tJotinl'y i-' day, Doe. 5lli. There is lime to liuve Hint m"'il i' JABOUR BROS., LTD. $1.00 20 OFF WOOLLEN BLANKETS Slriped iTniiuelelle, reg. IHir. Snle 5 for 'J'ofl tirey Cotloit, reg. 25c, Sale 6 yards for While tloltoit, reg. :r.c. Sale 4 for Kimono Cloth, reg. 1.25. Sale . . . 2 for SATIN SLIPPERS Ladies' Mark Satin Slippers, medium heel. im 'ft". -ja-- $6.75 S.il'1'