-, Friday, DeCtnVr PAOK TWO I Always Buy "SALADA" GREEN TEA The little leaves and tips from High mountain tea gardens, that are used in SALADA are much finer in flavor than any Gunpowder or Japan. Trr it. ? U.S. Congress Will The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLKN. Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY 1DITI0K Friday. December 1. I9?5. Beware Of Using Firearms Carelessly. . The community was shocked t hear of the death of F1 ward Howe under tragic rirrnmsfanve. and the ymathy of the whole community roc- nut tu the family Im have leecn mi sud denly bereaved. Especially do we feel that the young man, David llnilema. vjo va present when the accident happened, is in need of sympathy. From tint to time we draw attention to the ueed of care in the handling of guns. Thi accident will art as a warning. hut hy next season it will "he almost forgotten. Thoe vvho go out after game chtinol he twit careful and hoy especially should be taught to think all the time of the danger of the loaded gnu. Vancouver People Want Art Gallery. Vancouver people who have made money and are looting fori places to sjetid it where it wilt beHefil the community have hit upon tlit' idea of buying pit lures aiwl statuary for an art gallery. Tlntf is a very dtarnncHdable object, Some day we shall! possibly have something of the ort here, lit the time is not yet ripe. In the meantime thVpubtir trniseum has been started and is making jvrogress. Already there is a nice little collection ami other articles are coming iu and gradually making it .-in interesting institution. Now Play Politics. Polities will be the Jode stone in the first se-sion of the Sixty-ninth. l",S. Ciigr;jrtvlBeh Jiegm- Mimlv at Washington, f - t; . t -r " Leaders of both parties will have as their chief eoticern the vriling of records upon which lhe mey to the country in the! iii.'ii.coagrcsiMiifU eieclMws winch will rrowrl closely ufwin the ending of the eession. The RejiMblicans will seA hi eoact a Jegistative program upon which t stnd in asking the voters to relnm jnajoritie for their party in both Ionises during the closing two years of the present administration of President Ooolidge. The Democrats will devote their efforts to fncnmg public atleiifiou ihkoi what they will denominate the lMrtcomiiip ofi admiaistratioo. legislative aud executive, nwder the power of theJ ' Rppulilican party, am to oulliaing a pro cm m of government wtiieti 1be- wvnM tiedfrtake to carry into erfert sliimhl they bi relHfued ha tjie owntrol of fiHigre. In Uims praces va-t ire of words will inundate hoi If e1miers Il more .pejeially the Senate, where there are fewer' liaaajjts" iijhih Sight of oratory than in Ihe llnne. In the taller iMtdy mairy txililical "-!. tvlie-" will remaint misnokeii but wift ffniJ their Nk-ay itito the Congressional Hecord under tlitfl pnviiege oi "extension or remarks. Will Delay Work But Not Unduly. roliltcfri manoeuvres and speecbe will necearily delavl the W4rk of Congress, but probably neither tde writ be lonth U streldi the osion out until mid-summer or later, for the Sen- ale awl Ibwse furnish a ready forum for political orator, n forum that has few couulerjurtf. anywiiere ete on the globe. lu the rampajgii which will be inaugurated almost immediately after tte gavels fall on December 7. and which will be continued Outit ncxl November, there will be involved every seal! in the Ilon'-c and :t of lioe in the 'Senate. The IleTlJdiciiis1 liave comfortable nmjonlie in both lnn-es and their fight will lie jtoi oiu to retain tnem. mil to strengthen their hold. in itic couiests lor senate seals, however, the majority pary win linn itseir w tlie ... flerensive at the outet vinc ln He- a - puiiurans come up mp re-eielroii against seven Democrats, all Of whom arc from solidly Democratic states in the south. Cry this Recipe Then write for our ltet Recipe " Kill you how CROWN BRAND-beIdet being deliciou. teble tyrup can be ued In cooldna to make many appetizing dishei. i CORN CEMS I Vml kufi ftill fry incraditm. l.tlur Add Crown Brand Syrup nd bM.n ttf to butirmilk and mil quickly with dry lnidint. Cut in the Mtsola Uif. Bkc in .m r fmn, u.d with Matola. EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP. A Friend ytha FavanUv PROCESSES IN proems vrhirii aniooiMtiratly srraded jt rar4if? to site.leiat uhtaaee" were taken nut hy inran ef matTMts aixl Mmp subIaiiee hy washin?. The Hons. He had been hi eoHimuni ! FLOUR MAKING uld ) i After It Reaches Mills calioo wiltl cej-laui ?ram interests: that were ltHkng for information In reyard In the pori and he fell sure some) limp w.ml.l ifsuli. ROMOLA TONIGHT IN Shown Here riie run' tor the picture "en Days'' did not arrive this week hill is expeclert at lin- next week end. In its ilace lias come Iemota. lloiaola" i ft Ton tilled on th-nevel by lieorue I'Jiol ijealinc with Ihe vibrant, pulsating life of the Italian Henaissancc in Klor-e'nee. when that rily tvai in tier (mitten age; Die ilays ol the spl.-iHliil .e MeiiH-is and of the martyred reformer. Savonarola. The dales are I t!i2-'.)8. "HomoUr lis a clnsior ii r literature and it 5 transfer to the screen has revived inlercsi in it to surb an ex tent that I lie photoplay edition of the novel is making u new recori or sales, mill New York librarie ml mi I they were unable to nupp' tlie ileiniiinl lUiul tins been creat ed.. He fore Hie filming of the al leys had lo he us profirirnl as n inemher of an American vaisily crew. Irily or lifffli Tii. and in the jrourse at r;u-sife :licy were al-way rnetnjr. while the tnutn.!i- wheat wa then tried nntil thcret" r,n remameo hly fewrtoa per real moi.iure. wte ft wa remfy for the blender. Haxin: wheat eomiirg from a" jiaru of the world. Mefwtin? he-emies necessary in orJer to secure Die km4 of flour netiel In that way only the bet result CoiiUI he nil! anted. rJniut hart to he carefulb watched r in all wheal cohhiif in and wlien found had lo be, taken out. A small amount ef smut woal.l -mi11 ike flour. Milling the Grain In nimn? the srain il wa pard thrtiUKh four distiucl jro- C.-rs. in the Hr! it was crark-wl, farther reduced in Ihe i'cmi process and the brans extrwtetl hi the third. It was ilien iad t)ver silks and sirietl. lryiiiK' followed, I lie laller process heinK particularly nwessary if the flour had to be stored: I'hc very white fbwir so mnch estecoHHl hy palrtms of baker i deaehed by eleiricity. ini ma- lop it appear uniform. Mr. Willon naiii be felt- Prince tttipert was about to be a grain ort. He exjiec.l el that private htterests wouM cftie here before yetl of :iif winning crew be heard f" mile. i .Imii.ifnl if :lie city ! .Florence ha. I I "'en stirred in David Wilton Tells Rotary Club year as it wh w i Mi me m. How Wheat Is Treated j"f Lillian iili and tlie w'-- Ipietnic eoiii,iuv winch 1 1 1 x . r.l... 4 1... ... llieir imr ci;v " '''' '" X-.w thai Prince Jluoerl is "f.A""""".'? about to hecome a .pr.in fcorl. ,, "n'f , , 'lie n.lhw, refused ' ' people here are interested j , anvthnij: pertaining to the crainur""' ' " "! 'h'r husinos. Thai ,swhy .he mem-,,f , hers .,r the IMtary f.lub wcrej! WM" '"' ....fi 1,... , ,...., I.. -t ,., . a,t. ' mf ". '""- dress on I lie handling ' jrrain after it reaches the marsel hy liavitl Wilt. n of this city. Mr. Will on ejplained at the nnt-el that he hail been in the employ of the great SwHer -firm for .'5 yesrj in the-old Ooiinlry. where lhy had wheat coming in from all over the wrhL ll was pari of their work io examine the rondition of each earpo on arri val. Io note if lha wheat itself was in ;Mi cowlilion, if the lin tag of the ship hati done it work of peeve inr damage am) if I he farjn had teen roteriy slrel. C eanlng the Wheat After ifelivwy f Ihe prain hat lcr aeeeplel, the first thin? tit do was lo get rid o' all foreisn uiatlers ly a series if sliaus! t. The seremi stap was to separate an) either j rains suck as mi r tMiney. Ikm te wheat, wa pat through another sacking cver ;!! of the location I In- mil' topic eralion vii- i'h' "wi'd cans" iin.l I !,cr -traim.- iv .1 ll THE MAN IN THE MOON say: A LOT of M'..pl.' I kimw . to jti aaheotiw cot f"; soul hetftrt -.us" !, otT boitieji. I MKT a wmmii today tit see all ymi want w said she ba.l f:iu-h.sl lier ln s ma aopiiiiy I mj"v a v I even if il i- t-y a f i t a . person. HALN. m ram mi lovely raiM. When yma cc.- t.. f I pa Hi; AimI then I pray y.m atay . n. again. Rain, oh ram. ym jnllv iii i i n 1K1 tt he t hi.; y..u ba.l t In a firV to set- li.e, hut i squint aWss t lie sin-el now ,i SHK siMd a tear. Im' tiiat w all she cvMhl Hffool ! het. clarcd Jake, w'nen t.-lling t'. irotiiinen local lady. ,UAM an.1 Kvc Ha. I a jolly ui.t lime In the garden nl Kten Most of the time. Hut !et tucy enjoyed. And I know they were -rone The atplc that did not To either beton?. So here in tui hmd Wliere we toil eery day And soalrh as lliey p. Joys that come our way. T!ie limits thai wc like Are the Hiiob Hint are Itan-net. Us the joy of adventure. Tha! ierale the ljni. 4I.VK thing about the good young is that there are nol many peojile to nag al the rest nt us. THEllirs something I h e yountter periweatlon never seem to understand thai i jut bow sennible ihoir fathers and ninUicr wenq. AND there arc "till onte fool ish ieiile with Ion? hair. How -t: ' a PLACE OF SEVEN DAYSla'se, 7". Famous Classic from the Novel by George Eliot to be Dial we can break. .YOl' can t by tlie kiiw wa wi ; t time lo think up Year resolutions i.r'i JPge a wife t l 'fftwroal Abe J A h i? say- he know s he' crazy, yel art that he does no' Ibmk he H crary a most folk. iiily." Ten Years Ago in Prince -Rupert December 4, 1915. mistnanaf.-inenl and another of what il wohIiI have lieen lke under Sir Wilfrid !,aurier was latnled in fttirrtnr addresses at Liberal lieiidquartcru last nijrhl hy Fred tiurk and j. II. Nadan. T. D. I'aliutto prcsblwl and .1. K Myers of I'erraee was also a peaker. lark of pirnles on a Fifteenth j Al Ihe ..nclilion of Ihe con-Ontury sailinjr ship in Ibe Hay ference with The irotcrnuicM' of l.etii.rn. one of the si irricj. j fislieni. advisory hoard ami local scenes in me picture, n whs fisliei men last ni(ihl. fieorgc nn-essnry in train unwurilH o' lloi row delivered an able speech 'wo hundred modern amateur, in wlmu ( plemled for Ih-jiirales. each Imnilliiip ii lona oai nuliN ,.f riKhcrineo as lu-uins' m perfect time. F.vey one of IIm'IIip monopoly of the cannery men won rode in the three pal- men. Hie oarsine;i of the Hirer vessels, .Jieiu real. ed, Mrs. Olier Hesner for the crews hud lo he recruited and Mrs. from aeimratc districts of the 'charge. It. L. .M. Iiituli w-re :n When the little children come home From one end of Canada to the other children come trudging home from school each day. Some come across wind-swept prairies some through damp and blustery streets. It is then they need real food. Mothers buy a bottle of Bovril to-day. When the children come home dissolve a spoonful in a cup of boiling water. See how they relish it See how it helps their growth and adds to their strength. Bovril is a splendid drink for children and puts beef into them. 'IBBffffU I WATCH NOTICE. Dlrln and Ut. I ! I im t.lMlltrd. Vlh Kil.l it - .1 II. lrei. ll".irr' V ' H l".' Imtf r Iki am) 111 i" rill. ..i tmt (Imy ut nr .n ! I nkt"n. l- kna aw I ntixnii. akirli n... iMrib'ri ; ami dram mi. lmu 111) V' I. I'-j aixHrl l. haiif. ! r ie. i'iei) Inaai n..itlH'ai riH-f I. iT.I. iip . Tk- vai. r ill w lertd tan. ibr irnam al a un l.m ri(ai rkam - nOi rrm lianuii Nat awl rturn rtkMlrrlv rrM irttms U t'-. ami rill tu- it-itl f.ir aiiiwi rp.i Ui lb-lanal dewraard I ilv Mni mi1 'f I U4 TJ. fiil', M. n- IM-r Ihr crtim llv luOl 0 T V.v.mbr-r. ttii rui ..I IM Bl-e ami an aiiti. al4i 4ur.iii! IderrUi anrl I.. Ib "Wah-r t will lie rihsj hi Mar nfrtrr t Ihr Wan r M'..drr al ITUMT Hutwrt. H.i oijrr u.Mf ii ie aprKiratfasx au) a rild win. U -J..I Walr Mrunk aiUi ih. anlnillr tit W'al.-r HltM. I'arlUrMW MtillOltt. VkrUHia. R.C. HWn UMrt day arier the rirai aiifraranr .if nil ttntlrr M kwal W .paor-r The (law rf lhr fl-M pttlllraiiw n( tl MIt I-amawtber . Itfi" llrssa; Mil t riri I.IMITMI. Viipll.anl Ww l 4tt-a-ll -n' WATER NOTICE. Ditaralon and Um, T VSK M'TII : tbal Mr Janwa I l.-Wl sirana. adrtrpan i- ss .,.- stm-i. VaavsHitrrr. h.i: . will aja'lv fur a Hrvii.-, I take attd liar liMi.tinti ralkiii. r ila nt water .ml Uiiii Htvr. alw kisi as Vault Hivf. hicli ri" n.,rtlii aurt drain IM. Vauti Ray. y I . H " akxnil I efealn M.l rrutn mn'llira.l ner I lit. TNr al-r mill divirlH riiMti Uk trfMii ai t ,iiii alsHii rliaiiK. murr r l.-. mhiUi aiwl :. riiam rant raucn norlhra-l I anil mill Usi-tl fur matter) jiurfmr tigxMi Ihr taiHi 1irrtbffd a. I.. 4. trine rl n I.. I4i: Thi. nnllrr was jkmIhiI nn ihr n,iit: w tae llh lav nt VnmnlM-r. Iti .-4v r Uto ik.iiiv and an aMHali.'i' IHirsuaul lltrrrt., an.l t.p Uw- "W'aler will br MM In the .irrirr of Ua- Wau-aewirnVr f rrlnrr Htlpert. H.i". oiiJih-Mima tu the an).ll.-ali n nil) Im- Ultsl Willi lh aaid WUrr Ile.-"r0nr ur allli Uw :aiitrnllpr of Water Initio, earlianietu auMdln. Vkrlaew. B, . wiibnt tbiro ffat)- an.T thf rir .xaiaiire in" Ihi-ixil.rf hi a keal nrw.pap'r Tlie rial, of (Ik- tir.1 iHitelleatMai ,f itil isili.r i-X,i-nilxi in. Ifi MS. J VS.. I IM I.IXI sTIuMij. Apphranl WW tt. HmlH'll, Win LAND ACT. Notlea of Inta-tlon lo Apply to Liaa Land In Prtti'-e lunrt Ijiiki tvr.irdinr l"llrln nt imn nanre . mil altuatr tin Sfiuth Iwi'bavl Uland. TAKE OTir.K that Vlfivd "atiiaon, or Prlner Hu(ierl. orurU"n Manner.. In M-nda l arply for a Ifiwf ut Itia f,,ll,,w I tat dsscrttntj landa : . i . , i . wnirmmt ai a 111 i,iaiiiia titl Inf word idcture of how Prinive ! sooth pottt i.f Soutn l'arha.1 l.lamt Hlinerl h.i. I stilTere.1 under Turv !'". roaih1 luh walrr mark I., tlw! ...... - IH1JDI fkr nuiniMMriMll ! .,... 1 , h t .. arrt, riinrf or W. ALfllLD 8WAJIgO.1t. Appll.-ant A. E. Wrirtit, Afcnt. bated October tMh. ten CAtSIAa LAND DISTRICT. Racordln Dlatrlct of Talagrtph Craak, TAKE NOTICE thai J.ilm Ja.uli Fowler if Oreai Otarler. silkim , rmrlier In lendu to a)iO r.ir jM riiiilun t, por eliae tlie fMI.iM.mt derribd landa Cutuinettrinr al a mi plained nil Uh aaat lak nt tlie snklne luver n,r tn. Great niaeler. at anutheaal rt-nei thrne-ruiiumr ntirili m .Imin. theme m a aeiertf dlreetl.m m rhalm. thenre In a Krtiltioeijr dlrertlun 10 .iHln. U.enea In an ra.ieriT airerinm 70 I'lialn. to cmi nieiHvtnent Ptiat. I"ted anriit llat, t. WATER ACT. '!L"T..M F-"'1V 'itVlf tliat III ( i. ilMMr. the Llenietiani (invHrimr uf lirliis rMaiHlria, liy ami wlrti Die a.lvle. r IH" tierutltre (....in.ii, ,a Iwen i.l.ae,ll t.ii ,ir ! ,,. ,. . . Tim iHtrauaiit iii the nniviiiliina iifl J lie Heil Cross sale yeslerdav "ti , i,eli,r niapter t;t of iik i . lift 1 wdaj1 atlatLltlau . I at aa... . . 1 ii, i tie More of .Miss Harheau wa r.,u .t.7. r " . " Keen rivalry developed atnonv II vmn; .iircesU. K0.n5 tiuvuilf !"ta!,rt' ?.!! I'rtnee liii-rt Water ? : Pt"e,l nn the. (Mil It rt:ti Uim niitt, nay ..f o. i.r7 tllil. T II. I'ATTIJLLO, iiiauur uf Landa, BOVRIL "PUTS BEEF INTO YOU" Only Sold in Bottles Harold r nrtcMit. 4 co. uvtrzo. io.ji MtCuJ stii. riM tti Christmas Gifts I'erliinu -. pci I... nl. . ,r.,m 25c $12.00 Perfumes in Novelty Hollle. .-.i. h ... Wc 75c Finn Perfume ItolliiK and Aioinner 10c S12UIC Toilet Waters. Hath tUK Sachet. I I'oinilnin Pens, KershitrM, Mary tia: and Dnllarrv CoffreUs. tlluH tdales in regular and fancy hidida , e. h 65c S5-CC We would iike o e-ria4i tf e on and Cold (Sifts, we believe they are jul tlo Ikm-ii liHikiug ffH". Make our selection now. we will w any article until it i required. Ormes Limited The Pioneer Dmirg'-t 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Honrs: 8 u nt. to 0 J' m ShikI.-in- .nut 1 1 it i 1 n W from 12 to 2 I :;. in Gove Bond mm 'I'l.ln ... A . - . tl.t nt Phones 82 snd 2C E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with additional n.,t.'h ties tor Hie m. SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINQLES, VENEER also carried m fitoi It. Save handling charges by buying direct from supply. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door lo Fnziell Hutehr s'( P- l-from the Empress Hotel We rarry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIE5 SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamei Zarelll Propria indr Sup BJ"B.aJ" -ri aaaH ..it o" -i aai itn-- 9"- aaaaai uio," displayed hi iuib uuvvruscijiriit 18 not puuilBlieu ur Liquor Ckjntrol Ilourd or by the Guvertiw0"' " j