Lr December 4, 1925, to A Novel & Safe Way fib or Dealing With COUGHS & GQLOS. Hi I U ' JaaaaaaaaaW. Baaae- I ml a f if; .I throat Al Wft HEHE is no -;ater treatment for colds, hills, soie throts and bad ccmphs than lo till a few l'eps tablet. I'eps soothe the tender threat and air-tube and remove mischievous germs. They keep the delicate respiratory organs healtViv anrl . t . 1 uuicLi tnrsi ana ry lunjji from harm in this trying wintry weather. Sealed up in every Peps tablet ate powerful medicinal fume which are tarried with the breath jtraiRht into chest and lungs. That is the secret of tbsir valuable d rect' action. NO EADMFUL DMJGS Slot Hin4 sit tons t all mtll!- 1 tmm vs -urn, cklmal harmful rttg, mrt tfUmdtd ft id fmig I), tinti.m M th 4 mm4 ch4t rtmtdf lu! CIli 1 1- n 1.1 -lock 1- .immiI all here itiivv .md in lew day we will have e t r tin 11st arraugrd mi thill ou can JiKik fl over earn!). . We rve nuuiy ,Jitti nHir-tlisf ) ar Much a small china all and pcj.iK from &r Ml 1.X) a pair and miimi tilber new rfciM frierr. iiiir Kerwnr atock. w fieer heller and II value are Mllent. We nrr now in touch with jrid firm df diamond cutler d( Antwerp. Hcl-fT 1 1 1 ftl . and can i'lli cr low pen I'- on illiltllllllll. John Bulger Jeweller 1 $ff Truly a Lovely Stock (his Year a1 1 NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., DA PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Pltl a ... a Canadian Pacific Railway Saihncrs from Prince Kupert " 'ETCmXAN. WMNCEU, JUNUO. SUCWM .NtwWr 16. 30 W.k H 'WCOUVER. VICTORIA ui SEATTLE ...Nwkrr 3. Z0. Dkr 4. 18 f -,.. , Si. PRINaSS BEATRICE ., , . eTi'?; ""on , It B.IU Btllt, fM. Ktrnu, AUri Br. .. Mn,b" nd Vncour ry SiturdM 11 .m. "" fop tii iim,hn LB, Full lnormllon from lit. r ntruiDn nnal inanl. 0fp of th StrMt ind 3rd Avtnut. rrtnet Ruprl, B.O. Local and Personal li.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. 75 Taxi, night. DOc service, day and tf 'J.rge(af for sale, Mas Heitijroin'r. cheap tf Xma. Tree decora lion atu 1)011 h'fiia, at J.iiiKi-y & Davict). 'J Taxi and Tranafer. icrvir. Day and ntirliL fVyhliuvn. 0 T. If MoiiM ClirmlmHi, Clii-tr l-'uml at .lilk" HtHiip loiti-.'lil.' Cardi ami dHDcina. HoimI'h (iniliHrttra. Cunie'H Taxi and .MegBeiisr Serrk-e. Miotic 507. Servi'r.'' day and niplit. gland, Carltoi Cafo. tf 61, Andi i'w s SOriety Ctiurrh parade Munday cveninp, Dec. 0 M'we rcqueNled U mel a! rnHBa at ii.15 p.m. Mr. mihI WruS. Kirkaidy ar- nad in I lit- cijy from Terraci' in lki snuriiiiijf M train atul are i-pk-intiril al Hie I'nnci' lluierl lUMil. OH your coal niw. Dun'l watt until Chii-!nm wi'i'k. "Hoc ' 1 1 .M ton liHivi-ri-d from ttie I. II. Trunri-r and Taxi. I'tKinf M2. mt Judu.' F. Mcll. Vouiiii returned on I in - inurnniK k tram from Smiiiier vyliew lie presided at eh-iun of I he County Court thi wrek. i. i'., llarKay, difiriel engineer fm llii- prwitinal department of fubhr work, relurne.l to lire city lu norjire stfifi- a trip t Siiniliei- off depart inenisd bum- fienfi. ' j: Klkf'AitUiaa Chaer WIm-I-Itridae llrivt- and Dance, Friday. I Hsermher 4. at 8.18 p.m. in KU;-" Home. a ryh df welcome. imkI rues. Jtlp the caue and a'.i come. 281 Dick Hmwe returned on UU morning (rain frota the interior bavina iteen ealted haek Iron a! liUKines. trip on areouut of the dentil of bin brolber, Edward He. W . J. Larkworthy, srell known . Haxenon mercnant. wis ! 1aiMnBer arriving ffssm tbe in tenor on hi mominji'j train t ro ouia an Use aieajstar Prior Hupert. H. O. Mottltuii of Xew Ynrk I'.ily. director of Ihe tJranby Oo a a iiaicruier abearsl tbe Prince Rupert tills morning ma ftoulb after a viiit tu the plant at Anyox. Thoma (iinually of tbe C..N.H. claim deparluieiil. Vancouver, and Mr, (tinnally i-rluriiiNl Ut anennver on the Prince ltupcrt ihi niornina after having wpent a couple of day iu the eily. have a day and ititilit ier- ul 111' for Tali and will re your trunko and Make our office your tiri-iiniit while nhoppinir. 1 1 itii-frr and Taxi, 343 Avcmic. I'lione I rttt and I P.R. Thirl I nn. ii nteams'i- Oatala. Capl. A. .lolinoloiie, arrived from Hie 'looiith al lo o'clock lal night and jln-iH'ccdcil at uiidnlsrht to Anyox and Naa River points. The ee- el in Hfliedillted lo wail rrnlu liere for the huIIi al 10 o'clock morrow utorntiiK. i oiiuni-nHincr hiiiI Mr. Ilic'i of ihe SaKaiion Amr urriM-d today from Juneau and will In- here oer lite viHk end. They will proceed lo Hard I on Monday to attend Ihe native conference nt Unit place. Oilier of Ihe pnr'v include Adjutant Monday. ftlatT tin, .lam Can ul hem and I.ieuttm- ''nn! Newberry. Major Layman v!o nU'1 arrived loday l pro- cdinu lliioiiyli lo Yiincoiivei'. i ANNOUNCEMENTS ' I Mied i liu Ii ltazaar." Dccem-h 10. mm iii m CATARRH ft llir BLADDER itk SuRMihl Cacht apuli (CBy UaranaiattTJ; Jttmit ifKnttttltrnn'o the Real Cause Of Constipation Is A Bad Liver Mr. Jean Boeheir, KeUon,, writes: "For many years I bava U'd troubled with my liver, and suffered ttrribly with eonat pation. I HEABD ABOUT Milburn's and have tien preatly improved since I started to take them. I cannot recommend them too highly to any one who i troubled with thoir lirer." MlUmrn's Tills are not a new and untried reim-dy. They bare bwn on tbe market for the pant 32 years; put up onlj by The T. llilburn Co Limited, Toronto, Oat. Always good rrii i' and qua! ity al Linzey & Dai . tf Two ears at your acrvice iheddun Taxi. I'lioi.e 134. If A thing reTi boiiKlit i half iilii. (M it at Linxt-y & Davies'. tf Private CiiHatnias Cards printed by Rostn, Cowau & Lalla, Uti Street. Mih. Alf. Cbrialiaien sailed !ln- inorniitr on tbe I'rince Itu-peri for Seattle. Canl- and itancinK t-lki' Home to-niylil in aid f :!lieer. ItiNsd'a Ofehe Chrifttmax dra. Did you Iry our "ll"eo"' coal'' $11. no per ion delivered, t'rinct ItuinTl I raitf Irr and Taxi. Phone I8K. 2fi Dun llrown and I). Munro werr pasfeiiverK nailing lbn morninv m ihe Prince ltuiMrt for When you winh for a car in a hurry, rail 112. Clean Sudani. Charge SOr for one or two pa- ienpern anytime. $85 tel. your ChrUtmaH flifla at Use SJk. Sale of Work tomorrow at 3 p.m. to tie opened by Mr Uontmiaaioner Rich. r. and Mr ft II. Wall, wh , arwtmovitiK ftnui Idkwa to Yan- couver. were pa--,niter from train to noal I hi monnnR. Mr. Harry Tanner of Stewart was a pauM'tiper aboard Hie leatner Prince Hupert this moriimK jro;np throu?h to Seal -lie. lrine McDerotott of Ihe Paei-fic Sfevedoring Co.. who ban been on a month vacation trip to ancoticr and Victoria, relumed lo the city' on the Calalu Ian' niabt. Hue1l J. ii. Richards. Y'an couver barriJer, arrived iu the eJty on I lie Calala last night, lie i accompanied by K. A. NicoM and W. H. Oilbert, alatt of Mrn. Fletcher, who ha been viaitina here with her daushler. Mr. M. I.. Slepp. Second Avenu", Weatview, returned "U the I'rincc Hutert I hi mom inn Iq her home in Portland. , very Useful el of tecliinci! book imi naviaaliou ha been prenled to the public library '.y I'. M. W'ilkie. There are thirl i iu all dealing with ariou phac of Ihe ftuhject. William Adaiu. wirele uper I ator of tbe transpacific linn Kmiirea n f Ruut. arrived nn ! lie Calala lal ni-bl from Van couver to viail here v?Mi Mr. ami1 Mr. C. K. C.uUen. i Mr. J. A. Mnrri atd on and dHUjrhler arrived in the city or.. the Catala lat n ist lit to take utij their residence in the Uly, Join-i int Mr. MniTi who. has Uwaie.l bfre in coiuinercial !u?incf. Mr. Justice Murphy will ad-drenn (he Women's Canadian i 'lull at luncheon on Saturday in the JloMon Hall ul 1 tun.' on "Inlernalional Prohlem and World Peace." Meiitliera and 'frieitil iuvitix). 281 j Mr. and Mr. F. Ilovotiko nil-ed llii inorninif on tltu l'ritir" j Hupert for VnncouM'r euroute lo Winnipeg. Mr. Ilolypake Iih' been here for Ihe e' week in charge of the intaHaliou or Wule iu t if .Maui . luulur. 1 MILD WEATHER WHITE HORSE . j Yukon River la Frozen Over But, Not Yet as Tight as Usual IliouKii Hie )ukon llivi-r t now frozen over, the weather Ul Wliiii'liorse o far tlii Tall lia- hfi-ii no I'xwptiipnallj' mild thai il Uu been impoKsihle to iimIiiUt el in Kkalinif ami curling Jatner! fJaudin, MUpei-inlcndeiil engineer for the While I'a Hailway A. Navigation Co who wa a itsenfrer point; oulh on Hie I'rincefft Mary today 16 iSeal-tle where he will upend the winter. I dually by the first of December (he Yukon in in the IhrofM of Hie eold wcalhcr of winter. YUKON ELECTION' WRIT IS ABOARD PRINCESS MARY ilie writ ior ukon riiliu?: in Hie reeenl federal election wai alwanl Hie steamer Princesn Mary thi mortiiiip on ili way to Ottawa when- il mul arrive he- fore CapL f!eor?e Itlark. nieinher re-elwt, may take his feat in tf; the lloue of Cnmmwii. The Yu kon ballot hoxe.4 were alo aboard the nteamer on Uieir way oulli. t'apt. lilnek I now nn his way until aboard the Admiral Hod man. At tt):90 yealerday morninp tire fire department rejioinled to call from the premise on Second Street beinu taken by i. F. ltriuc a an auctioneer' office where an overheated loe pipe caught fire I" the reiiinH ami wall do- ns li?bl ilania'c. TENDERS WANTED. 7 Tender are iuviled by the Hoard of School Truler for the erection of a -play-bed at the Ikirden Stwl School and whirl must reach the Secretary, 329 Second Avenue, on or hefon Thursday next, tbe I Oth in!., 6 p.m. where plan and pecifica- lion arc often for innpeetbin. The lowest or any lender no l ncesnarily accepted by ibe lloani JOHN I.. CUIUS i n: LAND ACT. Secretary Notlct of Intention to Apply to LtM Land. hi PliiM-r Rupert Land HrcwnUnr l- mii in i-rtnr- nuiirn. ana Miuaie a A HUB Si, UwrP Cliarkille I Ma ml . B.c TASK V"fn:t liitl Mr.. Junes rietdlns lranc. or 8unio. Br., ucrunallor. atsrricd mm. uu-tM to atii4y fur uT ttip tnlkiwlnr WrrUrd fureltnrp at Awun Hj, uwrg ;hrli4l liUiKlH, CWMBeSH-lBr at a Duel blasted al imrib ! rw .i4 IS47; ibpitrr north IU (et: Uwaer rol rS0 fort, nmrr or tferarr omitboast Sun fwi; tlMMirr couth MM nr. meat. reel: theri w-t 1 3 fart, iMure or lw h imp hirti walrr aasri or Aua Bay: iiitikt norttx-rly and rMrrty rollor tiM- aM hlsh aler Mark toe trtl. tmre or lr. to Hiit ( tuinrrfiirat. and ronlaiiilns If arre. taote or l'. MRS. J. tlELIUNU SThANQ. Appllrant. Per V. V. O. Mitrnrll. AsMit. nta mnuiw tmh. iis. LAND ACT. Notlcs of Inttntlon to Applr to Lsait LanSa In Prlnrr huiert l.aud tlrrordinr DM trSrl. and ituate al Cove. SWrer a Until so.oo rhalns tMiutheaiterb Uv eltreme nrthwet rod or r5r-r lslanl ana aimtn x.a mams rat rrtru Scnoon er Pas. nntir that Wallare rinhert LlnsUrd. or Vam-ouirr. B.C orruatlo.i carnirrjiiirii. inirmi 111 apin.T rnr a tea? or Hie ruinr prerrtbl land: cininieiii-iiir at a po't planted about r,u no rlwiiif in s southraMerly direction tri-hi the rvlirlnf northnet end of Pnii ei Mand and 4 en rhaln east from M-niHier ra thence smutti .6l rhain Ihen-r ram 4 si i-haln: tlienre north- cirrlv meaiulerlnr alnnr the line or lilrti mil ii. ! st ..r I'lminenrfnienl. ami roniaiimia i P" air- in'irr nr le. WAI.IA T r:IIEniE3 LIMITED. VDPilran' .. Q... ,n.h r Machinery For Sale From Rocher da Boule Mine Including II. P. Pelton- Doble ImpuUe Wilier Wheel, with srenerators. I runr'rnier and 15 mile lianiuiion wire; S 15-lon Steam Dinke. 21" (iaupc; lUerli'ic Motors from 1 lo too Ii .it : I 1 75 h.D. Ma tern Standard Kiik'iue; Pipe, from W"J lo I ": S Aerial Tramway; 100 Ton Hail. 1? lb. ami 20 lb.; Klectrif. Air and Sleuni lloit;, Mnrhine Shop Machinery; 1 iN'o.j 2 Portable Sawmill, complete: at). Mining! Drill pUwfei, driflers,' stopers . I For furl her information, apply B.C. EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. Skeena Crossing, B.C. AO THHP W&Miisic.Gwn)m "si Send us your uill 5rd you Ohm this iltustcaUd? book of beautiful VCasaaal Pistribulors for: K9L9RED jneszznazrtjoi Purity fir over luOyears 1 n aKT.wfieT a iLijS.AD These Are All Splendid New selections, Hear and COM PAKE Them. 2963 "Oh! Boy, What a Girl" 2965 'Remember" F" Lr"? hj ,8h,ra Jone" J I s X ? a- S a The Farmer Took Another Load -Away! Hay! Hay!" "The King Isn't King Any More" Fox Trots by Carl Fenton's Orchestra. 2964 "Bam Bam Bamy Shore" -f Trot "Look Who's Here" , p04rutU8t?Jn4 I 3970 "Sweet Mah" Charleston Fox Trot. "The Original Charleston" Ry Ishau Jones Orchestra. 2962 "Normandy" Fox Trots by Abe Lyman's "Want a Little Lovin'" 2972 "Gypsy Love Song"-une jan. "When You're Away" From The Only Girl." by the popular Rrunswlek Hour Orchestra, under direction of Walter Haenschen. BraiMwLck Bcrda pmtm tonal Wait in that cr.n4 W .aiatchaa. Xgmlm aar COMPARE Unt - t J. Lome MacLaren, Ltd mW ' V -" asV aV4ASav aw Y 0 W. J T "sa-iap Supplies Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock yoar winter's supply oi Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 m 67 'm i "' ML k- --A I ill s --assSaaMaMaasaaaaaaaaaTmaaaagaaWaaSSa aaataaTT i Gin you will asktbragcun London w htbol This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Uoard or by the Ooverutueut of British Columbia.