ii). ,per. . .Sclllemeiit ul tin Inli boundary ques-itcpn armed at and the Uthi of Hit sellleineiil were udUr Ferguson Indicted Yet' Urdif Afternoon for "Misconduct In Office" ! I I I.N 4. JUltttft I i- lMlli'V3l Mrwn I rum uffir TM Vancouver People of Rich Ore Found In Dig Missouri Mine il M il. I pc. I. - Put vimI hen ypftlarday and -lonen of the viior- i p' -1 1 m of rich mli'r-oii " liiir MIouri niinp on liixer in tin .Slpwnii dln-H' iiili Colnmliia. win. n on Inn WHy In ' ipporl lo Hip Sin inlii rd "iMirntioiH owiipm of -it h IIipii Ih enough i" Hnrfiipp. If it could he illy mined, to pay off 'iiUonnl debt. Tho "lpfHliiiii., he mUiIch '' li tin- mine lipyond any (Hi. FIFTY SHEEP KALUM LAKE rrmcr Imports Flock to Start Now Industry In Country North of Terrace "lUlAUK. li,.,.. . ... William 1 'h. n m KIlKUinkalum l.nke a'niPi 1S Hturtlug a new iiulun- Mini diotrioi. lie ha" Juot 'Hi i!r,i fO0k (f hU fnm amWl.IKh, ;vuM,rlll xv,Pl n,,u"(i and hemiikiMi norlh t) ' ! ' 111 , VICTORIA OPENED IN CHINESE FREED OF MURDER CHARGE IN Wheal It.C. Silver. ... I hin well nlailloiM . flninhy 1.. V I Marmot Premier ... furf Inlet .. Howe Sound r.. p. II Porier-Maho SiUer Ore! I'ennlnu. .... Daly Alaska llufu Until Hope .. lliiollim ...A. I .:tti .11 Indian ,.H'' Nalional Silver.... Silvorninllh Lucky Jim ..- . nlaele Selkirk Hnyvlew She .1 l.i-l nigh The new tirrangemiMit revoke Ar'u-lc hotel win In mistook u dour i. Vigh. Irish Uv,,i Muvdmg U.i a iKHiodarv coinmi !" M''r parlor i.n himiiIkm . t. MH icrriior hi i iir a -emeu ii ihe ircniy. ..unit-o.-.-u "uin-inr i...u.. cch Sl.ile i. r.le.i,ed from iU ..l.lnrx! mn oo.ler Article HM IIMJHIimt before Mr. Justice ! .u I., .-umc i iMirtioii of the ' public debt or the Murphy " ! inuiiije tin I l 11. .1.... I- ,;,tjll piiriHPUII. .. l . I U1IIIUIC I - Rampant Vice SHERIFF CONDEMNED FORMER PREMIER NEWFOUNDLAND IS FINED LARGE SUM Si. .HiHVS. .rid.. Dec. i. Sir Hirliard Siinn. foriiiPr Premipr of iew-fointdlund. wa- fulfil 0.-4ill yesterday fur failure li make income lux r-T urn . n. hi llMK In li'Ji. Hid. Asked. I .is;, k I. to IIU 2 .20 . i.oo .'136.00 .08-j in I1U .2t .UVi .20 Vi .(U 05 Advertise In the l"v i. in .SI' LM1.00 MM .(III .'.23 .01) Vi .10 M ,r.n .in .18 .32 vi .nt .02 .15 .2 .10 ,2S ,01 V4 .01) H apicartng lor no- i.iamiin ami Milton Cotuale for I hi defend uiil company. Tlii iirim-iiial willies,- In-a-il Una morning before muri ad journed for toe aoon iwnt- vws I In phiintilT who wa on t ti - stand Iwr uImhiI un hour. Mr recounted lU detail of I In- accident which occurred after he had niitakii a door trading froiv the torcr irlur mlo Ui- Imisp-meiil fur thai of the lavatory He rlaiuiPd Hist I lie door wa unlorknrf hbiI had no sign on it Ha -iHwaitKy llt ifW atwl.aUn . mug iloide Im h" RreriittttffWI down an ojxn -hafl on lo a fliirhl tft KUtir. The nyult wa .I.... i i .. ...... ;i. . .....i IlULubl LAM illuill ini'Miirulfst for over two month -- I'lHinliff aid h- wa. a finlM'r- i 1.1.....H Bdl neaUin bv Vancouvar In dian on Hip halitiut tnal H.S.T. First Game of Season In League AHer Tour East 'iiMitihnjni r ircall, --i.y Hip Hum UiuiiI! VAMlt T.II. In.-, t. Vie- vpotrnlaj. torla firi nanip f Hi" paioii Miittp Warwii l. i held' in Hip ilirn llncke) Irf-apiiri lo Un Inn.- of Hip accident. Felt Good, Not Drunk liainnaPi arp rluiuipil to covpi-tupdnal fpp, lu of time from fifttllliK, tr. The detail of Hip arrnlettl nnd ithe iiiiyptiienl of lor UKlh in law Pii-!plapd here In-I i.uHit asraiiiKl ll'Utuiim i"ii neiore anu am-i iiIshIp lb eily aud Ihr local team prox.-d diMilroo; ' "do ...I.. at poihp Ipi.H lor I. I'.. JrK"ioii l 'I "llllM-OtlllllCl in of- i "I Jury roiidiiiuo'l i in in it rut in unit i -Hll-I -HlHlll MCI' PAT DALY IS OPTIMISTIC . . 1...11. i.. ... .. i .....k ..m..u lo trr. Hip iPam Ha jwni re-!""" " riiiniini"ii mm .n..i-luriiPil from a lour in Hip lit i exam ma Hon . Witnm iaid lliat ... i. . . ii i : whpn tlipr did nol HHt Willi, HP "aa a inurou.ii nTviivruuii u: lllUPll .IIPCP.H. The -core Iitp lift niwhl wa VrtMCHiixer t. Victoria I. lltridettN litrliiettlf al al tlial dial aiiou urn' and denied thai he sai iimler the inriutMiCP of liipior allhouirli Iu udmiHed. ni a re!ull of driukinv hppr. hr wa "feeliin; pretty jtihmI." lAidencp wan aUo given hy hr. C. A. liW'rerl wlio dernlPU Hie PORT MOODY SHOOTING!-1"" i;.i..;r huune, ,i i uui ,cnp gne exitprt pvidencp a lo their Xl'tt I STMINSTI II. I ec. l Sup Zc iiimI I'lnn far Yomr. t'.hinPT. were 1 i 1 1 . 1 iml k"'"' Ihe inuidei ol t urn ly a jury in1 Hip aip pouri ami uiwn lliei llltprlv Thp -.hoolinK look plat-, on May 10 near Port Moody wln-n Hirw inpn ilid. 1 " X nnd Jl no . mi- lauri- i lu own life VANCOUVER EXCHANGE C tree I. The oftiM' is proceeding tlii af-In niiiiti . SCALE TESTS AT ELEVATOR Carload of Grain From East De layod But Work Proceeds Without It Seiile lestn al the new elevator here wpi p made I his week hy .1 (i. White of Fort William, clnel weighinau for Ihe Hoard of iraii CoininliiKionerf. who nailed this titorninfi on Ihe Prince Itupert Tor Vant'otixer. It. lleatliering-lon. of Foil William, general manager of Sn eminent elevn lorn. Who has iiNu been in the rilv in connection with the (est pjtpeol lo ret urn F.asl on lomor row nlghtV Irain.- It had been expected thai rarloail of iurain from the irair- iex would have been lined for Un: tent but it" arrival here was delayed and the work was carried out without 'it. The grain is ex peelei here tmlny by freight and will u be used for testing purposes, There are about 130 men working at the elevalor const riw-Hon now. The nlant wilt be enm- pleleil"tmd ready for opcrntion soon ntwr the .Now lenr. TAXI Boston Grill 25 nnd n Ambulance mam Large Ipslair Dining Hull, Service "i with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. K f. NEW 80DA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best foe the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XV NO '-'HI v IMUNCi: HUPKUT. H.C J'JUHAV. PIXFJMMnt i. 120. VMUrday' Circulation, 1463 SlrMt ! PRICK FIVE GENTS. IRISH BOUNDARY DIFFICULTY I eaBBBBBBBjBKsBeaBBk r v'S. aesac it 1 I aaaaaawaapaaiajaBaaaMaw iutK' fP f , HSaBBBJRBBJBBBBBBBW TIip v. lli.i:ii II Uartle or i-i-i tn uiter. who ilerlarp. afler jnn rei-en i vn-.i to hi out men, that the l-iiilPO Male, is aegeneiaiing imm iiiiniun Miriely lo miinkey lioiie3' lie Miiri'f divurre u- Ihe "fai'icer iu I Ameriran home life." Twenty An ested Yesterday Implicated a Liquor Ring; XKW VOHK. I)ec 4. In what the federal authorities describe as the greatest raid on the siipKed rum row di-trihiiliug lonr- yet made iu the Untied SUile. twenty men were aires. led yesterday charged with being iiiipiiruted in an alleged liquor ring. Ihtrn t Attorney Ituckuer said one of Ihe prisoner. vhoe iirgaiiizatiun had eighteen steamers engaged in bringing liquor to ru'.n row from inreign porls wa W illiam Dwer of Montreal, pari owner of Hie Mount Itoyul race traik. the sportsman who is alleged to head the ring. VICTIM DIES STORMY SESSION CUTTING CASE IS PROPHESIED Miss Rocdde of Vancouver Nurs ing Staff Succumbs to Throat Injuries VAXCOlVF.il, Dec. I. .Miss lloedde succumbed this morn inn to the terrible injuries received when her throat was plashed Monday night. l p to two o'clock this mornini: the girl held her own and I lien collapsed, dyhij.' forty minutes later. Pasipiale. who did Ihe slash mg, is recovering. BANK OF COMMERCE mm AT PARTI ANn id POUTI.AND. Dim . t. The sale ol Hie Pacific Hank of Commerce of Portland lo Hie Canadian Hank ol Commerce today. is announced here Major M. A. Hurbnuk of Ihe C.NJl. engineering department arrived from Ibis moriting' istered at the Prince ltuper! Hotel. He will re! urn to the Interior tomorrow night. MURCURY ORES CRIPPLE CREEK CltlPPI.F. Mercury ores valued at U720 ton have been discovered Politicians Pleased That Postponement Has Been Made Until Next Month LEGISLATION SUGGESTED OTTAWA. Dec. t. I loth parties tiere seem pleased that thi opening of Hip session lias been adjourned so thai Ihe echoes of political warfare nufy not inlitr- tere with the Christmas ceto- hrnlioii. Within a few days of the official ripeninp of the llolisi iu January, the bombardment of Ihe government will commence nnd a stormy .session is autioi- e-aro- fully peppariug a program of Legislation, which will be out-IiihhJ iu Hie speech fKuu the IhroiiP at Hip opening, and the probability is that some useful legislation will be passed before Ihe House rises next summer. The mailer of (migration W pretty Mire In be dealt with and Prince Ceorge hv among other subject likely In train and is reg-!fiml a pluce in Ihe speech by the governor is that of rural credits, proportional ireprcsent'alion or some similar moasuro. Speech From Throne- Prairie members are elantor- iug tor inclusion of legislation ib'iiliiug wild Hip return to the provinces of their natural re sources so Hull they may he (in Hie same basis as Hritish Cotuin- hin in t lint reganl. The rom CIIF.FK, Dee. I. - i. lei ion of the Hudson Hay rall- a road is also menlinned as nt possible mailer for legislation Panic Mine. The pros j-un ap-!niul deliale. proximately Iblrly per cent pure; Onit iuflupnees nre being UUteksib-er. i fPAtf-upd on ;!.ige six IS rut ol the capital slock SETTLED LIQUOR RING DISCOVERED IN WHICH CANADIAN IMPLICATED; 20 ARRESTS Irish Boundary Settled; HOTEL DAMAGE i Remains as at Present li UN, free State relieved of obligation to assume part of public debt of United Kingdom as provided by treaty SEATTLE MAYOR IS CHARGED BY A GRAND JURY? sdmlnlitratlon of That City Con AmnA for Inncllon Aoalnit Hugh Qlllls Claims $3,600 from Prince Rupert Hotel as suit of Fall Till fivil CBsl Of Hugh Uii'l vs. Hie Prince ltUMM'l HoU'i Co . I. Id., in which damages in (In MUM of ?3,MlO I- claimed HH U rcMtlt f I lie jilamliff (iumii f8llii into I he basement i i lit; International Harvester Co. Buys Beaver Cove Pulp Plant; Will Spend Huge Sums There YA.NCOLVEU. Dec. i. Negotiation.' were rutniileled yes-terday l.elwetn the tnMee- of the Heaver Cow Poli . Paper Conijiauy near Port Hardy on Vancouver I-dand not far from Men Hay un.' the International Harvester Company through the j ugem y oi C ri. Haitle of Vancouver whereby the !lane?ler Coini'.uiy will advance up to xtO,iu.tMJU to ut llu. plant or a ittw one in upeFution iu onidei alion Of lereiviug sixly per lie ember Jo i- .-et for the dale meeinii: ber- and iu Michigan I" taUly Ihe deal. Then nil the creditor' claim lolalliiii.' two tui'lion dollars will be paid. The Intel-national firm will pay creditois every cent due tliem, jdus nevei! per cent interest. II lias already paid xon.onO for inlercM and mainlenaiicp ami other charves on the plant. The firm intends lo spend ?12.ooo,000 on Hip newsprint plant ami l.iinn.niio on a sawmill. Tli Heaver Covp properties in clude 82.U0O acres of timber. made up of mixed fir. cedar and pulp wood timber with S.nmt.nno feel t "" aniline. The pulp and aw Canadian Alleged at its earf WOODWAM ADVISES COST IN ENGLAND VIiri'MHA. Dec. 1. TIip pov- i lie railroad. Iu addilion to offeriior lo sell 1 1 at Post Mr. Woodward said that .''.noo acres of land oould tie offprpd piin-liasers for eolon- ualion purposes. VICTIM OF SINKING OF TUG HOPE FOUND of Hie seven men drowned when the tug hope sank U Hentiuck Island a mould was found yeslerday. The body which was badly decumpo.ed. was found floating off Sooke yesterday. 8 a.m. DIOHY Ul.A.D. , -Cloudy. ligUI southeast wind: baronuiler 2 1' .DM; temperature. ftO; sea smooth; 1:10 a.m. spoke steamer Prince ltuperl due Prince Huperl 0 a.m.! soulubouad. D1LP TUCK POINT. Over- oast, light southeast wind: baiM- muter. .Ui.iiS; tt'inperuture. ti; sen smooth. HU1.I. HAHHOIt. ovcrtmst. light southeast wind: barometer, ;(.I0; lempemlure, H: moderate swell. Noon DICHY ISI.AXD. UainiiiK. light southeast wtud; barometer 2U.lr; .leuuieraiure. is; sea smooth. DF.AP TIlHH pot.NT-ltaining, calm: hnromeler, ao.MO; (emper- uture, Ci; sea smooth. IIU.I. IIAIttUIII. -- llainmg, resh soiitheust wind: baiomcter 30.00: lemperature. 15;. modertoV swell; noon sjmse sleuiuer Prin cess Ileal ric abeam Ivory Islajid northlioiiiMl. ' l AdverMein he Pally Np for the shareholders' RECOUNT IN PEACE RIVER Judge dge Mahaffy Checking Over Votes In Large Constituency at Instance of lil.MUXTOX. Dec. i. A recount i- going on here in connection wtth the vole in the Peace llher eoutiUtuency in which the Progressive candidate -Kennedy . r.', .Vr ; . ... ... . . was declared eleeted. The re- Ullll III' UUI 4lir I'UI Mine icj . i . . a very oii siiiume nun on proerty. the count was asked by Jhe'Conser- 4Hv-aiidKlalr. Jiljrf-Mahaf fy has fharyp of the eoiiut and the first morning saw fifteen ballots' set aside for future decision.. TIip const llueucy lias 280 polling places and something like 'twelve thousand votes, all of wliicli have lo lie carefully cheeked over. Collins. Hip Conservative, who prniupul was advised lo make an j 0ij. vm i.Hiind the win-errorl lo dispose or Hie P.(..i:.' ,UII! randidate. is the one likely Itailway al eo-l to F.nglish capi-j,t henerit from any discrepancy !nl by i.harles Woodward, iu the: round in Hie tlnl. Lejiislalurp Thursday. 1le ur-! nested the Pi-puupr. accompanied nAlTrTlrPlTrP tT by businessmen. Co to I'.iuMand.l I lh T K T V V ! llie.-.. ..lleiiii.l I.. lm1 rid nfl VV1U LIIUJUVU EL LUMBERMEN Experts from United States to Meet In Victoria Next Monday VICTOUIA, Dec. i. - 'We think it is important we should all .--'el together, standardize our meHi- rwl i.t MOu'ti ii iiii,iM iitnl ImLa VICTOUIA. Dec. k. What i ,,:.,, llf tt.llal nfhr4 ,1Mvn believed lo be the reuiaiiis of one f . .. . . 4-.,.-,ni WIRELESS REPORT. IIL'itllU "111, rtu . uuvasiias chief forester of Hritish Colum bia, in announcing a conference of I ii in tH-t- i-mumIs from Ihe wesl-pimi t cited Sta!e to be held here next Monday. FATAL RESULTS FROM TORNADO Two Hundred Families Homeless In Yazook City, State of Mississippi JACKSON, Miss., Dc. t. Two people were killed and a score more Injured and from fifty t" oiip hundred families homeless by a tornado ! Van nol. City today, according to a message re ceived al slate headquarlers of Ihe lied r.n- -m-ieiy. PENDRAY MAYOR OF VICTORIA VICTOUIA, Dec. t. - Mayor Carl Pendray will hold oifice for n second term, no opposing can-dldalo having filed jtl name vvIipii twioiflathins dosed here psieidii iii'.-rnoon. All other iff'