ATTENTION! Christmas Shoppers In a few days wo will be moved lo our new store Willi f lie laigel am finest stork of JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA UMBRELLAS, TOILET SETS, HANDBAGS, NOVELIES, Etc.; in the North Our MoMt as in (he past: QUALITY, PRICE, SERVICE Max Heilbroner Jeweller and Optician WORLD COURT AND THE U.S. manor at cession upening Monday TREATY WITH TURKEY WASHINGTON. Dec. I. Tin W orld Court and I lie treaty vi!h I urkey are I lie principal "sub jects within (he realm of foreign I Does That Cough Stick On Your Lungs? Mr. I1a,T MacXftb, Hoor, Out Senate Will Discuss Momentous i ribi, courh th.t I .t t rid affairs that will await the attention of the new Senate when it convenes next Monday. Moth face sonic ralher deter mined opposition, hut administration leaders are confident thai the required two-thirds majority 'or favorable action on each can he obtained. Under an agreement entered into by the Senate at the special session last Mareli. t lie question of American adhesion lo the World Court Will hi? taken on December 17, hut there apepars now to be little prospect that it will be pushed to a conclusion at thai lime. Xo definite dale for consider ation of I lie Lausanne Ireatv with I It Is Not Too Early j I - j to make your CHRISTMAS SELECTIONS W'c have a fine range ot up-to-date Merchandise for (iifls. Come in and look, them over. Ladies' Ilandkerchiels in various prices ami Gent's Linen Initial Handkerchiefs in boxes Table Linen Sets in fancy boxes from per s Fancy Towel Sets in boxes from per set . . . Hand Hags in great variety from, Children's Purses from Stamped (ioods of nil kinds. Fancy Ten Ajyons, from Dressed Doll from Xmns Cards 5c and 10c each: packages of (iloves in Kid, Fabric or Wool. qualities from 25c to $2.75 cJ . . . . S3.50 $1.25 . . . . $1.75 ti) . 50c to $1.25 75c up 35c up one dozen 25c All' Ladies' Coats at Sale Prices The H. S. Wallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Small Suite to Rent in Wallace Apartments WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "ROMOLA" A screen presentation ot (ieorge Kliol famous novel. Sublime spirituality barbaric passions, poignant beauty, soul-stirring drama, immortal romance, the glorious splendour ami picturesque squalor of Hie Renaissance. A tale of the days when life was held cheap and honor high. A roguish peasant lass and a high-bred maid and Hie adventurer who vel Iheni bolh. The treachery of a mountebank and Hie love of a sweet girl. Magnificent scenery filmed actually in Florence, Daly. Matties wilh pirates on the hih seas, spectacular mob scenes anil, best of , the (iish sisters together again for the first time since "Orphans of the Storm." Huge cast: Lillian Glsh, Dorothy Gish, Ronald Colman, William H. Powell, Charles Lane, Herbert Grimwood, Amelia Sum-merville, Tina Rival! and many others. PATHE NEWS. 50c and 25c Christmas : Perfumes NOW ARRIVING. K.' lii-ive Odor- bj the be-l French. Knglish uinl American Perfumers CARON'S, GUERLAIN'S, HOUBIGANT'S, COTY'S, ROGER & GALLET'S HUDNUT'S, ATKINSON'S, SEELEY'S Etc. Price- from 25c to $13.50 See Our Windows Rupert Pharmacy 3rd Ave. and 5th Street Phone 04. We Deliver. of, and mr doctor told mc tltt I kd a Blight touch of bronchitis. Nothing I tout seemed to give m tnj relief until I got a bottl of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I (rot uch relief br nfing It that I would ad rise all those who are (abject to bad colds or coughi to keep a bottle of this remedy in their home all the time," You don't experiment when yoo boy "Dr. Wood!' ii it has been a household remedy for the past 37 years. Put op only by The T. Milburn Co, limited, Toronto, Out. Turkey has been fixed, hut President Coolidgc and Secretary Kellogg' desire early action and since Chairman liorah, of the I'oreigli Helalions Committee, N in accord with their view ths matter may he disposed of before lliere is a vole on the World I'.ourt. Russian Soviet Whether the ipieslion of Atner i. an recognition of the ltusiaii Soviet government is to come in lor any extensive Senate dsctis- sion is not clear. Senator Itorali s hopeful that lliere soon will be a change ip Stale department policy on tins matter, hut ha made no announcement of ai.y intention lo press his resolution which would place the Senate on record as favoring recognition. ltesides I lie World Court an I.ati-anne Treaty, one olhe: ireaty on extradition with Turkey is. pendins before the Senate ami four others ere before the Foreign delations Commit Ire Making up these four are treaties .vth lireat Hrilain guaranteein- American rights in mandate ter ritories, The Cameroon., Kast Africa and Togoland, arid an in ternational Ireaty for the suppression of Hie circulation of obscene publications. Two other treaties negotiated since the last session are lo be submitted by the President early in the session. One is a com- meirial pact witli Hungary and , the other the internal ional con jvenlion touching Hie traffic in niiis negotiated recently at 1 1 ieucva. EXERCISE IS KEEPING PRINCE OFWALES FIT Plays Squash Raquets, Swims, Hunts and Revels In all j Kinds of Hard Train- ' ! . i ing LOXHON. Dec. 3. The Prince of Wales is becoming one of the liltest men in Kiiglaml, accord-1 irix to his friends. I His daily round of exercises are conducted with as much thoroughness as if he were a boxer in training, and it is said that he simply reveU in good, hard exercise. j I'very morning he has half an hour at playing squash raquets,' followed by five minutes' hard skipping, a visit to tin; Turkish! i... 1 1. i . . t . , . ' nam. aiio icn iiiiuuies in me swimiiiiu? balh. This is jrenerally followed up by a strenuous day's fox hunting; or a round of official duties, and I in coiiseijuence the Prince enjoys; the best of health. It is said i Hal the Prince has only been confined lo his bed once In his life! line. Fox hunting continues lo be the Prince's passion, but due to the prevalent hoof and mouth disease he has not been able lo g' t iiiiirh liHiitin? in as yet HiM season. ivat n lh Hall Vw DRESSES for Evening, Party or Afternoon In great variety at most moderate prices. "Doners" Wo aim lo please. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. RIG CLOSING OUT WEST OF ENGLAND CO. CLOSES THEIR STORE DECEMBER 24. EVERY YARD OF GOODS MUST BE SOLD BEFORE WE LEAVE. DURING THE NEXT TWO WEEKS PRICES WILL BE SLASHED TO THE LIMIT. All our best quality Silks and Dress Materials selling at greatly reduced prices Bargains All It Is a huge cvcnL Get Gift Things, Party Frocks and Lingerie now while everything Is cheap. 25c BIG BARGAIN TABLE at 25c Goods worth up to $1.00 and include Voiles, Cotton Crepes, Ginghams, Madras, etc., all in good condition. Closing out special per yard ALL STRIPED AND CHECKED FLANNELS, 52.25 Dresses Ironi these are alwas serviceable and hi good lale; fit indies wide: Regular lo 2.iri per yard 19 9 CLOSINti OLT SPKCIAU ir ard yi.c.u CREPE DE CHINES AND GEORGETTES About ." shades in a pood quality all Silk Crvpe-de-Chine and (ieorgelle for dresses, lingerie. handkerchiefs, s.arfs, lamp shades, etc.; to inches: atu uii lu ?i.y;.. CI 9C CLOSINti OLT SPKCIAI per yard FIGURED WASHABLE SILKS llig assorlmeiil of Wash Silk- in Check?, Human Slripes ami other preH jttteni. suitable for day, utter-ikkiu or party frocks. Itcgular values up Ui $l.8." ia -ri. SI 2S Cl.OijlMi OLT KPKCIAI per vanl y1" 54" MIXED TWEEDS A ery good Cloth for SHrU Suits, Hoys' Soils or Srhol l)rese; regular ?!."". CI "?C CLOSINH OUT SI'KCIAL. per yuol YI,JJ BLACK SATIN DUCHESSE A lovely Swiss Satin of fine finish. Make a serviceable dress or btoii-e: -U inches wide. Regular ?2.tifi ier yard. CI fJO CLOSIXCi OUT SPKt'JAI 500 YARDS STRIPED SATINETTE In all wanted -hades, including While and Illack. Jnsl as popular today for underwear, slips, elr. ; regular Ooc. ' JCp W CLOSI.Nfi OUT HPKCIAI 25c 54" WOOL SERGE Without doubt an nneipmlled talue in a S.-i.. will give satisfaction for Srlnnd I (reuses, HUmmh. i lingular $l.5( value. f 1 Art CLOSIMS OUT SPKCIAI Y1,UJ FRENCH' FLAT CREPES The lovely lt,i finish and dejirat rtriornig-then) Crepe make I hem very deiralle for nil- im lfly frock or garment fur inliiuat wen . ular 5i.7ft. CO OC CI.OSINC (lirr SPKCIAI.. It yard Y-''J HOMESPUNS A hplemlHl wearing umterial fur Clulajfcn'- l Mi inches wide, is a giMMl range uj ptakl (fe l- i: . lar Mr jHPr yaL (!()-(JI.OrflNH UUt OUT dPKCIAI LADIES' SILK HOSE Pfftm In be. I itinnufHrtitrvrw. la Iwtat and Site 8H, H. in. IS. IbHigM oparialh i Ulir(iJia tnule. PrirH 1.&0, .7.'.. All go on ale at a big dirouiil . BARGAINS AT 65c All Plain and Striped Hnwidi lMhi, Tfwmh I L'nderwear, Voiles and tU-c;e; iilum up lo l..'" ' UI.OSINd OUT HPKCIAI , . . . 65c SHOT SILK TAFFETA Sufi Hiable Swi-s Silk- in IX Ixaiilifo! -U full yanLwide. Kxcellent for pir' H frtK k.. -. elr. Regular 2.rn. C OC C.LOSINti OUT SI'KCIAL Y1'JJ LET YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT BE A DRESS LENGTH - WOMAN'S MOST ACCEPTABLE GIFT. REMEMBER WE ONLY HAVE TWENTY DAYS TO CLEAR OUT 510,000 WORTH OF GOODS. 4i DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY ! West of England Store Third Avenue. jHHaHaHHHHaWHaSnHaHHMHHaMH STORMY SESSION IS PROPHESIED (continued from page oue brought to bear on some of tin-Progressive and other members by the oppoglliou, it j said, with a view to have them abstain from voting when the first big b-st comes in the House. This would weaken the support of the government and might possibly result in bringing on an election. Premier's Election As the session can scarcely be carried far without the presence of Premier Mackenzie King and some other minister, it Is possible an adjournment may bj taken ait soon as Hie debate on the address is completed, but that Is nut decided on. Should a forced iiv JJ'O fir"': uwi ilaya ot the session, the election arrangement . could proceed j while thy.jlebale op the address in iii pi-ogre. j CHRISTMAS Temptation Sale WATCH THESE COLUMNS For Start linjr Harain in Men's and Hoys' Wearing Apparel appearing in largo advertisements. Acme Importers Third Ave. Third Avenue. - I What would Christmas mean without Santa daus & the kiddies? Wlio is there (hat does not fondly ret alt Hie M'ars when we really did believe lliere wni u Sun' t Who is (here Ihul does not lake keen delight ' I" i atmg that ancient legend with llieir children? It is Hanln Ulaits and Ihe kiddies that repre-n' Irue spirit of Christina cheer. Come, bring Ihe youngsters in, let them I"1 handle our toys, it will give them u lieller idea i'i what they waul before writing Simla Cluus. . See our assortment of toys, r We have u wonderful vulito iir'Sleepiiig Hull' A special purchase, lielps lis to offer yon Doll for L'5c. Jabour Brothers Ltd. Phone 645. Corner 3rd and 7lh