paob irvro STIR fiATf.? fJS If Yoti Care for Flavor (THE SPANIARD insist upon "SALAD Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. daily romon ihteresl in golf ami other gamei livlt) not taken one way lia la lie takJl anolher. II li will yield you more downright goodness and satisfaction than any other brand. Try it The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, (he Prince Rupert Daily New?, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLRN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Deliver-, hy mail or carrier, per month ....... I $1.00 By-mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year ' $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year . .'. , $7.50 Transient Display Advertising 1.40 per inch per Insertion Transient Advertising on Frnt:pAge.': $2.$Q per Inch Local Readers, per insertion. . . . . ,2"c per line Classified Advertising, per Insertion" 25 per word Legal Notices, each insertion ? l&r per again, line uontract Hale oft Application. 98 86 Monday. N.. ember 23. ii2T. Activity Necessary To " Prevent Deterioration. j. We change our mind and change our ciure of ni tir)n erv AVJwlJrne individuals trne iif uri p : tiuKlMd:. is or coiiimuiMiN's iriue mmm-nj-nn nrarfT ati'- !J lividi- ds o-e- its eiiess, it Mpi Ut-tlie ainf iiiiie f mirn aelit-ily is brought al.oiil it ifeeayf am! t ul. Tnis is of hiirche. fralernal orgaiiixalions, alld'li (! and groups, whether jmbjic service gnmp r tronp. fcgpnhtd muliial aivani,ge. A livily js n(u esAry. ur ilei ay set i t the doom of Hit- group 1- sounded. ' If oM iid Cities In Same ,1 Class With Others. Cities are in the same class willl&bfcr A cjjb at is not active is -onietimes spoken ofs lieiuglfffead. Wbjh thai i- nol literally tme their is a lot of Inilh in il Whileliit deftl it is bound in Ihp direetiou of thp c?nieleryi Only aclA-rty keeps cities alive. . ... X l Where does prince It 11 perl crime, jn on this? Is sbe alive? Are the lu!nes people here alive Ihe general interests ojf the city, and to her future welfare. A re we fiiuationinK to (lie best of our7 ability ? Wliril orjhe fiiitire? Pretty soon there will be n civic election gujiig on and the best irtissible, men are required Ip fill the civic iiffices. Where are they? jf the city is o nd-aiKre; the be. must lie in the iieui, oirenng their services Tor the benefit of ie city. Everv civic organization must' be artiveviiiiil no efforts , mil! be spared 10 Keep tump moving. Beware df -stagnation. It tel!s dieae death iyid a funeral. Some Don't Believe That They Will Pass Out. ,, Soiiiis people do ihd lellV'e Dial the end' of aclivilv nieatls the eid of life or prelly Wa'rjy that. How ninny' people who reiirejirum acIIVe tisiitef s'-jrve very ion afterwards? Not Verv mniiy. Wjilft the inipeliisJ lork gone, the jrifpilils (o liye goe" and Ihey are not required alty niiTre. o iialurfiloa her bil and iptieny removes tiiem. hucli i the benevolence of nature. reii a long Holiday is dangerous, unless j is spent in ac tivity, (o il down ami laze away the hours i as fnlal as LikillK . ... . " A .Ia-.. ..r 1 r u mir 01 iniiviii. ;ciivny is me. iiinrltvily leads to death. ''I Jrxrt his Bering Jhen write for our Utnt Reelpi CROWN BRAND besides being dtllctou table tyrup can b ued in tookina to tnake many appetizing dishes. IICmI CORN CEMS 1 Fu I t.aMMMn bit I tonnm aku h.r titt 4rj lnf.dltni. toxcthrr. A44 Crown Brand Syrup ." ,,,n M buinrmilk nd mil quickly with dry 7.7 ri"M ta ' M4,eU l,M' in r" EDHARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP. A Friend rftb Fkvmuy IS THRILLER Week End Film Is Full of Ad- venture and Features Span- sh Bull Fight "The Spaniard," hero nt Hi week end i a screen efsion of Ihe, iininenely popular novel of the same name b JnanTIa ?a- 1 Mrre. "The Spaniard" i Hrst met in London on the eve of hi depart-l die for Spain. He meet HftlnreV Kngliali ,oeicl-; uiini wiiii unit-apjiareni nem-iii. and yet tbe .Inure - Jesft.-itf&Ky Dun Pedi... Tlie Spaniard, t.. If only lo Miiiuilale nrtivity. Activity i iie i---;ir In hrt-ientWeror Holnre ( hi ilateo deterioration. II is a well known law of nnliire that an'th.i'jr winch t im4,1 M&Pfl f PtPirill0 fliul Iiiiiu I I.. AZ ... ..... - 1 at. a . i Irastlf in the mountains when she jroes rtn nn ,tiHNtition into mountains. if,iti pedro elt . .... . ,.,r lrml. , ui... -r.r. II Uir I.HIIH,,,, m, ,IM.alw is uru i nernme tieies. If the arm .f ley- aw hot ied they gradually loe their vahie a- a part of Hie hutnaiT I.1. Tim I.....I....... ..r II... ... I - - j t . ii . j in. i' muum hi 111c umj u rwe iiisieau in will Ml fWntKeiMin Annesley, an beauty, playeil ly Mi linudal. who. a a tie.1t t-breaser. i more lhan hi maleli. He uceofopiinies her home from the hall. Jml site repulse his anient love maklnr. He never loses hi smiling self- assurance, However, aim leu her suavely, "I jret what I want." Although she had deliberate! sel out to fascinate him. once shp had succeeded in her object Dolores only (aiigh al the Spun lard's prntelation of love and twice refuses to marry hint. When lie vows tie will yet ron- pier her. she pays no attention to him. To her he Is inerel another victim and illsappotnted lover. Bull Fight W hile yisit in? relative in Seville, Doloee attends a hull figlr at which rtef great tmlarfor. Fernandez, is fee hets Hi the hour. Ihe ffgftt is paefcl with thrill. and at it eotMdtJskta the Wiatriilm bow beneath" the girl's hm. She i humiliated In find thai he the fifro of her anient kite awi-venlure in London --The Spaniard. i l the picture, liontez. is usrd HOOT GIBSON SEEN to hold her here until she ha learned la love hnn. After a fruitless attempt lo with the ordinary activities of life- i- beiur offset by a mrfvai . fj4ral- ,n hat she wHl ami Ti Hwir im ihm nark mi nrr unniin 4 lwil to oMt-vues The Spaniard. Hie bring him In believe that "she has faHert In love with hint atS sl.-Vif df. fat "2lvw TBTti ntm 1 irt oiioir tfe morninp ihey so our Tid ing. Thrilling End liolores oe her way, in the mountain ami enmes across a lone rider. She asks the way ! town. and. instead, fie directs her o a bandit's mountain strong hold where liomez, Don Pedro'- servant, banished jiy The pan-lanl because lie had cauyht him assisting the sirl in her attempt lo escape, is in command. From this point the action builds lo a climax that 1 a real hriller. IN WESTERN PICTURE Auto Driving and Horsemanship Features In Story of Kidnapping and Ranch Life .in exceedingly amusing story ! rombininv city and ranch 'Jazj! won rapiu ounioor western ae- tioh I the current offering at the tuid-week when Hoot filfion appear in "Tain in ir llie West.' . .Uibsnn is.jcfveu hriiple oppor tunity to demonstrate his skill al automobile driving and at horse-; mansliip. Pbiyinir Hie part of a dissipated cily youth who wen! into the West In reeoer lii health and self-respect. Milison riemonslrates lliat he is quite properly the champion horseman of the world, a title sained in competition at Ihe Pendleton llodeo for the past three years. He breaks .a hrouco, gels 11 mean spill, Imi remomils the animal and subdues it. Other scenes Call for daflnir horse back ridinjr and nihson slioidP his horse pat sheer dcCllvilie and outruns a group of pursuing cow-punchers, lie irt also slum a chance to excel in automobile piloting and drive ; Jiehvy nic inn car over 1 lie uiiih and plains of the roadless ratich. Tearing tlirniuh fences add barn and taking daugerou skids as he dis covers himself In an impasses and turns alMiut abruptly. The story is clover. U slarls with a City youth whose apiltii(e for getting into troiilile finally amuses his faljier lo acllbii. Tlie itction consNIs of banishing (he son from Ihe fireside until ho has made his character over into something of value. Tho pn is sent, to tho fallicr's western ranch where ho goes through the Parlous tenderfoot initiation WEEK AT THEATRE. Monday and Tuesday Colleen .Moore in 'The leerl I'lmvri.'' Comedy. International ws. Wednesday and Thursday Hoot liili-oo in TaniiK Our Ua'ii2j&jie,y. "Iligh SM.y.C I'nflie Heew. Friday and Saturday ltfarrti ' Onrter' 111 "The Spaniard." Comedy '.Midnight ll!iie. HnHye I'otlse Scries No. (t. Pal he News. THE DESERT FLOWER ' ; :! I ! ! s I lUt lurn the tables on the morkmjr ew-piuehei- and hphls tlte bljrjrest of fliem. irn -ing himself an adept witli hi fist. He fall in hive with the neijrh-horins' rnrher' daughter but is ordered off the i.iin'h when hei father ttisver that the youth 1 the son of hi- old enemy. However, lb son srhe battle to the cowboys of the neighboring ranch and win tlie reperl and loe of the jrirl. He driveji Up to the rarteh hne and iiidnaps the pirl. making klc es-ae from the ranch property after a tlirillinu eKae. The Iwo st marrie.1 and a they return from the minister s they ineel their fu! tiers on Ihe road corninj! e.n-li other. When liif two lb.- r i-iiildrtMi Itaey decidi- 1! i lies' ! forjje! their I'cllj anitiioil i d 'lie iieliile "lids li:ipnly STARS COLLEEN MOORE Man Is Killed by Gunshot and Three Confess to Killing Him A hot. A man falls dead. "I diil it," cries ibe girl. Stepping forlii. "Il was I." iivsi-li the handsome young man. Ami a tbe klieriff scralehe liis head in perjilexilj and inde- i-isinii, .ioe 1 lie rait I. ru I Mexi- an. pioteelor of the woman, ap pears on the -H-ene like an appan ion. displayinw a gun with one of the chambers empty, as mule testimony of his guilt. Hut who, really, wa guilty You'd timer gues, utiles you m through I be entire showing o-' The liesert Flower." with th- telightful Odleeii Moore in the leading roli here tonight and lo- iiKirroy. The story shows the lights ami siiadmvs f the ettsteiire of :i lit He waif in a ieerl eanip of a railroad ronslriietton gang, win- iah n WOMKN arc qulle useful. One A VILI..M I H U a place where'. everybody nets hi turn of roasl- s and everyMMly acts as cn4. YHI'.. .1 man rtiarrie da It i difficult to know! whether he ha taken a life in-lerest in ihe girl or Jul an op. tkm. KVKHY jrirl ha some viibb' means of support these day. SI.NC.i: men kae given up beating I heir wives tbey have had, to beat Hie rugs. AN optiifiUl is a man who hi w1fa lo be always mil- io aflar I hey are mar rod. A.NOi'llHll definilion for op. limist i a woiiMin who think a man ran be wicked up to thej time she grab him and then quit! for Ihe rest of hi married life. i-aM's from fW per-eciilions of' ALMOST livi a linlili step-father to make her own way in Ihe world and pro-i vide for her bahy sisler. Fimliug the only avenue open to her the rough environment or a mining camp d.mce hall, she yet remains untarjiislici! and in Ihe eful .wins the WtcWIT Ihe pro- IF Ihe young folks were kept al home il would be a terrible hardship on the parents, basing In stay a! home with them. I 0."T see i,nw yo ran leave 1 'not print in here. They Wreelly. rhe sand of time! get wa-beil out for Christina I 'Jul die" for New Year And after both are oer I'll be dying si ill I fear. thesr GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. j notice or AerucATioa roa BEIR ' LICENSE win: is iimriiv iuvft ihti ..n th! muni' wjirMii , n! iraii Inspired tO:iiint hhmmI i.. 1.1. it 1.. ttx- 1 niunr f r nuiti in. I I.. amiiuiiiLk I Oinlftil Ititirri fttr 'liit-iw in r.iu-fi in Ne leUflo Mj Moiii-iili totlcliln? Ummn as TlTM'1lu. li ",r- VUrM' ille hUmU, iral'lei t iHtnm lit! irai tet izaiioit ni Tlie .-lwrt,',J niiini irinniiiiM 111 III little ll .U..rilx-d ; ItfWl Wp,m p. uwli l.m 1 and cr.aiiiri or urah m.prior lint ko. ip,or niMrtri t.m ix. o.irfn de heart I thai ,.r the waywardi toiitUXttt&JtV:t& V'm youth by Lloyd Hughes. F.xrel. Ifc iT? K1 WJTS? lent suppoi-i 1 rcndereil I ! " '"""niniiitiiMi n tw irfiii- by a cast. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: IT'S a riiontli lo Christinas and I have not yet saved enough to buy myself enough siiiiike In last the llolld.ivs. A .MO.VJII to I'Jirlsltnas, t)li what joy: ' A month, I hen enjoyment, Oh, you Hoy I TJionV the lime we'll Have a thrill Then' the lime-wrtll drltik our fill. . ThenV Hie limn for good or ill, Allahoy. TI.MK cure evcrylhllig. Once I believed in Santa (Jlaus and fairies and promises and I got cured. Then I believed slullslic and now, Cm glad in say' I'm eured again. I lj K M dancing J.iil f Jul hale Hie niiatleston, says .fake. ,'..r.i. tm. 1. in H4 ir nrmir, Wit t ItOY llloniJE MrkK.HZIK. nnlint LAND ACT. Notice ci InUntlon le Apolr to iuu Ln! In l'rinr liuiwrt Uivl ni-rnrdinr POlrlrl! ..r Cmi ninre t. mt tiiuiir on! Smith llirhud I.Unit. , T.UK SOTICK tint Alfml Swtnon, nt I'rlnrr llnrrrl, nrriipaiNm Marlnpr., In trml U) apply for a lrar of the follow ' Iri itrM-rllK-rl land: rtwmnriirlnt al a vl pllnurl on lh; HSilli silnt of Souin narliatl Mal.t; torn rvni lnh walrr niatk to the! piHiil' of rrnnnM-neXiienl, an r.iiialnini' arrea, more or Iraa. i Ai.riit:h swANsot, J naterl oriolmr tiu."iti " ""' LAND A0T. ',V..0, ,"U",0, P' Laaaa ..'i.iip i.i.iriii or crinrr? ' ' c '"'Ifri, HHiMri lllllK. at ni. lie ami ii BRITISH COLUMBI A TKe Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Ila produced 'Minerals a follows: Placer (iold, $77.aK2tU&:t; .odr t73.IOO; Silver, IH8.SS1.A7U; Lead. $70,518,578; tapper, IK?.t8U,7K: 171.407 Miscellaneous Minerals, $I,U1.340; Coal and Coke. $2tW,S8n(oiM , Stone. Brick, Cement, elc, $ 42.225,8 1 j making lis Mintfrat Prodtirlion 1,. it, 02i show an I"8 il r 1 :it Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and Ihe fee lower I' , any other Province in the Dominion, or onj colony in the British Emp re Mineral locations ore granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Aliolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the sccuntv s Crown flrant. Pull iriformation together with Mining Beptrls and Map, may lie oldai, . K. . addressing-- THE HON. THE MINISTER OF Mines Victoria, British Columbia. X.B. Practirally all British (kdnmbia Mineral Properties upon who h , work has been done are described hi some one of Ihe Annual llepor! 01 ' t of Mines. Thoe ronsideriug mining uiveslnienls should refer In Mich rec" are available without charge on application In Ihe department of Mun -. , llejaTt of Ihe Heohigii-al Snrviy of (nadn. Pacific Building, Vnnconvri meuili'd as valuable source of information. of I hem read prayer in the leit-j islatnre the other day and I bet I all the Legislator were preenl.j IF a young lady hult Ak the youns man if be snore, would thai be looked on hy him a an encoii rapine sipn. "111 K best way to make money hiii of chicken i lo start a beauty parlor. -Zl Business is Largely Goodwill liiiodwill only 11.un - tu llm-i' wb" A - long a thay do, 1! will nni.tin .mil m . gTeale asuet a hii-mos can have .nul m-v j. lle. It never changes its f.i. e value. It work 011 bright day and oil rainy 4 ., the cii.liimer acron.. the street lo Irwle will THE RUPERT PHARMACY will always strive lo keep then- gnodwill bv ion prnnipt. effii lent service and .i.nrW'n - We Invite all to come In and form their own opinions Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94 Third Avenue and Fifth Street We itlbtt Are the Pennies Blocking Your Way Some vvoliirii, even though they re.iiii' of lime and u hat a tu nig job washing i. shr f - with washday bcraue (hey think laundry er their name. Ilut IT they'd only Iry our Thrift T Sent. - t how economical laundry servicornti He. Kvery thing washed rhmn, your flal w wearing apparel jnt lo iron and Ihe co.t -lb. and 1c per piece. fiel rid of washday and you'll bne mam week lo ue Ihcm a you wih. You'd like l course, o don't let the pennies stand in the Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. TUGBOATS Day Phone 43 538 Or. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. i.uiiiii'ii, oi vnrini.r. 111 , iir.'upaiion 14IUHI.MIHII, liui'liit lii apply for a Ira.r of tlw rnllowlnlr pn-Srrlld rf land r.i.iimnMii-inr at a mi.i piantsit ktioiit o.oo rtiaini in a MHithradtrrly dlrrrtlii fpnii I lie Mlrrtiia norih.i..i ...h .1 8plier lliirt, ami H.iiu rhaint rait from ofi si Imm.iht ra: thfnrr toiitli t.l rhaln; liitrml. in .1,1.1; 0. ' , '"rjiinii, lororr rai .ai rni i, tliriic nnrlli. . .04i.nie.Hln 2 pu,,,,., on . ill?., .Ta'rLSI M'"'''ir. Phonei til 5J Gr. 23 Black 73S UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. . Sailintf fttiin rnora Bnprt, 'r VANcouvra, viotonia, ! aM. a aum tv4i, 0 VAMCOUVtR, WlOTOaiA, AUrl aat, anal foaaaaa . Htur. " ror an ox, eoar tiMetom an nim aiur, nuttui " For PORT IIMPtON, ANTOX. ALICC ARM, ITCWAKT, iuniHn .a 2t,4 Attaua. t. aarnnai, Aft. eriaM liniiain.rt i.Umt viT .' .7". ."" """""".f.. !'"'.. rr'. r ii . O.C.I., ant llirnr. .f.0.,.l',!Ii,n. "''nrterln of .hora llnV . f ."'S itonrnt c, oor. Ittl LAND ACT. Notlea of Intantlan to Apply to Ltata , . , Landa In cr nrr linnrri 1 ....1 11. .......... " . S plri' "T.I nV "lama 1u.111l1rMt1.rlv from ih. "V" niirin-M rml of upl,... Ilnl r'"'". laiann, ami alumi 11in .1...... er I'aia. r.i irnm arinton- WAI.I.ACK riSIIKIllKS, UMITf!!). CAIIIAR LAND DUTRICT. Rtcordlng Dlitrlct of Tlgrph Crail TAfc JIliTlcE that Jolm Jafob Fnwlrr, of ilroal illariir. xtiklnr-. raiirlmr. m. ',"'' fetliiKalmi to pur- Loniinonrliiir at a txi.t piautni i.n ttir iln-at Olaclrr, at aiiiiiinatt rornr: llii-nr riiiuiinir liiirtnfO rhalni;, ihenrV n J etciTy cllrrrllon u rliafii; ihrtim n I wiutlierly ilirrrlUm to ehaini; ihcnr in an raiurlr (llrrrllon to rlialna, to rum liiMin inrnt poll, I)lKl AUKUM till, ISII. iuu.1 laujB rowLia. , Bargain Sale DRESS HATS WINTER COATS All thU Vtfk , "Demers"