. tags roua rnv r, x ' BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM nuj fM CETTit. -stc k. il . "WOO. rlvOOTT shot op oh: well i L 3 DON'T too CrLl On t0e n Yes it whips w ft easily and is If w, delicious! & A favorite with British Columbia housewives JUST ARRIVED from Bulkley Valley Shipments of Potatoes, Beets, Carrots, Turnips and Cabbage Also He.r. .-.,. f,, k. Lamb and Million We Deliver, Sealy & Ooodson The Mouse of Ijualily Sixth Street Phone 455 Fre.-dj ami Smokvd Fi.h a Sperialty WE ARE SOLE AGENTS for AJAX HEAVIES I'rori..n:i '! iij experts to be ihe gieate-t advancement made in bell in the pa i" years. 12 gauge only. KaienJHardware Co. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load S6.00 Half load $3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Per load $650 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. IMPROVED Ford Models Will be on exhibition aboul November 10. I'nret I'nrliarwd S. E. Parker Ltd. Phone 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone CI. Outage, Warehousing, and DiilrihutitiK. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Covlnq. MORE UYESTOCK AT BURNS PLANT Three Carloads for Slaughter and Market Preparation in Local Abattoir Arrived This Morning Three i-;trlo;uis of livloek for -ilaiiahter and m.irket prrpara-I ion in I. Iturn't A Co. I.td' local ati.v !..ir arrivefl from the Iliilkley iii.-y anl Rdmunluo on I bi nii.rn.'ig - lime trriftht. The company a!- received m cartoan f mixed .a. - infi hote prottor!. fANDERHOOF , ... . ...... . - ... ,, . . ., ... , 1 'II Rinmil ltfllir-( fjp? Itillilll! " tea ior imai in a ciiar?e u jbK-fin with intent lo kill Ht- herl JnneMk. aootkAr Mf iier. tlosran i- jail al M:-ine eai ! jrive .... talent idr -eai- ; yivet, t, kal tatefi tl idei ihe 'a The I'aanitfkeri' ook plae lt Kr lay niahl ' the Ojiii 'I iii.t) H !. Tac wa' of a i urlequ.- in rliarad' and boe iafehfr par! were i.i! Hart R !l More, Mr and Mr. l.fi Rw-w, Th' na ' IIm Iii. Uin. mek Thinm Mm. (Mr. K. a J-Oi.tift ti. K-' HI, uei-M,,., 4.t. tn, ft... r. ti, :ei Morrow and M Jan .. Bil !-irom. 'Mr. arreajJhniii vra ;t--on raii ami ttie Usli-t - -vere M;- Sadie V. mell and M Violet iay. Tbe Vanderb'-of Hoard of Trade 14 mktnjt the proviru ial government i -. mirf-ee tbe :iaa1 belwem Jaerr aBH MM RImk The VHotr Vuihary is boldin? a ar'i ptfty ihe Itoard Irade BaJt -n proeArd- !o be . dV0ted Cliriftma Ti e Miil. Mr. and Mrs. Ste. have come into tfiwft from the Noolki l.ak- di!frif" fotl the winter. Mrs. T. P. CalkOBn and be two little itauarhtafe hate arrive herp from I'rine-? (ifarpf to take up Ufir r-iden Mr. H. M. TayfBjrJeU Jatweefc for Taconia wnfe lre will triAit with lnr parent. Mrs. Taylor expert- to be away about three llioiilh-. Word tia been received fnin Mr. I.ewin JitbniMin that hIic i aboui to fake he younsp daiiyhter. Holly, to Ihe 'Fran (juille .Sanitarium near Kamloop. A roMlrum i tiein buill in thJ ; I 'n inn Ctmreli ,y Ttioma Sniitb- PRINCE GEORGE At a largely attended meelins of Ihe Prim-e lieorjro Hoanl of jTrade, a resolution was pawd uiproviii! ol tbe effort k of. II. ti. j Perry, M.L.A., m preilnji on the jlegmlature that the Pacific real F.alern Itailway lioutd lie fin-jinlied In Prince floorpc and ox- tended into the Peace Hiver. A Ktronxly wonled resolution nlonir Mioe line i to be drafted and Mayor Alwvnl Will aWfi take up Hie quetion al tbe convenlion of the AHociatHl Hoard o' Trade or JI.C. in Chilliwack ncxl week. The cily council ha also icone on record a approving Ihe effurla of Mr. Perry. The elly couneil ha decided lo Mrirlly e'nfnrce Ihe Pound Hylaw here Ibis winter and, wllh lliat end la view, a poundkeepcr will onrc tl CACK TO ME jm ensraped. 'r . ani ;iauam uaiim w, item ih the Iriila.k'ifsr Vrhlll.lar Hall nn anl Krida for f lirjK,M, uf rainins fui for a nurse' home in cfiii'-. lion with I lie Prinee it4nce l! 4pilal. At tlf lat HieeliOK of (lie ritv couin-,! a liml wan preeulel hn.M:' that 5 8 people bml.i iix eneruaoliioa on citr lrt-'-.'-. and lane. Tliey are t. he j.:ven notice to make tUe ihc-e--iry readjumtnieiitit. t i be inti8Uon of AM. Lain- l'-ri, a copy of tb asnwctfiMl be ei lh city anrf the I or a I lele- i'Ihhw renpmy l to be iubmi!- ;e,t a, ,b. nM, tt.unjj of . cily eottweil. Tbi will be with a view lo imnrovinK the r irr lnll AM. Lambert claims al tbe present tune ii unjtalixfae-tory. 1 were are at present oijrb! Irirl residing al tbe cbo4 Imme whirh in maintain! in I hm cit by the Women" Miimar .-riety of the Irebyteria" Churcb. Y. II. Homer of Alice Arm ban been apnoinietl cily clerk here, W. E. Piamb. Ihe oririnal appointee, bavin? lerline! to ac cept tbe pol. Stanley Y. Seor?e ! relieving aity elerk ma til I be arrival oOlr. Hower. Robert .Spink, pioneer rei dent of Prince (ieor?e. i here renewing old ae(uainlatu-e. He arrived lftl from Ihe lae Lake country. Jack MrXeil of THkwa wa a ;iilor here but week arranyiiia for tbe market In? of Talkwa coaV in I'rrnee teorse. BURNS LAKE The won of Mr. aiwf Mr. J. Iong of 1'allinK broke hi arm taut week when he fell ofj a barn roof. Mr. P. J. Carroll of Ileeker Lake viniling with ber parenU at Witana. Mr. and Mr. Frank Carroll are alo visit inr there. T. 1. Cf.nper of Tcnoutrtkiil lke, lefl la-t week for Vancouver I aland. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert, f?. A. Imrte, H. C. Ierk and . .1. Jnlinelou, Vaneonver: A. II. F.verf. Seattle; A. U. Ilardie, Port F.inirton; A.' F. Mitehell, Victoria; Mr. ami Mr. T. Hall. Kalu: W. II. I)oodon and lle. J. II. Uihfton. .Sinlther. Central C. K. OUen. Anchorafe; F. Hardily and L X. Kelly, elly: Letter Ho.twei, Terrace. Is Your Back The Weak Point Then get your kidneys right by using Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills Very few people sre In perfect health. "Hei-o or Me s.ir fCiT OlJ t?.7J!fr7ltt?r:.ittrUni l..utfb in lb vieinitv run down you Iwl the effect st your weak -pot. If your weak spot b your back, then not in iertorder. The back acft. or is weak and sore: you may have head-chk; there will be dynw vt the tkln, pains in the limbs and disorders of the bladder, The oufckwt rwnkt if . wsv to . i . . - ... . . Kioneys u by uun2 Ur. L-hs- Kianey- Liver Pills. They are bound to be effective because they aroute the set ton of the kidneys, liver snd bow! and thereby ensure ttie tliiuiiiatkin of poiso&s from the tyntem. 13 ' i l J l I T . Fn- !, t le. MANY WERE PLAYING BADMINTON YESTERDAY Tryout of the Elks Courts Made by Member of the Other Club Yesterday the four! of lhfl I'rinre Itnneet Krulminlnn Club! .re crtm.le all anenrnon a number of fa irari were -een. Proboltly the falet and mom 4peotaculur player wa larry U'yle. the re.oublabM Hank of Commen-f rliampron ihdi lUrtlett who i the cup bolder for Ihe rhampionnhip n the cily. ha not been practicing a muck a ome of the other and seemed V have clipped a little. Harold TbntnpHin ami everal other are eloe mnneri p mbile Owen, who wa new to the rame al the beirinnine of. the eaon. i buldinK fair lot make a mark before lonsr. Owinsr lo the' court belnpj erowde.1. Mine of the member went ver lo Ihe Elk' courl and zave I hem a try out. Plav-ina there i quite a different game owbur lo tbe hffth ceillnjr and tbe rather hrt court, ltie veneral opinion wa thai they were an iraproxemenl on tbe other court in the cily. The main objeelion are the lipper-in of the ftiNir and the elne-ne of the wall to Ihe back line' of the court. 5 SPORT CHAT Sport eeit ehedu(d for the week are a follow: Monday ilomirhl . - Cribbaae laaue: FJa v. I'N. Meeh-anicat; O.W.V.A. v. I'.H. Hotel; L.J.. v. MMie; S. of C. v.r4. Andrew'; Dry Imk . VjM Storage; C..X. OperalinK vs. K. of C. Tue4y. Senior 1 Nil lard: (I.W V. v. P.ILHJ'. Idie' Wbit (poAlponed ?ame 1 1, of K. v. Moe-hearl; L.O.ILA. v. Pythian Sister. Thursday. Maaf WWt: St. Andrew' vi !.XJ.L.; S. of.K t. K. ftf P.; 8. of C. v. k. of C; Klk va. Mooe. Second Hvitoo billiards. li.W.V.A. v. lMt.ILP. Fhe mol wanderful increase of Dopamrily of any ott in iCanatia I bene p.iit few" yen r I Inat wliicb ha attrsdeil Ihe sraioe i iMdmtuv jifnfe- wttleti in or even irve year war only iiiduUei in by a few and ihoe ino.iiy ladia rttnee then a Canadian HaduiiHlon Aoeia lion ha held bijr ebaipimhip meet and Ihe popularity of the lrt ha pread front eal l et ami iirlh lo touUi and from tbe large! eifjo lo Uie mallet bainlel. The) bijt bad- iiiinlon event uf tbi winter and one which prornie lo put Ihe aanie even more on II feel wil! be the viit of Ihe ernek Old Omntry team to Ihe Dominion next month. Tic accommodate Hie many iteople who will wih to , wilne the. xames In Mold real jibe Winter :iob of Hint cily i li'uilinjr up pcifll liiMd Dial I will lake rare of a thousand pc- ! pie. Htnilher bad it fir I katlujr of the eaon lal week when Ihe eold nap made excellent lee on ' ,,,w- Several parties look ladvanlatte of Ihe tH,cai"lon lo en- j,y bf w,,. an,f M'""1 u' an '""rea popularity Tor skalliiK Mii wltllcf. The Ice wa tiHlcd ooii, however, wllh I lie arrival uf another warm tpHI and a downpour of rain. The Hazel inn liUlrlel Hod and flu i) Club at a meeliiiK Ihl week decided to ak IK" provincial government lo put a bounty of tl . - ' -j THKT I OP TMM J t ,t Dai LLS cooo joo t0 C rd wttL r i mkOh-t I MAr you CT J Jf hco .ou TrTt?1- npQVj -touno still ce. Fwidli For Wanted Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in WANT MW'A.Vnn. - - Your. to ait with arneral bouxework. outf of I own, liiHul pay. Applv; mi i.uimirnaiH, rnone tune 183, between $ and ti p.m. ni.lt Artificial Teeth lteatrhL any condition. Hiahet price amt by return mail. K. (unt in. P.O. llox 3t0. Vancouver. B.C. Kutabltahcd thirty thro yr. WAXTF.IL Young rl to di lirhl bounework and mind baby. l.Ke in if deired. iod home lllue ', WANTHIJ. Canvaer l take order for Cbritnia card. Mrhae Hro. HELP WANTED. FEMALE MEN and Women wantad to learn barber trade and beauty culture. Wonderful demand for barber and lady hair dreerv Scial low rate now on. Toot free. We have thirty-two school in Canada and V&Ji. Write or call Motor SyUm of Collage. HaMiasr Kat. Vancouver, B.C FOR SALE C- . Vi . I V - ' FOrtALr.' Krtd -'truck 23 model with n--w x'arter jut tnlalled. f-xt r.ird lire a!! round; oak body; two pare cord tire mounted; m firt cla iiieehanieui rottdiUoii. $100 rah. balanee to arrange.. Apply Northern FxHianirr. If FOUR roomed house for sale on Rishth Avenue West, near Me-Hride. Apply 133 Eiabtlb Ave Wet after five o'clock. 171 FOH SALB-Fevei roomed boue alid turnllure. Apply l.'i: Fifth Avenue Weal. Pbot nreen 2l. .i WILMlFAflK for boat, (jire- taker in attendance. Apply Northern Kxchanr. Phone 23. FOHI) SFJAN fur sate. Onlv used seven month. S5u.iw. Apply S. V.. Parker. Lid. TO RENT FOH IlKNT.-mll store or '- fire, 'Hi in I ft tree!. Two roam below, two Hvintr rooms above. WoslemtiAver Hro. t FOH liKXT. Pianos, player piano, phonograph and sew-in? machines. Walker's Musie Store. If FOH ItWT. Larire two slorev hoiie. Third Avenue near Mc MeeWn' Orocery. Welen- naver Hro. if lo HUM. Hone. five room. ril l'raer Street. Wm. Hen tioliii, liurl lloue. if I Ol It lloom Muite for Rent. Hut water heal. Apply Smith A Mallelt, Ltd. tf FLAT for reiil. Four room wil.h hath anil range. Apply II. lelournaau. t' MODRHN FLAT for Henl. Apply Max Hellhroner. f EXCHANGE. WILL M.V:ilANOi: r..ri y acre farm, house, barn, orchard, alfalfa, near Spokane for Prinre Hiiierl lioue and lot. Welen-liaver Hro. on .hawk and owl and to increase the bounty mi coyote from 2 lo Si. It wn lo asked thai a fiM Warden lie put n In (lie district in Mun ii noil year instead of May. Another matter the club i taking up , ,,ue. Iioii of rc-loekiua (unit Uke-n In Ihe dutrlct FsV. M 8 3 NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. j advance. No Advertisement taken LOST UlST. Itelweei, liefer aprt iiient and i)Miiadiau National ticket oftire, imiierfly iend- ant. Finder pl'ae return to Imily ew tiff ice. CARS FOR SALE. I V' Oldsmobile 1, S paaaen ar tounn fKW.OO I I '..' Nah i paenaer tour ing fdSO.AO 1 191 (Keriaod Fedan 1700.00 I lOlt e.i seven paoner louring - t1M4 I I Mi Foci iVnino. balloon tire ear like new ta&Vvtt I lo.2 lord Tudor djn. tm.o I 1922 Ford Oitine S3M.M I It? I Ford one to truck, panel body lllkM I Ford liabl delivery ehaasi. rebuilt 175.00 All car ynaranteed in a and meebanical condition. Eih term ran be arranged. KAIEN QARAQE Ford and Chevrolet Srvioe Sta tion Aiient fir McliuKblln Oakland. il.l. mobile and Chev-rorel ear. Reo. fl.Mi anil Federal Triiek. wrfj:kim; skhmcf. hay .oin Sp.fff. MISCELLANEOUS HI; PAY WORK FOR MKN. To the unemployed or men who work for laborers' pay when Ihe world's gratet indauiry need thousand of men a or.e to ll.oo per boar, eity and country hop. We train you for Join a truck drivers aulo-meehanic. imitlon ex-perl, battery welding and vul-canising. We alo teach bricklaying, lilesetling and plastering. Call or write for free catalogue. Hemphill Auto En gineering Sahool. 16 Hatinr Stree' Kaf vaneouver. II.C BOARD HOAIIIl - The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. DOLLAR 8TORE See Our llange of CHRISTMAS GIFTS, lieninl itching and Picoling. niiedat attention given to Malt order. THE DOLLAR STORE. Phone lied 321. TAXI Tail 67 Phons (Call Oeorfc'c. Paul or Ciisl) special f and "t passenger Stude-baker al your service day and tilichl. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Aero from Fmpre-N Hotel. FURNITURE AND RANGES. Howm" Furniture and llange suitable for every home ChriKtma kimmI arrivtnic daily livery lime you pass my slore call In. You are most welcome. A. Mackenzie, Furniture Home if ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving UnKirnjre and I'xpress Stand:Lillle's News Stand, Phone 3S2. lie Phone Orccn 020 FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl-ure Store. We Hey. Sell and Hi change New and Secondhand floods. GEO. PAFAD0PULII, 13U Third Ave. lbn 010 OMf for let than 50c FOUND FDlMl.- 1U1, Apply !;: P51NH. RJ4TERT MUSIC ITOif. 303 Third Aftnui Sola agents r. i Ue l'bonograpit. t Racquet. lruoie. . I'bone ' 7 Baggage, Furnlturs moity If yoo want an j or delivered PO H' i . CARPENTERS WHEN bavins ed. see A 1'boae lllsrk MAIL SCHEDULE OWT-0l tf UM LmV MMhttH. VtMlW-n T V ttr (in) ir.n Wr rnasal liwdffi i Wr. 'Wt W t T S.f.i, Nc Arm, titmtH MAtjg .. . VrrnalU. r r. rn ! r.i T-f.r T sun esstis :r .v i i' T q. criiu ii r' u-nvttniit u ) T Sln tfmMt- s ih-COmim. f r"i u t.at M4t)S, WeOsrx i M SI -V w4Nays W U MS 1 w ' rrsMi 4f.i, ll. Asm, u.wi""' vi Tfm An ft l, CM timfttm f ai.f eii-tliys . " Frsm AImIi elt V O-r I - 5tMMlier f fffS St.atM t4 Prwle ooslr STEAMSHIP MOYBIENTS THkUi M. sri" rrty-r r'",r 1 atlr4 . raids " s. fVlr ..' tier. I ss. rru 0r. IS- . I'mii' ' J I ss. rrin Frsm Vtntfe an4r WeiJr-. i'"" TlMirsasl- 0liy . frin' Strl Prill" i . te--ss. Prni' Iter. Is-- SS. PMn" le. M- -SS. Prlre-fsr Port Siinn tnS c ttwrt . tlH l,,f' fnm rr Simp ( sstes h. ft Aldts y Nsv. I m. rm K' lee. 14--. I'll"" t liee. ti-. I'Mie Prsm AUtlt , g Vr, . PrlU'-r-" ":' , l'. IS-SS. I'llK"" Vl , , Jsn. t. rnnr-- "" for SUoirl, n,.i K , K Surxltr m. CsMrm , j " Wnlnrsdlirs I'"" " . Prsm SUwart, A0i '" rw" , TuiMy- . cjrite'is , , rrtts--. rnae " rr'Anii , lliurndars . ciH rrom An;! ' (s SsiHritirS -. CtiH lor SUwsrl ,, RslurdifS . rrinr. ''hi' " frsM SUw.rt ,f nS Sunders ... rinre Chirtei Tor Qu.n CharlotU lilss , , tfM; Prinre 1""" from un Chsrlolts lls fiov. II . Prion loo