Greeti Card ng s That you. have been looking for. They arc simply beautiful expressions of the engravers' art, with the right sort of design and sentiment that appeals. Discriminating buyers are assured that they can save one third the price by placing their orders with us. Printing done right hero In our own shop. No delay. Orders, completed In 24 hours. Telephone No. 8 and our representative will call. NEW -:- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H,C. Fruit Assorted Pastilles M .du by Boots Ltd., Nottingham, England T r .tlie. have the genu I'nnl Flavor UIHl re- i, -rli il t .m per III. s . i,il Price, per ll. 65c Ormes Limited T inwf, llmjigi Itex.ill Slore 3rd Avenue and Gth Street Phones 82 and 200 l"iir: M to p.m. S ami Holiday fiMin I? I" V p. in I I l l " Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc., ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al; kinds uf MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SF E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, wilh uildiltouiil machines for the manufacture of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINQLES, VENEER also enrried in sluck. Have limidlliig charges liyMntylng direct fruin the source of . supply. - K Local and Personal U.G. Undertakers. Phone 41. Jl:Ilisl Jtazuar Thursday In Uhj Churcli l'arlora. 274 Mr. and Mr?. KeiimUli Schvrk anivnl in the eily from Hums Luke on lliis rnorniiiff's train. Curriu's Tasl and Messenger Service. l'lione 5(57. Scrvi day and night. Stand, Carlton Cafe. if Old reliable Foothill coal, nul Sll.uu; tuve 1 3.50; ltini 1 1 .00. Consumers Coal Co., Ltd l'lione 7. 27 i F. (i. Daw oii return cd to lint niy on Hit- Cardciia ycalcnla afti-nuMiii after a fortnight' lnis- inestt inn lo Vancouver. Shipment f llrun.iwick phono graphs arrived. Hear the Hrun wick before you buy. l'ay term arranged. J. Lome Mucl.arcn, Ltd. 274 H ii. Crewe, acting city en uii'i-r. wlio lias been on a trip t aiiinii.- for r-ealp treatment ri iiiriii-d lo the cily on the Car-dt iia yoMrday afternoon. Joe llaney, basnfn man. returned on the Curdena vi ii'iilav ufieriioon from a Iri; n Seatlle and oilier poinlti on ii- .itlier F.ide. Mrs. Harvey i riMiiHiniiiK in the onlh. l'ie Mel'lipe. ouIoiiih officer Hui-dale, arrived in the city tin Cardena ye.Herday n and will return youth on I lie naiiie steamer lo-morrow i.iKlit. He in here for dental treat tii'-nt. Mrs. J. M. Sbeddon and two cliililren arrived in the city on I lie Canietra yenlenUy afleimion from Vancouver to reimiuc their re-Hilenre, Mr. Sheddou recently biiMtiy re-el;ibliKlnd himself in liiiiitei in the eity. Hex. J. di. (iihfon of Smitlieis reached (lie eily on this tnoni-mii' train and is re?iterl a' i lie Hotel Prince !tuprt. He Is ln-i tu Hltend a meeUni of I tie -eriy of Uie iJiocee with Canon (nxilil of Palestine Ibis week. Present indications are Urn' tli nmsion of the Supreme) Court A'? scheduled lo open here mi iHH-einlter 2 will be a light me. So far there are no criminal ec u the docket. II is e. peeled I here w ill be a couple of cml and divorce actions. Provincial Constable F, 1 1 rough - Ion of Abbot sford was a passen-(ter aboanl the steamer Canlena yesterday afternoon for Any ox havin? in hi uiitody S. Wen-trout who will face a charge uf having stolen iersonal cllecls. Hie properly uf Flint oi AHee Ann. II. IK Leigblou, fire intcctoi for Hie Forest Itrtuich and Itanft-rr Orillerv will leave this after-iMHin aboanl the departinenla' cniisiT Lillian Cpt. W. II. Penney, for Masselt Inlet where t hey will jend ten days cruising ,i large sin nd of cedar pole, ncunlialion lo purchase which are under way. I iiinii steamer Cardena, Cap!. A. K. Itickson, arriveit from the south at 3.30 yesterday afternoon and, afler having gone up to Ihi plant of the Canadian Fish l Cold Storage Co. lo discharge sawdust, sidled al 8 o'clock for Anyox, Alice Ann anil Stewart. Among her passengers Hie Car-ilena brongb north Hie following: for Prince Rupert - Mr. and Mrs. I', liamhle. Mr. and Mrs. F. Akar. II. I.. Frank. W. H. Sutherland, III. O. Crewe. A. F. Mitchell, V. J. Johnston, F. . Hawson, Joe Me-Pliee, O. Anderson, John I). Dagger!. J. llaarvey and Mrs. J. II. Shedilon and family; for Slewari . Archie, J. Peters. Mr. J lorry and Mi s. Comet tc; Rir Anyox--C. McDonalil, 1. Jouasou, A. II. Hauling. P. W. Welsh, Mrs. McMillan. Mrs. Hrydon, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family. 'Constable F. HroiigliloM and S. Winsl i-oni. ANNOUNCEMENTS llaplisl Church Ladies' Aid Itaxaar, November 20. St. Andrew's "Ladies' Auxiliary llaxaar, December 2. Lutheran Church Ladies' Aidj llaruar, December i. . TUB UAUjT HIW Do Your Bowels Ever Become' Constipated? A free motion of the bowels, ever day, ahould be the aim of every one who on pi res to perfect health, for onee the bowel become clogged up all tho other organ of the body get deranged, and all Vlndj of diieatea and diaordera are liablo to attack the lyatcm. If you take oar advice and um Milburn's yon will find that they will reflate and keep your bowela and liver in proper nape, and vrben thia if done there i not much chance of you ever being tick. Thin valuable remedy hat been on the market for tho put 32 yean; up only by Tho T. MUburn Co, Lut luiiteJ, Toronto, Oat. Two cars at your service Sheddon Taxi. Phone 134. If 1MJ Taxi and Transfer. nervicc. liny anu iiigtii. Dybtiavn. T. tf l'rivate Cliri-lrna (Jurd printed by Huso, Cowan & Lulla, itli Street. tf .Mrs. Kuut Olsen arrived in (be eity from Ter&ce on Ibis morn utg'f train. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. (lorley ar rived in the eity from Lome Creek on tliitt riiornmK" train. Ulnf llanxon. vlio ban been on a btiiHne trip woutli. returned to the city on fbi- murningK train huvinjr come nround by .laxper and Sniitbern. The Pacific and Peace River (rain Company ix a new eom pari) ineorporlcd with a capital of $10,000 and with head office in Vancouver. . H. "C. l'rasvr, scl6l iucpeciur will leave on fhis ening train lo visit schools Jn (lie Lakes district. He pxpecW to be away about a week. Miss Fdilh KeJsey. stenograph er lo the city solicitor, has returned In her duties at the City is visiting the district on departmental dudes. l.en Hell, formerly locomotive engineer out of Prince Itupert and now running between Kd-monton nnd Wninwright, is spending the day in town. He arrived from F.dmoulnit on this morning's I rain and will return there tonight. Mr, Hell is head of the Hallway F.mployces' Industrial iV. Investment Association which owns the hydroplane llazpllon. The crnfl Is slill moored in Ibe river at llaiellon but, despite' the past two sousdus of iuaeltvity. Mr. llo.ll . hopes that next season may seo Uio ship ir operation .mam. j; Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert November 23, 1915. On motion of Aid. Jleverhlpe, HiToinlecJ by Aid. Montgomery, the city cuuneil decided lust iii-ht to invest i,00 in government war loan bond?. The Sliipjnaf IcTs and Officer Association at a meet in;? last iiiKlit, Capl. O'Urien preriidinj,', pa.ixi'd a resolution requesting (ieorKe Frizell to become a candidate for mayor at Hie next civic election. The cily council indulged in considerable dlgcuxeioii 1 last nilil in L'onuecliou with a com munication from the International Union of .Steam Engineer protesting against the discliar; ing of Mingle men in favor of married. November 21, 1915. ' A son wai born ijday al the l'rince Itupert encral Hospilal to .Mr. and Mr. l.l (I Stuart, Dunstnuir Street. ' llishop' iHi Vernel is in receipt of a newsy letter from Col. C W. J'eck at the front. . The halibut schooners, YTtkatat and Constance are ashore fit Icy Strait ami fears are expressed for the Idaho which is a mouth overdue. HUNTING PARTY RETURNS HOME Bag- of Four Deer, Geese, etc Taken by George Bryant, John McRae and Others Willi a bag consisting uf four deer as well a geese and ducks . .. a nuniing jiany consisting o: Oeorge llryant, John Mcllae, (lii pogers and (ieorge Itaymoud of Smilbei's ri'lurne.I lo Hie city o'i Ibe launch Harla yesterday after noun afler a ten day trip to .North Arm and oilier parts of Pon-her Island. The parly en countered a nod deal of unfavorable weather which interfered wild hunting. nan aner Having ween wmnnini XIIDCI CCC DI AXIT IC lo her home for Hie past week I WllxtLtoj "LAM lo witli a severe eW. I CDCrTCn AT CflV r ADM There was another' successful Scandinavian dance in the Metro-pole Hall. Saturday night. Music wa furnished by l.inil-clh s Or cbestra and C. K. Ytrcbcrg was master uf ceremonies The case of W. llayner. charg ed with removing a motor car which was in the hands of the sheriff, was called again in the police court Ibis looming ami was further adourned until lo- morrow. 1'. (J. Shalcross, Vancouver fire insurance adjuster, who has been intbe cily for the past few days on business in connection with Hie recent mill fire, will return south by way of Jasper leaving on tonight's train. T. O. McManammi of Telrgrapl- Point is a visitor in the city to day and will return lo Hie inter ior on tonight's train. Mr. Me Manamon recently relumed from an extended trip lo Kaslern Canada and the United Slates. It. F. McNaughton. CWH. dis trict passenger ayeut, returned o Hie city on Ibis morning's train afler a business tnii to Mcllride and l'rince (ieorge and iiUermediate points, lie reports weather in the interior cr'y mild for Ihi time of tho year. A. F. Mitchell of Victoria, as sistant district engineer for tho federal department of public works, arrived., in Hie cily from the south on the Cardena yester day afternoon and is registered at the Prince Itupert Hotel. He sr: iu. Xov. .a. The rns! private win-less plain owned and niicrftfe.i ly Alaska fox ranchers lias deen ooened al Kusilof mi the Kenai peninsula by the Williamson Silver Fox Haneh which is retailed to be tine of the most modern fanns in Ibe Territory. II lias Us own power plant, elec tric lights and hot and cold running water in dwelling and fox kennels. Williamson weighs Ibe food for the animals by tile ounce and is the originator of canned and powdered rabbit as fox feed. j ,, Archdeacon (i. A. Ilix. who ha iK'en on a trip lo the interior on parochial duties, returned lo Hit city from llazelloit on this morning's train. William Oreen. Indian, wa fined 10 and costs in the cil'yi police court ibis morning for in loxicalion. AdvortiitA .n tin ltiilv Vew TOO LATF TO CLASSIFY j FOIl IIF.NT. Warm furnished j romn. su.iiihle lor two ladies! or gcmlcmen Phone lied 700 or call J 1 5 Sc ond Av enue, West. 277 HOME CAKES AND MILK mm ,, woman who has tpnle a business in baking cakes for private dinners and dances uses Pacific Milk in every re-cine that calls for milk or cream. She says that results) are certain, for the milk is always the same and cakes have' a finer texture and flavor. She reipiesls that her name be not mentioned. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. uilderj" Supplies j ..AWJiXZJs oifl send .ycnr&WWU trus iiiustraiai Jh rxwbbejubfiJYI ii ernes ,- Distributor? for: (fDham K9L9RED -3HIN0LE3. 1 ' MOW THK9 Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Slock your winter's supply oi Nanaimo- Wellington Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phoies IIS an 1 117 An ideal rug for your dining room or living room "BARRYMORE- GUARANTEED Axminsters on display at Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue IIcanadian PACIFIC vjaiuui Phone 123 Steamship and Train Service S.8. PRINCE RUPERT Will l avi PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE mil tiitertnt'tluti point carli FRIDAY at 9 a.m. 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT for STEWART and ANYOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rortnlitlllj f..r VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENQER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY am SATURDAY al 8 p.m. ti.r PRINCE GEORGE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all ptnt t..-l'ril r.aiMila, I nileil Slatra. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlekat Offlct, 628 Third A, Prlnct Ruptrt. Phona 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert f IHCHIUN. WRA.UEU, JUNEAU, SIACWAT f VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, ui SEATTIE Ninnlcr 16, 30 DfcmUr U ..Htmakf 3, 20. Drawer 4. 13 5.5. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Buttdala, Swanton Bar, Eait Balla Btlla, Ocaan Falla, Namu, Alarl Bay, Campball Rlar, and Vascouiar ry Saturday 11 a.m. Aaancy for all Staamahlp Lint. Full Information from VV. O. ORCHARD Oanaral Agant. Cornar of 4th Straat and 3rd Aianua, Prlnca Rupart, B.O. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Fnzzell Hutrher Sliup, across from the Kmprcss Hotel Wo' carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zarelll Proprietor