SIX Terms cash; Free delivery (iem Lye, per tin 13c Fancy Soap 7c Lilac Hose Soap 9c Hahy's Own Soap 10c Goroanut Almond Soap . . . . 8c Palmolive Soap. 7Vsc H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd Cor. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Phone 9 SHOE PROBLEMS VANISH When You Wear ONYX Shoes Canada's Hest Known Shoe for Women and Young Women. Carried In nit fillings. Family Shoe Store Third Ave. Phone 357 While Wonder Soap . . P. (J. Naptlia Soap . . Klondyke Soap (iold West Soap, carton Sunlight Soap, carton . . Soap Chips, per lb. . . . MALKIN'S BEST TEA, COFFEE, etc rMALKIN BEST "Jaeger" Pullover Sweater Jersevs For The Kiddles A special purchase enables us to offer I dozen l'uro Wool Sweaters at cacti $1.50 In Cream, sizes 2t to 30. In Paddy, sizes 20 to 21 only Malkin's He 4 Tea, per ll 69c Malkin's Hest Cohee, pe.- lb 61c Malkin's Hest Hakmg Powder. 12 oz. tin 23c Malkin's Bet Hakuig Ppwder, lb. tin 72c Malkin's Hos; Baking Powder, lb. tin $1.33 Malkin's Hesl Jell) Powders, pr pkg. . . 6c Malkin's Hesl Spices, pep tin- 9c Malkin's Hes? KxtracU, 2,nz ... 24c Malkin's Hel ' l-rt., 1; oz. 47c Malkin's Hesl Extracts, S oz. 89c Malkin's Hest Ktracls. 13 oz. . . .... $1.71 THER TERRACE MAN DIES CALGARY "Dad" Weeks Well Known Throughout District Passes Away at Advanced Ago TKHHACi:, Nov. 23 received in town on Friday lasl of the death of Charles Wieeks, more familiarly known in this district as "Dad Weeks" In the Culgury General Hospital on Friday. Xovein'lier 13. "Dad" was a very well known resident, having lieen on the river since HUM when he landed at Kssinglon. lie eanir to the Kilsumkalum val ley m tliliS and pre-empted a quarter section oT land near Hie Kilsumkalum steamboat landing. His original home on the bench atiovr the river is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. F. Ackroyd. Of J later years he was pqslmaster ut Kilsuiijkaliini until the office was closed, nnd occupied, the living rooms Iichiud thu store b'uild-iiik where the office was located. Around this h'u had ip'itc a large fruit and vegetable gar-denjn which lie took great, pride. He was of a very eutal disposition and was noted for . his hos pitality. Mr. Weeks was born In Itlcln- lniclo, Sew Ilrunswick, about 80 years ago, lie was pre-ueceaseu by his wife and son after he came to H.C., tliey both having died in the east. A year ago this last full "Dad" left Terrace on a trip to his old home. He was evidently on tils way back wesl and was visiting willi a nephew in Calgary who sent the news of hjs death, Interment look place in the Calaary Cemetery on Saturday, November 1 tth. Advertise In Ibe Daily News TERRACE NOTES SUGAR (iranulated Sugar, ll) ll. ark 75c (iramilalcd Sugar, 20 lb. sack Granulated Sugar, 100 Iliuwn Sugar, 7 lbs. Lump Sugar, lfilKT Villi-:!.. lb. Ikg. lb. pkg. Mrs. D. D. Munro was hostess at a fancy dress party on Thursday evening last at her home here. Her guest of honor was Mrs. Kincaid, and it was also given in celebration of Mrs. P. I.azelle's birthday. Part of lliu evening was pleasantly spent at bridge, Mrs. Voi Ilees being Word was j prize winner. After refreshments were served eacli guesl contributed a number towards an enjoyable program. The meeting on Friday eeuiim to iii-rago. for a community Christmas Tree was very poorly ill tended and it was pu polled until Wednesday, November -'5. iwilb the understanding lliat it tliere were not at least thirty people present IheT project would lie dropped. K. T. Keiiucy suffered a' nasty- cut on his wrist on his way to the fire on Saturday night. Mrs. AMotis left on Monday morning for the Prince Ilupert Hospital tu have an x-ray examination made of her arm wlilcb she injured im Thursday and which Is now feared to be broken. (i. V. F.llis, or Copper City, was in town at the week end wllli a puck horse, gelling supplies In take in to Gabriel's mineral claims on the Copper llicr, where he intends doing uiiio de velopment work, Mrs. J. K. Frol was "an after noon ten hostess on Friday at her homo on park Avenue. The lea table was presided over bv Mrs. C. H. Gilbert while Mrs. A II, barker assisted in serving re freshments. Mr. and Mrg. K. T. Hrooks left on Saturday night for their new $1.43 . . . Ik sack . .. $8.85 50o . . . . 24o . . . . 10c Kusigu Loganberries, 2's . . Euign Blackberries, 2's . . Knsigu Crabapples, 2 Mi's,. Grimsby Strawberries, 2's . DRIED FRUITS JAMS, MARMALADE JAMS, MARMALADE, ETC. Pure Orange Marmalade. lb. tin H.ipberry .lain, t lb. tin Apnrot Jam, lb. tm . Gooseberry Jam. Hi. Cherry Jam, lb. tin . Above Jam" and parked in M'ulod tins trade. Quality is best CANNED GOODS Maple Lgaf Lombard Plums, Knsigu Spinach, 2's Aylnier Pumpkin. 2'4's .... Malkin's Hel Tomatoes. 2's . Malkin's Hesl Tomatoes. 24 home in I hi I Ion, lt.i;. to wlur'i place Mr. llrooks is being transferred by the C.X. 11. Co. Geo. K. Keitli received Wnr.l on rrulay or the dmitli or Ins brother, David- Keith, tu Sa:i Francisco. The last nieelniy of thu W.A. before Ilieir sale of work n Saturday, Xoeniber '.'H, will be held at the home or Mrs. Fred Xasli on Wednesday of litis week. Archdearon II tx of Prince Itu-perl is In conduct service in I lie Anglican Church. 'IVrrace, on Slinday, November 2'J. MAY NOW HIKE TO CALIFORNIA Picture of Mrs. Sam Johnson and Miss Anna Rorvlk Appeared In Vancouver Paper Last Week In an interview- published in a Vancouver paper lasl week, Mrs. Sam Johnson ,-iml Miss Anna llorvili, who successfully com pleted the 1 ,1)1)0 nitlo liiko from here to Vancouver, slated thai they were now' contemidal inu continuing the trip tu California.! One wager lliey collected in Van couver was $1011 from Miss llov- vlk's brother, CapL .I'ete Ilorvik. The story in lliu Vancouver paper gave a complete .account-of their trip and was accompanied by a picture of Ibe two ladies ill their hiking costumes. QUALIFICATIONS FOrT MASTERS AND MATES Tlie supervising examiners of masters and mates has been notified that lime served on cannery lenders and fish carriers wilt count as ordinary ca service in eoitneHlni, wllh the granting v V tin Pride of Ontario Honey. 5 lb. Stpiirre! Hraud 24 lb. tins . lb. tin . . . 23c Quality Hrand Cru, 2' 23c, Ciiiiad.i Fir I Goru, 2's . . . . 19c Quaker jSlmuIard Peas. 2's . 29c Quaker Kaily June Pen. 2".' 2's Quaker Hefiigee Heaiis, 2' . 15c Del Monte Spinach. SVfc's . 15c Libby's Kraut. 2's 49c 59c 59c 59c 59c Marmalade for export obtainable. Peanut Hutler. tins 83c 53c 99c 15c Malkin's Hest Cockeye SmIiuom, 12c I's, tails 39c Malkin's Hesl Sorkeye Salmon. 17c "i's. flats 21c Ensign Pearlies, 2 V Del Monte Yellow Free 2's Knigu Apricot,. IX tall Kiimkii Apricots, 2's. tall Ensign Apricot. 2 V. Ensign "llaspberries, I's. Quaker Hhiiharh. 2's . . Del Monte Fruit Salad. 2 Quaker Pears, 2's. heavy 23c L, 19o ATTENTION! Christmas Shoppers In n few da we will he moved to our new store with the largest and finest stock of JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA UMBRELLAS, TOILET SETS, HANDBAGS, NOVCLIES, Etc., in the North Our Motto as in the past: QUALITY, PRICE, SERVICE Max Heilbroner Jewellor and Optician ut inn.. ! unit mates reri .Unites iiul i bai I Ins dor nol apply In fistutiK vpjt.Hels or trawler. KAIEN ISLAND ROAD ESTABLISHED BY LAW A notice appears in the Hellish Columlp'a Gametic this week cs-lablihlh the highway from the rnd of Sbawatlaiids lload In the lowusllo of Prince Itupert to Galloway Itaplds a dislatice of rj.07.T miles ami having n width or M feet throngli its length, as shown un a plan deposited in (he court house al lint city. Monday. November ? No phone orders; No C.O.D, PRE-INVENTORY SALE OUR ANNUAL STOCK-TAKING OCCURS DECEMBER 1. THIS SALE STARTS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23. ENDS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28. In one week wo are going to clear out thousands of dollars' worth of staple groceries at prices unheard or. This Is your opportunity to stock up for tho winter. Foodstuffs arc advancing. Flour, Sugar, Tea, Dried Fruits, Potatoes and many other lines have advanced during the past week. Como early and often this week. t , WALK DOWNSTAIRS AND SAVE REAL MONEY IN THE BASEMENT GROCERY We will not guarantee time of delivery other than within 24 hours of receipt of order. SOAPS AND WASHING POWDERS Old Dutch Cleanser . . Gold Uiist, large ikg. . . . Lux Washing Powder . . Hiuso, pkg Solvcno Washing Powder, l'kg CANNED GOODS French Peas, I's, talis 27c King Oscar Kippered Snacks, per tin 5c Herrings in Tomato Sauce, per tin 5c Saanich Clams, per tin 18c Klia Hraud Norwegian Sardines, per tin .12c Glacier Sardines in Olive Oil, per tin 11c Eagle Hraud Lobster, 'i's . . . 25c 6'2c . . 7c . 29c 22c 22c 14c Campbell's Tomato Soup, per tin ,i 12c Libby's Asparagus Soup, per tin . 7c Snider's Tomato Soup, per tin 10c Del ' Monte Pork Deans, per tin , 9c LibbyV Pork & Beans. 2's, per tin 13c Campbell's Pork Heans, 2's, per tin 14c Hoger's Golden Syrup, 0 lb. tin 39c Shaker Salt, pkg 13c Klk Hrooms, r string 49c Hrokcn Shelled Walnuts, per lb. 39c Shelled Almonds, per lb. . . . 59c Corn Starch, per lb 10c White Gloss Starch, per lb. 10c Leader Toilet Paper Hulls .. 3'ic CATSUP and SAUCES Sterling Tomato Catsup . . . . 19c Snider's Tomato Catsup . . . 29c Snider's Chile Sauce 29c Howal's Worcester Sauce . . 19c 11. P. Sam e 29c Neinz India KelNh 39c Crn-se & Hlarkwelt's Pickles, Vj pt. size. Your choice .... 39c Hapny'vale Sweet Mixed Pickles, 't2oz., per but He 59c Del Monte Dn-Pak 1 tin Lvap. Peaches, per lb Kap. Apple, per lb. Smyrna Cooking Pig Kvap. Prunes, 10-50, Kvifp. Prunes, 50-00, Seedless Hnisius, 1 lb. Del Monte Seedejl, 10 Cluster Table Itaisin Mixed Peel, per lb. Herleaiied Currants, Hulk Dates, per lb. 'nines, j lb, 70c . . . 17c 19o per lb. 13c per lb. 10c per lb. 14c pkg. . 4jc oz. pkg. 14c s, pkg. 19c 37c per lb. 17c 10c ST.CHAR.tfs PACIFIC OR ST. CHARLES MILK It.ihy size, per tin Per ca-e, H tin , Tall tins, wich ... , Per rase Gc . .. $2.76 . 11c $5.25 CANNED GOODS 29c P .H he. ... 23c . . 10c . . . 22c tall- 29c tall 19c . . .8c - 33c -vrup . .'. . 29c ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR Ml lb. Suck- $2.39 Flour i going up, buy now. Tin is CannuV Het Flour Sugar Crisp Corn Flkts r pkg 10c Graham Ftour, 111 lb. .cks . . 53c Suowfliike Plr- Hour, 10 11. sacks 55c w. t T" ' Ml Standard ol Empire pr. Quaker Peur. 2H', In .. Ensign Hed Plllwl 0t.- Del Monte (JrHi.d l 2's Malkin's Heit SHrad P 2's Ciirle llrand Slireil P 18c 37c 23c 27c 29c 15c f T JOIUMViXi Onilvie's Wheal Granule, 0 lb. Shredded .... Wheat, jtrr pkr- I MM X sarK . 39c Plirfiui Itt. nmr ntir lt ' Grape Nuls. per pkg 17c Puffed WhcvL pkg Uc UPERT TABLE SUPPLY COMPANY WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. COLLEEN MOORE "THE DESERT FLOWER" Let's go. Here's Collrru again , (, sparkles with humor and mirth. Colleen g . the fun and pep or a fue-rrucker. n a drcii U And isn l Ue n thorn m Hie side of alt the had W her lame cm and make em toe Ihe mark. If- i picture she has ever made bur none. l' i i iiTler anolbcr and all not or wondrrhil fun. H Colleen Moore, Lloyd Hughes, William Norton Bailey, Hank Mann, Frank Brownlee, Kate Price, Edna Orcjorj, Mary Louise Miller and others COMEDY- -"THE FOX HUNT" INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35c and 10c R. Perks, representing t. Vam omcr M i t givn selections on the siixnphone. el .. at bnlb ' OUR CLEARANCE SALE of Underwear FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN We are comliirling Ibis sale on a clearing b: Ihe lines offered miisl be cleared. The price is n The rediiclions are very liberal ami il will do mor 'b pay to look over Hie articles offered. Hero arc hi items to, give you an idea of (be bargains: An assortment of Ladles' Sweaters, reg, price 7 " An assortment of Ladles' Waists, ri'g. price ijO.0i Very good ipmlily Flannelette Night Clowns, n'K Sale i,"i JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phone G45. Cor. 3ra "u S; $10 S;r 75e l '!: $1.00