. ml" 1 IM lew lilverware List Arrived w Iiiim- tinpnck- I I hi' nice! Hvr . 1 1 ii ever had. iM'liuif niii' from all liable Ciinuiliini far. ui I ome frnin 1 lie i.niry. r tin piece are or -ilvf-r, other are in - livi'i- plate. - ri. ii ntl tlii" wny from .'). 00. wl Willi John Bulger 7 Jeweller "We Save You Money" I.I 'f mi- regular .' if.-.. Not Specials El' - r.m'oa. lb. 40e II; 1 'M-iifl. In. 25c II un'o SdlHl. larxe 20c " 'miiim IjiH. Xn 80c Unl. .V $1.35 30c - 90c .line Nulled Iiiii Ihi.. (3.50 1 Mil! KI'HIl-. . .. .. $2.60 Flour tt advancing. Buy now. . r I in . . 20f i ..-r I in . . 20c I nrui- Im. 20c a.irle.l $2 00 ' price. Our Motto: "Qualliy and Service." Gordon's Grocery Seventh Ave. tail Phone 447 FRUIT Combination Sale ai li. . riMi. ' '(IIill. "t'n, ri'p. n .. .''. rtR. 3rc. 3 for $1.00 I-mil fur ialal. '!'. V: 1 1. i.i. 2, rejr. 3tr. .iw lieri'H'i, 2', rt'K- 3 for $1.00. ' 'n i i ii'., rp. I3r. 1la..!lu'iTie, J'n. reji. Vppln Sntire, 5 4', 3 for $1.00 V iv. ii Frrxh uliip-t'iiiiii'. Ha if ii pi. Nut. I'lit. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 17-423 Fifth Ave. Eati Phones 18 and 84 Fur Coats & Jacquettes n 1 'XiiUlsllo Stock of Fur '"tnitign al low prlccH. B. kl i C. . . . FUR - Co, "t O.W.V.A. Tjilrd Ave. VANCOUVER TO HAVE SLATE OF CIVIC OWNERS Quiet nrganir.atlon of a municipal ownership iifipKliin having for It iilijiMiix,.. i.!,.,in of a SlMe nf cily rniiiii-il nHMflher including a m.iy,,i pledged 1(, ubmiini ..f ;i plebiscite calling for development f a 3,bno,000 Vancouver Hy.lri.-Klwirir plant on the Clii-.ikaiiiiot river nmir nilt'. i being undertaken here, at Hie present ,t iranHuirwil In civic iMiiihi-Hl nn-le today way the Vancouver star. K-Alderman Hamilton, and ar engineer naiiii'il Ko are reported a. prime mover in I lie elMiiie. Mini il in reported aii-omr effort ate being mode to tiring out a mayoralty candidate m oo- ii.ili..n in Mayor I.. II. Taylor liH" eifireeil llliu'llliiivntf ph-.tge Inin.i-lf to lit, pollry. In I In. cuiiei-lion Kt.-Ald. J Mi Mat . defeated mayoralty canijul.iii' in Ward (,, aiiiiminoed liuiielf t.(;i v a i-aiiilnlale for alili-rnian in Ward fi, m ..ppoi-tuin to Aid. ('. . Wnrlliliiiffoii and H farm Pettipiee.., Labor. Mr. MrHae i. a well known exponent t iiurmipal ownership and H vt.i hoped iy Ihe founder f the n.ixi'tiiiMil (hat In- nuiil. I seek "i-l'lllMI !! riiaviir. RUPERT MENTIONED" REGARDING GRAIN An embargo aiCHi'i.l Ihe miive-in.'iit nf i-rain In Mmeuiloti wa i.iie.t i till- Italia. Ii.iii National Hallway tods nv "n. Vancouver Hlar. 'I lit- mme wa made tw(iw Mftixiiliiii yard- arc cloaced wild inui'li an. I ilaini trraiti. 'train, apu-ulh wli.-ai. i therefore, hacked up In i- hi rn rr "levator and marketing i badly affeeied. rn remit mav Up dea h before i liirMi ..f Hie , ..m '.'.I )avy infii iiumi! nf Miirllii'i-ti Alln'ria rain Three Big Specials Tor One Week Only Tomatoe. rniilar .'Hi- im ml. f. tin. fur 85c Corn, '.'. !. ?r. irial, r. 'n - f'.r 95c Peat, '' ! if. pial. 5 Itn for 90c I Iip-i- rminpil aooii are a!t in' .I'-rk and rvi'ry tin aruai aiiiM'd I.. tive atlfa- Imn. Waii-li Moinlay's paper for atiiiiiiiiic'tni'nl nf our In i-tipa I'opularHy Con- ir.t Wlin i the mnl ponnl.ii iiiiii).' tinly ill In B. C. Butchers and Grocers Ltd. Phone 45 SCARFS Ilea Crepe-de-Chine and Knitled Rayon Silk Price ration ii 'in. - $1.25 to $5 West of England Third Ave. Store Phone 753 Dr E. So Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. 0fice Hour 0 fl-X-ftay Srvlc Phone G80. Open Tuesday, Thursday ami BaUirday hVeTilii lulu Diile A Few Doses of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup May Stop That Couch Mr. Frank D. Comeaa, Wert Bath Brut, K.H., writ:'I hii a ?rj tJ roll and i-ough that wttled on mj lung,"an4 I thought that I wouU hirer rt rid of it. One day a friend poke to m iont your wondtrfal remedy, o I ieat ani S at a bottle of it, and after the flril dow I took 1 got relief, and ty (he time I had finished the bmtle I wai completely relieTed of all ray trouble.'' "Dr. WoodV li pot Bp ealy by The T. MUburn Co, Limited, lortaU, 00. throujrh Prince Hupcrl next month. MpamvlnU. t,p (mbarsto of IhiIIi iailway uguiml Vaiirniivcr remain in effect. It i expwtrij lo be lifted by Hie tlllilille of nex week. POPULARITY CONTEST FOR RUPERT DAMSELS A i-ipiilaniy content i Jifinjt luiim he.l by Hie II.C. Jlulrllfru unit iiM'i'i- I. tl. For every cash ptii-Hiae of one dollar you are i nlilled to one vole Tor the lady if yuur choice. This ballot will be di'pohiletf i, a ballot Mix, and on (Jirintnva llay they will lie "ounted. rlie lady receiving Ihe mot ute will be roilibli'ied Hie inn. I popular by vote of our cu- loniem and will rdreive a 1nii tiful price, whitili i on display mi our window. Htty yoiir ".lirilma trjiille at I he It.O. Itiiteherw and (lrorern Ltd. alore nnd help ome one lo -.-et lUi ntte prwe. SpeeiaU are adtrertlaml in every iMie of Ibe IraJlj- New anil rotml in the bal lot. Tell your friend. Advt WATER MAIN REPAIRS n.i.iii. i.r ilm Mid rlrer into TatUti Lakr amt will b- iim-d for liydro-elmrlt iwrrj inn-pi.'. itien the Knnnefr Mn. Iki liLldiiia.- arr rii'i rlted a elevrn Crown nranti'd Mineral riaim. orfjTd a Lott Ni- 111. (II. tot'.. Ill, t, VC7, r,S. ti;u, lif. and ll4. (irt.up I, t:alr M-lrl.t ittti- m.iiro a ptulrd mi Hi rioiiiid mi tin- mm day of ii-tulr, A rnpv nr tun BPlH-e aim apiniraimn r-...in itwivin anil tn IIh Vlir Aft. heiH Im i f vtiwr ui nf Vniii Tnw, nXTTTT WKWti MANY ADVANCES RETMARKE1 Flour, Lard, Smoked Meats, Po tatoes Sugar, Tea, Dried Fruits, Nuts, etc., are j all Going up The wheat market i advancing harply ami advance may oou be expecled jn local retail price1 of flour and feed. At the end of Ihe week Ihere wan an advance ofi tic per barrel in flour thin llavlhjf liei'h Ihe flrl advance ln nIx w-eks. New Zealand butter will noon be in and it i expected that it will etabilize Hinuzh in not reduce preent butter price which are high. The lard and nmoked meat market are frVm and there i no chance nf an immediate decline. Iue to an overupply of pul let i-frit, there ha been a ftliphl decline recently in the price of frenh efrjs in pite of the fact that freh and firl are till carce. iorae ejfjr have been firming up. The polalu market i soins "out nf k it; lit and the lowest retail price today i 3.H5 per hundred poiiiid. The wholesale price cortlinife lo oar with the luwexl fuota(ion on the Van couver hiarke! ?f0 per ton for pern and $55 for local. Wi.e houeholder afe laying in stock at the be price jhey can pblain. The hortae of potatoes is also raii.insr the general veseta-lile market In firm up. Naval orahfre are due aoon at lower price than lhoe that are now bein? aked for Valencia. The opeiilusr price for Jap iirahse i i)6e per box and. with slrinpenl resrulaHons on exjKtrt by the Japane.e trm eminent. Ibere will probably be little if any reiliiclioif Itirtiiiliout the eaon. The uar marliel advanced inc per btindreil durih? the pat week. . ;V The tea markel 1 lron? nnd an advance of He per pound on better jrrade i reported. i inr UFIDIV rnMftftrrri Halln have aUvanml thre ! ttfAL HLHIXLl LUIUrLElLirenu per pouiwl antJiut will be . ,35c per pound (nf Ohrislma Water Will he Turned on Wed-j (In year instead of SSc lat year. nesday: Reservoir Full this Morning for First Time Alderman Perry, chairman of Die Itoard of Work vmiled the Stiawailaii pipe line yelerday fur the piirjoe of inieellnp thi work which ha been done I here in connection with Ihe replacing of the pipe line. He ay that all Ihe work will be completed bv Wedneday ami Ihe waler will by then le lurneil on from Wood-worth I.ake once more. The Ablertnan alo reported that the reservoir at Aeropoli Hill wn full Ihi morning for the first time oinre the accident liapciied. II. I.. Frank tf Terrace, who tin been in Victoria allendintr Farmer" Inlilule convention, arrived in the cily from Ihe ouili on the jT-trdena yesterday aflernoon and will pniceed lo ihe interior on Ihi Miinp' I rai". .' DIrlon tni Uti. TUK !(OTIi:K lht llmiry C. Olrrerlrh, Iti'in f..r th- Krifinwr OMd Vine. l.td in. . whnw iildrrM It Entlneer., B.C.. IH imih f.T a Ui-riiMi ! Uk mul UM 50 ii ft tr MHiiml The find shipment nf choice; Valencia fig lo be received fori rear arrived recently. The price i 15c per pound. The following list how market price prevailing today: Butter llrookfield, Shamrock and Wood land, lb. ...... 55c K. C. II. ... 55c Vanderhoof 53c Lard 1'ti re Compound Cheese Ontario solid ... . Stillon. lb. kfaft Norwegian float Napoleon Limberger ll.C. fresh exlra . . . . II.C. fresh pullet .4. Loenl new laid Vegetable i Florida nrapefruil llanatta. lb. . . a . Candied honey norr hi.h riim-i rterty anil ar1""! 2 lb. IBBIMI l.ftr aiM.!.! iwi. a.iu ""V ."'. l i Mlrd nia in in tno ine i.rrii-r..i. nrrirc i.r iw w i Urusel tiruels Sprout Snrout. nth i.r tii Murmur Mine. Thoj Sweet Potatoes, lb .lrr HI nivIW.iriHU i( -iirinii,,,. h.inel. a in.iiil llMiill lii mil" tnm hip irr.4 . -... Mini, bunch Olery , Potatoes, oack . Heel, 0 lb Carrot. 8 lb. . Carrot. 10(1 lb . li .a r. . s . . . . 1 i It mi.i I, Terrace llutelmga, 8 lb. pai I'lilimnrnl liamrnl Hullitinr. Jiuiliiinrv . Vlrlolli. virioria, B.C. ii.u. Willi- wiiu-p.uniiik;v, Cabllllge. iin-iii local H.C., in.., lb. in. of or in-., u iln full liar iif ortolier. IvtV K.NOI.MiH OOLII MINKS LTD. nr.. llrnry C. illm'rlrri, Aienl. Land Act. Nollct of IpUntlon U Applf t PUfch Land In rrlnre Ituiiert Land .fiffnruinr m-triil or l'rlhi-e. liyKM and mtUiU uu the east hhr il Parnird Cov, rrlnreaa inal IkIuiuI, llamr fnur, Oit lHntrlrt. tAa'E MiTlcj-: nut soinervUlo Caimrri'i r.uiiil'tnj Lltnllod or Vaiiroui-rr, B.C., oc-ruillin arkvri Intriiil tu appty for pvrmliiKl'iii to purrhaM tti followlnt de-tiTllu'd taints: . , . I i iiiiiiiiriK-Inc At put plinlru on tli Imrllii'ii't uluire or tiiimril cote, I'rliit-rM l.xtrafted Honey, lb. 23c A 28c 25c 35c 35c add 15c The Man Who Talked at H' Apples. Jonathan ... . Apples, cjrimcs liolden Cookitug apple Dried Fruits Dates, bulk, 3 lbs. . . . Date. Dromedary ... . 45cjllaiin, bulk, lb GOc'ltaisins, package, lb. ... ?0e Clu-ter llaisins, Hi. .. . Iloqueforl 75c. Lemon and Orange Peel Kdam. lb ... 10c Citron Peel Swift' llutlercup, lb I5c!lllack Cooking Figs 25c and 30o Obrgoniola. lb 75c!While Figs, 2 lb. for 35c McLaren's Cream, lars 15c 85c Smyrna cooking figs, lb. .. 15o ("rtiyere 50o Currants 22 Ho Uohleh Loaflh. .....( . ... 15c! Prune I5c-25c EdosiA . Annie. .. .. i AHijy,la,frcii WondV'h'. . -JWJ'eacliCjS, peeled n.C. fresh firt 7utWt&Ts, Id":": iV . 75c! Nuts . 03c1 Almond, shelle Valencia . Siicillruiil and filberts Walnuts, broken shelled ... . 35c, Walnuts, shelled halves .... 2.25 Pastry . 25o' lll airr .rj),,Mi1 ,:,lM inn II.. eo ttnlll.nl nrilor 11 All n. II .1 . iiDIcriinni may ' " ... . ........... flour, '49' Fish lh filed with Hie ald Water Iteninlcr or r.ftiillfliirter. IK'... head 9!e In 13ft Smnkpil Khmer, lb. with ilw iiomptniller r water HirjiWo ' . .. . t id iijiicini ouiiiiuu. i. . ISis'tV'V.," ."K-.iSKSfr' t5! Cnllfnmla head lellhce .. .. 25c Pmokedlllack Cod. lb. date i.r the rirt iuit.iirau.i tun nu ir.nrlic, Imported, per lb. .. 50p Finnan lladdies. lb. .. loin leg , SSo.l'ork, sltoulder 35ci Pork, loin , . . Pears, dnen . . . . ftOo and 75o Pork, leg Grapes, Emperors, lb 25CDeef, pot roast i Random E sat in the window-corner of the Pullman's smok ing compartment, and breathed fatly and uttered large opinions in a suety voice. It grew late, as so often it does; and he put the quietus on a discussion with the ponderous statement: "I don't read advertisements. They have no effect on me at all. I'd never miss them if they stopped print- n ing em. Then he glanced at his advertised watch and sought his lower birth. In the morning the ad-skeptic contorted himself out of his advertised pyjamas into his advertised underwear, drew on his advertised socks, adjusted them with his advertised garters, got into his advertised clothes, laced his advertised shoes and added himself to the congestion in the wash-room. There he shaved with an advertised razor, using advertised shaving creamj brushed his teeth with an advertised toothbrush and advertised dental cream, washed with advertised soap, and brushed his hair with an advertised brush. Buttoning his advertised collar' on an advertised button, he neatly knotted his advertised tie,gave his advertised suspenders a tug or two, and finished dressing. Let us leave him there, this man who never reads advertisements! Everything worth Using is advertised. Everything that isn't, rarely is. - - - , Read the advertisements for value's sake L'.75 Beef. ;i.iUrtg . . . .'.75 Heef. steak .... 2.25! Heel', roast prinii 35o 50c C5o . 15o Sugar . . 5cUVhlle, per 100 7.00 .. 5c: Yellow, per 100 0.50 . 15o Flour l.oo' Flour, 19', No. 1 hard wheal .25o 2.C0 25c Pastry Flour, 10' 65c ?2.90 ... 25o 15c .. 25c ., 20c .. 25o Tomalo. Ill ... inc. Pall Mackerel, lb 25c Pumpkin, lb . ..... f.c F.atern Salt llerring, 2 for . . 25c So,unh, lb ,,. ... CclSalt Codfish Fillets, lb 30o Vegetable marrow, lb. ... Co'llotieless Salt Cod bricks, lb. 25o Pianlh onion, lh. .k. ... 10c! Msata II.C. cookliw onion, fl lb. .. 2S Turkey, lh 45c 100 lb 4 .. .. 2.75lFowl, No. 1. lh. 35o Fruit Itrtasling Chicken, lb. lOo and 45c Cranberrle, lh. 4.. 35", Hum, sliced, first grade ... 55c Oraniges, SiJhklst. tin. 35c (ft $lllatn, whole, first grade .. 40c Jap Oranpi, box ... ...4. 00c Hacon, Imck, sliced C0c Lemon, Sunklsl, dor, ..... 50c Ilacon, side 45c lo 00c n.,.vai ll....,a iian.t. aiatutaM1V iianm- IvlBllltf f, c.ut I'liMlIK- Dutiirt. tllaJIIP California grape " fruit - ... . I'tjo . a, Ayrshire r bacon, f lh 33c , ioutiieriT ditty riiaina; tiienrr weatetlr Arif.oita graiefrult . t. 15o,Veal, Shoulder 18o r.,piv riiHiim: iheiii'A iitii'iiier v rive ri ainn.i t'li i.. r A nnrt nr leu, to lith water itiarlt tlieiira rnllnwlnr tilarli water mark In an easterly and imrilierly direction tu ptilnt or ouni-inenrrinrnt, and rmitalnlni one liundrt ai-rea, nmre or lea. . soMrHVli.t.fc i:A!trffv cn .tn Apiillrant. Per W, 1. Thomai, Atnt Dated October I Sin. tl . t . . . 4 . 4 . II. ..Ill 20c. Veal. 15o Veal. 30o 27c 28o 40c 38c 100 to 15c Lamb, chjjus . . . . Cc to 10c . . . 20c to 35c rib -5c ... 50c 35c Lanili. shoulder ... . ,... 32c 25c j Mutton, leg 40c 15c Lamb, leg 45c 20t! Miitl0n chop ... .. 40c' 25c Muttdifi : shoulder ... Hi .. 28c 30c 50c 25c 25c 30c" Feed 100 lbs. Wheit, No. 5 i . . 2.85 Qals . .. 2.35 Draji, t. 2.05, iiorl 92.15' Mid.lirngs $2.00! Dariey $2.75 poultry niash ?3.0O bpectal eggmash 83.10 Oyster shejl 2.50 25ol Scratch food 3.G5 Heef scrap $5.25 Oround oil eake 34.75 Haby chlek fee.1 $1.40 Fine oat chop $2.15 Crushed oal $2.45 Fine barjey chop $2.85 WjioI oorn $3.40 Cracked corn $3.50 Flue corumeal $3.50 . LAND ACT. I Nollct tt Inttntlon to Apply to Laaa Lan III I'rtiM-e Rupert Land Itenirrtlnr Olatrlrl r i:ihi Hanin- s. and altuate on trth Raphael Island. TAVE MiTICE that Airred Swannon, or I'rliM-e RuiM'rl. nrrupatlon Mariner., tn tmrt to apply ror a leas uf Ute r.JIw ; Inr described land: - Ouiiiirenelhir at a poft lanted on the MWltb pulut nf North Haehael llnil; then aiiHind tilattt water itiark to the tKtlnt or ft.tmneni'ement. and containing SO arre, mure or lev I ALFnfti SWASOM. Apiilli-aiiL i A. E. Vrlht. Ajent, , uaien ortooer mm. iti. ine Hnrw't H r LAND ACT, Notk of Inttntlon to Apply to Ltait Land. In Prince Rupert Land Rrrnrdlnir Ota trlct. and ultuale at Kewcninli Harbor I'ltt iMand. ati6ul one mile iKrtheat from Hie entraiii-e to I'rtri'l. Channel, and about one mile viniherlv rroin the nnrlheasi erner or l.ol StUSP. Take notice that Wallace FUherlea l.lmlied, or Vancouver, B.C. occupation taimerytnrn. Int.nili tu apply ror a leant or the fotlowlnir prevrlbed tand: (.iiiiinicncint at nat planted about mm mlle tn a aoutherly direction rrom th northeant rorner or Lot SOSJP; thence ami III I. It chain; tlwnre weal t.00 rhaina; thence tmrth D.70 chaiiuu thence eaaterly meanderlnir alotir the hlrh water marx to poat or nutiineiirenieiit. rontallilnir t oo acre. Inure nr leu. and WALLACE FISHERIES LIMITFD. Applicant Dated Stpiember Kta. Ktt. COAL GOAL Let us put in your coal Supply for the winter. Have you tried our Reco Coal? A nice clean hot coat at $11 per ton, nut size. Stove coal $12.50. Lump coal $13.50. This coal will not fill your pipes with soot. We can quote you low-price on lumber, also attend to small deliveries promptly. TAXI New clean Sedan at your service'' day or night. Charges. 50c for one or two passengers. Call 112 The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. 3rd Avenue. Phones 189-112 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We" specially recommend our Table Cream at 15o fof Half Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone C67