1 r It's all here New No. 1A Series II m KODAK hd need 3 new K'duk Aiia.tiKnial f.7.7. liHMIS. Halibut r-.-wTf.cgB-surgr.iBtvi i Bathing Cap lSesason !,,ur a wide auitiueiit t( roiie--- and -.lyles ... iltiiuil. A.i.,K.:i lnitig- M-rne pettily decor- In r tpiite iri-1"1- si'ti:-' h'ie 'hm -trap- like the , a- t It wlni Ii In- Hit -i rap liiiill miu ear pockets, t' ,xaii r iiit .nut hike- lh' picture off Ihr cars. m iron, each - 25? to $2.00 8ftgt to ' t" Hal. i U Suit anil Towels fiom 51.75 to $3.75 E 'ppios, 1m ,'i'i. i'i the ears -wliile in In water, per 25c Wings, to :--.c -:'. i w ' while leiiniin to wim, p.t . EOc wait until ymi wu.tt to iim Ihr-' I f : in :-. the l,f !-. I when nc d Ih'ii. Hu now. Wholesaio and Retail Druggists ,c. and 6lh St. Phones 82 end 200 G ear $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks the Diomatif Unit (hups (he seconds inlu v. llh UlTHUt.v, I coin 1-10 Id l-l(M). l ;,.id Si.c.'d control thai at Ui utu. time tells ' iiilnnllv. '. . - at you'- liu-rer li". instantly. m.-s 2-K-xi U. Price v I'lt.mati"- Shutter that mtwftttm. -'igmut f.7.7 LensThat i(te$f(BBtis, afTd i- Hit most i"iiipUtc, convenient ajul nipahle , ii , it 2(U)0 ever hougllt. RM c LIM FOR SALE ITED Canadian Fish & Odd Storage Co, Ltd. PRINCE RL PERT, B.C Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRfiX)CK .: i " AND SHIPYARD Operating C. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Enflinoers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Wood workers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONEE 43 and 3SF TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Gr 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO.'g. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 601 Black 735 ! Local and Personal U 9 See Auditorium advt. Lt.C. Undertakers. Ptione 4t. A real 50c Tail Service. Drown Tail. Phone 80. tf You'll like our joall Cop.suni- ers Coal Co. Phone 7. tf Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's Taxi, 50c. l'hone G78. tf La l'arisienne Hcauly Fourth St.. Phone 301. Shop. j They atay aharp longer. tf Two cars at your service Sbcddon Taxi. Phone 134. If A special 3 days only. Stone marten at ti'J.50. Mail olcr promptly executed. H.C. Fur Co. next U.W.V.A.). It. V. Wood, presideat of the Premier Mine, is visiting tlie Porlland Canal district inspect ing his extensive holdings there me scow J-.I..H. yo. i, was taken on the dry dock this morn iiig for extensive hull repairs in eluding the putting in of a new bottom. -' A. W. Howlett has arrived here from Prince fieorge to join the local Hoyal Hank staff succeed ing Lindsay Maim who is trans ferred to Vancouver. A Strawberry Social will be held on I tie Anglican Church grounds on Tuesday, July 21 from 3 to 0 o'clock. .Sale of home cooking and candy. figuring on selling your household effects? Why not let us make a free valuation Our experience saves you dol tars. Prince Hupert Kxchang phone 052. ti Miss Oral Hoss relumed to the city aboard the power boat Spey, skippered by Jl. E. Lainbly, yesterday afternoon after spending a two week's holiday on the hambly Hancli, Lewis Island. The Maritime Fisheries can nery tender Aurora nay went into dry dock last night for hull repairs made necessary through having gone aground in Mella-' katta Passage last Saturday. The public library will reopen on Tuesday afternoon aflc having been closed for the past two weeks while the librarian was having holidays and repair were being made to the building. Molorship Fairbanks reached port yesterday from Alaska with a shipment of Palailnnn ore which will go east from here to .New Jersey. This ship is making regular calls here now with ore, and also carries, on some trips, shipments of fresh fish. The Comlnq Eventl G.W.V.A Picnic to Dlnby Island on Sun day, July 19. Band of the 102nd Sattallon In attendance; sports and danclna. Big list of prizes Free Ice-cream, pop and candy for the kiddles. Tea, coffee, milk and suaar supplied. Boats leave Government Fishery Float mmmenclna 10 a.m. Adults 50c children free. SALT LAKES SERVICE ' The Launch "23" will leave s Float on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday Afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. until c. :tn n.m. and on other week days at 2, 3 and 0.45 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave Salt Lakes float sharp at 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parties 'specially arranged for. Launches. rowhoats and canoes for sale and hire. PJUNCE nUI-EIVT HOATHOUSK ANNOUNCEMENTS G.ViYA. picnic July 19. S MONO SAWS MACHiNEKmves . VT SIMONS CND W CO. UMlTtO fYl 'I MONTREAL I H I lift V.WOOUVKI" TOWONTO T. JOHN, N Wjllll TUB DAILY rTEWl Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Hrcakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Tea's, Dinners and after Theatre Hcfrcshinents Our Specialty is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Retail. You will he pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLAS & CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sheddon's Taxi the 50c. taxi. Phone 134. original tf Illeh aud poor can ride now. 50c. for u taxi to go anywhere Drown Taxi. Phone 80. ti a short holiday in the south. H ere an dTh ere Thii year's receipts from motor vehicles licenses in New Brunswick slready amount to $-122.000. This amount is larger than the' total for any year, except last year when the g-rbss receipts for the whole twelve 'months were 1452,489. The estimate for the present year is half a million. The mines and quarries of the Province of Quebec produced to the value of 18,952,896 during 1924, according to the final report issued by the Provincial Department of Mines. Building materials account for $11,380,977; other non-metallic minerals 7,191, and metallic miner als $380,804. "In the Carcade and falls of the Canadian Rockier there-islenouelL hydro-electrie pewer to supply the American wt with all the elictric energy it vill need for ages to come," declared W. Paxton Little, treasurer of the Niagara Falls Power Company, who recently visited Banff with a party of distinguished American electrical magnates. 'That the Province of Quebec abounds in historic and romantic material for the construction of Dr. 1". P. Kenny leaves on thetnonu,tt. novel. the iudement 0f lymce uupen uiis evening lor tw0 popular writers James Oliver Curwood, author of scores of best sellers, and Edwin Balmer. well- Mr. and Mrs.-. K. Campbell known short stcry writer who have left on I lie morning train to raewitlv toured the province and spend the week-end at Terrace. Western Canada in quest of "local l'red We sch' left on the. I rain this morning to spend the week end at Terrace where Mr color." Here has been an unusual dis tinction conferred upon Prof. Cam- Weseh is spending the summer! ill Couture, a Montreal musician, holiday. who, besides being a rillinist is also a maker of violins. He has been C.X. 11. steamer Prince John, 1 honored with a medal and diploma Capt. Harry Xedden, from Van- from the Britiij Empire Exhibition couver via the (Jueen Charlotte I at Weublsy for a magnificent violin Islands, is due in nort tomorrow of his make, which he exhibited morning. vv there. Mr. and Mrs T. Clymont lefl In order to dispel the existlnr (ii this morning's train for Ter- J Impression in England regarding race wnere iney win sncnu in1 uictuv. Uicv.iuv.im., week-end, the gueVts of Mr. and five thousand peony blooms are be Mrs H L Mcintosh I lnc distributed at the Canadian ra age on Sunday for ictoria. J. Mc.Veil of Telkwa returned to, the inlerio'r on tlifs morning's train after spending a couple of days in the city oir business. He says that there is to he another big Harhecue celebration at Tel kwa this fall and' the people in attendance. Hev. It. C. Scott with Mrs. Scott and son arrived in I lie city yesterday on the Venture. Hev Mr. Scott will hp the missionary on hoard the mission boat Thomas Crosby and will have charge of the marine work of the United Church of Canada on the northern coast. Capt. Oliver is captain of the boat and was formerly - captain on the Mar-fish, when that boat was nam Id the Thomas Crosby, and was in the mission service of the Meth odist Church in northern; waters Church Notices Baptist Church Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject: "The Secret of Power." Evening service at 7.30. Sub ject: "The Conqueror's tecret." A most cordial invitation to all. United Church The Church of Service. Pus-tor, Hev. ieorge O. Hacker. Deaconess, Miss Isabel Haddock. Sunday morning at It o'clock. Miss Sl.mli nf sl'inll Kli Miirip , will ho the. speaker. Evening service nt 7.30. Topic, "The Challenge of Life." Preacher, Hev. Geo. O. Hackei. Sundaj School will not meet. I Presbyterian Church l Morning worship al It' o'clock. Subject: "The Church." Evening worship at 7.30 o'clock. Sub' ject: "The Christ." Hev: Dr. H. 11. (Irani, D.D., will preach at both serivces. Sunday school will not meet, cific Railway Pavilion at the British I 1! LePaire On! I will he fcmpire kxniDiucn. inese pianis in the cilv at McCuleheon's Druv were Produced ty a. urmision r.oy. 4inrP fmm .Inlv 17 to 20 inclus- Montreal, who states thit peonies ivn. Mr I .Ihb will rarrv f:iH re the be.t landscape flower and I . . . r J - .fitiim.iPiit for examininz eves can Krown ln P"" w v,uu, I i .!..- -i! iwt filimr frlnssHs Mild iimrati. imPcu wumuuu ton 'ill unrt tf.Tl J. V. Uabcock, commissioner tif f ilifriftf Tfit Itritili nollllllllin Hon. w. ii. iMicr.oi, ueuu-ijOT-ernor of British Columbia, and D. C. Coleman, Vice-President of the aMd Pacific Railway otened is on a trip to" the Alaskan pen- Crystal Gardens, the newand unique insula investigating the Pribiloff seal heards. Accompanying him is Prof. C. Il. Cilbert of Stanford l"niersily, ail authority, on salmon. Tliey are to leave Anchor indoor salt-water swimming pool at Victoria, B.C., recently. This amusement centre, which has two dancing floors, a gynasium, art saUiry and tea-rooms, is regarded as the lr?cst ad finest of its kind on the Being exceeded only ty Mexico and the Utitd SUtes, Cu.wia bow ranks third amor.g the s'Jver producing countries cf the wjrld. Records of Canaan production have been kept since and show a mere are e-vpecun a large utal r:caTJy ef 45100,000 fine erowd from Prince Rupert to be1 ouncM to end ,92, In 1924 production was slightly in excess of 20,000,000 ounces. During 1858-1923 the value of production totalled 1290,705,532, while for last year it amounted to 13,519,043. Tie first lot of buffalo, numbering some 200, to be transferred from the Wainwright Park to the new Buffalo Park, north of Edmonton, laft Wainwright, Alberta, recently. For some time past the herd at Wainwright had been growing too rapidly and the Federal authorities decided to ship a, number to the Buffalo Park to determine whether or not they can acclimate themselves In the new district n they did in the southern trea. Altogether two thousand buffalo, In lots of two hundred each, will be thlcpti U &4 Buffalo Park. J. H. Thompson left on the train Ibis morning to spend the w eek end wit It his family at - . jt prince George pjotel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 100 with Prlvit Dilhi EUROPl-AM PLAN WINNITT IHOMrSON, MAN'O. DIR. am v ' Prince Rupert Branch ci2rL ver, Fortnightly. iiCANADIAN mi i our PAQB THAEB Boy's Success O one starting out in life ever expects to fail. Youth is always hopeful, but hope alone cannot bring success. If your hope is to see your boy a success in the world, securing independence and comfort the vision of so many, yet the attainment of so few adopt a regular savings plan for him now, and teach him b . his tender years the value of saving sc-mething out of every dollar. THAT WAY LIES HIS SUCCESS.. Tha P Bank da F. E. Robertfcn, Manager riurB TDlml IFlVf PRINCE RUPERT DAILY icpt SuBdij 11.30 a jo. for Prince Oeorc. WINNlPt.0.. in iHiiiiti t,t?ro Canada, Unlit 1 bitten. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlektl Offlct. 62S Third A, rrlnea Rupert. 144 Use dominion Linoleum for all your floors BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 WHEN TEACHER "Kept you in" Remember when you were a little girl and how you felt when teacher kept you in "after school" on a bright, spring, afternoon? And isn't il the same. when washing keeps you iij the house now that spring is here? . Our Family WashinBervice will do your washing thoroughly and fron all your flat work, with complete sal-is faction. Let our representative explain to $on this Do Luxe Laundry Service for people who are only satisfied with the best. .jtMii CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8 COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prince George Prince Charles Sailings from Prince Rupert For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intermediate ports, Monday, at 4.00 p.m., and Wednesday and Saturday, at 0.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, 4 p.m. For Skagway and Alaska Ports, Wednesday, 4.00 p.m. S.S. Prince John for Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancou EDMONTON, Phona 260. Canadian Pacific Railway B. G. Coast Services " Sailings from Prince Rupert For KETCHIKAN, WRANGflL, JUNEAU. JRACWAT Jul; 6. 10. 13. 17, 20. 24. 27, 31 Far VANCOUVER. VICTORIA and SEATTLE .1.iul' 4-8 ,5, 18, " S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE, ror Butadala, Swanaon Bay, Eaat Balls Balla, Oocan Falls. Namu. Alart Bay. Campball Rlar, and Vaneouar ary Saturday 11 a.m. Agtncy " for all Staamahlp Llnaa. Information from W. C. ORCHARD Oanaral Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Aianue, Prince Hupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. SiiMnr from Prince Hupert. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tueeday, S P.. 'or VANC0UVER.VVICT0RIA, Alert Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday, 10 A.. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Naae Rler Cannerlee, Friday A.M. US End Aenue. i. Barneley, AaenU Prlnoo Rupert. B O.