m m "AQE SIX We save you MONEY QUALITY IS WHAT COUNTS Our Prices uro no hbjhcr tlian any other store in Canada, Goods marked in plain figures according to grade. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, Etc. Save Your Eyes Our Optician has had over 25 years' experience testing eyes und fitting glasses. Satisfaction Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North 5s PRESERVING SPECIAL Now is the lime to book your order for Apricots, Cherries and Strawberries. The season is igettiug short. Apricots, per crale . . $1.95 Strawberries, box 15c; crate ........ $3.50 Red Currants, 2 boxes 25c cralo ..... $2.75 Black Currants, box . . 15c crate ...... $3.00 Gooseberries, lb. . . . . 10c 11 lbs. for $1.00 Mussallem's Phones 18 and 84 You can't afford to walk Time is loo imporlant. We take you any place, Day or Niglit, for 50c Nice clean Sedans, driven by polilc drivers. Special rales for parly gatherings. Kindling We are once again in a position to supply this well known fire starter. If you need a hurry up fire order this Kiln Dried Wotrd. "The only wood worth bothering with." Wo also deliver ice and coal and will quote on moving your furniture. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones 189-112 DANCE At the Auditorium THURS. EVE., JULY 23. tinier direction or Mrs. II. O. Crewe. During the evening a toe dance by Miss Hilda Murray and also liroup Dancing. Westholme Orchostra. Hefreshnienls served. Gents $1.00. Ladles 50c. Dancing Class as usual, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7.30 to 8.30, followed by dunciiiig from 8.30 to 11, and Saturday livening until 12. P.O. Box 235. Phone 209 Richard Garreti representing W. H. M. ROLSTON A CO. Specialising in l'orttland Canal Mining Slocks. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals AIRPLANE MAPS OF MANITOBA Dominion Government Maklna Aerial Survey of That Part of Country WINN1PEO. July 18., When I the last seaplane is shinned .from Moutrcul by the, end of, June, there will be 10 planfts'enprnged in lores i pairoi aim piiongrapln5 survey work in the northern portions of Manitoba.. There arc at present nine in (he service, which is carried on by the dom inion department of ihe interior The new machines are -being specially built by the Yickeiv 'company, Montreal,, "and will be .of the most un-to-dale Tine. While the aircraft commissioned for service in Manitoba lastvear made flights 'from eastern' Can ada, the planes now being constructed will, be shipped west by train, after being put through a thorough, test. The nliolocrnnliic survev which was started last year when Major Ilobbs covered the Reindeer hake country, will be continued, and the photographers are concen trating on territory east of Lake Winnipeg and on both sides of the Nelson river as far north as Sealed Tenders Hridressecl ti the niuler- sltnifd and enrtoriiu fur the "Constnic-lluii and equipment of one ( 1 , forty fool mutur lauwli will he received im tu1 iiimiii, July 30, 1845. I'luiii, fjieririniticnps und roriii 6r tender may be obtained at the orrirc of tne .nier loreMer Victoria; tho District For-: 'sti'r. Court lluuse. anciuiver. anil tin.' IiiHtrlct I'uitsIit. I'llnce llunert. un de- pinill of llu.UU. wbicli will be refunded nil me reiurn ur plans and ypeririratlim. - i The lowest ur any tender nut neeessar-II v Hfrt'iiti.ft H. II. KADKN, TM'iit.V Minister of Land. LAND ACT. Nolle of InlentloTi to Apply to Lat Land In Skema Umikc 5 Land Dlstrlrt. lie-! ordlnir DHtrlit Prince llniierl. H.t: mull situate Yt mile north or Wales Island I Cannery, un Wales Island. B.C. TAhfc MiTlUt that the Canadian Fish-1 nig- Co. Ltd., or Vancouver, it.c, orrupa-; tlun. Salmon Canners, Intends to apply ror permission to lease the fallowing le-iH'l'lhed lands: f Coinim-ticliifr at a post planted at hlicli water mark, near point ', mile north, from Cannery on Wales Island! thence ti'iith one rha'n; theuee .went ten chain.;1 thenre south to shore line one chain; thenre east follow-lna- tlie shore line to point: or romiuencenient, and coiiialrilnic one acre, more or less. I THE CANADIAN FISHING CO. LTD.,, Hated anih Mar. 10?r, LAN ACT, Nolle of Inttnllon to Apply to Ltas Land til Klfmm naiifrtt ft I m.H TiIuImi... f ! cordlnir District Prince Itiipert, and sit-1 uale southwest point or Wales- Island. I TAKE NOTICE that the Canadian Flsh-In? Co. Ltd., or Vancouver, H.C.. occiipa- iwii, aiuniii niiiiers, niienns in apply, fnr rtermtaaliin n Unm. ti. rnii..n.iM U scribed .lands: Commeneinir al a post planted at hlrli water mark on snuthwesl point on Wales Island, B.C.; thenre north one chain; thenre east ten chains: thence south one Cll.lln tn Khnfo lln. fhA....A ...... shore line to point or commencement, and vuiuai m one Here, more or less. I mi i..WMHAa nSHISU CO, LTD. Dated iiud May, 1B2J. Do You Want a Summer Holiday? Make this summer a continuous one by enjoying perfect health. Take "Fruit-a-tlves" rptfn- r I 1..-1.. .1 lanj' uiiu yuur summer ( won't be spoiled by bilious attacks, headaches or stomach and bowel troubles. "FRUIT-A-TIVE8" The Fruit tonic laxative I ! I n 1ll1llnn ?tn Mulnp Tnlincrin I i .. ..i... ii.. i- ii I . i. ui ruurgu oi uie wors una (summer. He is a well known pilot anil was asquadroii commander in J lu . (iron! Vri Maps "which were made from photographs taken last year are described as remarkable and ol I inestimable value for coinmer- jciai and industrial purposes, as j well as from a' topographical 'standpoint. They reveal much 'in the way of smaller lakes, j rivers, woods, hills', -which arc ;nol indicated at all on the ordin ary maps of the lejrilory covered. ' . ' ' As He Understood It A little five year old was pleadinig to be alhJwed to go ou to. play. JJis motlier became rather cross and said, "Wlicn I sen fil, you shall go, nol before." The boy lapsed into silence while 1 1 i A motlier went hither and thither about her work. In half an hour he inquired. "Mamma, hae you seen him yet?" "Seen whom, child?" "Why, seen Fit." VrlvprtUe in ,1h Dnilv New DEPARTMENT OF WORKS. Nolle to Contractor!. SEALED TF.MIEIIS, endorsed "Tender Pir New llazellou Schoid," will lie received by the Honourable the Minister or public Work." up to ii o'clock Noon or Friday, the 3 1st day or July, 1SS, lor the erection and romuletlim or a One Boom School and out Uulldlnjts. at New llaielton. In the Skeena Electoral District. B.C. Plans, Specifications, Contract, and Emms of Tender may im seen on and arier the 13th day or July, 19-JS, and rmiliei inrormatlon obtained at the Department or Public Works, Parliament liulldlmrs. and at the rollowlnir orrices: novcrnmenl Ain'iits at Vancouver, Prince 'lupp-rt, Smlthers, and Dr. W. Sarircnt, Secretary to School Hoard, New llazelton, B.C. i Copies of Plans, Specifications, etc., ran be obtained from the Department on payment or a deposit or Ten Dollars (It in," which will be rermided on return or Ihe plans, i lr . in (rood condition. The lowest or any tender - not neces-1 sarlly accepted. I. PHILIP, Depnly Minister and Public Works Euirlncer. pnblle Works Department, 1 Victoria. B.C.. Jnlv ?th. IJS. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only,' Saturday at 7 and 9 Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. BUSTER KEATON In "THE NAVIGATOR" The funniest comedy afloat. It proves conclusively tliul every family tree bus ut least une sap. The slory of u young feller who couldn't make good on enrtli hut wus u big hiiccess ut the bottom of the sea. CuiiuihuK pirates, tlccp seu divers, Central American revolutionists, South Sea Island head hunters, submarines, monsters of the seu and Hosier! Uoino and see him ut his lie-st and funniest. The ocean roars und so will yon when you see the little frozen faced corned in ii us the captain and crew of u liner all rolled into one. Kvcry time Duster goes to the bottom of the ocean bubbles of laughter cmie up in the theatre, lie couldn't gel bis brealh down there and neither will yon when you see him as a siibmurine cop directing fish traffic. All the newest und funniest gags. Slrohg supporting casl. Kathryn McGuIre, Frederick Vroom, Noble Johnson, Clarence Burton, H. M. Clugston and many others. COMEDY "IT'S A BEAR." PATHE REVIEW Views of the Canadian Government and Canadian National Railway Buildings at Wembley.' Admission 50c and 25o THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, July 18, 1925, ROTARY BOYS' BAND BEING ORGANIZED Arrangements Well Under Way, Prospects For Success Very Bright The conunitlee of the llotary Club wliich has in mind tho formation of a hoys' band held a preliminary meeting last evening. It is expected that there will lie. little, difficulty in get-liiiR the' baud under way as there are a lapse, number of boys who have already expressed their ilc sire to become members. The club already has made ar ranpeihejils--.j6r the instruction. of the poys, -bavins engafrcu Hiuidniaster Wilson for three evenings a week for the next six months. Several Instrument are already available and, in several cases, the' parents of boys have expressed the intention oT supplying their boys with instruments. In addition, one instrument lias ill ready been donated and it is expected others will also be received. This will encourage a good start and soon the organization should be in stride. . Hoys only from 10 to 14 will lie eligible to join ami, after they have reached the age of 10,1 will automatically give place loj younger ones who may care to join. . The ronimitlee which consists of J. V. N.icholls. II. 11. Little and V. 1). Vance is very enthusiastic concerning the matter which has aroused a igreat ileal of interest among the boys. ATTORNEY GENERAL NOW IN INTERIOR Is Visiting Masonic Lodges In His Capacity of Provincial Grand Master Him A! Miinnn ntlnrnnv ler. On Tuesday night he visited, U,B. Quesnel Lodge. and on Wednes day, Cariboo ludge at Hakerville. From 0uesnel.be went to Prince lieorge where Thursday he visited .Nechako Lodge. From l'rincc (ieorge he is coming west and will join the Vancouver Hoard of Trade lour. COMMUNITY CHURCH AT USK IS PLANNED !; Hcronn nay or June. A copy or tiu nollcp and an sMillcntlon niii'Kiiaiit there to and to the "Water Art'- will he filed In tlie office of tlie Water llecorder al Prince CANADIAN SERVICE FROM MONTREAL. TO F-LVMOUTH-OHERBOURQ-LONDON AiiHouia . Auk t, yv. sent, tn Atcania Ainr IK. Sept. IV, Oct. in Anlonla .. Ana. . Sept. IV, Oct. 17 TO LIVERPOOL Aiiranla Letllla . Saturn in Jul v It4 Alaiinla Aur. 7 TO QLASQOW, July al. Auk. it Aur. 7 AtlH-nla . . Auk. 14 FROM NEW YORK TO QUEEN8TOWN AND LIVERPOOL Ciiiiu.iiiiu July vs. auk. ill) Samaria .. Auk. I l.acoiila .. Auk. ii TO CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON Adiiltanla .... July yv. Auk. I. Sent. 0 neremnirla Aur. S, it. Sept, III Mauretanla Aur. I Sept. s, J3 TO LONDONDERRY AND OLASOOW C.Hlirornia . Jnlv 45 A.vrla . . Aur. I Coliimhla . uir. 8 Caineronla ..Aiik. IS . TO PLYMOUTH-OHERBOURQ-LONDON . Camilla .. Aur. S Laneaalrla . . Aur. JP TO PLYMOUTH-OHERBOUna-HAMBURO Andanla Alir. I. srpt. t, Oct. to Money order and drnfl at Inweat ralea, rull Information from Arcnt or Cnmpany'l Offices, j llxtltits St. W Vauuguver, B.C. Winter is Coming Why not have those Furs and that pur Coat Fixed up while the Summer Prices Last? Our Furrier Service will never be Cheaper Marsh acted as chairman. A! committee to look .after the rais ing of funds was elected, con sisting or J. Lt nelhuren, .1. Hell, 1'. It. Skinner, Hulbert and llillman. It Was decided Ilia! that committee also act as building committee,. J. U Jlclb-uren was appointed treasurer and Itev. T. J. Mur.sh was appointed to 'receive and solicit subscriptions. The meeliiu' was opened Willi prayer after wliich Mr. Marsh! explained 1 lie purpose for which! Ihe building is to be used. The merlin? closed with the TRAP SHOOTING general, who 7s at present on Jo .Si" W" Hl"h ""-ksman tour of his. constituency of Omineca, Is Taking occasion al the same time to visit Masonic lodges of the. interior in his ca- n.'ifMtv ii iiinvirir.i:i1 rrMinit tintu- at Park Avenue Range Last t,.wf. ...... p. ...... ....... .. r..ll. . u. ovuu Night The trap shooting ut the locul range .las evening resulted. ' in I'. Horvik K. S. Tail X. Dagleisli J. II. I'illsbury . K. C. (iihhous . II. (i. Uelgerson 2t 23 r- 10 IC 15 It WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m, DHiHY ISLAMil'arl clouily. 'Jaliii; bar. 3(l.H ; ientp. 50; sea inooth. K ii. in, sioke Cape. Scotl abcain ril'url Anchorage Organization Meeting Was Held bound for Ocean Kali There on Wednesday Evening Ti:itllACi:;;!luiy IK. On July 15, a meeting of the settlers at Usk was held to discuss the ways and means of building a community church. Rural bean WATER NOTICE. DItrlon and Ui khiuiih per oay or watvr inn of prln(r IttiUIlil. mi went lil( of l.dckpoit, Miiipatiy Ixlaiul, HULL HARltOll, .Overcast;, fresh N. wind; bar. 30.20; temp". SU; sea smooth. DKAIV TRKi: I'OINT. -Overcast; calm; bar. 30.30; lemii. 53, sea smooth. ' , Noon DKiHY ISLAM). Cloudy: calm; bar. 30.13; letup. 5K; kcu smooth. Princess Charlotte left Kelchikau It a.m. bound foi takic mitick that William MoiKan, l'rincc Rupert ; Venture due at whiiKf aililifo if ljikMirt, li.c, will u ... ... . r .... ply fur a iuthw u Hakf amt ime a.ouo l'rinco Rupert 5 p.m. south- HULL 1IARIIOR. Clou.ly wiutliiTly nml (lraln into went aitn!ci''in; bar. J0.J0; Icnijt. 53; sea ijmttrelli'W Mlncial rlalm, rniwn irraiil cil Su. x:i53 OX..I. Tlie walcr will lie (II vcrli'rt rroin the stlruni rlirht HI Hourre, about 1611(1 fipt or mi (1 ue went frixii Uirkpurt ItarlHir and frimi mxitliweiil curlier KM of 1.1 441 "linirrflkiw" Mlnornl Clulin, Crown irrantcd Nu. v:U. and will Iim ushiI ror diitiK'ntir and raniicry piirpoic upon tlie lamlit dotrrlhi-d a Lot SI 8, lllork A. of Lot 441. and Knrridiorr Iwim adjoln-Inif Lot 10(14 at Uirktioi-t U.i:.l. This no tice wat iKihlcd upon the Kroiind on the smooth. IIKAI) TRKK I'OINT. -Clouily. calm; bar. 30.02; temp. 00; sea smooth. itujreri, n.i.. i lojeriioun ii' (lie apiinra.-; ,, . , t, , , , ttoti may he filed Willi the naiil Water Huckley Hay. has been taken to iiernroer or wiin tne uiinpironer or Water IllrliU, parliament llillldliiirit, Vie lorla, B.C., within thirty daya arier tlie firit appearanre of tlilr imlire In a Iin'iiI neviiiiiier. Tim date or tlie rirt pub-llcallon of tills notice i July ttt 1V. WILLIAM MOIKIAN. Applicant. LOCAL NEWS NOTES The stock of the Mitswett Tim her -o. s deparlinrul store al Vancouver where ft is being .sold. t. The lhimiiiiou l.ighj house Kslevan is in' port 'and' is Inking supplies f,pr (lie wurk,nf reconstructing the Uglilhouso nl Cape Scolt which was recently burned. Miss I. McKelvie, Miss K. Moariilae. Miss 'iivA MrU'olvin and Miss 1. Ijeii'vjn..: 'Ontario lourisls who arrived iTil Ihe citv yeslcrday, sail on the Veiiturft ! Hi is afternoon' "fur tliwsoutli, One of the finest displays of roses in Hie. north is Id be seen on the well worked gar'ileit patch jn front, oi" Alex Yuje's mUmc on McHride Street. ThesF" . ruiV Uiusbes have been carefully nlanled and lemlml Vv Alt- Viil.i .and their bea.uly and ragranoa Ms his rich reward. Dust now i Hi.... l.l i...- . .... inv) arc ii i i 1 1 i v siiieuuiiiiy and uro well worh a visit when passiiifr that way. The collection includes several; varieties of bvauiiful coloring and aroma. ? Summer Special! FUR COATS CLEANED AND GLAZED $9.50 r FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY Furs of every description made up while you wait by Expert Furriers. All work guar- anteed. No Express, No Insurance when you deal with JB.C. EUR COMPANY Day Phone Green 120. Third Avenue (Next G.W.V.A.) Night Phone Black 709 Clearance SALE Shoe Department to be discontinued 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT Will be allowed on every pair of shoes we have in slock. In addition wc offer the following lines at less li; col. These lines are broken sizes and wc are sucniir,nfr sume in order lo sell eery pair. 100 Pairs Boys' and Girls' Dress Shoes Heg. value ivoi :. tU to t;euraiife'Sale Price . . . 51.95 CJonie early Monday us sizes ure broken. See tins in shoe window, 150 Pairs Ladies' Venus Oxfords and Pumps Values fi v. 8.Ull lo l2.r0. Cleuruuce Sale Price $5.95 We have all sizes und widths in the 20 different line which are included ju Ibis uceial. TJie early bird gels lh' biggest shoe bargain in years. Sec -vVuidow. DRY GOODS CLEARANCE SPECIALS 140 Yards only, White Lace Embroidered Insertion. II !2ViC yard. Special, S yards 25c 60 Yards only, White Laco Embroidered Insertion and Beading, suitable for lingerie strapping. Iteg. 22' Special, 2 yards 25c 300 Yards only, White Embroidered Lace with wide rang of 'patterns. Heg. 2llc. Special, ;t yards 35c 36 Yards only, White Embroidered Lace. Heg. 10c yum Special, cr yard "' 5c 6 only, Ladies' Ratine Suits. Heg. $8.0(1 lo 10.00. T clear at $2.95 19 only, Ratine Dresses. Values from .4 5,50 in 8.M (Jleurance Sale Price .. ., $3.95 4 only, Figured Voile Dresses. Heg. 0.00 lo 7.50. T clear at $3.95 85 Yards Dotted Scrim Curtain Material, with colored edg in Oold, Hlhe and Hose. Heg, 1.00 yard. To Him; nt per. yurd , . . . ....... ... 65c 80 Yards Lace Curtain Material in While and Kent'.' He 10c yard. Special, per yard 30c 50 Yards Creme Madras. Heg. :. Special, per yard 20c 20 Yards Creme Madras. Heg. 50c. Special, per yurd 35c 156 Yards Cotton Cashmere in While, Hlmv Hed nud Mark. Heg. :i5c. Special, per yard 25c MEN'S DEPT. CLEARANCE SPECIAL8 Men's Work Shirts, Summer Weight Flannel in Hruwn or (irey. Heg. 1.15, Special 95c Aberley Swimming Suits, pure Wool, popular colors. Hep 1.25. Special $2.95 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. OUR July Clearance SALE Offers you Discounts from 15 per oont to 50 per cent, an average of about 25 per cent. The table below shows you the price of goods, amount you have to pay. and the amount you save. , floods lo the Amount you unuiiiijl or have In pay 1.00 .75 a.oo .r,0 $ l.oo ji.no 10.00 7.50 20.00 15.00 10.00 :iu. on Amount you save! .25 .50 1.00 2.50 5.00 AN EXCEPTIOISIAI oerrn All .Ludluy and Children's Millinery at hair price, m exception. AH Ifals arc marked will, ....... piain -..,,M rigurus. iiQinua Phone 645. 10.00 JABOUR BROS., LTD. Cor. 3rd' and 7th