Jl July 18, 1925. CANTON MORACAINE i vvtt'tiii.ii ma- ;l l li'i lllMUl ! .-,,--Si'-i, ill Wlllti'. Mh 1 I,1"n' Orange. iifhes wide, i "i. On sale per $1.00 West of England Store Phone 753. REDUCTION SALE Runs all This Week at "Bemers" House of Quality Wood! Wood! chance DRY CEDAR 1 $G.oa $3.00 i - 50o DRY tlRCH $6.50 I I T nvflft vansrfir rnnne su nunni or nay WE BUY BOTTLES. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. " ay via Vancouver or ' ' I bulb diroclions. ' inn information ap- R. F. McNAUGHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. GENERAL FURRIERS B.C. FUR Co. a. Third Ave. 'g. Remodelling on 'iin promises. - and ('.leaning $9.50 Phones Day: Green 120 Night: Black 709 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone it. 'artnge, Warehousing, and distributing. Team or Motor Borvtee. K"al, Band and Gravel Speclalli, In Piano and Furniture Movlnn. DrJE. S. Tait DENTIST "elQcrson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. (,fl,n Hours 0 to 0. X-Ray Service Phone 686. pen Tuesday, Thursday nd Saturday Evenings 151 Doing of the Mosquito Fleet which the Light - Landings - and a lialf higher than American in some rases of American schooners put into home ports for July eeieora "f takf'not ifc'K ' ha." .h, Radian ru... inr ro l td nrvanniuvrr. U.C.. wrupa tVon SalViN.n Tai n. """" , l,L,lv ,!! VrnZlnn t l-'c the Mllowlnr d.-rrlld land ., ..f,i ,i hi.h $zr mni 0.v.. , :z inn one mam: "' v,, , r.f rcnmiicnrp lltl'lll. Oil' I. I "I " ' ' . la.m. TIIK l.nniMT , . - LAND ACT. Nolle of Int.ntlon "to" Appl o - Land THE CANADIAN ri.'tlinu w paled :01U May, t- wea.ih.cr prevailing i all boats i i I J 1 1 r l A ftwrii'!i ii ntul f ' .. i . .1 ; .. . ill unv f.,.... ' -iiiiiuijii i - Minn ipi i i-arcuing hiililiut landings have been Ugh! j fish while -the sun -shine. The this week with a consequent, rise shipyards ife, prelly well jin prires ottered on IhuFislt ,F.x- Uirough with boat building pro-rluuw. A i'ealure or lhealos llns grams although considerable .re-week has been I he good price ne- modelling repair work is bn reived for Canadian second cla ! hand ' various craft. Irish wliieh lias been over a rent Arrivals AiTituts this, week included: lllflllin .1 " PlLn.., .1 ; ( J ill I-IIIUKI, rllt"r- UHe captain of schooners' wan, mi (tin, Mnw, Valorous, fishing oil I be west coast of the Hnku (ilarier, Reliance, Ta-Uuoon Charlottes, and in nearer . h'ma, Democrat, ' Senator, Sen-waters, report having encounter-jtinel, Lenore, Teddy J., I)e- ...1 ....... I ..... 1 ...I. u : I TtHifH l'fnl.lnii. ....-Jl. L'..Ht 'U M'lJ lll'ilt illi-n, Willi II III-j " - anil" jrillirMT. ....il.. ..xaU l P.nnn11'in f i ,.i t t ' riirii-ii jii-rnny :wii.n lliMlinK.j -- .-n maiiairi i., iiifflt'il llioe skippers fishing on iho; Teinen, Marguerite, N. & s dislnnl nortbeni haliiiut banks! lttnny J'-. Fisher, Toodie, Dranl, i i. ....;,i . ..... ' K. I.iiwi-t I Voimi.i .....t c, . ........ fair weather oondiMons. I An Caru n s L One reason given on the water-- Captain Ivarson, skipper of m . . . : t- ii. I.. Itlln nrwwl CniiiiHin a 1. 1.' ironi lor uic wgui arrivals unsj" ii''imu "cuuuiirr r, week is Ihe fad that the ina.ioriJ'y was the happiest man jn Ilie waterfronl on Tlmrsiinv morning, and -cared not whether 1 1 .... ...i.;i. i..... ..,. ,n.i ;., ik.. it rained ink hp if Ihu hnnl' , i niiiw nuiru nan in"iiu hi t-w--j .... ....... ibig schooners becoming bunch-;ck,1' so,Ad 'hoes with the I .... I l.iff rt.'j... lu..in... t t.Al ei. Also ai mis season a num-;-" ioij.. ujhiu urmi, tier of the big boats go south olos1y queptioniMl, Cap. divulged .- I PAnCnn fni lito rAAl'lasa lt.. lor annual ovcrnaui mm untrt---' -.. iii- ulisence is naturally fell inim a producing standpoint. Business Slews Up ienenil business lias slowed up mi Hp a bif on the waterfront during the week, as is usual al this lime of year. Willi tinprov- LAND ACT Notice of. Intention to Apply to Lease Land Charlolte Land llo- In II Queen Ml-Vll Ulllll ln I': I.HIIW i.v piness. Yes sir, be bad earned an easy dollar and be didn I are whn knew il. While fish- Itig about 4 miles ofT low Hill, Yl.C. IntuitiU mhuipI liiiic nf ruelallic naluiv crapeil the bull and thc aboaiil bud visions of a floating treasure chest. A moment afterwards the boys haulcl in a splendid halibut specimen bearing nobly a government, lag ami testifying In the, handiwork of I'rof. Thomp-mih, c-,, government ll"K'M. fisheries v ex- cording Iiistrirl of l'rinee llu ert. A guard wus mounted over . . . . t - I : . i. r tl : i ..I I : pert, mil siltiqie a worn one unu iiiiue nun mini h rrunii-u pun in half, mijes east of Jlaettjcas' . it should get lost in the 1 iirliiiuiiiso at (lie mouth of Mas sett Inlet, ('rahani Island, Mrit-isb Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Langara Fishing & Packing Company t innliul nf Vieljiriu. II I'.. OCCll- Hcraiuble. I'non arrival Thursr day iiHH-ning Cap distinguished himself and bis -ew by hauling the lagged niscalinial wonder no lo .lolm Dvhbavn's nllice where he recetved a erisp dollar piitinh. ackers, intends to apply'.lilll for his trouble. tor a leuse of Uie followiHg ie- M-riited lands: t'oiiuiiwicing al a post planted Power tniat' Vesta, owned by rtte l'rinee Ruperr Spruce Mills, Wen nort on Thursday inornin.; i iiiu nf till tn v- seven. (Irahnm Island, Hritishlwith (J.. P, llb-r and .Mr. Tucker rolumliia. th'wl une nud a balfphoard, on. a three week's trip miles east of Mussel t I.fgbtllOIIse at the mouth of Masselt Inlet, firaham Island, llrHish Columbia: I hence northerly five chains, more or less to low water mark; thenre westerly, along low water in. -irk one hundred and sixty chains; thenre southerly five chains; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chains, more' or less, to point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. LANOARA l-'lSHINO & PACKIMi CO. LTD., Applicant. Per E. IK Fimpson, Aenl. llaled June I0l 1925. ' LAND ACT. Nolle or InUntlon tAfply to PurchM Lond . In Skfi'iia Itontr 8 l.iwl nwordlnr Dl-. .'" . .... . .......i iii tnH llnntf illilrMirk Maud, wiulh'pr'ile llnd. TAKE ' MITICK tint His Canadian Co lid., of Vtiii-ollVfr. B.C., il-i.'... miKiwU to mint for Vnn"l'i ' MirrlUKe the fiiHowlii ner',lmn.enHn; t r,.,J2'lJlrMlii,.,.u?!! hSre eaVt irvm Hiain; tlienro south seven run tn; um'ih - -......... natml yynd mv. ij'?" LAND ACT Nolle of InUnllon to Apply' lo La Land 'tlowii the coast oji a timber cruising expedilion. Willi the return of summer weather the activities jot the local Yacht Club members have mostly beiyi confined this week to swimminsr narlies and ad vantage is being taken daily of the good graces of (he weather man lo indulge in acqualic recreation at the. salubrious Silt Lakes. The "Elto" Engine X. M. McLean. Ihe boafbuilder. r busv building a 12 foot shal low water cedar boat which is to be euu.ppe.1. witiian LWiaw "Kilo" engine. H will be capable of carrying 12 people ui.d is guaranleed tar maintain a speed of 7 miles per hour. Many inquiries are being received, by Mac, who is Ihe local agent for the Elto outboard motor, and al ready there are several well satisfied users in the city. Ibis eiiirine is uiille easily fixexl at the back of any ordinary row boat or canoe and ranges in price from 17f lo $105, the first cost being the last cost. The ease with which Ibis little in camiar i.and'i'Ntrirt, mrmnw VI- pjnn power plant Is slarled and inn i!-, I rrii.ii. mh " 3J.".:uutlr i ,-.M m its low low rosl cost of of noeratlon operation is is makins it a very popular engine The HI to is on band at .Mao vards at Cow Hay for ininiedlaU delivery and a call lo Red 400 will arrange all details. The tucboal P.R.T.. Cant Harris Kerr, made a trin on Tuesday lo Skeena River canneries with her owner Oeorge, Ilushby, of lugboat fume, aboard. Mr. Hushby wus uceompiuiieil by Mrs. Hushby and family. Capt. .Mm Morrison was Mr. Hushby's guest .on the trip. '" s"n r"",""', h r'oilnwini V The narker Nnrbethonlr. skii TOP pmuis""i o" ( , s"fivsA;s:;lvfli In ,10rt on T1UPWB, httrtnii'Twnty 'iwiin?: ii:K: morning from Dundas Island wpm tn aiiore lino jw; ; J- ' '",,' wm, .1,000 spring Maluion fur nlnlnv ivi v BlTi" IIK'r1.. i.n iho A 1 1 1 1 1 fisheries. Herl says the cohocs arc coming in " YHTl DATLT rTEWB PAGE FTVTC In the famous Willi stronger every day and the average per boat runs around 30. There-are about 5ft boals fishing Iherc now. Rhymes of Hippo (contributed) , Away in an inlet, where waters are .slill, Lie three of tho dreadnaughls, awaiting Cod's will. , Ihey're. all going fishing but in morning's dawn,- The alarm rings unheeded; the barve onei sleep on. Ashore on Ibis island a bakery slandSj . Run by; .tvo prelly ;tysses, with j lilv u'lilre' hands. ; Mryaift Houghivus ! anil rookies uiey nuke nu.v ami uigiii, And everyone wonders why they can't make Vm light. The things , look so. templing, but someone has said, Why don't I hey quit baking to make sinkers instead, For men must eat and women must cook, In spile, of Ihe groucli and the nasty look, ing. "Two takers." An Alwaler-Kenl ignition system has recently beein installed on Ihe halibut boat Swing, owned by Robersnn and Coodlad, in place of he nake ami break ignition sysjem. Nels Nelson, owner and skipper of the power boat Wander er, has recenlly salvaged tho 30 h.p. Bcmi-deiscl englno from the wreck of the Kelly -Logging Co.'s boat. Dorolhkalon, which occurred off the. coast of the Q.C, Islands some time ago. Tho engine will be.oyerhauled at the dry dock.,,, Repairs are being ,matlo Id Ilie Akciiierg-Thoinson wharf. New piles are being driven by Iho John Currlo pile driver and Ihe derrick IS being overhauled; A number of Ernlo Shocklcy'a wmwm Thanks to the, discovery of ' the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tin, the smoker now gets his OgaWs Cut Plug tobacco with all its natural richness, and delicate aroma. OGDEN'S CUT PLUG in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tin is OGDEN'S FINE CUT For those who roll their own is also packed in the famous Vacuum (air-tight) tin; in each halt pound tin of which is included a free book of REPEATER, the finest-quallty CIGARETTE PAPER made. friends Were vdown at the l'rinee Charles on Wednesday night to give him a "bun voyage" sei.d off upon bis return lo Vancouver afler visiting the new court house site at Sniilhers lor which he has the contract in partnership with Olof Hanson, ,The lug Cape Scott recently arrived with 300 tons of coal' from Nanaimo and 20,000 feet of lumber for the Albert -McCaf- fery interests. The lumber is to he used on the replanking of the North West Dredging Co.'s- scow now on the dry dock. Found Another One fleorge Frizzell thought he knew every rock and floating log belwel'ii hereand Port Kssing- ton but even the wisest -of us miss our guess sometimes, (eorge was coining in from Port Essinglon recently and struck a half sunken log with the result that he bent Ilie propeller and lailshaft of the power launch Laura V. and she has been out of commission for a few days this week. Thero will now be another black mark on While Ihe harbor harJls moan-'cieorgc's chart which at Ihe pre sent lime resembles a fly paper during a heat wave A Good Samaritan Captain Henson, owner of the dust raiser Poinsettia and in- cidenllly ou.e of Iho leading lights in Yacht Club circles, is spending his evening hours louring around Ihe harlibr acting tho good Samaritan. Hon delights in sneaking up on littte skiffs and well filled rowboat with the idea of showing them a real boat and giving them n sort of roller-coasler effect as Ihe backwash from the propel ler seeps over the side of their craft. When Hen is travelling which Is fairly often these days, he hits up about to mile per hour, which, In a guy trying to scull two or three hundred pounds of human freight across Always - Alwatjs Police! Police! ' Lance Potlerlon, the man who put (lie tin in tin-lack, and un til recently assistant supervisor of left-handed hammers at the Hoolh Fisheries, has gone and joined the local -police force. The new job is evidently doing him good for although he has only been at it for a lew days he hat already put on 'weight about the feet. Lance is now a man in blue, And. struts along '-the Street. He's here. '.mult there, and every- wnerc, , j,, ;; - His beat is lull of feel. If you should happen In trans gross Or throw- a fit or two, You'll very quickly change your ways When you see this man m blue. For like Ihe blacksmith in (he yarn, His muscles rise and fall, Don't stand and torgue lake mj tip Or he'll drivo you to the wall. The Heln Engine N. M. McLean has recently! S7: rraranf the same in yovkek eondiftorr 1 S ii I MSJk I IB OGDEN'S LIVERPOOL person in a motor boat when the from 0 h.p. up to i50 h.p. and engine von't function. Then with a broad .smile and many dapper bows the speeder will suggest they throw him a line and follow him home. ' James Drown, Ihe Kcslall' river lumber, man, was in port this week aboard his power boat Blue with' a !C0w of fish boxes in tow. On the outward journey Jimmy had tin; misfortune lo break a cap screw in the connecting rod which connected him to Ihe Akerberg-Tliomsoii wharf for a day or two. I heir great feature is lack of vibration and easy starting plus their economy of operation. The llein Couipa'ny k sending one of their experts to the city to take, charge of installations. Upon his arrival demonstrations will bo made with one of the Hein machines now at Mac's yards, Cow Hay. A number of in quiries have already been re-reived from boat owners and doubtless much interest will be created when demonstrations get under way. C.C..S. Kslevan, Cant. H. Hil- ton, liaslarrKed from Victoria -!ln load building niaterials at' Digby Island for the Cape St. James lighlhpuse. The dwelling houso was recenlly burned down and it is the inlenlion of Ihe government to rebuild 11. Four carpenters will go from here to do Ihe work, viz: Alex. McLeod, foreman; Chas. Taylor, Hugh . Killin and J, Mackenzie. Louis .Locker, the logger, -was in town tliU week from Porcher Island Tor camp supplies' and mechanical equipment from the Akrberg-Thomsou shops. Customs Excited Oreat excilineni prevailed at the Customs House on-Thursday when the radio receiving set broadcasted an 8.O.S. lo the of fice si alt. Jarvis McLeod, col- leclor of customs, sprang lo tho headpiece, like a hungry dog at a hone, and gleaned the infor mation that Captain Cross, of racing boat fame, was stalled In the -harbor, and that some misguided person had put fresh waler in Ihe gas lank instead of gasoline. Collector McLeod thereupon set the wheels of rcs-cuo In motion, ami a high power- been granted the agency for D.C. ed inolor hoa'L was despatched for tho Hein (Danish) full-' to bring the delinquent craft in-deisel crude oil engine on the!o port. This little episode goes l-cyclo system, one of the mos' remarkably elllclent engines on tho hay, looks more liko 100 1 the market today. A 20-h.p. en-ni.p.h. Dul what tickles Den Is j glue of this make only, costs to come across some, luckless $1,100. These, engines are built lo show how very necessary it is lo have a radio broadcast on the pleasure craft, otherwise skipper Cross might have been on tin! harbor yet.