IB' P(W, two Stocli IWi hillcifi family Stforrfi Smalt JettlUtj 4 133 This advertisement is not pulihshed or displayed by the Liquor Coulrol Hoard or by the Government of British folium hi a. The Daily News P1UNCE IIUPERT - HHITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. l'ULLEX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City, Delivery, hy mail or carrier, per month Si. 00 By mail to all parts of the Hritish Empire and the United . States,, in advance, per year SO.OO To 'all other countries, .in advance, per year $7".oft Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - SB Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIOA VI..1 n...lov In.rnl I !)) .'Ill til 'lllj , ...a,..... . Tariff Question , In United States. it is beginning to appear doubtful whether the President of the United Slate. and f lie Hi-publican high tariff lenders ran keep down the tariff isue. In spite of the statement some time ngo that the Republican chiefs bad decided not In permit tariff re-viion the next esion' of Congress, the agitation for revision is going on and is proceeding from several directions. In the first place the European countries that owe the United Status want duties lowered in order that they may pay in part jn goods. Importing interests: want the rales lowered. International hanking interests Dial waul to sec the foreign debts funded and disposed of in order to. increase; the valtie of the private loans in which they are concerned arc agitating for lower rates. Then, too, there are the farmers. The oiiUry of farming interests to the effect the rales are too high" 011 the things the farnjer buys is growing stronger and stronger and it may heroine u most serious matter for t fie parly in powdr. Some of tho iiiTluen t fid farm papers are stirring the farmer to revolt on the tariff. Farm members will bring (life mailer up next session and at tho same . time renew demand for the passage of the McNary-llaugeii hill i-to promote agricultural exports, while shutting out agricultural imports. , , .... . Meantime, big tariff, interests; in the United Stales are flamuiiing that the rates must fie kopl tip. What they really fear is that public pressure may force Congress to take up the issue of revision of tariff rates and once this i done that Congress will proceed ti cut rales. A "eombitialiou of Democrat- and 'Progressive Jlep.iililicaiis niigh('h0.able to ntftke such a out. Don't Try To Ride A Grudge. ...'Ji , " Ho you carry grudges? Cast them aside. Your burden in life is heavy enough without them. Do you boast of your grudges as a sign (bat you nre a free man? Don't do it. Though yoii may have created your grudges and though you may feed Ihem, they nre your mnslers. You may carry your grudge uphill through life, but if will carry you only down. How often we hear :llie voice in the street in violent impatience. Smith fries: "If Jones is for it I am against it." Then Jones control .Smith'. mind more firmly than if ho were hi" closest friend. $ l( is not worth while to was, hi our energies and vitiate onr minds in hate and resentment,- II Is right to hate evil, hut merely pily evil men. ' If you have been wrongrVf, forget. Why keep the Injury fresh? You suffered enough at the lime. Ilo you long for revenge 'or to "get even" with some enemy. arlii.il or Imaginary ? You magnify his triumph. You continue hi' ascendancy. You hypnotize yourseir within his spell. II doesn't pay.' . .." - X . . ' 1 'y -f n J i i ni 1-i-.- f t r e s-1 1 i r 0 I by the. least fortunate of us, and many mjsfortiuiVs. befall The happiest, of' us. None of u can well Afford 'to-'j;iir-flieJiou''r..o.iSlrnpei:t nnd prospect ,ui other lh,m the Ini'pjiled 'memories and the-"- Irrightest hopeW that charily and love can summon. ' TTSUALLY when fire breaks out it is too late to avert the loss of valuable papers locked up in a drawer iri office or home. The cost of protection is generally far less than the expense of replacing one document-provided it can be replaced. Don't put off renting a Safety Deposit Box until it is too late. The lA Bank Prince Rupert Branch ida F. E. Robertson, Manager 144 Saturday. Aiivn r Ik-. t i i Editor of Fishing Daily and News Photography Goes Holidaying LAST CALL! LAST CHANCE! TIlirMPII HAY, Second Day. There's nothing,! like much' lt ler than fishing, if done in moderation. Two hours is about llif 1 unit at one time. Few sports can be enjoxed for more than w -r hours at a stretch, except by. those who arc abnormal in tliii tastes. We fished this morning and caught a few trout but we also) wiiMtlered up the stream ami took some rather nice pictures. At' jii rate we Are hoping they will be rather good ones. liifture photography is one of. -- ' j tlie most disappointing thing n rotihl prrarb a lit f In sermurti I lie -world. In a pliolosrapliic Mi, ..luiit Hip photographer kitows wioni tvx aiiioni; them. arc not In- liTfi-itiMl In flounders for brcak-fiiMt ns ve have plenty of good bacon and es, o we hae made mi iillempl lo, spear Ihem. I trim jxlno If would make wood sfrr If we heeded fish. One keeps finding new use for thinner. The oilier day I went out t'urly uloiie to the launch and ftiiiiTfl it necessary to dnif? tho diiirliy iilmod one hundred yards; to 'low water. I cnnift io a place where I be sand was bare, and It an A lieart breaking Job,. Then I niaf patches of seaweed a little tittl. rtf Ids illiefl itiiiIk. I won I i" ' ....... Hint, IU llflen wo see people! we eonsider worse than eXael ly what, lie can do and he (.eles ye;i probably nature hA ' i-onl i-ils his lifcht to suit.lilio'lf.! jtianned fifr just such people. I In wliat is usually known as com-. V aro expecting lo leave here nxei-eiol photography. Hie photo ,.ary o. evening or tomorrow fri-iIIiiiiK of buildings, nvichiii-j morning and to travel during the i-. faclories ami such like, the pleasant pail of each day. Mnrn-ilirf ieiiltics are noi very greut, in9 and evening arc the proper lui! iii Iryjng to nwtke real pi6- time for jaunt as long as Hie Iftres f lie difficulties arp legion, weather remain fine. "I'll. itverape photo artist i sat- . F. PI IXKN. istril if he pels half a doieji real Iicti res in a year, suitable for ....-.g eiifr-y in an art exhibit. TLp M. d..; Uftnn j ' le maD IB IHC WlOOn .Vls M. M. Stephens how many f art oiclures be gets in a ye.irJ"' .YSs- ; " . V. Wralhall has a number 1- or nice things but he has been- si.VtU.J insects are now 011 coII?tiiijr tlieni for years. Me- in r0kio. Wonder if loral H lirothers' have several jrood tni,uiry coni, , ),r worked up liojjrsitives irom which uiey .maKu.j,, ponnwiion. Milstrtseineiils hut they were t k taken by the start pholopraplier ly you wan, ,0 tlinIiP Pneinie during a period etendinv' (vrr a f ymr frin,u sing lo Ihem 11 11 nil f r of year. Anyone who tnkf s art photoniphs knows, TI,K i,ur.t.t job in the worM how flifficnll it is to make real'j a nearsitfhinl man trying to pictures and that is why we qunl-i,H; ,, flea' with a pair of iTy tlie statement that we have u0Xjn!J jjnV(w 0n his band, rcstl liiclnres. Ye hoe so. The, . m , results are in the lap of tbot . RAQIiF.f.ort without a club gods and at the mercy of die do-!! a,oufc, iKtfipy lis a motor Vf-lrrr arnl printer. If we could f,.,r owner without a trtttery. hiV.t failbfulty recti rd what wej ' sec n the ground glass or irij o.K.of Hie things we seldom flic view finder we should iioleedji, about 1 a woman who due have .something wortli while to ni)i listenMo gossip. . sliw on our return. . j Too Hot to Travel j A DOCTOR lias predicted the I skin wriliiiig this now because use of steam engines Jn air-it is too hot lo travel on thcjplane. It will then be a malice v-jilci- even, tbougli there is a'if blowing up instead of goi:u pleasant breeze blowing. We are up. Milder the shade, of the spruce) iiikI hemlock trees ami a hlg.I.illle Johnny watched Hie lur devil's Hub frond completely etivers the typewriter and helps to I siiaue niyseii. .i ipie spie 01 uie iwt f 11 riil typist's table Is a fine fern and ferns adorn our lem-porary dining room. Jtisi at I he back of the room is a nest of Hie "Western winter wren, clung heuon'th a rotting log. j lIi is morning a small doe came down fo look me over a I went ! inspect the launch, So far, I liax-e seen deer four times and Diek has yet to. catch sighl of iMie. Ife is Imping to see a bear Dm t I fear hf chance are slim. ffek says be came out lo rest his Jailed nerves or something to that effect hut this is the first urier-iionn he ha bad a chance lo rest. I see he ha dropped off to sleep while reading. Incidentally our hands are blistered, our iii'iivs are sore, wilh sunburn aiitl liiles anil numerous bruise ami sore places cover our bodies. P-vci-y day we have some nfreuu-011s exercise and by t lie time the lioliilay is over we expect to be just Kollinjt fit. Last night for! I lie second lime we slept out Of tinis without (he tent anil expert f p repeat il tonight. Lots of. Flounders Tlie waler ousel that seems lo live at the foot of the falls jusl imlsiiie our front door feed its young. Tlie parent and child seen to he about the same size ami lok much alike al a distance htit you can tell the parent bird heeaiiHi! she puts her bill into the Varade the .slfcet so gnlly, And now he want two sailor suits, A Snnday ami .1 N 1 1 y . Ten Years Ago In Print. Rupert Auaust 1, 1915. l'rince Iloperfs rainfall for the month of July totalled I '.'8 inches. One biiHderil and twenty J-ouslir people will arrive on the trail' lonight from Hie easl en route lo the Sail Francisco Fair. Geo. H. Hull left on the Prince eorge this morning, accompanied by his mother, who i returning o her home in Ontario. The body of Jack Pitlman, who wa slabbed by a Jap in Port Hssingtnn was brought lo fown yesterday and', i now al the parlor ; of j tli H.C. Tiider-tnkersrj Four ..lap have len arrested ill connection with the murder. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply (0 Lea so Land In Queen Charlotte Land According District of PrJnce n it-pert, and situate about on and a half miles east of Massetl l.ltfblbonso at Ibn mouth of Mas. mout li of the yoiniK one.an.l the.s(.( u,h., oraham Island. Ilrit- youuir-itei' due all the sipiealingt jsn Columbia, wlifii hungry. TAKK NOTJCK that Langara Tlio sartily flats here seem lo niJlff ,t packing Company iter covemi wuu nun-ircis oil r.frnitetf, of Victoria, H.C, oceti imii iniers. jney can no scon Jsiui'l IiiK nway as Hie laliuch pass- palion. Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following de scribed lands: fmmencing at a post planted When The Bablt Are Cuttint Teeth THE MOTHER SHOULD USE iir llirt direction nnd immediately,.. I),rin? My tecthinir tlm, tfia h"w, beeoino Ioon nd durrhif. 11... 1...-.1,.., i..mo...i i...t tin? luirdenwa lesseneil about nnu.ifeil drwutcry, colic, cramp, cte., one lentil. Illlherto I had re-; thcimiclrp; tho jpinw Iieeonm iwottwi, Kiirtlert seaweed a una of the d cmilurs form in the mouth, UHOle-Mf ,u.,i.luu Hiiiiffj tiling i in 11,,, the n.n.i.i world, I , ej10U,( .U'ii Xlm I the tliirt Fow,.r., when tbi WJ(J mrHlier If I was J)r, Grunt, I think I Ljn, nave the Uby'ulif. to take advantage of our Great Clearance Safe Extra Big BARGAINS for Friday and Saturday BARGAINS AT 25c. Hig Table of (lotion Crepes, (iingliiiiiis Hlne Itird Crepe: value op to ."iOc. All one price while, they last. Per van! 25c PRINTED SILKS In a great variety of pattern. A wash fabric. For llrese. Mouse. Scarfs or Kimonos; 111. wide; regular l.."o. Clearing at: per yard" $1.00 ENGLISH BROADCLOTH hi a full range of color. Hue silkt finih for slips, underwear or dre.es; 'Mi and l inches wide. Ilegular price sjl.tur per yard. On sale at per .u-d 80c RATINES Always ser icealde for lfoue I)rese after the omnier"s wear: value up to il. ITi. Clearing al .er yard 95c STRIPED BROADCLOTH Our well-known Tymia" Hrand which washes like a ilk. Worth I. fill pec yard. On sale at per yard 85c CANTON MORACAINE A splendid washing malen noo'n or idreel drec, in 1 Mauve. Hitrnf Orange. Illnck. eh-wide: worth .:i.. (tn nle. per SATINETTES hi a big ninge of color. If! stripe.. Wtirlh 'Tu- jtcr anl- per ).ird . NATURAL PONGEE Our regular H.V hue: ipinlity, which wabi - welt: only while if l.i-t. per n ENGLISH VOILES In beaoliful ileigu unl -.r--.Irt. rtH. t.i no he wide. Yfdue- 1 Clearing at per nr! at the norlhwest conier of I.ol m a norfherfy direction from Seven, (iraham Island. Ilrdish Itooney Point. Massed Inlef. Columbia, about one and a half (iraham Ulnnd, Unhsli Columbia miles east of Massetl I.uditfiouse Take Notice that l.anifara at the mouth of Massetl Inlet.. Fishing & Parkin? Company1 flraham Island. Urilish Coluin-I Mmiletl, of Masell, H.O.. occu-. bla; thence northerly five chains.! palion Packers, hilcnd to apply! more or less to low water mark;, for a lease.of the followhiK de.' thence westerly, along low water mark one hundred and siily chains; thence southerly five chain; thence easterly one hundred and sixty chain, more or le, to point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or les. I.ANC.AIIA Flfllln & PACKINC CO. LTD., Applicant. Per E. II. Simpson, Acnt. Dated June 1 0th. t!25. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land fp 0'icen Charlotte, hand He cording liistricl of Prince H11-pert. and situate about hvo mile scribed land: Commencing al a pot planted two mile In a northerly direction from lloone Point. Mauell Inlet, firabam Island. IlrllUh Columbia; th'enre easterly five chain, more or Ie, lo low wnler mark; Ibence northerly along low water mark one hun dred and sixty chains; thence! westerly five chain; llicneej southerly one hundred and ixtyj chain, more or Icm, lo point of commencement, and containing' cighly acres, more or les. j LANCiAflA FIPHkNO H PACKINO PACKI.Vp CO. LTD. Applicant. Per E. II. Simpson, Agent. Dated June 13th. 1025. 51.00 BARGAINS AT 40c. ."Ml Yard I'lgured Yo.;. II 'oile, Italine. liuigliHui- 1 cloth. 111 'gri'ot variety ut -li..I. pattern; values up to It.'ir. price, pec ard 40r 50c 50c These are but a small part of the values we offer come and s for yourself. To get best values please shop in the morning WEST OF ENGLAND STORE 50t Phone 753 Smith Block, Third Avenue FiveRoses Flour tor Breads. Cakes. PuddlnH Pastries Thriving rlnl; the bread yoi; ( Fhe Hoe 11 I ' stored with n. lality and ea-uoiirlbmeof "f t iloba wheat. Nutritious, Wholesomi 1 Keeps Well Agent John L.Christie SUMMER SALE of High Class Furs When winter comes be prepared for the cold by buying your fur coat now at exceptionally low prices The raw fur market is low in summer, so take advantage before prices go up in the fall, and get that fur coat now Be sure and see' our window display B.C. FUR COMPANY Day Phone Green 120. Third Avenue (Next G.W.V.A.) Night Phono Block 709