1? I Icanadian PAcinc I, I ft Hi J Itf U V I IT . At our ilftrcL.' you need a new V7k Camera, of the year Pulnret ' j X ili , e McRae Bros., Ltd. Bathing C ap (his osquitoes BedBugs, House Ants No. 1A Pocket Kodak V Scries II (FucusifiK Model) liiiifl with I'rioawtic ShuiiT and Kndik Ao-awijnut Wiu.7.7. S26.90 1a a simple lever mechanism, the front snnj into picture position ready for 1mii-. Thia I uk Ink is equipped with the Kodak tvmati vm 7.7 wul Dfomatic shutter, r spowls, 110 to 1100 second. T '.i ri s a sliding, timing scale to fit the eio-;c to thejipht. A finger-tip turn of the lens n::ount 8cts the focus. This superior lens and shutter combination means better timed, sharjKT negatives the tldencc is plain in the prints. The No. 1 A Pockvt Jsk otyIMw . Coiwfia rtJMTtookSt rfi -i season "I "iT and -Ivies ivi- .i Wide i?firliiM-'il ll.ilfltM. AVKi'i"". IIIIIK "!!' !'IHI until-. . t. .1 I .. 1 . 1 Ilk.t -iv . whirll ha' tin- -tn.pl"ii!t iiil" i'ogU'l. I. wi.icr out rind takes Hie pre-'iin- till tin- ear. " lange from, cafU 23c to $2.00 Rubber Bags to carry ' HulJiiiiff .Soil i"l Tovi-ls from SI. 75 to $3.75 Ear Stopples, lo pnilert llie earn while in the walr-r, per , 25c y, w Water Wings, to give ronlid. iice while lonnmitf U w.iin, 50c w.i it unlit vim sv.uit tn ii-i- llu'-e t'Hii-, the a l i lo-od xvlii'n mii' in-i-. Hi. in. Hii nnw. ORMES LIMITED Wholosale and nelall Druggists 3rdAve. and Gth SU . Phones t2 and 200 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Stifvic.es Sailings from Prince Rupert '. v rrntti ..j tritrit hi. 6 10. 1 i. V. 20. 24. 27. It Jut, 4. R. II, IS. 18.212S. 29 lor . u,;,hp tlB. Full li.form.Uon from Ctrntf.of ih tft n 3rd Anu, Princ Bup't, B.C. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED 10 I" "ling next door ta Fmzell HuH.t Hlmp, arums from the Empress Hotel We carry o full )i"' "f CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES ..o RM C0NriECT,N 2ar,,C,AL Proprietor Local and Personal i U.U. Undertakers. Phone 41.. You'll like our joall Consumer Coal Co. PJ.onc 7, tf Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur' Taxi, 00e. Phone C78. It two i-arn ut your service. WieiMun Taxi. Phone U Don't fall to attend "Capo-town" concert Monday night. Tor Hie huiv lilHti nr u'iiiii.hi a llrtmu rar saves money. Phone no. ir Mr. V. O. Larkin is xailintr loniftht for iswitllo on the Prince Itiipert. Mm. (lerlmde Martin will he a l'asiiRr for the oulh on the rtej llytwrt thi evening. HirJ our al. It may mean HO (u you. Vrinev Itimert 1'ninsfer am Taxi. Phone 18U- 1 12. If Mra. . Ilarton and child re turns! to the oily l.ul eventna on lianl the taUIn after a holi- dy (Hp 4uth. Oar row rale have heen an uuUtaMtlHig tMe and we slia!l rontinue an this baU. llrown rnxl. Phone 80. tf Tak a Mchieliit" to the picnte We have tbeut ready fur tbr lunch Mkrl. Hulk lev Market la I M t . i iwur 0(1. ser our auv. in Mrs. lrachsn arrival on the train from Scotland last evening Mte b rrlalivrs in tbe city an will take up her resilience here Oinderefta Oance, Klks' Home lonipht in honor of large party of American Klks ami wives. Kverrbotly welcome. Admission Me. Me-rs. McDonald, llaney. and Hailey arrived from Soelland last eveninir lo Lake tiu Iheir resi dence hef. Iliey are relatives r it ..M.t t i. ...... ' AttrHc4(oir ftstlore nt thr forlhconiing K1riiition, inchld Ing the renowned Capt. Ashe, hrotieu buler and rupe fwirfrr. The dates Sept. 8 to 12. ' ' ' ' J..4.i J. W. A. I.egge-Willis. wet! known here as a former wireles "IH'nilor on coast Meaiuer., ha ttt Hfcled a director of the Air force Club in Vancouver. Miss INlher Xaden, H..N.. who has 1ieen visiting old friends heiv since the first of Hie week. will sail this afternoon on tin Prince It u pert for the south. Mrs. Hat Knue Clements. Chi cago writer, who has been spending the past Tew days in the city, will sail tonight on the Prince Huperi for Vancouver. tMcilman II. dray, editor of the l'acific Fisherman, Seattle, and H. Munsoii, editor of the Can adian Fisherman, Mnnlrenl. wil' sail tonight on Hie Prince Huperi for Seattle. Chief W! II. Virkefrs is In receipt of a fine bunch of pansy now I oca Hi I at Miagway. I no plants travelled to Vancouver and relumed and yet were in fine condition when hey arrived here. , ANNOUNCEMENTS Klks Flag Day and dance! """" Thursday, August 13. SAW it with a SfMONDS" SAW Stays sharp longer. IM0N0I 0NOt ttw CO. ITD. MONTKttl VANC0UVI OT. JOHN, N.S. TUB DAILY PAOB THRU Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE Tho Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. llrcakfurtl, Lunches. Afternoon Toari, Dinners and after Theatre HefreshmentH Our Specially is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale or Ilclail. You will lie pleased with our service. Let us please you, KILLAS&CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sneddon's Taxi the original 00c. taxi. Phone 13 i. If Mrs. Harry Macey is sailing tonight on the Prince Itiipert for Vancouver. 1'riinse Ilupert C per cent bonds .'or sale, due l'Jl!0 to l'J35. Thos .Meuiyinoni. II .Miss (iawthorn is sailinsr on 4he PrftieesH Alice for the south this afternoon. A. II. II. Partridge is sailim for the s-oulh on the Princess Alice this afternoon. ii. W. Kerr has opened up store where the Prmc. Huperi Fish Market was formerly loeat -d. Whist Drive and Dance Iloyal Order of Mooe, Wednesda ugust 5. at 8 p.m. in Metropolc Hall. "Capetown" Concert In West holme Theatre on Monday at S p.m. Reserve your seats Ormes Ltd. $1.00. at C.N. It. steamer Princess Alice, Capt. G. C. Sainly, arrived from lite north at 2.?0 this afternoo and will .-ail at t.30 for Vancou ver. Will F. Thompson, who is en waved in halibut research work for the International fisheries eOmml-sion. returned lo the cily-j yesterday after a trip to the nurlhojui banks. Mr. Anna Itoss. ntrompanic! hy Miss Oral Itoss. 'will slit on the CN.lt. steamer on Monday afternoon on a two week's holi day trip lo Vancouver, Victoria Seattle and Everett. Trades and Labor Council Pic nic to Dlnby Island tomorrow. Boats leave Cow Bay from 10 a.m. until Z p.m. Toa, coffee, milk and sugar supplied. Adults 50c Brlnq alonq the children. A. Me.Masler, who has been spending a month here on holi day, returned lo Anyox on the Prince Ilupert last evening. Mrs. McMastur and children will re main here for some little time wilh her parents. 1'he morning .serviqo at the Church of England tomorrow will lc at 'J.30. It will bo nl- plants from J. II. lingers who fshcililed by the churcirparty from ll.M.S. 'Capetown." There wil1 bo no 11 o'clock service. Evening service as usual at 7.3U, Motorship Fairbanks was in pori yesterday from iill Churvl Mr. and Mrs. P. J. llalnguu. mine. Alaska, with a i:ircii of who have been spending the pn! palladium roncentniies for ouple of days In the city urn transhipment East over Ihc Can- Iheir honeymoon I rip following their tnarristfc last Tuesday in Prince Hetirge, will sail tonight on Hie Prince Huperi for Victoria where they will take up Iheir residence. aillau National Railways to Irv-inglou smelter, New Jersey. Peler Meuse, who has been fishing out of hero on I lie schooner Ringleader, is salliivi tonight on the Prince, Rupert en route fo Yarmouth, Non Scotia, where he expects to re- Mrs. Meuse rind family are already living in the east. Mrs. Joe Jack, accompanied by her daughter Heverley, is sailing on-the C.N. II. steamer on Monday afternoon for Vancouver where she will meet, her father and innllier-fn-law, Mr. ami Mrs Joe Jack of 'Toronto, who w i'i return north to spend a holiday in the city. LABORERS WANTED. Laborers wanted nt elevator Dominion Fair Wage scale, piy on the job. r I I aaaaaaSSaaV EnaaTaf WH0BBBB&fa Church Notices j Salvation Army J Why stay at home on Sundavj and feel blue. The Army s doors j are open and the hand of fellow-( hip is outstretched while word- of cheer, comfort and welcome I await you. Let us help you make Sunday a real Holy Day. At H o'clock, Lieut. Kenny will be tin1 sHaker. At the nighl service. Able Seaman C. It. Thompson ol H.M.S. Cauetown ' will give Hi- address. These meetings will bej full of life, vim and song. Sun day school at 2.30. Baptist Church Sunday School at 10. Morning service at II. subject, "Uio llestfulness or Christ." Evening worship at 7.30. Subject: "Dip lomatic Religion. services or interest to yourself and friend. We extend lo all, including oftl- eers and men of II. M.S. "Cape-, lown" a most cordial invitation. Presbyterian Church Morning worship at II o'clock. Subject: "Eleven Years in. Prince Ilupert." Evening service at 7.30. Subject : "The Foolishness oT the Cross." Sunday school will not meet. SOCKEYE FALLING I OFF AND PINKS ratcK on skeena; Ileporls received from thej Skeena ltier today are to the feci that a big run of pinks has mmnn'nced and a large -number, of seine boats will Ikj out next) week fishing for them. The. Mickeye run is falling off. ' OFFICERS' DANCE A dance was given last evening in the First North H.C Hrn-ment Drill Hall to the officers of ll.M.S. Capetown. There were about 100 present. Col. J. W. Nieholls was In charge ami was assisted by men from the llcgi-ment in making the evening a success. The Jaiz Orchestra from ll.M.S. Capetown dispensed music which was very much ap-; predated. HefiVshinents were 1 served about midnight. SALT LAKES SERVICE j Launch "23" will leave, the Prince Rupert Hoathouse on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. and on other week days every hour from 2 p.m. Launches, row boats and canoes for sale or hire. PRINCE RUPERT HOATHOUSE Phone 381. BABY'S OWN SOAP Ap-183 nwrf lj fin font CenoJ1 See These Giant Reproofing Shingles Barrett Giants have an economy all their own. Specially ' adapted for re-roofing, you lay them fight over the old roof. Tough and rugged, they come three'-to a strip. Laid three at a time, they save laying cost. These shingles are colorfully artistic cnduringlysqrfaced with natural slate in red, green or blue-black. "They never need painting or staining will not rot or rust And they are fire-safe proof against flying sparks and embers. , l&F' ROOFIN ROOFINGS ? After long experience with roofings of many kinds we're convinced that the sound economy of these special shingles simply cannot be duplicated. Let us show you Barrett Giants. You'll be surprised at the low cost. See our full line of Barrett Roofings. There's a style for any type of building at a price for any purse. 8. E. PARKER, LTD., Jobbers. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Sale by all Hardware and Paint Dealers. i PICTURES Just arrived a large assortment of framed pictures SI 3 Pl'M -: i;mge fmni I 5 to $12.40 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Phone 123. FOR SALE 3rd Avenue Halibut Gear BHaaaaaaaiaaaaaaHBBaaaBaaaaaaaaaB $10.00 to $25.00 per skate including gangings and hooks Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT,iB.C Am in. nBMmii i COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert Prince GeSrge Prince Charles Siiilintrs from P: nice ltupcrt For Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle and intermediate ports, Monday, at A. 00 p.m., and Wednesday and Saturday, at (1.00 p.m. For Anyox and Stewart Monday and Friday, p.m. For Skagway and Alaska Ports, Wednesday, 1.00 p.m. S.S. Prince John for Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver, Fortnightly. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY iCfpt 6undiy 11. SO till. Tor I'rlnce Uioriff, EDMONTON, WINMPtQ, all points LM-rn i.iut.la. init.U SUleJ. AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltr Tlct.l Offic, 628 Third AM, Prlnc RuptrU Prion 20 Boat Builders! We have 20,000 feet or 1-2 Inch, 5-8 inch, 7-8 inch and 1 Inch Cedar Boat Lumber whirll we mihl m'II ;i- we reipnic the yard space for oilier slock. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and. 117.