1 Doing. 0 Wt M -H..;. ...MP'i- mi 1 Hi- rl Jf""l IMI-IIM'.-- !., pa-l week Willi rnl - -till tight. Wllifll 1 ,( for in 11 nieuU"c liy Hie To overcome t hr ililliculij n,,. In! nil cla' o' fl-limy lli'W ho.ll owner liiiN d--llcd o! air mil mi f ! deep eeiMjgive prixe fur I ho bet kIpui a.1 ii.y 1 Ik- kvi-hii h.irvcrt. i . k l lid been laid at Hie Ml .1 liipyuN for a new in ..hi. hi hoal for K. IImv- which will lie now ere. I , .mi 11. i. 11111 iifiufi wm wiiii jam will l.o given for Hie 1, iiiih. It 1 cnii(ti. i. i f i,n f,,r ,H.kT f0 1 !ii;il I lie new boat will Jwjbe built in the M,w. The lector ,,.,! ill... 11I the 1'iul of Aua-iuiu-l be dealgiicd in hold gigs I container without breaking in n 1 if 1' are a few small boat Ip-Miini'l"1 i-r"iiiHiodiiion for four tm'WvoiHsr minor rcpajr ImiU and engine. Lot of Shipping 1 i.e. lav wa a him? day nh 1111I tin- wlinrve frowij I. ! ewi wn miuni (i'n,4iiniiy mi" imikimc m in-k ranyinir from war- Iirioft ronilrrulily. Tin nrw i..wlni.ii II. M. Hhi---jf ki.jMT i lulking uImhiI iikin tthi. li ariivi-il nroiiml ?:ine niallfr up Willi I eii.pf iii A (in in Honolulu, liml iii a' ), . an frk, wlnlf al Hip 1 K il... k wfr nKMirril Ihf " i:iiarlf ami I'rinrr flu A' (lit fUbiTip final lti aru Kkwx from llfll-a .1 in iii mrly 111 ln af-fti roiili i". Skuray. I'riiirp l .lcii lul If or-Ik- iirnvlii. nil iM:k n li fn.in Alanknn jHiinf.. jliauliiur He's Dot a Boat av Iip lo! ii a nlrtrl I ipriiun da Ifi wliellirr w .1 irl marrlfd or buy n a' and ihc rom drrideil w 'd b. Ibr laiirr. WVrl It about IIIMr NVnoil, In toil tbr robl In lb bf ,(. i ..j.i siorav. Shiver my il Hilly nol ! : with a ! boflftHnif ,i 1 it iw-likp ioirir r il Itlio prinl llP . . , iv tin- vaul in an Don't Miss BENT'S Summer Clearing Sale P.O. Box 235. Phono 209 Richard Garrett rrprriilinK W. H. M. R0LSTON A CO. i-'pt labstntr In Portlarnl ( nnnl Mining Htockn. Porter Idaho-Marmot Metals viitrir on llMi. riio-'own. Tli inlkn boat Western Hope, Oillpii. in (o bortrr lp I m V n uji on I lii Melmi uay for minor r'ai. Ttiv halihiil Mhoonra lnt ft, ami Naulilii nrr on Hi MrXewt way for rppainliiiK Mid ov Salt Lake Fun If von nrr frrlinir lirrd of Itff or irfbTwiop down in the inoulb Ink a wp.k roil lav al om of, lbf full jkVtf ranii and join in I be fun. A wrrk mil al the l.akr l vunranlprd In do iMtif good to ynur btuirbinK ifuiralua Mian wonbf a wholr year "jtcnl in a IvIiHiibpr'n hop. Tbr firiM on lb" 111 of fun makr la fire Cliiff lan MrlMnabl, who Nirl 1 paUlial nuiiuioT bom at Ihi local raiiiplmr kIIp. Ian in iK'ver happirr than whrn baltiiiK lb uHo for rrab, and for a mall ronbbratlon will Ink yu on oim of thi grralrt bntr riiiin rrab bunt known lid atdf of Mar And hf' omr crab calch-it tno. but whrlhor II l lh (.cil bait iiiM or whether the lira liullonf attract I be crawler i a matter for arntc In-v-iiialiii. The farl remain Hie Hie cblf can calrh nmr 'rrab in u wek than inuat pei-jplc cn I eh In an hour. I.at falurdny ninbl Joe llmwi innk n run oer lo hi ramp l pill Hie filial kaKom.iie li.il.-lif 1.11 Hie interior wall- preparatory to lieinR Joined on I If following .lay by biit family. Joe" ml nutne f "work" and with pail of plaler nild n brush in e;irh band Joe went nl the job with .-i will. However, the wall Mir- face In be rovered proved loo laiKe fnf Hie kilUoliiliie aii'l Up-i.n u.nmir Hie loi. belf done be was bvrifie. lo ill- ..v. 1 bin Night Phones 087 539 Or. 001 Black 735 SALMON TROLLERS llcfore n.ttritting it will iy y to? ""r Jj""' '!f Salmon Hooks, Trnii,R fienr. Wc liavo n new line 'f Swlvelli, Cuttyhunh and Gor of nil kinds. In our Mock you will find evrrylhmg you Anchors, Rope, Chain, Marine Hardware of all kinds Hull isiid Copper Paints, Galley Stoves nnd IJU'iniK lr "l s for tho bout we Imvc II. Hoals ore lot every yonr by fire liavc you Bl i'"" Pyrono Fire Extinguisher yet? Wo sdl lliem. in 1 1 nnd ce us. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 710 Second Ave. (Near Post Office) TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Or. O01 Black 735 I-II l I '(I ill 1 hj.I vVll.ll Mil- best W.I.V III Wlll-'h ' 1 1 iviiiimH the craft, imf n suturm-iory a y,. ,rp(.,.,i in remodelling, pin, n. niMiiinKi of llin craft. A prize of a broken shoelace will be given In the i.cr-1111 iiuufHf iutr lit bW iiaino fur the hoal whde a.apnfc.' lal Wie of n t' 1..0..1 .L.rlLti uri Ki-ii unu ir also io mriwie riK-ii. Like iooi motor bou Hill)' boat fan hn ii giving little (rouble hi lit.' loi'UHiiioin department. II appear the -hiirclor i imI siviiut (he disfri- tail ion system enough jar and Rupert Marine Product Ltd. GEO. . tUSHsW, Man. Dir. 'n ' t upply of liquid bad run out. While knee deep in ifioughl Jo- "ii.l.lenly reiiiembere thai bii around Metlakaila. Hip loeal friend Joe Scot I bad a ramp over launch, mi it I hhmI, plAyed an there and thai pn.l.atily be would important part in plloliiiK H let him have a little kuUninlneiMajcly chip lo her ntoorinv. with whieh In finili Hie job Acf injr uim the th.niplil be wa overjoyed In find Iii4 hunch lake fruit, and bacfc tie plodded with enoilffh co I o re. I iMiwder to finish the job with. Alllmutlli if vrn a diiTarenl color it wa knl.omini anyway. And lo ee Have Tbomon lake bin nioniinp dive Into the refreshing lake wafer l a ftfcht for the neven kin?. In fuel it in said that when Have fnken the final plunge il i. Hiib!e to walk acroii the lake boljoni behind him withont jrcllrnsr one'i feel wet. and nil lioupli bi. eo. I nine in -how tiifr lpn of hahl wear bei never bad a bad ;eei-denl with II yet. Am) to bear the Jndy camper al niffht bookintr t Ii lilplirst div-Ina- lManl for Hie fir I dive of the morrow i well wnrlb while. Ilut IIial'.H a far ns Ihe liiglt divintr eem fo gel for lo dale no one ha ever ieen any of tlm lady camper; jump from the top board. ir , , , ; Nautical Rhymes,.-, (Hi lo be a sill I or mimy And have fte.li ckh for tea. They don't need bens aboard Hie boat, N .The hip "lay lo" you ee. I'he captain cried "I'm in n fopr, fib! now what shall be do?" The crew Rot on il bands and knees And blew and blew and blew. And Hint I how Ifiey saved I be ship, They blew I be tog away, The ship it was Hie. "Oapclown bold, She'n rlKbl In. port loday. The nlitht was dark and stormy, As some nights often are, While the crew were very surly. There was nothing in the "Jar." Then op spake one, old Peter. Sail Pefcr bold and true, Said be "We'll save our money "And ronrocl some goon! homn-brcw." Flvo Roses Out Skipper II, T. J. Hose, necom pnnicd by his family of Hoses, has been making wonderfuf history this week in his power cruiser Five Hoses and has been on an extended trip across lbek linriior without any misiiaps. 11 whs a good thing for tho port tho Ihe Hoses was on the job f ft T ,,,,:- 6 yjour afourife pipe jolacco OLD CHUM h the famous acuum(Air-T0tt) Tm , aw. in. . ' -w I a I on Wednesday ..!lierwie H.M S, Capetown tuiph! have gol lol 1 n troth boats came in together wilb kipier It)fe in the lead. Pleasure Cruiser In The pleaxure cruiser Kkwood. owned by Hie K. K. Wood Lumber Company, It.'Hinpharn, wilb Ihe trsident of Hie company, Fred Wood aboard, accompanied by hi wife and family and a party of friend arrived in port on Wednesday afternoon enroule lo Skapvvay on a pleasure cruise. The H&wood is one of Hie finest Kwer cruisers lo put into thi.i port in a bins while. She is III) feet long wilb a 1214 fool beam and ' powered with two 90 h.p. full ilei enprines jriviiifr her a epeed of 12 knots. The cruiser ha nccoufrnodallnn for eleven guests ami carries a crew of sit men. The Kkwood lefl port on Thursday inorninsr afler taking on suplie and will call in again on her return south. Who Stole Cap's Halibut? While in port Ihe other week Captain II. It. Ilennelt, skipper Of the G.l'.H. eoastul liner prin resr r.bnrlollflk , tliTnfpht ho would ' like to lake ., .a cboco ThTelten halibut south wilfr'-tinn with which lo grace the domes tic. board. Upon 'hearing- the wish expressed. the gang around the wharf hiked various ways to select Hie choices! of choice chickens. A dandy was procured eventually, packed securely in Ice, taken aboard 'the palatial boat and securely locked up in tlnp'.s 'private cooler. So happy was Hap about the halibut that he wirelessed hi wife to have I be frying pan ready upon hi. arrivals. So far so pood. When Hearing the southern metropolis Cap thoujrlit it was about time fn gel the dainlv morsel ready for $)rincc iorge mttl TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business) District 2M ROOMS 100 im Private Batflt BUROPEAN PLAN i. wiNNin iHoxraon. man, em. HWWMWKKtOtlOOOOtMMMlOUOll Through the Vacuum (air-tightj tin OLD CHUM SMOKING TOBACCO is preserved for you in perfect S r V 1... . conaition ; it is always as tresh ; as when it was originally packed. I Alwaus ask for the Vacuum (Air-Tteht) Tin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittnw taking liome. Imagine Capt. Hennett'ii look of consternation upon goin? to the cooler to find that like the old mother Hub bard rhyme someone bad been there first, and the halibut bad vanished into thin air. So overcome w Cap al the loss that his chin nearly broke bis knees when ft dropped. However Hiei boys are going In make it alright with Cap and doubtless have already made arrangements In procure another prize specimen which will, we hope, be this lime chained lo Ihe bridge tele praph. Off for Trip Jack McAuley, accompanied by bis wife, will shortly leave on a pleasure trip down t lie coast, il will lake him as far as Vancouver an.! perhaps farther, aboard the motor boat Seal Cove, owned by the Kmmerson estate. To this end Hie Seal Cove has recently been repainted anil replanked al the lry Dock and the engine is now being connected ami overhauled at the Kelcbuin float. The Seal Cove is a 10 fool boat. powered with a 32 h.p. Union engine and has sleeping accom modation for seven people. Tender Back I.iglitbonse tender Kslevan, Cant, .Harry Hilton, returned iriSh" tipe Sf: .ralnevs tin Monday where she has been with build ing material with which to erect a new home for the light keeper to replace the hoir-e destroyed by fire recently. Afler taking on coal at Ihe Albert-McCalTery dock the lender left for the I.an- gara lighthouse with supplies. While in port Cap and hi? rbief engineer Sutherland were raking the town for good crib idavers. Il seems that on the last trip they look along two so called erih experts from Dighy who failed miserably in their at tempi with the pasteboards in fact they got "skunked" every lime. If any crib expert chance to read this and will kindly gef in touch with Doc Clnpperton who will put his name on tin1 wailing list, he may lie in line for a good game of crib phis a good feed oT clam chowder. Some Dance II was the general concensus of opinion tbaf the dance put on Inst night at the Kxhihillou Hall by Ihe city fathers! in honor of the ship's crew of II. M.S. Cape town, was a filling definition of tho word "humdinger.' The floor was in. splendid shapo And the music was Jake. However, the sftllor boys seemed quite shy to choose partners and it was rather amusing to. see local nau Continued on I'igo 0. use of the famous . . LAND ACT. Notk of taUntloft U Apply to liul Unit In Print Itiijwrl l-ind iword.n H j inn hi i-niKA nnprn, nil MinM m ik reiriiimrsi ui nr.ll-ll lvUill.lt- tila. l-omantl Cantl, and brlfiic 11 Sl 1-iiHit. FurUxml Canal, aiwl Iwanuir north martwue fnnii Trrr rotnl, rnrr mana. TAkt .notice that Anrto-hrtll..h Cof- unibla Parkin Orfntany Limited, of anntuvpr. B..., cwt-ii.in..n Partf-n, In- iriMi iu ani.lv for a k-i or the ro biw- '"" J-'"'ribl lml: uHiiiiminnir ai a pnt pianipt al nir Wlff Bian ac spit Ifilni, Pnrlboil Canal; itH-nre uuilMairrry ihin hirh watrr nurk Tor forlv-rlrhl tiundrrd tett to a t marknf .. 3.S.E.: llw-no jumthrrlj to Hum. iMirv or tn, 10 low wurr mark; ihnre ixfhwrKirrly akin hi watrr mark r.irtv rirhl bumlrr4 lrl, rwirt or Chnicr iMM-inrrly iu rhamt nn.rr or Im, in wrtnt of ronifiirnrrmrnt, nirt rnnlalnrnr TJ acre, morr or 1. A.VOLO-BRITISH COLfMRH I'ACkMn CO, I.TP. Appllrant rrr Walirf F. VValkrr. Aarnl. nall Inly snt, itti. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inttntlen t Apprj t Laaaa Lin Iu l-rlnrr Itursrt Lamt forilm ln-Yrlrt of l-rlnr ltiiwrt, ami sltuati on tli wlriiM jh.ir or Walr U- UimI. H i:., tirinr north inavnriir rruH Harta'k I'Unit. and lru ran from l.lan.1 VtAnX, sttklan .lmf. TAkr MiTICt: mat Anakt-Rrlltsli fftl- un.hia rarklhtr i:riinrany Lirmird. of Vanninvrr, HX orrmialKal Parkrr. Ill fcTMl to apply rr a n-asr oT tlir folkiw Inv ilrrrllir(t land: Conirrnrliir at a noM nlanlrtf al Mali atrr mark on thr sonthwrl rhnrr nl Vlr ltan.l In a r.ltlon larlnr nortn marnrllr frni Mayl.irk Mam! ami tnir rat rrm Miami rotnl. Silklart blamt; Ihrurr wsnhratrrrv ahina hlrh ualxr mark forlr rlatit hiiixln-if fm. morr or ww, m a psi niarum ;xo, .e.; in.'m stsillwrly In i-hafti. niorr or lr-!i, to watrr mark; Ihrnrr northwrittrrly thinii low water mark n.riT rlrlit rnnnlrrtl Ih-i. limrr or IrM; tlimrr noiihrrty 10 rlialna. uk. it or imi, 10 Mni nr nMiuiimrriiirin and ronlalnlnr 7S arrr, inorr or lr. AMil.O-tlRITIsil COI.I MKIV PAWNO Ol. LTIl.. Applirais. Paint Jnty Ittl. LAND ACT. Nolle of InUnllon t Atpf ta Lat land in iTincr unpen i-ann nernnnnr inv I Net or l-rtnrr niiprt, amf Mtuatr. al nirltett Point, Wl.' IMand, HrltHh TAKE NOTICE that Antl-ftrlUh Col ninbla I-arkinit Company l.tniitnt, or Tawirtivrr. B.C., orrnpaiu.n rarkrm, l-ImmN tn apply ror lrar of the foihivt llitr doM-Nord laml: lUuiuiM-ni-lna ai a noM Marilnl on tkr Mouth shore of llartlrll Point. Wale I laml. al hlrh watrr mark; theitre In an ra-lerly tlirrriltm aoHiir hi$h water mark oiriy-rirm niiiuimi reel, nnire or irs to a ihisi marked No. I K.: iheiire jumtlt- rrly rhaln. mure or e, tu Inw wttrr mark; thenre In a wrftrrly dlrrrNoiv alnnr M wafer mark f.riy-rllit hmiih-etr rerf. mere or leaa: Inetife iMirthrrly III rhaln' m potfit of rominriireinrnt, nd i-oniainniir t.i arre. niorr or H'. A.M1LO IIIUTISII l.ol IMHI PAI-klNO CO. LTD., Applicant. Per Wattrr t. Walker, Anna. i.wT-fr jiur i, iia, WATER N0TICK. Ua a- Strat. TAKE .XOTIlE that William C. Splim, wh.e aiMreix U l.orkrimrl cannrry, V.IV.I., B.C., wilt ait.ly foe llrem-e to lake ami ur 1 imovr Inches dally ami lo ftors .ooo aaUtKi or waler mil of in tinnained ulreaiii whlrh flow Mt-itlH-rry. ami draln.4 Into wet ann or uet portion of Lorki'imrl Harbin. g.C.I., II. C. The dam will be kalrd al the tnurrr of the utrrain, Tfie (aiarlty of ihe re ervolr In be rrealrd I about 8,Atiu til-Imn. an.f II will Pood aboiil Vi arre M land. Tho wter will be diverted fn fhe utrritm al a snt at It noiine. ind will be uomI for d.unrttlr and raniN-ry Mirme A Die land detrrllied 1"! SIS and IM I If HIiH'k A, "uerll CharhHt lliiul, U.C. Till nollre i k)I.'(I on me rmund on the IHtti day of July, Ilia. A ropy or Ihl nollre and ail appllrallnn piiriiaif lliereMi ami fo the "Water Art, 1911." will lie riled In the orrire MKe Water KevoroVr al I'rlnre lluH-rt, S.C. Oblei'ltnii In Ihe appllralloil nuiy lie m.l wlin the ald Waler nernrdrr nr., with ihe Comptroller or Watrr Hlrhta, rartia inenl Hiillilliiirv Vlrtorla, U.C , wllliln thirty dava aller lite flml aHM-aranee i.f Hits notice In i loeal tiewi.er The dale of nr i tile ne rirtl nri p pllbllcalh.il of Ihl uollcr l July t, 1914 W. C. 8 FLAX AptUcint 1 ; Have You 1 of Our New Taxi Tickets ? If you have, save it. If you haven't gof one', get one. Kaeh fare of 50c entitles you to a ticket. This ticket may bring you a i?l bill. On Satuiilay- evening; August 8, between 7 and 9 p.m., a friend, of ours will be walking around tho city, makingr Third' Avenue his chief centre. He will have a ticket pinned on his coat, the .am as the drivers uf our cars give you; "112 Taxi." If you meet this friend of ours, ask him "Have you the 112 Taxi's siniicket?" If you find the right man, bring him to our office and gel the 110 hill. Your ticket must be exposed on your coat, otherwise he can turn you down. The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones 189-112 Service Unexcelled SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS EASTERN CANADA, UNITED STATES, And to JASPER NATIONAL PARK. One way ria Vancouver or direct rail both directions. For full Information apply: R. F. McNAUGHTON, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Wood! Woodil Now Is your chance DRY CEDAR Full loaif ... ... $fl.00 llnlf load $3.00 Large sacks ... , . , . . SOo DRY BIRCH Per load ... ... . . $0.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Arenu Phone 6J0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES.