The Fresh Flavor DAfLY CDITIOH Ii a f-, il vu like. in ( Canadian influence . In Other Lands. of delicious SALADA" GREEN TEA is preserved in the air-tight SALADA Sacket. Finer than any Japan or iunpowdcr. Insist upon SALADA. The Daily News PllINGE nUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year To all other countries, in advance, per vear Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 88 S6 $1.00 fC.OO $7.50 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before A p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received suben to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Wednesday. Nov. 271 );3. This Is Where Value Wheat Pool Comes In. Here i where Hie value of the wheal mio comes in. Jul now the price of wheat i jumping and ordinarily rhol of the farmers would have sold their crop. .Now the wheat nool has hreii handling il and they hold most oi the grain und the fartn-1 ers hiouiu lament from the rise in price. Some day the wheat .. will be caught and lose a lot of tnouex for the fawners b holding on. Then Iti.-i-.. end bofl foil freedom front the pool, unless the agreements bind. uie ugnily they raimjot get free. Farmer Premier Retires Disgusted. , Premier (ireenfield, the farmer bond of a farmer puvern nient m Alberta . is retiring in diput from the political field and going hack to bis farm. The new iinunier is a lawyer and not a farmer. He knows better than bis. predecessor what il is! fo I tu l..,-w,-r...i.... i .. . -. . .i y .- : ' . ' . - . . . . -i ... ....... ,M u ,UIIJ Jl( rruiro iuv mows, ne is rniiiauiv Jiellerl imea lor political lire because -of Jiis law training. Hockey Season Is . On Once More. I he hockey season is on om-e more and, like baseball, the'J resufls are of interest everywhere. The game is ,irofeioiial4 izro s oiny proieMmn!s could poill give the time to travelling About the country for the sole purpose of pluviug Iho game. So far as poihl uIMi paper will keep readers posted oil the results or the games throngtwiil Ihe league, teams in which arr located at Vniicomer. Vietorin. Porlland, Calgary. Edmontorj and Sakatoon. The next gnitw is played at Portland totnorrow again! the visiting Vancouver aihI next Mondav Sa.knlooii will nmke their debut on ihe eoas! for the season, ptnyittg Vancouver anu men ronumd two Uy. atex. The Viclorialoam, wbioI 4 away louring in the ea?! doet not get into the league coulest tintil December R ft! Vnncomer. Jtist Borrowed From The Government. An orri. inl of the Ontario fiovernmenl the olher day bor-niwed some money from 1he jutblie treasury which he intended In. repay. He is gone lo jail for four years'. The judge would not recognize the borrowing plea il lliefl. ii is seiuoni that n person can gel away w ilh tbefl nnd never po touiKi out. I he tune eventually enrnw when be i tripped np ami ne nas in pay the .peiffllly. Even if he is never cautrhl, uie tear oi neing round out Is pniusiimeiil siifficienl lo deler nuyone rr,otu comnulling a crime, if he only, knew beforehand .wi The influence of Canada in oilier laiiils jfls'.mea.We'd 'partly by, her missionary efforts. Tbeile told l.a,st uighl by Dr. Osler- noiu oi ine missionary work inherited by the Djiiled Church from. uie j'resiiyierians Melboilisto and Coiurreffnlionalisls was surrtise to many who had wondered whal the church would do with tour million dollars Ihey' were proposing lo ni'pe. 'Miut the Doctor lid not , say vns thai while pracliciilly alf uir i-ienMeriiu nnstiioiis were joronig the United. Church, the Church had now lost the support of Ibe diseuliug congrcga- uons, oi which rrince nupert one. lluis making Ihe burden on uienseivs much higher than il would otherwise be. i ne civilization which is making Canadn great is beimr carried lo Japan, lo China. .Korea. Formosa. Ihe benrt of India, Africa and olher countries and is geuenillv extending is influence. Canada may well be proud of her effort in this direclion. T.HERE IS ONLY ONE KRAFT CHEESE The style and package of Kraft Cheese are imitated, but the uniform quality and distinctive flavor of Kraft Cheese cannot be duplicated. Please, always look for this trade mark when buying. English Writer Finds Speck of the Ideal in Russia Amid All the Cruelty and Stupidity One of Striking Features it That the Rich are Pictured Scorn and Disgust Instead of Being Enviable iffiee. wlie bttsU and ttue litter tlie tiouRlry. a he would the niunli(-jiiinlH of mi African trihe. he m hi f taper at fWkipr fxMrtaunilMlr.f nu the eeUal faet of tlie lln- is not self-sHppivriiHjf It the, that i In say. at n taint art nf Hfe whieli l. higher than Hnul-put Josiifies. Iif other wrd,i ihe paal has to buy manufae- ft- longr aso Mreck; il is their belief In it. in themselve. and- in their mission that counts. i Problem of Age Hut many sects line religion emir without general signifi cance, am! Mr. Keynes next question was: What was Die strength of this religion in particular? He flints hi answer in Hie fact that Communism touches "the moral problem of our ace," "which b helfee le he concerned with the Loye uf t. . ... uuiey.. . revolution in our ways- of Hiiufciug and , feeling ahoul money may become Ihe irowinp purjiose of Vonlempor- ary enilindinoni of the Ideal. 1'erhaps. therefore, Itussian ,Vonimimism does represent the first confused striving! of a great Iteliaiou." There certainly is in Itussia a concerted attempt on tlie part of the governing class to insist on other, terms of valuation than those of financial success. In most Christian coimlries the illustrated paper show us pictures of rich people enjoying themselves wilh a tacit assumption that they are enviable, even admirable. The Com munist illustrated paper how us Ihe rich with scorn and disgust. I remember, for example, .i picture uf a great fal trader and his ureal fat wife going In the Crimea "Tor their health,'" with a Christ-like pnrlci Mag-neriiiis tinder their enormous trunks. For the Husfan gov ernintr class money-niaking I a rattier shady sort of hobby, a pour aim In life, something like secret drinking. Treated Like Drunkards Determined, inveterate moneymaker, of whom there nre With' An English writer viited ltuia mid ha icynrurd ami loblj of bis iutreiou. Mr. Keynes was oppoetl to the Soviet and all( il ways but he come bark to England a euifvofl lo this exfeut, tbiil h' find beneath nil the "rriiellv und tiinitlth of new lilt-, sia" suine erk of the ideal lying but. lie foiiiKl tlx- pica! thiug.' thai peojHe there nu l.uiger worshipped motley. II li people, were eonulried digii-ting and heiii n geiieriU tnilt iiipt. IM found no MM'h thing as romnmiiim in lluin but lie found a .erte of experiment! going nu in town made iothle by larre; contribution from the peasuw on 4rre ouliide. The iHiitlinuii iioli of I lie iie! system lie law liexe certain, due Inrselv in almost ri'licrioiis fervor of the ui.l iiahHs, inttirw't the prufHj 4f the Stt. 1ih-li IhXu. money ( making tv-n niiiii' ln-uvily t lian ( in I'.iikIuihI we lux Irink. These i people hit ronshlTiHl rattier dis- (In the nAHhoinie side I oan-l kHlliiir, and. indeed, are o. be-! not perecite tlvit liisiii tUun-ling defiant and m more beallyj intiiiwii ha made any contribu tion In mir economic nrohieni of intellectual ilileresl or cienlific value," ajf Mr. Kcie. Dismissing Karl Marx, whose portraits are in every trovernmeni. lltaitlhey WiHgbl l it i hey wce' Hot encUiu f the contempt Hb vxhieli Miey an- ivgunlml. The CoiiltiMMitstx, iiife the de-titHiti'iit f far ireiii eeaii-oniir poltey, ratiyniM- in public rflu4lHUs UiHt tboe of their iiuiuir m1hs4)HI "' late with holne ore m dancer of ami orp lurftl Ko4Hts hI a price aliove and, that emelofM foreiuu isitors to Sell wheat nl a priee nelow Hie prices ohtainable oulsid Hoia. No "Communist Russia" .Mr. heynes smiles clearly in Ibe laieruaL'e of efioiiomies that there is no sonli tliinp. lint a series of experiments poinp on in Hm towns only nuufe Niible ! the roitlrihutiwn of tlie -ery much larger count ryside. the towns limine eyierimeiilal ilandsl In a vast sea of scarcely disturb ed rapitalim. II is the existence of that huse Pacific ocean (stirred a it has been hy local Storms that makes i piiie for the revolution to persist in Die island. It is the ahenee of these comtitinn in Knplaml thai makes a revolution on lluiau line an almost mil hinkahle alt-simlity. Deridine that tlie Soviet Stale is likely to continue cerium that I economic experiment are alueless. Mr. Keyne looks else where for an explanation of its power to survive hi spite of it Inefficient economies rtud ridiculous ileity. lie fid this ex planation in the reliirious fervor fif its devotees. Their jtod may be hut the wooden figurehead of CANON GOULD ON YISIT TO THIS CITY tlaiion limild of Hie Amrliear falhedr;il in Palestine, and general errelnr of the ,Miioiiar? Socieiy of Ihe Cliureli oi Kmr-laud in Canada, rein hed the eity from Hie Kn; n Una iiioriiina h Baby Eczema Soon Disappears with the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment Only mothrrs who hsve w)tnwl the sunning of their babies when tortured by em fully appreritte the remarkable mmMnz. healmf effects of Dr. Chane's Ointment. Moat babies at one time or another fall victim to ikin irritation, chafinr of the skin or eczema. For this reon ft is a fine habit to always have at hand when bathing baby a box of Dr. Chaae'a Ointment. Vou never know when roughness and refine of the Skin is nleiitv in 1,1 m tin. in ..... treated i -...I... i " V'VPI"P mo omeimnt mors "l7 . ? riou.. A touch of Dr. Chase's Oint- lunch a in LiikIiiiiiI we treat ment keep the ikin smooth and velvety habitual drunkard nut in -idprevents serious skin affections. prion from time to lime, but ' Tht?.rVvfr' ,cor of f Dr. Ifcdge thul they will ake up their1 dupenaabls. RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Has produced Minerals n follow: Placer Gold. ?7..iX2.tift:l; iKle ii, 9 , 17.t,t0; Silver. J?0S.S'.M,r.7O ; Lead. 7o,58,r)TK; (lo)iper. 1S7. lK0.:t7K ; 17J.407; Miscellaneous Minerals. ?l.iSI,aV.; Coal and Ctike, 2rtO,KSii)o'ln p Slone, Brick, Cement, elc, I2,2?"i.81 i : making il Mineral I'mdurtmn t.. n , li'LM show an v Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws oT this Provim e are more liheral and the fees lower id., any other Province in Hie Dominion, or ai) colony in Ihe l'nlih Euipm Mineral locations are granted lo discoverers for nominal fee. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing nich properties the security .f v. . . xnaruuleed by Crown Grants. Full iulorhialiou together wilh Mining llepcrts ard Map, may be obUin. .! K a.ldressing - THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. N.R. Practif.-dly all Hnlisb Coiiunbia Mineral Pyfertiew uiin winch work has been done are descnlic l in imc one of the AnililW ItOfNlrls oi ii,. if Mines. Those rotisidering mining iove!nienl bould reft r !.. - ,. h art' available wilboul . barge on application to the department ..i M , , ,, ReMrts of Ibe tieological Suncy Of Canada. Pacific Riiibling, Va4Wui i mended as valuable sources of iiiformaMou. train, lie will lie here iinin Kr. lav iimiiiihi wlieii tie I! u 111' tnmr Mrlnrr lin.MM t lan stUw,Moi iiraelv. that UielbReie. In Itiosia ireneraBy; "'" r- iirli.n atwl Industrial jplJilkiilede are still individualist and; M ember M.f tlie Anglican eletuy ffrewly. in ii-'rwi iw u; His Final Conclusion i'he eity t.. men; r.auon (iouhl.aio! To me the most inlireiiuir """" "' miere.i ..,; ineetmirs Uiinrf in Mr. Keyne," article 4s 1"' " - artemoon ht rominilWin .if Hip l nuioil. 'UIMH ''Hlt.J th- speaker a' Hp' llyru l".liil lutir In-mi. Moe.iw. tippre-.H.n mill Illation. i "" ' ! m- '.-.i Prim Mot visitor ni tMiund to no -Hup'"-' t.i-' v. tiw one r other. I lave seem men fling up Ibeir .mt with re- i POPULARITY CONTEST on on crossing iue i runner, put some Hten itid il mi one idf of that frontier a nd some on the FOR RUPERT DAMSELS y!! Ui M,pularily contest ,.,llt .I it on !k. He feJI in Itussm,. . . . ,iV ,. i ne auu wetgw oi an atino-piiere oer-rtfrel witji offeialism. heavy tike a thiMnJer4trni with the fervor and painn of a new and crude religion. He fell soiiiethins of what a eavalier of Ihe llesUiration oiiaift have fell if I ran. pi rii ted for. a week or two 'n the ascetif of New ling-laml. lie wa ipote ghid io ire' bark "to the frivolous ease l.iinilon." Yet now and again in Ih'-ii temple he shared Ihe elation of the devotee, hii elaliop that make them a impervious to criticism a a scientist in hi laboratory, an elaffna that i characteristic uf no olher body of ruler in the world. Tlii l hi final summary: "So ,uow Ihe devils are ifone nnd there is Ho going back. I should like ) irlve Itussia her eliauee: lo help and not to hinder. Fur how 'much lather, even ufter allowing for everything, ir were a Itussian would I contribute my ipiidn o' nclivify lo Sovint llusla I It an to Tsarist ltniH I eouhl not siib-seribe lo the now offieial faith any more than to the old. I should delesi the notion of the new tyrant not es than lhoe of the old. Hut I should reel that Iny eyes were turned towards, mid nu longer nway from, the possrhllilie of tilths.: Hint out or tl.V erueHy and fsiipldlJy of Old nussia bbHiiiiUibuld ever enierie. litii fVat ' b'eifeath (he fnielly and Mipfdllyr, of' New I!iiWjn, .tnie sj.efc. a'fi Ihe bteaf tllHV lie II Ml." and Urorer I. id. For every rli purchase of on.' dolhir you an-entitled lo one vol.- (or the tad of your choice. Tin ttalloi wiP be. teMMiliil in a haliot box, an. I on '.lirilioa Day Ihey will ) counted. The lady weiviutt I in-mol vote will be eoiioierei Hi" miil poiular by vote of our eii-lomer ami will receive a liean-I if ul prif, wineli i on di-ilii in our Window liny your Cbrisima iiiph. at Ihe H.l'.. Ilolebei ,in. liroeer, t.ld. store and help Hie one I" ael tlii nice prite. Sperml- mr advert iei in every ioe of i.r Daily New and count in the Iml lot. Tell your friend. AiM GOVERNMENT NOTICE OF LIQUOR ACT. APPLICATION LIOtNSC FOR BUR oiin: i nrioiiY am:, tiui .m unit ih iU uf r"-Hitrr m-tl. Mw umln lliml HilriHl H fl) b II I I'll." i .Hilml lumnl f.w lu-nue in r.-.-i i m O" prttr ImdMii pin iK ifcr t.nlltliiii kiH.u I'rrmlvr I0lel lliMlj ai on.-, n CMrbitl cot. Uimii i iMrtnll. llonl HsNI II' IimI it. .rrlUul l'l" t ' ai1 , llfcirk f. Ill.l'lrl I., it i:,. Ijum, l lurll- llOlrlrl. Man o. S.H.V. ITID. hurcrl Law! Ilrri"(ta'l.i lninr. in Or Pnivltwe of llrilo'i iMmnbla, for lor air f l lirjr Ih (la or lo llto oii Uillk for roMaumptkin on llv prrm:-. PATU tbu Itlh la irf ..vrml-r. tut hoy iii.onut: stcitizir.. 'Bol'rani WATER NOTICE. Dltartion. and Ut. TAKK SOTU'.i: tlial llir r. ilirifrlrh. MII fur 1tie ftirtw.T Itold Mltwa l.lil, Inr., ! ailtlrraa h KlMrttHwr, B.C.. vrtli Of'l) for a llrmr in lakr aixl uu 10 rn. fl. MeiKHl ut llr out nf Wan I tlrr fclorli fl.. MvOrrly and drain Nil;. Tatlh law atMwt ln a rl one half Business is Largely Goodwill liiMidw ill mih i gun - to ltioe who long u ihey do, it will iin.iin .not in- h.i.j. grealcsl ael a liullie ran have and lo w lve. II never change it face value. II work iwi bright day and on rniny dt the iilomer aero Ihe street to trade will. THE RUPERT PHARMACY will .ilwiiv -trive to keep their goiHiwiU'liv i Ion- prufiipt. ef fi. irii! ein . .m l roiicleon - We Invite all to come In and form their own optnioni Rupert Pharmacy Phone 04 v .o . '-"IT "oi. or vanrouvrr, n.i u, iw, in., vv. via. wni, '.. 7A. t7. anil I fill, llrwip I, alar I'l'iri. i. i in Hour ) piMirn on U troiiiHl imi Ihr mill cli) uf OriolMr. 101. A ropy of till nollrr- and ainillrallon l.ur Third Avenue and Fifth Street t Laat ' Z 7r.,X. In l'M,je ll-trl Und IWordlnr Tli j.trr U . V'r' ?! TeriH frwri llx rinl ton. and aoair ai mmi.i iuh... 7.IHM.1 ! r.ii n,.i .T .'7 :'HtlibNl, ab.Mil mw nril oortlM-a.. fn. anil will Ih u-d for li itn. 0-.-trl. jxiw. r i WH. HH, MiultMirlt fruiu iiu ' ...,nh. " .. t?iT.T -. u- tarnr m.. h .""5 E ntit. r J.. ','I! .T-Ji7,;',f1 'l'v,!, Tah waire that W'DUrt PolHTIra nam tlTf.. and lo Uir Walt-r Arl. s S I. will lie filed lu Uie offler uf Uie Wilrr lirrorilr al Allln. n.l.. iiI)J-ihw ma ! tiled Willi llw aald Water llentnler or With tt rjtl,.l.lmltwr ttJt Vl'aiM I'arllaiiifiil lluililinai, Vlrlorla. II. C, H-1 In lltlrljr dajra Sfler lr amrawe of . una iHrtlre In a rural neiiaiwr The ill ir of llw Ural imlillralloii of till no lire I Uie fllli dar of Ortnlier, i M'i..i.,r.i. ,m..r.n l.iu, IMC. ""OCT C. UletiTlrli, AurilL CASSIAR LAND DISTRICT. Record Ins Dlttrlcl of Talaaranh P...L or.-urtiHI anitlv a or the follow m prearrtbed land.- Coimiieiirint al pout planted aUmt Mie nillea in I ixinUierlir dirr-rilnn from tlie fHirlneaal nirnrr of siujf. tlwnre kkjIIi t it rMlna; Ihoftre weal too rliairw; Ihenre mirth n,70 rluin; ihn eaoerly ineawleinr alonr the hlrti water mark lo poat nf nHiunenreinrnt, and rnnulnln l.n arre, nmre or leaa. i WALI.ACK riSlirillKS I.IMITKP. Urtnt r,., .r.,.mt Q, I.M LAND ACT. Nolle of InUntlon lo Aosly to Leaa Land' In Ooen Charlotte liuirlrt l.aml lie-! riirrtins tllilrlfl of I'rlnre tiuiwrl, and eituiir at gliamton Day. mma: tnai noiiert c aoe nf . .f.kt. "iIT".K ' Jmli Fnwler. i"oioer. II.C... iM-nipailim raniwryman.1 ir Ureal filacer, aifklnr, Mnetier. in-1 niemla lo anpty for a lee of the fol , Iruii to miI for perinmlon to pi.r. ! innlne rterrlld landa rtia Uh fnlfowinr ilc.rritd lnd I Cniiimeiielnt at mm planlrd on an oimiinii tnr al h.. placilnl .,n ihri iinnonrd OI.iimI lyli.f der W 'Hi ".'!?."'' "' ,,M' ailklne lioer. iH-ar Ihr 'ImIim. nmre or tcaai from .oiiihwnti Or. Clavier ai aoiiiheao rorn-r; ihenre ner nt ll IS4. y.C.f., liaiire t ihrnre ruiinliir norlh to rhaln.; Ihenre in a foll-mlnir liiraiiil.rlnr of ahore line of ald 'terlr dlrrll.l to rtialn.. Ihenre In Sjnrt In .lnl r eoimiienretnenl. and ollllK-rlv d Irerl on to ei.i.- ........ .... nniiminn a u. ...... ,.w. ... . " ' i - u'lnnuu iv ;iiaoii. io com- llirln rineiit poal. Haled 4nml rim, till. " '! en I LAND ACT. I Nolle of Intention to Apply to teaae Lan ! In enure imiiert U:H iiernnlins PHlrlrl of CoaM Itansr . ani alluair ' nn " North llarharl ' ...TUK..',"T,.CI: ,,M' ""' Hwaioon. of , I'Mare llniierl, iriip,ii,, Mariner.. In , ... i'iij ... r ma tir um miniw follow. Inr dearrllHd land.: Coiiniifiirliiic H. iiliinled on lite oiilh I-.ll.t of Morih ,'Zi ill... Ei llMn at-.i.i.H titel. Mi... ... ,"..., . r.,....,,riirrien av arrra, rnore nr ea AUIir.n SWANsOIM. . - Appllrant, D.led onolmr sihr-iM,"1" h"M I'rinc impart. H.C nonr.MT r. noE, Per Win. f nai Aefeto. n.e na LAND ACT. A mill I. Mliflwll. ran ran A rent Nolle of Intention lo Apply lo Laaaa Land! In iTIiire llniwrt Und llrrnrdlmr PIMrli'tl of ftrwei liaoirf S. and illume mil onlli lliirhacl Itlaml. i TAKK NOTICK Alfred Swaiuon. nfi I'rince lliirrl, oeiiipailnii Mariner.. In lend to apply for a le of Ihr, follow 1 Hit ilerrlliri Unilv Coimiiriicliir al ho plained nn llw olilh tin nt nr mn ii ii.'.r III I he ll.en mi I l.l.l, """"L' .""".'."! ml rontalnlnr; ih.Iiii of r.,ii,.r.,rr.,,...r .,,,?..',",..!.'.'!. 1 on srrea, more or le. I AMIIEtl SWANSOM. I APPiirani tlt OctolH-r . ii,.E tuMT' , Atm-I'rinc nupert, h.C We diliier TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 228 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. OEO. C. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. Night Phonti 6S7 S31 Dr, 23! Blsck 735 LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to budding next dour to r'nzzell lut her Hit 3 from the Empress Hotel We . arry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES 80CIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION James Zorelll proprietor Nolle Of LAND ACT. InUnllcn l Aspli Land. Bordered Flannels tin- .-!v fin l ull ..i Ileal ipal 1 feli'lniiuV' roll'; - h I incite w i for a dre l'r yunl-- $3.25 West of England Third Ave, Store Phone 75J Dr. E. S. Tail DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prlnc-Ruport, B O- Office Hours 0 t0 fl' X-nay 8irvlc Phono 686. Open Tuesday. ThnrJa' and Saturday KvenlMf