yl favorite with British Columbia houscxives JUST ARRIVED from Bulkley Valley Shipments of Potatoes IMPROVED Beets Carrots, Turnips and Cabbage Also. Meef. Veal. Pork. Lamb an Mutlon We Deliver Sealu 8 Doodson The House of Quality Sixth Street Phone 455 Fresh ami Smoked Fish a Specialty NOTICE We have jurf been ap-poinlnl, sf II iri; agents for Lacq HOUSEHOLD LACQUEROID Kasy to apply. Watch It Dry Jlrics reaily fur use in half an hour. The new Lacquer finish for Floors. Furniture, and Woodwork. Kaien Hardware Co. 608 Third Ave. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load ... ... ... S6.00 Half load S3.00 Large sacks 50o DRY BIRCH Por load SS.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone S80 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Ford Models Will be on cxtiibf Lion nbout November 10. Prices rncbaneil S. E. Parker Ltd. Phone 93 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone (I. Hirtage, Warehouning, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Hand and (1 ravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Eovlnfl. 1 J TO ARRANGE FOR BISHOP Church of Kngland Missionary ; proviije a minister for every i place in Canada where he va : needed. Mass Movement Turning then lu the question of missions, Ihe speaker slated that any church whicb erased niijisiona.y effort was dead. Tiie church must be big enough to embrace all nationalities. Tin question of the desirability of missions was not a debalab'ia one.- It liad been settled UMMfi years agu. All they had lo di was to obey orders. He frave In stances of Ihe hard work and etA duranee of Ihe early missionaries and enthused his audience wilh the news that now at last success was being attained. In practically all Ihe mission fields in which Ihe I'niled Church was interested there was a great awakening going on. Converts Mere coming in large numbers There was in many places a mast movement toward Christianity. Dr. Osleriioul linvci on I In map the various places in whii li Ihe Canadian missions wer located. In Japan 27 chun lies had been built every year for Mie past 73 years. While Ihe number of converts in China were fewi the number being only lOO.Oiio. Hie Chinese were themselves! sending missionaries lo Thibet so that Ihe work was being extended. In Korea there were 100 places of worship and 7,000 communicants. In 'Formosa there were 25 missionaries and 50 congregations. In India Hie results were most encouraging. The mass move ment toward Christianity had to be bundled very carefully and only those who it was felt .were really in earnest were received into the Church. The eighty missionaries there musi be supported even if it look Iheir bot tom dollar. The IllJile was being read by educated men all over llie land. Even ihe prisoners la the jail when nsked what hook they would like lo read, 75 ol llii-m chose the New Testament. Equatorial Africa In iMiaiitrial Afrira lliri' wa a uii!itn field thai hail been " (ktngregalioiial. vJn one ritv they This Will be one of Important had a beautiful teninU- that seal- Questions at Conference WHh Canon Gould Tonight One of I lie niol important mat I'm- In oiiii up 'or consider ation at Ihe conference to lie held ihis evening between Canon Oould. general secretary of the til intltl people. In some place Society in Canada, anil repre- r llie r!iurt,u ,,., DJMi , 3,,, ..l .l iVi... ..f II... .iilmit .-I . . ........... ... ,..,.r 1 1 -! k.t .come missions, each Willi a man and lay delegates will be them ,-harge, and in addition there Muesho,, of taking steps :.. have,wcre iJti8 olUHr workers. There .1 Uishop of Cniediuiia app.unled Were K Indian luiaaion. 25 u suceerd the lair Archbishop hrenrh Canadian, and 27 Orienl-K II. Du Vernet. n Ihe a!aryja. . . . r 11... 1 a. : mi. with I Ins end in view are Mie-lessfully rarried out, the elect ion "f a bishop will follow later. Among the members of Ihe dis-irii-l clerpy who are in Ihe eity to all end the eonferenee are lllural I lean T. J. Marsh of Ter race; Hev. .1. II. (libson of Smith-ers; Hev. K. Iliulson of (Irean I alls; Hev. (ieorse J. ray of Cluleo; Hev. T. I. lrolor of llazellon; Hev. William Sweet- Inain of Kndako; Hev. .1. S. Hray-I field of Anyox; Hev. A. W. II. Ashley if Stewart. Arehdeaerui (i. A. Itix and Hev. Waller Allen uf Prince Hupert will also al-tend. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. I'ajril of Snnf li.-r are here as lay dele-i znp lu the conference. GREAT MISSIONARY WORK OF THE UNITED CHUnCH AND BENEFITS OF UNION ARE DISCUSSED AT DINNER. (Continued from Page One). 4 they were asking for missions was $1,000,000. Hi., mitt was responding well and lie exerted llie west would .In Ihe -ailie. LADIES' WHIST Orange Ladles Defeated Pythlar Sisters by 6 to 3 Last Evening The Orange Ladiei defeated Ihe J'ylhiiui Sisiers in hist 1 nifrhl's game of the Ladies' See- lion of the Fraternal WhiM Lea gue Hy a .core of a to 3 and I lie Fame between the .loye Ladies and Ii.uiulilers of F.iiRlninl wis postponed. The league standing lo dale is as follows: W. I.. Pis Oranjre Ladies 0 I'ylhian isler .... 2 t 2 Moose Ladie 1 t I l. of K 0 3 0 SPORT CHAT ' - - U The game of billiards is also going fining in Anyux this season and a championship lotirna- :EVEKY .MEAL WRIGlfY! makes your food do you more good. Note how It relieve that ttuffy feeling ftet hearty eating. Sweeten the breath, removes food pirtlclea from the teeth give new visor to tired nerve. Come to you freth, clean and ull-navored. " . 1 AVACY AM TCLU HER. THKT UOtT v . I lla . 9 11 J 5A J s? C. L. Y & fj W. Hai Hailey J. Andrews f'.... F. Zienian ! 1 1 1 W. J. Nplson (V)., F. Pyle (V) D. Mriwti (IIP) - U ?.S Sehool hy r to 8. Tbc senior game al Ibe Mine was between a new team known a the Copti- ers anil the Mint', tin- latter win ning by 28 to I'.. Al I be 1 leach there were two lulcrmedittlr prattie, the M winning frnei the Smelter by Hi l 10 anil Ihe High. So hoot triumphing over the the whole village assemhled fov!ieiral Sfr b to IB. The prayer before euuiiiKiie.iuy work, j quality of Ihe -fLy was g(md for oilier missions .were rouducledj the firs! of th jim and, a 11 Itntish (iuiana and Trinidad. 1 1 be winter am :im w ill uu wiier there were iu.inui rhiidri -i .l.iuiile.y iurpr. x in the Sunday sell. mis. And iht-uj - ' anTxeulur ,n """"'I WAR VETERANS WERE lteside the foreign mission u, a iMsnop in nils uimi isi Th,. M,raker then mentioned . oniniiiileil to liy the Miss-unary incidental!) that Canada spent SiM iely, the dislrirl will have lo ?;,75m.OOO oil face fowder aiul make some arranjfemenis 10 aU;roU?e and 3.rMl(Mi0. on rhewii ... 11... f ..... . . 11 1 . : ... , ..,., ,s. 1 1 iiunniiuiis r,um s.,,oou,(Oll on candy, yet all WINNERS AT BILLIARDS Prince Rupert Blll ard Parlor Beaten by 1193 to 1138 In First Division The first rfivisi.... billiard lour- nanieiil last nip 11I Iwlween the Oreal War Veterans ami Ihe Priin-e; llHeii Milliard Parlor resulted in vialory for the Vet by an aggregate aeire of 1193 tn 1138. I he hJp1rlfeak of llie ea; son so far 52 wa maile by Col. MrMonlie with Sgl. Jehson. in running 18. pressing close for the reeoni. Indiviihial scores went as follows : tlul. S. P. Me.Mor.lle (Vefn;. 250; C. Ilalagno CHilliard Par! r) SOI. . o Ssl. Jebson. 8jn; (I. Waugh. 208. hrd Pyle, flO; lion Ilrown. ! 250. J. Andrew, S50; F. .ieman. 22. P. Tinker, 233; Dirk Howe. 250. 'ITte league standing to dale i as follows: Onnies Pis. Aver, l. W. V. A 3 3170 1157 P. It. II. P 3 3313 Mil BILLIARD AVERAGES Individual Averages to dale In jlhe billiard League are as follows : , First Division , (lames Til. Aver. Sgt. .lehmn (V;.... H. Howe (IIP; ...enl has been slarl.,1 Nightly vy 8((,kniy ('j,-' Mn o. si riass failure aim well worth watching are being staged in lite Pool Hall. There is every indication of a well eonlesled flnnl. Arrqiigeiuenl'. are being madi lo hold n (ZhrlsU in na" Handicap among i)k; green! iaize arlislsVif the smelter town.i The basketball season nt got oh to a good slarl lal week when games were played al the Iteach and Mine gymnasiums. Al Ihe Mine, Ihe Coneei)traloi' team heal the Mine by 37 to 13, while the Mine srirK won the Lailb-t' game from the High r r 1 S I 500 250 180 180 17! 7li r.o5 15V 250 250 2t0 210 238 . 232 230 . (laugh 2 $H iZVJ 0. P. Tinker (V;.. 3 fill F. Aldridge IIP).. 1' 209 (i. Mellmoylo (IIP; i 101 C llaluguu III'; . 3 r.OI Second Division W. Long CM) II. Howe (HP) .... J. Howe (V II. Morgan !l) .... F. Aldridge (IIP).. W. Slicknev llp;.. J. Judge V, J. Andrews (V).... A. McDonald ((IS) F. Xiemnn (HP).... W. Mitchell (IIP) li. Howe Mi),...,... M. Andrews (HP),. W. J. Nelson (V) Dr. West () . Ilillmnn Mi) ... .1. Ilond tii, .1. Kranse tl'i J Miiv CS) II. Parr 'CSt F.. Harvev (US)... t r.oo .3 150 .1 50 3 (50 2 300 2 300 I 150 1 150 5!t5 2 205 3 12 3 Wi 3 III E 271 3 tori 3 101 2 2fi0 3 388 I 505 500 .1 182 onngman(V) 23i (F) sley (, , A. s. Hales (')... !S. Darlnn (F 11. Corbel 1 F) S. Suga 'fit 1 . Carlson (F).. Fleming (V) ... 3 3 2' .1 3 I I 312 01 0 2rt 318 31 I 81 70 70 215 200 20! too 150 150 lf.0 150 150 1 no 150 150 ll'J iih ' 1 17 1 n 137 190 135 135 130 120 12ft 125 121 lit) IIS 113 113 loft 105 81 71 35 ! Note. HP. denotes Milliard Parlor: 11, iirnllo; (US., Cold sioniKe; V.. Ureal War Volerans: F Prince Rupert I'isli Co. THCW TM1? WATCH OUT OP THE WINDOW AND HT MC. OM D IMC DU27 k:ALKlAH salesman wanted to handle iiuiek selling calendar line Tn Prince Huperl and Nor-Ihern I I.C. Apply loniinion Calendar and PnnHug (i., 700 Lotnbard lluihling. Winnipeg 27rt WANTKIi-VomtK girl lo assist Willi general housework, out of lowti. Hood pay. Apply Mis fiillingham, Phone Mine I H3. between fl and 8 p.m. OLD Artificial Teeth 1 lough t, any condition. Highest prices xnt by return mail. ft. Dunsl-in, P.O. ltox 311), Vancouver. H.C. Kalabllsbed Ihfrlv three years. WANTKD- n old buildinc 2S by 30 lo 50 feel thai can lie easily moved. Apply Howe s Sheet Metal Works. 270 W'ANTElL Young girl lo 1I0 light housework and mind baby. Live in if desired, flood home (Hue 29ft. if HELP WANTED. FEMALE MK.N and Women wanted to learn barber trade and beauty culture. Wonderful demand for barbers and lady hairdressers. Special low rales now on. Tools free. We have Ibirly-lwo schools in Canada and U.S.A. Write or cull Muter System of College, in Hastings Kusl. Vancouver. 1LC.J V r TO RENT Ft HI HKNT. Warm furnished room, suitable for 'two Indies or gentlemen. Phone Had 70rt or call 315 Second Avenue, West. 277 FOIl HKNT.- Small More or or. fice. Third Street, Two rooms below, Iwo living rooms above. wesiemhaver lr's FOIl HKNT. Pianos, nlaver planoa, phonographs and sewing machines. ' Walker's Music Slore. tf FOIl HKNT. Large two storey house. Third Avenue near Me MeeWn's Grocery. Weslen-h a vor Mro. 1 r TO HUNT, House, five rooma. 727 Frnscr Slrcet. Wm. Den-linllii, Griurl , House. f FLAT for rent. Four rooms with balh and range. iMuuie Hluck 325 or Mlaek ft 1 3. if FOIJH Hnnin Suite for Hent. Ifnf water heat. Apply Smith A-Mnllell. Ltd. f M0DHHN FLAT for Henl.-Mmx llellhroner , EXCHANGE. -Apply if Wlhl, IIA'CIIANIIF, r.uiv acre farm, house, bum. orchard, al-fa If ft. near Spokane (or Prince Huperl house and lot. Weslen-haver Dros. W.-V BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus i H Ijlll C.VE ME NO COOO I'VE I? ipEJNT MORE MONE HWIN' S l l ,T REPIMRCO THAJS tT lt tUU THROW T fg LET ME ! L- 4. Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word infadvance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c IVAMTCO WANTF.D --Stenographers, Orade Foil SALi:. 3. for Diuiiiiiion (iovernuient SrH'e. Salary Hil per ;mi- ntifH. rmporary vacancy at present xil on Hoard of (irain Comnilowiourrs si a IT. Appltrations must lw filed with Mr. J. C. Itradv. Principal. High School. Prince Huperl nol laler (ban November IV2S. .'79 WANTKD. - Dominion tiovern- menl aniiouuce sleimgrapber required fur Aram Cuiiiinm-sioner's staff. Kxaiiiinittton Itecember I. Time limit for applications November 27. i-pliealion forms and all in formal hin. obtainable at iucrn-menl pol o'fiee. :75 FOR SALE lord truck, lt:i IIOAIUI model with new starter just installed, good con I lire al! roiMid: oak limly; two spare cord tires niohnted; in first clasM mecliaiiical condiliun. II 00 cash, balance lo arrange Apply Norlherii Fxehange. If Fill II nioiued house fur sale on Fir h Id Avenue WsL Hear Me-Itnd Apply 133 KigbUb Ave West after five o'elmsk. lit FoltD SKDAN for aale. Only used seven months. 9550.00. Apply S. F.. Parkar. Lid. Foil SALK. Fumed Oak Library I able in firl rlas eonditbm PhoiiP Oreeu 708. CARS FOR SALE. I lu.'2 Oldsmobile I. 5 passau- ger louring VlH.lo I lu 20 Nash & paftgr touring 1850.00 I 11)21 (Kerland Seilan . 1700.00 I I Vl9 ft so seven passenger louring 1700.00 t IV25 Ford Coupe, balloon lire rar like new ... t (550.00 I Vitt l onf Tu.r ssMn. -...;...-..-....... 126.00 I l2S Ford 1 loupe 350.0f I 1921 Ford one ton truck, panel body 1375.00 I Font ligkt delivery ebassls. rebuilt 1175.00 All cars guaranteed in niechaniral condition. Itasv terms ran be arrangl. KAIEN GARAGE Ford and Chevrolet Service Station. AgenU for McliuehHn Oakland. Oldsmobile and Chev-rolel ears. Hm, (I.M.C. and Federal Trucks. WHF.CKINO SKHVICF. DAY AND NIOIIT. AUCTION SALE AI'CTION SAI.F.. - - We are lost ructed Ui sell by Public Aue-lion on Thursday, Novemlier 2(1, at 2.30 p.m. al 221 Fourth Ave. Kaat (across from I be Presbyterian Churelu the fol-I owing household elfeels: t plmlslereil Dvanmrl, Wicker rocking clialrs and arm chairs, dining mmuu table, linoleum and Cnngoleuui rugs, hed. springs, mallresses, dressers, gale leg table Sunbeam healer, centre tables, btilTet, couches, six hole McClary range, 2 pair; of Portiere, kit eheu utensils and oilier arlie- les loo numerous to meitlion. Prinre lluperl F.xehange, Auc-Ibmeers. 271 MISCELLANEOUS IIIO PAY WOIIK FOIl MI'.N. To Hie unemployed or men who work for laborers' pay when Ihe . world's greatest ' industry needs thousands of men a 05c lo 1.00 per hour, city and country shops. We train you for Jow as truck drivers aiilo-meclinnlos, ignition ex-perls, baltery welding and vulcanising. We also teneh bricklaying, llleselling and lug. Call or write for free uatnloitiie. Hemphill Auto F.n-ginecring School. 10 Hastings ?!ree V.ni Vancouver. M.C. FOUND FOUND.- Melt nf lady's overcoat Apply Daily News office. POL LAR STOnC See Our llango of CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Hemstitching and Plcolinir. Special alleritioii given In Mali nrders. THE DOLLAR STORE. Phone lied 324. Second A BOARD T .'Article, round, 4 TAXI Ta C7 Phon (Call Oeurit. .u Kpesdal 6 ami ; , bakers n . dv ROSS BROS. POOL RO0I Meeker Clock Across fr. . . FURNITURE AND JUH5H Home FunuM, suitable (... (HirMinas dafly. Kver my store MKMll Welcoiii. Vnmlne ' ROTH WELL'S TRANSfM Coal - Woo a- Furniture Mot'rc Masvave . SIsiuLLillle N 352. lie. P 1 FURNITURL ew and He.- r u 1 ure Hlore. We ll 1 - t change New t.4 v I'OOdl. GEO, PAPaDOPUUL PRINCE RUPERT MUI1C ITOtt 303 Third Attnui Sole agenl d! 1 Phonogrsphs. I: Haeueis a 1 v Irunien'- CAMERON TRAHSFEU Phoni! :? Baggage, Furnlturs If -hi. nti.l -n or delivered. 1 p'l l t " CARPENTERS WIIKN hauig ed. see A Phone Mbi k i TIMBER SALE, X 7475. 1lM Will In Mr AikWss. iii" bmir, tttstrtrt f'i.t lb Urr : of sprur. IM111 ' Miualinl Ml llir -UU. ni(sr.l"i' libs. Tuts tf i r- inuvtl nr uinl" emeubsi iiui lb tlirtKill IS l ' " " ' kwtM lo b- .( 1 thin and lrN -rHftaar wirii.uii Ire, Vlrtstl. II l-rinr IHn. 11 TllS PUfflU'llllf v TIMBER SALE, X 491. Svabsl ThwIoi- 1 Vlnllr uf I iii.i- 1 ' IImij is ssi mi Of 1 :i" lit. fr iff .""'"-' lu phi i,es 1 .on.. ( 1 la Issru and ilntir h. Ia ctimuiH. Hani" Tii (t v.'i liH.til .if llmlM-r llirllwr .rinuliii - 1 ' Irr, Virion. I" 1 I'rljire HlUTl. M' LAND SCT, Nolle o lntBlon t PP' Land In Prlnra Iiuimti i trlri of rrlmr lim" ',' fal lnre .if Bn'i 1 k.ival ItUml, luniri' ' TAkK ,OTIl K ll'-O.inpaliy l.linllrit '.r a riii'ailuii irker. ml-1"' Nrinl'in I" pim-hawi i arrllwil' laiHli: Oiiniiifminr l i' norlliast lmr t H""' li.iyal lnhnil. naiir' llirnrs pIitI iw"" ouiiioriv amy 'h'"1 r.irli' rhallll Illl'll' P I nnirr or !. to '!, nill'iwlnr li'1 " "", .it. .....Ilt-lv rtlr.tl' 'I 1 liipiicrriieiil, ml r.iiilln"" ' "... '.'-"I .joe l.'il I' , inn rrp. mMP it t"". ,Nrnv " ,., SUNKIIVII I F- ' NM",ntii " lr W I "" Dttd bctobr itio.