tdnesdar November 25, 1925, LW ui yeurV Supplies jil send yo" TOFX1' 11 em fous illustraUd V ft Horaw,, l Distributors for: (fDham K9L9RED SI 2w Fruit Assorted Pastilles Mule I.v Boots Ltd., Nottingham, England T P.olille- hate lli- genuine Frnil Flavor und rc- !! ..I $1,011 per III. s ' i.i! Price, jut Hi.- 65c Ormes Limited 1 I Inuggi.1- ll'N;ill Store 3rd Avenue and Oth Street Phone 82 and 200 Mom- K a.m. tn ' p. in. S " it 111 lllllldil ll.ilU lU t" ! Ill .a 1 1 I ' In ! p. 111. C i vii 4i ra PrI-i I? ' llxAfmr 7 -oaiiauiaii i aiuii naunui r " IPiPirip - "wo vuciai uui vn,to ,i nun iu: Sailings from Prince Rupert f" itTOUUJI. WMN11U. JUILAl' SUCWH nmaArr 16. 30 0fctiO.r H f" UflCOUVlR, VICTORIA, ua SUTTU Nwrafcr 3. 20. Dwt.krr 4, IS ... . Si MKCISS ttATIUCt BuliUtU Swanton Bar, Eatt ll Balla. Ocaan Falls, lnm, Alart Ba, Campb Rlor, and Vancoutar atari Salurdai 11 .m, " tor ill Slaamahlp Llnaa. full Infarmatlon from W, O. ORCHARD Oanaral Oorntr of 4lh Strati and Ire) Atanua, Prlnca Rup.ft. B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTU. , Sallmtt from Crmr lluis-M. , ' "OOUyiR, VICTORIA, Swanaon Bo. and Al.rl Baf, Tuaidaf, P.m. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AlaM Ba, and Swanaon Bay, lalu.da,, 10 A M for NV0X' P0RT 8IMPSON and Raw Rlar Cannarlaa, Thuradaj p.m. j. l?T. MPtON, ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, I p.m. " Atanua. J. Barntlat, A.anl Prinao NiiiMri, a.O E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Relocated at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, wlh uildiimiiul murium' Tor 4 lie iiihiiii lui-tui'C ut SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER nlso cnrrieil in wtork. v "yo liiuidling charges, ),y luiyiiifr diroi-l frnin the Miiirrc of supply. , TnB PAIL i nyVTB Lumber Brick Cement Lime Plaster Stock yuut winter's supply oi Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 NEW -;- SEASON'S SB Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Storage Co., Di PRINCE RUPERT, B.C ln-. It H I Local and Personal B.C. Undertakers. Phone 4t. HiiplUt Hazuar Thursday in Uiu Uhurch l'arlura. 27 1 Uurrio'tj Taxi ami MottHCiifinr Service. IMiono 507. gcrvio and night. Stand, Carllo Oafe. if Old i-Bliuhlc Foothill coal, nul WJMi; Hlove $13.50; lump 11.00. CoiiHuiiiem dial Co., Lid. I'lione 7. 274 Salt' or Wtirk, Home CookiiiK and Afternoon Tea at St. Peter' Church, S-al Com;, on Thursday, November 20, at 2.30 p.m. 27 i fcliiiniienl of lltuiiKwick phono-yraplm arrucd. Hear the llrum-wick lr.ii' you liuy. F.any lernif arrangrd. J. Lome .MacLurcn, Ltd. 74 V. h. Marriit, wHI known llaz-wllou iniiiiiiK man, j a viHitor in Mii irily mi liuninxoK. lie exiwt U rplurii In tlit interior at Uim !id of tin- vek. A joinl ini'i-lnia of the Halihut Itoal Owimmi. ami finhermcn will Im- held tomorrow November 20 at 8 p.iti. in the City Hall lo din iii. imj.iiri miii iiiHttnrai. Mi iinil .Mr. A. I. Plant wi!l lt'iii- mi ilu vfiiiii(r train foi I'l iuif lii-orKf wlo-rp tbpy will in , ful in,- rei-idi'. Mr. Plant bavin? 1 1 ui"' iiilPrf'nW-d in a hakery f lt-i ta-in that city. I I..X.H. xleainrr Priuen John( M F Mabh-, from Vaucouver iMa tin ,iici-ii Charlottp Ulaudu, i'M gui'i'ii Cliarloiip City at 7 o'i'liH-k IIiih niorning and in due Immv toiiim row 'veiling. In a reirpjil imup of the Van-i-iiiiMT Sun apar a larae pie-' f Hip npw lerminal grain I'li-Milnr al Prini't' lluporl an il Intfitiil mi Xovi'inbcr 4. Thf pir- nirf wii at'oninMini'U wiiii an uriit'lp KiviiiK a (Oil description of the plant. Mr. and Mr. V. E. Kerlpy ar I'tiniil !Hi iiirpiirpri ttlKtarn tin- Hlciitnpr Princt' RumtI tln jM-t'k. Mr. KppIpv. wbi prat'liup i.iw iii no' .Miiiuii' Male-. Ik a irifhi'r nf H. KpcIpv. Pacifii' i.iiii iiianaypr nf (lie Canadian ;i.iimtiiiii'iiI Mi-rt'liaul Mariiuv A rar if fib oil war. iihivciI dnun i lit liarimr ynnlprtlay aflt-r-mimiii frnin flip ilaiil of Hit liu- ItI Marint' Prnilnclit lo thf tun ft-rr wIiito it will bp junkctl up and lakt'ii by train. TIip 'ttiimii' tuj p.H.T. arrived frmn n'iraplnwn I fait iiHtrniiur a hIi iwn m'owloadp of lumber. Tin' btaly of Vh'XHiider (Alex.) Hny. wlm paMtd away at Prinrp Hiiih'H. rearhad lliio city mi Kri-la. ami wan convpyttl to (Iip Siunln Funeral CliaHtl, wIiim-p im ii'i'K were eondurlod at 3 o'-I'liM'k mi Saturday. .November 21. Thf wan laid to rpnl in Ro-ta Hay Omt'lpry. The young, man wa limn in Mnii h, St'ullnnd, iw.'ii' -nop ypart. ago, ami earn.' in Mu i-itv with iii pari'iilx, Mr. .mil Mi- Jiiini'r. (oy. of 1015 I i. flu'. Slri'i'l. al I he ni- of lbrip m'.ii.. Hi- i snii'il iy hj. iii 'p:. Miri'i- .ni!lnr. anil lVi M- ! ''I - H': nri.i '11 lilt'-. ANNOUNCEMCNTS HaiUsl Church Udies' Aid llanir, November 2(1. St Andrew's Ladies' llazaar. December 2. Auxiliary Lutheran Church Ladies' H a n'""niS - t AiUCHOR-OOtlALCSOr. Back Home oi " ASCANIA" Frm tlIi( lo I'lvmouth Ckarbftura mitA I.J.1I0H. Sk1a1 Aid t niled Church Haaar. Deeeni- !IT III. SiCUNARD TV -3 r4 -& G&38IST1AS A V OA ra l rl oxcurtlon, prton!ly otcorlfMl t hr Ultk K. Whllh.m. i.i:in t-T" F ,t l). U. tii run iniormiion iron a.f-nis, . or Campany'a aMcoa. -2 lint. St. W.. Vancouver. The Slight Cold Of To-day May Be Serious To-morrow On the firt appmraDos of a cough or cold, do not neglect it, but get rid of it at once Wore it h a chance to grow vrorM and I'Pcomei acttlcd on the lungi, for once it dnca x-rome dcep-M'ated yon Art going to have a lot of trouble in getting rid of it. Our advice to you la that on the firat sign of ft cough or cold you ahould procure a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup aa by Ita timelr op yon tnay aare youraclf many ycara of Buffering from txjme serioua bronchial nr lung troubles. Ir. AVood'a" ha been on the market for the pint 37 yeara; to you are not experimenting with some new an untried remedy; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. Phone 134. tf 0'J Taxi and Transfer. ervic. Day and night. Dybhavn. , 503 T. tf Private Cfirutuian ("ard-j prin I fd )iy lto, Cowan & Lalla, 4th Strtxit. tf K. Joe, ohef tif tin' Ctnn- raodore Uafe, ailtCI laxl night on the Cardena for Vancouver. uy your Chrixlmat prppenlK al flu- Ha jt JJaxaar tomorrow. heiid Hip ynuitpMlprn for their uaix'el al tlit- Parcel I'o-l, 25c. John Tbompion il-ailtl not atuilly in the City police court ttii iiimiiiiijf t a chariti' of in- loxieatiiin and the t H.f wa. nd- jaumed until tomorrow. Hpv. I'.. Ilodton of ocean FalU arrived in. the tally on the Priticp Rupert llii" moruiiij,' to attend the Rhuri'h anffrptup with Canon (iould byill? held here lo- nlyht. Paftrt'iiji'Mi Httilinfr alinartl the CaruVna luil niirht fto- Vancnuver included Mr. and Mi. . A. Mc Millan', K. Jop, T. C. IliUon. Frank Slriugham and W. It. Joyt;e Rev. Ir. S. S. Oslcrlmul, of Vancouver. silpertnleiidPiil tfl Mimnlal .M,.miiiii- for flu L'uited Clmivli, vtill proceed lo Port lis singlnn this evening and (hence to the interior. For an infrai'linn of Hie I bylaws in parking an auto mobile on the wrong side of thf utrPHt. W. Wong. Chinese, win fined to by Magistrate MtCly inoiil in the cily police court Hi it mornuitc. Sam Win I rom. who wa otitn- uiitted for trial al Any ox mi Monday on a chartre oj tlipft. appeared ttefore Judge Vountr yeslprditv uflernoiwi and electe for spoedv (rial. The case will be proceeded with on Fridav nmrning. Fred Cmiper, who i lo join the local fire ileparlmwil a master iiipchanir suecewllng J. W. Miiorehoiisc. arrivetl fPoiu Vancouver on the Princti lluperl lliis iiioining. Mr. Cooper, who was aoinc years huh identified with the department, will be joined later by his wife. Mural Dean T. .). Marsh of Terrace, while in the oily to al- EVIDENCE OF LEIGH WADE Flyer Who Visited Prince Rupert Tells of His Experiences to Court Martial VA A.SIIINtiTON, D.C., Nov. ii Lieutenant Leigh Wade, one of (he army piloU in the gtolie flight last year, today told the .Mitchell court martial hi various i-xpe rieueet during; 3,mio Iioiiii of flying in every known type of plane. Wade said the Locninc? amphibian plane in in an experimental Mta'.'o and nof suited fur Arctic nervicc. Describing the experience of the globe flight. Wade ttaiil the hop oT the airmen from Scapa Flow to Iceland eon-nliluted an "undue hazard of human life." Wade wat aoked about hii rencue when hit plane fell into the water of the Norlh Atlantic duripx the world flight, lie replied that Hrillsh -tailor rescued him and an American vessel later appeared and destroyed his plane. The defense notified the court marital thai it expected lo complete the presentation tif testimony tomorrow except for the testimony of Colonel Mitchell. Admiral Sims, retired, yesterday rcilerali'd his charge that "ignorant and unfit officers are in runt rol of the navy." i When asked by (iougrcssmarr IteJd. Mitchell counsel, for his opinion A-eganliug unli'in -non-flying officers pavp ! airship commander over their protests. Sims said: "The commanding officer are the In-! aailable. If thpy were not selecled'wilh thai plan in mind, then such selection ciiiiMlilunl a criminal act." Lieut. Wade was one of the pilots who speirt several days in Prince Itupert after I be damaging of, Commander Mali ins plane here at the outset of their big round The world flight. icnn ine 4nniiean luiureh eon-; sped ion to the local idaul and fcrence. . is tin guest tf Mr. audi will return south Friday morn air. J. i.. .Mel.-iiiiitn, Hordcu Slite. He arrived from the interior op this mornings Iran, and will return lo Tumrtiee Saturday evening. All Church of Kngland people are invited In alleml a meeting in .the Churi'li Mall this evening al 8 o'cIiMik. Dr. (iiiirld. uencral secrelary of I lie Canadian Church Misshmnry Snciciy will pivc an iinldres. Tliwre 'will nlsli be ajii week jdevotumal service at 10.30 a.m. Pi'm on Tluirsilav at wttluh the llolyl'"se Communion will be admiuistcn'iF and nr. tioul.l will be. the preach er. Inlerior iiaslors nrriviuu in jlhe city on this morning' inmi, lo atliMid the conference with Canon (Iould louitflit iiieluded Mural Dcnn T. J. Marsh of Tei - 'nice; Mev. (ieorgo J. (iray of Chilco; llev T. D. Proctor of' 'Hiwellmi mid Mev Wllliani Sweel-! 'nam nf Kndako. Mr. mid Mra. F.i F.. Page of Smiiliei, Jav dele-' I:.- ... .t, .s! tf"' tus" iinniii on me same HOTCL ARRIVALS. Prlnca Rupert J. Mi'Kague. Winnipeg: 11. I.. Taylor. II." H. Marshall and He. Dr. S. S. iKterlioul, Vaueouver; W Laing. Victoria; lte. and Mrs J. S. Itrayfit'ld and Mr. and M's ins . Cricker. Anyox; II. Veular ilytler: A. .1. liultimcr, lialmnral S. II. Seukppl and W. S. Harris llaellnii: Mr. and .Mrs. F. K Page. Sinithers; llev. tieorgc J (iray, Chilco; A. D. llardie, Port! Ksxiiiglon. Central II. P. .lohiison, eily; .limutie Williams. Prince (ieurjie; Chris. (ileasoii. Dome Creek. FUNERAL TODAY. The funeral of Harry, two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. I'M. Hud son, Ninth Avenue ami Conrad Street, look place al 2.30 this af ternoon from llayner lirns. Chapel to Fairview Cemetery, llev. Waller Allen officiating. I-lowers were sent by Mr. and Mrs. N. Mussalem, Miss 1'.. Pil ling, Mr. and Mr. II. F.. Iludsun. Win llayner. Mrs. II. Nations, A Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Umbers, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cook. .Miss F.. Larseii. Pallbearer were Cordon Clark. Peter Cook. Tony Mussa- mich. John Murray. Oscar W. Pearson of Vancou ver, district manatee of ihe Swifl Canadian Co., arrived in the eity on (he Prince Huperl litis morning, lip is on a trip of in .lack Snell will leave on (In evening's train for the Fast en-route In Fugluud where he will visit his former home, -lie will sail from Hah Tax aboard the tin er Arable on December 4. Mi. .lusiicc Mnrohy will pre side at the session ' oT the Supreme Cnuri (issues here and Ua -S!m4.' Ground Saw.i Ik if Uclharaol late; will proceed ! lieu! ,'p tor ii similar pur- n iKicknoat tnrouf boot Iho talir Wntlh el Ik law, lhu. .CfulOui' UUt TMIk Cmt C.t. .inflbindinainlhokorltV. a.s. iaiiou.oi. iiotcortiuruM itd it icwmt 3imooJy.; Miur. ' IIM0.1DJ CANADA S1V CO, UNITE Ik Spend Parr To see things worth while, and do things worth while, go to jk Europe this winter. England and the continent offer an abundance of everythingmusic, art, theatres, places of absorbing historical interest, rrom London to Paris is but a brief journey. Then Nice and Monte Carlo where winter never penetrates can be reached in twenty hours. Venice, Rome, Vienna are not far away. Thequickocean voyage and fast English and Continental trains enable you to have a wondsi hi' holiday in a few weeks. Your local steamship afe U vnll give you complete & information, or write to THE CUNARD STEAMS IIP CO., LIMITED, G22 Hasting? Jtreet, W. VANCOUVER, B.C. CUNARD ANCHOR-DONALDSON CANADIAN SERVICES Phone 8. 118 Are the Pennies Blocking Your Way Some women, eveu though they realue what a waste of time and what u tiring job washing is, still they struggle with washday because they think laundry service is beyond their names. But' if they'd only try our Thiift-T Service they'd know how economical laundry service can he. Everything wushed clean, your Hat wurk ironed, wearing apparel just to iron and the cost is only 5c per lb. and lc per piece. Get rid of washday and you'll have many new hours a week lo use th m as you wish. You'd like to have them of course. i don't lei Ihe pennies stand in the way. Canadian Steam Laundry Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDQCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnuers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38! Steamship and Train Service '" '''"' ""INCC RUPERT fur VANCOUVER. U..-:.P?'A1-RUPRT VICTORIA, SEATTLE and mlurimruidti' pulut" earli FRIDAY at 8 a.m. 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT r..r 8TEWART and ANYOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN tin luirllll rir VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ami SATURDAY al S p.m. I..r PRINCE CEORQC. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, aM. Wilt I j-Iitii i .uwd.i. t niinl SUIes WHEN REMITTING tand Canadian National Eipraaa Mono Ordara and Foralgn Chaquaa. WHEN THAVELLING carry Trallora Chaquaa. I . i -aUi lo i ..iiMdi.ii'. N.iti.'tuii Bv. Tieki'l .ip-ii-- ,niil Kxnro.. nffKi YOUR NEXT EXPRE8S SHIPMENT CANADIAN NATIONAL AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlckat Offlca, 528 Third At, Prlnca RuparL Phona 280 Only 5 Weeks to Christmas liuine in ami rhoose your Ghrisltims liiff we shull he only loo pleased to sel any article aside ror yon. GIVE FURNITURE THIS CHRISTMAS Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue Phone 123 i-mwtl MuMt.4At HHI ! Jumm, Kl.