$30.00. Phone Green 245. (224p) & Phone 342—Black 197 evenings std (223)! peamie) | (228) Try Daily News Want ae e \ . - es Pf we Se ks Wie oP ian ram i iit Lats ’ rohnuaws ; oe bh 4 5 Sha ik ‘ | ae aetaaer oe oan Brazil | t ‘ ie a we O Mundy, September 22, ive yea Ai bougit one third of ) a Ss toc S a Se _ -- ———-+--smanemeceem | Gi] cars and trucks exported by (Courtesy S& D, Johuston Ca, Lid.) |; Canada. Brazil was the leading ' | buyer with 15,377 vehicles, Aus- ee J 5 us ! VANCOUVER | tralia was second with 7,374 ve- - a Tf PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER merican Standard .. 06 ON J aicies N Ea DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS Bra or : 5.9 2 fe ee ees e siintbeinecini > 02 ca | Congress f Classified Rates | FOR SALE Cronit Sani - d. | Is. > . 1 Ulosure time 4:30 p.m. day pre-| FOR SALE — Scie cae Health Changes Giant Mascot 9 rl ge iUsiness Votes } vious to publication. wood or coal or oil burner Indian Mites 12 | Stok f Classified, 3 cents per word per| Green 781. (227) H Pend Oreille 7.00 i insertion; minimum charge 50 pOR SALE — Man’s bicycle in u entists Pioneer o 5 2.00 By EASLEY BLACKWOOD | cents. : good condition. Phone Blue} CARDIFF. Wales estore) ee 1 \| John F. L. Hughes, D.C HAND f Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards) 377. (224) : a, wales wtih Privateer 0 ‘Different Situations’ : ) ne ; YM of Thanks. Death Notices, P ae charges were imposed under Reno 3 liferent Situations CHIROPRACTOR HOME SER ritain’s ae service jas ne 3} ‘, n oo sneral Notices, Marriage and FOR SALE—2 “piece — acon prrenggeh ies gor m by tt Sheet - eek 1.40 Throw Mr. Muzzy For Loss | seg, ngagement Announcements _ ew eee Pee. Fee, ABBE Silbak Premier I os 6 : ; camens ") old; mantle radio; Gray-|much as $12,000 a year Taku River . \ tna -eird bidding * Muzzy land ON VACATION GENERAL C0) ( Seecint Dienlax deukie pace, | Bonney mechanic tools, all; At the annual convention here! yananda z= After some weird bidding, Mr. Muzzy landed Building gnq p al spia 1OU e ricé. i Ss 9 * . soiaalle . ‘ re ALA SENAS 02 . rm : oan om ae . i. = . the = Faeeat peaete Salmon Gold 0: , econtraet of three no-trump. The opening lead by kinds re achtaienyaeceah ee Se Te ¥. ere " ion a statistical report disclosed Sr Talley ’ 4 i ‘ : ANNOUNCEMENTS 3rd West. CB) lingh wumiae prevailing arrange-| clear Geum :% | Mr. Dale was the four of hearts. Mrs. Keen won FOR YOUR ROCK ROOFS — cy First Alaska Music Trail con BATTERY SERVICE ments the average ss amoun Western Uranium 4.2 U he ace and returned the eight. AND CONCRETE WORK OIL BURNY cert, Civic Cer Sept. 24, 8:30 2 rot f $004 to dentists were only about | Oils— Mr, Muzzy covered with a nine| ee mee ere ee SAUNDERS BROS —— pm. Silva, ¢ Urian’ vio- RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East Dalf what they were in 1949 Anglo Canadian 7.6( | Mr Yasle whi tk, ot Soni : linist, a 0, pianist 3rd Ave. Phone “Blue 126. Re- “Some are earning no mor A P Con @ Mr. Dale was in with the oe anes se We Pour Ceinent For Less PO PHONES: nme ——-|_ pairs, recharging and rebuild- than in 1939,” the report said.! Calmont 123 : : eee Phone Blue 939 Box 167 day Be: ; = Satur: ing. Work guaranted. (c) | “In many industt ‘ial parts of the} Gentral Ledue 3 4 He figured the true situation) (Mr Champion) ay, Sep 11 a.m. Store antes dentistry has definitels ene Bat an } nd made a good shift 8—3J 10 9 6 | next Ro ee nt cacatiaeiensatia $$$ eters os ’ Mmuiie Wil - 14.01 > " F sania i. CARS FOR SALE passed from a boom to a slump Mercuty 9 L ick of clubs. Mrs. Keen tte FREL sae ee MeTCUPY ease nann 28 : va DAK 973 PRECISION SAW FILING ‘ED E. DO j AN opportunity to make more — ; ttm period Okalta Qn n ix and Mr. Muzzy soutl | money, day after day, year, FOR SALE—1949 Prefect, 15,000, Association members charged a ; os . the queen (Mt pee Lawn Mowers Sharpened OPTOM : : a iles I dpa onde Royal Canadi 2 j i . i after year, selling our 250; MuUes. n good condition.| that earnings had been greatly i h thought he came GA 7 916 Room 10 st ” guaranteed products, at mod- Phone Red 140. (224p) | reduced following the 28 percent : TORONTO. a : a ‘th ie eae H—K 10 9 2 215—Ist Ave. W. | 10 Stone gy erate prices. Int stine com- rt wey ; Athona a nh ion that in .orae DJ 432 i , , = i inate sares Tat sacieal sea moet oe 3 de - ists’ fees, sac ‘-' Aumaque ; nine tricks he would C~-A Q7 23 | Phone 909 Coin oo ~~ WANTED TO RENT : 1 pen F needed. Details free Familex, stare — os = . nan _e a Bevcourt 12 A to bring in the diamond a seins band ae j Pp Oo Box 72) » ETGay 1600 I Delorimier, Montreal WANTED TO a 3 or 3- aceition. of Page in Saab to, Buffalo Canadian 21 t with | More thinking,| s—K @ 5 2 ce Re : (1t) room suite or house for couple ptt oe ae: , Consol. Smelters 35.7 1 can the deuce of| H-QJ64 H-—-A 8 3 ne oi with 10 month old baby. Phone dental treatment for adults Cor week se % he diamonds D—Q 6 5 D—10 8 ‘ | Lutheran tea, Sept. 27 Red 215. (225p) Since ‘the changes were intro- Sees ‘a * #50 ‘ M Dal 1 “4 CJ 9 Cc--K 10863 HELEN’S H. G. FELGER - Woe se duced there had beets Saek ponalda 4 Nhen Mr Yale playec ow fhe bidding F ‘ ess beginning WANTED TO RENT — 4-room ant ot a ee eta, Eldona 16 nine was put in from dum-| South = We Nort East BEAUTY SHOP LIMITED : : : , it p in attendances, said A in a ee ie : : :y Pass 1 & _ 2p om ¢ . Tay) house by October 1. No chil-|p wysband. chairman of the East Sullivan 7.50 and Mrs. Keen won with the oo dag 1S Pass Permanent’ Waving t : i tnt 2 dren. Phone 39. (224p) association’s execu ive oun a1 Giant Yellowknife 8.60 10 and returned her last heart :N T ‘ 1 Pa r sox Bewuty Culture in all aaah ESTATE & ig Uctober 4. WANTED TO RENT — Two or ‘It . bel i oe 2 ote God's Lake 57 yw Mr. Muzzy could win eight — ; its branches Phone 96, Ev:ning§ 7 — ' t as believed In the >S- a . re + on Sire y eer sage a : es Harricans Yr ' se ; |} 204—4th Street Phone 655 z : ee Faree nepens x eube by. quiet | sion, he anid, ret the £1 che cee ig pie On - : . ce like ¢ ad or on wading tewird shalt " ieliner & in couple. No children. Cellulose " - 7 mentee 2 sends ny : Duvex 85 ib pes * oii = pang oe nolding in a suit for LING THE Church Hé mm 5 yorker. x 503 Daily News.| °C \¢ Paced al uni jurden ON} Joliet Quebec as ae a ene Coffes and sandv ihe hae ae a ins the regular patient wishing to pe _ 7 pion, “but, as the cards Heé,| “But this is a difierent sit QUALITY REPAIRS | ene T sl ———_- “ See eee keep his teeth in good order asadeet Red Lake as you can actually make it. Your! uation,” said Mr. Champion, For Downtrodden Heeis Tailoring - 3" Fall Bazaar, Oct. 8 var TO entity poo ay “In the long run it will cost Mok re s med Cake se best play to bring in five dia-| “Different, always different, and Wurn Soles and 4 couse wie MS easatenn oldest the country more ill-health,” he McLeod Cockshutt 2.80 —_ haan = “rh grind “ee “| Se ee a ae sil we e 220 sixth aie. Over t Tea, Civic, 3. Box 499 Daily News. (224p) | 8° Moneta 37 eae SSH OMS, AS) OF MOCK Teen ation. “Listen, if 220 Sixth St. Centre, October. 16 : | A Glasgow dentist who earned| Negus 26! ing Dale covers with the) you are going to be my teachei 7 es - FOR RENT silgnimednaees £900 'a month when the plan be-| Noratida 19 00 en, vo 1 win with the king you've got to make up yout SHOE HOSPITAL hs ad Pe of - Order of the _.|gan reported shat his earnines| Louvicourt 99 d Mrs. Keen drops the eight! mind and stick to it.” PORTRAM ry 1 3azaar : é > \ . ent ee ae a rt sincvortinnliosniresssmntes woyal Pr rple LZaar, ot, FOR RENT — Sleeping room. dropped to £40 in the first month Pickle Crow 1.62 ot C shippi aG ral Films Developed Hospital ry Hallowe'en: _ Blue 602. (127) | of the new scale. Petroi Oil & Gas 1.08 Admittedly, you now have to a Moving, Packing, Crating PROMPT Gi en: han rs. C. C. Mills. FOR RENT_Light naussheaning Senator Rouyn 15 |makea good guess and cash the Carens and Storage CHANDLER'S room. No objection to child. 4 ot Gordon 4.95 Pe of age ree rather than 216—4th Street cnece arb Suite No. 2 Levin Apts. (225) Ch Add Steep Rock 6.60 finesse for that card. But the Complete, Reliable and Effi- Phone Green Fall Bazaar, FOR RENT Partly f aed inese Silver Miller 1.50 way you played it, you were go cle ay hervis e, Also agents for Prince Ri ; mi r urnishec¢ | Golden Manitou 1.03 ing to lose the first trick in the }1 Canadi i 1 Air Co, Ltd ” - . ‘ scent e ner abi j work- ; oe ‘ 7 . \ adian Liquic ul » Lid, vathedral Fall Bazaar, No-| ing man “only, 740. Fulton $228 to Red earns Ores Sap Sue eee ee bee EET for Oxygen, Acetylene and all : » ane J. or } queen » ¢} me . rember 15, sueet, after 6 pm. —(225p) . er OF te 30 welding supplies. COTT Med + = : torr seeeeee ; oe | “Didn't t you jus a} . | j i: LO.D.E. Fall Bazaar, Novem-|FOR RENT—Centrally located, Shield Total Railroader Ss ene ao a LINDSAY'S CARTAGE CHARTERED A00 ex 2K clean comfortable room for Mt “ vay i pe ! 10 izzy, “to lead the smallest James Block 0 laonia badder. Novesuee o | gentleman, Phone Black 219. Canvasser Louise Mah reported ve Pheoievn a : & STORAGE LIMITED Prince Rupe = ~ MOVER ae a (223p) exce lie nt response from = ° « Named For Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Phone 347 i) Fre sbyt erlan Bazaar, Novem-|FOR RENT—Large sleeping room Chinese section for the GEORGE DAWES i} Est, 1910. Phones 60 and 68 ber 27. for 2 gentlemen, separate Shield, bringing in $228 Woes hi f AUC ee ST dine cies Mied—ne ‘ - - beds. Close in. 101 7th East.| donations had come in direct 1e ost ~ CTIONEER Ae BAe = _ Women of the Moose Bazaar,; Phone Black 977. (223) otherwise her total would hav: Phone Black 846 and Red 127 TT | mer hea fe ee FOR RENT “Large room for two been even higher. Following are) MONTREAL The appoint-4 meet Steamer Orange Ladies E ir, Nouv. 19., gentlemen. 937 Ambrose Ave. donors: ment of W. C. Hymus as com- Se ” ‘4 OP tii ee, anol Sitcoas (223p) Grand Cafe $30.00 missioner of development of the , St. Peter’s Fall Bazaar, De-|-————_——— . Broadway Cafe 20.00 Canadian National | Railways with WPA THALL E cember 4. ee “— por table electric! Charles Yee, headquarters in ntre As ty — : : machine hone (C) Rupert Bakery 10.00; been announced by A. Wood Ph tates? pAILS FOR | Val a ee W. Ae. PON | Phyllis Yee . 10.00} chief of development for CNR oto Finishing | \ sALac 9 pe. § > _ } : eR ese 2 WORK WANTED ag Hollywood Cafe 10.00} Mr. Hymus was previously as- @ Vancouver | s : PERSONAL FACTORY experienced repairs a oe ‘a 10.00 :eistant -facusirrel eqummiasionsr DEVELOPING 654 ee ty ¢ —————-! gunsmithing, outboard motors | Sunrise Co. Ltd 10.00 | for the central region at Toron- uLO , PRINTING apd Intermediate Ports VANCOU NE ARLY everybody uses 99. _ fer! and marine engines. Fishing ns hew 5.00 | to, ENLARGING c and PLUMBING, Automatic Of] peat-| TOds and reels. 1337 First ag, -8al0r 5.00 Mr, Hymus brings 32 years of EXPOSURE METE aes : Each Thursda SUNDAY ing, sheet metal worl Overlook. Phone Green 304 for George Low 5.00 | i perati Nad TRU pt ee ee ee ; . s. Camosun | k. Phone : : . experience in operating land AMATEUR SUPPLIES have them ready when the driver call at 11:15 pm. . 543, 630 6th West. Letourneau.) Pick-up. (233) |Commodore Cafe 5,00|tsoal and tudustrial depart- ; ; : — ae Sem eeey Wane ON an FRIDAY (tf) Pacific Cafe 5.00 a ee 1 ane ee ae This advertivement is not published or displayed by | For KETCHIKAN | S Coquitlam 1 me ; _ Athy | i 00 | ments to his new post, As com- | °°)" “ ch ye Box 478 !) he L C /EDNESD! iGHT ae Ce - Chan Gong 5.00 : iquer Control Board or by the Government WEDNESDAY MIDNIGH! > ARM, STEW PERSONAL—Hyde Transfer — WANTED Sandy’s Cafe camer. ne wil Diag. SA of British Columbia, La. Comfort and Service | Ae ont nebra “Wy 100) eee cc tenee | " 5 art j encoura®e os 2 ae E dry wood. (245) CASH. for scrap brass, copper, Wong Hugh 5.00 iene aa sh ee zing - eee - Friday, Camosut, PERSONAL—Ladies. it’s JER- pervaries Sat semasers. Phone Chang Quai Wo 5.00 | ope oe e aes rt oe ane cee = For Reservations | FOR NORTH RY’S for better permanents a th Avenue West, Alfred Chow 5.00 . : ee Write or Call ore i > . ARR faa j 2 | commercial rat ‘an- " CHARL Phone 955. (223) City. (tf) Wong Dun 500 oo ial operations in Can CITY OR DEPOT | Sept. 24, Oct. 8 WE PAY cash for burnt out|WANTED % bed in good condi- | Chew J. Rook ~~ ~~ oe 88 ON motors, any size or make. Wil-| _0n- Phone 552. (224p) | David Chow 3.00 | Free Book on Arthritis PRINCE RUPERT, | FOR Sout ford Electrical Works, Cow ACCOUNTANTS _ -—— |Fraser House 3.00 A BC CHARLOTTE u Ry Bay. Phone Blue 391 lt een _| Edward Mah 2.00 | nd Rheumatism : 88 Coqul 5 DELUXE TRANSFER. Phone 383.|_ Tax | ACCOUNTANT, Income oe — ~ toe a HOW TO AVOID CRIPPLING ra Oct. 1, Oct. ht «___ Ga4p) | Stone Building, Red 598, :20m) Star tone om DEFORMITIES ad .\ D Pi AN FRANK J " wet , : ye i , . ince Rupels } E Th ic tee ‘ : ‘“ Charlie Haw bee &. sees | An amazing newly enlarged 44 ye ° ] } Pr a ‘Beason he ag cant REAL ESTATE — one Lee*gr5 ts : £30 | page book entitled “Rheumatism” La’ i md A Third Avenues esentatives. “We have an |Bob Mah * | Will be sent free to anyone who opening*for you in your fin=| Mah Leong Tool j WitL write. Fog. 16. entre No obligation, to en- Chow C. Yam 2.00 | Tt reveals w drugs and medi- quire. Write Box 502 Daily Mah Hee 5 nn {cines give only temporary relief ) _News. (227) | $5,000.00 Wo Lin 5 00 (and fail to remove the causes of 'e nese a I WILL not be responsible for Wong Yet 9 99 | the trouble; explains a specializ~ u any debts incurred in my| FOR SALE Snow white | Peter Wong £001 Bee surgical, non - medical re S ¢ name other than signed by| large four-roomed bungalow Wong Look 2.00 | treatment which has proven sug= ee cnt bay a : Chop suey myself—Charlie F. Graham. | with ofl range and extra lot, | 38 Donors of $1.00 each. [cessful for the Past 33 years owen * Sag your car Se Tt weet wee were tee Open 6 pal" (224p)| Price $5,000. Terms. ie icicles oe at no obligation in @f that it will perform right through the cold months, under r shai he eee FAMOUS CLUB sending for this instructive book. the worst winter conditions. LOST AND FOUND —— —— Ate 4 acs Each oid The Dudingston Curling Club|!t may be the means of saving LOST—Pair of logging boots | ‘was organized in Edinbur | you years of untold misery, Write ° DINING 00h highway Sunday “atterBoon. | $4,500.00 1795. Pages, tod 1y to The Ball Clinic, Dept : HOLLYW highway Sunday. afternoon. 5 Nt excetstor Springs, Missourt | DUIDPCHMOL AUTO JeFvice 801 or leave at 1412 First) FOR SALE — Four-roomed PLEASU RE " Ouiside O#8 Overlook. Reward. (225)| Wartime house with oil b | Soe eee enone ee ee, Tite Reef uIc | CANADIAN 3rd Avenue W. LIMITED Phone Green 217 IN eae: inder’ ae tetas view. Price $4,500. Terms. : . | PACIFIC SPARKLING NEW HN at. r as ac | Nurses Home eaasp) Canadian Quiz| SURROUNDINGS 40 es ~ asin nit are exe| RAILWAY || For the MEAL that REFRESHES |/Commodore Cafe!| B UL ag io FOR SALE—20 It. speed $2,500.00 ada’s north irom the Atlantic to A | : wered by V8 motor. | the Pacific? OOOO MES PRE RET IBIT May be seen at the Yacht | FOR SALE — Four-roomed 2. From 1941 to 1951 which MNGUNCE BES! FINEST eR et Opto 4 taut hea Oe be ae a ae house, fully furnished, with |province had the greatest per- Sunday Night Steamer OF ; r prec iated. = (tp) oil range. Full plumbing, on centage gain in population? from SV OF Train Schedule é ine - ee sewer. _ Full _price $2,500. 3. In 1944 Canadians paid ° FOOD — Py ~ STANDARD TIME ~ SITUATION W /ANTED Terms if required. $3,015,864,000 to all their govern- Prince Rupert % | COOKING For the East : hn B ines ee ee : : ‘ or the East— n WANTED . Genel “ein ments. How much will they pay is 4 Dai fc Jo . aily except Sunday...’ P.0 A sales clerk desires pos thls year? i i FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 mind . one month. ocx ee re | R. E. MORTIMER 4. Our Eskimo trappers catch temporarily cancelled From the Past— News. (225p) mainly what animal? Expected to resume BROADWAY CAFE —— se re, — anos —- etl gee Real Estate and Insurance 5, At present rate of growth ee mews “BRINGS HELP WANTED--MALE 353 3rd Ave, Phone 88. jour population ,will reach’ what Octobe 19th mh ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY N WANTED—12_ construction car- total in 20 years? TEMPORARY SERVICE BLONDIE A Shellacking, As Usual By CHIE? ponies. $1.77 es hour. Must - ANSWERS ON PAGE 6 LEAVING PRINCE RUPERT | ee een | [THANK YOU THA Soe ave tools. ply Consolidat- (223) Jicswisntahasetivnresiansstieipoeaia dati hises: sical hyp DAC) WOOD, PX ’ THANK YOU, { TW 0 ON : ed Mining & Smelting Co. REAL ESTATE September | { re DEAR FOR thw Office, Wallace Building. (224)| FOR QUICK SALE ° or 24th | oO ree A LETTING ME ef pe — 5 room|FOR SALE—Harbor view home. October 4th "28 § > REA PRESS THEM j FOR SALE house with bath. Two unfin-| Two lots, concrete basement, | ye ae ished rooms upstairs. Full| furnace, garage, glass porches | October 15th NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim- basement with furnace. In- back and front. Fully modern | ited, Distributors for: Mining,| Cluding oil kitchen stove and| Owner 32 lith Street. (225) |g Al! Persons holding reserva- : Sawmill. Logging and Con- automatic washing machine. titan tions should contact i tractors’ Equipment. Enquir-| House in excellent repair— |e HOUSES | WANTED TO BUY f fes invited. Granville Island.| ™€w foundation, duroid roof,| ee a J. D. NOTMAN | ; Ceamever 1, 80 (th) Kedar shakes. etc... Centrail Do yc you want to sell your house ‘ *, ioe located with harbor view.|'" Sour? We have the buyers. a Te Bape ! FOR SALE—Brown Acme coal| $6500. Good terms. Call or| , Fo", Wick Service Phone |{' Third Ave. Phone 31) heater. Good condition. Price| phone H. G. Helgerson Lta,| Armstrong Agencies Ltd. 96 or evenings Black 899.