"AOr. MX ATTENTION! Christmas Shoppers In a few days wo wjjl lie moved ti our new store with the largest and finest stork of JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA UMBRELLAS, TOILET SETS, HANDBAGS, NOVELIES, Etc., in the North Our Molto as in Hie past: QUALITY, PRICE, SERVICE Max Heilbroner Jeweller and Optician HMiHHHr Bordered Flannels Tlic very newest fabri-for Fall or Winter Dresses. lies I quality all wool, in fetching color combination. 51 inches wide, iVx yard for a dress. I'cr yard $3.25 , West of England Third Ave. Store Phone 753 "Jaeger" Underwear For Ladles The lightest weight Pure Wool fiarmenls, unshrinkable. Mini: fitting, Knglisli make. In (kiiiil'inalii'ii style: Hound. V, or lli'h Neck: Shorl or Sleeveless; Knee or Full I.enslh. Vests also in all styles. We are Agents for Jaeger. Bloomers, Slippers, Blankets, Rugs, Children's and Babies' Wear, Sweaters, Gloves, etc. H.S Wallace Co. Ltd Phone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton The Home of BULKLEY VALLEY E Fresh Killed Dccf, Veal and Pork, Turkeys, Chickens and Rabbits Turnips, per sack .. $2 00 1'oIhIocs, per ack . . $3.50 ('Ubbutte, per lb 5o WE DELIVER Sealy & Doodson Tin- lloiwe of Quality Sixth Street Phono 455 Fresh and Smoked Fish a Specially Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to C. X-Ray Strvlcs Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thuraday und Saturday KvenltiKS I GARNET WHEAT i PROMISES WELL1 Ripens Days ITM. C.. a- T" l. I tWIII UC ibll IU ITVUItUj Earlier Than Marquis But Is Yellowish HIXJINA, Dee. wheal, the new nounccd by I.. II. inicn eerealisl at 1. (iaruet discovery an-Newinai!. doni-Ottawa, which promises lo revolutionize Hie; wheat grow-in? industry of West-! eru Canada, li.is been dewloiiedi from "Saunders" crosses. Dr.j Charles F. Saunders, former, dominion cereal is t, 4iad thou-' amis of wheal crosses when he left his work to Mr. Newman, and from thcr-e, the new eerealisl has announced that he has evolved a wheat which ripens from sew;-lo twelve days earlier than Marquis. r. Saunders was the dis coverer oi me taller variety. Mr. Newman is also experi menting with anoMicr new wheat called "Jleward" but it is not yet ready for distribution. If final tests prove successful a limited quantity of tiarnel will be distri buted lo Western farmers spring. The parent-, of Unmet wIi.-ni; were a high quality taken from the Itiga district in Itussia and l'reslon wheal, one of the Saunders wheats, l'reston was. :il unr tune grown rattier extensively in Western Canada as it is a very-early wheat of high milling quality, Ik: i it is Itearded and shatters easily, and -while slill grown in a few districts, the yiehl is generally light. In the new wheat the good qualities of both parents appear lo pir-tom GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE "YH.K IS IIKIlEBV lilVtN. that n tl tviti day of Oemntier new, tlie uiHln-Mm1 intend In apply In Um l iquor Control Hoard fur a in-enM- In rvieei to the remle belli pan of the Lulldin knnvkn a l-reniler HutH moiled at Ouern charlotte city. Vwm Charlotte lland'. iinnu the land ilem-ntied an Luis I? md i. BkMk t, lllrlrt Uil 15. Queeil Charlotte MMrlrt, Jai No. tin. Prlne; Ituprrl Land llepMrallon IHMrlet. la ttw CniviiKT of Brlll.li Columbia, for tlie ale lit U-er t Uh Kla or by the open Imtlle for ruiikiiixptiun on Uh premise. HATED thin 1911) da) or Norrlot.ee. 191. HOY GEORGE NekENZtF.. Vtar!)' 1926 MUNICIPAL VOTERS' LIST. TAKE NOTIi K that IImi C.iMirt of lle- i iiqi In rtw-rrrl aw( fvf-r the aliOve i'H-r' i.im will oil in Ihc Dipunrll i ham- In . i lit Hall, 'rfl tr ihiUt Id. It, at I" a.m. Tlx -aid i ..nrl Iw-ar and! dri niiiiK' n aiKli alin in slrikr mil tin- nan ir anv i r-mi vrtvt ha Ihsiii iinpn.wrlv plared mi -aid Km. nr to plare mt -.aid li-i on- njiiH nf am j-rvm (di-prniri onilllcd Uien-fmui. E F JO.VE?. Mr Clerk We Save You Money Special values in Toys Trains with Tracks, from 80e to 93.25 Aeroplanes from 75c to $1.0(1 Mechanical Autos from 35c to $1.25 Sail Moats and t -times from 55c to 75c Mouth Organs from .... Kc to yoc iKiianioes from l.ou to ?1.25 I), -ft-.i and Kid I tody Dolls. a larpe assort trient at special priws from 50c lo 92.1)5 S ami G cup lea sets 91.50 to i.rn Aluminum Tea Hets 91.00 Aluminum Kitchen Sets from 75c to 91.00 Assorted (Sanies from 25c to 91.00 Itollinn iCIiimes from tOe to 9t.25 Cellutoid 'Toys from 15c lo 35c Savings Hauls from 25c lo 50c Fane Itibber Halls from 20c to 91.10 Animals from 25c lo 91.00 Pictures and Story Hooks from . . . . Kir to 91.00 ilbiistmas Flnckiiijr (extra special value i, per eeni reduction Ibis year Hon i rail lo fret our prices on laury fjhina, llinnerware. Hutch Silver l'apetries and Christmas 'Tree Decorations. No need to send out town If you buy from Gordons Grocery Sventh Avenue East Phone 447 of from all other laxatives and relief for Defective Elimination Constipation Biliousness The action of Nature's Remedy (N? Tablet)! more luturU and thor ough. The effect will be a revel have Hie color. tion you iU feel to good. Make the teL You will appreciate thi difference. UJ for Ovr Thirty are Chips off the Old Block rfl JUNIORS Utile M Th am re? "In oaMhlrd doaet, i ci.dy-cotd. For children and adulta. SOU) BY TOUR DKUKSiST O RIMES LIMITED inale. Iled Fife, one of the, parents of -Marquis whial, is now known to have come from the Higa district, so that Harnel next comes from a select family tree. I The only blemish on darnel record so far as lias been revealed , is the color f its. flour, which is slightly yellowish, and the wheal consuming countries have constantly demanded Hour (lint will make the whitest bread possible. It is probable, however, that some strain of (iaruet may, be discovered which does nut objectionable shade of SKATING RINK ALICE ARM IS NOW READY; son's Hockey In Mining Camp this Year M.ICK AII.M, Dec. 1. Water has been piped lo Hie rkatiny rink by repairing the line fnm J. Slrotnbeck's water system and laying a lar;er pipe on the upper end. Fvery preparation lias bcn made for the season" statin? and a successful season is In the hockey Karnes, Herb Ituller w ill be liack in I he line as will alro .lack Mvh and liror.-e Urusy all of wliom were out of I last year, l'ele Johnson and Slee llrigp's are expected lo play. Matches will be arranged with nyox a soon as the teams an ormed and some iiraelicc has (ecu oltlaliied. Ndverii in h Daily News LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply lo Laatt uana. In I'rlnrr ilunert Land Hwirdlnr Ola trtn. and alluale at .ewritdw Harbor I'ltt Uland. alxiul one mile mrtnrat tnini Uh- ruiraiirr to I'rtrrl Channel, and atiut mc mile Miuitierlr from lite nortttratt rorner or Mil noajr. Take Dullr lhat allari riihrrira Limited. f VanrMivrr. B.C.. oeeuDatloa auiirrtim'ii. In lend In anr.lv fur a Irate of tlie rlliilnr prrrrllied land: uniniN-iirinr pnl Planted anoni ne mile In a MiiiilierlT dirrrtlon rram ibe niirttH-am rorner of iJii ROUP- llnrr '(i(h .li rhaln; tlwnre et 6.'l(l rhaln. thrnrr north 0 70 rhalna- lhrnre caili-rly rneanderlnr alnn the hlrh water mark P rol of r. inimenrenient. and coniaimnr I 00 arre, more or l. WALLACE ri!lEIIIE3 LIMITED. Applicant .rtoli (!! rati Our Stock of Articles Suitable for XMAS GIFTS i- lurfrer than ever .before ; 1 1 1 I a I an exceptionally reduced riee. In addition to the reduced pi ices we slill iiv u discount of 5 per cent for cash purchases. Here are a few of our specials dome in ami look around. l'oxed Kerchiefs, per box, from . . . . 40c to $1.25 .Novell y Hags for Ladies, fmiii .... $2.00 lo $3.50 Novelty Hells for Ladies, from 50c to 75c Novell Uracelels .. .. 35o Silk Scarfs . . $2.00 to $2.50 Fancy fiarters, per pair, from 50o to $1.15 Men's Silk Ties 85c Men Crepe Ties .... $1.25 Set or Armbands, fiarters. Suspenders and Hell In Imx $2.50 Toys, from . . 10c to $6.75 I'.oine and choose your frifls. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. 417-423 Fifth Avenue E. Phones 18 and 84 TH1 fUlLl 5T1 COMMISSIONER LAMB TALKS IMMIGRATION Urges That Tests be Less Strict . and That Aid be Given to Poople Coming to Canada YIOTOIUA, Hoc. I. Commissioner l. C l.ainb, eloran head of the Saivulioii Army emigration department, on the coast on his way Hunt London to Aus tralia, issued a criticism of the medical and oilier tests imposed oir immigrants entering Canada, lie declared that these tests. were loo rigorous. Complaining aboul the objections made by I person-in tlm.cast about buy jfroiii lr. llarnardo's Homes, and also abotilylhe fact that some of . the children shipped out to this 'country by the Salvation Army had been denied admission, said lie objected lo 4111 refusal of ; some of these immigrants from 1 the lower classes on the grounds of defective mentality. J New Zealand i now securing innro iiumUrtiion than Canada because of special aids-and because uf the fact. I hat a much less rigorous standard is requir-ed for admission, the coininis- ....... . sioner said. V tlh an increase in the population of Fnglanu through birth oT I.ihki a day. some readjustment must be made to reliexe the pressure and; fjive lhase people a chance Interesting emunile oersas. The corninlssioner suggeslwl thai Canada should inaugurate a Ml'.l Alt it rfl f a 11 la at lal I (iQlAlill fA If! jbelp immigrants to route here. ami should Inaugurate supenis I some of the money now spent on doles and spend it on preparing erniKraii'l and lii'liJinu to ship them overseas. OPPOSED TO WINE IN BEER PARLORS (Victoria Tiiiieo. Some busy gentlemen who will i.ot be satisfied until they have completely res lured the bar and its viciousiies are now lryu3 ' stir up enthusiasm amoug members of the laislalure in faior of selling wine by the pl.i as well as tieerjp'y Jhe glans. We note tiiat''UM; Attdrney- ejierstl is replrtd to haie frowned on the idea. That is the proper altitude to take. Tliej rioika tiiiblie of this pruvinre is not at A Whiff of the Orient from Canadian Looms Figures Growth of Industry Ten Years 'Itiey were: Silver IV! i. 3.I.U2.I80 oi. IW2J -H.3tl.;H o. IW.pper-.lUl t, t5.0ttV.fiWJ lb. tt2. 6i.Ht5.aya lbs. itir 1'Jll. 7.W6,t67 lls. IU2t. 7 'J, 1. 10.9 7 II !-. tiat lOM. I.8KW67 Ions. I'J?I. t,V3.526 tors. llul.l- I'Jlt. 2t7.no oi. . 1U2I. 26H.753 oi. Lead lift I. &n,C25.iIH lbs. lUSt. 170.3Ht.tHI lbs. Showing In Past YICTOUIA. Iec. t. In answer lo ipie".tliin- in the I'i-lutur-b II. F. Kerniii. meiiitwr for At- e. colonies in whHi they oouIdjHu, Hon. Willtani tfloan, mini-! be adapted to Uie new rural Hfeter of inins, produced oni in this ctiiinlry. He also Hid thatjrHther interest iiik figures hw-, lit miclil be io-ible fur the, ia n,,. an.wlli of the miniiut in-' Preparations Made for Big Sea-! Urilish roernnieiil to r.ipilaliie',tiNtr) duriiijc I lie pent ten year. I'l. 1 1 I. ..I..... t i uur uiaiinirii. imlui ii.iim i daslier. lm lia lir'n eomluctinj' brancji store at Slewurl wlnc'ii in now- beitiK rloMd out. arme.Jj from Slewurt on the drdena tliio mouiin?. LAND ACT. .11 ..r i... i ... ii. ..-. i In l'linre Itaiirrl laM hetunhaa on oi our iiiiihi ub ij .ii tml llMti, em s,Hf, ,uwl j of extending ih pril ilexes r lhe;lwai M M etoliM -wiMi.ieri) Cni n-: V .... . , , ., laalntiw amnfcwvu etrt ul Spirer lalan-ll i.opior utuurui .ci to inciuue tuc .ad wMit i.e Huin rati rrmu rtn-n open sale of the itialt-aitd-hop liipiid. lie lot e any new opportunity to spend money on alcoholic refreshment is furnished, lite peo- tr rata Intent! to Lant Apply 10 Lean lHa -antte thai Wan Flhri OHtltptl. uf Vanretiver. B C. nrrupale reiMx-riiis-n. ttiHida to fS lor a leaae ul I lie tallica tftir prewribed lail - I OMittMeeetna; at a !! plaated atmul .)) thM In a . lertjr dinsriM frwu tlie aitmiw northveat rud of . ... r . . ..u. ... .r.. ... .... . m ... pie otihl to be asked to approve Krtrmr r: thettrr Mitn i et rbin. a more economic form or expen diture in I he shape of better pro- lisiou fir safe'iiardiui.' the pub lic health. HAD GOOD LUCK AT OLD HARTLEY BAY S. Haul ON HUNTING TRIP Willi kooiI Imks of f.'cce, liueks and deer, a party consist -iiij: of Joe ilreer, C V. Fvitl, ' this morniitK afler a trip to Hartley Hay on the Hriuoe lltipert Hoalhouse hmilitiK boat Leila It. The party wa away since Satur day and repcuN uod sport and an enjoyable out in K. CLYDE HELLER WILL TAKE OYER PROPERTY VANCOIVLH, Dec. 1. Clyde Heller. Ik.i.I ..f the Surf Inlet mine al I'l-uu rs Itoyal Island, is here from Philadelphia. II is re ported lie is in lake over ami operate another .(J. mining pro- IK;rty. . . Passengers booked lo sail on the Cardeua this eeiiiiiK' for Vancouver nieliulo J. Wolfe and famijy. Provincial iJoiislable F. Hrotiitblon. Mrs. I!. Killas and A J. Woolton. Provincial C o u s t a b I F IIioukIiIoii of Abbotsford. who has ,een here for I he past week, will return south on the Cai-deua Ibis afternoon. AdvertJp In the. Onlly News. tnenee ei a.m -bib, inrti'v norm newlerlf ineandfirini alunr (l Inw of Mall tide to poft( of mrarfirtarrineni. and rontalulnr I N arre. naire or lea WM.LAi K riSlir.fllF.S UMITr.ti lepHf ant. n,t4 l.Mh.. aH 1 i aa.n Notice of InUnlloti lo Applf to Leaa Land In tnr ljutrn " hariulle IUihI. iMalrtrt. land llevurrteaa Otatrwt uf Crmrr lluM-r(.l alfl lloU- tm line I'orealiorp or VMttU-ti Bat. 4.-U Inirl. I TAkt: NOTIC.I. that Citrrne II simtMnn.i of Mauell. urropallon rannw maiurer. iNlrmU U apply lor a lease ul tlie filo ' lar derrUMl Iaix1 - I'JKiiftieftnnK al a tl planted on the Man water mark about o rtiaiiK . rr.mi I Ik- noitbra! rorik-r ol Lot liKi I tluu. mlh Villi F .1 ,.. I,.w Ma... ...arli V. Kirkendal, Hubert Ward and; tlwnre mrthwrn-riy inn o-ei twin- ,,,.. l.i,iM anrlr '": "ware -- inw irl 10 w rriKin ninriiotl nome enuyia,.. rutwt or r. it simtwon aiiira (lldjoon In lea: llienre -ntheaperl fol ; eiatina I or niaru water iitara u. iim- im.ii i of romiinrfiwiil, and nwiauilnr ! more or tn. ri'OIK II. SIMCSOM Apidieant Vtr I'red. ,ab. Atnt. paled Noteniliee ltl. tf LAND ACT. Nolle ol Intention to Applf to Purthaa Land in Frlnre liupert land H ordln lil i trlrl of PHnee linpert and altuate on tliel eat ahnre ul Harnard (je. I'rlncru Itotal laland. Ilanire lour, i oal Imirlri ; TAKK X'TII K thai Ssiirnlle Uoner Company . I. united of Vaueuuirer. B.C.. or rupalion parker. Iiilrndu lo apply lor, l-rrniiMlon to purehaae the lollolnr de l erllwj land.: Cufrfiirt-iHina at a mi planted on ttie luirttH-aat adore of Harnard cove, ITinreMi Hoy a I Itland, Itanae t. Coaal Matrlri. i llienre eaalerly twenty rhalna; tlwnre I u il 1 1 1 .. . I W al.IV I . a I ri . rorty rnaina; tnenre noriiH-rly lle rhaln iniire nr lea, lo lit arli aier mark, tlieii'-e folkiwinr lilrti ater mark in an eaairrly mi iriiiur. ij oiirriifni lo plini of riKM nienrrmeni. and roniainint onn liumlra -rea, more or le. so.jrnvii.i.r. cAi?(r.itv co i.tii lonllrant. . . . w ThiMtiaa, renl For Chest ColdS Aeelw ver threat aaachnt Vltl li(a akl eeil, like ll aaa M4aatilaa mlllre an aM Ilk ih ra4(a aei lam. VICKS IJAKKl.vUJKh V "Barrymore" Axminstcr Rugs translate the magic beauty of tf,e East to your living room See the display of these "Barrymore" rugs at Barrie's Home Furnishings Third Avenue One Door East of Daily New Office Phone 123 WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 0 "NIGHT LIFE OF NEW YORK" A JiiZZ Kpl' of til.- lireat it, ,v v Ihniwiifff the Mitliffht on the ),.m-t .p.c. , A love -dlalliu of the Itnxbl I.ikIiI- .il tin ir t.r . s idiom's, w hiniug-ilriiiii- l.ni limuoK. p.nni. 1 while liiiibler. lei-k -ng.ir d.nl.lii'.. .,in; j.. night i-liilc. KunfiKitto. taxi ran-.. IhrtitiK (Inin iiip ilanioeN, Jie.irl thnd., .mil low. .Si Rod La Roqt'e, Dorothy Gith, Crneit Torrencf, Cejrjt Hackathornc, niley Hatch, Helen Lee Worthing and cthta INTERNATIONAL NEWS 35c and 10c Christmas : Perfumes F.xi lo-ie Oilio NOW ARRIVING. I Itir lo . - -1 i Kit- rrr-x-'i. hok'i l. MINERAL PRODUCTION PROVINCE INCREASES Perdinier CARON'S, GUERLAIN'S, HOUBIGANT'8, COTY'S, ROGER A GALLET'S HUDNUT'S, ATKINSON'S, SEELEY'S Etc. I'rices from 25c to $13.50 See Our Window Rupert Pharmacy Phone 04. 3rd Ave. and 5lh Street We Deliver. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED lo biMliling next door lo Fruicll Ituti licr Hliif c frntn the Knipress Hotel We carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamei Zarelll proprietor What would Christmas mean without Santa Claus & the kiddies? Who is there tlmt dues not fondly recall ears when we reall did helieve llieri was .( s . Who is there that does not lake keen .IcIiyM " aling thai ancient legend wild tlicir children ? 1 ' II is Santa Clans und the kiddie-, tlml i' l'" Irne spirit of ClirisltiiRM rlieer. '" tloiiie, liritiK lite yotiiiffslers in. lot Idem l ' " dundle our toys, ft will givo Hie in ii dtdlcr nlc.t wluil tdcy wnnl tiefort' writing Sunln liluus. See our Hssorlnieiil or loy. We liavo a wonderful vitlno ill Sleeping I'"11 A spet'inl pttrcdiisn dolps us (n orfur yon a "ljl"g Doii ror use anfli Jabour Brothers Ltd. Phono 645. Corner 3rd 7t"