pnn rwn v.. ROYAL CAKES STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS The Daily News prince nui'Eirr - Bnrrisn Columbia Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES i . . ' City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United State, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 .Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 88 - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION nr Tuesday. November 3, 1925. Little Serious Business Before The Legislature. - The speech from the throne yesterday indicates Hint lillle serious business is to come before- the legislature at this es-sion. Possibly that is the best filing (hat could happen. We already have too many laws amf it has been the custom lu add about a hundred each year. Soon we, .-hall be burdened with laws if that continues.. Many of (he laws are wholly ifiinecesary and some of them are never enforced. Laws are necessary but too many laws ale worse than none. The 'Legislature meets onee a year and if the members ;do not pass some law the people begin lo think they are useless and should not be returned. If the, present Legislature is willing to brave popular opinion and hold its hand from new legislation it should receive the roninicndalinn of all citizens, However it will not do that. Laws will be forced on it and we shall -be the sufferers . Religion Largely Matter Of Environment. The religion a person adopls is, largely a matter or environment. At the iiyewell to Dr. (iranl last night M. P. MeCaffeiy suggested thai if Dr. (iranl had been brought up in the same environment as himseir he would have been a better Catholic than himself. In saying that he uttered u titlh which is vtsrv apparent everywhere. A man is a Pre.-bylerian or a Catholic largely because his parents were Presbyterian or Catholic An- wiuii ir- imjnii oii-uuse Jir wis orougni up n Ualilisl. it is seldom that any per.-oil i. broiigljl lu the, age of discretion with out religious bias and fhen nked to rhoose after having the features of each presented lu him. In ( ease he might ilol adopt either. We dirfer on matters .of religion and many people feel very stroliglythat their particular religion is Ihe'besl, fhc right oiie or even- the only true religion. .' Yet even that religion is largely a matter of environment. The.' best Anglican in the community would probably have been a Methodist if brought up in a devout .Methodist faiiiilr. :- Insanity Result Of Diseased Body. The speech from the limine delivered yesferdav at Victoria commented on the increase of insanity in the province. That ( largely the result of the loose habils oMiTe of IhV people leading lo disease and often lo death. IMiy!cinii say (hat n large proportion or insane cases are the rciilLf syphilis of fhe brain and syphilis is a coulagious ilWnse nn'elly contracted as' h result or humoral living. Wonicn contract ;il because their husbands havelived loose lives before or after marriage. Loose. living is instigated largely by the use of spirituous and other liquors. His when under the influences of liipior thai the disease is ofleu contracted. Government Will Carry On. As was suggested ycslerdny. Hie (imeriiment of Mncfceime King seems lit have tentatively .decided tifHirry on aiMjKjneel i 'a n lain en i. i lie j'rmie ,Iiiisler iad an mlerview with Hie governor denerai riIJnviJjfp.(lie. cabinet tutS-Piug and kepi him A biug as the (rowninietifdoes liolfiing iiiiciiuslilutimin'i it is Hie province of the (iovernor lo lake llmSjulviee of his first Ininisler in all matters. The d.iy i past wIhmi a flovcrnoi would dare lo interfere with Hie ordinary fail's of slate jus! as in Britain the King uH only on Hie advice of b.s ruiililu-linnal advisers on slate mailers. Then write for our latest Reelr CROWN IRBiNn t' ,JIt1u,U yu how table yrup-cn be uwd In cooklni u make mny appetizing dlshe. CORN GEMS iiHHSEST1 ,' ,o h a.-. rmMk wi ory lnr(lni. Add Ol.n Br.nd Syrup arm binm is buiiermllk tnd mil aulcklv with dr EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP. A Friend tf fmy PRESENTATION TO DR. GRANT Members of Conqrgatlon and Others Gather In Presbyterian Church to Bid Pastor Farewell l.asi niglil I here was a presen lalimi to Dr. II. It. 'iranl ul ; formal fan-well m Hie Presli.v-lerian r.liureh by members, of Ids coiisrealiou and olhers who hint gallieieil for the nVcusioij; Dr. I iranl who is leaiii on I'Tiday for I'orl William wiih Mrs, (Iran' and family v:i Hie recipient -of a beautiful aHuim tiomid wllli' and sinialily inscHTei by Mnrte Craig, Hie burnt Icallo1 iirli!. accitinpanie.l by piifse n' Kidd. There was oeal and Instrumental music and refresli-inenls were served in Hie hall iflerwanis. The inseripHon on the album read: "Presented lo lley. Hush It. rnnl. D.D. on Hie occasion of hi departure from Prince llu-perl. and the e.onsetuen! severance of his rontieclioti a ininisler of the, l irsl Presliyler- iail Church. Tor eleven years from P.) 1 1 lo ltJ5 Dr. (Sranl served, not only hi coiiprej.'alion but "also the city ami ils varied activities freely and with Uie jflneatosl ae-ceptaiice lo all: and this lesli- liiunial. along wjlh a purse of ?dd is hiimled to htm in token of I he hiffh esleem In which lie is held by the Community. "My his kindly and unselfish spirit and example he has raised lo. himself in I he mind of nil his friends a menirtpial more lasting Ihan broiue." Many Take Part Ceorsre Monro presided ami willi him on Hie plalform were Ihe offirers and managers of the church and Sunday school. Mr. Monro said I hey had j-'alhered In say farewell to nr. (iran . I lie reliring ininisler had been ver close lo most of Ihein. II was hard In part hut they had lo do so md il was liesi in do tl in a cheerful way. f-. 5. Dawson represent fnjr Ihe Hoard of Managers, spoke of IJie. Ipiljr service here of Dr. (iranl lie fell thai Id besl friends were pninir. He had hoptsl that when the new elmreh was hdili Dr. Orunl would slay and occupy P hut since then his health had no been so good and it wa fell that a cliance nf climate would ho beneficial. The good work of JlrV. (Irani was ao meiilioneil by Mr. Dawson, who said she wu a lower of slretmlh to her husband. Session Representative .1. W. McKinley. represenllns Ihe session, said he could not he-gin lo speak what he felt o would not allempl il. He llionlil Dr. (Irani had been in Ihe west loo hmp to content himself in Ontario. He expecled lo hear of his shinninir strawberries froni U ranch al Terrace lo Hie lrchylprint of Prince Huperl .niisiil akotivld said lie had always found Dr. !r:ui a friend. Reuial comrade and Olirisllan cenlleinan. He was one oT Hie lies! cilizens. Spnik)iiR for him self he feared he was no) saying ail reyoir, like the others pre-j enl, but criod-bye. He would like to sec Ihe Doctor oh Hie Rolf links al l'Orf U'llllaiii ot cuflln? on the rink. Miuuld Iheir paths ineet-'aRain il would be a sincere pleasure. Dr. Crailt was a real (nan. He was not perfect. Only ne man was ever perfeel on this earth ami his own nation cruci fied h I in I wo thousand years iilo. Other Churches Archdeacon llix made a vcrv humorous speech in which he lold a number of Interest inf inecdoles . of his reivnt trip through the diocese. Then hanging In a serious vein ho said il was a sign of genius when a man' work lived after him. It would lie no cnmidiiiieiil to Dr. fSraiil If there was any diminution tti the work of Ihe church. If they wished lo show Iheir appreciation they slio'uhl not only continue Hut work but increase. t was up lo Ihe people lo prove wiiat; seed had been sown in Iheir hcarls. Dr. (iranl would carry with him the best wishes oP Ihe people of St. An-drew'n Church. lllshon Itiinoz nf the. Calholle fillilreh senTlirscreKielN wishing ii- n iff i...V ..i ii.. ....... I'i. tiiuiii mill PM"f:o. . IM iildy repiesi'nleil by M. I', Mc-(-ilTery who mild: "If Dr. (Irani had been liroiifc'lil up in Ihe satue environineut as myself he would have been a belter Catholic than I am. Dr. (Irani Is brnad-inlnd- ed nud knows soincthiiiK about human mture." lie expressed 7u2 DAit.V mHWB regret at Jlie Dalnrcaying and added hf snoil wishes to n'"" of olhej1 there. An Old Fr'end l-red Stork spoke of frfpml ship formed in the pioneer day. He lind first met Dr. (iranl at. Pim lier Creek an. I later at Ferine. Then lie hail lived with huu eleven years' n Prince llupertj To separate now .seemed bkC traj;edyf The chinch w htiill largely as a tribute lo him amlj the fund were subscribed by inendiets iif alnio-i every reluti-l Oil ilcnonifiialion m 'In oily. Dr. (iranl would live long in the heads of llnwe w'io knew linn. The presentation wa made hy nieotue Horte, wln read Ihe in-j scrip: ion ami sai'i lie couiu noi adil anytliiug lo ii Dr..Qrant Replies In thanking Hi Dr. (Sraul said he had already expressed himself in Hie . o'luregalion at; lenjsih the previous evening. He poke of Ihe many kindnesses he had received. The relation of a ininisler lo his people were very close, he was willi ilieiu in I rou ble and dfstress as no oilier niild he. However lie had re ceived 1i mat-clung order. Ii wa-awtefleli fb eae. lie wa glad ArchdeaMm Hlx had referred ! the one Hflng that " inniled mosi thai hi work should live uflot him in the lives of those he left behind. He hoped though absent to walk 1 1 fin 1 1 in hand with then. as in ihe past. Vocal sohU were given hy .Miss Xada Johnstone, Mr, .larvi Me-Leod. Mr. William Millar, Mr Ii. .McMillan; u .uarlelte h Messrs. Campbell. Davie, Wake field and .lackson and an iniru menial duM by .luiiiuie and Wi-ner Itryiinl. Hefreluilenls were served h Ihe ladies and tarewell wMt aid before Ihe gathering broke up. THE MAN IN THE MOON ay: II' usei to hu iliat men had . neck shave when they visit Ihe liarher shops'. Now il's woiuer who pay for ilia' privilege. THK tongue is mightier Ihan Ihe sword, hill Ihe eorksrrew has il oyer I hem all. ANOTHKII reason against hav ing an elecliou soon is thai Ihe hot air has all eeapei anil mother lot has lo be earefullv prepared before the polls can b-opened again. SOMKOXi: wants in know ii there is any way interest in .swimming eoubl be inrreased uc I summer. I suggest gelling a good looking instructress. IIOW could .there be any m- joytnenl for the superior people H there were no Inferior people POMK iiiindd. develop longei Ihan olhers I have known mind Iliat mils) have slopped developing al about I wo, year old, judg lug by act ions. AL I u.M.N has come and the season Of wilder is nohil in bo Jierc- The Jtne . when Ait'd'M'Py ani i. i ill ' Ha i f a FfTfT 1 c r j en ir. JAlviY s.ij-s trt'tiFng lo-Tfiui for mayor tin year. He declares Dial ir Mouly can hold down Ihe job he know lie Can do it. THANKS! ilYINfi wllf be cele brated by a lot (if people going out and popping ril Hie depinnd Ihere are likely In be several killed. Al'llllt Ihe hall 1 over-After The tavi's paid Afler the morning aHer Anil new resolution made Many a lieail is aching-. And many a knee is slllf While smart remarks ale likely To bring a relorl or a biff. THIS is said in be a self-governing country, hud yet knnw n ol of people who ilmi'l even know how to govern Iheir leni pers or their tongues. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert November 3, 1918) Capt: Pele. Ilorvik and William Helig are making arrangements, lo embark on the business nf supplying fresh herring hail to halibut fishermen. The coroner's Jury investigating Ihe death of V. D. Tippeiu, who II w lost Ins life la! week, found that Ins death had been due lo be engineer Of the fii special. Alio wa also killed, failing to net soon enough on a signal. A petition was presented to Ihe city council lasl night asking that orientals be not allowed to creel liuibliiig ill Section '2. The pet il ion was laid on the table for a week pending a report froin the eilv solicitor. GRADING OF FIFTH AYE. WEST FULTON Theo Collart Writes Letter to Council Regarding Work to be Done on A letter from Theo Collar! suggesting that the seuii-per-iiianent granting of Fifth Avenue west of Fulton Street should be carried out in such a manner a lo permit tree mid garden not iieiiiie Interfered with was read at laf night's meeting of Ihe ril v ciitiiifil and reierred to the board of work. Mr. Collart advised Ihe grading should not he done on the etlreine south side of the avenue ami pointed out tlie desirability of niakin the street a, beautiful a poihle in view of Ihe fnrl I hat a good deal of traffic towards the sports ground mid llir exhibition hall passed over il. MISS DOROTHY KIDD ON STAFF OF HIGH SCHOOL AT LADNER At a special meeting or the l.dncr school hoard on Thtirs ' day night Miss Dorothy K. Kidd of Vancouver wa appointed to fill a vacancy on the King George High School staff caused by the lestgnatiou of Mrs. Itacleyfl. , All Kidd was formerly on the IHrIi School "staff in tills cily a"ndv left when il was decided to close the Senior MatriculnJion class. i NOTICE. n tiik vivttkii r m iiiiiriiion for' llie lur nf 'ruVlliMUl lrtlfl ! ol Title for lot , HIiM-k t. Ia 8 ami I". Iiksk .ols 1 mil K, HI.Mk II, l-"l-. 6, 7 tint H, lllcHk I. l.oM I sixl llksk II; .is 1 Slid I, II I'M k II: I ... 3, , 7, . II imI It, lllisk 17; l.l i nil II, Hlitrk 1; I fit V snil in. lUm-k til Ul Id. II iiul It, nick ti. Ij.f I. 1 iml 4. IO,Mk tl; mil lot 3. Ill.irk Ii. all In Urn I'lr.l Ailtltti.ii, TitwnnUr ul l rt Sliiifiim, Man 411; Ami, llw Kant lull (if pan It arrr if Let (, llainrs i, C.oao lil.irin. I SalUfaiinry pnxif nf th Inna of the; OHIflralra of Till nurrini tlte alnivi UihU lis v In ar Ix-fii rNliirnl In me, It i nor Inlf iitlon In lnir, aritr IIh m pi ration of iiiH- niontti froul lli firm piililirailon iT,r, l'riIO.pnl Crrllflratrs of TIH-in llic alVf UnrH III the liami- of II MUM M. Jollso.X. Th nrlflnal Orllffllrs or Till' an- atalril the Hi Aiikud. Him, the Sril January, tl4, arel IIm iMh .Niivrn.lirr, 18H, rriiK-i l, y, ami arc nimilwrnl l3ili:, Kiutl, m.i loilir. Land liiiriuy orrtrr, Prlnr lliiprrl. H.C., ttth, 1015. li. v Mail.Kon. I llrilrap nt TOlr4 IN PROIATC. IN THt IUPRKMC COURT OF BRITISH In tlx Matter of tti AdnilnMratliHi Acl; and In llif Maltrr or IliC Klil- of neori li, ieieail, Inli.ijii ! , TAkK MlTICb lint lr onlrr of till lloiiur. V, Mill, voiinir, tha ilia Ur or iin,,l,(-r. A O. ittn, I aa ia.lnii'r .Vt 1 inlnlalralor or llic ruir nf iinnran aii,i ilerrarrl. ami all earllfa liaflna Isiois aaaliot llii- aall rulal aro nr,y rf-l iiullfit In fnniMi ttw, prir),.l rlf lod,' t ini- mi or lnri' iii titti iay .r !Vo I vimlsr, AH. im, aul all iarllea In 1 lilaed In Ihn mial are tiiiliil m liayl ..... ......, .,, t,,r,, i,Mi-i,ir,iiip in P folllmllll. NoliVUM A. WATT, orrirlal Adinlnloralnr, . . I'rimn itupi-rt, if. r d "' vtb diy u""'r, A H. Hi! A little higher in price, but-iphatairoivdcrful difference just a few cents make. Canadian NatiQnal Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinlili, Bollormakeri, Blacktmitnt, putn makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE VVELDINQ. Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3W The girl you leave behind you Just slop n moment and Hunk about u spend her day that girl you lre behind you are working she i at lionu- workniK vvoh 1 ' Drrhap vahiiig Ihe aine cups nud snurer t tt ' -t'd t'sterdfl.v nud will vah on many tuniorr.. Perhap doing Hie week'-slinp. In Yl tl varielyinlerest gniwth; in hem mil) (Inline-ness stagnation. Talk-U over with Hip Kir jou leave lielnod s liow glad she will ,e lo ny farewell to wah !.. A fair trial of our family rvire will gie i liinny ifcw hours for her family and herself. Have her phone The Canadian Sle.iui I. ytm'U be coming home to more rheerful we' n fresher, happier girl, Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. Sportsmen! Wo are Headipiarler Tor Sporltng Oomla nf all k We rdrry Hie fnnious WESTERN SUPER LON9 RANGE SHOT SHELLS Hoe 11 for llau.f Logger1 Supplies-- (iildiri-t J "; anil I'irt Cable Axes Haws, etc. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. .. . . ' A 8econd OaennJ II ill 714 Avenue Phone i TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Or. 238 Black 73S Rupert Marine Products Ltd. OCO. Q. BU8HBY, Man. Dir. Nig" phone 687 539 Or. 233 Black 73'