PAflK TWO rat; DAIL7 rrswrj The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT f MiITISIl COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily New.s Limited, Third Avenue. It. F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 'By mail to all part or the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.f0 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Trout Page. . t ...... .$2.S0 per inch Local Readers, per insertion .25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion k2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion , ...15c per agate line Contract Rates on Application, Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - tS Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION RADIOGRAM till! ' FROM ARCTIC Winnipeg Man Gets Direct Message From Commander E. F. McDonald of Peary LURE OF NORTHLAND and of Hunting Erperlences of Party WIXMI'Kd, Sept. 2. Following is the radiogram received here by ir. C. X. Ib-ll from Cmi- niamter '.. F. McDonald of the Monday. Sept. 28, 1925. Getting Grain Business Is A Great Fight. There is a lot of work to be done besides providing elevator space in order to get The grain to come to this port. Even Vancouver is finding it difficult to ship grain that way. People have money tied up' in elevators at Fort William and they do their fiefo keep (he grain going that way. The railway, the buyers, the various other interests all are ngniiisl us and we shall have to fight every' inch of the ground before we eventually gel the business that is uiir. In Vancouver they have found Dial there is a lot to do besides building their elevators. They are getting busy on the job and will do whatever is poillo to break down the opHiliou and educate the jieoplc in the East In use Ihe Western route. It is quite likely that Prince Rupert will find it necessary to pay a man to go Ihroiiph Ihe prairies, find out what are Ihe objections, if any, to coming here and get the business started. means a great deal lo us lo have the elevator utilized. Most Nominations Have Now Been Made .ost of the. nominations of candidates for the election about to take place have been made. The contest is on and no one will know whal the outcome will be until election day. The issues are very confused in this constituency because of the advent of a third candidate. Electors will do well lo study the (nation well and look at the big isMics rather limn the petty ones. 1 does not mal- ter which of the candidates is ihe best looking, which is Ihe pleaantesl personality or which tickles our fancy on the little things aroutid us. Whal counts is the ipiesljnn of Ihe treatment oT Hie railway and especially Ihi part of it ami the possibility of getting a branch line into Ihe Peace River country. Another big issue is Ihe question of tariffs. The Conservatives stand for higher tariffs, which of course means increased taxation, ftv the tariff is a tax. What the Liberals stand for is a moderate tax for revenue only whereas the Progressives are for lower tariffs, although how much lower no person can say. It is recng nized by everone toddy U'ai a a result 'of the war the tariff a a means- of raising re veil ye is necesary. Still Have Faith In The Country. We slill have faith in Ihe country and believe we shall no! suffer very milch whichever party gets inhi power. We have the resources' and we have Ihe (xiMtioii. ANo we have a lillle grit left and can fighl foe our own if ireaioii requires. The future is ours and we shall expect great things. At Ihe same time it wiU be well for the resident), of (his rily ami iTi-trirl to think well what would be be-t for Prince Rujert. Let us vote for ourselves. Everyone Should Read Williams' LeUer. The letter published in this isue and starting on the from page is one that should be read y everyone. It ileal particularly with Prince Rupert district and the railway question. Naturally Prince Rupert' success is bound up with that of the railway. If the railway is successful Ihe city and district are successful, if the railway fails, the City of Prince Ruperl fails and ihe country around does not amount to anything For that reason the votes cast will be for or against the railway. The opposition forces are Jieing engineered by the Opposition railway. While many may feel, as we have fell, that we have not always had such treatment as was due u from the railway eonipanv, yet we have been far belter treated than we were under the Borden and Meighen administration. Because there hav'e been some things we did not get is no reason why we should turn down our Jriemls and play into Ihe hands of, the: eheniyV The raHwny;feajire v of , the campaign i n. very ini " portaut one. - - - terestiiiK things and people. I jdotiT have lo ask McMillan why men pit north. I have Ihe fever and I am cumin? back again. 1 vvih to spend a year at least with these happy people in this fairyland of ire and savapu scenic grandeur. Iliiufiiiir is such as never dreamed of. Shot my first polar bear leu days ago. I'.iubl hundred pounds. Shot my first walrus Wednesday. A bh bull, fifteen hundred pounds,! Christians Tells of Life amono Eskimos: also sixteen hundred-pound' hull aim fourteen iuiiuireirpoiind cow walrus. Towed all three back. Two trips, wounded four others. Old not yet. Killed Ho little auks willi fifteen shot shells and it lakes no ejperl lo repeal latter performance every day. Mil- Peary in Ihe McMillan expe.lltinii.Miou of them in all. You don't lit uli Harbor, North Orcenland,' llailio Slat ion DXN. From Mc-inillan Arctic Ihpedilion. to lr. C. X. Bell. 102 1 (irain Kxchange Building. Winnipeg, Mauitolia Canada: Head Xatisen's book oh I'.skinio life published by Longmans, Green and Company, l.oiidon, IHltl, and il will give you a pic ture unchanged in this day of the mind the cold when you dress n Ihe native does. Walrus overturned I'.skinio in bis kyack on our walrus hunt and despite vvaler al 29 degrees be came up smiling because walrus had not put tusk in him. ii lo 15 per cent of Kukltno mortality Is from overturned Vyack but they are the faslesl one-man boat In (be world outside of college shell, most northerly people in tbo "' mi ' bring one world. Try second hand book l"ck with me. store. Wish you were here vvilhi My besl wishes to you, me In tills wonderland of Ice, in-l Oene McDonald. Movie News Notes Devoted to the doings and aying$ of those who entertain the public WEEK AT THEATRE Monday and Tuesday ' The To! of Hie World." The So-ie!,'ers in "The Way of a .Maid." International News. Wednesday and Thursday Haymnnd liriffith in "The Night Club.'" . Comedy The Spals n '"Deal, Dumb and Daffy." Topics of the Day. Friday and Saturday. "(Jim Vadis." Mack rsemiPlt Comedy "Sinner in Silk." Palhe llevicw. LIONSCHARGE well. While CHRISTIANS every preeaulion l -in whirl! he heads h featured Ifcasl, OUHM- UICIIUMTS in win-" jare cru Heyiiolils, Wallace inwry ami Louise Fazcnda. Urif- nth learns ot hi ititierituiirc just alter lie ha renounced all 4' women because ti girl lie was viout to marry lei I him ! ' altar. Flees From Women 1'akiiu; lakiiiK his his deceased deceased uncle uncles . Scene From Qao Vidis' Westhoimc Th- atrc. Fraluy ami Saturday ways be read.' While performing nobis that she eoubl have the peaceably to the lasli. of their; fortune. To force the legacy on trainer' whip al one moment, the next iiiIkIiI bring open rebellion and disaster to the ones nearest them. Such precautions were taken during the filminir of First Na-j lional's new and gigantic version of Ihe Sienkiewisz classic, "(Juo Vadis.' ' The scene is that wbero: ero orders Ihe Christian thrown to Ihe. lions In the Circus Matimu to hide his crime of burning Rome. One hundred men, women and children are seen hudillod together in the centre oj the vast stadium. Fifty half-famished, snarling lions are turned upon them from the pits. In the vast amphitheatre surrounding them is jammed the populace of Home, celebrating a Human holiday. The lions charge the Christian, presumably rending them to shred. In makingr this scene, a score of expert marksmen, gripping aulnniatJe pistols beneath their robes, were stationed among Ihe While aclitiig Ihe lerrlfied roles of (he martyrs Ihey at the same lime kept watchful eye upon the beasts and were ipiirk to shoot at the In stant Ihey perceived a lion going beyond his role in feroeily. WOMAN HATER IN "THE NIGHT CLUB" Renounces all Women and 'Then Gets Word he Must Marry to Oct Legacy her, atld bcraus -with Miss Reynold despising him life does not seeiu worl.b living, he dereides lu do away with binrself. He makes wo seridus attempts but their midline i so ludterous that Miss lleyuolifs adefl-es him of trying to gain her sympathy with a cheap show of tlymtriealim His third attempt, when h" lies himself in front of a buzz- saw in a sawmill;' would have been' successful had be not cliangcjl his uiindtpil freed himself after his valet tell him that Miss lleyuobls will nol receiv the legacy unless be should die from natural cause or be killed accidentally. FILR1WIZARDYSEEN IN TOP OF THE WORLD any rale, not In (lie movics- Marvej were worked with n inollon pb'luiejj camera limitation. At several points til the picture.' Kirkvvpod shake hands wih himsetf. . Once he grapples with himself am! 'tic jlvvo characters rijslil furiously. Al still another point Kirkvvood other soir in ,s seen lifting his his shoulders, carrying bun throtoih a door and throwing him on the hack of a horse. t all time, the two character pass each other in the same strip of film as though they were separ-, Hie and Individual personalities The man who performed thi rain era wltardy is Charles U. Clarke. supervisor of photography, working under the dirrr-I ion of (leorge Melfnrd who pro-, dnred the picture. "The Top of Wnrl.l" is a pleturiiallon of valet who had I n bequeathed VAM M ,)(q- xvidely-read novel to mm as a separate pari wi m-legucy liriffith. seeks seclusion in a Spanish village, where he women of all kinds seek his company. Two .American spinster school teacher hailgcr In footsteps.- A lievy of girls dad in batliln? suits make him seek refuge behind barrel doors. louise i'azcwla, a Sunsrish dancer who loved men outy when Ihey were angry, make trim the sole ob-jeel or her attentions. On top of it all he meets the bevvitrh-ingly beautiful Vera Heynobl. wtio almost runs linn down with her automobile after losing con- 'rol or it. and forgetting all Scene In -Que Vadls Is Thrilling about his vows to avoid women - One and Dangerous to Make .falls madly in love with her. I Meets the "Only Qlrl" Wild animals, as actors in; M lleynnld reciprocates his motion pictures, are always an affctioM and all might have (mcertaiii quantity. Should you! gone vvHl' but for an inadvertent investierale clo.sely in film cir-j remark 5riffi!h makes when bis cles, you would find more Ihanj valet tells Ufm that she is tlo one extra man or woman who .-irl ilesignaled bv the deeeaed bears the scars of his or her rnrle. lie tells the valet tha' .rontacl with leasts before the nianyini: a girl like Mi Hey--amera. and sevfral stars, a nM would be a miahly easy way of making a million dollars She overhears him and de- laken lo nroleel the human I nonnees Jiim as a fortune hunlw players in such scenes. Die mJmls) Oriffith's feelinp are deeply of Ihe animal players can't al-; vvoi'tulc.i anl he (etu Mi Rev- of the same name. II nepiris with vivid realism the advantore i... r. n n i.i.l uliii i'iiih awaV hope to find few. if any women. sc.,,,,,, .rit. lo marry a rh.hl-To his gra disappointment , .,.,..,.. I MARY PICKFORD AND THE MAYOR: Neglect to Answer Invitation Was Result of Husband s Carelessness HKI.I.lAll.i.K. iil., Sept. i. l.ns June Mayor Mikel of this .ily sent .an invilation to Mary Pickford und her husband OoUK-las Fairbanks the celebrated movie artists, to atten.l the cele- bralioii of the 110 years of peace between ilanadn and the tinted States which wa held al llelle- ville the first week in August. No answer came. Tlit surprised Mayor Mikel. The celebraliop of this event had met response from the president of the United Males and other prominent per- otis in dial country and in ! ii rope. At last, one September morn. Mary Pickford discovered Mayor Mikel's letter in ber hu- ItHinl's niH-ke. uuansweml. Aftei ; receiving the letter lie hail, husband like, placed it in bis -.,' : ickel, Imiiik up the coat n'id liivniK mi ii'casiini to wear t' aam till Septemlier, forinit all I .ih. .hi ji. Maty Pickford at ouee( ele'raphiil Mayor Mikel the) jii-c i.f tier seemoiK llldlffer-i ice to In- invitation to the Ilel-j ille reielu-a'ion. aad later M te . iplaiuinji more fully. H 1 .riis Kint even lin-tiuuds of star movie artlsls cannot be relied ii to handle their wives' mr- Sioiidenee. : THE MAN IN THE MOON aya: TIIKHK is just two sides in politics, mine and the other one ! JFST rive my respects lo Htishby And give my respects lo Slork And if you cannot fmd Nlekerson Just remember me to Mr. Forke. FHFF. trade and protection seem to worry Ihe people of Prince Jtnperl about a much as Ihe future life. I HF.HKIIY offer n prize f a million dollars to the man or woman who ran tell who is going to win tile election. "SLIM" FOSTER WAS MARRIED SATURDAY The wedding took place on Saturday of (leorge Kdwarl Fos-i ter of Xew Weslminsler and formerly of Prince Huperl to Miss Violet Alhertrlce La Hock, Mr. Foter, who is heller known Man Carries Himself on Hla among Ills friends here as Shoulders and Shakes Hands With Himself Film fans, who an: firmly convinced that "seeing is believing," are hereby warned to prepare for an optic shock. "The Top of the Wfirhl," the new Paramount picture which opens al Ihe Westholinir. jnntiglil, nrovesi couclusivelvw that you ean'l believe ylmr OwSi eyeij at "Slim," was Jeweller In Hnlger A. ('ameron's store, lie wai inler-esled In baseball and other sports. CROPS YIELDING WELL IN PRAIRIE PROVINCES Allhoiiiih interrupted by rains Ihreshiiig generally is well advanced in the three pralrlo provinces, according lo the Hank of Montreal weekly report. Ic- during liveries of grain lo the country the filming of This melodramatic elevalors are heavy and the thriller, and (he slarllliiig, results, grades thus far have been bet-achieved are said lo bavo ler Mian last year. In Ontario amazed nil those who were priv- rains have delayed iJiHiveHllng lllged to gel an ndvance glimpse. operations in backward sections Whal good is a legacy of ajof the production. but threshing Is pnuresnlng million dollars to a wnmanhalerj James Klrkwond who shares rapidly ami all grains are yield-when lo gel it be must marry a j featured honor' ..with Anna Q.'itig well above (he averae. In girl lie never has seen?' Xilsson. llayinAnd Hallon and Quebec, province barvesliug f inai uie kiiiu ni legacy nay-Mieiuon evvis. ptays a uuai roic. nearly ronrjileled and where mond (Irifflth learns has been The two characters fbolh In re- threshing Im been done .' .left to him in his latest Para-jalily Kirk wood move about free- yield Is reported In be above Ihe1 mount picture, ' The Night Club," jly without any apparent camera average. In the Marlluno pro j rs-wrsnriirauc'irdl'' I ' W-r M..I.J... "TUT A Mr TO. NIGHT' GRANT m ooiciiuli Cul k Sm ttmiud CralUJvk 4 alMM-ClMltl DiUrm. Dull- s est ProcuraMe i i Pure Scotch Whisky RioiEST in rmrsT HIGHLAND MALT A Tins advertisement is not published or displayci by the Uquor Coulrol Board or by the Government of "Oh, I Hate to Get Up in the Morning" Sangllarrv Lauder, and on w.i-ltiiav iipooiiik feet like -ui(f'g the same thing. So wbv not end thut am tent drudger) to THRIF-T SERVICE Just call for our TIIRIIT T SK-RUCK who h bit of Ihe washing ami iron the flnt work wash out of wash day that ' hate to get op m ' ing" feeling will be gone for pi km! nn! THRIFT-T SERVICE. 5c a lb. and lea piece. Minimum Charge $1,00. CANADIAN Steam LAUNDRY Phone 8. Sportsmen! We ale Ite.idipi.irlfC lur HMirtillg limid ' i i arrv the famiNi WESTERN SUPER "X" LONQ RANQE SHOT SHELLS See ii- i'-r II. .ml Lugger' Supplies In' ' and Purls l.vlle e- S.vv.. e.-. STORK'S HARDWARE, LTD. 714 8econd Avenue vinre hceiit unfavorable wen-; (her liaV delayrd harvesting. Itn licit i ti Ctilunlhia 'lirchnig is pniMirally completed i Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert September 28, 1915. A man named It. 1. Cameron from llahine Portage died on the Irain yesterday while on Ids way lo Prince llutmrt. The body was shipped from here to Vancouver on the Prince deurge tills morning. ' A detachment of thirty-five re-cruils lefl prince ltunerl this morning to undergo training in Ihe south for the war. The parly Included .Sam KlrkAbly, K. Val-pey, Hoy Clothier and Frank Imwling. (feorge Morrow appeared before Ihe oily council last night asking (hat (ho illy' aisl in the outfitting of a camp kitchen for Ihe boys-of Ihe second contingent. h ,iPr wn id over for a week. An Invalid, after returning from a soul hern trip, said lo a friend: "Oh, it s done me a world of good going away. I've come back another man allo-W'lier: III fact. I'm mill n mv "lf asm ii." Phone 13 E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with additional machine i.-i (he inaiiui 8ASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried m slock. Have handling charges by buying direct from (tin supply. SHOT SILK TAFFETA 12 of Hie v prettiest Sh .el. desirable silk parly froeks pliable quality w not nil. 11. f 2.50 value $2.25 West of England Store Phono 753. Dr. E. STait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prl Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 0 6 X-Ray Service Phone 680. Tuesday. Tlmi'd" Open V . . l.... 1. until lHI and naiuruu