Monday September 28, 1025, ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORHINApvi All Models VICTOR VICTROLAS On Sale at Approximately One Third Off No. 210 Na 311 No. SO. . No, 2.1 : No, ttM Iteg. price. Iledu.ed price . 1 35.00 S 97.50 Slo'UK) . . . 91U5.00 8200.00 32.00 No, 50 I'urlnljlc ? rt7 fiu All oilier model redm-ed proportionate! v. $107.50 5 87.50 $137.50 $225.00 $-47.50 turns IF DESIRED. NO'I'K. These redtn lion, arc in force onlv onlil -kirk ii haml is ileaed oul, hence lhe urgency of immediate diviMou on lhe part of buyers. eMaeMvs.JM TWO CARPET SPECIALS Brussels Axminster 9x9 9 x 10J $19.60 $29.70 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. Phone 123 WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED -AGENTS FOR Sweetest jaid Chocolates "The Candy of Belter Quality" : ore iu.uk1 with freh dairy "ream and are gnaraii-' Ho give .i(i-i.ii li'Mi to the moi-l critical. There are no I ion altin lied to our guarantee, your money hack or a v ,sx V'.n m 1 1 -t he satisfied. Aorted Fancy Centre 1 lb. Ikjx $1.00 Aiorted Fancy Centres ... 2 lb. Imix $2.00 Nuts and Fruits I lb. box $1.25 Nuts and Hard Centres 1 lb. box $1.25 Cherry Cocktails I lb. box $1.25 Little Bits from the East I lb. box $1.75 Peppermint Wafers ' lb. box 50c Ormes Limited The Pioneer Dogg.-t. llexail Hlore. 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phone 82 and 200 Whole. itc .in..! Mel. nl Druggists NEW :- SEASON'S Fancy Frozen Bait $25.00 Per Ton The Finest Obtainable on the Coast Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next dour to I'ruzeli HMii.t Shop, across fiotn tin Empress Hold W'e carry a full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES 8QCIAL ROOM IN wrtn i in mti areill -iur.i.vv, Local and Personal li.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Try Valentin Dairy, Phone 057. tf Anywhere. Anytime. Arthur's Taxi, 50c. Phone 678. If Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. Phone 134. tf For the busy man jr woman, a Drown car saves money. Phone 80. tf Goldbloom it) bringing back- fur coals. Wait till you sec them ! if We fan do heating at less cost i han fuel oil. Phone 303. Casey Cartage and Fuel. tf None to eual us in wood value and none to boat u in coal value. Phone 301. Casey Cartage A ruel. tf Elizabeth Morzan. native, was fined I0 ami 2 eosls for Intox ication, in the city police cour' Uh morning. Fred Moore Iluliiii cli:ir"'il wiili iiiloxiratoti in (lie city police iiiil tlii morning, was fined ami 2 costs. Mrs. George (i. Ilushby returned home on the Card en a e.ieiilay ufternoon following a brief trip to Victoria. A good crowd attended a dance which wa held Saturday night tn the Melropole Hall. There was Derial Scandinavian music. Mr. and Mr. A. S. Paul and family, who hate been spending a holiday in Victoria, returned to Mie city n the Can Jena yes terday afternoon. Ir. Kiti!nian of the Anyox llopilal staff wax a passenger going north on the Canleua yes lei-day afternoon after bavin? M'"'it a lioliday in the south. Kiijrhl of Pythias Will!' Drive iikI Dance Monday, September .'X. in Ho to n Hall at 8.30 p.m. Serenader s Orchestra. He fresh mi nts, Gentlemen 50( sI.adies 'Oe. Everybody welcome. 223 W. S. fisher, provincial col lector, returned on the Prince i.e.. rye Saturday morning from Oiean Falls and left la -I nighl the Cardena for Anyox and iee Arm on official business. Arthur Drookshank, secretary of the Prince Ituperl Hoard o? Trade, returned to the city on the Princes Alice this morning after a inree weeks trip wnicli took liiin as far south as San Fran cisco. James Carthew will be arrivitif in tin- city towards the end of this week to take a position as druggist with W .J. McCtitcheon. Mr. (.arlhew. who comes origin ally from Xaiiainio, spent oiih mouths in Sinitlters this year ii J. Ma -on Adam' tlrtiir tore. ANNOUNCEMENTS Kniuhl of Pvlliia VVIiUt Drive and Dance, September 28. Gyro Carnival ami Dance October 12 and 13. Ilehi'kah Haiaar Saturday, Oc- ! .tier l. Catholic Church llazaar, Octo ber 21 and 22. Hospital Hallowe'en Hall, Oct olier 30. v Hill Sixty Chapter l.O.D.E llazaar, October 31. Anglican Church llazaar No vember 5 Presbyterian Church ' llazuarl November 12. , Hoyal Purple Hazaar Noveiu. her 13. Moose llazaar .November '17 and 18. Baptist Church Ladies' AM Jlu.uur, Nov ember '2(1. SI. Andrew's Ladle's Auxiliary llazaar. December 2. Lutheran Church Lndiss' Aid llaiiai, Decenibfr I. I'niled Church llazaar Decent- br 10. 230 Commodore Cafe THIRD AVENUE The Cafe of Distinction. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Breakfast, Lunches, Afternoon Teas, Dinners and after Theatre Refreshments Our Specialty is Home Made Ice Cream and Confectionery. Wholesale op Itelall. You will be pleased with our service. Let us please you. KILLA S & CHRISTOPHER Phone 17 Sneddon's Taxi the original 50c. taxi. Phone 1 34. tf For cheapest and cleanest fuel in Western" Canada. Phone 303. Casey Cartage & Fuel. tf Our low rales have been an outstanding success and we shall continue on this basis. Drown laxi. Phone 80.' If Thomas A. Kellcy, well known Oueen Charlotte Island logging operator, nailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. (Spurge 11. Monro, who have been south on a brlel holiday trip, reurrhed lo the city on Hie Princess Alice this morn ing. Pete Diritrdem Pierelti appeared in the city ioliee court (his morniii? on a charge o'l vagrancy. The case was remanded for eight days. J. II. Shirley of Smiths Falls. Ontario, arrived in Lite city at Upend of the week la visit his uncle. Sheriff John Shirk'), who Is ill in the Prince lfujierl General Hospital. 'f Mrs. Stringer, vjfe of the Dis-hop of the Yukortvas a pasen ner on tbfl I'jinS)? Alice tliis iiiorning bound lBhDayvf.on after a trip ouls'idf ollerihienUi husiness. . Mr. and Mrs. E, fj. France and ftuiiilyj vailed last, night on t)ie Prince 'George foti Vaiicouveb er. route to SeavUte, 'lorida, where it is their ijijMK"ii (u itake up their future retiileea, llobert Held, whb has been on the tafT of (be General Hus Service for some year, sailed last nisht on the Prince George fot Vancouver enroute to Floridv where be intend.- to locate. .Mrs. j. u. iretiieway was a pas'sentier going norlli on the (.nrdena yelerllay afternoon hound for Alice Artu where she will join Mr. Trethcway who will be coming south shortly follow iu the doting up of his logging camis for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander I're. who were married last week in Vancouver, arrived in the cily on the Cnnlenn yesterday after noon to lake up their residence lit Prince Huperl. Mrs. L're va formerly Miss inn If red Kallt leen Hale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Montague Hale of South Vancouver. A provincial order. In council limits the district in which II. F McLeod has jurisdiction as sti pendiary uiHp.istrale 10 anywhere within forty miles of lhe city of Prince Huperl and lhe district covered by K. T. Keuney of Ter race extends to Salvus on lhe C.X.H. on one side and Kilwan- ga on the oilier and twenty miles in either side of the railway. 1,'nhm steamer Cardcna, Capt A. L. Dickson, arrived in uml noui .lhe south at 1.15 yesterday afternoon and sailed at 8 for Anyox, Stewart ami Alice Arm. The follovvinw were ntnonjr lhe pns!etwrs on lhe Curdcita: For Prince Huperl ID. J. Mulheson. M. lloe. Mrs. Georpo G. llushby, .Mrs, D. Langis and family. I-or Mcwarl J. McLeod. J. Ser vice. Mr. Stratford, Miss I Wat- rain and Mrs. .Mustard. For Arrun. dab- Win. Davies. l-'or Anvnx Dr. Kinsman, Mr. Harvey. F. CW. Mr. and M- -'-" ' Mr. Schiplc. For Alice Arm Mrs I rip- Harvey. Mrs. M. P. McCaffery and Mrs. Francis Millerd sailed last night on the Prince George for T. A. Sandison, manager of Haysoort Cannery, sailed last night on the Prince George for! Vancouver. Harry Thrupp of the C.N.ft. division freight office returned on last nighCs train from a trip to lhe Interior. Major J, F. Draudt, who spent a few day here following a trip hasl, sailed on the Prince George last night for Vancouver. P. S. Honney. district forester. was a passenger on lhe Prince George last night for Ocean Falls on departmental business. Whist and Dridge Social at Elks' Home -on Monday, October 5 in aid of Xew Catholic School. Cards 8.30 p.m. sharp. Eight prizes. Nick Kurosky, charged in the c.ily police court this morning with supplying liquor lo Indians, was fined $250 or as an alterna tive six months at Okalla. Mr. M (-Call urn and party of nine men, who have been engag ed in survey work in lhe Ter race district this summer, ar rived from the interior on last night's train and proceeded south on the Prince (Jeorge. Mr. and Mrs. E. D.Langis and family arrived in the city froio, Swanon Hay on the Cardeua last evening. Mrs. Langis and family left on this morning's train for Ouebec City and Mr. Langis will return to Swatison Day lomor row. CX.n. steamer Prince Charles, Cap!. Neil McLean, relumed a' G.30 las! evening from Alaska porls with 60 jiessengers, most of who.-n proceeded south on the Prince Georjce while some wer local passenger and others went East on today's train. J. G. Sheperd, son of II. It Shepherd, C..NMI. agent at Jun eau, was a passenger arrivin from the north on the Prinae Charles last evening. He proceeded lo Vancouver ou Uis Prince George. C.P.Il. steamer Princes Alice. Capt. Arthur Slaler,. arrived from the south at D:I5 Ibis morning and proceeded at 1 1 lo Alaska porls. The vessel had 23 passengers, three of whom debarked here and six of whom are round trippers This is 'the last voyage of the season of the Alice, which will he back here on Friday southbound. She will he replaced in lhe Alaska service by the Princess Mary and it is understood thai lhe Princess Heat-rice will return to the Vancou-er-Prinee Ituperl local service. WIRELESS REPORT. S a.m. DIGHY ISLAND. Clear; tight southwesterly wind; bar. 30.28; temp. (2; sea smooth; steamer Alaska from Seattle for Ketchikan 078 miles from Ketchikan; 8 p.m. Cordova bound for Copper Mountain 55 miles from destination; 8 p.m. Amur lowing Granco Anyox for Tacoma 10 miles from Anyox; 8.15 p.m. Lome 18 utiles north of lteef Island bound to Logan Inlet. DULL HAlUIOIt. Part cloudy, calm; bar. 30.00, temp. 38; sea smooth; 8 p.m. Admiral Walson, Ketchikan for Heltinsniam, 305 miles from Hellitighaui; 7.10 a.m. Pacific Monarch arrived at Ocean Falls. DEAD THEE. Clear, calm; bar. 30.22; temp. 11, sea smooth Noon DIGHY. Clear, cloudy; bar. 30.JI; letup. 50;ea smooth. Ht'LL HAHHOIt Cloudy, calm, bar. 3(f; temp. 50; sea smooth. DEAD THEE. Clear; Xorlh-ly; bar. 30.22; lemp. 57; sea smooth. ROUGH ON THE TOUQH "Misler." began the seedy-looking man, "I haven't got no home and" No luxes lo pay," interrupted Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Paul and the matt addressed. "No coal family. Mrs. Hobbins and Mr. and bills; no worry lest lhe landlord raise your rent. . Permit mu ,lo congratulate you." "I have no job" "Lucky chap! No danger of gelling fired." "Hut I'm serious, misler. I have no money and Xo temptation to spend It .i. o. Trethcway. Hound foolishly on able-bodied beggars. Mi- 1 1 " and Ml! Why. you're the verv child of foiluuc. Uod-djy," guidiets' Supplies Send us your name endue uul send ycuJ5r;ft- this inusiraledVi. " h itwoes....... hh llCANADIANj PACinc m in distributors for: (fDham K9L9RED -SHINGLES. FISH ARRIVALS Fares Marketed at Halibut Exchange This Morning Totalled 116,500 Pounds Halibut arrivals marketed at the Fish Exchange this morning totalled 110,500 pounds. Eiht! American boats sold 101,000 pounds and two Canadians, 15,-500 pounds. Arrivals and sales were as follows: American Gladstone, 10,000 lbs., at 12.8c and 0c, to the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Chum, 0,000 lbs., and June, 0,-000 lbs., at 11. lc and Cc, to the Hoyal Fish Co. Arctic, 23.000. lbs., at 12.7c and Cc, to the Pacific Fisheries. ; Majestic, 18,500 lbs., at t2.9c and 6c, and Wabash, 6,000 lbs.. ai 1 1 .7c and 6.5c, to the Booth Fisheries. Heliance. 10,300 lbs., and Ilain-ier, 9.000 lbs., at 1 1.1c and 6c, to (he Atlin Fisheries. Canadian Pair of Jacks, 13,000 lbs., at 12.2c and 7c. to (he Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Fanny F., 2,590 lbs., at 12.0c and 7c, lo lhe Hoyal Fish Co. After spemliiiig a little over a week in the south atlemling lhe union of H.C. Municipalities convention in Victoria and transacting cily business in Vancouver, Cily Treasurer D. J. Malhe-son returned on tlio Cardena yesterday afternoon, lie is now pre- ! paring for the annual tux sale .which will take place on Wed uesday. , PAH THRBT Lumber Brick n Cement Lime Plaster Slock yauiwhltrj supply of Nanaimo-Welling-ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phom 116 and 117 Steamship and Train Service FALL SCHEDULE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT UK PRINCE OEORQE will nil (rum PRINCE RUPERT tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, iud intermediate points each SUNOAV and THURSDAY at 10.00 p.m. For ANYOX Wadnuday, 10.00 pjn. For STEWART Saturday, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE CHARLES Mr KETCHIKAN, WRANQELL. JUNEAU, SKAQWAY, rarb WEDNESDAY, 4 pjn. S.S. PRINCE JOHN furlulrhllr for VANCOUVER rla QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY aicapt Sunday 11:30 a.m. for PRINCE CEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all poln'.i EaMrrn Canada, I'nltrd Stales. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlctat Office, 528 Third Aft, Prlnca Rupert. Phone 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Far lEICHIIJW. WU.1GOL Jl'NUD. SIACWAT Stealer 7, IS, 28. far TAXCOIYU. YICTOUA aaa SEATTU ittlrailer S. 12. 22. si. tmasi kait For Butedale, Swanaon Bay, Eaat Bella Bella, Ocean Falla, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rlier, and Vancouter oeery Saturday 11 a-m. Aaency for all Steamehlp Llnee. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Aeenoe, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMbHIP C01PANY OF B.C., LTD. Saillnrt trum-Prmce Rupert, 'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swaneon Bay. and Alert Bey, Tueedey, PJ1. 'or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swaneon Bay, Saturday; 10 A.M. For ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Sunday, S PJi. For PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rleer Cannerlee, Friday A.M. I2S 2nd Ateaue. J. Barnaley, Aaenl Prlno Rupert. B.O. Wood! Wood! Now is your chance DRY CEDAR Full load $6.00 Hair load ... .. .. $3.00 Large sack's 6O0 Per load DRY BIRCH $0.50 HydeTransfer 139 Second AVonue Phone 6S0 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Who Makes Nice Waffles? LI cE3TJ ii Mrs. Nunleii is an Old Country girl who is trying lo learn Canadian ways of ' cooking. She is particularly anxious to have a recipe for waffles. We sen!' two, but there is a more simple one easier to make. Would someone help Ibis wottug wife? We shall be glad. "lo forward recipe lo her Irr your name. Pacific Milk Co. Limited Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsfordi B.C.