AOE BIX THB DAILT ITKWS Diamonds In the Latest Design Selling Finest Quality Sloncs from $25 up Value Guaranteed or Money Refunded Eye Glasses Must fit perfect. Our Optician lias had over 25 years' experience in the large centres testing eyes and fitting glasses. Satisfaction guaranteed. Max Heilbroner The Diamond Merchant of the North A Big Bargain on Heinz Products Combination Specials 1 hot! It? Heinz Tomato Ketchup. I bottle Heinz Sweet Mustard Pickles. I bottle Chille Sauce. For $1.00 I hoi tie Heinz Salad Cream. 1 hoi lie Heinz Chow Chow. 1 hoi tie Heinz White Pickled Onions. For $1.00 Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. . 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Will Save You Money. Phones 18 and 84 RIBBONS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL luncy and Plain Itildion. 5 to ? inches wide. Regular values to iM.Ou yard. Per yard 35c H. sTWallace Co., Ltd. Phone 9. Cor. Third & Fulton St. Special Value $10.00 Girl's Wrist Watch We offer this little watch as a 'nice gift fur the Utile girl. The cao is gold filled green, while or -yellow with u 15 Jewelled movement mid we guarantee it (o he n reasonably good timekeeper. John Bulger Joweller GOOD PROGRESS AT ELEVATOR Fine Weather Has Helped to Expedite Work on Big Building The splendid weather that has CHINESE CREWS ARE RETURNING TO SHIPS Trouble In China Seems to be Subsiding According to Ro-ports Re oelved by Steamers ' .1 failings of Hie Huntress liners r i.. i . .. . :i i lew weeha nus mauu )ussiuiei ::: , - V I DEBTOR STAYS JAIL BECAUSE REFUSES PAY VICTORIA, Sept. 28. Advices ' taan Cobbler Defies Order In received by Canadian Pacific of- Court and Completes Third ho.... .1.-,.v!.iiii.L.I rn .n, mciais niuicaio mai an iuiure, Year at Okalla rapid progress ontlic construc-w,u .. "c mi"e,wu" wio; VA.VCOl VI'.R, Sept. i!H. ' The n aim. i.ivivhtiiw. fun ft...s ..1,1: lion or the terminal grain eleva- ulv njr - ""'jinan who would sooner slay in tor here reported 1). M. Shearer,!-100 ,m ,l,e v" ' ,loSjJail for life rather than pay liis superintendent of the work for'Ko,,& wI,erc ,m Jrily of .ichts to.lay la-Id a lonely cele-j Carler-llalls-Aldingcr Co. Lld.,jl"cm "eserieu several weehs ago. ,,ruljoi, , ,is Cln al jali this morning. Concrete work by continuous moving forms with structure is to be washed willi waterproof cement. Kong the present Japanese sub jacks has been completed 0ii!stitl',1l'mvs wi".,,u replaced en the workhouse, llio storage bins having been finished some lime ago. The tar and gravel roof is now being put on the storage bins. Tho windows are yet to bo put in on tho lop floor and the whole! a the vessels touch at HonKj 0 mark ,c ,,,.,, aimivt.,.sarJ. of lirely by the Chinese, so that within a mouth the service to passengers will he the same as heretofore. The Kmnress of Canada, which docked from the Orient, Monday, was the first Kmpress liner to get back her down' farmer crew. I The F.mpress of Russia and his bondage In another part of Vancouver a woman added up the amount of money (hat it has cosl her to' keep that man in Okalla and found it to bo 5 17.5(1. Al the, same time she registered her de-j termination lo slick lo her work in order that she cjiii con-; Li 11 u e paying (he i government! I hat 50 cents a day. Tor tho Work is now proceeding on the"' "'Press oi .vusirana, which aio( nwIU(Mll in am.u,.s ouf scale floor of the workhouse, this r,u"H)Un"' wm rompieio meir ,,,, her deblor. being concrete form work. After mns wu Japanese seamen,; Yirgj,iio Durante is the. pris-the scale floor two more con-'wl,,le the l-'"prcss of Asia will lu.rt jt.unu Viennet is Hie plele storeys and the cupola and ,ak,! ,,cr farmer crew on ur- woman. rnor arc lo Io put on Ihe work- rival 1,1 Honjr Kong. ,0, ure ,cpr,ine, to beat house which will be the highest T,,e inixei1 crcws of Japanese, 1IL. (,,ltr .,,, although llio Itali-nart of the entire elevator. Hussians, Slavs and Portuguese an cobbler has to stav in Jail Completion of the workhouse it ai' pradually being paid off and unlj Cllt ,iHWJI bv ,l( nCM,,t.r , the last week of October. Pouring on the roof of trnckshed will commence wwk. Installation of machinery begin in about two weeks' There are now 225 men ployed' on the elevator job. BUS LEGISLATION IS ALREADY BEING DRAFTED it a - i I ami ireign irouuie t.i. 11... bars tlic 1'hvrr is. PVt,ry indication charged his heart, lie uiai iinsiness win ue ikick 10 uu, .normal in China in a few weeks , will liiie. the message states, time. " cm- IfFTrmifonJ HATfHPRV auivnilli.ii imivilLlll HAS VERY BUSY SEASON ven and Half Million Eggs Placed in Tanks to Hatch VKTOItIA, Sept. 2K.l)rafll KKTCHIKAX, Sent. 28. The legislation -pawning or approximately already prepared by ,-the Public Works Department in 50'.000 humpback and chinook co-operation with the Atloriiey-j'!aIuin eggs is now under wuy (cneral's Department is dc- at Ihe territorial fish hatchery signed to revolutionize the oper- i" Ketchikan creek, operalious' rftious of passenger buses on having, been started during British Columbia highways. Matter part of last week. Following Hon. V. II. Suther-' Ihe fish are impounded land's intimation lo the (iood Ihcy reach Hie head .of the Hoads League that the govern- creek, segregated and placed in menls inlcml to lake bold mf separate pools to ripen and the bus problem at the fall ses-! eventually the eggs are put sion of Ihe legislature, it was through the spawning process. made known today that the draft Hit run or humpbacks up hae not; today. oldest prisom-r al Okalla in ; point of "service." I Bootleg Partners I Ins .man and woman partners in a bootlegging bill covers tin weiirlil. snecd Ketchikan creek is one of tliel'"''" au oeeij, iipueni oy eouri. lotinii. -....I ..i. 111. ,.f i...- 11 iiiruosf iii vmim. ii u .-ii.i .ni.i'ltul ;he uiihlihkingly tt-fnsed. also is proposed to place their Newhere in the vicinity of Ket-operalion on schedules lo pre- chlkan a similar run lias been vent speeding. .reported. To Ihe spawning of LAND ACT. man. InlrmU to annlr fur rennUtlnn to purrhane the following- deserllied lanrta.- i.iniiipiirinr at a pom pmnied at the viuuium rorner or 11 i9, nanre four llienre 10 chains vmitherrv: llienre to riialiu nenlerly; llienre 10 rlialn northerly: thenre so rhaln eailerlr to fKiinl of rommfiirf input, and containing; 40 acres more or irii. C. P. niFX. Applicant Tinted .iirii 14th i9 Auditorium Will oiicn. for a month's Skating Beginning Tuesday Eve., Sept. 15. Afternoons . . . 2 to 1 i:cnlngs .... 8 to 10 Good Music both sessions Coinpeleiil instructors la teach beginners. J. Marren - Prop. Phono Black 449. New Shipment Fall & Winter Coats Just lleceived. On sule at Muderale Prices Third Ave. Bent's Phone 651 (1,000,000 nggs al the local hatchery two years ago, is largely none, cr inuntion to to Appi, Purchutj u trj,u,., ie hig In the U nd tlrrordiiir Dlstrl.t or Print ltuwrl. and bring 1 irtlin of Lot iwenly-fuur til. Hinge rive Si, Ctant DUirlrt. TAKE MiTICK that FrliK-ll's Unilte'l f I'rliire llui-frt, II. C, inert Darin. Inlrml lo apply fur ix-riiilloii puprlue Itw rultiminr (WrrllM-d laiuli: enced this season. LAND ACT. run experi It is the plan of the halphery eggs in the lake back of Wnrd i'oe and oilier placements of CmiimeiirinK at a it plinird at tlie'eags h wlt are conlemiilaled to'l'"l"J'r"- nnrthraM corner uf lot triitj-ruur (fl),t raurc ne ij, i.i uisinri; inenrei mil in ihirty-tnu rlialnt; tlienre et forty (luln; ihriice north riirhl rlialn. iiHire ur leu. lo til Kt) water mark; thenre iiortliraul alonr hlRli vmer mark to point of rimmieiireiuent, and ronlilnlnr elrhly 8U) acren. 11 tore or lenn. riuzzEix's lijiitid. . . . ..... . A-pllcnt imeo hiitii i lain, vn.. i is. l AND ACT. Notlct of Intention to Apply to Purchai Land. . In the Land Rerurilinr Dfilrlcl of Prlnre i(iieri. and ailuale al HUr ralla Cro k whirl) riiia Into Kruall rtlver about t iiillen fruMi 11 rnouth. TAkE N01CE that Ctlfli,n P. Illel of rmre iiuiieri. li.c.. orrDiiatlon lumber SECOND-HAND PLEASURE. Andy Mr-Andrews, who owned 11 small autoinohiJe, one day pur chased a bicycle. "I suppose you'll ride your bicycle for exercise?" suggested n friend. "I'm figur-rin 011 usin' it for pleasure," replied the Scot. "How do you mean?" "Weel, all the lime I'm a-ridin' it, I'll be a-lhiiikin' o' the gasoline I'm savin' by leavin' Iny ear-r-r al home." Harper's Magazine. Advertise In I lie Imilv V-w LAND ACT. Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Lan In Prince Imperl I J nil llecorilma- I'lt trlct of Prince Hubert, and altmln on me norinuent coat or urintn uiinni Lla. Portland Canal, and lielnr at Stil Point, Portland canal, and beannt north mainetie from Tree point. l-earce uiand. . TAkE MITICK that Anzlo Brlllrh CC- umhla Packini- Cunpany l.lmiteil, anrouver, H.C, oornpatlou Packer. In tends to apply for a lease of the following rtencrlbed land: Comniencinr at a pol planted at Iilarti water mark at Spit Point, Portland Canal; iheneo noulheauerly alonr lilrh wale mark for forlv-elaht hunilred feet lo ll marked No. 3.S.K.: thence miillierli 10 chain, more or lc, lo low water mark: thence tiorlhwemerly alonr low water mark forty-eliiu hundred feet, more or le; thence northerly 10 chain, more or lei, 10 point nf riHiuneni-enienl, and coiuainnnr it arre. more or ie. A.tOI.O BniTISII COl.llMHIA I'ACMNO CO. I.TO.. Appllcanl Per Waller E. Walker, Alrni Haled Inly llrit. 10t. Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Laaae Lane In Prince Unpen Land Mecordiinr District of Prime liiiiert, and lluln al Hartlett Point, Wales Idanl, British i.iiiuinnn. TAKE NOTICE that Anclo-tlrltlth Col umlila Paiklnir Company Limited, of Vancouver, H.C, occutiallon Packer. In-lend to apply fur a leane of the following described Und4: Coiniiienclnr at a nnat tilanted on the wintti ilmre of Ilartlelt Point. Wale J The money was not in dollars.1 but in lire. I When it was first banked in Italy Ihe lira vyas worth seven cents. Sow it is considerably deprecialed. (Umscueully law-j yers for Hie cobbler have tried lo met him freedom on the plea that force here lo plant a quantity orf""' a'1' " lWr visible (. M. (Irani, counsel, has can vassed eery supreme court judge williout effect. The law is jusl as immoveable as Durante or Jeanne Viennet. Miss Viennet holds the pris oners iiajikiiook snowing now the small fortune has lowered in alue. Kf forts lo declare a bankruptcy and thus lift the load orr Ihe "Prisoner of Okalla" are useless, for a workman onunol be declared a bankrupt. As counsel remarks: "The riifli may go bankrupt but the poor mtM pay Iheir debts." k no Beer oervea , Under the Arresl Arl, Durante is entitled lo "beer, ale and olher victuals." but because regulations at Okalla prohibit the. admission iif inlovicnuls. Durante must fin other ways of pienchiug bis thirst. Several of his Italian friends' 1 . ;-;i;.... n...n i.. t.,.1,. I uu- nil ii-iini. iiAiiii ur ii--i' ii celebrating the anniversary. There is a possibility that if Durante remains in priou for a number of years mid then gains his liberty, he will be rich. The -eV . . a . money in llaly is iirawuw nuer 1 1 1 I l esr al Ihe rale of rt per while Is al .Miss Vii'imel's 5 per rent. Which will weaken first? Oov-eriiment. man. or. woman T II may take a lifetime lo PROVINCE HAS GOOD MUNICIPAL RECORD Robert Balrd Told Union How No One Ever Lbst Money Lending to Cities VICTOIUA. Sent. '.'. "Up ' the presenl no juvcslor has lost L'"?!....1 J,1!1'. ""ttL ..".T? '."..!!!' inoiiev in llrilish Columbia." Mr. TUPiriljr 1IU.MIIUII SIUHK IUKU water innri rorly-elght hundred feel, inure' nr le,. Hoherl Ilaird. IllspCclOr of .MunI-to a mii marked No. I.K.! thenre nouth. . .... , , iii;, ,,f erly 10 chain, more or le, to low water cijialllies. told Ihe Ullloll OI, mark; tlience In a westerly direction 1 Ita-il fnliimliln MlllllcilialllieS alonr low water mark forly-elahl hundred I1"1""' (OlUlllIiia iiuiiii.ipi1" feet, more or ie; tin-nee unit her I y 10! In coiiveiilion bore. 1 1 u recouiil-i chain in point of commencement, and 11, . . n... the Oovem- i,,vmii. i-ontaininr t cre. more nr le... '"d the cases where ANOLo DamsiicoiJiMiii lll(.Ml iaiJ 1M,0nle.l receivers, Applicant ami where threatened default on, Dated Juiy'"u?,m.E W,,Ur "'-lloan, hud been solved by various 1 . SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unren-ej. aurrayed Crown ln.l may rs pr-emptl tiy Hrltlali nubjecta over II year of ago. and by ullena on declaring Intention to l.ermnn Ilrttlah aubjecta. conditional uton reMence. ocjpa.tlon. Ji4 improvainont for aarlcultural vurpoae. I-uII information concerning racu .atlnna reuardlnit pra-cmptlona la clven In llulietln No. I. Ijun4 Herlea, "How to I'ra-tmpt Umt,1' copiea of tihlch CHn be obtained fr or charca y adJrelnK tb UeiMirtment of Lnnda. Victoria. II.C or to any Qov eminent Agent Haronla will ! r ranted eovertnc only land tultablo for anrlcultural imrioxt-a. and which la not limber land. I.e., carrying; over 1.000 board feet tier acre went of the Coaat llange and S.o0u Jeat per aero eaat of that Ilanic. Application for pre-emption are to l aililreafced to Ihe Innd Com-mUloner of the Land llecordlna; I)l vialon. In which the land applied for la altuated. and are made an printed forms, copiea of which can be obtained from the Land Coinmlaaloner. I're-emptlnina mum ! occupied for five years and Improvements mad lo value of f 10 er acre. Including clearing and cultivating at leaat five acre. Iiefore a Crown Orant till be received. Kor mora detailed Information see the llulietln "How to Pre-empt Lnd" PURCHASE Application are received for pur-chaae of vacant and unreserved Crown land, not pelng tlmberland, for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land Is J V ItTr illC. '. ....... . . n i Ing) land is.sw per acre, i- urtlier in. 14 formation InrtiiiHnn reirartltnir regarding tinrrhnae purrhaae nr or leaju lease judgment of Crown lands is given In llulietln No. 10, Land Herlea, "l'urchaae and Lena of Crown Lnnd.M Mill, factory, or induitrlat altea o Umber land, not exceeding 49 acres, may be purchased or leaaed, the condition Including payment oX atumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 acre, may be leased as homealles, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In th first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement condition are fulfilled and land has been surveyed, LEASES For grazing and Industrial pur-poaaa areas not exceeding liO acres may be leaaed by on panon or a company. Coder the Orar.Ing Act the Province la divided Into grating dlstrlcte and the rang admlnlatered under a Orajlng Cominllonr Annual graxlng permits are Isaued baaed on numbers ranged, priority being given to established owner. Hlock-ownsr may form aasKlatlona for range management. Free, or partly free, permit axe available tor settlers, caliper and travellers, up to lea Monday, September 28. $ RRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1024. Mas prodiircd Minerals as follows : Placer Ooltl, $77,:i8'.M:ia; Lode (iol.J, s 1 1 H 47:1,100; Silver. ?(!8.S2 l.r70i Lead, $70,&48(578; Copper. I87. iKll,;i7K; ;-' 171.107; Miscellaneous MincrnK SI,4;l,34U; Coal and Coke, '.MJO,880,lHK; Ihuldha Stone, Mrick, Ceinenl, etc., $ i2,J25,814; making lis Mineral Production lo Hie end o, ll)2i sljow an Aggregate Value of $859,427,386 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining haws or this Province are liberal mid the fees lower than lim e or any oilier Province in the. Dominion, or aij colony in (lie llrilish Kiupiru Mineral locations arc granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of winch guaranteed by Crown (irants. Full information together willi Mining Iteptrt aril Maps may he oldaitied gr:t -addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES ' Victoria, BrltUh Columbia. N.U. Practically all llrilish Columbia Mineral Properties upon which devri.ipnr t work has been done are described in some one of the Annual llt-porls if 1 1- M of Mines. Thoo considering mining investment should refer lo nrh report- T are available without charge on application lo the Department of Mines, Vi. I .r .( Ib-porls of Ihe (ieologicnl Survey of Canada. Pacific lluilditig, Vanroijucr, urn r. mended as valuable sources of information. expedients. declaring thai lliej province hint u pood record in its' munieiiutlities, in "idle ' t Id is expected will lake III! about "'0 01.1 crews taken on as me j wi, , . ,,. fc 'nlt , n simmers s mmir . . .. i. . .......... Ihe last coitolrurlioii Ihkiio Iiv rounril. The pnilili-m of fl- , nance in this Piunn-i- had heenj particularly difficult owinu t( Ihe fact lliul many mining and were luinlxring town had not bceni deal iM-rmaiiMil in their character. Mini Ilia, vi-llnl'lfi ililrf?ld lll.1l If. :.. . .. .. l ii.. ...i t ' Yirginiu secreted the cash in air iiHni as an example of a town Italian bank. Lr fr,,,,, 12.000 lo 15.000 people, So, as Duranl explained at declining to "' inhahilnnl. San-Okalla. he was thrown into pris-i0,,, ia, i, paid. and on on a capias order. This in riisiiirmporaf inn had followed plain Knglish nn-ans an onler Allusttm was made to fouth Van-In restrain debtor contemplating rouver under commissioner gv-flialit. providiug he has the a-,.rnuifMl, to (Ireenwoinl. and Pnr' sets, availahlo. CMiulllani, as caws where diffi- Al slake U only 'cultles had been faced. To show how determined the T,p Muuiriiialilie. he lliouahl tlic woman is, the "hoard bill or Du- tal passed , fairly w.-ll through jrante Is paid right up to Xoein- ihe difficulty of giving service. as oer 17. It has always bee 11 set- while regarding the mlere-.! of tied well in advance. iti property owner, and they Won't Qlve Up Cash lough) to give honor lo the ra'e-To secure his release when lie payer who carrii-d the burden was first- "clapped in jail" the from 1015 In 1919. man now working as Okalla cob-' -- - bier merely had to sign a check dvrit in 'tin Imdv 'w WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. 'The Top of the World' An adapl.itKHi KHiel M. li-ll' greali -I iess. A -ninple. love prohlem of iMrkt-M a slruiifu-. tenoe, druniatii- -trugRle involving iv . one unman onl on (he nilerious, nult'r Ai ' 111 which ruthleos Nature pla h (friiu ami part. The amazing adventure of three hunum ! Fate lakes ji hand 111 their tn'erlorked lrlini - uf love and -inritue developed ulinifr hrund m (old aniid-l (hrilliiifr fighU. nigiuu; iIihnIs, run-, and si eiui grandeur. Notahle : Jamea Klrkwood, Anna Q. Nilton, Raymond Hilton, Sheldon Lewis, Joseph Kllgour, Mabel Van Buren others. THE "GO GETTERS" SERIES No. 120. O'HAflA AND ALBERTA VAUGHN IN "THE WAY OF A MAID." INTERNATIONAL NEWS. 35c and 10c Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Op-raUlnp. Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnuers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Psltsm mskers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped (o handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 33F TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 530 Gr. 601 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Nlgft Phontt C87 533 Or. 001 Black 735 Watson's Unshrinkable Underwear Our full (iiul vvinler orders of Wnlson's I 11 In 1 I'lidei-wfiir ure in mid our sio-k is t-tiinplcle. TIh 'i slylo inntle Hint we hiivt'n'l k'I. QUALITY, STYLE AND COLOR . Do you want them pure wool, silk and wool or wool ana cotton? Do you want Combinations, Vests or Bloomers? Do you want the sleeveless, with short sleeves or ln9 sleeves? Do you want them in cream, roso, lavendar or grey7 Well, wo have them, yours Is the demand, ours Is the supp' We luive sizes ninl W in slock. CHILDREN'S PURE WOOL COMBINATIONS Al Inst we huvo llicin as niolhers wnlil 1 lie tit. tili'iili'1'" Piii-e Woo Oomhiiiiilioiis wild shurl sleeves nml l,l,f length. Vo liuvo lliein froin size 2 In Id yonrs. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone 045. Cor. 3rd Ave. and 7th St. J