ay Prplemhei- ift 1 025 29Ej Roaches ! ft""' niSuoms M " UncniiiTAttl II xstn. PUnt odor, ' lUrmitMtoiMitnaiM I lour Orocfr enlml. gj. QrufglSt I II You Had Better Get Your Name on our list For Dry Kindling I-v'y piece kiln dried ami ly split. In k- load $6.00 'tvil, or j bundle al-"h split lor Ul.00 dn-tl. Taxi" Call 112. way 'ipi-o ant ready Jo service all hour. Oho wo passengers any-50c. r.lPHti Sedan, l:uef. COAL have a new coal on $11.00 per ton dehv-Nil .Inl ami very little A perfect range il ! and extremely order a ton now! I): vngi' r all kind at- I :.. promptly. Stand 345 Third Ave. Also Seal Cove The Prince Rupert Transfer & Taxi Co. Phones: 189, 112. 1 nvi 1VI 1QAI I U 1QA1 . i . i nave iiif oi'si Phone 75. ' 'ui Hinl-iiii Super- lii..l.r. Villi nml . passenger Sedan In A l iii-vv eloed rars. RATES " i t'nssenger .. $1.00 0 Passengers . . $1.50 8 Passenger . . $2.00 siKCr Sedan, per li $4.00 "nrrvger Sedan, per r $5.00 To Cold Storage and Across Hays Creek Bridge, I or 1 l asscnger $1.00 ' . h iiildlllonal paenger 50o each. TAXI 75 TAXI Phone 178 I' itling lleef. per lb. . . Gc I Jt lloast. per lb 10o Uistintl Steak, per lb. . . 20c Shoulder Spruvg I.nmh, per lh 25o I.cf: of Spring I.anib, per lh 35o Gainer's Hams and Bacons None Better lh in. per lb. . . . . . . 40o I aeon, siloed, per lb... 45c siriiR Chickens, per lb, 35c We deliver lny Ihe driver. Bulkley Market Oeo. V. Kerr Phono 178. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An i:xquillo Stock of Fur Trimmings nl low prices. B. C. FUR Co. Nexl Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. ROMANTIC LIFE I OF DR TOLMIE I is nearly a century since Di. W illiam Fraser Tolmie, father of Hon.Slmon Preiser Tolmie, came to this coast say Mis J. ! M Hruce writing in the Victoria Tunes A native of Inverness, Si'ollanil. be graduated at Clas-gow a a physician, and surgeon. and the same year joined the Hudson Hay Company and started for the Pacific Coast. The voyage wa made round the' " k"u, H.i: . MMh-r swilon us of the pinli- Art nf nrlllsh Ci.liimtil. IiUkK l I'rinre, liujft, II. C- Mi iMh 1 tlax of ' Sfjilrml'T. ' .I. ! M. 00r.AI.KS, Sullfllni' "r Oiinpunv LAND ACT. Nolle of Inlintlen U Applf to Purchio Lend In His I"'! neronl.ns PIMrlrl tit rrlnrs Tupirl, imt lt'te 11m. mouth of Bhr K lt Cink uhlrh flows Into lh r'ttln mvor but l nni from Ta"e mV.E IMt John A. Smith of RiiiMTt B.C.. rrutln lunibfr-5 npiiin liilS w' f for WHJj'V'a 10 desrrihrrt Und nurrtw"" IH rollowmr P"R5ii n-ln it Ht P lm le.1 il b i.uiiiurnt oirner of t ot s; mnn rwiif. ulnr? SO rhiiiw northfrly: thence Sil rhsiiis wpntcrlv. more or lf. to the Em-rn"ln... m rhln inutherlVi jhenri SO' riielii ea.lerly. n0 coiillnlnr VO cr. ",0, A, smith n.i4 mt H in. rer c r. ft'e1 LAND ACT. Amillrant. I. Am-ni. n jj'rtl. B.C. . nrriiMllon esnnerymaii. uiifhiu i ti't'i! ,c"r ",D ,l" slillnn of the giant spirits who lived among Ihe snows, refused to' advance above limber in. Tin evil spirits, of course, were the inisren powers who tossed j great avalanches from Hip beel- arrival on this Coast 'collected enthusiastically specimen of plant which he sent In hi fripnd, Sir .Iopji Hooker, at Kew Harden. (Juile a dozen or more flower and shrubs were named after him in consequence,' It Hum. and he landed at Fort Van-'grimagf. eotVi,i.r.e"riv fro... J-Ehl wiHi Ihe Canadian Pacific I." i. line . Con.t nu ririi t mlm rhnllt.i I i arris, more nK ,,, JUMPS". Applicant Ditcd sirO 'ur TfTR nATtTf-WVWH PAOK PTVB as.the building can be sold at almost any lime for more than Hip capital put inlo it. This sort of an expenditure costs the taxpayers of Canada nolhing. It pay 11 own way, and by bring- ui. i p m o ,, ! Hrfif crags ami sent echoing in? more business In the Cana- " ""'J Br""e ! 8 0f odd,iMnilT down Hip valley. Dr.'dian National Railway, reduce uv uioveraa.e To mio was a k..n .fu.li.nt nt Homo !hnt:mi- . n.l fn.., n... i;. i.i WAS PLACE OF BONES Indian Wat Hunn on Tree Not Far Away: Battle Took Place There ""ft i in iiit- iiintT in inn the annual deficit and actually ave the lax payer of Canada money, hecaue every dollar in shortage must be met by -the people of Canada by way of taxation. Pay Their Way The ame can be said of the large office building constructed was only by a. pretence nfion Yonsre Street, Toronto. These seeking medicinal herb that Dr.'buildings pay tlrelr way. They lolmle persuaded the Indian are considered by private Invest- to .go so near the mountain as'ors a n good investment they did. and ,lhe railway is thereby able to Just seventy year fitter theirlsecure for itself first class of-falher made hi attempt to as- fice for all lime , to come. True, cend Mount Itainier, several of they add lo the national debt Ihe sons and daughter made up by Ihe cost of Ihe building, but an expedition to visit the rnount-ilhey return more than Ihe "in- ain, and almost annually ever,lerel on Ihe debt. The taxpayer since they have repeated Ihe pil- is not paying for Ihe building, rouver on the Columbia River I Place of Bones but in reality pay less taxes be cause of I hem. in May. 1833. Mr. John Tolmie ha inherited Oolf ha become the rich After hemp moved about to lhv something of hi father' inter- man' obsession, and Ihe poor oinerrni posi oi me company ei m collecting. Tt.e grounds man aspiration. It i more and gaining a thorough know-of Ihe old farm furnished himjtlian a hobby, it ha become a ledge of ft operation, he was'with abundant material, for ap- mania, it i something that the eventually, in 1855, appointed parenlly many an Indian battle .tourist expect; they will go chief factor at Tort Nisqually, j had been fought in Ihe., neighbor- where I hey can get it, and will near what I now Camp I.ewi,lliood. The Indian name for the not slay long away from il. Not jTarnma. He frequently made'hill nearby was "Sllalamsin." jonly can these golf course be ilrip from there lo Victoria, by 'meaning "the place of bones." made to pay their way, from the jcaiioe, which wa the only avail-, Mr. Tolmie it ope time had a fee received, but they draw table means of transportation ..superfine collection of skulls traveller over the railroad and the lime. Alio ut a week wa re-1 which he wa always willing lo to Ihe hotel and add subslan-quired for Ihe voyage, a camp show visitor. Hut the exhibition lially lo I be railway traffic and ( had lo be made every night. Kx- did not prove popular. hotel receipt. No doubt, in cepl In fine weather the landing! One of Ihe bloodiest and most .large centres golf should be left . 1 I. 1 1 . .. t i i iii . i , , ' i 1 1 .. ! i -1 . . t . i .. : .. . . t ' iwas niiMie in iak liny. it-i i-iu in mi- wuuii's louglll ue- " Iirnsir ciuiis, inn in uui- Although a Chief I-'aclor. hejlween Indians at this point wa lying resort to which the rail-Iwa still a doclm. one- of thejwhen the Kncul'aw tribe from, way wishes In direct traffic, il very few in Ihe whole country, and often had .lo go great distance to attend caes of sickness, chiefly among Indians. On one occasion he wa summoned from the Hudson' Hay headquarters at Porl Vancouver lo allen.l a dying Hnglihman. Till proved lo he none other than Joseph Trutrh, who rerovere.1 and lived In beeome (iuvernor of Itrilish Columbia nnd earn a knighthood. Dr. Tolmle't Journal the major pari of . lr. Tolmie' I journal. Il makes faoinalin reading and i a wnnderful com-itneiiiary on the lime. The first inenlion of Klllolt Hay, the site of what nflenvanl lieeame Me. is made in hi handwriting. (The firsl menllon of Ihe finding of coal on Ibis Coast is also found in journal. Dr. Tolmie wa Ihe first while man (o attempt the ascent of .Mount Ialn- ler. This wa In 1833. nml show ed a fearless courage which compel admiration. II is not al all unlikely that he would have accomplished Ins ambition had it not been thai In Indian carrier who entertained a ranal super- CANCELLATION OF RESERVE MITIl-E 1 IIHltMV CIVO lbl lh n-M'rtr iiimir utw !. mm. ln msinn. .. ijw. Itrpuiy .Mlnllrr ut l-nl Unl Pivirliwiil. Vlcluru, B.C. NOTICE. IX Tlir MATTHIl ' "THE COMPANIES iv n;T'uiTTiii ill KVRSTMRNT COM .V OK M1RTIIKHX IIIUTISII Clt.l'MIIA, UMITKP. TAKE .NOTICE llul lh lx Cnmptny, ...i.r...i ..rriii- in il CrliH-e II"- iirri, :nn, n. n.i . . win i "rev 'Vrv " "i'ii"i Cape Mudge came .over lo make is a lrong attraction, and .1dds wnr on Ihe Songhees. The Song-lo Hie passenger list and the bees chief resorted lo a trick goodwill of Ihe passengers, which which betrayed Ihe enemy inlo'i a tremendous asset. One hi hands. Having his son dress-'boosler will bring a dozen more ed as an Indian maiden, he of-jibe following year. Not only fered him a a peace offering to j must a railroad be in a position the Encultnws. When the latter lo carry the people, but il must approached, Ihe Songhees fell! make the people want to come. u lion Hi em and oommitled ler- and I believe that Sir Henry rlblc slaughter. The 'fight lefliThornlon ha been a tremendous many trophies In the way of success in placing before lhn skulls, flinl arrowheads, and. people of the North American other weapon. Flint, it should Continent and T.urpoc Ihe al- I he Provincial Archive havelbe noled, i not a local stone, but traction of Canada which can be l . , 1 . . n I. l i r .1: I 1 is inunti up l lie uoasi near uape rearnru u uuiuuian .auoiiai Mudge, material evidence which Hallways, and Ibis is the most endorse the Songhees tradition. Indian Hung on Tree There is an onk tree on Quadra Street, Just below Cloverdale difficult end of any business Timorous Persons Mackenzie King lias adopted a policy of "look ahead and look School, which ha Ihe mark of a 10 ,,,p p!"- -,,r- Mcignen can iilll.. OAK I i-iil IIa I nnl' j i I lit cross on it. .earlv sixty-five ""'J i-"T !-" years a-o one or Ihe Tolmie ,u eupyori uie uiiuau.au .auunal gardeners, a half breed Indian, Hallway as it has to be support-was found hailging on this tree.l'''1 ',a.v order do make it a the diseovery only deeping Ihe ucce tomorrow or in Ihe years mvslery of the man's disappear- ,0 e"'p- timorous a person neo on.P llirne vvppV l,fnr ' i liol lllC mail on WllOSe hould- It wa supposed that he wa er lo llac, ,,,e deallny or Can-hanged rival. Other '' or even Ihe Canadian Xalion-iinirdcr by a Jealous look place more lo the al Hallways. Never in Ihe history "f our country did we require West. For years no one could be induced lo walk afler darki""'" r courage and -vision lo Ihrough Ihe area which is now.s,('er M' coure ' fl,lure occupied by brickfields, ns this trt?,l", vve ,,n U)!lay-, ,. Mr. Meighen Ihe l'arli.T say was supposed lo be haunted. In Ihe old day Ihe family reg- J"?1 "ded wo 'Ihe most ularly nllended the old iron gLMerlK Ihe most feeble ami Ailile ovrninent Canada has had. John' Church. A familiar -.Iglil'1 ' ch slfttemeiils will stand r ii.u. Ho... -Ai.n,, ii.p Tnimio. in- Did out Mackenzie i.n.i n. .Mivi .'vesligation. K"K. with in l'arlia- S.....I--.. sj-.i.n.,i r ii. r fn,.r Ho majority oKii "!"- ackle the railway proh- or Ihe Tolmie boys on-an grey mare. The old, house has long associations, assoclallnns which inn, uiiu iun-uni.iii- nil1 i.jdii.i- diaH' National llailway, the Canadian Northern llailway and Ihe (irand Trunk . Pacific i llailway, are pari oi in e very;rooi ami Jis-i ,..,; ,V ,Y . , sue of Victoria'. hUCXUJlfirjdsl,i',uw"-,J.""'' ",v V"" . i n i i lut ,3 rn iifr nil i ninn 'ivoi i i mi n ed in Ibis way Cloverdale ha a vast interest for evVry resident. And .vnu aesthetically aesioeiicnuy it u has nus a a charm riuiiin ?:;Tri.uh'o& beauty which make it one iV tTfSTh,irMnr r'elVUn.V'of the most precious relics or In th r.i'rriHH.11. i the ! :i; the city's past. i.rltwM llnnrl. 11. C. for 111 . . . on1r irirlnf ihe ld unnpany to iXwrrt iXiTurt owiUniM. v- THE RAILWAY SITUATION AND ALL THAT IT WtAH5 TU THE SKEENA RIDINQ. (Continued from Page One). I have asked Die opinion nf a number of business men wt, un derstand the situation, and (hey pronounced Ihe Scribe Hotel ileal ns an excellent investment; lhey claimed il will pay interest on I be Investment, provide a sinking fund In retire Ihe original cost, and tnke care of deprecia tion, and in addition In this will furnish the Canadian National llailway with one or tlio best and most commanding offices in Kurope, from which Continent Ihe Hailwnyr must look for a great deal of business. Such a building Is necessary in Paris to attract Ihe European travellers and emlk'ranlH lo Canada, and such a building is necessary lo put the Canadian National Hail llailway, In onler lo get this business. The purchase price of litis building Is considered tow al the present lime. II is, there- fe strongest man available for Ihe job in the world? Real Business Sense You can judpe n man by the calibre of Ihe lieutenants he chooses. When Mackenzie King chose Sir Henry Thornton he chose a big man and handled a big jog in a big way, and Sir Henry has handled that job so effectively that Ihe Canadian Pacific llailway would like very much In be rid of the present compel iliou of Ihe Canadian Na tional Hallways, and the most effective way of doing this is to hamstring the Canadian National through Ottawa, ..Mr. Meighen knows he cannot he elected with out the Canadian Pacifio Hallway, and the, Canadian Pacifio llailway knows that Ion, What chance would the Canadian Na- lional Railways have with Mr Meighen in office nl Ottawa and Ihe Canadian Pacific llailway telling him what to do? The voice Is the voice ot Mr. Meighen, but Ihe words are Iho words or Mr. Heatty Sir Richard Mcllride and Mr. Bowser used to make periodical Are You Strictly Up-to-Date? EVERY day new inventions appear to save you time, money and effort. All the time new comforts, new conveniences and new pleasures are being thought out for your individual benefit. Do you know about them? Are you. up to the minute on this vital news? The advertisements bring you information of all this progress. Read them and you will know about the very things that concern you most things that have a very direct influence on your life and that of your family. The advertisements tell you where to gel these things, how to get them and how much to pay. For advertising is a daily directory to wise buying. Don't rob yourself of the benefits that come from regular and systematic reading of the advertising columns. Advertising is altogether too important lo be missed. Read it every day. lermitied V do the just thing, and an order has been issued under the Premier's direction giving Itrilish Columbia equali zation of rreight rales on grain and Hour. Strong Opposition I believe this is one ot the strongest slands ever taken b any (iovernment ot Canada, and taken contrary lo the wisnes ot the Canadian Pacific Railway, and tii'e MOnlrealMtoard of Trade, who are now trying lo upset Iho order. Again it may be asked, what chance would British Col umbia have for equal freight rales with Mr. Meighen in the saddle and Mr. lleatly leading the nss? Equalization of freight rales is the greatest faclor in the rulure prosperity and develop menl ot Itrilish Columbia that is now before the people, and which lies In the hands of Ottawa to give. Does lUiyone seriously think with a Conservative (!ov- i eminent in Ottawa with the Can adian Pacifio Railway as tho strongest faclor In their election, and with Ihe business in terests of Montreal, Winnipeg, and all other Kaslern points, responsible for such a Oovern- nienl, that Ihe West would have any chance whatever lo gel equalization of freight rales? Never before was the issue so clearly apparent lo Iho people of British Columbia, and to tlm Skeena district in particular. Mr. Meighen has already condemned equalization - of freight rates. Does anyone seriously doubt that trips l(f Ottawa lor heller terms.llho words are put inlo hi? and lhey got nolhing from their mouth Willi equalized freight Conservative associates a Ot- rales between 150 and 200 mil-tawa. No doubt they were sincere' lioti bushels of grain should and did their best. What chance' niovo west, the railroad men on had lhey to get heller terms from the old O.T.P. line of the Cana a It's a profitable practise shadows close behind the tlufine? work as firemen to hold llieir Mr. King, on lu.e other hand, with j jobs. Our elevator should work a weak following, ha tackled the to capacity as rasl as boats can rreight rate question in a con- move away the grain. scienlous, impartial manner, de- Not Stork vs. Bushby Remember, this is not an issue belween Mr. Stork ami Mr. Bushby, you are called upon to choose which you will have, Mac kenzie King or Mr. Meighen. Would it not'be a calamity for the people of Skeen't, which is served by the Canadian National Railway 'only, and which is Inl such a strong position lo handle prairie grain, to elect a (iovern ment which will be doiniimled by the Canadian Pacific Railway? The leader or which Government has already slated that he is op posed to equalization ot freight rates, and thai he is opposed to carrying out the Mackenzie King policy as related lo Ihe Canadian National Railway, Tor, rest assured, tho Canadian Pacilio Rail way, wilh their adverse grades west through the mountains will fi.ll.t equalization of freight rates to" Ihe last ditch and only a Liberal government at Ollawa at this time will assure to the people of t British Columbia equalization of freight rates and the ful u re prosperity that will come with it. And be equally as sured that with a Conservative government at Ollawa, tho C.P.R. will hand the C.N.R. such a wallop I hat when it wakes up Rip Van Wlnklo would look like nl school boy. W. K. WILLIAMS. GOT SIX GEESE Another Parly Had Good Suo-cess Hunting Yesterday at Big Bay S. K. Campbell, W. 0. Fulton, Hilly Put more and Jack Dean comprised another succcssrul 0o I. lulling party that visit ed Big Bay yesterday. They Conservative Government ut illan National, so long neclected. hacseil six line honkers. Tho Ollawa with Iho wnlciiful eye of 1 hIiouM be busy to capacity; noltiip was made on Billy Patmore's LM ' I ' I . L!l l . ... I I 1 . . ...ill f.. 1 1 . I 1 . 1 ..If fore, a uood and afo investment, Slr Thomas Shuuglmussy in the; longer will engineers have tolbout "Mary." 4 t CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS Tho Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Servlce, Sort Finish, And Dry Cleaning. Wo aro ready at any time to receive your phone call, to take your instructions, to take personal charge- of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Shoe Qioice is Easy when you look over the ONYX models for Fall, because the styles anticipate, the trend of fashion and there are shoes for each occasion that women and young women want. Our Fall slock Is now complete. We slock A and A A widths, also wide widths. Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue. Phone 367.