horfdar- December 21, 1925. a BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 Summary of Assets and Liabilities 31st October, 1925 ASSETS Cold. PoTiinion Notea, end Silver coin .... $ 86,829,406.10 Deport with Cartral Gold" Reserve 17,000,000.00 Drpoaita mad with and BVancea due from ntSir PnV In Cane'la 140,417.02 Balance due by Banka and Banking Corrra- ponJrnU elaewh're than in Canada 17,906,505.15 Call Short loam en Bondi, Debenturea nd 5tocka 134,215,606.20 Dominion and Provincial Covernment Scuri ! 96,542,710.96 Railway and other Bonda, Debentii-ea and 5toUa 3,666,616.12 Canadian Municipal Securitiee and Britiah, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian 39,937,591.72 Notea and chequea of oilier Bank 53,529.236.05 United Statea and otnr foreign currencies. . 690,979.17 Loana and Ditcounta and other A'aeta . . 278.640.BC5.05 Bank Prertiaee 12.1 50.000.00 Liabil ta to customers under letter! of cred.t (aa per contra) 13,897,912.40 $7S3,K7.37GX3 LIABILITIES TO PUBLIC Note in circulation $ 46 76i.lR4.S0 D.w-o.ita 631,451.428.77 Utters nl credit iutitandinj 13J07SM2.46 Other liaWl.liea 1 09i.769.89 ;;33.Z0,323.G2 Exert cf Mitett over Liabilities to Public tGi.933S30.3S i- ii j - - Bulgers Prices Have Always Been Reasonable Fir-I we guar irutilee Hi- i:lC. Compare nir pro e u all Standard Article imIi - "18,7 ' Hoger' mid Oiiiiaiimtt) Siher. Walermairs Pen. F.vrrsharp PeiM-il. WalUmm and firtif" VMirv Hip Hen Owks elc. ami you will Hud litem the same mad order hone. Chir i-tiUimr arc finding: qnalilv for pialil ; our house i-j -celt hard to brat. ar itlv.i- i-inl lo make good mix mistake. John Bulger Jeweller Prince Rupert, B.C. . . . w u n..rnnini in Wo have a choice selection oi rixnui r-""' Fancy Bottles and In bulk KiTiirli Ivory. Ilnir Hrubfv Hnzor-. Porltmn Atuniiicrf, KltTlrie Curlinir Irons. Hiilb Itn tiles. (Si Gift Selection Is Made Easy at This Store with tin- !" marked r ertllnug ts displayed pn.-e ug Sols Mirror, lhul. mid Howl in "''g"? M i.ai-y Hr.isi.o. fmiiii Vr pair '. '. $3.50 to $12.00 Hrnwines itnd Kodak, from "v Wilfiniiin and F.eihari. Pencil, tami oa00 o $1000 Wermaii nndXvi'.h. Fountain Pons tn,"J5l() $1100 I' Ki-i K1uvtwi.rip'',ld.' ,tT,,,V $r1,25i?ooN'u!l I' .ht Powder Compact, single mid double, from $1-00 Manicure Hulls from 1 iim-iiiiiloH in Christum Hove, M"irs uud Uuiioni, . s aiionorv it! Girt iiuM'V, r'rom $1-50 $G-00 llid ouil (iokl (iifl St'U, a gifl snilable for vpro"'. 25c to $4.00 l lin-lnm Crju-kVri. from. l'r Lux box $1-00 nnd S.uu r Sliuw' Chucolules jer Ormes Limited Tli Hi-xull Bloro Pioiifi'r llrujfpisln Phones 82 and 200 Local and Personal 11. G. Undertakers. Pbone 41. 75 Tail. niglit. 50c service, day and tf Large, safe' for sale, Mai Heilbroner. cheap if Anias. iree decorations arm bon-bon, at Linzey &. Davictt, If 9'J Taxi and Transfer. 50s service. Day and night. T Dybbavn. tf Linzey & Davles store will be closed on December 25 and 26 Don't forget! 25)8 Dance Christmas night In Auditorium. Turkey refresh ments. Admission SOc and S1.00. Thr wiHhes Mt'rry Vt'l or for all Christmas .New Year. 298 England Stort' it r friends. and a Happy Valhalla ChriHlinas Social anil Dance, Momlay, December 28, in Meliopole ilali al tl p.ui. Oeotte- men 7&C, ladies ?5c. llefreeh menl. . J I. II. Wall, for several year" manappr or the lelkwa oraneu of the Hoy a I Hank, i now man ager of (be MacKay irraneh in ralr Vancouver. Nrvir will Jo held in I be Church of Knpland on Christina Day al S a.m. and 11 a.m. Tlier will be Chrisinias decorations ami Christmas music. Mr-. M. Miller and daujzltl ami Mots CM. patters of (ieorgv i wti were visifors in town yes im dav and this loorutag doing Chi islma shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorpe CloUiier ailed en I be steamer Prince HtiTt last niftrt for Stewart when- they will wpeud the Christ- ma vacation visiting with 'nds. "L-v us be your Santa Clans'" If I he jrift is to a surprise, let Santa Claus deliver your Rifts o NtHy KNlmt tMrninxl I'Hnee Itupert Tranafer and Taxi. Pbon MS or 28 m i u .li'lT and l.'urie luiiiibiy le' ,iii at iio.ih today for Lewis In land on Hi- launch Ui Ha by to .ctl the Cbri-tuia vacation Willi their parent. Mr. and Mr. H. L. Lambly. lire mh office genera deli- ry und !. if! rat too wickets wilt lie ojfen from fi tt It a.m. tomorrow Christinas mornins'. Tho I'Uhlic ltttty will be upru from H a. in. lo 6 p.m. Mi C. M. Oruickshank. who i (.iictiinp cliol at Palltny, will arrive in the cily on to-Hiorrov. tii'irninit tram to e!!d t'se i:iiritina holidays with her tiniiiiiT CniM'kihaiik, of the r. N.K. ticket office staff. Mr. and Mr. W. W. MrOill wi.f are known here. Mr. McGill liauiK been several yfar aito on .the laiT of Onne Drup store. iliHvt- moved their resilience in Vancouver from Holly Lodfrc to ii in'w home they have built nn liunl'iir lleiulil. Mr. .M dill I is on I lie tatr of the lieorpia Phm macv .ii Vancouver. "Alice boast that sho never , borrow trouble." r "No. that is a lliine that she prefer to give. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention ta Add ta Leaae Land in ihr I. ami llerurilinK Dotrlrt uf I'ntreo Hill" ri. and iiiliiilK mi Ih" aiiiilli sh.ii uf sttimnoii Hay, Maaaetl inlet, yuren tiiar lull.' Nlatitl. T.VkK NOTICE tint I, llarrjr Iloljlnaun I Fn.-I, of MlMtrlt. II. C... .H'CUI'atkm 1 10 i n mt. Iiin im tu ai'l'iy ror a iro ui uir frill, iwnir (irM'rlliml lamia: ..niinctirinr at I i rati font alluatU alluatfil at at tl tile Miiiilittfi 1'iii'iier nnt dalli jntwi Currie's Tttii and Messenger. hone 00(5 night or day. Always good service and qual ity at Linzey & Uavies. tf Closing Out Sit. Everything at cost. Gil's Cigar Store. ti Two carB Shcddon Tail. A Old, Private Christmas Cards printed by Hose, Cowan & Lalla. lb Street. If ,M. II. .Nellfon i boiik'-d to sail n the J'nnfte uuperi loinorrow inorniDg lor vaneouvcr. Pipes, Pouches, C'jgaretto cases, Cigars and dox canay ail cost. GU's Cigar Store. ti inen $1.00. Ladies i'5c. tf at your service I'lione 134. tf thiiiir well bought is half Gel it at Linzey &. Davies It II. Ni-Uon, who is employed al he Duthie mine, iuillicr, is n ritice Hupert for the Christinas holiday. YULKDANssK. Metconole Hall .Saturday night. Limli'th's or chestra. llefreshinenlM. UeJitle- Mr. and Mr. J. K. lonln Terrace, ar booked to sail lo morrow mo.-nin? on I lie sfeame Prince Hupert tor Vancduver. Alfred Nelson, foreman of Die Duthie Mine, miiheii, has ar rived in the city to spend the CIirifttinaK holidays with hi' family. It. Saiiiiicon, who ha been a patient at the Prince Hubert teni'ral HoxniiaL it. booked to sail on the stcaHwr Prince John oh Saturday for Thurston Har bor. The Ho Vary Club luncheon was of an informal nature. couilin of a round table aliciiion oi matter of inleet. Preside! Thomas Mct'lymont was in the chair. ni.iiu 111 I'luln. more frV '?,rr'.:toU,h?S; or l. to lilirti a velocity viuonj The fsuiiurbau Hetail Mer chant' Aoriatiotr More will be cloml on Friday. Deeeiriber ili ami Saturday, December 26. A. R. Phillipr, President. Hobl. tiordrn, Sec.-Trea vkaler mark: tliwwe niiiilirl It cliam, uecoilinailied ... In.. r..ll.,nltir tlu lllirh u .l.l- l "'"l"" mark I" poirii or I'uiiinirui'Ciiicnt, an.l.ft'i't high nnuliiiiiil S acrM, more or iw. it. it. rnosT Nett. B.C. Illl.'l OctnliM It 1tl Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Clock, Prince Rupert, B.C. office Hours -0 to 8. X-Ray Ssrvlct Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday hvenliig 298 Let u Ih a convenience t vu! Y'.u ave lime by cullii! tli' in help you with your shopping. Cars by tbe liouc at rex onabie rale. Suijile tares fo. two enters. "Service." mi. nil i8 Taj.- Owl Club will bold a dance tonight in the litnad Hall. Turkey supper. Dancing at II p.m. Hammond's orcbenlra. l-'or free taxi, phone 31, C7, or 550 Uenllnnen 50c, ladies free. Vic Roger, manager. M. Ulowaei, who Ua been on the Carter-Hall staff in connection with const ruction work or I he elevator, will afl on the Prince Hupert to-morrdV morning for Vancouver en tute to his home in Winnipeg. The fire department responded lo telephone call fU S o'clock this morning to the Iipett-Cun-nina-ham premises on Second Avenue, being informed thai something was on fire at the back of Ibe store. UVou arrival. aim after an examination, no trace of fire could be found. It is tliouyht the party turning in Ibe call , had mistakeu tbe light ia the office of store for a fire STORM IN JAPAM. JlKKl. Dec. SI.--The Navy Department reiwrts dial the Island nf Yap experienced a tidal wave and storm on DetX'inber 15, as a result of which liuildiug along tin coaet wore severely ilainageil. " There were, however. ' of l.ot ttis (T.L.I no caual! it's. 1 he wind . roaehe 1 of 130 miles per hour by waves thirJv HEAVY RAINS. There has been twelve inches or rain here during Uic past 21 day according to a slaletnent iued today by S. C Jackson of Digby Island, Dominion molcoro logist. WIRELESS REPORT. I 8 a.m. j DUTHY ISLAND. - Hnlnlnsr light southeast wind; haronieler, 30.00; teinperulum, a51- sea smooth, 10.;0 p.m. spoke steam - To our many Patrons er Amur towing Lord Teinpli'loti. 1 Anyox for Tacoma, 50 mile-, trom Anyox. j DKAD THKK POINT. Haiuiiip. ( calm; barometer. L'U.80; temper-1 ature. il ; pea mhoo! h. j DI LL HAHHIIH. Hainin?:. frcli outheat wind; barometer.! 3tl.06; temperature, 111; sea mod-! erate; 8.50 p.m. spoke steamer i Narranbank tround for Yokohama. 75G miles rrom Tatostu Noon DKiHY ISL.ND. Cloudy, -Iron? southeast wind; barome ter, 36.00; temperature, 51; sea lough. DIIAD THKi: POINT. Cloudy, calm; barometer. 2U.00; leniper- ature. 47; ea smooth. Ill LL HAHHOH. Overeas'.j fresb soulheasl wind: barometer, 30.li; leuierature. 5t; sea DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Notice to Contractor. Htitliwral KuihUltr I'rtnrr Huert. stAIH' TtVOKMS. ruirral Teudrr nr nioloinral Hiitldinit. I'rlu'-e Htlpert." will br nrrtwl li Mw H'.ll Kiralil ttV Hinistcr of I'ublh- Work ut t It o'rlurk ihmms or TnrMtay ll riftb Uy or ianuao. tt: tvr Uw rrerttua of a BSih-airtl Utl at I'lile-r Rarl In ll PHare nufrt nral Main. Plan. sprririrta. lUattirarl. anal t'ortmr if Trodrr may 1 an-u ou and arter Uie 471b day or Iwrvmlwr. Iti, and mrtix-r lnrorrailll l)UiiHl al tile lnwruurst a I'uWir virk. I'arttaweut iiiiuauir. mm at tb- rulk.wiRK irftlrM- or Hie Oovrrtuiieal A renin at Vawiiuver ami Pniwe Itapert. Cufue or plaiif. prcinratSitu. etc.. ran 1 obtaknHI frtoii U- tHartiuetit oh par. MhwI or a Xott or trn dollar Mrb will U- rrtundrd en rrtorn or lb ta. Mr., m "l rundttlon. TIh- low eat or any tender not in-rea- ,r,,,", e. nnur. !uiy Miiui'ter and l'ublli- Work Enri"ew-hrpartnirnt or I'nMlr Works, I'lrlHiiH nl HulldiulT. ii-ioria, i... GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENSE NkTICK IS III KtHV GIVEN, that on the ISth dav ur iulr neL Ihe under-lirnrd Inlend lo apply to the Uquor i .rtitrol Board Tor a lirene In reMiert to tbe reinlo belnr art uf tlie bulldlnr known as premier lintel ltuated at oue.n Charlotte City, uurew i;nrioiie ijhiko, uim ihe land ilmi'rtlH-d a Lot it and t, Bkirk t. iMflrlrt lt IS. tjiieen Charlotle lilslrtrt. Map No. JA. ITInt Ruperl land llerMrailon IHnlrlrL In the Prorlnrt or Urillsh Columbia, ror tlie ale r beer by the fU or by the Hhmi bottle ror owiittnipllon .si tne pr-niiw. IATLH IhU lth da) ol November. tttS HOY QEOnCL MtkENIIE. tnlle! LAND ACT. Notlea ol Intention to Apply to Laaao Land. In Prior lumen Land Brrordmr bis trie! or I'rlure lluperl. ami attune at Shannon Bay. Oueen Cbarlolle Islands II ' TAkE NOTICE that Oonse Mlllerd, LltiMtpd. or Vancouver. B.C., lulend to wry rur a teaw or the rollowlnr dracrlbed land: Coniinenrlnr it a pot planted about Ik rliaim. more or les. west rrtau wwln- eat emer vl Lot till (T.U S5P; Uwiwe iwrlh tti reel; Ihrnre Koulhi Soder. wl 00 ri'et. more or le: tnwee MMilb 41)0 rret to the birh water Inark, In a norlh-eacterly dli-ertlon 0O Tett, inure or !. to tlie point or eoni-ioneenent, and ruiilalnmr all (6) acre. imre er lc. OOSSE-MILLEHD, LIMITED, AppUrani Per Win. O. VltrhelL Asent li. ,.mli. nik tv LAND ACT. Notice ol Intention to Apply to Purchai Land. Ill Land Herut-dmir PMiirl r Prince liuprrl. and attuale on Ihe South Shore r Captain Cove, rttl Maud. I'rovlnre of isrttlrh Columlila 1 TAkE NOTICE that William Jiwph Jerrerwli or I'rlure Ituiwrt. B.C.. omipt-thm Cannery-man, tiiteii.t to apply ror pi'i'iiill(H tu purrliaie tlie rollowliiK Oe-i irltied land: , ! r.iuiiineiiiMnr at a pt planted on the niith aliore mar the head or Captain C ive, put Utaiul, Kanire 4. "-t Ullrlrl, Pifiviure or Hrlllli Columbia; tlienee aoiitli twenty ilialiw; thwire wet twenty rlialll; tlienre uorlh twenty rhalna. more or let, lo hlrh water mark; theme eat-; et lv aloua hmli water mark In point of I rtiinmenremeni, aim ruiuaiuinir ioiij arre. noo'e or ieV VMLUAM JOSEPH JUttltSiiN Per W. J Thorn baled bevvnibvp tltn, li. Appliranl. Green Olives Tea we extend the Seasons Greetings and Good Wishes for health and prosperity during the coming year Have you received one of our 1926 Calendars Store Closed all day" Saturday, 26th December Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. One door Eat of Daily News Office THE Phone 123 Commodore CHRISTMAS DAY Special $1.50 TURKEY DINNER From 11.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. Menu Relishes Ice Celery- Grab-flake Cocktail Soup Sweet Gherkin;- Consomine Duborg Pologe u la Heine Fish (stnrier) Hoiled Fresh H.C. Salmon, Saure Soubies v Entrees j Sweet Hanaua I-Villers a Ia Curacoa Roast Young Turkey, witli Cbeslnul Dressing and Crauberry Saiire -: Vegetables Green Garden Peas Hriissels Sprouts Sanle in Hulter Steamed and Mashcil Potatoes 1 Dessert ' Old Buglisli Plum Pudding, Muni and Hrainly Snuctv Home-made Mince Pie Ire Cream am! Cake Old Fashioned Christmas Cake Canadian Cheese and Crackers Coffee Milk The Logical Place for the Right Gift Unheard of Hurgnins Throughout our entire Xtiias Lintf. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY UNTIL YOU HAVE LOOKED OVER OUR STOCK Genuine Harguius predominate throughout in Toys', Fancy Goods, Dolls, Sleighs, Xmas Stationery, Hooks, Fountain Pons. Pencil, Decorations, elc etc. Heiniitglon Portable Typewriter, Pm'ket Haronieler, Adr dress Hooks, Dinries, Autograph Hooks, Schoo Hag, Graiuophoiies uud Gramophone Hecortls ' McRAE BROS., LTD.