Y WCOt VEIt, lec. -21. l ift) t m i' hooked to lake nearly m. 'lion bushels of grain mil Inn iookuiK are regular lakin from Iwo lo four : rami tons each. NO CONTEST YET IN SIGHT FOR MAYORALTY Aid. McMordlo Is so Far the Only Candidate Definitely In tho Field. A il, Mc.Moi.lie slill i Ihe only ' ..nil.da'o definitely in the field I lie mayoralty at Ihe civic eii-t ion which will lake place in J uary. It would not he ur- however, ,ir Mayor Xew-idiould ilecllle to seek re-: leelnm. Olher iiainen bein f '"iiuently inentioued as possible iisidiilale are lhoo of Hx-Ald. X l, .Mardonald. Kx.Mayor II. H. llai 'hi'fcp mid Aid. M. M s eplien. ALASKA FEELS SHARP 'QUAKES AXCllOHAtli; Alaska. Iee. 21. Slinri carlhnuakei ladling more Ibnn a nilnule were felt hern early yenlerilay. No dumagowiiM done, SHWAHD. Dec. 2L--A Ighl earllupjake laslliig about 30 nee-mnls was leconlcd bere at 1 o'-t Ui: k yesterday iiiornltit'. rv' t?rntlm- I nly there is a sudden and unexpected change. Prince Hu-perl and district will have a wet Mviifiun 1 a'w free" Christmas and far-ur" ii ii ..jii i... -..i.i its l .i two weeks, i oncci"" "Y" l "' of ,... ceding under her own S' ' a r..ugl. .,, I'-oxcrm t.-s .luring Ihe lal wrrt.1"";. . .. , , ., ... rnnrr nuiwi -nunim. iit.ii oulhent wind; temperature. 51. Terrac Untiling, calm; temperature. 30 above. Ilaiellon Itaitiing, calm. Sniilhcrs Italning. calm. Itiirno Lake Itainiiig. calm. Telegraph Creek Cloudy, calm: temperature. IH above. Dawson Clear, calm; ten below. While Horse South wind. 2 above. Yukon Average Two below. FURTHER CHARGES ARE LAID AGAINST DOCTOR in?- pod in January. Half of Dr. Hoyes Will Answer to Nine Counts of Illegally Issuing Narcotic Prescriptions VANCOl Vr.H, lc. 2. lr. W T. Hoyes. Dkalla doelor. wlio ap peared in court yeslenlay on I lie original charge or Illegally issuing naicolii- prescriptions, w-f. remanded for one week. He bus mow been similarly charged on ,iKil aiUiii'Mi.il counls. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheal C. I'. It ll.C. Silver DunweU Premier porler Idaho Surf Inlet .... Iluth Hope Ihily Alaska . L. v I. Silver Cresl . (iladslono (Irunby Hufus Howe Souiul . Lucky Jim .. lliurlton Marmot Terminus Indian Oliiclcr Haw lew National Silver Selkirk .... Silversmith Illd. Asked. . . 1.5814 . I irt.oo . 1.58 1.05 .... 1.27 1-31 2.17 2.25 ... ",oy .10 .mi . .11 at .:ic ..5 12 .11 .... ,in .12 33 Vi .35 Vt .. 20.no ' .18 30.00 13U .15 .on; . .10 50 .... .05 .00 .08U 0 . .05 .00H .I4U .15 .. .04 .04 H ..... .24 .24 H MERRY CHRISTMAS IS WISH OF NEWS The 1 a)l -Vw- extend Iti all ii' reailer.-. adver-tierti and the public generally, heft wilie. for a .Merry Chritina. So ;ifi Ihe Mia tT of this paper may enjoy Ihe fra-season, lliei-i will lie no Unuc tomorrow. The uuiil itit ion will bo printed "ii Saturday. BANDITS SEIZE XMAS PAYROLL Six Armed Men Took $47,900 Pittsburg This Morning at PITTSMllll.. Iec. i. The 'Oirislniu payroll of Iho I'ills- buig rerniinal (atal tunpany totalling M7.V00 was taken from the pay car by six armed men at Molleneaux. near here, this morning ATTORNEY GENERAL IS APPRECIATED Conservative Effort to Reduce His Salary Failed In Legislature Last Saturday VICTOItIA, Dec. 21. An ef fort by the opposition on motion of 11. II. l'oolcy to reduce the salary of the attorney general from 37.000 to so failed nt the closing of Ihe legislative session last Saturday. Only the Conser vative voled for Ihe 'resolution. lion. William Sloan, provincial secrcfary. then moved that llin salary' bo increased by 500 but Mr. Munson declined lo accept and the resolution was with drawn. "Very well singed,", exclaimed Col. Peck. "He deserves II," Interjected Major Hick Hurde of Alhcrnl. FLIGHT TO STATES. LONDON, Hoc. St. The Slur's Dublin correspondent says the Irish Free Stale air force contemplates n .flight to the United Slates about next April. A sea platuvwUh two officers will slarl froin.Cranniorc May, Oalway and Ihe iiesllnallon or Ihe. flight will UP "UW, vrik. EX9HH Arrangements Will Not be Mace Definitely, However, Until 14. Exact Tlne of Completion i Is Known It js expected thai the terimnai 1 grain elevator here will be coin-. pletcd and ready lo handle bus'-nss by January 15 but, pending Ihe date beiu definitely set. it not likely that any final arrangements for the shipping of grai'. Ill 1011 all (his port will be made. In the meantime, Hie elevator nianasi'incut is keeping in touch with Hie trade' and it is possible that wheal may arrive from the prairies and khips come lo load soon after tin completion, of the plant. It has been slated that a C.O.M.M. steamer has already been booked lo take on part cur- go of grain here early in the New Year. EDMONTON DEFEATS VICTORIA 3 TO i Portland Will Play at Edmonton and Victoria at Calgary EDMONTON, Dec. 21 Edmonton defeated Victoria by three lo one in last night's hockey igame. On Christmas Day Portland will play hern and Victoria 'will play til Calgary. 25 TAX' Ambular and Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, . Servlc with newly laid dancing m I. -1 a 1 1 - It floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd A , ' NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th 8k ' O' hi PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. "' f least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V(H. XV.. NO, 2U8. PRINCE RUPERT. THURSDAY, RECEMUER 21, 1025 Yetrrdn' Clreulitli.ii, 1187 Slrrct Salfl. 17 PRICE FIVR CENTS. A MERRY XMAS TO ALL IS WISH OF NEWS AGENT GENERAL PAUUNE INSTRUCTED TO FIND PURCHASER FOR RAILWAY Overtures for Sale of Pacific Great Eastern to Start Immediately Premier Oliver denies that American capital ists are attempting to secure railway j ICTORI A. lice. 21. Hrili-h financiers arc to Ik informed jcilwiltMv through Agt-iil Oeueral Paulino, London, of the ;:; - at whu li (lie government is willing lo sell (he Pacific t Kit-tent Railway along Hit line approved by the legisla-, Premier 01ier announces. Mr. Pauline will be requested, o I lie proposal before capitalist without delay. I The premier also has hope that the recent conference 1 li Premier llrowiilec of Alberta will Itear fruiL Premier Oliver denied the report Rial Americuii capitalist 1 niude overture- for securing the railway. WEST OROWA PROCEEDING Crippled Vessel Hat Moved 425 Miles During Past Week V. r Now Nearlng Toklo iOlllMiW. Dec. 2t. -Wireless r's i oiluy ftole Hint the mi i !! Omwa. which hat ni'tilcd off till --rl 14 now one thousand rai f Tokyo. She i be-nvoyed by the steamers Holbrook and A.lmirnl VANCOUVER IS MOVING GRAIN Fifty Vessels Will Take Nearly Ten Million Bushels From Thero In January CHRISTMAS DAY MILD AND WET Raining all Through Interior and In Yukon the Temperature Is Rising (Courtesy, Government Tele- Impressive service- on board II. M.S. Muni-lone ior the 08 oifirer and men who went to their death when the giaul submarine M-l -sank oi the English channel off Start Point on the Devon roast Mr. Paltullo's Xmas Greeting Editor, Daily Xews: This Ulirilniii Season finds the world nearer the goal of peo e uu Karlh IIihii t lia been fur u long lime. II would be idle In prophecy as (o whal may happen in the future, but lliere can be no doubt that, by a process of eiln-caliou, the world is grailuallj evolving into a better condition. A larger and larger proportion of our people are learning to think and, while at limes it may superficially seem Ihal the spirit of unret is more intense (ban formerly, Ihe fact of the mailer is that the knowledge ami intelligence of our people i gradually working out Ihe social problem lo a higher and better plane. It seems that this year we have especial reason lo be of good cheer. In iwrlicular- lo Ihe people of the electoral district of Prince Huperl and in general lo the people of British Columbia, I extend Hie heartiest Christmas greetings, and best wishes for u happy and prosperous New Year. Let me also express Ihe hope, Mr. Kdilor, that your splendid paper may continue lo flourish on behalf of the welfare, not only of yourself, but of all vour readers. T. D. PATTULLO. GRAIN SHIPMENTS I LOOKED FOR SOON! ARMISTICE IN SYRIA SIGNED CAIHO. Dec. 2t. An armistice is reported to have been signed between I lie Druse tribesmen and the new French High Commissioner ot Syria, Henri du Jouveual. This will bring to an end hostilities (hat the tribes-have been engaging in for some time. XMAS DINNER . AT CITADEL Men Will be Welcome There To morrow Noon and Also In the Evening AI1 men in the city who have nowhere else to go will be wel eo me to enjoy Christmas dinner at the Salvation Army Citadel lo- inotTow announced Capt. Ilea this morning. Dinners will be served from 12 lo 2 at noon and from 0 to 7 in Ihe evening. t.oummiltuiis as follows are ncknuowleilgcd: Tolal lo dale ,'.971.50 A. M. Davlcs ZM A Friend .. 2.00 A Friend t I. no Mrs. Oo. Uu hby 5.00 Orientals May Soon Control Vancouver Retail Business; Are Engaged in All Trades VANCOUVER, Dec. 25. Oriental domination of Vancouver retail trade looms as a distinct possibility within Ihe next ten or fifteen years if the ratio of increase of Chinese and Japanese merchants here can be taken as a criterion. City officials have discovered that Orientals operate more (ban one-third of Vancouver's groceries; Chinese virtually monopolize Ihe green grocery and hawking trades; in five years, Oriental traders have increased 17 per cent; Chinatown and Jap-lown areas have more than doubled in exlenf since 1 01 : every local shopping district in an- Icouver has Chinese and Japanese; competing nirecuy won iieciuen- tal rclailers in nearly all trades license figures show Orientals! are turning from usual pursuits j and entering lines of retail trade such as jjiDccries. jewellery, hardware, photo art, tailoring and shoes. City record reveal thai oul of the .seventeen principal licensed wanes dealt wan, Oriental pre- uuiiiiuate in lour; lit six uihers, i.iniiese and Japanese bold JO per teul or more ot tiie total licenses issued, while in only two cases noes the Vlrienlal hold less tuau 20. per cent of the licenses. Invade White Districts An outstanding aspect of the (Vientar rrade-TnsTSu ttfr-couver. according lo white retail ers and other citizens who have Developing from an Isolated aunilry here and lliere on the back streets, there appears a lefiuite trend of the Oriental merchant into Kilsilano. Fourth Avenue and Hroadway have 'hinesc and Japanese grocers. confectioners and many other trades. In the Fast End, Commercial Drive, a few years ago, had a ouple of Chinese greengrocers: today it has Chinese grocers, a cofal dealer, innumerable jrreeh- grocer and confectioners. In fact, there is not an uptown or downtown shipping: district In Vancouver wherein the Oriental merchant has not opened in di rect competition with the white retailer. LATE DESPATCHES NANAI.MO. Dec. 2L Samuel Oough. aged 70. city clerk and lreaurer for 15 years, died this morning. Deceased came lo this city in 1871 aboard the famou. ailing ship Princess lloyal. and was me first coal miner from England on Vancouver Island. Terrace Pioneer Dies TEtlllACE. Joseph Hellamay one of the oldest timers of the Kitsunikalum district is dead having expired on the trail while coming lo town. The fuuer.i look place here today. Deceased had a brother living near Calgary but little further is known of h'.s family connection'... CN.lt. 'steamer Prince John from Vancouver via the (juVen Charbilte Islands, is due In pol oniglit. : CIVIL SERVICE HEAD IS GOING? Victoria Colonist Says W. H. Maclnnes Will be Replaced After New Year VICTOItIA, Dec. 21. The Colonist Conservative says today that V. H. Maclnnes, civilf service commissioner, will ' be replaced by the Oliver government shortly after the iNevv Y'ear. It is said that the cabinet has already discussed informally ihe choice ULs-i&cceAyfc An attempt was made just be fore Ihe closing of Ihe Leglsla- llnrp nil Sulliril.iv tux) In rpilnpo studied the situation, is the man-; ,he sa of Jr Mac,nnes bul ..cr iu which l.l.inalown is being, vo(e)J ((Mm ,)y ,he abandoned by the Oriental mer- men an(, La,ior me,miers chant in favor of store locations in purely white residential areas.! In l'Jt'J, with the exception of; 11 few greengrocers and laun-j dries, the Oriental merchant in Vancouver largely was confined lo the downtown areas known as 'Chinatown" and "Japlown." Today, no! only have both these Oriental imarters more ' than doubled in size, but new-areas are rapidly being Oriental ized. Oranville Street, south of Kobsou; Hobsrin Street, west ot ranville, and Davie Street have Chinese and Japanese stores vir tually in every block, and often wo or three. LIQUOR PROFITS BEING DIVIDED Govern rrent Distributes Shares to Municipalises $424,484 from Liquor $167,315 from Racing VICTOItIA, Dec. 24 Distribu tion among llritish.' Columbia municipalities o( iM2(l8l from liquor profits for the six month ending September 30 and $ 1 07, 3 1 5 from pari-muluel taxss for Ihe -whole year was announced yesterday by the department, of finance. The cily of Prince llu-pert w ill receive ?0,l00. Check are now being forwarded to th municipalities. OST OFFICE HAD VERY BUSY DAY 3S0 Sacks of Mail Received and 290 Sacks Despatched Yesterday was one of the busiest days on record at the local post office Postmaster Morion stated. Ibis morning. During the day 380 sacks of mail and parcels were sorted and 2U0 sacks despatched. The public has responded well lo requests through these col umns lo keep their boxes clear. Ibis hast heen greiit aid lo the pdtal staff in keeping mail on ihe move. STORK PAYS VISIT TO TWINS SAME DAY MAHItrm, Okla.. Doc. 21. - lluby and Ituth Hose of this city are twins. They were married on Ihe same day and now they are mothers. Ihe sfork vlsitlri each on the same daw BIRTH. t A son was bom Jt Mr. an I .Mrs. Albert. Soulier of Second Avenueij-at Hie vlriiice ituperl oeneral 21, Hospital' ah December m I 1 - 1 U! 1 "ti