"AUK BCT fHS lUILl MOTS si . MEN S Comfortable and Siwdi WORK' BOOTS J. LECKIB CO. LIMITED. VVNCOUVF.R. B.C. WESTHOLME THEAT Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. -NO MATINEE CHRISTMAS DAY RE Marion Davies in "Zander the Great" The story of a man, a maid and moonshine. He could handle a gun, but he coo Id if I handle a woman. She made him smash his own business every bottle of iL It took a siindslorm to show this bad man that this girl had sand. A comedy-drama of life along the Mexican border with a humorous slant at bootlegging. A delightful dissertation on liquor and love. You'll roan with laughter at irresistible Marion liavies.-whu, ns Mamie with her adopted child. Zander, slarted oTjt with a buttered, wheezy flivver to win a hostile worljt. ' They slrnrk Arizona like a cyclone, for what mere man could wijhstand her charm, her courage, her sense of humor and the appeal of youth. Magnificent scenery. Knperb cast: Marion Davies, Harrison Ford, Holbrook Blinn, Harry Myers, George Siegmann, Hobart Bosworth, Harry Wat-ton, Emily Fitzroy, Hedda Hopper and others. CHRISTIE COMEDY--"BUSY BODIES." PATHE REVIEW. 50c and 25c The Rupert Pharmacy extends to one and ail The old, old wish and most sincere A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year E. H. Shockley Planing Mills Re-located at 230 Central Street, Vancouver, with additional machines for the manufacture .of SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, VENEER also carried in block. Save huddling charges by buying direct-from the source of supply. 'MORE BEER AND LESS SPIRITS That Is Record of Consumption In England According to Annual Report LONDON, ling., Doc. 21.--I'eo- brokers, wiio number jusl over i l.nno paid over C30.oon in liccn- ! ses. Publicans, of whom I her iare nearly fifi.000. paul Ihree and a quarter millions in license dues. Hetailers of beer, to the number of ?3,00o. paid I 5,000. LAND ACT. Notice of InWntton to Apply to Portrait Land in rmire Rubrrt Mml IterwrUtnr Hit-trlrt of rmiT hut-en aiid alluete no the eoM lk.rr of Barnard Coe. Prlueeat noyal Inland. Hantr lour. Cnatt OHtrk-t. TAKE AOTICE Ibil SuoervMIe Cannery ijiutaay I. united or Vaoeourer, B.C, or-ru(aUon parkrra. Intend! la apply tr pertnlaatao k purrrux Ibe rollout inr o-aertbed lindt: CommrmlBr at txul plaaM on th iwirllwa't ahofr of Harnarl Ge. PHih-mi n..yl itltiKt. nanite I. tut Dinrlrt. ibore falrrlr lruly rtuint; ItwfKf Milbrly allly duln; theurr ftfrU fnrljr rhalm: Uk-ik northerly five rluln, iiHr nr Ipm. In Mrli ier mark; Ihrnrv rllnHia mtii walrr mark In an eatfrly ami northerly dlrerikm lo point of rcn-nmrrtneot. ami onumiBi- one bundre acrea. nmrr or iaa. SOMEIIVILLE CWIEilY CO. LTD AoollcanL Pr W 1 Ttfima. Aw LAN0 ACT. , Notka of Intention to Apply to Laaaa Lan4 in uwhi i:nanoir utmrK-t Mnd K' , r.tlin imirtrt or PrliKi- liuperl. and lintc l ShaiMMm Kay. TAKE MiTlfE the! Rotit C. Oov i.r Vanrourrr. B.C orrutatl' raneriTiian,( ; iDu-nn hi appiy ror a ir a or ine roi- Inwinr drtrnbm land): Conimmrinr at a pmt planlrd on an iinnamrd It land lyli.a; S.nn drr. W. ( 1 1 i rhaln. innrr nr lv rrn vrtjttmft ror-I nr of Lot ISK. O.CJ.. Hanre 1: Ihrnre 1 ri lliminr inrandvlna; or unore lln of aaid , nuiin 10 poini or comnienrrmrni, an : onlalnlnr I S acre, more or !. ROBERT C. OOSSR, i Applicant ! Per Wm n MI'chrH. Arrn We Save You Money Christmas Groceries LaiRc assort merit Fancy lloxes I.owney'a Chocolates, from per box 50c to $3.50 l'a-kall's Knglish Ilon-Itons ftnni per box 60c to $2.25 Table Itaisins, per lb. . . 30c Table Fig, per lb. . . . 25c Fancy lied Kmpcror (trapes. per lb 30c Anjou Pears, per doz. . . 55c Jap Oranges, per box . . 90c Apples, per box, from $2.00 to $3.25 Cauliflower. I.elluce, Celery, etc., arriving fresh every boat. Store opeiiit evenings next week unlit Christmas Kvc. Gordon s Grocery Seventh Avonuo East Phone 447 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phona 675 DENTIST PECK OUTLINES PLAN FOR NEWBEER POLICY Resolution Dies on Order Papr Brewer Agreement Hit VICTORIA. Dec. -'i. -Although it die.! on order iumt. Col. Cy Peck, V.C., succeeded in having his resolution ratlin? on the ..I.. ...... .Irinbi.u. I.. IMIUOr J COIIIIlll!!luri lo lake 't XI I t.Stl 1 1 IX I 111 w t ., WVV 4 u aa u iii til less ss spirits pirils than than formerly, formerly, wine wine ?. 10 ' jis more popular and the con- I tiiimvilf jot' aT lnll:nj.i MMl:iiflt lir. vendors ami Peer pariors wit-sunidied with the brand- of lcr " ...... ... - ....Ml- tuallv stationary. an" alc "amici ""- "" purchasiits same at I lie low These facts are forthcoming u. i:,.. annual Customs ami Ex- rates, and always providing Ilia n.,.ri ih ...wi.t.iim urh beer and ale is of the he' ... ....... i." i Innil niirc! mialitv. brought to in ui i.iiriauu oas ucca 'lie attention of Hie members rising continuously Mtice t'JI. Although it is not omcially o ",e prorogued last Maie.1. it is believed this incrcaso:S;',ur,1- (I .i.... ai oi l.i i ..i i ...i,..i l lie oreamme 10 me rruiuumi is u- least in part moii- irii."! iii irui l tu m iit ; drinking becoming popular with Kngtislimen who were serving with the forces on the continent. tlome-jjrown lobicco durin Mir year amounted in weight to o.ooo Wis. or double the weight r Hie year before. Playing card, which are taxed, were manufactured to the extent uf nearly half a million packet., or one bundml thousand more than tin the year previous. People who (carry armorial bearing? number j jus! over 38.000 and they togeth !er paid taxes for this priilege , amounting lo nearly , 1(3,000. Over two and a half million dog , li"f-nses were issued. Pawn set forth that the agreement m' in existence wilh the amalgamat ed brewers did not allow of tlrs being done and lliat Mich re slrictions militated against th besl interests of the public. Col. peck read the resolution, although il was ti" voted upon LONDONERS ENJOY SPORTS OF WINTER Hampstcad Heights Mecca For Tobogganlsts and Skaters IXJ.NIKIX. Ilec. -M On Hi heights of llaurptead hundred of Londoners an- enjoying to bogganing and ukating as the resuH of continued wintry weather. The pond looked none loo afe. Here and there were gapitic holes the outward visi Ide nigns of the watery grave tic neath. Xeertheles. a numbrr of youths chanced their nerk and enjmivl the tlinll of real ie skating on real ice skates without casualty. TRUCK HIT HYDRANT: WATER MAIN BURST Owing I" 'he steering ge:l suddenly going out of order. Ilo' Canadian National hxpress Co. S truck, driven hy Louis Astoria, rati into the fire hydrant at the corner of eeouii Street and Third Avenue yesterday afternoon, resulting ;iti the tXnsfng of the water main ami do m a minor damage to the truol. lle-pairs to the mam were made immediately by the city wafer Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert The death occurred in San Diego, California, yeterday of Thomas Dunn, pioneer business man or tins my ami Vancouver. He was born in hVlinburgh in I8r; and came to Vancouver in LAND ACT Mallei at lnltlen to Aoolt to Laaaa L4 In Trliir H"rrt t-aml limirdlnr Ittatrf-t r.r da-i Baurr . and tltuate on South Itirtiarl Inland. TkE NOTICE irut Alfml 9aon, el prlnre Ruprrt. orrnpaiv Mannrr in Ih1 In apply fr a late r the follow tn, 1rrllMa land: Tumnirrwlnr l ft fUn1"! "1 Mi Mwth rwJr.l or Sf.atn RarhaH Ulawl. tlirn amuixl hlth watrr mark to Ihr rx!nl of runnwiw-rtiirnU and rmtalnlni 60 arrra, tiftre or trat. AIIIIF.O VA?IS0.1. Apllirni a. e. wriunt, aui. Dated OrMr fill). LAND ACT. Notka or Intantlen to Aooir to Laaaa Lan In rnno! Huperl Land lirrordtn IMMrlfl or i'oai lunar I. and altuale on North lurlurl liland. TAVE NOTICE that Alfrtt flansnn, of, rrmre nuprrl. nrriipallon Manner., in tinda to apply Tor a Irate or Um follow Inr 1rrrll-rd lin1 Omimrnrlnir at a font plantrd on Ibe Miuih ttutnt ur Narih tlmrhael Uland: 1883. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. L V. Patmoie entertained a number of young folks at a Christ mas parly in honor of her littte daughter, Kileen. Fire bruke oul Itu morning in Ibe two storey house back of the Prince Huperl Hotel, daniatsi' a .Ion-- John" Hopkins I uiversity. then around hlrh aitr mark to Ihe.halHIuel poiui oi cvnunent'rnieni, aixj iwiiiaiiiinv 30 acrea, more or Irai. A LIU ED SWANSO.X, Applicain. A. E. Wrlflil. 'ni Dated October tsth. t A LAND ACT. Notlea of Inlanllon to Apply Land. WISHING YOU MERRY to Laaaa In Ihe I'rlnre Hirrrt Land llrcurd ni botrlrl and annate i.n an. unnanml Mel In the l:alrrn rntraiwe fn lludaon Hay I'atnate near liundat UiaiKl. Itlue Print II. M. II. TALK MOTICC that Oeorrc Cordon Hmh Iiy or I'rlnre lliiprrt, II I... MaiHirarliirer, ininn in api ror a irate m ine ioi low Inr d-w-rlbed land! O'limieiiritiK al a iii altuale on a Mrll autjiiirriri'd rerr or rork radlallni from aame In ra ilratly a circle, ha in a a radlua of alxxif l.ioo f"l and run lalnlnr too a-rr. more or leas. CKOItliK OO II HO X IIUSIIDY. Qle4 Iwrrnilior 4 1 h 1011 I ami A HAPPY NEW YEAR Valentin Dairy Phone 657 LiUI. MOTHER AND CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH WHEN THEIR HOME DESTROYED I'UFjsf.oIT. Out.. Dir. -.'i. Mrs. I'dward lioyte, aaed 3i. and her two children. Hugh, asred I. und J-'rancis. agel 3. are dead a a i-esiiH i)1 a fire which destroyed Ili.-ir home here last night. ANDES ARE HIGH BUT ONLY BABIES IN AGE SAYS PROF. SINGEWALD ' DAL'UMoHK. !. -M. Tip ,mle are weolwgieaily the worbl'it baby mountain range. t Ihe opinion of .loej.i T. Singe- vahl. professor of K"y ul i Helijening from an exploration. 'rip ah ng the waters of the Up- ' -. t a per Anidion river in reru, yru- fesor Suigewald say ini beds containing ioin uc iw" located on bolh the eal and west sides of the inner range oi the Andes, indicating that these mountain .are at least lo.iiuil.- lion years younger than pre viously believed. This discovery, with the add"dj fact that fossils also were foun li at an eletalion of 11.000 feel.; eimv Hires tin- profeor ltia III" Amies is Ihe yoiniyrt iarire ! lliounlain rane. FURTHER TRIALS OF AUTO-GYRO AIRCRAFT LONDON". Dec. .24. The aeci- j denl which befell the Auto-gyr aircraft, popularly known as th - winilinill aeroplaiif, will not be, taken as rinally diecredlling thej invcmioii. Ictie Secretary forj Air, speaking at the Lord Mayor's expressed the view that,; though it was too early to say whether this machine wou'.u eliminate Ihe risk of "stalling" ! and make crtlcal landing pus siblo, it wa sufficiently remark able lo be worth fuller trial. He hail decided lo have four or fiM of llirse machines made, of dif ferent types, (n this country for the purpose of "trying "out" Senor Uiervas'ft invention. ' SEMI-SAVAGERY OF RUSSIANCHILDREN MOSCOW. Dec l.uiiaehar-sky, thr Iliissiati i;oiiimisHiuuur for I'.iluralion. hail aiipealcd fori subscriptions to relieve him deeds of thousands of agrant' children, nomo degenerated Into a state of senil-savngery, some I bordering on Idiocy, while others I have had their wits so sliarpen-jed and cxcilcd by collision with life that they have become dan- jgerous cuetnies of society, lie' . describe Ihe prolijom as "the' most terrible ulcer on the Soviet 'L'tik'ii'. body." i Thursday, Dtr-mhe, 2, m The Patronage of Our Customers has far exceeded expectations MAX : HEILBRONER sincerely thanks his many customers Tor their generous support and wishes them a Very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 0 "ONE WAY STREET" V plod" i i i MartlniR in it to mi , - i, ; deloiiNtliort. The toiV ol i woman, rejiuen-i'. at m. tb'Hl-, who IhmhI-w inked lo-i Irieud In vouth. It's the one way street uf life that'- p' in this trciiieiiiluii- !aie oi a vvotn.in w !.. ti rd Ihrotigb the years to the l.ne of youtb tjiat itr -pnmroM and the thorn trtw the path that tre.id. Here nmy tie -ceo (lie temptation and I" -that youth mot tare. Strong inl. Ben Lyon, Anna Q. Nilston, Lurruden Hare, Thomit Holding, Marjorlo Daw, Mona Klngiley, Dorothy Cumming .uid iither-. OUR GANQ COMEDY "DERBY DAY." MERMAID COMEDY -"FLYING FINANCE." AESOP'S FILM FADLE "BARNYARD OLYMPICS." 35c and 10c H. S. WALLACE CO. LIMITED and Staff wish one and ill A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year Steamship and Train Service PRiMct atUPIKT ll I. at. PRIHCI BOfiaT ' NC0"I. VICTORIA, ItATTlt ali i oilrmi' dial) h.ii,i. ri Ii rniOAV al t a. at. PRINCE RUetRT ror tTIWART aiiJ ANVOX, WIONMOATi 10 f.t. rmact john rorimmii) r. vancouvor ia ounm cmawioi" IILAaOA. eAlltMOtR TRAINt LtAVC PRIRCC RUPIRT ,.ar IVIRV WONOAV, WIONf SOAT and tATUROAV al a Mi ' PRINC1 0IP C0MONT0N, WINNIftO, all f-lola l.i.ni laiM'la. i i' WHIN REMITTING aae4 Canadian National norata Monty OH' ' foral ChKJutt. WHIN TRAVELLING carrr Tratallara CK"' fill -l li ' umlHl li fwl IU Il k, Ar i i !' ' YOUR NEXT EXPRKS SHIPMENT CANADIAN NATIONai. A0ENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINIS. City Tktal Olfka, SZS TMre Aft, Prince Raotrt. pr.jet A Merrv Christinas V - and A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all Jabour Bros., Ltd.