PAGE FORK TU2. D.UL 5rS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I wish Lcr?3Hvp r'V saws? IMJ I knew "I wish I knew .what to put on these floors!" So oflen you hear that remark. It is only benausc those people whb make it. have had their ill of waxes, oil and cheap varnishes. The man 'or woman who has used Ihe right floor varnish has no floor troubles. Try 61 Floor Varnish next time, we guarantee it to give satisfaction. Sold only by Kaien Hardware Co. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS The Laundry of Personal Service, Phone No. 8. Finished Laundry, Wet Wash, Thrlft-T-Srvlce, Soft Finish, And Dry Cleaning. We are ready at any lime to receive your phone call, to take your instructions, to take personal charge of your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. I j. l. Plain Contractor Agent for J. Ffye Smith Ltd. Hardwoods Store and Office Fixtures. Hand-sawing and Planing. Jobbing and Repairing. Glass and fllazipg. Sash, Doors and Mouldings. P.O. Box 179. Phone - - - Blue 268 Cars for Sale One Ford Coupe .. $400.00 One Ford Sedan . . $475.00 One Ford Light Delivery S400.00 These, cars are thoroughly overhauled and reconditioned. They bear the Ford "Winged Pyramid." guarantee. Easy payment if S. E. Parker Ltd. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone S7S DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tl. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Hand and Gravel We Specialise In Piano and Furniture Bloving. ' 1 "" ' 1 ' c. (v.. R?.fl-''t" I II Jl 11 J PRINCE RUPERT T FRFfKI FS .'GOOD PROGRESS AND VANCOUVER Sun Commends Spirit of this City In Goln" out after things and Getting Them The Vancouver Sun has an editorial article on Prinoe Ru pert and Ihe spirit that goes out for things and gets (hem. I: says: Press despatches announce tha! Prince Rupert is lo le Ihe ter minus of Ihe new Canadian National boats to Alaska. Prince Rupert is to ltc congratulated tin Ihe way it goes after things - and gels ihein. Hut what a lesson are those f.,000 people in Prince. Rupert to Ihe 250,000 in Vancouver. Prince Rupert has two ministers in Ihe Provincial Cabinet; has a Canadian National direct or: has a j,0()0.000 drjtlock: has a train elevator; has a member on the (iovcrnment side in the Federal House, and now a steamship terminus. Vancouver, the third city in Canada ami Ihe'lerminal of two great railway systems, should have represenlalivts on their directorates; should have ranking memliers on their executive, and administrative' boards; re present at i"n on i the Railway, Commission : representation on the (train Commission; repre senlalion on the various bank directorates and representation in (he Provincial cabinet. What a silly idm our public bodies have (hat they must no soil their hands with a good scrap, politically or otherwise, when, while they know they are ighl, yet they are treated as children and given represent at if mi and consideration lhat no self-respecting village could tolerate. How does Vancouver expect lo gel on the "receiving" as well a on the "paying" end if she U not willing to go out and fight foi her own? How did Prince Ru pert get her drydock, her Ca na na n National director and hei two Cabinet ministers except by fighting? How did Victoria get her millions for harbor and dry- docks except by fighting? And Vancouver, if it ever hopes lo gel justice in Ihe mailer of equal and proper representation for Ihisi-ity and its people, must be prepared, if necessary, lo fight for iU rights. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert. R. K. I trophy, Toronto; Mr and Mrs. (ieorge R. Carlson nnd son and Mr. and Mrs. II. K. An dcrson, San Francisco; H. R Slivers, Hyder; II. O'Hourke an .1. V. Mcintosh, Kilmonloti; J Scott and W. J. Jancowski, Slew art; (1. Napier, Mr. und Mrs. K 1'. Rand, ticorge Clarke, James Spiers, C. Percy James, .Inlin . Allen. Major J. A. Motherwell, W. R. Hill, II. A. McDonald, A. Ilay-ter, I. C. llardwell, Mr. and Mrs. It. C. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank llickford, Vancouver: I). M. Mitchell, Airdric, Scotland; Mr. a nil Mrs. R. Owens and Mrs. K. iMilingtun, Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Miilher and family and Robert Fullerlon, Jr.; T. 11 Campbell, Kitwauga; Mrs, T. Halt, Salvus Kasl; L. S. Mctiill and (ieorge Keefe, Smilhers; .1. Murshall, Winnipeg; Carl (Iraf slrom, Carlisle; T. A. SandiKon, llnysporl; Miss A. MspiMile und Miss .1. Tollefsen, Jasper Park: V. T. Walknr, Nans River. Central II. M. Macintosh, Prince (Ieorge; A. J. Wright, Klncolllh J. (iowuus, Hums Lake; II. I, Taylor .Montreal; (I. II. Tycho Smilhers; II. J. Ilrown, Port Hi- slngton; J. Davidson, Caspacns D. Milne, city. Now Is The Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as TMhine double ISLAND ROAD About Two Miles of Stumping Completed and Grading Is Proceeding strength is guaranteed to re- 4!M11 lrorrs is being made mnvo ih. ImmMir nn with the new road from Prince W nn ounce of Othine ,luP,'rt " allway Rapids but ,lniiTi1 clronr.Hi from nn v I I he Work iS Va XV a IK I W ill lake .Irnir slnrn nr .iKn.irlmAnl lnr I some lime. .eariv I WO miles Ol and annlT a little of it nicht and "'""P'" ' ronipietei py a uH" donkey ongine. Uii aioming and you should soon see that even Ihe worst freckles have ork Mng ( ..mplet lo a iwlwt beerun lo disannear. while the H"""1 PPPU' ' unpin, i no tighter ones have vanished en- ra,","r Wing. aHlioupli rouli Urelv. It is seldom that mnretla""r- mwh slower pro- llian an ounce is needed lo rom- pletely clear the skin and gain a -beautiful complexion. Re sure to ask for the double strength Othine as Ibis is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove your freckles. At all drug or department stores ir by mail. Olhine, P.O. llox a.C,iC Montreal. Canada. TRUE BILL GIVEN ON THEFT CHARGE Albert Edison to Face Trial After Llard River Cases Are Completed A true bill was returned by ;he (irand Jury at the Supreme Court Assizes yesterday afternoon in the case of Rex vs. Albert fvlison, charged with theft of 250 from Carl FreWerieksen at ilazelton on June 5. Th case will be proceeded with at the conclusion of the I.iard River murder cases. L. S. Mrfilll, barris ter of Smilliers, arrived in the city by last nighl's train to de fend Kdison. CURCUS LEFT EARLY THIS MORNING FOR NORTHERN POINTS Uuller's Circus, after having staged successful ami well al tended shows at Acropolis Hill grounds yesterday afternoon and evening, sailed Ibis morning at J o clock on Ihe slramer oiler for Ketchikan from which point the show will proceed to Anyox and SlewarL The circus was. Ihe most nrelenlious that was ever shown. In the city and there was a vYri'eiy of f.lleht. The show" I said to have been better than was expected. HvoHian in the Hail" News. if jVeu Dishes mm Tln JoufcW rlcVni el St. MM Cnatlit Milk, csmpattd rilh Ml M ordinary milk, iiM mmw inal arliciuallavorUallriitillial II rail lar milk. Send for I r-a MM 93l 'JM Ktce ul MM Th ioritnCo.UmXtrl tcress, as bridges have ti be built ind the mad lias lo be left eoin-olele 1lh the exception of Ihe inal surfacing. The oily h) wmiplnlwl its end if .the grading but it is not fit lo trtve on allnourh auliimohiles do occasionally g out that far. The -oad foreman is anxious lhat the ily shall put in a few toads of rushed roek on their section lo onalde Ihe oHier gang to jret Ihelr niiplies out'ii're easily. The loeIJja of the taxid is well up towanl the hac of the hill ami .roes ont ahrrig tlie ridar all the a ay lo Ihe Kpids on an excellent .-rade. Much of the land it passes hrough is excellent soil, especially at the pojnl where the sUimp-iyg i novt heinjg done. There ire larjre stretches of black loam, tut the timler-and stumps on 11 are heavy. Where the limber i light the land Is mostly muskeg. Work on the road is lo be con- inued througlioiit the fall but it .vlll not be finished' this year. judging by Ihe progresa already nade. It i- quite an education o walk oxer, the road ami see the iroifre itiat- lias airemiy neen nade and the difficulties lo be ver-ome in'IfVilliling it. Two camps are established here, one about opposile Ihe apids and nlhe other fnrlher this way ror tti praiiers ami hritlge iniilders. DELAY IN HOLDING LIARD RIVER MURDER TRIALJNAYOIDABLE ReferriHi; to slali-mimls maile in the siiiitiiern press that the trials of i in; I.ianl Rivt'r Indians who are oli urged with inutilcr had aeen doinyed t.hrOilglt nil lbo witnesses havfiig " not bevni brought out of Ihe Cnssiar dls Irict lasl fall with the accused Inspector T. V. Sandys-Wunsch R.C.M.P., statnl yeslenlay after noon thai it hail been impossi- de to bring out the woman Inler-.reler necessary to the case at hat lime ln-eause she Mien had n week-old clilbl and. therefore, it had been deeided lhat the witnesses miglil be left in Ihe north mill such lime as Ihe inlcrpre-er came nut. STEWART Porler Malm mine is making -liipmenlH of ore agnln. The tirl lot seiil umounled to CV Ions. Harry Hogan rolled over n bank belwei'n'.SIewart nnd Ryder into Ihe salt water. The car was laler floated back lo Slewart with llllle damage lo it or the occupants. Preparations for Ihe opening or the Hit; Missouri are still pro ceeding. Pal Dnlv is In charge Pat thinks he will find another Premier there Pal Ilenson Is doltig active ile veiopineiil on the Daisy group near Hie had of Salmon River glacier. The- samples of ore Wanted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertuement taken for leu than 50c miSSING RELATIVES TO RENT COtl.MHS, James, my father and FOR HUNT. - Pianos, ptnjrer llerl and Arthur, brothers, last beard of in Vancouver, lit:, fourteen years ago. Will anyone knowing of their whereabouts, please eoiiimiintcalp with Frank Coombs CopelnnU. II. II. I, CluIliWHck. ll.C. IIOUSKKKHPHR wanted for young family at Alice Arm. Apply llox Sft5, Dally News ollke. WA.NTKD. Plain dreminakliiif. Reasonable vales. 718. Fras.r Street. If flllll. wante for confectionery store. K. K. Con feet iimery. WANTKD. Phone 1(8. (leneral FOR SALE servant. i'JS FOR SAI.K AT TKRRACK, ll.C Five roometl house, well finished; living room ti x SI, fireplace; three bedrooms II x 13 and big kitelien; IU acres vaUIi fmll tree eight year old; five minutes from station and po ofllee. Apply JSr. V. T. Ross, Terrticf, Il.tV FOR SAI.K. Slove Iroubles sol ved. Why worry niton t your old sloves when you can . exchange them as first payment on i. new RA.MIF and have coinplele, satisfaction. Balance on easy payment. Prince Rupert Hxcliange. Phone C52. tf FURMTURH bought, sold an I exchanged. Dominion inlaid linoleum and Harry, Kirkcaldy, Scotland, inlaid, linoleum. Furniture and ranges of nil description for sale. A. Macken zie Furniture. House. Phone 775. FOR SAI.i:. Pleasure hull in good condition. Cabin over engine and canopy top. Suit able for S h.p. engine. A good sea boat. First I00 lakes It. Write Hox 2G3. Dally News. If FDR SAI.H.-i-At Anyox- speedy runabout "Ifcigln;" Jil x (5; 20 h.p. peertesi four ey. lilider, j-nglne. as gniMl as neW, Apply Cuplain Nedden, Imrffi1 "Oranco." Anyox, ll.C. 2(13 FOR SAI.K. Cheap. Contents of completely furnished rootnlna house. Oood business oppor tunlly. Kverylhing in fire1 class condition. Miss Carson 218 Second Avenue. I IT, FOR SAI.K. Typewriter in per feci condition. Phone 1 11 lie Ulfl no a iii) - Second BOARD - The Avenue. Inlander, 830 Phone 137. IIOAliD and Room or Hoard only. Phone Red 707. brought from there assay rlcn. l ine specimens of ore have been brought lo town from Ihe summit of Mngeo Pass by Homer l lcklln. lie slaked three claims Iherr. Ihe vein from which Hie ore was laken seem r in be about twelve feel wide, he reports. The Slewart Clllzens Assnrla lion has elected olllcers as f lows: Presidenl, . w. M. Ro. slon; vice-president, Duncan McLean; secretary, II. fl. Marvin; coniinlllee, O. C. Andrew, (ieorge Cameron, H. P. fllbson, and (I W. SmiIRk AdverlUe in the Daily News, pianos, phonograph- and -awing machiW. Walker's Music Slore If FOR IlKN T. Two mom funuah-ed apurlment by day. week or month. Phone Red U07. If I I RMSHKD House for Rani, Allln Avaoue. Apply ti. P. Tinker. FOR HKXTV-Moilen. ho, flv rooins anil bath. Munro llrus. FOR Ill-NT. Clapp apnrtmafll Wea ten haver llron. tf LOST LOST. Children's pH. pup with Mark face. Hlue 7iH, II. Poiitb-r. PRICliS OF KASTIIOPF. I.QYCI.I.' Marine Bnelnes 4-II.P. without eluleh flH5.H0 t-II.P. I cylinder MD 200.00 0- H.P. I cylinder III) ISO.lHt 8-11. P. I cylinder II D 7&0.U0 H-II.P. cyliud'-r MD 150.00 10-II.P. I cylinder I.D tn.00 All Ihe above except the first Include the Famous Joes Reverse dear, and full eleclrical ami propelter equipmenL Tlie bsl that moify can buy. 1-Uslhope llros.. 1717 (SeorgM SI. W. Vancouver. ll.C. Always at your service.. Prince Rupert Boalhoute, Agents Phone 381. TAXI a collie Phone Reward. I9S BOATS AND LAUNCHES Taxi 67 Phone (Call (ieorge. Paul or Oiisl) special A and 7 passeuaer Hlude-bakers at your service day ami night. ' ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Kmprc- Hotel. CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baggaae, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for, or delivered, phone n. P.O. llox OO'J KEITH'S CAFE. When In Ptewart visit Keith's Cafe in Mng Kdward Until now re-modelled. Up-to-date Dining Room and I.unch Counter BOB KEITH - Manager. Hoods. , FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furnl. ure Store. We Hut. Sell and K- change New and Secondhand GEO, PAPADUPULI8. ' 130 Third Ave Phonn Mft PHOTO FINISHINQ P. J. RYAN P.O. llox 154 1 Prince Ruperl. ll.C. Service, nnd Satisfaction Otiananleed. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ( 4 Friday, August 21 High 2:21 a.m. Ul.8 " 11:52 p.m. I II. I " Low 8:M ii.m. 2.11 " 21 :05 p.m. 5.0 " Saturday, August 22 High 2:r.5 a.m. 10.7 f 15:23 p.m. t'J.t " Low U:2.- a.m. 3.3 " 21 :38 n.m. 5.5 " Sunday, August 23 High 3:30 a.m. III. I fl 15:50 p.m. llU) " Low U:53 a.m. 4,0 " 22:13 p.m. 5.5 " Articlei Loit aQj Found,&e COLUMBIA RECORD! NliW Proecs no siral'-'i prfeducliom Trols, Son,-- m ii sic hy w TaH !1 I 4 R Call in urnl PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STO Kuril r MAIL SCHEDULE OOT-OOKlO. far the faat MmmHsK Wr.inr- i. t rfcam ai T Vinoiltir WdMndt) , MIHrdj) . . j T Arf, U Arm, llaatK er. aajM44fs . u MaaMUta . rratu . T ran SlraMM t4 Stat S IW. T AUata roWila liMil a . . it Ta Qat CKarUlta ltla4 Paizta-Asraat . . I laj-COaimo. frm tfca tail II . . V from VaMmar untax i Wi Ssiiili)' rrda. trm A,, She Arm, (taaantaar Twnaclty. 4ar amMr frm Pari (liaM a4 Saat Uvh trm Slaaki ria Praxn Qvtaii CHarMla lla Paaia- s AktMl 3 BOX COLLECTION OraNMn 4 AOin A ft 1st tin si uh aw. a mii-a Ol A. t TlKSNf l IIIM At. lMtr4 -I. Mh a Mm Cn lb a lUra Cat nr. i. Ill A. k OiOmi -i lt AC A Mi -i rn. Ikrtl. HMra ro. nsi. wharf O.T.IV WKarf .. 0. T P. Slalaua fiHl At, k fn.1 SI lerl At, k liili. n SI. 1H At. A lh , l STEAMSHIP MOYEMM ff Vincor- Mixwltv VrOwlj H4lHril mi" i jrilr'il i. 'l i. '5 i UI I'nii'i' - 'i ' " . 1-rliH Alit'il. tl -aa. rrltirea M- 1 ft at, rVlnrtMi- I from Vancutar SnAilay f. Carilm MiSMlay aa. prlii" VVMliiewliy -ai.lTtn l; rrlliy- aa Vrlnra) , aa. :alila Aiism ,, fl -Irt1ia it in rrinroM Mm' ,1 SI lfhm l.'iiii-' ,t Salunlay PrMi" "' ror Port SlmpaoB in4 Nti fl IHiUy aa. ratals from Port llmpaaii and ! Saluntajr . atala lor Alaika . Wwliii-iictix . Ii mi t" F f ' Aurun. l . princes." IS M. Prim All Jl rrllirea Mml'e Prom Alalia- i Momlay- -. Prlii' ,lf :",f Aiini'l r ' f . rrtiw i''r r, Prlfirrat For Stawarl, Antoi n s"" i Siiml.iv . i nrilcna , r Mmiiliy Prlii' i' '' ,f I'riihy- n. PrlMf (' ' .r From Ctawarl, Anoi snd AIM l TnwKliy ijiriMu . 1 1 Vlii.t.iy . prlii- j Saturday . rrloee (Ir For Q.0. lilandi An rot. IT m. iTincn Jiilin. 31 as. Prlurr Jnlin. From Q.0. lalantfa Annul. I ii, Prlnct John. I ia, Prince ioba.